ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 268 Collective Bargaining b y C. J a m e s S chm idt U niversity L ib ra r ia n B row n U niversity In 1976, C & R L N ew s published a review of decisions of the National Labor Relations Board affecting academic librarians in private colleges and universities.* This review concluded that the N LRB had, when faced with the question, consis­ tently ruled that librarians in academic libraries had a functional affinity with faculty and therefore should be included in bargaining units with other *C o lle g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s N ew s 3 7 :1 - 2 (Jan. 1976). teaching faculty. Although the jurisdiction of the NLRB is limited to private institutions of higher education, its reasoning is often followed by state agencies having jurisdiction over public colleges and universities. Since 1977, the number o f campuses organized seems to have remained static. Thus it seems ap­ propriate to review bargaining-unit configurations as they affect academic librarians in public and private institutions. T able 1 names specific in­ stitutions for illustrative purposes only but is not intended to be exhaustive. Furtherm ore, it re­ flects only four-year institutions. Information was current as of May 1979. ■■ T A B L E I C o l l e c t i v e B a r g a i n i n g in F o u r - Y e a r I n s t i t u t i o n s a n d A c a d e m i c L i r r a r i a n s : B a r g a i n i n g U n i t V a r i a t i o n s Control Scope of Rargaining Unit Public Private Librarians only None Boston, Brandeis Librarians witn library clerks None Clarem ont1 Library clerks only None Brown, Columbia Librarians with faculty Hawaii, N .J. State Adelphi, NYU2 Colleges, Pa. State C olleges, CUNY, Wayne State Librarians with nonteaching professionals U. of Maine, U. of None Connecticut Florida System Librarians with faculty and with SUNY None nonteaching professionals 1. Nonsupervisory librarians elected to be included in a unit with library clerks. See 198 NLRR 121 (1972). 2. No agent was certified by vote, but the composition of the unit as determined by the NLRR did include librarians with the faculty. 205 NLRB 16(1973). Continuing E ducation Opportunities T he following continuing education activities have been listed with ACRL’s Continuing Educa­ tion Clearinghouse. If your organization is spon­ soring an activity that you think may be of inter­ est to ACRL members, please send the pertinent details to the A C R L O ffice, 5 0 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. O cto b er 25— Micrographics: Preconference Workshop on Micrographics, Ontario College and University Lib rary A ssociation, H arbour C astle H ilton Hotel, Toronto. F ee: $25 for Ontario Library Association m em b ers, $35 for nonm em bers, $15 for students. Contact: Jean W eihs, Seneca C o lleg e, 1750 Finch Ave., E ., Toronto. N o v em b er 6— Data bases: Nonbibliographic On Line Data Base Services, seminar, Cuadra Associates, At­ lanta, Georgia. F ee: $115 in advance, $135 if invo iced. C o n ta ct: C arlo s A. C u adra, 1523 Sixth S t., Suite 12, Santa Monica, CA 90401; (213) 415-0644. D e c e m b e r 1 0-12— Space: “Space Planning and Practical D e ­ sign for Librarians,” seminar, Aaron Cohen and Associates, New York City. F ee: $200. Contact: Aaron C o h e n , T eatow n Road, C ro to n -o n - Hudson, New York, NY 10520; (914) 271-8170, (212) 689-8138. ■■