ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 411 Grants a n d Acquisitions In d ia n a U n iv e r s it y - Purdue University Indianapo­ lis has received a $118,000 grant from the National En­ dowm ent for Humanities to study the American Turner S o c ie ty m o v e m e n t. T h e Turner movement started in the early nineteenth century as part o f an effort to reform the German states. After the failed revolutions o f 1848, German political refugees brought the Turner ideas with them to America where they organized Turner societies in most major Eastern and Midwestern cities to provide ath­ letic, social and cultural activities in German- American communities. The Turners w ere ac­ tive participants in abolitionism , the labor movement, and calls for civil service reform. The American Turners reached their peak be­ fore W orld War I with more than 300 clubs and approximately 40,000 members. The C la u d e M o o r e H e a lth Sciences Library o f the University o f Virginia has been awarded a grant o f $39,220 from the Virginia State Library and Archives to develop a citizen health information network. Using computer workstations at three library sites library users of this network will be able to search a database that includes pamphlets, summaries in lay language from professional journals, definitions o f medi­ cal terms, background information on more than 300 diseases, and phone numbers for hotlines and support groups. The network is expected to be in full operation by September, 1993. Acquisitions The p ap e rs o f D aniel M e lc h e r ( 1 9 1 2 – 1985), chairman o f the board o f R. R. Bowker Company from 1961– 1967, have been acquired by the University o f Virginia Library. Melcher was an innovator in developing professional library publications and reference services; he founded numerous standard book-trade titles, including Books in P rin t and A m erica n Book Publishing Record. Melcher also established the International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN) system in th e m id-1960s In c lu d e d among the papers are manu­ scripts and typescripts o f Melcher’s many articles and books, his professional and personal correspon den ce, correspondence and w ork­ ing papers concerning his in­ volvem ent in the Institutes for the Achievement o f Hu­ man Potential (IA H P), fam­ ily correspondence and pho­ tographs, and manuscripts and typescripts o f his mother, M arguerite Melcher. The O h io U niv e rs ity L ib ra ry received a grant o f books valued at $8,200 from the Japan Foundation. The books, all in English, were chosen by the library from a list developed by leading Japanese and American scholars. The titles will help fill gaps in the library’s collection. The lib r a r y a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f C a li­ fornia, Irvine, has received 600 volum es o f monographic works on Korean literature, his­ tory, and social sciences from the Creation and Criticism Company (Changjak-kwa-bipyong), a publisher o f scholarly books and journals in Korea. Also included in the gift are recent is­ sues o f four journal titles: Creation a n d Criti­ cism, Women a n d Society‚ Law a n d Society‚ and C ritical Studies o f Korean Literature. The p a p e rs o f Y . C. Jam es Y en (1 8 9 3 – 1990), and the archives o f the organization he founded, the International Institute o f Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), have been acquired by C olum bia University’s Rare Book and Manu­ script Library. Born in China and educated at Yale and Princeton Universities, Y en was a pio­ neer in promoting rural developm ent and lit­ eracy among peasant populations in Asia, A f­ rica, and Latin America. The collection dates to the 1920’s and includes person al papers, speeches, records, and correspondence with such figures as Pearl Buck, Justice William O. Douglas, Henry Luce, and Eleanor Roosevelt. It also documents seven decades o f w ork by the IIRR and its predecessors to promote self- help on three continents. Am ong Y en ’s personal 412 papers are his handwritten diaries cover­ ing more than 40 years; notes o f his interviews and meetings with Gen. George C. Marshall, Jawaharlal Nehru, Nelson Rockefeller, Adlai Stevenson, and Harry S Truman; and original book manuscripts, photos, newspaper clip­ pings, and films related to his work. A rare early printed book entitled Index Preclare D ictoru m has been acquired by the University o f N otre D am e Libraries. Pub­ lished in 1518, the book is the first o f a four- volume set o f collected works by the medieval theologian Jean Gerson. Gerson, born in 1363, was chancellor o f the Cathedral o f Notre Dame in France and the chancellor o f the University o f Paris. The book is the 2-millionth book in the library’s collection. Six books b y H a ro ld W e isb erg on the assassination o f President John F. Kennedy have been acquired by the University o f Kentucky library. Not commercially available, W eisberg’s books— Whitewash‚ volum es I-IV, Oswald in New Orleans, and Post M ortem — are based on 30 years o f research. A former reporter and U.S. Senate investigator, W eisberg argues that the Kennedy assassination was the result o f a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald was just “a convenient patsy.” W eisberg has also written about the murder o f Martin Luther King. A com plete set o f m aps o f the w estern Soviet Union has been acquired by the Har­ vard College Library. Prepared by the Soviet military during the 1970s and 1980s, the maps include information on roads, rail lines, air fields and oil pipelines, and are among the most cur­ rent and accurate maps o f the former Soviet Union in the world. Designed at a scale o f 1:200,000, these are topographic as opposed to planimetric. The back o f each map summa­ rizes valuable information about large and small towns, suburbs, and villages, including urban plans and descriptions o f industry, buildings, utilities, water, and transportation; types and conditions of roads and rivers; and land use and agriculture in­ cluding vegetation, soil, and climate. These military maps were prepared with scrupulous accuracy, in contrast to certain maps in the notorious Atlas M ira o f the early 1970s, which aimed to con­ fuse the Western military by shifting the loca­ tions o f certain cities. ■