ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 379 News f r o m the field Get news from UC campuses and labs Would your library patrons be interested in research on such diverse topics as: why oven-cooked and microwaved foods taste different; how ground up broccoli can kill soil-borne diseases; how red w ine may p ro tect against heart disease; how an ATF m iscalcu latio n fu eled the Waco cult tragedy? If so, look into the UC NewsWire. The University o f Califor­ nia has established the UC NewsWire to give individuals access to the scientific discoveries and research underway at the nine UC cam­ puses and laboratories. The NewsWire is free and available 24 hours a day. Use your com ­ munications software, to call (800) 395-5266. O nce connected you complete a simple regis­ tration and then are granted access to the wire serve. Stories are available in 35 different cat­ egories, such as education, astronomy, medi­ cine, and computers. If you need assistance call Mark Aydelotte, regional public affairs direc­ tor, at (209) 225-5611. Univ. of South Alabama celebrates NLW Here are some ideas you might use to celebrate National Library W eek (NLW) next year. Dis­ plays, games, prizes, and workshops were used by the University o f South Alabama Biomedical Libraiy to celebrate the 1993 NLW. Simple games such as “guess the weight o f the 1990 Cumulative Index Medicus” gave students the opportunity to win photocopy service for five articles, and matching 10 individuals to their self-descriptions (their favorite book, favorite leisure activity, and a single-word self-descrip tion) brought a prize of a free computer search. Workshops on searching indexes were offered daily during the week and wordsearch and crossword puzzles were prepared and distributed to patrons. FirstSearch users can now enter ILL requests Libraries providing the FirstSearch Catalog now have the option of letting patrons enter interli­ brary loan requests into an online review file processed by library staff. The newly installed link from FirstSearch to PRISM Interlibrary Loan can help users who find items in WorldCat or in OCLC’s ArticleFirst serials database to borrow materials from OCLC m em ber libraries. Bibliographic information will transfer automatically to the online ILL request forms. The FirstSearch/ILL Link is optional and can be made available, via separate FirstSearch authorizations, to some users and not to others. There is no charge for using the link but libraries must be OCLC members to par­ ticipate in PRISM ILL. EBSCO establishes scholarship fund EBSCO Subscription Services and the ALA have created the EBSCO ALA Conference Scholar­ ship Award to provide resources for librarians to attend ALA conferences. Awards of up to $1,000 for travel and conference-related expenses will be given to ALA members who would other­ wise be unable to attend. EBSCO’s contributions to the scholarship fund will be made in lieu of the company hosting receptions for conference attend­ ees during ALA’s Annual Conferences and Mdwinter Meetings. The award will be administered by ALA; for applications contact Judy Hambrick at (800) 545- 2433 ext. 3247. Architectural drawings from Columbia on videodisc AVIADOR, an interactive videodisc system link­ ing images o f architectural drawings from Co­ lumbia University’s Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library to their online catalog descriptions on RLIN, is now available from the Research Libraries Group (RLG). AVIADOR (Avery Vid­ eodisc Index o f Architectural Drawings on RLIN) enables users to browse through 41,000 architectural images and upon finding an im­ age of interest, to simultaneously display the RLIN catalog record describing the drawing. The system is designed for a PC workstation capable of running Windows 3.x or higher, a m onitor, mouse, printer, analog videodisc player, and videodisc monitor. DynaComm asynchronous communications software con­ nects the system to the RLIN database; an RLIN 381 available free while supplies last. The programs may be used as learning tools in colleges and libraries. Each entry in the Log includes a brief description of each production, along with infor­ mation on how to obtain the specific programs. For a complimentary copy write: Media Log, NEH Public Information Office, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 407, Washington, DC 20506. Remote access to LC computer files availab le More than 26 million Library of Congress records in 35 different files are now available to the general public on the Internet. The host ad­ dress for telnet access to the Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) is LOCIS includes more than 15 million catalog records for books, microforms, music, audiovisuals, manuscripts, software, serials, maps, and in- process items. LOCIS also includes citations to federal legislation (1973- ), copyright registra­ tions and legal documents (1978-), braille and recorded materials, selected foreign legislation (1976-), foreign legal references (1989-), and a listing of 13,000 organizations that provide in­ formation, arranged by subject. Except for na­ tional holidays, LOCIS will be available for searching at the following times (Eastern time): Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.- 9:30 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., and Sunday 1:00-5:00 p.m. Access ALA v ia the Internet N ow you can reach about 100 o f the ALA Chi­ cago office staff electronically via the Internet. To obtain a listing o f staff e-mail addresses use the following Bitnet or Internet commands: tell listserv@uicvm.bitnet send ala idlist, or tell send ala idlist. ALA staff are also posting files in a new ALA FILELIST. Including a directory o f officers, ALA news releases, and the Library Bill o f Rights, a complete list o f what is available can be had by using one o f the following commands: tell listserv@uicvm.bitnet send ala filelist, or tell send ala filelist. The ALA Washington Office is also available electroni­ cally at Washington Of­ fice staff also have individual addresses; con­ tact their office for details. Access the ACRL and Choice staff electronically Send e-mail messages to the ACRL and Choice staff using the following addresses: Althea Jenkins: Mary Ellen Davis: Mary Taylor: Jack Helbig: Patricia Sabosik: (Other Choice editors w ill be establishing e-mail addresses in the near future; contact Sabosik for details.) Popular culture papers needed The Popular Culture Association is seeking pa­ pers for its April 6-9, 1994, meeting in Chicago. If you are interested in presenting a paper on popular culture and libraries send an abstract o f not more than 250 words by September 15, 1993, to Allen Ellis, Northern Kentucky Uni­ versity Library, Highland Heights, KY 41099- 6101; voice: (606) 572-5527; fax: (606) 572-5390. Ellis is also interested in papers on comic books and libraries for an upcoming special issue o f Popular Culture in Libraries. Manu­ scripts should be submitted by June 30, 1994; contact Ellis for details. Univ. o f W yom ing endow m ent for librarianship and libraries Agnes Milstead, University of Wyoming (UW ) professor emeritus o f education and library sci­ ence, established an endowment to support an award for distinguished librarianship. The award recognizes contributions to the UW Libraries in scholarship, program development, teach­ ing, and fundraising. The endowment is struc­ tured to initiate three programs as it grows. The distinguished librarianship award is the first to be funded. The second program will pro­ vide funds to purchase books and other library materials, and the third will enable UW librar­ ians to study at other libraries, as well as pro­ vide support for library scholars from elsewhere to come to UW to share their experiences and expertise. ■ E-mail—oops If you sent an electronic message to the editor between May 12 and June 2 and have not had a reply, please resend your mes­ sage. A number o f messages were acciden tally deleted before being read due to hav­ ing a full hard disk. The editor regrets the error and apologizes for the inconvenience.