ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 116 Bylaws of the Western European Specialists Section The latest revision, approved by the ACRL Board at the Midwinter Meeting. Changes are underlined. Article I. Name The nam e of this organization shall be the W est­ ern European Specialists Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Article II. Object The Section shall represent those librarians and others in the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) who specialize or are otherwise professionally involved in the acquisition, o rgani­ zation, and use of inform ation sources originating in or relating to W estern European countries. This Section m ay cooperate w ith other professional groups, in regard to those aspects of library service th a t require special knowledge of sources from or concerning Western Europe. Article III. Membership Any m em ber of the ACRL may elect m em ber­ ship in this Section. Every member has the right to vote and is eligible to hold office. Article IV. Meetings Sec. 1. Annual Meetings. The Section shall hold an annual business meeting at the time and place of the Annual Conference of the American Library Association. Sec. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Section may be called at the discretion of the Exec­ utive Committee. All members of the Section shall receive notification of a special meeting at least one m onth prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. Sec. 3. Quorum. Members of the Section present at an annual meeting shall constitute a quorum . Article V. Officers Sec. 1. Officers. The officers of the Section shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson/chairperson- elect, the im m ediate past chairperson, and a secre­ tary. Sec. 2. Terms. All officers shall serve for a term of one year which ends at the adjournm ent of the annual meeting. Sec. 3. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in th e o ffice of th e c h a irp e rs o n , th e vice- chairperson/chairperson-elect shall succeed to the office of the chairperson and shall continue in th at office until the expiration of the term for which he/she was originally selected to serve as chairper­ son. If the office of the secretary becomes vacant, the chairperson shall appoint a m em ber of the Sec­ tion to th a t office. A vacancy in the office of vice- chairperson/chairperson-elect shall be filled only by election. Article VI. Executive Committee Sec. 1. Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the chairpersons of standing com m ittees, and one m em ber-at-large elected for a one-year te rm . Sec. 2. Powers and Duties. The Executive Com­ m ittee shall conduct the business of the Section during the period between annual Section meet­ ings. At each annual Section meeting the chairper­ son shall report on the work of the Executive Com ­ m ittee, at which tim e th a t work shall be subject to review by the membership of the Section. 117 Sec. 3. Meetings. Regular meetings of the Execu­ tive C om m ittee shall be held at th e times and places of the Annual and M idw inter meetings of the American L ibrary Association. Special m eet­ ings may be called at the discretion of the chairper­ son. Only members of the Executive Com m ittee may vote at Executive Com m ittee meetings, al­ though all Executive Com m ittee meetings shall be open to all members of the Section. Sec. 4. Quorum. A m ajority of members consti­ tutes a quorum at any m eeting of the Executive Com m ittee. Article VII. Committees Sec. 1. Standing Committees. Standing com m it­ tees to consider m atters of concern to the Section th a t require continuity of attention m ay be autho­ rized by the Section at the annual Section meeting. The size, nam e, and purpose of a standing com m it­ tee shall be specified at the tim e of its authoriza­ tion. Members of a standing com m ittee shall serve overlapping terms of two years each. In order to set in motion a rotation of com m ittee members, how ­ ever, some of the initial members of a newly estab­ lished com mittee shall be appointed for terms of three years. A m em ber of a com m ittee may be re­ appointed for a second term and for a third term , b u t no person shall serve m ore th a n six consecutive y ears on a sin g le c o m m itte e . T h e vice- chairperson/chairperson-elect shall appoint com­ m ittee members to fill the vacancies due to occur d u rin g h is/h er te rm as ch airp erso n . T he vice- chairperson/chairperson-elect shall also designate the chairpersons of all committees which will func­ tion during his/her term as chairperson of the Sec­ tion. Unexpected vacancies on a com m ittee shall be filled by a special appointm ent m ade by the chair­ person of the com m ittee w ith the approval of the chairperson of the Section. A standing committee m ay be discontinued by a m ajority vote of the members present and voting at an annual Section meeting. Sec. 2. Special (Ad Hoc) Committees. Special committees for the perform ance of p articular as­ signments m ay be appointed at any tim e by the chairperson after consultation w ith the other m em ­ bers of the Executive C om m ittee. Such special committees shall be discontinued at the end of the term of the chairperson who appointed them unless extended by the new chairperson. No special com­ m ittee shall continue to function for more th an two years w ithout authorization by the Section. Sec. 3. Discussion Groups. Inform al discussion groups, to meet under the auspices of the Section at the tim e and place of the Annual or M idwinter meetings of the A m erican L ib rary Association, m ay be form ed by any five or more members of the Section w ith the approval of the chairperson. Article VIII. Nominations and Elections Sec. 1. N om in a tio n s. T he vice-chairperson/ chairp erso n -elect shall a p p o in t a N o m in atin g M idwest Library Service You won’t find more specialized service . . . anywhere College and university librarians: If there are gaps in services being rendered by your current library jobber, then Midwest Library Service may be what you’re look­ ing for. Midwest has specialized in service to college and university libraries for 24 years—so long that pro­ viding books from even the most obscure publisher is standard practice. For prompt, efficient service on all orders, contact Midwest Library Service. Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridaeton. MO 63044 Call toll-free (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call collect (800) 527-1659 118 Committee of at least three members, designating one member as Committee chairperson. No mem­ ber of the Nominating Committee shall be cur­ rently serving on the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall choose a slate of at least two nominees for each of the offices of (a) vice-chairperson/chairperson-elect, (b) secretary, and (c) member-at-large. Additional nominations for these offices may be made by petitions signed by no fewer than five Section members. Nominations put forth by the Nominating Committee, as well as any additional nominations made by petition, shall be filed both with the Executive Director of the ACRL and with the secretary of the Section within the deadlines prescribed for nominations by the ACRL. All nominees must be members in good standing of the Section and must consent to candi­ dacy in writing. Sec. 2. Elections. Elections shall be conducted by mail ballot. For each office, the candidate re­ ceiving a plurality of the votes cast shall be elected. In case of a tie vote the successful candidate shall be determined by lot. Article IX. Amendments Sec. 1. Proposals. Amendments to these Rylaws may be proposed in writing by the Executive Com­ mittee, by a committee appointed specifically for the purpose, or by any five members of the Section. Proposals shall be filed with the secretary at least three months before the annual meeting. Sec. 2. Notification. A copy of any proposed amendments to be voted on at the annual meeting shall be mailed by the secretary to each member of the Section at least thirty days before the annual meeting or shall be announced in College & Re­ search Libraries News in an issue appearing prior to the annual meeting. Sec. 3. Voting. An amendment approved by two-thirds of the members voting in a mail vote or by two-thirds of the members present and voting at an annual meeting of the Section shall be carried. Article X. General Provisions Wherever these Rylaws make no specific provi­ sions, the organization of and procedures in the Section shall correspond to those set forth in the ACRL Constitution and Rylaws. Article XL Temporary Provisions These Rylaws shall take effect upon the adjourn­ m en t of th e m eeting at w hich they are adopted. ■ ■ 119 Smith named librarian of the year Jessie Carney Smith, university librarian at Fisk U n iv e rsity , N ash v ille, T ennessee, has been aw arded the ACRL Academic or Research L ibrar­ ian of the Year Award for 1985. The Associa­ tion of College and Re­ search Libraries and the Raker & T aylor C om ­ p a n y w ill p re se n t th e aw ard to Smith on July 8 at the ACRL reception at Annual Conference in Chicago. T h e a w a rd cites Sm ith for a tte n tio n to the improvement of aca­ demic library services, Jessie Carney Smith resources, and opportu­ nities for Rlacks. The ci­ tation reads, “As a result of her unswerving com­ m itm ent, im portant progress has been made, and this selfless dedication to w orthy causes has made her an inspiration not only to her own race but to the rest of us as w ell.” Smith was also honored for her work as univer­ sity lib rarian at Fisk since 1965, w here she has guided the development of new programs, the es­ tablishm ent of new research resources, and the construction of new plant facilities. She has also lectured widely, directed many colloquia and insti­ tutes, and sought and obtained funding for a num ­ ber of research and training programs. She has long been an adjunct professor in the Peabody Library School, she has been a frequent consultant on aca­ dem ic library m atters both in this country and abroad, and she has filled elective and appointive offices in professional organizations. The aw ard also mentioned her several books and “her many articles in the professional press which have been cited for their wisdom and leadership.” One of her most recent books is Ethnic Genealogy: A Research Guide, published in 1983 by Green­ wood Press. The ACRL Academic or Research L ibrarian of the Year Award Committee th a t selected Smith for the aw ard consisted of the following persons: P atri­ cia G. Oyler (chair), Associate Professor, Simmons College, G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science, Boston; Cynthia B. D uncan, Dean of Library Services, Old Dominion University, Nor­ folk; E lin o r E b elin g , D ire c to r, L e a rn in g R e­ sources, Brookdale Comm unity College, Lincroft, New Jersey; David Kaser, School of Library and In fo rm a tio n Science, I n d ia n a U n iv ersity , Bloomington; W illiam M offett, D irector of L i­ braries, O berlin College, O berlin, Ohio; and Charles Osburn, D ean and University Librarian, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. ■ ■ Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award for 1986 The Association of College and Research L i­ braries invites nominations for the Academic or Re­ search L ib rarian of the Year A w ard, presented jointly by ACRL and the Baker & Taylor Com­ pany. Anyone w ishing to subm it nom inations should contact the ACRL office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Recipients of the aw ard since its inception in 1978 have been Keyes D. Metcalf and Robert B. Downs (1978); H enriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Evan I. Farber (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); William Budington (1982); Rich­ ard M. D ougherty (1983); Richard D. Johnson (1984); and Jessie Carney Smith (1985). The Awards Committee selects persons to re­ ceive the aw ard in accordance w ith the following guidelines: Purpose: To recognize an individual member of the library profession who has made an outstand­ ing national or international contribution to aca­ demic or research librarianship and library devel­ opment. C riteria: Individuals nom inated should have dem onstrated achievements in such areas as: 1. Service to the organized profession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ demic or research library service. 3. Publication of a body of scholarly and/or theo­ retical w riting contributing to academ ic or re­ search library development. 4. Planning and im plem enting a library p ro ­ gram of such exemplary quality th at it has served as a model for others. 5. Nominee does not have to meet all of the above criteria. Rules: The aw ard shall be m ade each year at a tim e and place to be determ ined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Announcement of the aw ard shall be m ade by the ACRL president at a time and 120 place to be determined by the Board of Directors. If, in the opinion of the Award Committee, no worthy candidate is nominated in a given year, the aw ard will not be presented th at year. Nominations: Nominations for the aw ard must be returned to the chair of the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee and must be postmarked no later than December 1, 1985. Nominations must be submitted in quintuplicate and should be accompanied by a statement of sup­ porting reasons and a copy of the nominee’s re­ sume. Please do not solicit supporting letters sec­ onding your nomination. Such letters will not be considered in the Award Committee’s decision. Nature of the award: The Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award shall consist of $3,000 and an appropriate citation. For more inform ation please contact Sandy Whiteley, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312)944-6780. ■ ■ Please return no later than December 1, 1985, to: Academic or Research Librarian Award Association of College and Research Libraries, ALA 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611-2795 We know you're well read — so are we. We're Mountainside Publishing We re one of the few totally indepen­ Library Issues dent journal publishers in the field. Briefings for Faculty and And, since 1974, we've been provid­ Administrators ing publications that make your A bimonthly newsletter that ad­ work easier and more meaningful. dresses the most crucial topics for How well do you know Mountainside? academic libraries in the 80 s. 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