ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 127 .P E O P L E . Profiles Jack Perry Brown has been nam ed executive d i­ rector of th e Ryerson and B urnham Libraries of the Art Institute of Chicago, effective Jan u ary 3. Since 1977 Brow n was h ead lib ra ria n at th e Cleveland Museum of Art. From 1972 to 1977 he was a lib rarian and photograph archivist at the Yale C enter for British Art at Yale University. In 1971-1972 he worked in various capacities for Yale University: as lib rarian for the Yale University Art and A rchitecture L ibrary, for Yale’s Developm ent D ep artm en t, and as subject and language special­ ist for the Slide and Photography Collection. He re­ ceived his bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri in 1968 and an MLS from C olum bia Uni­ versity in 1972. Pearce S. Grove has been nam ed director of li­ braries for Colonial W illiam sburg, V irginia. In creating the position of director, the Colonial W il­ lia m sb u rg F o u n d a tio n h as d e c id e d to b r in g eleven libraries together u n d e r one a d m in is tra ­ tion. G rove w ill be re ­ sponsible for co o rd in a­ tion, planning, and the m erger of some units. G rove comes to this p o sitio n fro m th e N a ­ tio n a l E n d o w m e n t for th e H um anities, w here h e h as se rv e d as p r o ­ gram officer for the U . S. Pearce Grove N ewspaper Project since 1981. In th a t c a p a c ity he launched a nationw ide effort to identify news­ p ap er resources, coordinate program s for bringing these resources under bibliographic control, and provide funds for m ajor bibliographic efforts at lead in g new spaper repositories th ro u g h o u t th e country. Prior to his assignment at N EH , Grove was d i­ rector of libraries at W estern Illinois University (1975-1981) w here he h ad m ajor responsibility for planning and supervising construction of a library building th a t w on three national aw ards, includ­ ing one from the A m erican Institute of Architects. G rove was also responsible for lib ra ry build in g projects a t Colorado W om en’s College and Eastern New Mexico University, w here he was director of libraries in 1961-1964 and 1966-1975 respectively. C u rre n tly ch air of th e ACRL U niversity L i­ braries Section’s University L ibrary Statistics C om ­ m ittee, Grove was chair of ULS in 1980-1981. A w riter and bibliographer, he edited Bibliographic Control o f N onprint M edia (1972); the O ctober 1975 issue of L ibrary Trends on “L ib rary C oopera­ tion” ; and ACRL Publication in L ibrarianship no. 34, N onprint M edia in A cadem ic Libraries (1975). He has also published bibliographies on native A m erican library resources and New Mexico news­ papers, as well as reports of oral history projects. — E d w a rd G. Holley, Dean, School o f Library Sci­ ence, University o f N orth Carolina. Lawrence J. McCrank has been nam ed dean of th e library at A uburn University of M ontgomery, A labam a, effective O ctober 1. M cC rank received his doctorate in the field of m e d ie v a l a n d e a rly m odern history from the University of V irginia in 1974, and he holds m as­ te r ’s degrees in history from th e U niversity of K an sas (1969) a n d l i ­ b ra ry science from th e U n iv e rs ity of O re g o n (1976). Before com ing to A uburn, M cC rank was se n io r l i b r a r i a n a n d Lawrence J. McCrankhead of the d ep artm en t of rare books and special collections a t In d ia n a S tate U n iversity, T e rre H aute. M cC rank also ta u g h t at the University of M ary­ land (1976-1981), w here he received a certificate of m erit in curriculum innovation from the M ary­ land Association for H igher E ducation. His other teaching duties have included: visiting professor at th e University of W estern O ntario School of L i­ b rary Services (1979); visiting lecturer at th e Uni­ versity of C alifornia, Berkeley, History D e p a rt­ m ent (1976); and instructor at W h itm an College (1971-1972). His recent publications have included A u to m a t­ ing the Archives: C urrent Issues and Future Prob­ 128 lems (1981) and Education fo r Rare Book Librari- anship (1980). In 1977 he was the recipient of the ALA Essay Award. Robert S. Martin has been nam ed assistant di­ rector for special collections at the Troy H. Middle- ton L ibrary, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. M artin most recently served as a lecturer with th e School of L ib ra ry and Inform ation Studies at the University of Wis­ consin. He was director of sp ecial co llectio n s (1979-1980) and assis­ ta n t director of special collections (1977-1979) a t th e U n iv ersity of Texas at Arlington, and assistant archivist at the Robert S. Martin B ark er Texas H isto ry C e n te r, U n iv ersity of Texas at Austin (1972-1976). A graduate of Rice University, M artin received an MLS degree from North Texas State University and anticipates receiving a doctorate in library sci­ ence this spring from the University of North C aro­ lina. He earned a certificate in archives adminis­ tration from the National Archives and Records Service in 1979. M artin has co-authored two books on maps of Texas and the Southwest and has had articles pub­ lished in the Journal o f Library History, AB Book­ m a n ’s W eekly, the Bulletin of the Geography and Map Division of the Special Libraries Association, Southwestern Historical Quarterly, and The Map Collector. Ann Seemann has been named director of the Schaffer Library at Union College, Schenectady, New York. Seamann holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Oberlin College and an MLS from Simmons College. She previously worked for the Cambridge Service for th e R etarded, C ornell U niversity, Schenectady County Public Library, and the Capi­ tal District Library Council. Acting director of Un­ ion College L ib rary since 1983, Seem ann first worked at Union part-tim e in 1967-1968 and re­ turned in 1973 as a bibliographer. She has been in­ volved in an ongoing reclassification project at the college and has also acted as preservation librarian. At th e C ap ital D istrict L ib rary Council she chaired the Coordinated Collection Development Committee and served on the Automation Com­ mittee and the Board of Trustees. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th at your appointm ent appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Susan Agent has been appointed cataloger at Temple University, Philadelphia. Gilda Baeza has been ap p o in te d M exican- A m erican studies bib lio g rap h er in th e Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin. Sheila D. Baquet has been appointed reference lib ra ria n at L ouisiana State U niversity, Baton Rouge. Steven Baumeister has been appointed assis­ ta n t librarian for general services at Temple Uni­ versity’s Ambler Campus Library, Ambler, Penn­ sylvania. Grace Baysinger has been appointed chemistry librarian at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar­ bor. Eileen Bentsen has been nam ed head librarian at the Pennsylvania State University Altoona C am ­ pus Library. Brenda Berman has been appointed cataloger at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Cheryl A. Bernero has been appointed assis­ ta n t to the interim development officer at the Un- iersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mary Beth Blalock has been appointed direc­ tor of the Education Library at V anderbilt Univer­ sity, Nashville. Anne M. Burns has been nam ed assistant head of original cataloging at the University of Southwest­ ern Louisiana, Lafayette. Timothy Byrne has been appointed head of gov­ ernm ent publications at the University of Colo­ rado, Boulder. Barbara Cervera is now autom ated cataloging librarian at the University of Texas at Austin. Pamela M. Corley has been appointed librar­ ian of the University of Southern California’s Oc­ cu p atio n al T herapy and Physical T herapy L i­ brary, Los Angeles. Linda Cotilla has been appointed head librar­ ian at Temple University’s Ambler Campus Li­ brary, Ambler, Pennsylvania. Leslie F. DiBona is now head of technical ser­ vices in H arvard University’s G utm an Library. Dennis Dillon is the new map librarian in the Reference Services D epartm ent at the University of Texas at Austin. Rebecca D. Dixon, form er editor of ACRL’s Choice Magazine, has been appointed head of technical and autom ated services at W idener Uni­ versity, Chester, Pennsylvania. Edward A. Duncan has been appointed catalog systems lib ra ria n a t R utgers U niversity, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Kathleen Eisenbeis has been appointed docu­ ments librarian in the Reference Services D epart­ m ent at the University of Texas at Austin. Laila El-Zein has been appointed cataloger at 129 Tem ple University, Philadelphia. Joan O. Falconer has been appointed music li­ b ra ria n at the University of Iow a, Iow a City. William H. Farrington has been appointed as­ sistant reference lib rarian at Texas C hristian Uni­ versity, F o rt W orth. Kim Fisher is now acquisitions lib r a r ia n at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. James Garrett has been appointed cataloger at th e N o rth w e ste rn U niversity M edical L ib ra ry , Chicago. Catherine Gerhart is a new cataloger at Penn­ sylvania State University, University Park. Julian W. Green has been appointed head of science libraries at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, C am bridge. Rodney Henshaw has been appointed chief of access services a t Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Margaret Hunt has been prom oted to head of collection developm ent and acquisitions at N orth C arolina State University, Raleigh. Lucinda Hutchison is now the New E ngland field account services m anager for Ebsco Subscrip­ tion Services. James J. Julich has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n at the University of Iow a, Iow a City. Alice W. KARASIC K h a s been appointed acquisi- tions/serials lib rarian at the University of Calfor- n ia’s Norris Medical L ibrary, Los Angeles. L. Suzanne Kellerman has been appointed c at­ aloger for th e N ew spaper Project at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Sheila M. Klos has been appointed head of the A rchitecture and Allied Arts L ibrary at the Univer- siy of O regon, Eugene. Glory Kosmatka has been appointed reference lib rarian at th e N orthw estern University Medical L ib rary , Chicago. Vicki Kreimeyer has been appointed associate d irec to r for lib ra ry in fo rm atio n services a t th e Idaho State L ibrary, Boise. Jay H. Lambrecht has been n a m e d h e a d of m onographic cataloging at the University of Mis­ souri, Colum bia. Joann Liu is now assistant catalog lib rarian at Texas C hristian University, F o rt W orth. Stephen Love has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n in H arv ard University’s Hilles L ibrary. Glenn R. Lowry has been appointed project m anager for library autom ation at the University of Iow a, Iow a City. Colin McKirdy has been appointed associate university lib rarian for systems at Tufts University, Boston. Yvonne F. Murphy is now visiting reference li­ b ra ria n at the University of O regon, Eugene. Juliet Nasab has been appointed serials c a ta ­ loger in the H arv ard College Library. Joyce Ogburn is now acquisitions lib rarian at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. William Osuga has been appointed acting head of the O riental L ib rary at the University of C alifor­ nia, Los Angeles. Jill A. Parchuck has joined the C ataloging D e­ p a rtm e n t of the State University of New York at Buffalo as senior assistant librarian. Jenny Presnell has been appointed reader ser- vices/circulation lib ra ria n a t X avier U niversity, C incinnati. Joan Pursell has been appointed governm ent publications lib rarian at the University of C alifor­ nia, Santa B arbara. Pamela Puryear has been nam ed director of the T obacco L ite r a tu re Service a t N o rth C a ro lin a State University, Raleigh. Julie R. Quain has been appointed m anager of library and m edical school program s at BRS/Saun- ders in New York. Roger Rainwater has been appointed circula­ tion lib rarian at Texas C hristian University, F ort W orth. Judith L. Rieke has been appointed serials li­ b ra ria n at the Medical C enter L ib rary , V anderbilt University, Nashville. Betty L. Ronaye has been ap p o in ted bib lio ­ graphic instruction lib rarian at Johns Hopkins U ni­ versity, Baltim ore. Sherrie Schmidt has been appointed inform a­ tion systems lib rarian in the A utom ated Systems P lanning Division, University of Texas at Austin. Alice D . Schreyer has been appointed visiting lib rarian for British-Am erican studies at Rutgers Permanent paper standard published T he N ational Inform ation Standards O rg a­ n iz a tio n has a n n o u n c e d th e p u b lic a tio n of A m erican N a tio n a l S ta n d a rd Z 3 9 .48-1984, Permanence o f Paper fo r Printed Library M ate­ rials. T he stan d ard is available for $5 from the Am erican N ational Standards Institute Sales D ep artm en t, 1430 B roadw ay, New York, NY 10018. This stan d ard establishes criteria for p erm a­ nence of uncoated papers. Paper w hich con­ forms to this stan d ard ’s requirem ents for pH , alkaline reserve, an d freedom from ground- w ood is a n tic ip a te d to last several h u n d re d years in contrast to m any of th e papers now com m only in use. NISO expects th a t w idespread adoption of this stan d ard for p ap er will significantly extend the life of the published record and play a m ajor c u ltu ra l role in preserving an d tra n sm ittin g ideas, images, and inform ation to present and fu tu re generations. T he stan d ard recom m ends th a t all p ublica­ tions p rin ted on p ap er th a t meets the require­ m ents should carry a statem ent and symbol of com pliance. T he symbol is the m athem atical symbol denoting infinity set inside a circle. 130 University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Penny Schroeder has been appointed assistant acquisitions librarian at the University of Texas at Austin. Frederick Sepp is now at Pennsylvania State University’s Life Science Library. Elliott Shore has been appointed director of the Historical Studies-Social Science L ibrary at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jer­ sey. Andrew Shroyer has been appointed serials ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Sharon Smith is a new reference librarian at Pennsylvania State University’s Altoona Campus. Christine L. Sundt has been appointed slide cu­ rator at the University of Oregon L ibrary, Eugene. Edward Tawyea has been nam ed associate di­ rector of the Northwestern University Medical Li­ brary, Chicago. R. Christopher Templeton has been appointed media librarian at Albertus College, New Haven, Connecticut. David Thompson has been appointed bibliogra­ pher for library and inform ation studies at Stan­ ford University. Anne Turkos has been appointed assistant cura­ tor of historical manuscripts and archives at the University of M aryland, College Park. Nell Waltner has been prom oted to assistant director for technical services at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Beth F. Warner has joined the staff of the Loui­ siana State University Library, Baton Rouge, as head of the Chemistry Library. Lola Warren has been prom oted to head of government documents and maps at the University of M aryland, College Park. Keith E. Washrurn has been nam ed assistant d irec to r of th e C e n tra l New York L ib ra ry Re­ sources Council, Syracuse. Lauren S. Willams is assistant head of the Pub­ lic Documents and Maps D epartm ent, Duke Uni­ versity, D urham , North Carolina. Rebecca Wilson has been ap p o in ted to the Newspaper Project at Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity, University Park. Brian M. Wood is the new assistant social sci­ ences lib ra ria n a t O klahom a State U niversity, Stillwater. Richard B. Wursten has been appointed direc­ tor of the Music Listening Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Kathleen Wyman has been appointed m ap li­ brarian at York University, Downsview, O ntario. Retirements Cyrus B. King retired on D ecem ber 31 after serving for 21 years as assistant director for collec­ tion development at the D .H . Hill L ibrary, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Helene Ott, cataloger for Stanford University Libraries, retired on January 31 after nearly 20 years of service. Alfred Sharlip, assistant university librarian for planning and finance at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, retired in December. Ann Briegleb Schuursma, ethnomusicology a r­ chivist at the University of California, Los Angeles, for 24 years, retired in December. She will move to Holland to join her husband, Rolf Schuursma, li­ brarian at Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Deaths Dorothy M. Kestel, reference librarian at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, for 15 years, died on July 31 following a long illness. R. Jane McFall, associate librarian in the Life Sciences Library at Pennsylvania State University, died January 7 after an extended illness. Mary Whouley Sibley, librarian in the General Reference D epartm ent at the University of Califor­ n ia , D av is, fro m 1961 to 1966, d ie d in Milledgeville, Georgia, in December. ■ ■ NCES statistics available The National Center for Education Statistics has recently published Library Statistics o f Col­ leges and Universities, 1982 (Summary Data). It contains 65 tables which summarize statistics from the NCES survey of colleges and universi­ ties in the fall of 1982. There is aggregated data from over 3,000 institutions on topics such as volumes held, num ber of periodical subscrip­ tions, volum es of governm ent p u b lications held, microforms held, audiovisual materials held, library operating expenditures, salaries of library staff, num ber of staff, num ber of interli­ b rary loans, num ber of hours the lib rary is open, and num ber of reference transactions. There is also com parative data from the last tim e this survey was done in 1979. This publica­ tion has 83 pages and is available from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents for $3.25. The stock num ber is 065-000-00216-7. This volume can be used in conjunction w ith Library Statistics o f Colleges and Universities, 1982 Institutional Data, which is published by ACRL. This volume is a result of the same sur­ vey by NCES and lists the data for the 3,000 col­ lege and university libraries which participated on an institution-by-institution basis. It is possi­ ble, therefore, to com pare the d ata from a sin­ gle institution as listed in the ACRL publication w ith th e m edians for all in stitutions in th e NCES publication. Institutional Data is avail­ able from ACRL at a cost of $12 for ACRL members and $15 for non-members. Send or­ ders to ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. Use ALA’s authoritative guidance and achieve professional results New books fo r librarians and information scientists. B asic Budgeting Practices for he Library Preservation Librarians, by Margo C. Trumpeter Program: Models, Priorities, and Richard S. Rounds. Program Possibilities, Jan Merrill- and line-item budgeting explained for Oldham and Merrily Smith, eds. both beginning and experienced admin- T Expert perspectives on administrative, istrators and students. Clarifies financial, and technical aspects of pro­ A the nature of the budget as manage- tecting, restoring, and copying library k ment document and planning tool. materials. Results of a joint conference $25.00 cl. viii, 166 p. of ALA’s Resources and Technical 0-8389-0399-1 Services Division and LC’s National 84-20503 Feb. 1985 Conservation Program. $8.95pbk. 121 p. 0-8389-3315-7 84-28270 April 1985 N ational Planning for Library Service, 1935-1975, by R Kathleen Molz. Government response to the role and needs of library and information services concerns persons at all levels in the C field. This disclosure of the history of omputer-Readable Databases: A repeated attempts at national library Directory and Data Sourcebook, planning serves as an object lesson for today’s library and information serviceMartha E. Williams, editor in chief. - planners and policymakers.Postponed from 1984 publication to per­ $15.00 pbk. xii, 146 p. 0-8389-0422-X mit additional new data gathering and 84-18407 Jan. 1985 checking. . . the most comprehen- j sive and detailed classification of A and index to world databases . . . ” t William F. Marovitz, President, BRS. merican Library Association$157.50pbk. 2 vols. 0-8389-0415- Publishing Services 84-18577 March 1985 50 East Huron Street (Available outside the U.S. and Chicago, Illinois 60611 Canada from Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.) SEX RESEARCH: Early Literature from Statistics to Erotica This extensive collection includes 977 titles published from 1700 to 1860, and a number of 18 th- and 19th-century editions of earlier publications. The books, filmed from the foldings of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, trace the historical and sociological implications of sex in four categories: • Sex, Law and Medicine • Sex and Literature • Sex and the Humanities • Sexual Behavior and Attitudes Sex Research: Early Literature from Statistics to Erotica allows the reader to examine the roots of our contemporary “sexual revolution,” by exploring, in depth, such subjects as sexual mores and behavior, medical and legal aspects, attitudes presented in classic literature, and the status of women. The collection is a source of vital and diverse information for the historian, sociologist, and psychologist. Research Publications offers this comprehensive, 120 35 mm-reel collection at a price of only $6,800, and includes a bibliographic guide. Price is for LLS. and Canada only. To order, or for more information on Sex Research: Early Literature from Statistics to Erotica, call or write: 2 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Outside North and South America: Woodbridge, CT 06525 P.O. Box 45 (203)397-2600 Reading, R G l 8HF England TWX: 710-465-6345 TEL: 0734-583247 FAX: 203-397-3893 TELEX: 848336NADL G On Microfilm… from Research Publications 1