ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1995/109 People in the News Pa m Spiegel Thomas Brown, director o f libraries at Bluefield State College and Concord Col­ lege, is the recipient o f the W est V irg in ia Library Association’s annual Dora Ruth Parks Award. He was honored “in recognition and appreciation o f nine years of outstanding service to librar­ ies and librarianship in West Virginia.” Jerry D. Campbell, Duke University vice-provost for library affairs and university librarian, was in­ stalled as the new president o f the Association o f Research Libraries at its meeting in October. Campbell currently serves as a member o f the Research Libraries Group Board o f Directors, and as a member o f the Executive Committee and Board o f Directors o f the Council on Li­ brary Resources. William C. Highfill, dean o f libraries at Au­ burn University, received the Alabama Library Association’s Eminent Librarian Award at its convention in Orange Beach. The award is given to a professional librarian w h o has worked in Alabama for at least ten years, has served in a leadership role, and has made an enduring contribution to the field o f library service. Doug Lehman, district director o f library tech­ nical services for Miami-Dade Community Col­ lege, was the recipient o f the 1994 Special Achievement Award presented by the Florida Association o f Community Colleges Learning Resources Commission. The award is given an­ nually to the learning resources staff member who has gone beyond normal effort to pro­ mote learning resources and libraries in Florida’s community colleges. Lehman has done much Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals, and other sources. To ensure that you personnel news is considered f o r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: to promote the use o f de­ veloping technology in com­ munity co lleges’ libraries and learning resource cen­ ters. John David Marshall, pro­ fessor emeritus at Middle Tennessee State University, was presented the 1994 R oth rock A w a rd b y the Southeastern Library Asso­ ciation. The award is given for exceptional contributions to library developm ent in the Southeast. Richard A. Matzek, director o f the Lorette Wilmot Library at Nazareth College in Roches­ ter, N ew York, has been awarded this year’s “Spirit o f Librarianship” award by the Academic and Special Library Section o f the New York Library Association. This award is presented an­ nually to the section member who best exem­ plifies the true meaning o f spirit in approach­ ing librarianship. Arolana Meissner, Alfred University librarian and director o f Herrick Memorial Library, has been elected president o f the South Central Re­ search Library Council’s Board o f Trustees. Meissner celebrated 20 years o f service to Alfred in 1993. She is a graduate o f Ripon College w ho received her MLS from the University o f Maine at Orono. Appointments Ann Biggs-Williams has been appointed head librarian at Jefferson Davis Community College (JDCC) in Brewton, Alabama. Biggs-Williams previously served as assistant librarian at Jefferson Davis State Junior College and acting head librarian at JDCC. She earned her MLS from Florida State University. Paul Coleman, former library director at Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan, has been ap­ pointed university librarian at West Texas A&M University in Canyon. A graduate o f Denison r 110/C&RL News University, Coleman earned his MLS from Loui­ siana State University, and a master’s in geog­ raphy from the University o f Massachusetts. Before joining Adrian, he served as temporary supervisor o f cataloging, circulation, and inter- library loan at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado; assistant librarian for reference and instruction at North Adams State College in Mas­ sachusetts; and reference librarian at Phillips University in Enid, Oklahoma. He has published articles in the Review o f Congress and Law Mak­ ing and Research Strategies. P. Alston Jones Jr., head librarian at Elon Col­ lege in North Carolina, has been named library director at Catawba Col­ lege in Salisbury, North Carolina. A graduate o f East Carolina University, Jones r e c e iv e d his m aster’s from D rexel University and his Ph.D. from the University o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He has also served as head librarian at North Carolina Wesleyan Col­ P. Alston Jones lege; senior searcher and bibliographic assistant at Temple University; and library service assistant at the University o f Penn­ sylvania. A member o f ALA and ACRL, Jones currently serves as chair o f the College and Uni­ versity Section o f the North Carolina Library Association. Judith G. Robinson has been named director o f the Moorman Memorial Library at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk. Robinson has served as associate director for administra­ tive services at the Falk Library o f the Health Sciences at the University o f Pittsburgh. She also worked at the Claude Moore Health Sci­ ences Library at the University o f Virginia, and at the Tompkins-McCaw Library at Virginia Commonwealth University. Jack A. Siggins has been appointed university librarian at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Siggins served for ten years as deputy university librarian at Yale Univer­ sity. He also held positions at the libraries o f the University o f Maryland, the University o f Chicago (UC), and the Library o f Congress. A graduate o f Princeton University, Siggins re­ ceived his MLS from UC. Sharon West has been named director o f the Rasmuson Library at the University o f Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). Most recently, West oversaw the development o f SLED, Alaska’s on-ramp to the Information Superhighway. She also served as head o f reference and instructional services at UAF, and as a librarian at Texas Tech Uni­ versity. Steven M. Backs has been named reference librarian at North Carolina State University, Ra­ leigh. Susan Bevan is now associate librarian at L u zern e C ou n ty C om m u n ity C o lle g e in Nanticoke, Pennsylvania. Rosario Cabrera has been appointed Latin American cataloger at the University o f Kansas Libraries. Thomas L. Carter is the new associate dean o f library services at Gonzaga University, Spo­ kane, Washington. Zaida Diaz joined the Penn State University Libraries as assistant librarian in general refer­ ence. Mark Dibble has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at Valdosta State Univer­ sity, Georgia. Allison Dillard joined the Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois, as a se­ nior indexer for Africana cataloging. Julie Fox is now a temporary information services librarian at the Houston Academy o f Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library. Meg Frazier is now coordinator o f library services at DePaul University’s South Campus Library, Oak Forest, Illinois. Elizabeth E. Fuller is now a librarian at the Rosenbach Museum & Library, Philadelphia. Paul George has been appointed associate librarian for research services at the Law School Library o f Harvard University, Cambridge. Wendy Van Wyck Good has been named curator o f collections at the Rosenbach Museum & Library, Philadelphia. Cynthia “Tia” Gozzi is the new associate director o f the J. Murrey Atkins Library at the University o f North Carolina, Charlotte. JoAnn Griffin is now head o f circulation at Stanford University, California. Angela Hall has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian at Valdosta State Univer­ sity, Georgia. Karen S. Ingish has joined C. Berger and Company, Carol Stream, Illinois, as technical services director. February 1995/111 112/C&RL News Amos Lakos has been named coordinator o f management information services at the Uni­ versity o f Waterloo Library, Ontario. Mary MacWithey has joined the Houston Academy o f Medicine-Texas Medical Center Li­ brary as director o f serials. Colleen Martin has joined the University o f Manitoba Libraries as reference librarian. Daniel James Martin has been appointed chemistry librarian at the University o f Califor­ nia, Davis, General Library. Janet Mendoza-Lindsey has been named public services librarian at Gardner-Webb Uni­ versity, Boiling Springs, North Carolina. Bill Poluha is the new reference librarian in the Medical Library at the University o f Manitoba’s Bannatyne Campus. Maureen Puffer has been named catalog librarian at Valdosta State University, Georgia. Joan Reyes has joined the Penn State Uni­ versity Libraries as access services librarian. Philip Schreur is the new head o f music technical services at Stanford University, Cali­ fornia. Lisa D. Smith has been named physical and life sciences cataloger at the North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh. Peggy Sullivan has been appointed as an associate at Tuft & Associates, Inc., Chicago. Gary E. (M ax) Yela has joined the Golda Meir Library at the University o f Wisconsin-Mil­ waukee as special collections librarian. Retirements Judith Armstrong has retired after 25 years as director o f the Walker and F. W. Olin libraries at Drury College, Springfield, Missouri. Mel Klatt, library director at Elmhurst College in Illinois, retired in December after 20 years o f service. Before joining Elmhurst, Klatt had served as assistant dean o f the Graduate School o f Library Science at Rosary College, director o f libraries at the University o f Denver, and head o f acquisitions at the University o f Illi­ nois, Chicago. In 1994 he was named Illinois Academic Librarian o f the Year by the Illinois Association o f College and Research Libraries. Jane Vogel, reference librarian and Common­ wealth studies bibliographer at Duke Univer­ sity, recently retired after 26 years o f service. Vogel served at Duke as a reference librarian in Lilly Library, reference librarian in Perkins Library, collection development librarian for psychology and for Australian, British, Cana­ dian, and French government publications, and assistant head o f the Reference Department. Professionally active, Vogel maintained mem­ berships in ALA, the Southeastern Library As­ sociation, and the Special Libraries Association. Deaths George M. Cunha, director emeritus o f the Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover, Massachusetts, died in late Novem­ ber at the age o f 82. Cunha became the center’s first director in 1973. Before that he served for 26 years as a Navy pilot and underwater weap­ ons specialist, retiring in 1963 with the rank o f captain, and becoming chief conservator at the Library o f the Boston Athenaeum. He was a fellow o f the American Institute for Conserva­ tion, the Royal Society o f Arts (London), the Society o f American Archivists, and the Pilgrim Society. Donald C. Davidson, former head librarian at the University o f California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), died in December at the age o f 82. Davidson joined UCSB as head librarian in 1947 Advertiser index Academic Press Amer. Chemical Society American Psychological Ameritech Library Serv. AMIGOS Bowker/Reed EBSCO Gaylord Highsmith Inforonics PAIS Personal Bib. Software Readmore SIRSI Corp. Univ. o f Missouri Univ. o f Oklahoma 86 81 cover 2, 67 cover 4 99 cover 3 85 70 91 101 77 94 104, 106 I l l 97 108 February 1995/113 and developed the collection into one o f the largest research libraries in North America. During his tenure, the library’s collection grew from 30,000 volumes to 1.3 million. Soon after joining UCSB he supervised the construction, layout, and design o f the new library, making use o f the user-friendly open-stack concept not widely accepted in the 1950s. A graduate of the University o f British Columbia, Davidson earned a master’s and doctorate in history from the University o f California, Berkeley. He be­ gan his career at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, then served for six years as library director at the University o f Redlands. Davidson retired from UCSB in 1977. The li­ brary was officially named the Donald C. Davidson Library in 1993. Pauline Tina Lesnik, former head o f the Smithsonian Institution Libraries’ Acquisitions Services Department (1987– 1993), was killed in a car accident in December at the age o f 46. During her tenure at the Smithsonian, Lesnik served as acting librarian o f its STRI Branch in Panama for six months before being airlifted out at the time o f the coup. She began her ca­ reer as librarian for South Asia in the Oriental Division o f the N ew York Public Library. Later she served as head o f resources at the Law Li­ brary, and head o f gifts and exchange at Co­ lumbia University. A graduate o f Douglass Col­ lege o f Rutgers University, Lesnik received her MLS and a master’s in South Asian languages and civilization from the University o f Chicago. She was a member o f ALA and ACRL, serving on committees o f the Asian and African Sec­ tion. A. Chapman Parsons, former executive di­ rector o f the Ohio Library Association/Ohio Li­ brary Trustee Association (OLA/OLTA), died De­ cember 1, 1994. Parson earned his bachelor’s in education from West Virginia University and his MLS from Western Reserve University. He began his career as county librarian at the Mar­ tins Ferry Public Library, then served at the Gallia County District Library, Rio Grande Col­ lege Library, and the Alliance Public Library. He joined OLA/OLTA in 1964 and retired from there in 1987. An active member o f ALA, Par­ sons was also a member o f the Ohio Historical Society and the Press Club o f Columbus. Alfred G. Trump, director o f libraries at South Dakota State University (SDSU) from 1948 to 1977, died in November at the age o f 87. Trump received his bachelor’s degree in 1929 from the University o f Chicago, then earned a bachelor’s and master’s in library science from the Uni­ versity o f Michigan in 1933 and 1938. Before joining SDSU, he served as librarian at the Michi­ gan State Law Library and at Virginia Junior College in Minnesota. A past-president o f the South Dakota Library Association, Trump also served on the ALA Council, and was active in the MPLA, which honored him in 1974 with its Distinguished Service Award. Rose L. Vormelker, former librarian o f the Cleveland Plain Dealerand the Cleveland News, died in November at the age o f 99. Vormelker received her library science certificate from Western Reserve University in 1919. She started as a reference librarian for the Detroit Public Library, then in 1923 was hired to work in the Science and Technology Department at the Cleveland Public Library, where she also spent many years as director o f the Business Infor­ mation Bureau. In 1941 the Special Libraries Association summoned Vormelker to New York to edit lists o f research materials useful to the defense program. The lists became the first volume o f Special Library Resources. In 1942, when the Roosevelt Administration wanted to set up war and defense information centers in 4,000 libraries, Vormelker was drafted for the job. After retiring in 1962, she was appointed assistant professor o f library science at Kent State University and was inducted into the Spe­ cial Libraries Association’s Hall o f Fame. She was inducted into the Ohio Library Hall o f Fame in 1974 and the Graphic Arts Hall o f Distinc­ tion in 1982. (Anthropology cont. from page 90) • National Archaeological Database (NADB), administered by the National Park Service and housed at the University o f Arkan­ sas, has two parts. NADB-Reports contains ci­ tations to reports o f cultural resource manage­ ment and other research in the United States. The second part provides information on the Native Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). NADB may be reached by telnet: telnet (login nadb) or from such gophers as Anthropology and Culture (Rice University) and the Southeastern Archaeology Gopher (Ecolab Gopher, University o f Geor­ gia).