ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 402 / C&RL News Calendar January 20—Marketing: The annual Janus Seminar, cos­ ponsored by the Metropolitan New York Chap­ ter of the American Society for Information Sci­ ence and the New York Chapter of the Special Libraries Association, will be held at the Shera­ ton Centre Hotel, New York City. Theme: “Tar­ geting Your Audience: Marketing of Informa­ tion Serv ices.” F ee: $60 (includes lunch). Contact: Carol Tschudi, Engineering Societies Library, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017; (212) 705-7610. February 4—Reference: “Reference Update: Energy, Cen­ sus, Life Sciences, Business, Law and Environ­ m ent,” seminar sponsored by the SLA-Texas Chapter and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Texas, Austin. Held at the Sheraton Crest Hotel, Aus­ tin. Contact: Jean Herold, Local Arrangements Committee Chairman, Box 7048, UT Station, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712; (512) 471-5944. 13-17—Art: Annual conference, Art Libraries So­ ciety of North America, Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia. Pre-registration fee: members $55, non-members $75. Contact: Pamela Jeff­ cott Parry, Executive Secretary, ARLIS/NA, 3775 Bear Creek Circle, Tucson, AZ 85715; (602) 749-9112. 28-M a rch 1— Music: Annual m eeting, Music OCLC Users Group, Hilton Hotel, Philadel­ phia. Fee: $35 (not including luncheon). Con­ tact: Timothy Robson, MOUG Continuing Edu­ cation Coordinator, Kulas Music Library, 1118 Bellflower Rd., Case Western Reserve Univer­ sity, Cleveland, OH 44106; (216) 368-2403. March 2—Music: The Education Committee of the Music Library Association will sponsor a workshop for librarians in small academic music libraries at the Hilton Hotel, University City, Philadelphia, preceding the MLA national meeting. Sessions on library politics, collection development, NASM evaluations, and time management are planned. MLA membership not required. Con­ tact: Janice Jenkins, Stetson University Music L i­ brary, DeLand, FL 32720. 4—Library Costs: “Determining the Cost of L i­ biary Services,” a program designed for library C&RL News / 403 directors and department heads of all types of li­ braries, sponsored by the University of South Carolina College of Librarianship. Fee: $27. 0.5 CEU. Contact: Helen L. Callison, Coordinator of Continuing Education, College of Librarian­ ship, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208; (803) 777-2544 or 777-3858. 11— Automation: “Shopping for Library Auto­ mated Systems,” a workshop sponsored by the Drexel University School of Library and Infor­ mation Science, Philadelphia. Fee: $95. Con­ tact: Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education, Drexel University, 32d and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 14-18—New Technology: “International Confer­ ence on Mini- and Micro-Computer Applica­ tions in Information, Documentation, and L i­ braries,” Tel-Aviv, Israel. Co-sponsors include the International Federation of Documentation (FID ), the Gesellschaft fuer Information und Documentation (GID) ‚ and the Israel Society of Special Libraries and Inform ation Centres. Contact: Secretariat, P.O. Box 3054, Tel-Aviv 61030, Israel. Telex: 3-2332 CSTI IL . 25—Library Questionnaires: “The Design and Use of the Questionnaire in Libraries,” a program that examines the user survey to obtain accurate feedback, sponsored by the University of South Carolina College of Librarianship. Fee: $27. 0.5 CEU. Contact: See March 4 entry. April 4 - 7 — Catholic Libraries: The 62d annual conven­ tion of the Catholic Library Association, Wash­ ington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D .C . Theme: “Choices and Challenges.” Contact: John T. Corrigan, C .F .X ., 461 West Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, PA 19041; (215) 649-5251. 12-14—New Technology: National Online Meet­ ing, Sheraton Centre Hotel, New York, orga­ nized by Online R eview . Presented papers, an exhibition, product review sessions, and the Fo­ rum for Online User Groups. Contact: Thomas H. Hogan, Learned Information, In c., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055; (609) 654- 6266. 6 -8 —User Education: The 7th Earlham College Library workshop on bibliographic instruction. A major thrust of the workshop is faculty in­ volvement, and to encourage this a grant from the Council on Library Resources will help un­ derwrite the expenses of teaching faculty who accompany librarians. Fee: $150. Registration limited to fifty persons. Contact: Evan F arber, L ibrarian, Earlham College, Richmond, IN 47374. 30—Library History: Second Annual Library His­ tory Colloquium, Barker History Center, Uni­ versity of Texas, Austin. Fee: $20. Contact: Mel Boggins, Continuing Education Coordinator, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Box 7576, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712; (512) 471-3821. May 1 -1 3 —Management: The 17th annual Library Ad­ ministrators Development Seminar, sponsored by the University of Maryland College of L i­ brary and Information Services, will be held at the Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit, Maryland. John Rizzo, Western Michigan Uni­ versity, will serve as director. Seminar sessions will concentrate on the principal administrative issues which senior managers encounter. Con­ tact: Effie T. Knight, Administrative Assistant, Library Administrators Development Program, College of Library and Information Science, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742. 8 -1 1 —Western Europe: Symposium on Western European Studies and North American Research Libraries, sponsored by the University of Minne­ sota, the Council for European Studies, and the European Communities Information Service, to be held at the Sheraton-Ritz Hotel, Minneapolis. Symposium chairman: Clara M. Lovett, Chief, European Division, Library of Congress. Fee: $65 prior to March 31. Members of A C R L’s W ESS will automatically receive registration materials. Contact: Martha Brogan, Symposium C oordinator, W estern European Studies, 5 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, Min­ neapolis, MN 55455. 19-20—Midwest: The Midwest Academic Librari­ ans’ Conference, Terre Haute, hosted by the In­ diana State University L ib raries. C on tact: MALC Planning Committee, Indiana State Uni­ versity Libraries, Terre Haute, IN 47809; (812) 232-6311, ext. 2572. 2 2 -2 5 — New Technology: The 12th Mid-Year Meeting of the American Society for Informa­ tion Science, University of Kentucky, L ex­ ington, sponsored by the ASIS Southern Ohio Chapter and the College of Library and Infor­ mation Science of the University of Kentucky. Theme: “The Online Age: Assessment/Direc­ tions.” Contact: Susan M. Harvey, Technical Program Chairman, Metcut Research Associ­ ates, In c., 3980 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209; (513) 271-9510. ■ ■