ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 292 lishing activity. Consisting of over 25,000 entries, the directory lists areas o f specialization, ad­ dresses, telephone and telex numbers, and the ISBN publisher s prefix where applicable.” • Film Study Collections: A G uide to T h eir Development and Use, by Nancy Allen (Frederick Ungar, $14), presents a description of the litera­ tu re on film b rok en down by form and s u b je c t— m onographs, p e rio d ica ls, n o n p rin t, scripts, dealers, major U .S. archives, and refer­ ence services— and includes a chapter by Michael Gorman on cataloging and classification. • Bowker has published a second edition of M arshall L e e ’s B ookm aking: T h e Illu s tra te d Guide to Design/Production/Editing ($25). When the first edition was published in 1965, “the ad­ vanced equipment and processes that now domi­ nate bookmaking existed in elem ental form or were in experimental states,” and the new edition d e s c rib e s th e s e new “ c o m p u te r -c o n tro lle d machines that have transformed most bookmaking processes from mechanical to electronic-optical systems.” • Libraries D esigned f o r Users: A Planning Handbook, by Nolan Lushington and W illis N. M ills, J r . (Gaylord P rofessional P u blicatio ns, $22.50), emphasizes the role of the library as an information cen ter and is intended primarily to assist in the planning of public libraries for com­ munities of 10,000 to 100,000. • T h e A m erican A ssociation for S ta te and Local History has published Edward P. Alex­ ander’s Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions o f Museums ($12.95 cloth, $7.95 paper). This new history not only covers various kinds of museums— art, natural history, science and technology, history, botanical gardens, and zoos— but also looks to their several roles— collection, conservation, research, exhibi­ tion, interpretation, and cultural center— and the function of the museum professional. • E sth e r Stinem an, former women’s studies librarian-at-large for the University of Wisconsin system, is the author of W omens Studies: A Rec­ ommended Core Bibliography (Libraries Unlim­ ited, $ 27.50 U .S. and Canada; $33 elsewhere), which p re sen ts an annotated biblio grap hy of 1,763 books concerning women and periodicals to support a college program on women’s studies. • The summer 1979 issue of Library Trends (separate issues available for $5 from the Univer­ sity of Illinois Press) is devoted to “The Econom­ ics o f A cadem ic L ib ra rie s .’’ Issue ed itors are A llen K e n t, Ja c o b C o h e n , and K. L eon Montgomery. • C o llection M a n a gem ent is th e tit le o f number 11 in the LJ Special Report series ($5; cash with order, $3.95). Most of the authors are from academic libraries, and their articles, cover­ ing a wide range of subjects, are grouped in three sections, “Buying on a Budget,” “The New Spe­ cial C ollections,” and “Periodicals: Needs/Cost/ U ses.” ■■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to a d ve rtise rs o ffe rin g fa c u lty “ ra n k " and "s ta tu s ” are advised tha t these term s are am b igu o us and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the "P osi­ tions Open” classifications w ill be edited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. To insure that readers have su ffi­ cient lead tim e to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders fo r classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2 .2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Ind ivid u ­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s mem bership status. FOR SALE CHINA. Major Collection— Reasonable. All Topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 0 60 32 . Inquiries invited. MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 07 05 . Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, o r search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (3 01) 937-8846. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-lib ra ria n s locate title s or s u b je ct, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 in de xe d sto ck. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 0 8401. Phone: 6 09/344-1943. PO SITIONS OPEN ARCHITECTURE BRANCH LIBRARIAN. Arizona State University. Available January, 1980. Q ualifications: ALA-a ccre dite d M.L.S., dem onstrated adm inistrative ability and professional library experi­ ence required. Desire background (preferably graduate degree) in one of the following: architecture, art history, planning or design- related discipline. Salary: $ 1 6 ,4 3 0 m inim um . 12-month contract, 22 days’ vacation, other benefits. Librarian is responsible for the programs of the Howe Library of Architecture, Planning and Design Science, for supervision of the staff (1 library assistant and 1.6 FTE student employees), for collection developm ent, and is the liaison with the college and the m ain library. Send letter of application ad­ dressing the qualifications listed above, a resumé, and the names of three references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 52 81 , no later than 1 November. Arizona State University is an EEO/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Required: doc­ toral degree or advanced candidacy in library science or subject field, ALA-accredited M.L.S., experience in p ub lic services (in clu d ­ ing computer-assisted). Faculty appointm ent. To manage all public service areas/coordinate activities of four professionals and their as­ sistants. M inim al salary $ 1 7 ,5 0 0 to 19,0 00 . A pp ly to L. Miles Raisig, Director, Mary Livermore Library, Pembroke State Univer­ sity, Pembroke, NC 2 83 72 . Affirm ative a ction/equal opp ortun ity employer. Constituent o f Univ. North Carolina. ASSISTANT CATALOGER. Librarian, Assistant Catalog, University of the Pacific, Stockton. Search reopened. Duties: descriptive and subject cataloging (principally) monographs. Participates in other cataloging activities, in clu din g catalog m aintenance. Some refer­ ence work. Required: ALA-accredited M.L.S.; 2 - 3 years LC catalog­ ing experience, plus M.A. or equivalent for an appointm ent with tenure. Preferred: subject specialization in the physical sciences; experience with on-line cataloging data base (R LIN) desirable; Lan­ guages: Spanish, German, or French. Salary $ 15 ,00 0 or higher de­ pending on experience and qualifications. Faculty status and full 293 benefits. Twelve-month appointm ent. Send letter o f application, re­ sumé, and names o f 3 - 4 references by Novem ber 15, 1979, to: Hiram L. Davis, D irecto r o f Libraries, U nive rsity o f the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICES. Respon­ sible to Director for adm inistering, directing, and financially m anag­ ing five divisions o f reference service: General Reference, Science, Documents, Computer-Aided Reference and Non-Print, as well as Library Instructional Services. Staff o f 4 5 FTE, 15 of whom are pro­ fessionals. Position requires interaction with academ ic com m unity, teaching faculty, and students. Assists in the coordination of co lle c­ tion developm ent. M.L.S. from ALA-accredited school. Second mas­ ter's degree in educational technology desirable or a positive orien­ tation toward technology. Public service experience and five years o f pro gre ssive ly re sp on sib le a d m in is tra tiv e e xpe rie n ce in large academ ic library. Salary and status com m ensurate with qua lifica ­ tions, m inim um $ 22 ,00 0. Twenty-five days’ vacation, TIAA/CREF (U pays 12.1 percent; employee 2.1 percent), health insurance paid, additional fringe benefits. Send letter of application and resumé n am ing three references to: Winnifred Margetts, Personnel Officer, 3 2 8 Marriott Library, University of Utah Libraries, Salt Lake City, UT 8 4112. Deadline for application October 31, 1979. The University o f Utah is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. CATALOGER. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: S u b je ct hea ding s, c la ssifica tio n n um be rs, and d e scrip tive cataloging. Original cataloging. OCLC term inal operation. Assist in m aintenance of card catalog. Catalog­ ing nonprint material. Requirements: Accredited M.L.S. Experience in cataloging, OCLC desirable. Application deadline: October 31, 1979. Position open now. Salary: $ 1 0 ,6 8 0 + depending on q ua lifi­ cations and experience. Send resum é, both undergraduate and graduate transcripts, placem ent folder and two separate letters of reference to: George N. Hartje, Pickier Memorial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 6 35 01 . EO/AAE. CATALOGER. N onprint materials in all form ats according to AACR 2 and LC classification. Qualifications: Accredited M.L.S., at least one year o f nonprint cataloging experience and reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. Salary is com m ensurate with q ua l­ ifications and experience w ith a m in im u m of $ 1 2 ,7 5 0 per year. Subm it resumé to Maureen S. Schechter, Personnel Officer, Uni­ versity of Maryland Libraries, College Park, MD 20742. CATALOG LIB RA RIA N. Arizona State University. Available January 1980. Qualifications: A LA-accredited M.L.S.; a bility to work with foreign languages; fam iliarity with original monographic and serial cataloging and with the LC classification system; background in the fine arts or hum anities. Knowledge o f an autom ated catalog support system helpful. Entry level position: salary $ 13 ,14 4, 12-month con­ tra ct, 2 2 d ays' vacation, oth e r benefits. Duties in clu d e o riginal cataloging o f m onographs and serials in generalia; philosophy, psy­ chology and religion; art and architecture; training, supervision and revision o f two para professionals and one FTE student assistant. Send letter of application addressing all of the q ualifications listed above, a resumé, and the nam es of three references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State Univer­ sity, Tempe, AZ 8 52 81 , no later than 1 November. Arizona State University is an EEO/affirmative action employer. C HIE F, LIB R A R Y EDUCATION A ND IN FO RM A TIO N DEPART­ MENT. To head a team of library faculty and staff responsible for audiovisuals, reference, on-line bibliographic searching, and collec­ tion developm ent. This u n it is to become responsive to cam pus- wide needs for library orientation, formal course developm ent, and instruction. Position is one of three departm ent heads reporting to the Director. M.L.S., MLA certification, m inim um five years experi­ ence required, reflecting com petencies in librarianship, adm inistra ­ tion, and education. Audiovisual experience preferred. Starting De­ cem ber, 1979. Salary: Approxim ately $ 20 ,00 0. Faculty rank (de­ p ending on qualifications). Apply to: Thom as G. Basler, Director of Libraries, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912. C O N TIN U IN G E D UCA TIO N/STA FF D E VELO PM EN T O FFICER. This is a 4/7 (2 0 hour a week) position. U nder the direction of the Executive Secretary, this position is responsible for planning and im plem enting a program of contin uing education for ACRL m em ­ bers and for designing a model program for staff developm ent in a cadem ic libraries. A secondary responsibility is to assist in the general advisory a ctivities o f the Association o f College and Re­ search Libraries. This is a new position within ACRL. The in cum ­ bent w ill work closely with the ACRL Continuing Education Commit­ tee and other units o f ACRL and ALA. Requirements for the posi­ tion are an M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited library school program; degree or work in adult education is also desirable; experience in c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n a n d s ta ff d e v e lo p m e n t, p re fe ra b ly in academ ic libraries; experience in designing and co nd uctin g training programs; knowledge of the principles and practices of academ ic libraries; ability to plan and evaluate educational activities; ability to work effectively with a wide variety o f people in libraries and in the education field; and the ability to supervise and/or cond uct surveys and studies. Applications being accepted until October 3 1, 1979. Position open im mediately. Good fringe benefits. Salary range for 4/7 tim e is $ 8,7 5 8 -$ 1 2 ,4 3 0 . Apply to: Julie Virgo, ACRL/ALA, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0611. COORDINATOR. The University of Northern Colorado Libraries are seeking candidates for the position o f Coordinator of the Laboratory School Library. Ability to com m unicate and work with all ages, to plan, develop, and adm inister the total program of the school li­ brary media center with a K -1 2 student body and faculty. Interact with university students and faculty in childrens literature, educa­ tional media, and methods classes. Position requires meeting with all elem entary child re n K -5 each week for instruction, storytelling, literature appreciation, and, on dem and, library usage instruction for m iddle school and high school classes. Responsibilities include the creation o f instructional programs acquisition, preparation and organization of media, circulation, distribution, and m aintenance of all materials and equipm ent. Contributes to in-service programs, cu rricu lu m com m ittees, study groups at grade, subject, and de­ p artm en t levels. Subject lib ra ria n re sp on sib ilitie s in the field of elementary education. Bachelor’s degree in subject area: Master’s degree in e du catio n al m edia w ith c e rtifica tio n in lib ra ry media K -1 2 . M inim um o f 3 years in school library work, in clu din g work with handicapped children. Twelve-month salary from $ 14 ,7 5 0 to $ 16 ,45 8, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Faculty rank, 2 0 w ork-days’ vacation, faculty travel assistance; generous sick leave. The university partially pays health and life insurance premiums, as well as co ntribu ting to the retirem ent program. Con­ tact: Thom as Peischl, Adm inistrative Librarian, University of North­ ern Colorado, Jam es A. M ich e n e r Library, Greeley, CO 8 0 6 3 9 ; (303) 351 -2 60 1 . A pplications m ust be postmarked no later than November 1, 1979. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. W olfgram Memorial Library, Wide­ ner College of Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania. Tenure­ track position available July 1, 1980. Widener College offers u nder­ graduate program s in th e arts and sciences, engineering, nursing, managem ent and applied econom ics, and graduate programs in business adm inistration, engineering, and nursing. The Director is a m em ber o f the College Dean's Council, has full fa cu lty status, serves on faculty committees, and coordinates and directs all li­ brary operations and activities. A coordinate relationship exists with Widener University’s Brandywine College and Delaware Law School librarians. The library is in PALINET/OCLC. Requirem ents: ALA- accredited M.L.A./M.L.S.; subject master’s degree or Ph.D.; six to ten years’ expereince in an academ ic library with at least five years in progressively responsible adm inistrative capacities; evidence of experience in all major academ ic library functions. Salary range $22 ,00 0 to $ 28,000; excellent fringe benefits. Application deadline November 30, 1979. Send com plete cu rricu lu m vitae, three refer­ ences in clu din g phone num bers, placem ent file, if available, and o th e r s u p p o rtin g d o c u m e n ts to P rofessor L aw rence P. Buck, Chairman, Librarian Search Committee, Widener College, Chester, PA 19013. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF WILS/WLC NETWORK. The Council o f Wisconsin Librarians, Inc. (COWL), is seeking a Director for its WILS/WLC (W isconsin Interlibrary Loan Service/Wisconsin Library Consortium) Network. The d ire ctor is responsible fo r the adm inistration, de­ velopment and managem ent o f a statewide library cooperative net­ work with resource sharing and OCLC components. Overall respon­ sibilities include planning, budgeting, im plem enting, coordinating, evaluating and m onitoring network services and operations. Staff of 8. FTE and 3 0 part-tim e student assistants. COWL, a not-for-profit organization composed o f representatives o f all types o f libraries in th e sta te , has a c o n tra c tu a l a g re e m e n t w ith U n iv e rs ity o f W isconsin-M adison, which places position u nder dire ct supervision o f U W -Madison Director of Libraries and director is an employee of that institution. Q ualifications include M.L.S. from accredited library school, four years o f professional experience, and demonstrated successful perform ance in positions of progressively greater a dm in ­ istrative responsibility. The director shall have an extensive knowl­ edge o f librarianship, with interest in all types of libraries and li­ b ra ry netw orks. Previous re le van t expe rie n ces sh o u ld in clu de : budgeting, various fu n d in g activities, program plan n in g and im ­ plem entation, library autom ation and/or library networking. Good m anagem ent skills, the ability to com m unicate and coordinate e f­ fectively both in oral and in w ritten expression, and the ability to foster good interpersonal relations w ith local, state, regional, and national g ro up s are essential q ua litie s. Salary range $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 - $30,000. Deadline for applications 7 November 1979. Send letter o f application, vita, and the names of three references to: Chairper­ son, COWL Search Committee, 4 64 Memorial Library, 7 28 State Street, Madison, Wl 53706. An AA/EEO employer. HEAD CATALOGER. Adm inister all activities in University Library Catalog Department consisting of five professionals and six non­ professionals. Supervise cataloging of materials on OCLC using the Dewey d e c im a l c la s s ific a tio n . Serve on L ib ra ry A d m in is tra tiv e Council and other com m ittees at request o f university librarian. Demonstrated qua litie s of leadership and a dm inistrative com pe­ tence. ALA-accredited M.L.S. and catalog departm ent experience in m edium or large library required. Initial appointm ent with faculty rank o f instructor with advancem ent to assistant professor at end of first year, if merited. Health and accident insurance, free life insur­ ance. TIAA and state retirem ent plan. Forty-hour week, 22 working d ays' va catio n, 8 holidays. Salary: $ 1 4 ,7 6 0 - $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 . Position reopened for appointm ent January 1, 1980. No applications a c ­ cepted after December 1, 1979. Send application with names of 294 three references to Roscoe Rouse, University Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. HEAD, CATALOG MANAGEMENT. W orking with Northwestern's autom ated processing system, N 0 T IS-3, oversees section o f 9 perm anent non professional and 1 0 + hourly staff. Responsible for: M aintenance and editin g of the main p ub lic card catalogs and shelflist, including associated m aintenance of the on-line data base; transfers and withdrawals; added copies and volumes; m arking new and reprocessed volumes with marks o f ownership, pockets, secu­ rity devices, etc. Assists in planning for the anticipated closing of the card catalogs and the im plementation of the on-line catalog. Requirements: Master's degree from accredited library school, two years’ experience in library technical services, preferably in catalog­ ing or catalog m aintenance in connection with an automated sys­ tem. Proven organizational and supervisory capabilities. Demon­ stra te d a b ility to w o rk w ith fo re ig n la ng u ag e s. H irin g range: $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 5 ,0 0 0 . Open: Septem ber 1, 1979. App lica tio ns a c ­ cepted through October. Send letter o f application and resumé and forward credentials file a nd /or letters o f reference to: Benjamin Jacobson, P ersonnel O ffice, N o rth w este rn U n ive rsity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action e m ­ ployer. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Search reopened. The Uni­ versity o f Saskatchewan Library invites applications for the Head of Cataloging who reports directly to the Assistant Director of Libraries fo r T e ch n ica l Services. The lib ra ry is seeking an expe rie n ced cataloger to manage and direct staff responsible for cataloging and classifying library materials for the library system. The departm ent is part of a centralized technical services operation and is highly automated. It serves a main library and 8 branches. QUALIFICA­ TIONS: an accredited library degree, knowledge of AACR and LC classification, several years of experience in an academ ic library and demonstrated supervisory and adm inistrative ability. The posi­ tion is open until filled and will be filled at the rank of Librarian III. Librarians are members o f the Faculty Association. The current sal­ ary range is $19 ,31 9 to $24,093 (currently under negotiation). Ap­ plicants should send a complete resumé and the names of at least three references to: J. D. Teskey, Library Personnel Officer, Main Library, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7N 0W0. HEAD COLLECTION AND ACQUISITIONS SERVICE. Position re­ vised and search e xte n d e d . Q ua lific a tio n s : M .L.S. fro m ALA- accredited library school, professional library experience in acquisi­ tions añd/or collection development, and dem onstrated adm inistra­ tive ability required; experience and/or knowledge of budgeting and automated library systems highly desirable; m inim um of 5' years professional library experience preferred. Responsibilities include merging the existing collection development and acquisitions de­ partments, and adm inistering the new collection and acquisitions service, totaling 5.5 librarians and 16 classified staff, plus student assts. Also: adm inistration of $ 1 .9 million unallocated book budget (an increase of $184,000); liaison with faculty and other library de­ partments; active participation in automation of library functions, in clu din g acquisitions; form ulation of collection policies. Twelve­ m onth contract, salary $ 2 0 ,0 3 4 -$ 2 3 ,7 4 4 , faculty status, state re­ tirem ent or TIAA/CREF, 22 days’ vacation. Position available Janu­ ary 1980; closing date for applications, Nov. 1, 1979. Send letter of application addressing all of the qualifications listed above, a re­ sumé, and the names of 3 references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 5281. An EEO/affirmative action employer. HEAD OF A CQ UISITIO NS . Supervises 6 staff. Responsible for: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, reporting, budgeting; bib­ liographic searching including use of OCLC terminal; expense con­ trol; serial, monograph and non prin t acquisition; and domestic, foreign, and antiquarian book trade publications. M.L.S.‚ m inim um of 3 years experience, 1 year supervisory, knowledge of AACR, LC and on-line systems. $ 1 4 ,5 0 0 + . Twelve-month contract. Available im mediately. Send resumé, three references, and credentials by November 1, 1979, to: Normam R. Pearson, Wright State Univer­ sity Library, Dayton, OH 4 5435. EEO/AAE. HEAD OF A U D IO V IS U A L SER VICES. Search re o pe ne d fo r a dynamic individual to develop and adm inister Audiovisual Services Department o f a major health sciences library. Position reports to Assistant Director for Public Services and is responsible for expand­ ing the library’s audiovisual services to its five professional schools and hospital, including liaison work with faculty and students, col­ lection development, and planning. Responsibilities include exten­ sion work with North Carolina AHEC audiovisual production units to provide consultation on technical problems. New library building now under construction will contain a large audiovisual services center. Library has a staff of more than 40, including 18 profes­ sionals, and fosters atm osphere conducive to professional growth. Media experience in an academ ic library setting and a master’s degree in m edia o r lib ra ry scie n ce (A L A -accred ited ) re quired. Demonstrated a dm inistrative a b ility and s kill in p u b lic relations work highly desirable. Knowledge of AV production techniques de­ sirable. Position open September 1, 1979. Starting salary $14 ,00 0 to $20,000, depending on qualifications. Send letter of application and cu rricu lu m vitae to Samuel Hitt, Director, Health Sciences Li­ brary, 223 H, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Deadline for applications November 1, 1979. An Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. HEAD MUSIC LIBRARIAN. University o f Arizona Library. Position available January, 1980. Responsible for the operations of a branch music collection containing 3 6 ,0 0 0 scores, 2 2,0 00 pieces of sheet music, 2 0,0 00 records and various other nonbook materials sup­ porting the teaching and research needs of the university co m m u ­ nity. Supervises staff o f 6, in clu din g 1 professional librarian. ALA- accredited library degree, 3 years experience in a music library and demonstrated supervisory ability required. Strong academ ic back­ ground in music with considerable course work in nonperforming areas such as m usic history preferred. Knowledge of German or French and the a bility to speak Spanish h elp ful. Salary range $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 19,000. Faculty status, 12-month appointm ent, 22 days’ vacation, fringe benefits. Send resumé by November 15, 1979, in­ clu ding list of three references to: W. David Laird, University Librar­ ian, Main Library, University o f Arizona, Tucson, AZ 8 57 21 . An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. HEALTH SCIENCES LIB RA RIA N. Search reopened. The University o f Saskatchewan Library in vites a p p lica tio ns fo r the position of Health Sciences Librarian which reports directly to the Associate Librarian. The Health Sciences Librarian is responsible for the pub­ lic service operations of the Health Science Branch Library whose prim ary users are the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing. Duties will include collection development, liaison work, supervision of 1 librarian and 6 library assistants, as well as other adm inistra­ tive duties involved in the operation of a branch library with a col­ lection of more than 8 0,0 00 volumes and an acquisitions budget of approxim ately $ 150,000. The successful candidate will have a de­ gree from an ALA-accredited School o f librarianship; persons with an undergraduate degree in the biological or life sciences will be given preference. Candidates m ust have at least 3 to 5 years of li­ brary experience, including significant experience in a health sci­ ence or special library and demonstrated supervisory and adm inis­ trative ability. Furthermore, candidates should have experience with or knowledge o f computer-based information retrieval systems. A com m itm ent to profess'onal growth should be indicated by m em ­ bership in appropriate professional associations. The position is open until filled and w ill be filled at the rank of Librarian III. Librar­ ians are members of the Faculty Association. The current salary range is $19 ,31 9 to $24 ,09 3 (currently under .negotiation). A pp li­ cants should send a complete resumé and the names of at least three references to: J. D. Teskey, Library Personnel Officer, The Li­ b rary, U n ive rsity o f Saskatchew an, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA S7N 0W0. HUM AN ITIE S COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIB RA RIA N. Arizona State University. Available January, 1 980. Q ua lifica tio ns: ALA- a ccredited M.L.S.; b ackground in two or m ore of the follow ing fields; lite ra ture , philosophy, classics, arts, m usic, religion; five years' professional library experience, preferably as a subject spe­ cialist. Salary: $ 1 3 ,1 4 4 -$ 1 7 ,4 0 0 , 12-month contract, 22 days' va­ cation, other benefits. Duties include general collection develop­ ment functions with specific responsibility for humanities: w riting c o lle c tio n g u id e lin e s, id e n tify in g areas re q u irin g a ssessm ent, m onitoring approval plans, evaluating order requests, advising li­ brary s u bje ct specialists. Collection d evelopm ent lib ra ria n s are members o f Collection and Acquisitions Service but also contribute 10 hours a week a t the general reference desk. Send letter o f ap­ plication addressing the qualifications listed above, a resumé, and the names of three references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 8 52 81 , no la te r th a n 1 N o ve m b e r. A rizo n a State U n iv e rs ity is an EEO/ affirmative action employer. INSTRUCTOR, ASSISTANT BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Work under the direction of the head o f the Biological Sciences Di­ vision. Major responsibilities include assisting in selecting and or­ ganizing material in biological sciences collection, providing refer­ ence service to users, supervising area staff, assisting in planning future activities, and p erform ing com puter-assisted bibliographic searches for faculty and graduate students using DIALOG, BRS, and MEDLINE. Master's degree from an A LA -accredited library school; bachelors or master's degree in life sciences, or am ple ex­ perience in life sciences field. Health and accident insurance, free life insurance. TIAA and state retirem ent plan. Forty-hour week, 22 working days' vacation, and 8 holidays. O pportunity to work toward advanced degree. Salary: $ 1 0 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 . Position open Decem­ ber 1, 1979. No applications accepted after November 1, 1979. Send applications with names o f three references to Roscoe Rouse, Unive rsity Librarian , O klahom a State U n ive rsity, S tillw ater, OK 74074. An Affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. LIB RARIAN. CATALOGER. Responsible for cataloging and process­ ing of original/OCLC-shared cataloging o f monographs, serials, non­ p rint materials and cataloging maintenance. ALA-accredited M.L.S., significant current cataloging experience in academ ic library, work­ ing knowledge of AACR, DDC, LC subject headings, OCLC format required. Salary com m ensurate with experience; salary negotiable 295 fro m a $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 base fo r 12 m o n th s. F ringe b e n e fits in c lu d e TIAA-CREF, BC-BS, 2 2 d ays' va catio n/yr., fa c u lty ra n k, te n u re track. Starting date negotiable. Complete application incl. detailed resumé by Novem ber 1, to: Cataloger Search Committee, Library, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 6 67 62 . Pittsburg State is an AA/EEO employer. L IB R A R IA N , CATALOGING HEAD. Coordinates m onographic and serial cataloging u sing LC system and SOLINET-OCLC. 1 6,0 00 items cataloged last year. Many good gift materials to be worked into processing stream. Only 18,000 Deweys left to recatalog. A p­ plicants should be able to continue o ur departm ental adjustm ents toward higher productivity. Have at least 8 years professional ex­ perience (at more than one in stitution). Have proven supervisory ability. Read two modern European languages. Willingness to help in b ib lio g ra p h ic a l in s tr u c tio n p ro g ra m . M .S .L.S . fro m ALA- accredited school, with second master’s degree desirable. Library buildin g new. Typical college town and 50 miles from Savannah. Salary $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -1 7 ,0 0 0 dep en d in g on experience. EO/AA employer. Now available. Start January 2. Apply by Novem ber 10 to E. E. Brown, Associate Director (Services), Georgia Southern College Li­ brary, Statesboro, GA 3 0458. L IB R A R IA N , HEAD, CHEMISTRY LIBRARY. Responsible for m a n ­ a g e m e n t o f a lib ra ry o f 4 0 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s in th e s u b je c ts o f b io ch e m istry, c h e m istry and m icrob io lo gy w ith a staff o f three. Qualifications: ALA-accredited M.L.S., at least 3 years o f successful experience in science libraries, knowledge o f life science subjects desirable. Salary com m ensurate with q ualifications with m inim um of $ 17 ,00 0. Subm it applications to Maureen S. Schechter, Person­ nel O fficer, U nive rsity o f M aryland Libraries, College Park, MD 207 42 . An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LIBRARY INTERN. The University of Northern Colorado Libraries are seeking candidates for the position of Library Intern. Incum bent in this professional position will get the o pp ortun ity to learn all facets of library operations in clu din g p ub lic services, technical ser­ vices, and adm inistration. Exposure in pub lic services includes ref­ erence, circulation, governm ent docum ents, m ultim edia, and inter- library loan. Technical service work includes acquisition, serials, and cataloging. A d m inistratio n experience would in clu de e xperi­ ence ranging from learning daily procedures to long-range plan­ ning. M aster’s degree fro m an ALA-accredited library school re ­ quired. Anyone h olding a professional position since receipt o f de­ gree is in eligible fo r th is position. T w elve-m onth salary w ill be $ 12 ,00 0. This is a two-year tem porary position with possible re­ newal for one m ore year only. Twenty (2 0 ) days’ paid vacation, generous sick leave. The university partially pays health and life in­ surance prem ium s, as well as co ntribu ting to the retirem ent pro­ gram. Contact: Thom as Peischl, Adm inistrative Librarian, James A. M ichener Library, University o f N orthern Colorado, Greeley, CO 8 0639; (3 03) 3 5 1 -2 6 0 1 . A pplications m ust be postmarked no later than Novem ber 1, 1979. MARC PROGRAM MER/LIBRARIAN. We are looking for an experi enced MARC II Programm er/Librarian to develop software, to pro­ d uce catalog cards from the Library of Congress MARC II tapes. Also m ust set up system to maintain MARC data base. Program­ m ing to be done on IBM 3 6 0 -3 7 0 equ ip m e nt in PL-1. Position re­ q uires program m er w ith considerable a m o un t o f free tim e from regular occupation to devote to developing this com plex system. $ 20 per hour m inim um based on experience. Please send q u a lifi­ cations and references on work done to: Placement Service Box 91, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 60611. MEDICAL L IB R A R IA N . (Associate Librarian) open im m ediately. Position divided between reference and cataloging, responsible to heads of respective sections. Duties: general reference, M edline and related data base searching, tours and users education; on-line LC— AACR cataloging and classification using RUN. Qualifications: M.L.S. o r equivalent; medical bibliography; substantial background in basic and c lin ic a l m e d ica l sciences; 2 ye ars’ expe rie n ce as on-line search analyst; preferably also cataloging experience. Sub­ stan tia l benefits. Salary range: $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 - $ 1 6 ,5 0 0 d e p e n d in g on experience. Write to: Peter Stangl, Director, Lane Medical Library, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 9 4305. Stanford is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Search reopened. Under the super­ v is io n of th e S e n io r C a talo g er, d oe s o rig in a l c a ta lo g in g and classification of m onographic materials, in clu din g m icroform s, and establishes uniform titles. Assists with the m ore d iffic u lt partial copy cataloging for OCLC input. Department catalogs a total o f 2 5 ,0 0 0 titles (4 0 ,0 0 0 volumes) annually, o f w hich, approxim ately 2 ,0 0 0 ti­ tles are cataloged originally. Library Faculty at SUNYA are expected to fu lfill faculty obligations in one or more o f the areas of teaching, research, and service as well as specific library assignments. Qual­ ifications: M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited Library School. Facility with the German language essential. C andidates w ith a w orking knowledge o f additional European languages and prior cataloging experience in a m e d ium o r large research library are preferred. Th is e xp e rie n ce sh o u ld in c lu d e fa m ilia rity w ith A A C R 'a n d LC cataloging practices, LC classification and su bje ct headings, and a w orking knowledge of OCLC and MARC tagging. Salary a nd Rank: Rank and Salary com m ensurate with education and experience. R e cru itm e n t range: $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 - $ 1 5 ,0 00 . Tw e lve -m o n th s’ a p p o in t­ ment; sick leave and annual leave a t 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major medical, hospitalization, and dental insurance. So­ cial security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Re­ tire m e n t a vailable (em ployee c o n trib u tio n rate = 3 % ). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University o f New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Ave., A l­ bany, NY 1 22 22 . In q u irie s sh ou ld be received by O ctober 31, 1979. The University at Albany is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Applications from women, m inorities, and handi­ capped are especially welcome. REFERENCE AND B IBLIO G RAPHIC INSTRUCTIO N L IB R A R IA N . Guilford College, a Quaker institution in Greensboro, North Carolina, is seeking a Reference and B ibliographic Instruction Librarian be­ ginning January 1, 1980. ALA-accredited M.L.S., understanding of academ ic libraries (inclu d ing 2 years professional experience), and dem onstrated a bility to relate effectively to college-level faculty in a bibliographic instruction program required. Additional graduate d e ­ rgee (P h.D . p re fe rre d ) in su b je ct area h ig h ly desirab le . Salary $1 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 for 12 months. Send letter o f interest and re­ sumé by October 31 to H erbert Poole, Library Director, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC 2 74 10 . REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . The Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University is seeking qualified applicants for the po­ sition o f Reference Librarian. W orking under the general supervi­ sion of the Coordinator o f P ublic Services, this person is responsi­ ble for serving the bibliographic, educational, and research needs o f the faculty, housestaff, and students in a fast-growing medical center library. Duties include: general reference; perform ance of on-line bibliographies utilizing MEDLine, Lockheed, and BRS data bases as well as manual b ibliographic searches; maintenance of pam phlet files; supervision o f interlibrary loan activities; assistance in teaching seminars on the use of biom edical literature; assistance in collection b uilding. Qualifications: (1) m aster’s from an ALA- accredited library school; (2) m inim um o f one to two year’s experi­ ence in a health-related library; (3) the ability to com m unicate with the public and present the best im age of the library; (4) ability to teach users in library skills and literature; (5) w orking knowledge of MEDLine and other data bases desirable; (6) bachelor’s degree in life sciences or chem istry preferred. This position is available Oc­ tober 10, 1979. Salary: m inim um $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 and com m ensurate with related experience. Send resumé and no less than two references to: M ic h a e l D. S p r in k le , B o w m a n G ra y S ch o o l o f M e d ic in e , Winston-Salem, NC 2 71 03 . The Bowman Gray School o f Medicine of Wake Forest University is an affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Night/W eekend. Position available: Im­ mediately. General reference work with students and faculty; liaison with teaching departments, library instruction and orientation; col­ lection developm ent. Reports to Head Reference Librarian. Faculty ra n k o f in s tru c to r. T w e lve -m o n th c o n tra c t. M .L.S . fro m ALA- accredited library school. Science and technology interest desir­ a ble . Enta ils n ig h t and w e e ke n d sch e d u le s . M in im u m salary: $ 13,420. Please su bm it letter o f intent, resumé, official transcript, and three letters of recom m endation. Deadline for applications Oc­ tober 31, 1979. Apply to Library Search Committee, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717; Attention: Alice McClain, Director o f Libraries. MSU is an equal opp ortun ity/affirm ative action e m ­ ployer. TE C H N IC A L SERVICES L IB R A R IA N . To supervise the a c q u is i­ tions, cataloging, and processing o f all library materials. Some ref­ erence and collection developm ent duties. Ability to work with LC and OCLC. M.L.S. from an ALA-accredited school plus 3 years academ ic library experience. Rank and salary ($ 9 ,6 2 5 -$ 17,112) com m ensurate w ith education and experience. T e n-m o nth s’ a p ­ pointm ent. Send letter o f application, resumé, three cu rre n t refer­ ences, and tra nscripts to: Patricia Wheeler, Assistant to the Dean of Faculty, Schenectady County Com m unity College, 7 8 Washington Ave., Schenectady, NY 1 2305. App lica tio ns close Novem ber 5, 1979. Schenectady County Com m unity College is an equal o ppor­ tunity, affirm ative action employer. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFO RM ATIO N RESOURCES. Benham- Blair & Affiliates, Inc., architects, engineers and consultants based in O klahoma City, is seeking a Vice-President for Inform ation Re­ sources and D irector o f the Inform ation Resource Center. Suc­ cessful applicants m ust have a BA/BS in science o r engineering, and MLS or equivalent in lib ra ry/in form atio n center, M B A back­ ground desirable; 2 - 3 years experience in corporate inform ation re­ lated activities and one-year corporate library adm inistrative experi­ ence o r equivalent; knowledge and experience with on-line search­ ing, m icrofilm s, and com puterized applications. Responsibilities in­ clude direction and overall developm ent o f corporate information resource center. M inim um salary: $ 2 7 ,50 0, start as soon as possi­ ble. Complete jo b description available upon request. Send resumé and names of at least three references by December 1, 1979, to Richard Spang, Corporate Vice President for Adm inistration, P.O. Box 20400, Oklahoma City, OK 7 3156. Benham -Blair is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer and encourages applica­ tions from women and minorities.