ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 536 / C&RL News spring. On May 17, Sessions said libraries are used for recruiting, targeting, and by hostile for­ eign intelligence gatherers in a surreptitious fashion. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairing the FBI oversight hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said "the Bureau was utilizing inves­ tigative techniques that seemed more likely to harass innocent Americans than to help the Bureau combat crime." Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC), chairing a hearing April 20 on the FBI’s budget, also questioned Sessions about the program, which Hollings likened to attempting to control people’s thoughts. The ALA Council passed on July 13 a Resolution in Opposition to FBI Library Aware­ ness Program (CD #77.4), condemning this and similar programs, and calling for their immedi­ ate cessation. Readers needing further information should see the extensive documentation provided to Council by the Intellectual Freedom Committee. CD #41-41.4 includes testimony from the June 20 hearing, an unclassified version of the FBI report, "The KGB and the Library Target," released at the May 17 hearing, and the transcript of the closed meeting in January of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science with an FBI representative. Materials prepared by the ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom include a chronology, a list of institutions verified to have been visited by the FBI, and a list of the states which have laws protecting the confidentiality of library records. Also included is an OIF-prepared sum­ mary of the 46 pages of heavily excised documents about the program released in July by the FBI in response to a lawsuit filed by the National Security Archive and People for the Amer­ ican Way. The documents were initially requested under the Freedom of Information Act in July 1987 by the National Security Archive, a nonprofit public interest scholarly research in­ stitute and library in Washington, D.C. ALA also requested the same documentation in Octo­ ber, and filed an additional FOIA request in December. . PEOPLE . Profiles Emmett Corry, faculty member at St. Johns University, Jamaica, New York, since 1970, has been appointed director of the Division of Library and Information Science, effective July I, 1988. Corry holds a bachelor’s degree in English litera­ ture and philosophy from St. Francis College, an MLS from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in communications from New York University. He has extensive experience with governmental and foundation funding for libraries, and his book. Grants for Libraries, has gone into a second edi­ tion. He is a member of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn. Michael Gorman, director of general services at the University of Illinois, Urbana, has been ap­ pointed university librarian at California State University, Fresno, effective the beginning of the Fall semester. He joined the faculty of the University of Illinois Library in 1977 when he served as the director of the Technical Services Department and later be­ came director of General Services. In 1986-1987 he served as acting university librarian. He also holds an appointment as visiting professor of library sci­ ence at the University of Chicago. B. Donald Grose, director of libraries at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, since 1984, has been appointed director of libraries and associ­ ate professor in the Dance and Drama Department at the University of North Texas, Denton, effective August 1, 1988. From 1975 to 1984 he served as director of the library at Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne, where he also held a faculty position in the Theater Department for 6 years. Grose received his doctorate in theater history September 1988 / 537 from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1979; an MLS in 1970 and a master’s degree in E n ­ glish in 1969 from the University of Kentucky; and a bachelor’s in English from Southwest Missouri State University. He is president of the board of directors of the Boston Library Consortium , a member of the board of directors of the Fenway Library Consor­ tium, and a member of the executive committee of the Massachusetts Conference of Chief Librarians of Public Higher Educational Institutions. J e n n i f e r C a r g i l l , associate director of libraries for information access and systems at Texas Tech University Libraries, Lubbock, since 1986, has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian at the Fondren Library, Rice University, Hous­ ton, effective in August 1988. C argill received her M LS from L o u isian a State University (1967) and her master’s in edu­ c a tio n a l lead ersh ip (higher education ad­ ministration) from Mi­ ami University (1975). Jennifer CargillShe had held the posi­ tions of associate direc­ tor of libraries for technical processing, Texas Tech University Libraries; head acquisitions librarian, Miami University, Ohio; assistant science librar­ ian, Miami; optometry and pharmacy librarian, University of Houston, University Park Libraries; and assistant acquisitions librarian, University of Houston. She has written numerous articles and presenta­ tions, and has co-authored five books. She is also active in several ALA divisions, served on the Col­ lege & Research Libraries News Editorial Board, and served on ALA Council in 1982-1986. For- merly co-editor of Technicalities, she will become editor of Library Software Review in 1989. E l e a n o r L . H e is h m a n , associate university li­ brarian for access services at the University of Cin­ cinnati, has been named director of libraries, effec­ tive September 1, 1988. Heishman served as interim dean and university librarian (1986-1987) and director of access ser­ vices (1975-1984) at the University of Cincinnati. She also worked as acquisitions librarian and head of monograph acquisitions at Cornell University Library (1970-1975). She holds an MLS degree from Drexel University (1965) and a bachelor’s degree in history from Sus­ quehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania (1964). She is a member of the Academic Library Association of Ohio, the Cincinnati Historical Soci­ ety, and is a board member of Ohionet. She has been professionally active in a wide range of workshops and conferences, has published a number of papers and articles, and given presen­ tations on a number of subjects both locally and na­ tionally. P e t e r V. D e e k l e , assistant dean of academic affairs at Harrisburg Area Community College since 1982, has been named university librarian and d ire c to r of the Blough-Weis Library at Susquehanna U n iv er­ sity, Selinsgrove, Penn­ sylvania. D eekle received his MLS from Drexel Uni­ versity in 1973. He re­ ceived an undergradu­ ate degree in English and history at the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, and holds a doctorate from T em p le U n iv er­ Peter V. Deeklesity. Deekle worked at the University of Maryland, College Park, through 1981 as head of nonprint media services. Prior to that he served in academic and public library posi­ tions after completing two years of Peace Corps ser­ vice in Iran. A member of the Pennsylvania Library Associa­ tion and ALA, Deekle has been active in ACRL, LITA , and RTSD , serving from 1985 to 1988 on the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter board. His doc­ toral study concerned the impact of bibliographic instruction on liberal arts undergraduate pro­ grams. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) J o s e p h A c c a r d i has been appointed automation librarian and coordinator of technical services at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. C h e r y l L . A d e has been appointed senior bibli­ ographer for Anglo-American law in the Law School Library at Harvard University. D an A l f o r d has been appointed assistant direc­ tor of the Rockville Campus Educational Support Services, Montgomery College, Maryland. C h r is A l l e n joined the staff at Baker Library as business information analyst, Harvard University. N a n c y A l l e n has been named assistant director for public services at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. K a r e n A n d e r s o n has been appointed humani­ ties cataloger at Hesburgh Library at the Univer- September 1988 / 539 sity of Notre Dame, Indiana. R o s e m a r y A r n e s o n is now the associate univer­ sity librarian at Fairfield University, Connecticut. D a v id A . B a l d w in has been named head of ad­ ministrative services at the University of New Mex­ ico, Albuquerque. J aia B a r r e t t has been named assistant executive director of the Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D .C . Sa n d r a B a r s t o w is the new acquisitions librar­ ian at the University of Wyoming, Laramie. A n d r e a M . B a r t e l s t e i n has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Odegaard Undergraduate Library at the University of Washington, Seattle. J a c k B a t t e r s o n has been appointed technical services librarian at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. E l i z a b e t h S. B a u r has been appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at Memphis State Uni­ versity, Tennessee. J a n ic e B e a u d in is the new minority outreach co­ ordinator at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. D o n n a B e n t l e y is the new instructional services librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno. B a r b a r a B is h o p is now the humanities reference librarian at Auburn University, Alabama. L o is F i s c h e r B l a c k has been appointed rare books librarian at the University of Delaware, Newark. C o l e B l a s ie r has been named chief of the His­ panic Division at the Library of Congress, Wash­ ington, D .C . J u l i e B o b a y has been appointed head of the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation L i­ brary at Indiana University, Bloomington. Y v o n n e B o y e r has been appointed collection development librarian at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. B e t t y B raak sm a has been appointed reference librarian at York University, North York, Ontario. J a m e s K . B r a c k e n has been appointed head of Second Floor Information Services at Ohio State University, Columbus. F r a n k G. B u r k e is now the coordinator of the History-Library Science program at the University of Maryland, College Park. R e n e B . B u sh has been appointed head of re­ ference/collection development in the Science and Engineering Library at SUNY/Buffalo. B r u c e C a m m a c k is now the special collections li­ brarian at the Texas Tech University, Lubbock. J a m e s W . C a m p b e l l has been appointed assis­ tant librarian at the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Connecticut. D e b o r a h C a r d in a l is the new O CLC coordina­ tor in the Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. T im o t h y J . C a r o b in e has been appointed music reference librarian and cataloger at Ohio State University, Columbus. C l a r e n c e C h is h o l m has been named head of the circulation and interlibrary loan department at Ohio University, Athens. J in M oo C h o i has been appointed assistant pro­ fessor at the College of Library and Information Services at the University of Maryland, College Park. J u l e i g h C l a r k has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. P a t r ic ia C l o u d is now a cataloger at the Center for Research Libraries, Chicago. P a t r ic ia R . C o l l e t has been named non-book cataloging librarian at Southwest Texas State Uni­ versity, San Marcos, Texas. B a r b a r a C r a ig has been named archivist at York University, North York, Ontario, effective January 1, 1989. E l i z a b e t h D a v is has been appointed music li­ brarian at Columbia University, New York. J in n ie Y. D a v is is now assistant to the director of libraries for planning and development at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. J o a n D a w e s has been appointed information services librarian at the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library. Susan D e n t i n g e r is the new microcomputer ap­ plications librarian in automation services at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. L a w r e n c e E n o c h is now the assistant reference librarian at North Texas State University, Denton. P h i l i p E p p a r d has joined the faculty at the School of Information Science and Policy at the SUNY University at Albany. J o s e p h M . F a r a r a has been named head of re­ serves and circulation in the Hilles Library at Har­ vard University. J a n it a F a r r e l l is the new reference librarian at Ohio University, Belmont. D a n i e l F e r r e r is the new library systems man­ ager at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleas­ ant. V i r g in ia F i s c h e r has been appointed reader services librarian and head of reference at the Un- iveristy of Maine at Presque Isle. C a r o l F l e is h a u e r has been appointed associate director for collection management and technical services at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy, Cambridge. C a t h e r i n e G e r h a r t has been appointed mu­ sic/media cataloger at the University of Washing­ ton, Seattle. C h r is B . G e r m in o has been appointed the re­ classification project manager at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity, Nashville. C a r o l W . G i l l has been appointed assistant natural sciences librarian at the University of Washington, Seattle. K a t y G in a n n i has been appointed serials acqui­ sitions librarian at Auburn University, Alabama. K i m b e r l y G i n t h e r - W e b s t e r has been ap­ pointed computer science librarian at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. M a r y K in g G iv e n s has been named acting di­ 540 / C &RL News rector of the Health Science Library, University of Tennessee, Memphis. Loss P e q u e n o G l a z i e r has been appointed E n ­ glish and American literature subject specialist at SUNY/Buffalo. V a l e r i e G o n d e k has been named director of the National Medical Library, United Arab Em ir­ ates University, Al Ain. Sc a r l e t t G . G r a h a m has been appointed direc­ tor of the Television News Archive at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. E l e a n o r K . G u e n t h e r has been appointed as­ sistant librarian for technical services at Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi. B a r b a r a H a n e r is the new sciences reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Riverside. R a n d a l l H o e l z e n has been appointed biblio­ graphic instruction/interlibrary loan librarian at the University of Wisconsin, L a Crosse. T o d d B. H o l l i s t e r is the new cataloger in the Harvard College Library at Harvard University. Sa n d r a H o p k in s has been appointed collection m anagem ent lib ra ria n at V irg in ia C om m on­ wealth University, Richmond, Virginia. J o a n H u b b a r d has been appointed coordinator of collection development at W ichita State Univer­ sity, Kansas. D a l e I r w in is now the head of bibliographic ser­ vices at York University, North York, Ontario. R o b e r t T . I v e y has been appointed assistant di­ rector of cataloging at Memphis State University, Tennessee. P a t J a c k s o n has joined the library staff of Texas Woman’s University’s Parkland Campus, Dallas. D a v id H . J o h n so n has been appointed head of reserves and circulation in the Lamont Library, Harvard University. J e n n y M a r ie J o h n so n has been appointed head of map collection and cartographic information services at the University of Washington, Seattle. L in d a B. J o h n so n is the new head of the Gov­ ernment Publications Department, San Jose State University, California. P a t r i c k J o n e s has been appointed science infor­ mation specialist at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. S o n ja J o r d a n has been appointed hum ani­ ties/rare books cataloger and staff librarian at Hes- burgh Library, University of Notre Dame. G a i l J u n io n has been appointed head of biblio­ graphic services at Cleveland State University. Susan J u r o w has been named associate director of the Office of Management Services at the Associ­ ation of Research Libraries, Washington, D .C . Z a h r a K a m a r e i has been named science infor­ mation and research coordinator for chemistry/ physics and mathematics at the University of Notre Dame. K a t h a r in e K e l l e r has been appointed indexer/ reference librarian, Avery Index, at Columbia University. G r e g o r y K e n d a l l - C u r t is has been appointed assistant reader services librarian at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. D a v id K i l e y has been named head librarian at Santa Barbara City College, California. M i c h a e l P. K in c h has been appointed head of reference services at Oregon State University, Cor­ vallis. R o b in R . K in g is now the H O LL IS training co­ ordinator of the Office of Systems Planning and Re­ search at Harvard University. C h a r l e s P a t r i c k K i n g s b u r y has been ap­ pointed systems librarian at Washington Univer­ sity, St. Louis. A u d r e y D e n n a K i n s e l l a has been appointed rare books cataloger in the Countway Library, Harvard University. P a m e l a K i r c h e r has joined the staff of O C LC , Dublin, Ohio. E m C l a i r e K n o w l e s is now the assistant dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston. K a r e n J u n e K o e l k e r is the new associate direc­ tor of Texas Christian University Library, Fort W orth, Texas. K a t h e r i n e K o t t is the new automated services librarian at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. R u t h L a m b is now special collections cataloger at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. D a v id L a s o c k i has been appointed music cata­ loger for the Regional Campus Libraries at Indiana University, Bloomington. M i c h a e l R . L a v in has been appointed subject specialist for m anagem ent and econom ics at SUNY/Buffalo. J i m m e t L a w r e n c e is now reference librarian at Lam ar University, Port Arthur, Texas. BlNH P. L e has been appointed reference librar­ ian at Pennsylvania State University’s Ogontz Campus Library, Abingdon. M i c h a e l L e a c h has been appointed librarian of the Physics Research Library at Harvard Univer­ sity. E v e l y n L e a s h e r has been appointed coordina­ tor of reader services for Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. G l o r i a L e b o w i t z has been appointed regional librarian at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. A r t h u r L if s h in has been appointed science li­ brarian at Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. A b i g a i l L o o m is is the new coordinator of li­ brary user education at the University of Wiscon­ sin, Madison. D ia n e L u c a s has been appointed authority con­ trol librarian at the University of Pittsburgh. St e p h e n M a c k s e y has been appointed biology librarian at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar­ bor. Sh a r o n M a d e r is the new associate director for information and research services at DePaul Uni­ versity, Chicago. 542 / C &RL News E l i z a b e t h M a h o n e y has been named director of the School of Library and Information Science Library at the University of Pittsburgh. L o u is e M a l c o m b has been appointed head of the Undergraduate Library Services Department at Indiana University, Bloomington. M a x M a r m o r has been appointed indexer/re- ference librarian, Avery Index, at Columbia Uni­ versity, New York. M a t t h e w R . M a r s t e l l e r has been appointed assistant science librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. A n d r e a M a t l a k has been appointed records an­ alyst at Harvard University Archives. E l e a n o r M e s s m a n - M a n d i c o t t has been ap­ pointed reference librarian in the School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University, Ithaca. D a v id M i l l has been appointed reference and information services librarian at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania. St e v e M i l l e r is the new coordinator of the Mas­ ter of Fine Arts program in book arts at the Univer­ sity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. T h o m a s J . M o o r e has been appointed dean of li­ braries at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. P a m e l a D . M o r g a n has been appointed head of the Collection Management Department at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. L e e M u r r a y has been appointed head of the sci­ ence and technology libraries at Syracuse Univer­ sity, Syracuse, New York. L a u r a O s e g u e d a is now assistant head of the Reference Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. M a r ia O t e r o - B o i s v e r t has been appointed Latin America bibliographer at Columbia Univer­ sity, New York. E l i z a b e t h P a r a n g is the new assistant serials li­ brarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. M a r io n P aris has been appointed assistant dean at the Graduate School of Library Service at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. T a e m in P a r k has been appointed serials cata- loger at Indiana University, Bloomington. R ic h a r d P a u s t e n b a u g h has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in the Business/School of Public and Environmental Affairs Library at Indiana University, Bloomington. K a t h r y n P a y n e has been appointed science li­ brarian at W ichita State University, Kansas. Sa r a h P e d e r s e n has been named dean of the li­ brary at Evergreen State College, Olympia, Wash­ ington. J o a n n e P e r r y has been appointed head of spe­ cial reference services at Oregon State University, Corvallis. E l i z a b e t h P e s s e k is now the automation project archivist at Harvard University. L e e P i k e has been named head of the business li­ brary at the University of Alabama, University, Al­ abama. C o n n ie P o w e l l has joined the staff of the New York Academy of Sciences. N e v i l l e P r e n d e r g a s t is now Information Dis­ semination Service librarian of the Health Sciences Library, SUNY/Buffalo. K a t h l y n L. R e e d is now the education/infor­ mation services librarian at the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library. D a v id P . R e y n o l d s has been appointed catalog librarian/monographs at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. G l o r i a G r a n t R o b e r s o n has been appointed reference librarian at Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. G r e g o r y R o bin so n has been appointed chair­ person for circulation services at the University of Nebraska, Ohama. D e b o r a R o u g e u x is now reference librarian/ca- taloger for the Forbes Quad Libraries at the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh. D o n a l d Sc h n e d e k e r has been appointed head of the Graduate School of Management Library at Cornell University. K e n S c h o t t is the new assistant government documents librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. R o b e r t S c h w a r z w a l d e r has been appointed head of the Public Information Unit of the Engi­ neering/Transportation L ibrary, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Sc o t t H . Se a m a n has been appointed interli­ brary loan librarian at Ohio State University, Co­ lumbus. M e l is s a Sh a f f e r has been appointed science in­ formation specialist at Carnegie Mellon Univer­ sity, Pittsburgh. M a r il y n Sh a v e r has been appointed personnel officer in the Main Library at Indiana University, Bloomington. L a u r a A. Sh e p a r d has been appointed head of the Information Services Department at Ohio State University, Columbus. D a v id Sm it h has been appointed supervisor of the Retrospective Collection, Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology, Cambridge. J . C h r is t in a Sm it h is the new reference/biblio­ graphic instruction librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. L yn n Sm it h has been appointed planning and budget officer in the Main Library at Indiana Uni­ versity, Bloomington. P a t r ic ia Sm it h has been appointed head of the Department of Preservation at Ohio University, Athens. St e v e n So w a r d s is now the humanities librar­ ian at Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsyl­ vania. M a r t h a St e e l e has been named head of access services at the University of Houston, Texas. P a t r i c i a St e e l e has been named head of the School of Education Library at Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. September 1988 / 543 P a t r i c k S t e v e n s is now the general mono­ graphic cataloger at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. R e b e c c a St u r m has been appointed acting li­ brary director at Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights. Susan A . St u s s y was named library director at St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin. M a r n ie Sw a n s o n was appointed university li­ brarian at the University of Victoria, British Co­ lumbia. M a r v in T a y l o r has been appointed reference li­ brarian/bibliographer in the Rare Book and Manu­ script Library at Columbia University. C a r o l y n T yn an has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the Halls of Residence Libraries at Indi­ ana University, Bloomington. N o n a W a t t has been appointed acquisitions and serials librarian in the law library at Indiana University, Bloomington. B a r b a r a W i l d e m u t h has been appointed assis­ tant professor at the University of North Carolina School of In fo rm a tio n and L ib r a ry S cie n ce , Chapel Hill. J o s e p h in e W il l ia m s o n has been appointed se­ rial acquisitions librarian at the University of Dela­ ware, Newark. B r u c e A l a n W il s o n is now the director of li­ brary services at Andrew College, Cuthbert, Geor­ gia. C h a r l e n e A . W o o d y has been named science administrator at the Library of Congress, Wash­ ington, D .C . A n g e l a J . W r ig h t is now the interlibrary loan librarian at the University of Alabama, University, Alabama. C e c i l i a B . Y e e d a has been appointed assistant reference librarian for science and technology at North Texas State University, Denton. D a r y l C . Y o u n g m a n is now the science/engi­ neering librarian at Washington University, St. Louis. B r u c e Z ie g m a n has been named executive di­ rector of the Western Library Network, Olympia, Washington. C a r o l A. Z o p p e l has been appointed assistant to the director of libraries at Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology, Cambridge. Retirements L ois C a r r i e r , reference librarian, Humanities/ Social Sciences Division at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, retired after 22 years of ser­ vice. L a u r e n d a D a n i e l l s , university archivist at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, re­ tired in June. She was first appointed as a librarian in special collections in 1970. She has recently been recognized by the Alumni Association with a spe­ cial merit award for her outstanding contribution to the University community. C h e s t e r D a v is , government documents librar­ ian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, retired in June. M a r y - J o D i M u c c i o , administrative librarian at the Sunnyvale Patent and Information Clearing­ house, California, retired on May 15, after 16 years of service with the city of Sunnyvale. She is an ac­ tive member in the American Library Association, California Library Association, Catholic Library Association, and Special Libraries Association. She served as president of the Catholic Library Associa­ tion from 1973-1975, and managed the only Patent Depository Library in subject order outside of Washington, D .C . M a r y E l i z a b e t h D u d m a n , assistant librarian and head of circulation for Ladd Library, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, retired August 31. She had been on the staff since 1969. She was president of the Maine Library Association (1970-1971), and served as the librarian of the Army Air Force School during World W ar II. M a r ia n n e G o l d s t e i n , modern languages and literatures subject specialist at SUNY/Buffalo’s Lockwood Library, retired in May after 21 years of service. In 1974 she co-founded A C R L’s Western European Language Specialist Discussion Group (now an ACRL section) and later served as secre­ tary and a program committee member. In 1983, she organized a Public Conference on the Roots of The Holocaust. She also played a leading role in procuring a $155,000 Title II-C grant to provide full machine-readable records to the microform collection in Latin American Documents. Gold­ stein began her career at Buffalo in 1966 with an appointment to the Catalog Department, shortly after which she was transferred to Lockwood L i­ brary’s Reference Department with responsibility for materials selection in Spanish, Portuguese, and German literature. D o r o t h y G r o s s e r , cataloger at Cornell Univer­ sity, Ithaca, New York, retired after 27 years of ser­ vice. D e a n H a l l i w e l l , university librarian at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, retired June 10, 1988, having served since July 1, 1960. Halliwell was president of the British Columbia Library Association, the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries, and the Cana­ dian Library Association, and a member of the Council of the American Library Association. In recognition of his service to the University, Halli­ well has been named university librarian emeritus. M a r g a r e t H u f f , dean of the Gressette Learning Resources Center at Orangeburg-Calhoun Techni­ cal College, South Carolina, retired May 31 after 20 years of service. She was responsible for re­ searching and purchasing books for the college be­ fore it opened in 1968. She also developed the cir­ c u la tio n and ca ta lo g in g system s, p rep ared manuals and bibliographies, developed a library instruction course and completed all of the tasks needed to establish a library which meets accredi- 544 / C &RL News tation standards. Huff was also involved in auto­ mating the college’s library. She has served on sev­ eral visiting teams for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and on several licensing teams for the Commission on Higher Education. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and has been listed in W h o ’s Who of Am erican W om en and W h o ’s Who in the South and Southeast. In addition, she has served as the first chair of the South Carolina Tech­ n ical C olleges’ L earn in g Resources Personnel group, was active in the S.C . Technical Education Association Executive Board for 5 years, and was e lected O u tstan d in g E d u c a to r of th e Y ear- Administrative/Manager category for 1987-1988. In March 1988 she was named one of the three Out­ standing Educators of the Year. R o b e r t M. H a y e s , dean ot the Graduate L i­ brary and Information Science School, UCLA, re­ tired June 30 after 14 years in that position. He will return to teaching at the School and serve as in­ terim dean through D e­ cem b er 31 w h ile the Sch ool searches for a successor. Hayes holds b a c h e lo r ’s, m a ste r’s, and P h .D . degrees in m a th e m a tics from U C L A . In 1964 he joined the UCLA Grad­ u ate L ib r a r y F a c u lty and began to design the first information science Robert M. Hayesprogram within a tradi­ tio n al lib ra ry setting. Hayes received the Beta Phi Mu Award from the American Library Association in 1985, and won th e A lum ni A sso ciatio n ’s 1986 P rofession al Achievement Award. He also served as president of the American Society for Information Science and the ALA Information Science and Automation D i­ vision. He served as a Presidential appointee on the Advisory Committee to the W hite House Confer­ ence on Library and Information Service held in November 1979. He was also chairman of the task force of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, adviser to the National L i­ brary of Medicine, the Office of Technology Assess­ ment, the U.S. Departm ent of Education, and many other educational agencies. Moreover, he has been a consultant to the governments or na­ tional institutions of Saudi Arabia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Taiw an and India. G a l in a K r a f t , cataloger of materials in Russian and other Slavic languages, recently retired from Cornell University, Ith aca, New York, after 16 years of service. A nna L e i t h , head of the Woodward Biomedical Library, University of British Columbia, Vancou­ ver, retired in June after 29 years of service. R o b i n L e S u e u r , lib rarian of the Fran cis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard Univer­ sity, retired Ju ly 1. He served as lib ra ria n at Countway Librarian since December 1977. In ear­ lier years he served in the libraries of New York University as library associate in serials and circu­ lation, associate curator of the libraries, and librar­ ian of the school of Engineering and Science, and from 1968 to 1972 as librarian of the Stevens Insti­ tute of Technology. Before coming to Harvard he was librarian of Rockefeller University from 1972 to 1977. LeSueur was elected president of the Asso­ ciation of American Health Science Library Direc­ tors in 1980, and was named chairperson of the In ­ te rn a tio n a l C o o p era tio n C o m m ittee of the Medical Library Association the same year. J o y c e L o e p p r i c h , of the Biomedical Library at the University of California, Irvine, retired August 19 after 19 years with UCI. She served as the chair of the Library Review Committee; was a founder and chair of the Relevant Issues Section of the Med­ ical Library Association; chair of the Nursing and Allied Health Section (MLA); and treasurer of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona, where she earned their first Achievement Award. A n n e t t e F . N a l l , head of the reference and in­ terlibrary loan department in the Cornette Library at West Texas State University, Canyon, retired August 19 after 22 years of service. She began her career at W TSU in 1966 as a documents assistant and was promoted to head of the documents de­ partment shortly thereafter. Nall has been an ac­ tive member of many professional and community organizations, as well as numerous university com­ mittees, including the Texas Library Association Documents Round T ab le (as chairm an during 1987-1988). She is also a consultant and chairman of the Com m ission on Archives and H istory, Northwest Texas Conference of the United Meth­ odist Church, and as an archivist for Polk Street United Methodist Church, Amarillo. D a v y - J o S. R i d g e , associate director of libraries at the University of South Carolina, retired June 30. She had served as associate director since 1975. After obtaining an MLS from Emory University in 1955, Ridge began her career as a cataloger at the University of Georgia. From 1956 to 1964 she served as head of the Reference Department of the DeK alb County (Georgia) Library System. She joined the USC Library in 1965 as assistant refer­ ence librarian and shortly thereafter was promoted to head of the Reference Department. From 1973 to 1975 she served as assistant director of libraries for reference services. Ridge plans to continue her association with the USC libraries on a part-time basis in the areas of gifts and development. H o p e S m i t h , librarian at A B C -C L IO , Santa Barbara, C alifornia, retired in June after more than 12 years of service. A native of England, Smith had joined the British Volunteer Programme (the equivalent of the Peace Corps). She served as a librarian with the Swaziland College of Technol- THE BEST SOURGE FOR PERIODICALS r e f e r e n c e IS NOW EVEN BETTER! Ulrich‘s International Periodicals Directory and Irregular Serials andA nnuals have been combined! Get more than 111,000 entries, from 61,000 publishers in 184 countries. Plus Brief Descriptions, LC classification numbers, CODEN, CD-ROM availability, and more! The new Ulrich’s lists for $279.95. But by placing a standing order you qualify for our standing order discount and save 5%! To order, complete and return this coupon or phone 1-8(X)-521-8110 toll-free. (In New York, Alaska, and Hawaii, call collect 212-337-6934; in Canada call 1-800-537- 8416.) 546 / C &RL News ogy from 1971 to 1975. She helped build a 10,000- volume collection, transcribed into Braille at the country’s only school for the blind, and was active with the Swaziland Society for the Handicapped. She is a member of the California Transcribers and Educators of the Visually Handicapped. Smith holds an MLS from Syracuse University. E l i z a b e t h G r a c e T o d d , head of cataloging at the Bancroft Library, University of C alifornia, B erkeley, retired this sum m er. Todd was ap­ pointed to the position in April 1964. She presided over the transition from the manual card-catalog production system to a fully automated cataloging system. She also managed the analysis and integra­ tion of the catalog of the Rare Books and Special Collections Department following its merger with the Bancroft Library in 1969. Todd also assisted in the development of a separate Copy Cataloging Unit. K e n n e t h E . T o o m b s , director of libraries at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, retired June 30, after serving in that position since Septem­ ber 1967. His 20 years of service ranks him as one of the senior library directors in the Association of Re­ search Libraries. He served as a member of ARL and various offices in state, regional and national organizations. Toombs joined the library staff at Louisiana State University as special assistant to the director of libraries in 1956. Until 1963 he held increasingly more responsible positions in the LSU library administration, including head of circula­ tion, head of the Social Science Division, and assis­ tant director of libraries. His accomplishments in­ clude planning the construction of U SC ’s main lib r a r y , and o rg a n iz in g and d ev elop in g SO - L IN E T , with John H. Gribbin. He was recognized by the Southeastern Library Association with their highest award. Toombs has served as a consultant for over 20 library buildings and will continue his consulting activities in his retirement. E l i z a b e t h T u r k , serials acquisitions librarian at Auburn University, Alabama, retired at the end of December 1987. M a r y D. W a l t e r s , assistant university librarian for Collection Development Programs at Califor­ nia State University, Los Angeles, retired July 4 af­ ter 14 years of service. She has served on several ALA com m ittees as w ell as on ALA C ouncil (1982-1986), and served on the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship for four years. Her proposal for an oral history project on “Minor­ ity W omen’s Personal Perspectives on Librarian­ ship” received a 1988 ALA Goal Award. W i l l i a m E . W e n z , director of library personnel at the University of California, Berkeley, retired July 31, 1988, after 20 years of service. He began his career at CU in the campus personnel office in 1957, and in 1964 became the first personnel direc­ tor for the library. Wenz served as a member of the Library Council Personnel Committee from 1964 to his retirement; a member of the Hoos Commit­ tee in 1967, a non-Senate academic group; and was also a member of the Task Forces for Clerical and Librarian representation units in 1982-1983. Deaths B e t t y C a r h a r t , former chief cataloger at the Center for Research Libraries, died June 4, 1987, after an extended illness. Her professional career started with her return to Denver when she gradu­ ated from the University of Denver Graduate L i­ brary School. She was the librarian of Greenlee E l­ ementary School and then an assistant librarian at South High in Denver. In 1959 she became the chief librarian for a school in suburban Chicago. She was soon elected secretary of the American As­ sociation of School Librarians. She also spent a year as the assistant cataloger at Roosevelt Univer­ sity Library. In 1965 she was appointed chief cata­ loger at the Center for Research Libraries. Carhart wound up her professional career doing extended substitute work in academic libraries in the New York area. She also did the cataloging and editing for two editions of the M ETR O CAP catalog. D o n n a C h e n , former interlibrary loan librarian at Ohio University, Athens, died on April 30, at the age of 52. She had resigned from her position in Au­ gust 1987 to accept a graduate faculty appointment at Kent State University. I n g e b o r g S. K a u f f m a n , librarian at the C ali­ fornia School of Professional Psychology, Fresno, died May 9, 1988, after serving 15 years at that in­ stitution. She was born in Berlin, Germ any, in 1928, and in 1939 she and her parents moved to Tampa, Florida, where she grew up. She attended several universities and earned progressively ad­ vanced degrees in Spanish, English, French, li­ brary science, Russian, and educational psychol­ ogy. She was a m em ber of th e W o m a n ’s International League of Peace and Freedom and the Social Action Committee at Temple Beth Is­ rael, in Fresno. She had established and expanded the library at Temple Beth Israel where a special plaque is displayed on the wall of the Temple li­ brary in honor of her work. In 1973 she was met with the challenge of building a complete profes­ sional library from three cartons of donated books housed in the corner of one room on the CSPP- Fresno. An Inge S. Kauffman Library Fund has been established and will function as an endow­ ment to the library and be used exclusively to carry on the goals Inge had established. D o n a L l o y d , assistant ca talo g lib ra ria n at North Texas State University, died May 3, 1988. She held bachelor’s and MLS degrees from the Uni­ versity of North Texas, and had served both in the University of Texas at Austin Libraries and as the Rusk County librarian. A n n T e l f a i r J o h n s o n R i t c h i e , in terlibrary loan librarian at Ohio University, Athens, died May 22, at the age of 79. She began work as Ohio University’s education librarian, and became in­ terlib rary loan lib rarian when Alden L ib ra ry September 1988 / 547 opened in 1969. She had left the library in 1974. Paul Sabovik, catalog departm ent librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson, died July 14, 1988. He came to the United States in the 1960s af­ ter spending 10 years as a political prisoner in his native Czechoslovakia. He had served more than 10 years w ith the library and university. Sabovik earned his Ph.D . in cultural anthropology from Yale University in 1973 and his MLS from SUNY/ Geneseo in 1977. Ruth Scibird, curator of the Stanford Collec­ tion and a m em ber of the Stanford University L i­ brary staff for forty years until her retirem ent in 1962, died recently at the age of 96. She attended W ashington State College until illness forced her to w ithdraw in her junior year. She was later per­ suaded to attend Stanford and work in the library. In 1922 she became an assistant in the Reference Serials Division. In 1924 she became an assistant in the Reference Division and rem ained there until her retirem ent. In 1951 she was appointed curator of the Stanford Collection. Upon her retirem ent th e U niversity trustees ap p o in ted her c u ra to r em erita. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS ^AcquiMons Manual: Guidelines for Librari­ ans, Bookdealers, and Publishers, edited by William llgen and D eborah Jakubs (95 pages, 1988), has been published as num ber 21 in SALALM’s Bibli­ ography and Reference Series. The m anual is tri­ lingual in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Its two parts address in detail the m ajor areas of the acquisitions process for L atin American materials from initial offer to final paym ent. P art 1 presents bookdealers and publishers w ith a series of norms for the elaboration of their lists and catalogs and li­ braries w ith similar norms for the preparation of their order forms. P art II outlines the steps nor­ mally taken by libraries in selecting and acquiring materials for their collections, and discusses the im ­ plications of these procedures for all concerned. The price is $18 (plus $2 shipping, prepaym ent re­ quired) and may be ordered from the SALALM Secretariat, 728 State Street, Madison, W I 53706. ISBN 0-917617-18-5. * AIDS: A Guide to Research Resources, p re ­ pared by Thomas Lindsay et al. (43 pages, June 1988), was first prepared by the L ibrary of the Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley, as a handout for a seminar given in October 1987 for faculty research­ ing AIDS from a wide range of perspectives. The guide contains 217 annotated entries for index and abstract services, monographs, periodicals, a rti­ cles, conference proceedings, and databases relat­ ing to the subject. Five broad subject areas (public health and biomedical, business and economics, education and psychology, the hum anities, and le­ gal issues) allow for some specialization. P articu­ larly useful is a “Chronology of L andm ark Devel­ opm ents” th a t highlights th e years before th e disease was identified as AIDS. Copies are $15 until September 30, 1988, $20 thereafter, w ith proceeds going to support the work of the L ibrary’s AIDS In ­ form ation and Awareness Project. O rder from AIDS Publication, Room 245, Main L ibrary, Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. ^American Library History: A Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses, by A rthur P. Young (469 pages, 3d revised ed., July 1988), contains 964 an­ notated listings of m aster’s theses and doctoral dis­ sertations as well as 219 unannotated citations to papers and reports. Ranging over the past 60 years, the entries are grouped by 14 different topics, those of particular interest being “College and University L ib ra rie s ,” “ L ib ra ry A ssociations,” and “Bio­ graphical Studies.” Copies m ay be ordered for $39.50 from Scarecrow Press, 52 Liberty Street, M etuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2138-9. A nice companion piece to the above work is Ar­ th u r Young’s Higher Education in Am erican Life, 1636-1986: A Bibliography o f Dissertations and Theses (448 pages, June 1988). This bibliography covers such crucial issues as philosophy of educa­ tion, business and education curriculum , church and state, finances, m ilitary education. N ative Americans, liberal arts, state aid, student activism, and women. Studies of individual institutions, bi­ ographies, and topical works comprise the m ajor­ ity of the 4,500 citations. The book is available for $49.95 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O . Box 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313­ 25352-8. Basic Statistics fo r Librarians, by I.S. Simpson (242 pages, April 1988), illustrates techniques for perform ing such statistical analyses as estim ating the use of core collections, the coverage and over­ lap of abstracting journals, or allocating sufficient