ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 422 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 C L A S S IF IE D Ad s Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: O rders for regular classified advertisem ents m ust reach the AC R L office on or before the second o f the m onth preceding publication o f the issue (e,g., Septem ber 2 fo r the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend o r holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis a fte r th e second of th e month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $10.50 per line for institutions th a t are AC RL m em bers, $12.60 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $24.25 per line fo r institutions th a t are AC R L m em bers, $29.50 fo r others. O rganizations subm it­ ting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Display ad rates range from $485 to $900 based upon size. P lease call fo r sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a c rl/. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest th a t date be no sooner than the 20th day of the m onth in w hich the notice appears (e .g ., O ctober 20 fo r the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents w ill be edited to exclude d is­ crim inatory references. A pplicants should be aw are that the term s fa cu lty ra nk and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on the W eb a t http://w w w Ads will be placed approxim ately four weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL N ew s is published. Contact: Elise Parker, C lassified A dvertising Manager, C&RL N ew s C lassified Advertising D epartm ent, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-m ail: c& rlnew sads@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. P O S I T I O N S O P E N A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IA N R E S ID E N C Y . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f M inn eso ta Libraries, Tw in C itie s C a m p us (h ttp ://w w w .lib .u m n .e d u /), h a s a stro n g c o m m itm e n t to equ al o p p o rtu n ity a nd a ffirm a tive action and o ffe rs a R e sid en cy Pro gram to in cre ase th e n u m b e r o f lib ra ria n s fro m u n d e rre p re se n te d p o p u la tio n s in a ca d e m ic re se arch lib ra rie s. T h is co n tin u in g p ro gra m is d e sig n e d to a ttra c t re ce nt g ra d u a te s o r lib ra ria n s w h o are w o rkin g in p ub lic, sp ecia l, o r o th e r lib ra rie s to a ca d e m ic re se arch lib ra ria n ship. Th e U n ive rsity o f M inn eso ta L ibrar­ ie s w ill in tro d u ce th e su cce ssfu l ca n d id a te to lib ra ria n sh ip in a la rg e, re se a rch -o rie n te d e nviron m e n t. During th e tw o -y e a r p ro gra m , the resident w ill have s e n io r colleague m entors, focused responsibilities in tw o m ajor units o f th e libraries, and sig nifican t o p p ortun itie s to p a rtici­ p ate in p ro fe ssio na l d e ve lo p m e n t a nd le ad e rsh ip tra in in g . R e qu ired Q ua lific a tio n s : M LS fro m an A L A -a ccre d ite d p ro g ra m o r its foreign e q u iva le n t (d e gre e re q u ire m e n t m u st be fu lfille d by tim e o f a p p o in t­ ment). A pplications a re encouraged from mem bers o f underrepresented g ro u p s in a ca d e m ic lib ra ria n sh ip , w h ich in clu de A frica n -A m e rica n , Am e rica n Indian, Asian, and H ispanic. Th e p ositio n is a full-tim e , tw o - ye ar, a ca d e m ic/p ro fe ssio n a l p ositio n a t the A ssista n t L ibrarian rank, w ith a m inim um s a la ry o f $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 plus e x c e lle n t b en efits, m oving allowance, and generous professional developm ent and travel support. Recruiting Schedule: Position is available August 1,2003. Applications w ill be a ccep ted until p ositio n is fille d . N o m in a tio n s a re s tro ng ly encouraged. Application P rocedure: A pp lica n ts should send a le tte r of application discussing background, experience, and reasons fo r inter­ e s t in th e R e sid e n cy P ro gram , a cu rre n t résum é, a nd nam es, a d ­ dresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Linda DeBeau- M e ltin g, L ibraries H um an R e so u rce s D irecto r, U n ive rsity Libraries, 4 99 W ilson , 3 0 9 1 9th A venue S outh, M inn ea p olis, MN 5 5455. P lease id e n tify a pp lica tio n w ith n u m b e r U L166. Th e U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e ­ s o ta is an e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e d u c a to r and em p loye r. A C Q U IS IT IO N S /T E C H N O L O G Y S E R V IC E S C O O R D I­ N A TO R . O n-site su p e rvisio n o f la w lib ra ry co lle ctio n re p lace m e n t p ro ject including co ordin a ting w o rk and su p e rvising P rocessing S p e ­ c ia lists, p ro viding a ccu ra te b ib lio g ra p h ic in form atio n to th e library, m aintaining a ccurate statistics, and e n su rin g th a t docum entation meets g u id e lin e s and p rovides a pp ro pria te a u d it inform ation. W ill a ssist with developm ent and docum entation o f procedures. Education: MLS from A LA -accredited library school. E xperience: M inim um tw o ye ars’ e xpe­ rience in technical services, including a cquisitions and co py cataloging u tilizin g O C L C W orld C a t; e xp e rie n ce w ith a cq u is itio n s system (s), p re fe ra b ly Inn o vative Interfaces; e xpe rie n ce w ith b ib lio g ra p h ic d a ta ­ b ase creation and m aintenance required. Skills: T h orough know ledge o f O C L C ca ta lo ging m o d ule a nd In n o va tive In te rfa ce s o r e q u iva le n t a cq u isitio n s system ; kn ow led g e o f m icro co m p u te rs and th e Internet. Location: H ouston, Te xas. C o m pensation: $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 5 5 ,0 0 0 p lus full benefits. For additional information a bo ut the position and Am igos, g oto Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and A LA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office fo r Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $26,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $30,249* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 *R a the r th a n e sta b lish o ne s ta te w id e s a lary m inim um , som e state associations have adopted a form u la based on variables such as com p ara b le salaries fo r public school tea ch ers in each co m m u ­ nity, o r th e gra de le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e se cases, you m ay w ish to co n ta ct the state associa tio n fo r m inim um sa lary inform ation. **Th e se re co m m e nd a tion s a p p ly o n ly to pub lic librarians. A m ig o s W e b s ite a tw w w .a m ig o s .o r g . F o r C o nside ra tion : S end le tte r o f app lica tio n, résum é, and three p rofessional references, a t le ast one o f w h ich has been in a s u p e rviso ry ca p a city o v e r yo u, to: A m ig o s L ib r a r y S e r v ic e s , In c ., 14400 M idw a y Road, D allas, T X 75244; e -m a il to: k lo te @ a m ig o s.o rg ; o r fa x to: (972) 991 -6061. A S S IS T A N T D E A N F O R IN F O R M A T IO N A N D IN S T R U C ­ T IO N A L S E R V IC E S . K e n n e d y L ib ra ry , C a lif o r n ia P o ly te c h ­ C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 423 Eastern Connecticut State University J. Eugene Smith Library DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Eastern Connecticut State University invites applications and nominations in its search fo r an exemplary Director of Library Services to provide leadership to the University’s library services and programs. Eastern Connecticut State University is the state’s public liberal arts university, serving approxim ately 5,000 students and located in historic Windham County, in the heart of eastern Connecticut. The J. Eugene Smith Library is a state-of-the-art, award winning library o f 127,000 square feet, with over 250,000 volumes o f p rint and electronic books, 120 databases, and over 900 seats. Reporting to the Vice President f o r Academic Affairs, the Director is responsible f o r all library operations and services, including supervision of 28 professional, paraprofessional and support staff. The Director works with librarians, faculty, and adm inistration to provide an appropriate collection o f and access to materials and resources in all form ats; supports program s in inform ation literacy and related orientation and instruction; introduces, directs, and evaluates the adoption of technological advances and end-user applications; plans, develops, and maintains library facilities conducive to research and learning. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; Doctorate preferred; six years o f adm inistrative experience in an academic library setting w ith experience in personnel supervision, staff development and evaluation, team building, strategic planning and budgeting, strong oral and w ritten com m unication; and com m itm ent to service excellence. Please subm it a letter of application, resume, and three current letters of reference or nominations to: Ms. Lisa Smith, Eastern Connecticut State University, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 0 6 2 2 6 . Screening w ill begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. ECSU is an AA/EEO employer. Women, members of protected classes and people w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. World Wide Web: n ie S ta te U n iv e r s ity , San L uis O b isp o , C a lifo rn ia. F u ll-tim e, 12- month, A ssociate L ibrarian, te n u re -tra ck position, b eginning S ep tem ­ ber 1 ,2 0 0 3 . C lo sin g d ate is J u n e 30, 2 003. F o r d e ta ils o f position, q u a lif ic a t io n s , a n d a p p lic a t io n in s t r u c ti o n s , p le a s e v is it w w w .ca lp o lyjo b s.o rg , co m p le te an o n line a p p lica tio n , a nd a p p ly to req uisition # 1 0 0 0 5 9 . F o r q u e stio n s, p le a se co n ta c t L ynd a A la m o , e- mail: lalamo@ ca lp o ly.e d u . E qual o pp ortun ity em ployer. C A T A L O G E R , E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S A N D S P E ­ C IA L F O R M A T S . T h e in cu m b e n t w ill be re sp o n sib le fo r th e o rig in al and com plex co py cataloging o f electronic and special form a t materials, and m o n o g ra p h s in all su b je c ts a nd in v a rio u s la n g u a g e s fo r m ain campus libraries. S erves as th e resource p erson fo r resolving ca ta lo g ­ ing problem s, and has re sponsibility fo r form ulating and recom m ending cataloging p o licie s fo r e le ctro n ic re so urce s, sp e cia l fo rm a t m aterials, and d ig ita l re s o u rc e s . M in im u m Q u a lific a tio n s : M LS fro m an ALA-accredited program ; m inim um tw o ye a rs’ p rofessional cataloging e xpe rie n ce in an a c a d e m ic o r re se arch lib ra ry; w o rkin g e xp e rtis e of current ca ta lo ging stan d ards and p ractices, and fa m ilia rity w ith e sta b ­ lished and e m e rg in g m e ta d a ta s ta n d a rd s and m a rk-up la ng u ag e s; d em onstrated kn ow led g e o f is su es and tre n d s in e lectron ic re sources ca ta lo ging a nd d ig ita l lib ra ry in itia tive s; re cord o f p a rticip a tio n and a cco m p lish m e n t w ith in th e lib ra ry p ro fe ssio n. S a la ry/B e n e fits/R a n k: Senior Assistant Librarian Stony Brook University’s Health Sciences Library is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Senior Assistant Librarian. The position is part of the Health Sciences Library’s Center for Health Care Informatics Education. Required-. MLS or its equivalent from an ALA accredited program and two years of experience in a public services environment. Excellent interpersonal written and verbal communication skills, effective teaching skills, commit­ ment to public service, and the ability and flexibility to both work independently and in a team environment. Training and experience in the use of information technology, searching databases, and the Internet. Preferred Experience in reference service in a health sciences library. Primary responsibilities include developing courses, teaching and consulting in the library’s formal education program including curriculum integrated informatics instruction and support of evidence-based practice. Active participation in general and specialized reference service including database searching, electronic and traditional resources, general and specialized instruction, research/ consultation services, and outreach to the university, hospital, and community. Participation in special projects. Twelve month, tenure-track faculty position. Salary range: $40,000-$50,000 with standard healthcare and TIAA/CREF retirement package. Continuing education and professional development opportunities encouraged and supported. **Application review will start 05/28/2003. Applications submitted subsequent to the closing date will be considered on a first-come basis until position is filled. Interested applicants should submit a résumé, cover letter, and the names and contact information of three (3) professional references to: Colleen Kenefick, Associate Librarian HSC Library, Level 3, Room 136 Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-8034 AA/EOE. For other job opportunities, se e www Salary range begins a t $42,000, plus a com prehensive benefits package in clu din g 21 d a ys p e r y e a r p aid le ave , m e d ical; T IA A -C R E F ; tuition ssistan ce. T o Apply: R eview o f a pp lica tio ns beg in s Ju ne 1 ,2 0 03 , and o ntin ue s until position is filled. S ub m it le tte r o f application and résum é ith the n am es and co n ta ct in form ation of three references to: Irene M. H o ffm a n , In te rim P e rs o n n e l L ib ra ria n , L a u in g e r L ib r a r y -5 2 2 , G e o rg e to w n U n iv e r s ity , 3 7th a nd O S tre e ts, N.W ., W a sh ing ton , D.C. 200 57 -1 1 74 ; o r e-m ail: lib h r@ g e orge tow n .ed u . G eorg e to w n uni­ e rs ity is an equ al o p p ortun ity, a ffirm a tive a ction em p loye r. C O O R D IN A T O R , I N F O R M A T IO N L IT E R A C Y P R O ­ G R A M S . C o ate s Lib rary, T r i n it y U n iv e r s ity , San A n to nio. A v a il­ a ble Ju n e 1 ,2 0 0 3 . F o r in form atio n , plea se see: h ttp ://lib .trin ity .e d u / libinfo/positions/index.shtm l. F A C U L T Y D IR E C T O R , C A T A L O G IN G D E P A R T M E N T . U niversity o f C o lo ra do a t Boulder. Th e U niversity o f C o lo ra do Libraries is th e la rg e st re se arch lib ra ry in th e R o cky M o u nta in region. It is co m m itte d to p ro viding in te lle ctu a l a cce ss to all ty p e s o f m a te ria ls in confo rm a nce w ith national and in ternational stan d ards and to d e ve lo p ­ in g sta n d a rd s and b uildin g co o p e ra tive re so urce s th ro u g h a ctive p ar­ ticip a tio n in and co n trib u tio n to co o p e ra tive p ro gra m s. T h e F a culty D ire cto r o f the Cataloging Departm ent reports to the A ssociate Director a c w v 424 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 M M u r r a y u S ta t r e U r n i v a e r s i y t y Dean o f University Libraries M urray State U niversity seeks nom inations and applications for D ean o f U niversity L ibraries. R eporting to the Provost and Vice P resident for A cadem ic A ffairs, the dean se rv e s as the c h ie f lib ra ry a d m in is tra tiv e o ffice r, p ro v id in g c re a tiv e le a d e rs h ip in c o o rd in a tin g a c tiv itie s w ith a ca d em ic p ro g ra m s in the c o lle g es a nd th ro u g h o u t the university. T his is a tw elve-m onth tenure-track p o sition to begin as soon as possible, but n ot later than July 1, 2004. R equired qualifications include a m asters degree from a program accredited by the A m erican Library Association; a record o f research and professional achievem ent qualifying fo r appointm ent as full or associate p rofessor; a m inim um o f five years o f successful leadership experience w ith p rogressively increasing adm inistrative responsibilities in a four-year college, university or special library; dem onstrated strength in com m unication and interpersonal com m unication; success in developing and/or im plem enting technological innovation in a library; successful experience in m anaging a com prehensive b udget and in long-range planning; proven ability to provide supportive leadership to the library faculty, s ta ff and student assistants; a record w hich d em onstrates success in establishing planning goals, priorities and policies for developm ent o f collections; success in securing external funding for the library th rough grants or through a p rivate contribution program ; and a strong record o f successful professional interaction w ith regional bu sin ess and industry, c o m m u n ity a n d o th e r lib ra ry p ro fe s s io n a ls . C a n d id a te s m u st d e m o n s tra te th ro u g h exp erien c e and train in g a c le a r u n d e rstan d in g o f info rm a tio n technology, sc holarly com m unications, a nd the changing role o f the academ ic library. M urray State is a com prehensive regional un iv ersity o f 9,800 students located in w est K entucky, w ith a reputation for quality undergraduate and graduate program s from the baccalaureate through the Ed.S. and collaborative doctoral program s in selected disciplines. Its strong com m itm ent to enhance the lives o f w est K entucky citizens has resulted in the developm ent o f four regional outreach centers as w ell as a grow ing international program . M urray State libraries c onsist o f (1) the H arry Lee W aterfield Library, housing 924,000 resource m aterials including 448,000 b o und volum es a nd includes seven adm inistrative units: R eference, Periodicals, G overnm ent D ocum ents, C irculation, C ataloging, M edia and A cquisitions, (2) the Jam es O verby L aw Library, and (3) the F orrest C. Pogue Library, w hich houses local and regional history, the collections o f several notable K entucky authors (Jesse S tuart, Irvin S. C obb, a nd others) and the F o rre st P ogue W ar and D iplom acy C ollection. A pplications w ill be accepted through Septem ber 1 ,2 0 0 3 . A pplications should include a letter o f application, p rofessional resum e, and the nam es and addresses o f five current references. Please include em ail addresses and phone num bers fo r applicant and references. R eferences w ill be contacted only in later stages o f the screening process. N om inations and applications should be sent to: Dr. B ill P r ic e , D e a n o f U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s S e a r c h , 3 3 3 W e lls H a ll, M u r r a y , K Y 4 2 0 7 1 -3 3 1 8 . M urray State U niversity is an equal education and em ploym ent opportunity, M /F/D , A A em ployer, w w w . m ur r a y s ta te .e d u C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 425 Syracuse University Library Special Collections Research Center Curator of Rare Books and Printed Materials T h e S y r a c u s e U n iv e r s ity L i b r a r y S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s R e s e a rc h C e n t e r s e e k s a k n o w le d g e ­ a b le , e n e rg e tic , te a m -o rie n te d lib r a r ia n w ith tw o o r m o re y e a rs o f p ro f e s s io n a l e x p e r ie n c e w o rk ­ in g w ith s p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s to s e rv e as th e C e n te r’s C u ra to r o f R a re B o o k s a n d P rin te d M a te ria ls . T h e in c u m b e n t o f th is n ew ly d e fin e d p o s itio n w ill h a v e a n o p p o rtu n ity to s h a p e th e fu tu re o f th e se im p o rta n t a re a s o f th e C e n t e r ’s c o lle c tio n s. C o n ta c t: To c o m p le te an o n lin e a p p lic a tio n th r o u g h th e I n t e r n e t , p le a s e g o to : w w w .s u jo b o p p s .c o m a n d a p p ly to j o b # 0 2 0 6 4 1 . A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld a tta c h b o th a c o v e r le tte r a n d re s u m e w ith th e a p p lic a ti o n a n d in c lu d e n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e : J u ly 11, 2 0 0 3 The fu ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n an d s a la r y r a n g e s a re p o s t e d at: h t t p : / / l i b w w w .s y r .e d u / i n f o r - m a t io n /e m p lo y m e n t/ Syracuse University is an Affim ative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. U N IV ERSITY LIB RA RIA N University of California, Santa Cruz The University of California, Santa Cruz in­ vites applications from individuals for its Uni­ versity Librarian opening. The candidate must translate vision into prac­ tice, respond to the rapidly changing and complex higher education environment, bal­ ance existing library services and resources with emerging technologies, and participate in consortia and professional associations. The University Librarian will provide leader­ ship of operations, staffing, and services as the library moves into the advanced stages of a significant building expansion project and accelerated campus growth. Additional details about the position, campus, University of California system, and surround­ ing community can be accessed at: http:// UCSC is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Social Sciences Reference Librarian to serve as subject specialist in the social sciences and liaison to departments. Provide reference services, deliver bibliographic instruction in cooperation with faculty, develop and maintain reference and instruction web pages, and assist in super­ M UHLENBERG vision o f student C O L L E G E assistants. Som e eve­ ning/weekend hours required. ALA-accredited MLS plus a second master’s, preferably in a traditional social science discipline, o r two years social science reference and bibliographic instruction experience in an academic library required. Know ledge o f netw orked com puters, the Internet, electronic databases and HTM L required, as are excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to interact effectively with colleagues, students, faculty, and other library patrons, and a strong service orientation are required. Working knowledge o f government documents is preferred. Salary: mid-to-high $30’s, depending on qualifications. Send letter o f interest, resume, and the nam es, phones num bers and addresses o f three professional references to: T h o m a s M . Gaughan, Director, Trexler Library, M uhlenberg College, A llentow n, PA 18104. A pplication review begins immediately, and will continue until position is filled. Muhlenberg College is an equal opportunity employer. fo r T e chn ica l S ervices. Th e F a culty D irecto r is re sp on sib le fo r overall m a n ag em en t o f th e d e p a rtm e n t, w h ich co n s is ts o f 11 fa cu lty, tw o professional staff, 11 su p p o rt staff, and student assistants. The Faculty D ire cto r w o rks c lo s e ly w ith th e L ib ra rie s S yste m s O ffice and P ublic S ervices u n its in d e ve lo ping p o licie s and p ra ctice s fo r the o nline c a ta lo g, in te rin s titu tio n a l co o p e ra tio n , d ig ita l in itia tiv e s , etc. T h e d e ­ partm ent is responsible fo r original and co py cataloging o f m onographs and se ria ls acquired and processed centrally, including print, nonprint, and electronic m aterials; database maintenance; retrospective conver­ sio n; a nd co o rd in a tio n o f ca ta lo g in g p o licy lib ra rie sw id e . T h e d e p a rt­ m ent is cu rre ntly e ng aged in a p artially outso urced pro ject to co m p lete an e le c tro n ic in ve n to ry o f the L ibraries co lle ctio n s and to prepare m a terials fo r o ff-site storage. S om e o th e r ca ta lo ging a ctivities m ay be outsourced u nd erC a ta lo ging D epartm ent oversight. Cataloging is per­ form ed on O C LC fo r in clusion in the local Innovative Interfaces system and in the regional o nline ca ta lo g, Prospector. Th e dep artm en t p a rtici­ pate s in the Pro gram f o r C o o p e ra tive C a ta lo g in g (in clu d in g NACO, S AC O ) a nd E nh a nce . In fu rth e ra n c e o f lib ra rie s m ission a nd d e p a rt­ m ental g oa ls, the F a culty D ire cto r te a ch e s in th e a re a o f e xp e rtise as n e ce ssary. T h e F a cu lty D ire cto r is a p rim e p a rtic ip a n t in an o ng oing p ro gra m to re ce n tra lize o ve rsig h t o f ca ta lo g in g a ctivitie s fo r th o se m a te ria ls cu rre n tly h andled n o n cen tra lly. Th e F a culty D ire cto r is a m e m b e r o f th e te n u re -stre a m Lib raries facu lty. S ig nifica n t p arts o f the re sp o n sib ilitie s o f th is p ositio n are re se arch and c re a tive w o rk and s e rvice in ke ep in g w ith th e te n u re sta n d a rd s o f th e U n ive rsity of C o lorado a t Boulder. Position R equirem ents: M a ster’s degree from an A LA -a ccre dite d program ; six ye a rs o f p ro g re ssive ly m ore responsible e xp e rie n ce in ca ta lo g in g , in clu din g th re e ye a rs in a re se arch lib ra ry u tilizin g an a uto m a te d system and b ib lio g ra p h ic utility; d em on strate d skills in m anagem ent, supervision, and training; creativity and initiative in re so lvin g p ro ble m s and im ple m e ntin g c h an ge ; d em on strate d oral and w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n s skills; p o te n tia l fo r s ch o la rly w o rk and se rvice ; e xp e rie n ce w ith a natio na l co o p e ra tive ca ta lo g in g p ro gra m such as P C C o r N AC O , etc. D e sira b le Q ua lifica tio n s: E xp e rie n ce o r kn ow ledge o f any o f the follow ing w ill enhance a candidacy: cataloging o f a va rie ty o f typ e s and fo rm a ts o f m a terials, in clu din g print, nonprint, and electronic; experience with creation of metadata; digitization; project m anagem ent; outsourcing; policy developm ent; docum entation; d em ­ o n stra ted a cco m p lish m e n ts in re se arch , c re a tive w o rk, and se rvice . Appointm ent and Salary: Th e successful candidate w ill be appointed as 426 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 TWO P O SITIO N S A V A IL A B L E Yale University Yale University Library Seeks Applications and Nominations for Two Positions: Science Cataloging Coordinator/Library Shelving Facility Cataloging Coordinator and Science Librarian. The university library, which is a highly valued partner in teaching and research at the University, has more than 10.5 million volumes housed in the Sterling Memorial Library and 22 school and departmental libraries. It employs a dynamic and innovative staff of nearly 600 FTE who have the opportunity to work with the highest caliber of faculty and students, participate on committees, and are involved in other areas of staff development. For additional information on the Yale University Library, please visit the Library’s Web site at: The science libraries include the Kline Science Library, Sterling Chemistry Library, the Engineering and Applied Science Library, the Forestry and Environmental Sciences Library, the Geology Library, and the Mathematics Library. For additional information, you may view the Yale University Science Libraries Web site: http://www Science Cataloging Coordinator/Library Shelving Facility Cataloging Coordinator This position has two distinct sets of responsibilities. First is responsibility for coordinating the Science Libraries’ cataloging operation. Second, the position oversees the bibliographic processing of materials transferred to the Library Shelving Facility. Both aspects of the positions report to the Catalog Department. Science Librarian Serves as a member of an information services team providing information services in a distributed, innovative, and technologically sophisticated environment utilizing the Yale University Library On-line Catalog, various local and remote information databases, and a superb historical paper-based collection. Provides reference desk and on-line reference assistance; in-depth research assistance; and library-based critical thinking instruction. For a complete description and application guidelines for both positions, please see: http://www l. a fu ll-tim e (12-m onth) ten ure-stream fa cu lty m em ber. D epending upon d e m o n stra te d a cco m p lis h m e n ts in rese arch , c re a tive w o rk, a nd se r­ vice , a p p o in tm e n t w ill be a t the a ssista n t, a sso cia te , o r fu ll p ro fe sso r level. S ta rtin g S a la ry R ange: $ 6 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 6 7 ,0 0 0 . B e n e fits in clu d e 22 w o rkin g days of vacation, 10 paid holidays, liberal sick leave, u niversity g ro up h ea lth care plans, g ro up life in suran ce , T IA A -C R E F re tire m e nt and a n n u ity, and su p p o rt fo r s c h o la rly a nd p ro fe ssio n a l a ctivitie s. T e n u re d lib ra ria n s a re e lig ib le fo r sa b b a tica l le ave . A p p lic a tio n P ro ­ ce s s : R e vie w o f a p p lic a tio n s and n o m in a tio n s w ill beg in im m e d ia te ly and continue until th e p ositio n is filled. It is su gg este d th a t a pp lica tio ns be on file w ith the se arch co m m itte e by J u ly 1 ,2 0 0 3 . S end le tte r of application specifically addressing qualifications fo r the position, résumé, a nd nam es, p o sta l a nd e -m a il a d d re sse s, a nd te le p h o n e n u m b e rs of th re e re feren ces to: S co tt Seam an, A ssociate D ire c to r fo r A d m in istra ­ tive S ervices, U n ive rsity L ib ra rie s, 184 UCB, U n iv e r s ity o f C o lo ­ ra d o a t B o u ld e r , B oulder, C O 8 03 09 -0 1 84 . T h e fu ll p ositio n d e s c rip ­ tio n ca n v ie w e d a t: h ttp ://w w w -lib ra rie s .c o lo r a d o .e d u /ttp /ia a / jo b s_ ca ta lo g ing .htm . T he U n ive rsity o f C o lo ra do a t B o u ld e r is co m m it­ ted to d iversity and e qu ality in e d u catio n and em ploym ent. H E A D O F A C Q U IS IT IO N S S E R V IC E S . S c a rb o ro u g h -P h illip s L ib ra ry a t S t. E d w a rd ’ s U n iv e r s ity in A ustin , T e xas, se e k s an energetic, service-oriented librarian to provide leadership and m a n ag e ­ m ent in all a reas o f acqu isitio n s services, including se ria ls and ca ta lo g ­ ing. T h is is an 11-m on th fa cu lty a p p o in tm e n t a t the In s tru c to r o r A s s is ­ tan t P ro fe sso r level com m e nsu ra te w ith q u a lifica tio ns and experience. S e e w w w .ste dw ards.e du /hu m r/J0 30 7 1.h tm fo r a ll d e ta ils o f th e position and a pplication in structions. Equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. H E A D O F P U B L IC S E R V IC E S F O R S P E C IA L C O L L E C ­ T IO N S . P rin ce to n U n iv e rs ity L ibrary, P rin ceto n, N e w Je rse y. T he P rin ceto n U n ive rsity Library, o ne o f th e w o rld ’s m o st re sp ecte d re ­ search in stitutio ns, se rve s a d iverse co m m u nity o f 6 ,6 0 0 stu d e n ts and 1 ,100 fa c u lty m e m b e rs w ith m o re th a n 6 m illio n p rin te d vo lu m e s, 5 m illio n m a n u scrip ts, a nd 2 m illio n n o n p rin t ite m s. T h e h old in g s in its ce n tra l lib ra ry a nd 15 sp ec ia liz e d lib ra rie s ra n ge fro m a n c ie n t p apyri and in cun a bu la to the m ost adva nce d e lectron ic d ata ba ses and digital collections. The library em ploys a dedicated and know ledgeable staff of more than 3 00 professional and su pp ort person ne l, com plem ented by a la rg e stu d e n t a nd h o u rly w o rkfo rce . M o re in form atio n can be fou n d a t th e lib ra ry’s W e b site: h ttp ://lib w e b .p rin ce to n .e d u . A va ilab le : Im m e d i­ ately. D e scrip tio n : T h is is one o f tw o n ew s e n io r p o sitio n s d e s ig n e d to p ro vid e d e p a rtm e n tw id e le ad e rsh ip as part o f a m a jo r re o rga n iza tion (the o th e r position being fo r technical services). Th e d e p artm en t seeks a person w ho has the capacity to thrive in an e nvironm ent o f change and to fo s te r th a t ca p a city in o th e rs. T h e in cu m b e n t w ill b e re sp on sib le fo r tw o a c tiv e p u b lic s e rvice o p e ra tio n s, o ne a t th e F iresto ne L ib ra ry and th e o th e r a t th e S e e le y G . M udd M a n u scrip t L ibrary. T o g e th e r the reading room s se rve m ore than 5 ,000 research e rs ann ua lly, and th o u ­ sands m o re se ek help by m ail, p hone, fax, e-m a il, and W e b form s. Th e reference o p e ra tion s are p articula rly c o m p lex in th a t the hold in g s span five m ille nn ia and five co n tin e n ts, and in clu de a pp ro xim a te ly 300 ,00 0 rare o r sig n ifica n t printed w orks; 4 0 ,0 0 0 lin e ar fe e t o f textu al m aterials, ranging from cu ne iform ta b le ts to co nte m p ora ry m anuscripts; a w ealth o f prints, d raw ings, p ho tographs, m aps, coins, and o th e r visual m a teri­ als; th e C o tsen C h ild re n ’s Library; and th e P rin ce to n U n ive rsity A r­ ch ive s. T h e p riv a te ly o w n e d S ch e id e L ib ra ry is a sso cia te d w ith the d e p artm en t. Th e in cum be n t w ill be e xpected to pro vide so m e frontline reference assistan ce in add itio n to th e m anagerial responsibilities. The p o sitio n m ay a lso h ave cu ra to ria l re sp o n sib ilitie s, d e p e n d in g upon appro pria te su bje ct kn ow ledge and qualifications. Th e issues th a t face the su ccessfu l cre a tive and innovative m a n ag er include: a utom ation o f u se r re co rds; d e p a rtm e n t se c u rity ; s tra te g ic p la n n in g w ith re g ard to space, resource allocation, and personnel fo r effective d elivery o f public services; proactive outreach to facu lty and students; digital re serves fo r sp ecia l co lle c tio n s m a terials; re sp o n sib ility f o r the d e p a rtm e n t’s W eb site; h ours o f service; integration and scheduling o f a ppropriate cu ra to ­ rial and su pp ort staff into reference operations; co ordination and review o f m a n u a ls c u rre n tly used fo r re fe re n ce o p e ra tio n s; d e live ry o f photo s e rvice s (inclu d ing s c a nn in g); re o rga n iza tion o f the d e p a rtm e n t’s tw o re a din g ro o m s; use o f s e m in a r ro o m s; cro s s -fe rtiliz a tio n w ith in the d epartm ent’s cu rre nt reference delivery points. In all o f these areas, this p o sitio n m u st w o rk c lo s e ly a nd h a rm o n io u sly w ith c u ra to ria l staff, s e e kin g th e kn o w le d g e and a d vice o f th e s e s u b je c t s p e c ia lis ts w ho sh are th e re sp on sib ility fo r delivery o f p ub lic se rvices. Th e position has m a jo r re sp o n sib ilitie s fo r h irin g , tra in in g , su p e rvising , and o versee in g w o rk flo w fo r th o s e in volved in ro o m s u p e rvisio n , re ce p tio n , photo se rvice s, and so on. C u rrently, tw o pro fe ssio na l and e igh t su pp ort staff C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 427 R E F E R E N C E AND S U B J E C T LIB RA RIA N FO R A R T AND A R C H IT E C T U R E Washington University The Olin Library System of Washington University is seeking a librarian who is innovative, technologi­ cally literate, and interested in exploring new options for providing proactive services for the position of Reference and Subject Librarian for Art and Architecture. This position, which reports to the Art and Architecture Librarian, will be responsible for developing and implementing effective, user-centered reference and instructional programs and services for users of the Art and Architecture Library; for collection development and faculty liaison for assigned subjects; and for participation in the develop­ ment of electronic multimedia resources and services to improve access to information by users in the Library and the Sam Fox Arts Center. The Art and Architecture Library is one of eight departmental libraries serving the Washington University community as part of the Olin Library System. With the School of Architecture, School of Art, Department of Art History and Archaeology, and the Gallery of Art, the Art and Architecture Library is a member of the Sam Fox Arts Center. The Art and Architecture Library supports the teaching, research, and creative activities of the C enter with information services, electronic information access, and a collection of over 99,000 volumes. Washington University, located on the edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality and diversity of its faculty and student body. Situated in the heart of the midwest, St. Louis is considered one of the 10 most livable cities in the United States. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; undergraduate degree in art, architecture, or art history (advanced degree preferred); experience providing reference and library- instructional service. Desirable: knowledge of electronic information technologies; knowledge of electronic resources in art and architecture; reading knowledge of a Western-European language; knowledge of HTML and Web page design; experience with digital imaging projects; strong commitment to proactive library service and enthusiasm for work with students and faculty; ability to initiate, plan, and carry out projects, both independently and as a member of a team; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Salary Range: $30,000-38,000 based on qualifications and experience; excellent benefits package. Additional information about the Library and Washington University is available at: and A detailed job description is available at: artarch/search.html. For more information about the St. Louis region, see: For full consideration, applicants should send a letter of application, résumé and the names of three references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 Initial review of applications will begin June 30,2003. Applications received by June 30 will be given first consideration. Em ploym ent eligibility verification required upon hire. Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. will rep ort d ire c tly to th is p ositio n , b ut m a n y o th e r p ro fe ssio n a l and support sta ff are in volved in p ro vid in g re feren ce a nd research a s s is ­ tance. T h is p ositio n re p o rts to th e A sso cia te U n ive rsity L ibrarian fo r Rare Books and S pecial Collections and w ill be one of the key mem bers of the m a n ag em en t te a m fo r th e d epartm ent. Q ualifications: R equired: MLS o r e q u iva le n t co m b ina tio n o f edu catio n and pro fe ssio na l e xp e ri­ ence; a t le ast three ye a rs’ e xperience in the d elivery o f public services, p referably in a sp ecia l c o lle c tio n s e nviron m e n t, and as an e ffe ctive supervisor o f both professional and support staff; dem onstrated under­ standing o f p ub lic se rvice s fun ctio ns and kn ow ledge o f b est pra ctices and c u rre n t tre n d s in the provision o f in form atio n services; know ledge of research issues, trends, teaching m ethods, and instructional design in the h u m an itie s a nd so cial scie nce s; d e m o n stra te d kn ow led g e o f library technology and experience with library autom ation and W eb site d e ve lo p m e n t and m a in ten an ce ; e xce lle n t w ritte n , o ral, and in te rp e r­ sonal skills; language skills in one or more W estern languages. Strongly Preferred: m a ster’s o r Ph.D. in a relevant hum an itie s dis cip lin e. C o m ­ p e n satio n and B en e fits: C o m p en sa tion w ill be c o m p e titive and c o m ­ m e n sura te w ith e xp e rie n ce and a cco m plishm e n ts. T w e n ty -fo u r (24) vacatio n days a year, p lus eleven (11) paid holidays. A n n u ity program (TIA A -C R E F ), g ro up life in suran ce , h ea lth c o ve ra g e in suran ce , d is ­ a b ility in suran ce , and o th e r b en efits a re a vailab le . N o m in a tion s and A p p lica tio n s: R e vie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill beg in im m ed ia tely and w ill continue until the position is filled. N om inationsand applications (résumé and th e nam es, title s, a d d re sse s, and pho ne n um be rs o f th re e re fe r­ ence s) sh o u ld be s e n t as a M icro so ft W ord a tta chm en t via e -m a il to: lib hrpro@; o r by fa x to: (609) 258-0454. S ubm issions via re g ula r m ail are also w elcom ed and can be se nt to: Search C om m ittee 428 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 EMORY TWO P O SITIO N S A V A IL A B L E Emory University Emory University’s General Libraries invites nominations and applications tor two positions: Director, Collection Management and the Director of Special Collections and Archives. Reporting to the Vice Provost and Director of Libraries, both positions serve as division leaders and have strategic responsibility for advancing collections and programs in support of the university’s research and education program. Within a team-based and user- centered organization, both positions are among the division and office leaders who form the library’s senior management team, the Executive Strategy Group. The directors represent the library in key national and regional consortia, organizations, and initiatives. We encourage forward-looking, imaginative, and resourceful candidates to apply. Director, Collection Management Provides vision and leads the development of collections in all disciplines and academic programs and in all formats within the context of the library’s mission and strategic direction. Has budget responsibility for information resources and participates in making strategic decisions for the overall library budget. Works closely with the special collections division to coordinate the development of general and special collections. Cultivates consortia and other relationships to promote collaborative collection building and resource sharing. Provides leadership fo r collection assessment fo r a research library and collaborates with other division directors in planning for long-term collection space and storage needs. Coordinating with other leaders, the director leads the collection management work of 25 departmental liaisons who serve on multiple teams. Coordinates the development of effective procedures and training, evaluating outcomes to enhance collection management activities. Strong consideration will be given to individuals in mid-level positions aspiring fo r greater responsibility, as well as to those in senior positions. Required: MLS with a second advanced degree preferred, or a Ph.D. with experience in a research library and a broad understanding of the issues in collection development for a research university; active participation in collection management developments on the national scene; knowledge of current trends in scholarly publishing, particularly with regard to electronic resources; experience with budget preparation and allocations for information resources; strong interpersonal and management skills and ability to lead effectively in a team-based environment; experience negotiating with vendors and publishers; understanding of technology to enhance effectiveness in collection management opera­ tions; record of contribution to professional associations. Preferred: Experience with developing collection management policies; experience initiating or designing a collection assessment plan; proficiency in one or more Western European languages; and experience with license agreements. For more information on Collection Management, see: index.html. Director, Special Collections and Archives Provides vision and leadership for all aspects of a division housing major collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archives. Coordinates all special collections operations with other library divisions and units in a collegial and collaborative environment. Coordinates the development of major collecting areas in modern literature, African American collections, southern history, and general rare book collections, directing the work of three full-time curators and nine other FTE who provide cataloging, (continued on next page) fo r Lib rarian : H ead o f P ub lic S e rvice s fo r S p e cia l C o lle ction s, c /o Lila F re d en bu rg , H um an R e so u rce s L ib rarian , P rin c e to n U n iv e r s ity Library, O ne W ash ing ton Road, Princeton, NJ 08544 -2 0 98 . P rinceton U n ive rsity is an e qu al o p p ortun ity, a ffirm a tive a ction em p loye r. L IB R A R Y IN S T U C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R . C o lu m b ia C o l­ le ge C hicago seeks an enthusiastic and energetic individual to develop, coordinate, and promote a campuswide user education program fo r under­ graduate and graduate students. Responsibilities include teaching informa­ tion literacy classes, developing new instruction w o rksh op s o r courses, coordinating and evaluating all instructional activities, and providing exten­ sive outreach to faculty. Duties include reference desk services (possible e ven ingsorw eekends),serving as liaison fo r academ ic d epartm ents(s), a nd p e rfo rm in g as A c tin g H ead o f R e fe re n ce w h e n re q uired . A LA -a ccre dite d M LS w ith m inim um o f tw o ye a rs ’ p ro fe ssio na l e xp e ri­ e nce in a cad em ic lib ra ry in stru ctio n ; kn o w le d g e o f tra d itio n a l and e le ctro n ic resources; excellent com m unication skills and strong public service attitude; knowledge of instructional concepts, m ethodologies, and technologies; a bility to w o rk in a culturally diverse co lle ge environm ent. S u p e rviso ry e xp e rie n ce a plus. W e o ffe r a c o m p e titive s a la ry and e xcellen t b e n efits packa ge . M ino rity and w om en a p p lica n ts a re e spe ­ cia lly encouraged to apply. P lease su bm it a co ve r le tte r and résum é to: L ib ra ry, L IC -1 , C o lu m b ia C o lle g e , 6 00 S. M ich ig a n A ven u e, C hicago, IL 6 0605. Equal o pp ortun ity em ployer, m /f/d/v. R E F E R E N C E /IN S T R U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . (T w o p o s itio n s ) U n ive rsity o f G eo rg ia . R e sp o n sib le to Head, R e feren ce D e pa rtm e n t, fo r a ss is tin g stu d e n ts, fa cu lty, and sta ff in m a kin g e ffe ctive use o f e le ctro n ic lib ra ry re so u rce s in all u n d e rg ra d u a te c u rricu lu m su b je cts a nd in co m m o n w o rd p ro cessin g , sp re ad she e t, and pre sen tatio n s o ft­ w a re . In c u m b e n t tea ch es use o f data ba ses, Internet, and applica tio ns software; d evelops knowledge b ase s fo r faculty th a t w ish to incorporate b ib lio g ra p h ie s o f e lectron ic re so urce s into e lectron ic cu rricu lu m m od­ ules. Description o f d utie s and qualifications: w w w res/ jo bs/fa culty.h tm l. Sta n da rd ben efits p acka ge includes life, health, and d isab ility insurance, m an da tory participa tio n in state o r optio na l re tire ­ m e n t s ystem , 21 d a y s ’ a nn ua l le ave , a nd 12 p aid h olida ys. Salary: $ 31 ,00 0. App lica tio n P rocedure: S end le tte r o f a pplication a ddressing qualifications, résumé, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f th re e re feren ces, by Ju n e 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 , to: T h o m a s C e tw in ski, H um an C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 429 (continued from previous page) processing, public services, instruction, and outreach for the division. Manages budgeted and allocated funds for acquisitions and a program of fundraising and donor development in coordination with the library’s Development Office; participates in making strategic decisions for the overall library budget. Will lead planning for a new special collections library that will be part of a major capital campaign. Required: MLS with a second advanced degree preferred (preferably English or history), or a Ph. D. with broad knowledge and experience in the management of special collections and archives, including experience in collection development and donor relations; demonstrated under­ standing of the major issues affecting the management and development of special collections and research libraries in a changing environment; understanding of digital technologies in special collections; strong commitment to the mission of a research library and to promoting the use of special collections materials in teaching and research; demonstrated leadership ability and ability to work collaboratively and effectively with faculty, staff, students, and other constituencies; excellent communication skills, both written and oral. Preferred: Experience planning new or renovated facilities; experience in grant writing and management. For more information on Special Collections and Archives, see: SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Compre­ hensive benefits package, including tuition benefits. Several retirement plan options, including TIAA- CREF. Attractive moving allowance. APPLICATION: Send letter of application (specify position), résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Dianne M. Smith Library Human Resources Officer Robert W. Woodruff Library Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 Applications may be faxed to (404) 727-0805 or e-mailed to calbrig@ Application review continues until the positions are successfully filled. ENVIRONMENT: The libraries of Emory University include the General Libraries and Libraries for health sciences, law, theology, business, and Oxford College. Holdings of the Emory Libraries total approxi­ mately 2.7 million volumes and 15,000 linear feet of manuscripts and archives. The libraries offer access to thousands of electronic information resources. The Woodruff Library and Center for Library and Information Resources provides an integrated service environment that brings together technology and media specialists with librarians in a facility that includes an information commons, electronic classrooms, a distance learning classroom, the C enter for Interactive Teaching, a state-of-the-art language lab and classrooms, the high-tech Goizueta Business Library, the new Heilbrun Music and Media Library, the Electronic Services Data Center, group study rooms, and comfortable study space with data connections as well as wireless access throughout the building. The Emory Libraries are members of the Association of Research Libraries, OCLC, the Research Libraries Group, the C enter for Research Libraries, the Coalition for Networked Information, and the Digital Library Federation (For more information on the General Libraries, see: Em ory University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer a nd encourages women a n d m inority candidates. R esources D e pa rtm e n t, U n iv e r s ity o f G e o rg ia L ib ra rie s, A thens, GA 30602-1641. Affirm a tive action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. R E F E R E N C E /M E D IA L IB R A R IA N . W e s te rn Illin o is U n iv e r­ sity se eks a self-m o tivate d, creative librarian to jo in its reference team. M ajor resp on sib ilitie s in clu de p ro viding reference services, m anaging the m edia unit, and te a ch in g in the library in stru ction program . Q u a lifi­ cations: A L A -a ccre d ite d m a ste r’s d eg re e p lus e ith e r an a dd itio na l a dva n ce d /p ro fe ssio n a l d eg re e, o r a s ix th -y e a r s p e cia list deg re e in lib ra ria n ship, o r sig n ific a n t p ro g re ss to w a rd c o m p letio n o f th e se d e ­ grees. Required: Reference experience; excellent com m unication skills; a stro ng co m m itm en t to pub lic service. M edia o r m a n ag em en t e xpe ri­ ence p re fe rred . R a nk a nd S alary: 10-m on th, te n u re -tra c k positio n includes a fle xible schedule, standard benefits, and an annual salary of $45 ,29 0 fo r an a ssista n t p ro fe sso r. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , go to: www .w Application: Send co ver letter, résumé, copies o f tra n scrip ts, a nd th e nam es, addre sses, and telep ho n e num ­ bers o f three cu rre n t referen ces to: C in d y Jo hn son , M a lp ass Library, 1 U n iv e rs ity C irc le , W e s te r n I l lin o is U n iv e r s it y , M a co m b , IL 61455-1390; e-m ail: cl-johnson3@ w R eview o f applications will beg in on J u ly 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 , and c o n tin u e until the p ositio n is fille d . A n tic i­ p ate d sta rtin g d ate is S e p te m b e r 1 ,2 0 0 3 . W e ste rn Illin o is U n ive rsity (W l U) is an a ffirm a tiv e action and e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r w ith a stro n g c o m m itm e n t to d iv e rs ity . In th a t s p irit, w e a re in te re s te d in re c e iv in g a p p lic a tio n s fro m a b ro a d s p e ctru m o f p e o p le . W IU h a s a n o n d iscrim in a tio n p o licy th a t in clu d e s sex, race, co lo r, se xu a l o rie n ­ ta tio n , re lig io n , a ge , m a rita l sta tu s , n a tio n a l o rig in , d is a b ility , o r ve te ra n status. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S C A T A L O G E R . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f S outh F lo rid a (U SF) L ib ra ry S yste m se e ks q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s fo r a Special C o lle ction s C ataloger. U SF is a co m p reh e nsive, m etropolitan state university, serving m ore than 3 9,000 students in nine co lle ge s on fo u r ca m p u se s in T a m p a, Lake la nd , St. P ete rsb urg, and S araso ta. A m o ng th e top re se arch u n ive rsitie s in th e sta te , U SF o ffe rs d egree p ro gra m s in 7 9 und ergrad u ate discip lin es, 8 9 m a ste r’s and sp ecia list p rogram s, and 26 d octoral fields, and has a facu lty of more tha n 2,000. T h e L ibrary S yste m is co m p ose d o f fo u r c a m p us lib ra rie s, a health scie nce lib ra ry, and a m e n ta l health in stitute lib ra ry. Th e co m b ine d lib ra rie s o ffe r re se arch e rs a cce ss to 1 ,734,948 vo lum es, 1 6,470 p eri­ 430 / C&RL News ■ June 2003 R E F E R E N C E AND G O VERN M EN T INFORMATION LIB R A R IA N Washington University Washington University Libraries in St. Louis invite applications for the position of Reference and Government Information Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Reference and Government Information Librarian serves as the librarian responsible for GPO Depository operations in the university libraries and participates in the planning, provision, and evaluation of reference and user education services in the humanities and social sciences. Provides reference assistance to patrons at the Olin Library Help Desk (including some weekend and night hours) using a wide array of print and electronic resources. Selects materials in all formats in designated subject areas and serves as liaison with the Political Science Department. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS (MLIS) from an ALA-accredited library school or willingness to acquire the degree within four years; work with government information in a depository or similar environment required; familiarity with electronic information technologies; ability to work and interact harmoniously with a diverse staff and user population; academic background in political science or another of the social sciences desirable; experience in reference, user education, or collection development in an academic library desirable. GENERAL INFORMATION: Washington University, located at the western edge of the city of St. Louis, is a medium-sized, independent university founded in 1853, internationally known for excellence in teaching and research and for the quality of its faculty and student body. Washington University Libraries include the John M. Olin Library and 12 school and departmental libraries and holds over 3 million volumes. For more information, visit: SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary Range: $30,000-$38,000; TIAA-CREF, 22 vacation days, excellent benefits package. POSITION AVAILABLE: Immediately. APPLICATION INFORMATION: Submit letter of application, résumé, and names of three references to: Human Resources Washington University Campus Box 1178 7425 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63105 Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Em ploym ent eligibility verification required upon hire. W ashington U niversity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. odicals, and 49 electronic databases. Responsibilities: R eporting to the H ead o f C a ta lo g in g , th e S p e cia l C o lle c tio n s C a ta lo g e r is re sp on sib le fo r o rig in a l and co m p le x co p y c a ta lo g in g a nd a u th o rity co n tro l as a p p ro p ria te fo r all m a te ria ls in S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s e x ce p t se ria ls and electronic resources. T h is p ositio n a lso w o rks clo se ly w ith the D irector o f C o lle ction s to e sta b lish ca ta lo ging p rio ritie s and d e ve lo p stra te g ie s to a d d re ss n e w ly a c qu ire d co lle ctio n s. T h e S pe cia l C o lle c tio n s C a ta ­ lo ge r w ill w o rk in a te a m e n viron m e n t w ith seven p ro fe ssio na l ca ta lo g ­ e d and 11 p a ra p ro fe ssio n als and is expe cted to co ntribu te to planning and training a ctivities supporting departm ental objectives. Professional c o n trib u tio n s b eyo n d th e p rim a ry re s p o n s ib ilitie s in clu d e p u rsuin g re search a nd c re a tiv e a c tiv itie s in clu din g p u b lica tio n a nd p re se n ta ­ tio ns; p a rticip a tin g in u niv e rs ity a nd lib ra ry fa c u lty g o v e rn a n ce a c tiv i­ ties; participating in library, in stitutional, local, and national professional se rvice a ctivitie s; m a in tain in g an a w a re n e s s o f n a tio na l and local cataloging practices; m an ag in g a co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t assignm ent; and participating in co op erative pro jects w ith the U SF S chool o f Library and Inform ation S cie nce to fu rth e r the edu catio n o f p ro spe ctive lib ra r­ ians. M inim um Q u a lific a tio n s : M a ste r’s d eg re e fro m an A L A -a c c re d ­ ited p ro gra m o r an in te rn a tio n a l e q u iva le n t; e x p e rie n ce in ca ta lo g in g with A A C R 2r, LC cla ssifica tio n , LC SH , a nd M A R C 21. Pre fe rred Q ualifications: Expe rie n ce w ith A P P M , O C LC , W in d o w s app lica tio ns, NOTIS, o r E xLibris; re a din g kn o w le d g e o f o ne o r m o re fo re ig n la n ­ guages; ability to w o rk in dependently and cooperatively; dem onstration o f a stro n g p o te n tia l fo r p ro fe ssio n a l d e ve lo p m e n t; c o m m itm e n t to le arning and using em erging technologies; analytical, m ultitasking and o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills, fle x ib ility h an dlin g ch a n g e ; d e m o n stra te d c o m ­ m itm en t to th e A S E R L C o m p e te n cie s fo r R e sea rch Librarian s. D e ad ­ lin e to a p p ly is Ju n e 2 7 ,2 0 0 3 . S a la ry a nd B e n e fits: S a la ry a nd rank depen d en t upon ye ars o f post-m aste r’s e xperience and record o f schol­ a rly a c h ie ve m e n t and se rvice . S a la rie s fo r In stru cto r L ib ra ria n s begin a t $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . L ibrarians are 12-m onth, non-tenured facu lty with 22 days’ vacation and 13 days’ sick leave annually; TIA A-C R E F o r oth e r retirem ent o p tio n s and insurance benefits. Application Procedure: Send a le tte r o f app lica tio n, vita, and n am es, telep ho n e n um bers, and e-m ail a dd re sses o f th re e references, by the a bo ve stated deadlines, to: M ark P ea rso n, C o o rd in a to r o f L ib ra ry H um an R e sou rce s, University of South Florida, 4 2 0 2 E. F o w le r A ve n u e , LIB 122, T a m p a , F L 3 3 6 2 0 - 5 4 0 0 ; p h o n e : (8 1 3 ) 9 7 4 -4 5 9 2 ; fa x :(8 1 3 ) 9 7 4 -5 1 5 3 ; e -m a il: m p e a rs o n @ lib .u s f.e d u . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n on th is p o sitio n , the lib ra ry, o r th e U n iv e rs ity o f Sou th F lo rid a , p le a se vis it: h ttp :// w w w .lib.u sf.e d u/. S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e r s ity o f South F lo rid a L ibrary S yste m se eks q u a lifie d ca n d id a te s fo r a S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s L ib ra ria n . U S F is a co m p re h e n sive , m e tro p o lita n state u nive rsity, se rvin g m o re th a n 3 9,0 00 s tu d e n ts in nine co lle g e s on fo u r ca m p use s in T a m p a, L akeland, St. P etersburg, a nd S araso ta. A m o ng C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 431 W a y n e St a t E E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S U LIB R A R IA N l/ll/lll n iv e r s it y Wayne State University The Wayne State University (WSU) Library System seeks adynamic, service-oriented individual to play a key role on its Resource Services team. The Electronic Resources Librarian coordinates all processing activities associated with electronic resources and ensures continuous access to electronic resources. Working with other library staff, the Electronic Resources Librarian will develop and implement an e- resource management database; evaluate and implement similar functionality in a new ILS; develop and implement a problem-tracking system; register and activate new e-resource titles on behalf of the WSU libraries; ensure that appropriate bibliographic and other records for e-resources are included in the ILS; monitor Web sites, mailing lists, and other sources of information regarding developments, plans, and changes regarding electronic resources; design and utilize statistical and management reports; educate library staff and library users on issues associated with electronic resources; participate in the reference and instructional programs of the WSU Libraries. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program, or equivalent; experience in managing processing and access issues associated with electronic resources; knowledge and understanding of electronic publishing; working knowledge of bibliographic and metadata tools (e.g., MARC/OCLC records, Dublin Core, EAD, SFX); demonstrated ability to manage technical projects within a large library setting Remonstrated commitmentto customer service and collaborative approaches; ability to work independently, managing a complex workload in an on time, effective manner with minimal supervision; strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills; ability to work well as part of a team. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience with: SFX and/or SerialsSolutions; HTML and Web editing tools (e.g., Dreamweaver); developing and maintaining e-resource management tools; serial records. Demonstrated experience using database management programs (e.g., Microsoft Access); knowledge of trends in resource connectivity (e.g., XML). SALARY AND BENEFITS: Salary and Rank: Commensurate with education and experience. Wayne State offers dental and health plan options. TIAA-CREF or Fidelity, tuition assistance for employees and family members, relocation assistance, and liberal vacation. APPLICATION: A complete position description can be viewed at: employment/POSTINGS/02030573.htm. Please submit an electronic copy (print copy optional) of a résumé and letter of interest including the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three professional references to: Toi McWilliams, Personnel Officer Wayne State University Library System Office of the Dean 3100 Undergraduate Library Detroit, Ml 48202 Phone: (313) 577-0152 Fax: (313) 577-5525 E-mail: Please contact Richard Jasper, Library Director, Resource Services Department regarding position specifics at (313) 577-2582, ore-mail him at: ap8401 @ Applications accepted until position is filled. The Wayne State University campus is located in an attractive urban setting in the heart of the Detroit Cultural Center. WSU Libraries rank among the top 60 libraries in the Association for Research Libraries. The University Libraries are committed to national leadership in the transition of library collections from print to electronic resources and to excellence in digital delivery of services. For more information about the Wayne State University Library System, please visit: Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. the top research u nive rsities in th e state, U SF o ffe rs d eg re e pro gra m s in 79 u ndergraduate d isciplines, 89 m aster’s and sp e cia list program s, and 26 doctoral fields, and has a faculty o f m ore than 2,000. Th e Library S ystem is co m p ose d o ff o u r ca m p us libraries, a health scie nce library, and a m e n ta l h ea lth in stitu te lib ra ry. Th e co m b ine d lib ra rie s o ffe r re searchers a ccess to 1,734,948 volum es, 16,470 periodicals, and 49 e lectron ic data ba ses. R espo n sib ilitie s: U S F L ibrary S ystem se e ks an energetic Special Collections Librarian to process, inventory, describe, and a rra ng e a rch iva l and m a n u scrip t co lle ctio n s in all form a ts. U nder the supervision o f the D irecto r o f Collections, this person is responsible 432 I C&RL News ■ June 2003 TWO P O SITIO N S A V A IL A B L E College of Staten Island City University of New York The College of Staten Island/City University of New York (CUNY) seeks candidates for the following two positions. Chief Librarian/Department Chair Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a second graduate degree, doctorate preferred; substantial library administrative experience, including experience in planning, personnel, and budget. Responsibilities include strengthening the Library in the academic life of the college through leadership, administration, planning, and assessment of the Library’s operation. Salary: Assoc. Professor, $49,376-$73,028; Professor, $56,664-$87,757, commensurate with qualifications. Chair, Chief Librarian Search Committee, Room 1A-305. Instructional Design Librarian Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and a second graduate degree; academic library experience; experience in online environment and instructional design; proficiency with Web design technology and development. Reporting to the Chief Librarian, responsibilities include development of tools and activities that support and promote instructional programs and services; developing Web-based instructional and training modules; providing reference service; introducing new technolo­ gies; coordinating the Center for Excellence and Learning Technologies. Salary Range: Assistant Professor, $45,16 3 -$ 6 1 ,111; Associate Professor, $49,376-$73,028, commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Chair: Instructional Design Librarian Search Committee, Room 1L-106. Send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chair, Search committee (indicate appropriate search and Rm. number) College of Staten Island 2800 Victory Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10314 EEO/AA/ADA em ployer fo r th e prepa ra tion o f p rint and o nline co lle ction fin din g aids; p re serva ­ tio n a nd storag e d ecision s; id e n tifica tio n and p re p a ra tio n o f a rch ival m a te ria ls f o r d ig itiza tio n a nd W e b p re se n ta tio n ; p u b lic s e rvice and o u tre a ch to the u n ive rsity a nd gen eral p ub lic th ro u g h re se arch a ssis­ tance, p ublication, in stru ction al program s, and o th e r creative e nd ea v­ o rs; cu ra tin g o ne o r m o re of S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s’ m a jo r p olitical and F lo rid ia n a co lle ction s; w o rkin g clo se ly w ith th e D irecto r o f C o lle ction s and oth e r library staff to identify and acquire collections tha t are concor­ d an t w ith S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s’ w ritte n co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t policy; p laning and e xecu ting a p ro gra m to expa nd th e U S F P u b lica tio ns C o lle ctio n ; and p ro vide in g c o lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t liaison s u p p o rt to one o r m ore a cadem ic departm ents. M inim um Q ualifications: M aster’s degree from an A LA -accredited program o r an in ternational equ iva le nt w ith a t le a st tw o ye a rs o f sp ecia l co lle ctio n s o r a rch ive s e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic o r sp e cia l lib ra ry se ttin g . Stron g co m m u nicatio n and in terpersonal skills a re a must. P referred Q ua lifica tio ns: F orm al arch i­ va l e d u catio n o r in stitu te ce rtifica tio n ; F lo rid a o r S ou the rn history cre d en tials; co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t e xpe rie n ce; su bje ct m a ste r’s d e ­ g re e; a b ility to desig n and d e ve lo p W e b site s; p u b lic se rvice e xp e ri­ ence ; d em on strate d co m m itm e n t to th e A S E R L C o m p e te n cie s fo r R e sea rch Librarian s. D e ad lin e to a p p ly is Ju ly 4, 2 00 3. S alary and Benefits’. Salary and rank dependent upon ye ars o f post-m aster’s expe­ rien ce and record o f s ch o la rly a ch ie ve m e n t and se rvice . S ala rie s fo r Instructor Librarians begin at $30,000-$35,000. Librarians are 12-month, n on -te n u re d fa c u lty w ith 22 d a y s ’ va ca tio n and 13 d a y s ’ s ic k leave annually; T IA A -C R E F o r o th e r re tire m e nt o p tio n s and insuran ce b en ­ e fits. A p p lica tio n P ro ced ure: S end a le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , vita, and nam es, telephone num bers, and e-m ail addresses o f three references, b y th e above stated deadlines, to: M ark Pearson, C o ordina tor o f Library H um an R esou rce s, U n iv e r s ity o f S o u th F lo rid a , 420 2 E. Fow ler A ven u e, LIB 122, T a m p a, FL 3 36 20 -5 4 00 ; p ho ne : (8 13) 974-4 59 2 ; fax:(8 1 3) 974-5153; e-m ail: m pearson @ lib .usf.e du . For m ore in form a ­ tio n on th is p o sitio n , th e lib ra ry, o r th e U n ive rsity o f Sou th Florida, please visit: http://w w w .lib .u sf.ed u/. C L A S S IF IE D C&RL News Online Ads Ads C&RL News ■ June 2003 / 433 Save the dates for these upcoming ACRL events! ACRL/TLT Group on lin e information literacy sem inar “Information Literacy and Assessment” July 14-August 1, 2003 ACRL Harvard Leadership Institute Cambridge, Massachusetts August 3 -8 , 2003 WESS European Conference: “Migrations in Society, Culture, and the Library” Paris, France March 22-26, 2004 Coming soon! Watch ACRL Online Seminar: “All Users Are Local: Bringing the Library Next Door to the Campus Worldwide” ACRL workshops at ALA Midwinter Meeting (details online this summer) Institute for Information Literacy Immersion ’0 4 (details online this fall) Late Job Listings DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Alma College invites applications for Director of th e Library. Alma College is a highly selective, private, liberal a rts college in central Michigan. Affiliated w ith th e Presbyterian Church, Alma is classified as a Carnegie Liberal A rts I institution, is a m em ber of th e Oberlin Library Group, an d h as a P hi B eta K appa chapter. Alma College Library serves a community of 1,400 u n d ergraduate stu d en ts an d 102 faculty. The collection includes 247,000 volumes, 1,200 subscriptions, an d a wide range of electronic resources. I n 2001 th e library installed Innovative Interfaces’ M illennium library system. The Director of th e Library adm inisters services, collection development and u se r education, an d assum es a leadership role in determ ining library policies an d developing budgets, including long-range planning. The director works closely w ith th ree professional librarians and five staff as a n integrated p a rt of th e daily operations of th e library, including reference and instruction. This is a tenure-track faculty position. Professional achievement, research/creative work, an d service are required for ten u re and promotion. Salary, benefits, an d support for professional development are competitive. Required Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS (additional advanced degree preferred); m inim um of five years of adm inistrative experience in a n academic library; experience in planning and/or m anaging a budget; com mitm ent to liberal a rts u n d ergraduate education; excellent communication, interpersonal, an d organiza­ tional skills; record of publication or significant involvement w ith regional or national professional library organizations; experience w ith c u rren t Library autom ation and information technology systems. Send a le tte r of application an d a résum é w ith five references to: Director of Library Search Committee, A lm a C ollege, 614 W est Superior Street, Alma, MI 48801. Review of applications will begin A u g u st 1, 2003, a n d continue u n til th e position is filled. P relim in ary interview s m ay be a rran g e d a t th e ALA m eetin g in Toronto. T he an ticip ated s ta r t d ate is J a n u a r y 2004. A lm a College’s nondiscrim ination policy includes age, color, creed, gender, n atio n al origin, physical abili t y , race, religion, a n d sexual orientation. F or m ore inform ation about A lm a College a n d its lib rary , v isit th e college’s W eb site at: http://w w w .alm