ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 936 / C&RL News News notes • T h e W e s t e r n N e w E n g la n d C o lle g e School o f Law Library, S pringfield, M assachusetts, has re ­ cently received th e Law L ibrary Publication Award for 1989 from th e A m erican Association o f Law Li­ braries. T h e Law L ibrary P ublication A w ard h o n ­ ors ach iev em en t in creatin g in-house, u se r-o ri­ en te d , library m aterials o f o u tstan d in g quality and significance. W e ste rn N ew E n g lan d College r e ­ ceived th e aw ard for th e P athfinder series, and o th e rp u b lica tio n s. T h e P a th fin d er series is aseries o f bibliographies o r “how -to” guides th a t highlight legal item s o f in te re s t o r h elp library p atro n s do legal research. Som e c u rre n t P athfinder guides are: A ID S — The Legal D im ension, M ajor Sources in Securities Regulation a n d Corporate Finance, Congressional Term s a n d Sessions, an d M assachu­ setts Judicial System . ■ ■ E O P L p * Profiles Sharon J. Rogers, university librarian at th e G eo rg e W ash in g to n U niversity, W ashington, D .C ., has b e e n n am ed assistant v ice-p resid en t for academ ic affairs an d u n i­ versity librarian. She is also an ad ju n ct associate pro fesso r o f sociology. In h e r n ew role as assistant v ic e - p re s id e n t, R o g e rs will b e given b ro a d e r adm inistrative resp o n si­ bility for academ ic affairs. She will also b e resp o n ­ sible for developing th e library at th e university’s n e w L o u d o u n C o u n ty c a m p u s s c h e d u le d to Sharon J. Rogerso p en in 1991. As un iv er­ sity librarian, Rogers is th e sen io r ad m in istrato r for th e university’s u n d e r­ g rad u ate an d g rad u ate general research collections h o u se d in M elvin G elm an Library. D u rin g h e r te n u re at G eorge W ashington University, she has d irec ted th e rem o d elin g o f G elm an L ibrary and th e au to m atio n conversion o f a card catalog system to co m p act disc, as well as o th e r significant im ­ p ro v em en ts in th e university’s p eriodical services. A m ong th e library services th a t have b e e n d ev el­ o p e d an d offered to th e W ashington com m unity u n d e r h e r lead ersh ip is “C ollections D C ,” a co m ­ p u te riz e d d atab ase w hich houses inform ation ab o u t W ashington’s extensive historical an d cu l­ tu ral resources. Rogers jo in e d G eorge W ashington U niversity in 1984 as university librarian. P rio r to 1984, she h eld various faculty and adm inistrative positions at Bowling G re en S tate University, th e U niversity o f Toledo, A lfred University, an d W ashington State University. H e r n u m e ro u s professional affiliations in clu d e council m e m b er o f th e A m erican L ibrary A ssociation (ALA), ALA rep resen tativ e to th e A m erican C ouncil on E d u catio n , b o ard m e m b er o f W R L C an d p re sid e n t o f th e U sers C ouncil o f th e O nline C o m p u te r L ib rary C e n te r. She also served as p resid e n t o f th e A ssociation o f College and R esearch L ibraries from 1984 to 1985. A prolific w riter, h e r w ork has ap p e a re d in several books and jo u rn als including Libraries a n d the Search For A cadem ic Excellence an d College & Research L i­ braries N ew s. R hoda Garoogian has b e e n a p p o in ted chair­ p erso n o f th e G rad u ate L ib rary an d In fo rm atio n Science D e p a rtm e n t a t th e P ra tt In stitu te, Brooklyn, N ew York. F ro m D e c e m b e r 1985 th ro u g h A ugust 1988, G aroogian was d irec to r o f th e W ilsonline In form ation System at H .W . W ilson Com pany, w hich p ro v id ed cu sto m e r su p p o rt for W ilsonline, W ilsearch, an d W ilsondisc. G aroogian was assistant pro fesso r at th e P alm e r School o f L ib rary an d In fo rm atio n Science a t L ong Island University, C.W . P ost C am pus, an d re feren c e li­ b rarian at b o th th e Brooklyn College L ibrary (1975-1981) an d th e M edgar E vers College Li­ b rary (1976). She has n u m e ro u s p ap e rs an d p u b li­ cations to h e r c re d it an d sh e received th e Special L ibraries Association F a n n ie L. Sim one A ward for c o n trib u tio n to pu b lish in g in 1988. G aroogian is a m e m b e r o f th e A m erican L ibrary Association, B eta November 1989 / 937 Phi Mu, New York Library Association, Special Libraries Association, and th e American Society for Inform ation Science. A graduate o f Brooklyn College, Garoogian receiv ed h er MLS degree from th e P ratt In stitu te’s G raduate School o f Library and Inform ation Science in June 1973 and earned an Advanced C ertificate in June 1975. She is now working on h e r dissertation in th e Ph.D . program o f the School o f Com m unication, Inform ation and Library Studies at Rutgers University. Jeanne Sohn has b een nam ed director o f library services for the Elihu B urritt Library at Central Connecticut State University, New Britain. She com pleted undergradu­ ate study at Tem ple Uni- versity, P h ilad elp h ia, and holds the MSLS from Drexel University. Sohn, who has nearly 20 years o f professional experience in the library setting, was previously associate dean o f library services at th e Univer­ sity o f N ew Mexico, Al­ buq u erq u e, w here she also had been assistant dean for collection d e­ Jeanne Sohn velopment. At Tem ple | University, she had b een chief o f collection devel­ opm ent, literature and com munications bibliogra­ pher, and assistant to th e curator o f th e rare book departm ent. She has given formal presentations at professional conferences throughout th e country on several topics including library acquisitions and developm ent. H e r library activities at th e Univer­ sity o f New Mexico included serving on th e Senate G raduate C om m ittee, th e Academic Affairs Ad­ ministrative Assembly, and th e C entennial Show­ case Com m ittee. Sohn, who has served on the editorial board o f Collection M anagement since 1984, is a m em ber o f several professional organiza­ tions including Beta Phi Mu, th e American Library Association, the N ew Mexico Library Association and the New Mexico Council o f Academic L ibrar­ ies. People in the news E van F arber, Earlham College librarian, has received an honorary degree o f D octor o f H um ane L etters from Susquehanna University in Pennsyl­ vania in acknow ledgem ent o f his contributions to higher education. F arb er is recognized nationally as a bibliographic program builder and advocate for integrating campus libraries into th e u n d er­ graduate curriculum. At Earlham , and at many colleges and universities th a t have adopted his model, students are taught how to use th e rich and increasingly technological resources o f th e library. An unflagging pro p o n en t o f bibliographic instruc­ tion, F arb er is a m uch-sought advisor to schools interested in magnifying the role o f th eir libraries. H e gives, o r hosts, several workshops annually for college librarians and academic officers across the country. F arb er received an honorary doctorate from St. Law rence University in N ew Y orkin 1980. H e is past presid en t o f th e Association o f College and Research Libraries and in 1981 received the Miriam D udley Award as Librarian o f th e Year. In 1987 Earlham College received a special certifi­ cate from th en Secretary o f E ducation William B ennett for th e school’s outstanding bibliographic instruction program. A native o f N ew York City, F arb er earned bachelor’s and m aster’s degrees (in library science and political science respectively) from th e University o f N orth Carolina. F arb er had several years’ association with th e Em ory U niver­ sity Library, before becom ing head librarian at Earlham in 1962. Joanne M . Perry, assistant professor and map librarian at K err Library, has b ee n nam ed editor o f th e Special Libraries Association, Geography & Map Division’s Bulletin. T he Bulletin was first published in N ovem ber 1947 as a four-page, bi­ annual and has grown into an international quar­ terly w hich has a circulation o f nearly 900. Jean P orter, head o f th e D ocum ents D ep art­ m ent o f th e N orth Carolina State University Li­ braries since 1980, has b een nam ed th e fifth fellow in the national P aten t D epository Library (PDL) Fellowship Program. P o rter will spend a year in W ashington as Fellowship Librarian. D uring h er stay in W ashington she will assist Carole A. Shores, director o f th e Office o f Patent D epository Library Programs o f the U.S. P aten t and T radem ark Of­ fice, in increasing th e distribution and use o f the technical inform ation contained in patents. P or­ te r ’s specific activities will include developing ou t­ reach activities to PD Ls, providing input to the developm ent o f C D -R O M (compact disc, read­ only memory) products, acting as Raison betw een P D L representatives and th e W ashington office, supporting th e office’s daily operations, and plan­ ning and conducting workshops for p aten t infor­ mation users. P o rter served as assistant docum ents librarian at NCSU for six years before becom ing head o f the D ocum ents D ep artm en t in 1980. F rom 1974 to 1983 she also was supervisor o f the Southern W ater Resources Scientific Information C enter, an online searching service. P o rter is a m em ber o f many professional library groups and was 1 986-87president o f th e N orth Carolina chap­ te r o f the Special L ibrary Association. She earned undergraduate and library science degrees from th e U niversity o f Wisconsin-M adison. 938 / C&R L News E dward Steinhart, o f th e Texas T ech U niver­ sity D ep a rtm en t o f History, has b ee n aw arded th e first G loria Lyerla Library M em orial F u n d R e­ search Travel G rant by th e Texas T ech University Library. T he grant, $500, was aw arded to S teinhart to assist in travel to th e Public R ecord O ffice in London, England. S tein h art’s research is on th e social history o f h u n tin g in Kenya. T h e G loria Lyerla Library M em orial F u n d was established by friends and family to assist Texas T ech University researchers w ith m eeting th e costs o f travel to research collections o f libraries, archives, m use­ um s, o r o th e r repositories th ro u g h o u t th e world. M argaret Stieg, professor in th e G raduate School o f Library Service at th e University o f Ala­ bam a, has b e e n n am ed th e first recipient o f th e F raen k el prize in contem porary history. T h e prize is for an outstanding w ork in th e field o f co n tem p o ­ rary history w ritten e ith er in English, F ren ch , or G erm an, covering o n e o f th e traditional fields o f in te rest to th e W ien er Library, w hich funds th e award. T h e W ien er Library was fo u n d ed in 1939 and contains docum ents on Nazism, Fascism , anti- Semitism, racialism, and refugee and m inority problem s. Stieg’s book, Public Libraries in Nazi G erm any, is th e result ofpainstaking research over a n u m b e r o f years, including lengthy visits to G er­ many. T he F raenkel prize carries w ith it a cash aw ard o f $7,500. Rosalind Walcott, librarian at th e E a rth and Space Sciences Library at th e State University o f N ew York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, was th e w inner o f th e fourth annual G eoscience Inform ation Soci­ ety (GIS) aw ard for th e b est p ap e r in geoscience inform ation. W alcott’s article, “G eoscience D isser­ tations for th e F u tu re : A C ase Study from th e U n ited States,” focuses on th e im portance o f dis­ sertations to th e geoscience com m unity and th e n e e d for im provem ent in th e ways dissertations are p rocessed and dissem inated. P ublished in th e Pro­ ceedings o f the Geoscience Inform ation Society, the article sum m arizes th e findings in h e r forthcom ing dissertation on th e sources o f inform ation th a t geoscience doctoral students use in p rep arin g th eir dissertations and how those sources differ from those cited by professional geoscientists. W alcott’s article offers seven suggestions for im proving dis­ sertation collections, including b e tte r cataloging, b e tte r circulation o f dissertations am ong libraries, an d b e tte r and m ore tim ely indexing by G eoR ef an d University M icrofilms International. H e r ar­ ticle was selected by a seven-person com m ittee o f librarians an d editors w ho review ed m ore than 100 geoscience-inform ation-related articles published in 1988. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library new sletters, letters from p erso n n el offices and appointees, an d o th e r sources. T o en su re th a t your ap p o in tm en t appears, w rite to th e E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) E lsa Althen is th e new h e a d o f th e Biology L ibrary at th e U niversity o f W isconsin-M adison. B renda B aruch has b ee n ap pointed catalog librarian at Brown University Library, Providence, R hode Island. G race Baysinger has b ee n ap pointed chem is- ACRL Cincinnati C onference proceedings T h e proceedings o f th e A CR L F ifth N ational C o nference, B uilding on th e First C entury, ed ited by Janice C. F en n ell (353 pages), have b e e n p u b ­ lished by th e Association o f College and R esearch Libraries. T he volume includes 77 research reports an d position papers, as well as capsule descriptions o f 32 w orkshop forums, p anel presentations, and group discussions th a t took place in Cincinnati, April 5-8,1989. T he papers are g rouped into nine b ro ad subject areas. A few o f th e research rep o rts included are: “W ho Are T hose Guys? A R eport on a Survey o f R eferees o f Library Scholarly Journals,” by S tuart Glogoff; “A cadem ic Libraries an d C am pus C om ­ pu tin g O rganizations,” by D avid B. Walch; “Auto­ m a ted W orkstations for Professional Catalogers,” by Sally A. Rogers; “C irculation P attern s o f R ecent Im p rin ts,” by Jane B. Treadw ell; “A Reexamination o f th e C a re er Progression P attern s o f A cademic Library A dm inistrators,” by B arbara B. M oran; and “Thinking Like a Searcher: Cognitive Strategy and th e Search Process,” by D o n n a R ubens and M ary M. H uston. All those w ho a tten d e d th e full conference in Cincinnati should have received th e ir copy by now. O thers may o rd er a copy for $30.00 (ACRL m em ­ bers, $22.00) from th e ALA O rd e r D ep a rtm en t, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433; in Illinois, (800) 545-2444; in Canada, (800) 545- 2455. ALA m em bers receive a 10% discount o ff the list price. ISB N 0-8389-7289-6. ■ ■ November 1989 / 939 try librarian o f the Swain Library o f Chem istry and Chemical Engineering at Stanford University, California. Sabah B easley has b een appointed as a refer­ ence librarian at Oregon State University Libraries, Corvalis. Ann B endek is the new library developm ent officer at th e Stanford University Libraries, Cali­ fornia. Mabgaret Brill is now state docum ents librar­ ian at D uke University Library, D urham , N orth Carolina. Martha L . B rogan has b een appointed social sciences bibliographer at th e Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, C onnecti­ cut. Suzan B urks joined th e staff as a catalog librar­ ian at Gonzaga University, Spokane, W ashington. Cherie Castonguay is now a catalog librarian at Oregon State University Libraries, Corvalis. E laine M . Cheng has been appointed interli­ brary loan/reader services librarian at Xavier U ni­ versity, Cincinnati, Ohio. Anne Christie has b een appointed as a refer­ ence librarian at Oregon S täte U niversity L ibraries, Corvalis. D ominique C oulombe is th e new head o f the Catalog D ep artm en t at Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island. Janis D ickens is now h ead o f m edia services at the University o f California, Santa Cruz. T shering D oma has been appointed assistant h ead librarian for th e W asserm an Public Affairs Library at th e University o f Texas at Austin. John D onel has b een appointed as a research librarian at O regon State University Libraries, Corvalis. E ileen D orschner has b ee n appointed aero­ nautics and astronautics librarian at th e A eronau­ tics and Astronautics Branch Library at M assachu­ setts Institute o f Technology, Cambridge. Michael E nyart is th e new director o f the Busi- ness/Social Science R eference Libraries Service at th e University o f Wisconsin-Madison. Ronald F ark has b een appointed h ead o f the R eference D ep artm en t at Brown University Li­ brary, Providence, Rhode Island. Robin Fradenburgh is now h ead librarian, A utom ated Cataloging D ep a rtm en t at th e U niver­ sity o f Texas at Austin. B everly F railey has b een appointed instruc­ tional services librarian at Sangamon State U niver­ sity Library in Springfield, Illinois. Ken F razier as b een appointed director o f the Steenbock Agricultural and Life Sciences Library at th e University o f Wisconsin-Madison. D onald G erlach has b een appointed public services librarian at th e College Library at T he University ofW isconsin-M adison. M . D ina G iambi has b ee n appointed head of M onographic Acquisitions and Serials at the Kent State University Libraries, Ohio. E dmund H all has joined th e Catalog D ep a rt­ m ent o f Oregon State University Libraries, Corvalis. Margaret H endley has b een appointed coor­ dinator, U ser E ducation at th e University o f W a­ terloo Library, Ontario, Canada. B eth E llen H ogan has b een appointed interli­ brary loan and inform ation services librarian at East T ennessee State University, Johnson City. John W . H oltz has b een appointed instruc­ tional services librarian at Sangamon State U niver­ sity Library in Springfield, Illinois. C hristine Kerckhove is th e new editor for the C onsortium o f Rhode Island Academic and R e­ search Libraries U nion List o f Serials, Brown U ni­ versity, Providence R hode Island. P hyllis Kimbrough has b een appointed head o f th e Social W ork Library at th e University o f W is­ consin-Madison. Jeanne M . Langendorfer has b een appointed head o f Periodical Inform ation and Access Serv­ ices at th e K ent State University Libraries, Ohio. G eraldine Laudati is th e new head o f the Mills Music Library at th e University o f Wisconsin- Madison. L ee Leighton has b ee n appointed h ead o f the Catalog D ep artm en t at th e U niversity o f California at Berkeley. M arilyn L ewis is now a serials acquisition li­ brarian at O regon State University Libraries, Corvalis. B rian M cCafferty has b een appointed catalog librarian at W abash College, Crawfordsville, In d i­ ana. Andrew Magpantay has joined th e Reference D ep a rtm en t at D uke University Library, D urham , N orth Carolina. Pauline Manaka has b een appointed assistant librarian at th e University o f California, Irvine Library. Judith Marley is now th e assistant director of th e Music Library at D uke University, D urham , N orth Carolina. Carol Mitchell is the new southeast Asian bibliographic services librarian at th e University of Wisconsin-Madison. Cathy Moore-Jansen has b een appointed cata- loger o f special projects at th e W ichita State U ni­ versity, Kansas. Carolyn Clark Morrow has b ee n appointed Malloy-Rabinowitz preservation librarian in the H arvard University Library, Cam bridge, Massa­ chusetts. Laurie N elson has b ee n appointed program director o f th e Professional D evelopm ent Pro­ gram, ajo in t staff developm ent program o f Regen- 9 4 0 / C&RL News stein L ibrary o f th e U niversity o f Chicago, th e library o f th e U niversity o f Illinois-Chicago, and N orth w estern University. M ary Ann O ’N eil has jo in e d th e R eferen ce D e p a rtm e n t o f th e U niversity o f A rizona Library, Tucson. Judith M . Pask is now u n d erg rad u a te librarian at P u rd u e University L ibraries, W est Lafayette, Indiana. Jane E . P enner has b ee n ap p o in ted as assistant m usic librarian at th e U niversity o f Virginia, C h a r­ lottesville. C hestalene Pentozzi has jo in ed th e R eference D e p a rtm e n t o f th e U niversity o f Arizona L ibraiy, Tucson. E laine P eterson is now assistant d ean o f te c h ­ nical services at M ontana State University, Boze­ man. C ecilia P iccolo has b e e n ap p o in ted m edia and fine arts catalog librarian at Arizona State U ni- versity, Tucson. B eth F . P icknally has b e e n ap p o in ted h e a d in th e R ecord Production/C onsistency U nit, Biblio­ graphic R ecords Services a t th e U niversity o f Vir­ ginia, Charlottesville. Jean A . P oland has b e e n ap p o in ted assistant en g in eerin g librarian at P u rd u e University, W est L afayette, Indiana. Jean R ick is now h ea d o f th e R eference D e p a rt­ m e n t o f th e C o rn e tte L ibraiy, W est Texas State University, Canyon. D avid L . R iley has b e e n ap p o in ted public serv­ ice librarian in th e U niversity o f M ichigan’s M usic Library, A nn Arbor. Karen Robinson has b e e n ap p o in ted to th e com m unication and special collections at CB N University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. T im R oss is th e new librarian in th e M ap Library at th e University o f British Colum bia, Vancouver. B arbara F . Schloman has b ee n ap pointed h ea d o f referen c e an d u se r services at th e K en t State U niversity Libraries, Ohio. H elen Schmierer is now library system s/plan- n ing analyst a t Brown U niversity Library, Provi­ dence, R hode Island. B everley Scott has b ee n ap pointed h ea d o f th e M arjorie Sm ith Social W ork Library, at th e U niver­ sity o f British C olum bia, V ancouver. D oris M . Sigl has b e e n ap p o in ted assistant to th e assistant d irecto r for technical services at th e U niversity o f M ichigan Library, A nn Arbor. Steven Sorenson has jo in e d th e staff o f th e re feren c e d e p a rtm e n t a t W ichita State University, Kansas. B arbara Spaulding has b e e n ap p o in ted re tro ­ spective conversion co o rd in ato r at Brown U niver­ sity Library, P rovidence, R h o d e Island. Jane Stubblefield has b e e n ap p o in ted re fe r­ en ce librarian in th e A bbot V incent Taylor Library, B elm ont A bbey College, N o rth Carolina. E ric D . Suess has b ee n ap p o in ted acquisitions librarian at th e C orpus C hristi S tate University Library, Texas. Raghini Suresh has b e e n n am ed h e a d o f th e C hem istry an d Physics L ibrary o f th e K en t State U niversity L ibraries, Ohio. L inda K . T erhaar has b e e n ap p o in ted coordi­ n ato r o f collection m an ag em en t at th e University o f M ichigan Library, A nn Arbor. T heresa A . T obin has b ee n ap p o in ted associate h u m anities librarian at M assachussetts In stitu te o f Technology, C am bridge. Alice E stes T ucker has b e e n ap p o in ted as a referen ce librarian at D uke University, D urham , N o rth Carolina. E d Van G emert is th e n ew m icro co m p u ter and m edia c e n te r librarian at th e College L ibrary at th e U niversity ofW isconsin-M adison. J. D aniel Vann has b e e n a p p o in ted d ean o f library services, Bloom sburg U niversity o f P e n n ­ sylvania. N ueza V ieira has b e e n ap p o in ted referen ce librarian, a t Bloom sburg University o f Pennsylva­ nia. Rita W arnock is th e new cu ra to r o f broadsides at th e Brown U niversity Library, Providence, R hode Island. Rae Jean N . W iggins is now assistant D ew ey librarian at M assachusetts In stitu te o f Technology, Cam bridge. Paula Yalpani has b e e n ap p o in ted as an associ­ ate inform ation processing con su ltan t at th e U ni­ versity ofW isconsin-M adison. G retchen Yealy has b ee n ap p o in ted h e a d seri­ als catalog librarian a t Brown University, Provi­ d en ce, R hode Island. Deaths L oda Mae D avis, th e first d ean o fw o m en at th e U niversity o f California, R iverside d ied A ugust 25, 1989, a t Riverside C o m m unity Hospital. She was 92 years old. Davis becam e founding d ea n o f w om en an d assistant professor o f psychology in 1953. She re tire d in 1964. As d ean o f w om en she was responsible for a n u m b e r o f innovative steps. T h ese in clu d ed ending evening curfew s for w om en stu d en ts living in resid en ce halls an d lobbying for adm ission o f w om en to th e th e n all-male faculty club. A fter re tire m e n t Davis reta in ed an active involvem ent at th e university. T h e L oda M ae Davis Archives w ere established a t th e R ivera L ibrary to d o cu m en t successful w om en in academ ia. An oral history an d video d o cu m en tary w ere co m p leted tw o years ago. M any o f h e r p ap ers are in c lu d ed in th e library’s special collections. ■ ■