ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M arch 1987 / 137 Bylaw s o f the W om en’s Studies Section A C R L ’s newest section. E d i t o r ’s note: These bylaws were approved by the A C R L Board o f Directors at their meeting on January 20, 1987. A rtic le I . N a m e Section 1. The nam e of this organization shall be the W om en’s Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American L ibrary Association. A rtic le I I . P u rp o s e Section 1. This section shall represent librarians and others who specialize or are otherwise profes­ sionally involved in the cross-disciplinary field of W om en’s Studies. It may cooperate w ith other pro­ fessional groups in regard to those aspects of library an d in fo rm a tio n services th a t re q u ire special knowledge of W om en’s Studies. Section 2. The W om en’s Studies Section has spe­ cific responsibilities: a) To discuss, prom ote, and support W om en’s Studies collections and services in academic and re­ search libraries; b) To foster the development of bibliographic in­ s tru c tio n , liaiso n w ith fa c u lty , an d d a ta b a se searching in this cross-disciplinary field; c) To encourage cooperative collection develop­ m ent of and access to W om en’s Studies materials; d) To foster cooperation among W om en’s Stud­ ies librarians, scholars, students, and publishers; e) To work w ith other ALA groups to prom ote library and inform ation services to women. A rtic le I I I . M e m b e rs h ip Section 1. Any member of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries may elect membership in the W om en’s Studies Section. Every member has the right to vote and is eligible to hold office. A rtic le IV . O ffic e rs Section 1. Officers. Elective officers of this Sec­ tion shall be a chair, a vice-chair/chair-elect, the im m ediate past chair, a recorder, and a member- at-large, who shall be a representative to the Exec­ utive Com mittee who acts on behalf of the m em ­ bership. Section 2. Terms. All officers shall serve for a term of one year w hich ends at the adjournm ent of the annual meeting. Section 3. Vacancies. In case of a vacancy in the office of chair, the vice-chair/chair-elect shall suc­ ceed to the office of chair and shall continue in th at office until the expiration of the term for which s/he was originally elected to serve as chair. A vacancy in the office of vice-chair/chair-elect shall be filled by election. In case of a vacancy in the offices of recorder or m em ber-at-large, a re­ placem ent will be appointed by the chair. In case of vacancies in both the offices of chair and vice-chair/chair-elect, the m em ber-at-large shall act as chair until the next election. A rtic le V . M e e tin g s Section 1. Annual Meetings. The Section shall hold an annual business meeting at the time and place of the Annual Conference of the American Library Association. Section 2. Q uorum . Members of the Section present at an annual meeting shall constitute a quo­ rum. A rtic le V I. E x e c u tiv e C o m m itte e Section 1. Composition. The Executive Com­ m ittee shall consist of the officers and, ex-officio w ithout vote, the chairs of standing committees. Section 2. Powers and Duties. The Executive Com mittee shall conduct the business of the Sec- 138 / C&RL News tio n d u rin g th e p erio d b etw een a n n u a l Section meetings. Section 3. Meetings. R egular meetings of th e Ex­ ecutive C om m ittee shall be held at the tim e and place of the A nnual an d M idw inter Conferences of the A m erican L ib rary Association. Special m eet­ ings m ay be called a t th e discretion of th e chair Section 4. Q uorum . A m ajority of m em bers shall constitute a quorum a t any m eeting of th e Execu­ tive C om m ittee. Article VII. Committees Section 1. Standing C om m ittees. Standing com ­ m ittees to consider m atters of concern to th e Sec­ tion th a t require continuity of atten tio n m ay be a u ­ th o riz e d by th e Section a t th e a n n u a l Section m eeting. T he size, nam e, purpose, m em bership, term s of m em bership, and ch air of a standing com ­ m ittee shall be specified a t the tim e of its a u th o riz a ­ tion. T he vice-chair/chair-elect shall ap p o in t com ­ m itte e m e m b ers to fill v ac an c ies d u e to o cc u r d u rin g her/his term as chair. Unexpected vacancies on a com m ittee shall be filled by a special a p p o in t­ m ent m ade by th e chair of th e com m ittee w ith a p ­ proval of th e chair of th e Section. A standing com ­ m ittee m ay be discontinued by a m ajority vote of th e m em bers present an d voting a t an an n u al Sec­ tion m eeting. Section 2. Special C om m ittees. Special or ad hoc com m ittees m ay be authorized as needed by th e Executive C om m ittee of th e Section. Article VIII. Nominations and Elections Section 1. N om inations. T he vice-chair/chair- elect of th e Section, w ith th e approval of th e chair, shall ap p o in t a N om inating C om m ittee of a t least th ree personal m em bers of th e Section. This com ­ m ittee shall choose a slate of at least tw o candidates for each office of th e Section. A dditional n o m in a­ tions m ay be m ade by petitions signed by no few er th a n five Section m em bers. All nom inees m ust be m em bers in good standing of th e Section an d m ust consent to candidacy in w riting. All nom inations shall be filed w ith both th e Executive D irector of ACRL an d th e recorder of th e Section w ith in th e deadlines prescribed by ACRL. Involvem ent in or com m itm ent to th e acquisi­ tion, organization, or use of W om en’s Studies in ­ form ation sources should be considered in selecting nom inees for office. Section 2. E lectio n s. E lec tio n s sh all be c o n ­ ducted by m ail ballot in accordance w ith th e p ro ­ cedures an d deadlines established by th e A m erican L ib rary Association. F or each office, th e ca n d id ate receiving a p lu rality of votes cast shall be elected, an d the results reported to th e Executive D irector of ACRL. In case of a tie vote, th e successful ca n d i­ d ate shall be determ ined by lot. Article IX. Amendments Section 1. Proposals. A m endm ents to these By­ laws m ay be proposed in w ritin g to th e m em b er­ ship of th e Section by th e Executive C om m ittee, a com m ittee appointed specifically for th e purpose, or by any five m em bers of th e Section. Proposals shall be filed w ith th e re c o rd e r a t le ast th re e m onths before final consideration. Section 2. N otification. T he recorder w ill a r­ range publication of th e proposed am endm ents not less th a n one m onth before final consideration. Section 3. Voting. A p lu rality vote of th e m em ­ bers present an d voting a t an an n u al m eeting or casting ballots in a m ail vote shall carry a proposed am endm ent. Article X. General Provisions Section 1. W herever these Bylaws m ake no spe­ cific provisions, th e organization of an d procedures in th e Section shall correspond to those set fo rth in the ACRL C onstitution an d Bylaws. S e c tio n 2. T h e se B y law s a n d a m e n d m e n ts thereto shall take effect upon approval. ■ ■ Revised Section Newsletter Policy T he follow ing policy regarding ACRL section new sletters w as passed by th e ACRL B oard of D i­ rectors on Ja n u a ry 20, 1987, p en d in g co m m en t from th e sections. This rescinds th e previous policy approved in Ja n u a ry 1985. 1. T he ow nership statem ent for section new slet­ ters will be designed such th a t it will include th e nam e of th e section, nam e of th e division (ACRL), ALA, an d other essential elem ents as described in “ALA Periodicals: Essential E lem ents,” an ALA P u b lic a tio n s C o m m itte e d o c u m e n t of Ju ly 10, 1982. 2. E ach section publishing a new sletter will p ro ­ vide a w ritte n rep o rt to th e Publications C o m m it­ tee a t A nnual Conference. 3. E ach section m ay expect to receive fun d in g for either tw o new sletters a year of 8 pages each, or one new sletter a year of up to 16 pages. 4. Section editors m ay su b m it c a m e ra -re a d y copy to ACRL H ead q u arters, according to specifi­ cations p rep ared by th e ACRL staff. H ead q u arters staff will th en have th e responsibility for getting th e new sletters p rin te d a n d m ailed (first class) w ith in tw o weeks of receipt of th e cam era-ready copy. 5. Section editors have th e option of using local March 1987 / 139 institutions or vendors for p rin tin g a n d m ailing. T he section new sletter ed ito r’s an n u a l rep o rt w ill contain a financial section describing all local ex­ penditures. U nder no circum stances will ACRL provide fu n d in g for p ro d u ctio n expenses in cu rred by an outside institution or vendor th a t exceed the level b u dgeted for in-house p ro d u ctio n or coordi­ nation. 6. E ach section shall be provided, for each issue of its new sletter, a n u m b e r of copies not to exceed 10 % of th e n u m b e r of m em bers in th e section, at no charge, for th e section to distribute at its ow n cost an d discretion. 7. Sections m ay establish a policy on subscrip­ tions to th e ir new sletters. P aid subscription orders only will be taken by th e ACRL staff. 8. If a section believes th a t the co n ten t of its new sletter requires th a t th e new sletter be m ore ex­ tensive th a n its allotted 16 pages as outlined in 3 above, th e section m ay request fu n d in g for a d d i­ tio n al pages or issues. This special fu n d in g m ust be approved by the ACRL Publications C om m ittee an d m ust be sub m itted as p a r t of th e section’s n o r­ m al b u d g et request to th e A CR L R udget an d F i­ nance C om m ittee. Requests for such special fu n d ­ ing m ust specify th e n u m b e r of ad d itio n al pages p la n n ed an d justify th e need for them . ■ ■ ★ ★ ★ News from the field Acquisitions • T h e L ib ra ry of C ongress’s Music D ivision, W ashington, D .C ., has acquired a m ajor collec­ tion of nearly 400 m usic m anuscripts and papers of A m erican b an d m aste r an d com poser John Philip Sousa (1854-1932), th e gift of Sousa’s grandsons. T he m aterials have been on deposit in th e L ib rary for m an y years, a n d have been indexed and m icro­ film ed. T itles in th e collection include som e of Sousa’s best-know n com positions: Corcoran Ca­ dets; T he H igh School Cadets; K ing Cotton; The L ib e rty Bell; M a n h a tta n Beach; Nobles o f the M ys­ tic Shrine; O ur Flirtations; a n d Solid M en to the F ront. Also in c lu d e d are th e m a n u scrip ts of E l C apitan an d T he B ride Elect, tw o works represent­ ing th e com poser’s co n trib u tio n to operetta; Sheri­ d a n ’s Ride; a n d th e suites, The L ast D ays o f P om ­ p eii a n d D w e lle rs o f th e W e ste rn W o rld . T h e collection also contains sketchbooks a n d literary item s including Sousa’s auto b io g rap h y a n d a semi- au tobiographical novel. • N ew York U niversity’s T am im en t In stitu te Li- b rary , N ew York C ity, has acquired th e archival m aterials of G reenw ich House, an im p o rta n t cen­ te r of so c ia l w e lf a r e a n d b e t t e r m e n t o f th e G re e n w ic h V illa g e c o m m u n ity since th e e a rly years of th e century. T he m a terial includes p h o to ­ graphs, m inutes from R oard of D irectors m eetings, files a n d correspondence. In co rp o ra ted in 1901 as th e C ooperative Social S ettlem ent Society of the C ity of New York by M ary K ingsbury Simkovitch w ith Felix A dler, R. F u lto n C u ttin g , E ugene A. P h ilb in , H e n ry C. P o tte r, Jaco b Riis a n d C a rl Schurz, G reenw ich House was originally located on Jones Street in one of th e m ost crow ded areas of th e low er w est side. It p layed a vital role in th e im ­ provem ent of th e neighborhood, w orking for b e t­ te r san itatio n , paved streets, child lab o r law s, in ­ creased recreational an d c u ltu ra l opportunities for adults an d children, slum clearance an d im proved housing, a n d a m ore responsive city governm ent. Follow ing th e m ove in 1917 to its present location on R arrow Street, G reenw ich House established th e first child care facilities for w orking m others. T hrough its research studies of living conditions in th e V illage, m any conducted by John D ew ey’s So­ cial Research C om m ittee, it m a d e contributions to social action, exam ining w age levels an d th e sta n ­ d a rd of living, old age a n d poverty, an d housing problem s of longshorem en a n d dock workers. Now a historic la n d m ark , G reenw ich House continues to sponsor special program s a n d a range of com m u­ nity activities. • R utgers U niversity’s A rt L ib rary , New Bruns- w ick, N ew Jersey, recently acquired 850 volumes on a r t h isto ry fro m a r t h is to ria n , a u th o r a n d teach er H o w ard H ib b a rd , of C olum bia U niver­ sity. T h e collection consists p rim a rily of w orks dealing w ith th e Ita lia n Renaissance an d B aroque A rt, w ith some m a terial on th e N o rth ern R enais­ sance. H ib b a rd , a Fellow of th e A m erican C ouncil of L e a rn e d Societies, is th e a u th o r of books on B ernini, C a ra v ag g io , M ichelangelo, a n d C arlo M oderno. H e is a form er director of th e Society of A rchitectural H istorians an d from 1974-78 was chief editor of A r t B ulletin. • Stanford U niversity’s H oover In stitu tio n Ar- chives, C alifornia, has acquired th e papers of Sir K arl Popper, in tern atio n ally acclaim ed philoso­ p h e r of n a tu ra l a n d social science. Born in V ienna in 1902, P opper is th e a u th o r of The O pen Society and Its E nem ies (1945) an d T he P overty o f H istori­ cism, an d is reg ard ed as one of th e greatest living