ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 133 PMCATIONS • Afro-Americana: A Research Guide to the Col- lections at the University of California, Berkeley, by Phyllis Bischof (76 pages, December 1984), is a se­ lective compilation of bibliographies, abstract and index services, and other reference works at UCB t h a t a re re c o m m e n d e d fo r re s e a rc h in A fro- American culture and history. The guide also sug­ gests search strategies for the library’s card and on­ line catalogs. Copies may be ordered for $5 from The L ibrary Associates, Room 125 Main Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. • Cabell’s Directory o f Publishing Opportunities in Education, edited by David W .E . Cabell (490 pages, 1984), lists over 200 publications in the field of education w ith their guidelines for subm itting m anuscripts, review inform ation, and circulation data. A 15-page subject index allows access to jour­ nals in such specific educational topics as Counsel­ ing, E d u cational Technology, and Inform ation Resources. The directory costs $24.95 and may be ordered from C abell Publishing C o., Box 7173 Tobe H ahn Station, Beaumont, TX 77706. • York University’s Catalogue of the Canadian Pamphlet Collection is now available on micro­ fiche. The collection covers the years 1900 through 1970 to record the political, social, and cultural patterns of society in Quebec and O ntario and is es­ pecially strong in such areas as women and the family in Quebec, the Catholic C hurch in Quebec society, federal and provincial politics, and Q ue­ bec nationalism . The microfiche set, w hich has ac­ cess by author, title, subject, and date, is available for $20 from YULL Publications, York University L aw L ibrary, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, O n­ tario, C anada M3] 2R5. • The Concise Science Dictionary (758 pages, February 1985), published by Oxford University Press, is designed for undergraduate science stu­ dents in both life and physical sciences. Although all branches of sciences are included, chemistry seems to be best represented. The definitions are precise, w ith m inim al jargon, and are accom pa­ nied by an extensive network of cross references and line drawings or tables w here appropriate. The cost is $22.50. O rder from Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-19-211593-6. • Conservation, Safety, Security, and Disaster Considerations in Designing New or Renovated Li­ brary Facilities at Cornell University Libraries, by Richard Strassberg (10 pages, July 1984), is based on a review of the history of 14 libraries at Cornell. Although w ritten for Cornell’s particular needs, other libraries may find them of value in planning their own facilities. Copies may be ordered for $10 from the Publications Com m ittee, 015 Olin L i­ brary, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Upcoming automation workshops The University of Houston Libraries, in co­ operation w ith several other area libraries and associations, is sponsoring the 4th Texas Con­ ference on L ibrary Autom ation, April 9-10, 1985, in Houston. The conference site will be the Holiday Inn-G reenw ay Plaza at Highway 59 and Kirby Drive. The them e, “Anatomy of an Integrated L ibrary System,” will be covered by 21 papers and three keynote speakers. The registration fee of $75 includes two luncheons, a reception, and a tour of one of the three inte­ grated systems in Houston. For more inform a­ tion, contact D ana Rooks, University of Hous­ ton L ibraries, 4800 C alhoun, Houston, TX 77004; (713) 749-4241. The 22d Annual Clinic on Library Applica­ tions of D ata Processing, to be held April 14-16, 1985, at the Illini Union, University of Illinois, U rbana, will focus on “H um an Aspects of Li­ brary Automation: Helping Staff and Patrons C ope.” Speakers will consider fears and frustra­ tions which autom ation can bring forw ard and will explore approaches for working w ith those challenges. Sara Fine, associate professor of li­ brary science at the University of Pittsburgh, will be the keynote speaker. The registration fee is $140. Contact Robin C aton, University of Il­ linois G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science, 1407 West Gregory Drive, U r­ bana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3280. ' “ H igh T e c h /H ig h T ouch: A L ib r a r ia n ’s W orld,” sponsored by the Wisconsin Associa­ tion of Academic Libraries, will be held at the A bbey, L ake G eneva, W isconsin, on April 17-19. The fee is $35 for non-members. For more inform ation, contact Mary Jane Scher- d in , U niv ersity of W isc o n sin -W h ite w a te r, W hitew ater, W I 53190; (414) 472-1004. A C Q U IS IT IO N PERSPECTIVES 6 . Book House is in its fourth gen­ eration of autom ation. O ur custom software allows us the flexibility to accept orders generated through your computerized system or in the mail. O ur policy is to develop a working compatibility with the automated sys­ tem in your library to facilitate receiv­ ing orders, transmitting open order re­ ports and invoices electronically. Let's explore interfacing your auto­ mation with ours. CALL TOLL-FREE t h e TODAY 1-800-248-1146 BOOK In Canada & Michigan HOUSE CALL COLLECT (517) 849-2117 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT SINCE 1962 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET OCLC Vendor No. 17397 SAN 169-3859 JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN 49250 135 • Contemporary Foreign Language Writers and Great Foreign Language Writers, edited by James Vinson and D aniel K irkpatrick, are tw o volumes in the St. M artin ’s Press Foreign Language W riters se­ ries. E ach volum e provides a biography, a com ­ plete list of separately published books, a selected list of published bibliographies and critical studies, and a signed critical essay on each author. T he la t­ ter volum e includes classical Greek and L atin a u ­ thors as well as 20th-century w riters. The contem ­ porary volum e covers authors whose works w ere published mostly after 1930. A com prehensive title index provides access to works cited in the text. The co n tem p o rary w riters volum e (439 pages) costs $25.00, and the great w riters volum e (714 pages) costs $39.95. C ontact St. M artin ’s Press, 175 F ifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. • Legal Information Alert (V o l.l, n o .l, 1982- ), form erly th e U.S. L a w L ib ra ry A lert, contains news and articles on legal publications, databases, and research techniques. O f special interest are the reviews of recent law books, w hich are very timely and qualitative. Published 10 times a year, each is­ sue is 8-12 pages. A nnual subscriptions are $60, from U.S. L aw L ib rary Alert, In c ., 24 N orth W a­ bash, Suite 939, Chicago, IL 60602. ISSN 0278- 5854. • T he Library and Information Technology Se- ries is a new series of m onographs published by ALA’s L ib rary an d Inform ation Technology Asso­ ciation. T he first tw o volumes are now available from ALA Publishing: Crossroads: Proceedings o f the First L IT A N ational Conference, Septem ber 17-21, 1983, in B altim ore (261 pages, 1984, $40); and O nline Catalogs, Online Reference: Converg­ ing Trends, th e proceedings of a LITA Precon­ ference, Ju n e 2 3 -2 4 , 1983, in Los Angeles (211 pages, 1984, $20). Both contain papers of great in ­ terest to academ ic and research librarians and m ay be ordered from ALA Publishing, 50 E . H uron S t., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. • Perspectives on Music, edited by D ave Qli- p h a n t and Thom as Zigal (235 pages, 1985), con­ tains essays on music collections at the University of Texas H um anities Research C enter. The collec­ tions range from sacred music of the 16th century to jazz and th e a tre music of th e 20th, and the essays include early p rin ted editions of music as well as th e correspondence of noted com posers. Copies m ay be ordered for $16.95 from HRC Publications, P .O . Box 7219, Austin, TX 78713. ISBN 0-87959- 102-1. • Popular Culture and Libraries, by F ran k W . H offm an (312 pages, Ja n u a ry 1985), surveys a long-neglected area of collection developm ent. P a rt I covers popular culture integrated into tra d i­ tional lib rary services, w hile P a rt II describes p o p ­ u la r c u ltu re concepts an d m aterials, including po p u lar literatu re, popular music, th e Hollywood film , comic books, television, and the underground press. C loth ($29.50) and paperback ($18.50) cop­ ies m ay be ordered from L ib rary Professional P u b ­ lications, Shoe String Press, P.O . Box 4327, 995 Sherm an Ave., H am den, C T 06514. ISBN 0-208- 01983-9. • Sheet Music Cataloging and Processing: A Man- ual, by Sarah J. Shaw an d L au ralee Shiere (51 pages, 1984), has been published as MLA T echni­ cal R eport num ber 15. The m anual was originally p rep ared to train both librarians and support staff for a sheet music cataloging project funded by an H E A g ran t for Brown University’s special collec­ tions. This revised version details steps in authority s e a rc h in g , c a ta lo g in g , a n d p ro cessin g , using AACR2 rules, LC subject headings, and the MARC Scores F orm at. T he m anual is available for $11.74 (MLA m em bers $9.40) from the Music L ibrary As­ sociation, P .O . Box 487, C anton, MA 02021. ISBN 0-914954-34-2. • To Reclaim a Legacy: A Report on the Humani- ties in Higher Education, by W illiam J. Bennett (32 pages, Novem ber 1984), draw s from the discus­ sions of a 31-m em ber study group convened by the N a tio n a l E n d o w m e n t for th e H u m a n itie s an d charged w ith assessing the state of u n d erg rad u ate teaching and learning in the hum anities. T he re­ p o rt does not list any form al recom m endations; ra th e r it poses a num ber of questions for institu­ tions to ask themselves in p rep aratio n for lau n ch ­ ing any curriculum reform . Up to five free copies m ay be requested from the Public Affairs Office, N ational E ndow m ent for the H um anities, W ash­ ington, DC 20506. • William Morris: The Sanford and Helen Berger Collection (56 pages, 1984) records the contents of th e exhibition at the Bancroft L ib rary and U niver­ sity A rt M useum , O c to b e r th ro u g h D ecem b e r 1984. Copies m ay be ordered for $7.50 from the Bancroft L ibrary, University of C alifornia, Berke­ ley, CA 94720. ■ ■ D eadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC RL office on or before the second of the m onth p re ce d ­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for the O ctob er issue). Late jo b listings will be a ccep ted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 per line for AC RL m em bers, $6.25 for others. Late jo b notices are $12.00 per line for m em bers, $14.00 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be cha rg e d a cco rd in g to their m em b ersh ip status. T e le p h o n e : All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a w rit­ ten o rd e r m ailed to AC RL headquarters as soon as possible. O rders should be a cco m p a n ie d by a typew ritten co p y of the ad to be used in proofre ading. An additional $10 will be cha rg e d for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G u id elin es: For ads which list an application deadline, that date m ust be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in which the notice