ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 26 Chairman, Library Committee.” In case you haven’t seen a copy, let me whet your ap­ petite for this issue by quoting the first para­ graph of Mr. Bullard’s article: A frequently voiced concern of librarians to­ day is the uncomfortable sense that unless their libraries are “ computerized” they have somehow missed the boat. This pressure, if I may call it that, seems to emanate in part from a segment of the library profes­ sion which delights in the acronyms and buzz words of the computer community. The pressure also comes from college and university administrators who want their in­ stitutions to be numbered among those pres­ tigious few that can boast a computerized approach to the 21st century. In academic pride there too often can be very little real concern for, or knowledge of, whether a computer application is appropriate or eco­ nomically feasible. ACRL Grants Awarded Fifteen grants have been awarded to col­ lege and university libraries by the Grants Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. The grants were awarded to College of Saint Francis, Joliet, Illinois; Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota; Grand Canyon College, Phoenix, Arizona; Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; Lin­ field College, McMinnville, Oregon; Living­ stone College, Salisbury, North Carolina; Mount Marty College, Yankton, South Dako­ ta; Nazareth College of Rochester, Rochester, New York; Pacific Union College, Angwin, California; Roberts Wesleyan College, North Chili, New York; Seattle Pacific College, Seat­ tle, Washington; Sienna Heights College, Ad­ rian, Michigan; Sterling College, Sterling, Kan­ sas; Villa Madonna College, Covington, Ken­ tucky; William Carey College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. All grants are in the form of cash awards based on past applications and the experience of the committee. The Grants Committee had previously announced that it would not re­ quest applications this year but would award grants to institutions based on applications re­ ceived during past years and on the experience of the Committee. Only cash awards to sup­ port library programs will be made. This is the fifteenth year of the ACRL Grants Program. The total income to the fund for the year 1969/70 was $38,500. The major support for these efforts was once again provided by The United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Other contributors The Invisible Product … SERVICE An invisible, intangible product goes into every shipment we send out. That product is Service … and if costs you nothing extra. O ur clientele ca n 't see it, but they ce rtainly are aware th a t they are receiving it! W e 're proud o f the rapid, efficient manner in which we handle your book requirements. O ur huge inventory, stocked in our own warehouses … our trained per­ sonnel … our progressive manage­ ment … these are the ingredients th a t make up our most desirable product— SERVICE! Send fo r our brochure and terms. Taylor-Carlisle BOOKSELLERS to INDUSTRY and the A C A D E M IC W ORLD M A IN OFFICE N e w Y o r k : 115 East 23rd Street N ew Y ork , N .Y . 10010 F l o r i d a : Winter Park Mall Winter Park, Florida 32789 T e x a s : H ouston (opening soon ) M a r y l a n d : M .S.C., Baltimore 27 were the H. W . Wilson Foundation, Incorporated, Olin Mathieson Charitable Trust, and Pitney-Bowes, Incorporated. The funds were distributed without regard to location or affiliation of the schools. The Grants Committee for 1969/70 is chaired by H. Vail Deale, Beloit College. The committee members are Humphrey G. Bousfield, Brook­ lyn College; Miss Johnnie E. Givens, Austin Peay State College; Mrs. Virginia Lacy Jones, Atlanta University; Rev. Vincent R. Negher­ bon, TOR, Saint Francis College; Mrs. Jessie Carney Smith, Fisk University; and Donald E. Vincent, University of New Hampshire. Philip J. McNiff, president of ACRL and Donald Thomas, Executive Secretary of ACRL were members ex officio. MAGNETIC TAPE CASSETTES A project has been proposed to standardize digital magnetic tape cassettes. These cassettes are used as a vehicle for the magnetic tape storage medium in a variety of keyboard- driven data transcription devices, such as those manufactured by Computer Access Systems, Computer Terminal Corporation, Data Action, IBM, Sanders, Sycor, Viatron, and others. In the absence of standardization a cassette de­ signed to be used with the equipment o f one manufacturer is not necessarily usable with the equipment of another. American National Standards Institute (formerly USASI, the United States o f America Standards Institute) Committee X3— Computers and Information Processing— Standards Planning and Require­ ments Committee ( SPARC) would like to form an ad hoc committee to advise on the ap­ propriateness of this proposed project. The SPARC is particularly anxious to obtain on this ad hoc advisory committee representatives not only of equipment manufacturers but also of users. If you or your library is a user, either present or planned, o f computer input equipment employing magnetic tape cassettes and would like to participate in this useful ac­ tivity, your contribution will be very much appreciated. For more information contact ei­ ther Charles A. Phillips, Chairman, ANSI X3, c /o BEM A /D PG , 235 East 42nd Street, New York 10017, or David L. Weisbrod, ALA Rep­ resentative to ANSI X3, Box 1059 Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut 06520. ACRL Membership December 31, 1969 ........................... ..13,996 December 31, 1968 ........................... ..13,580 December 31, 1967 ........................... ..12,834 College & Research Libraries N E W S News Editor, Michael Herbison, Casper Col­ lege, Casper, Wyoming 82601. Editor, Richard M. Dougherty, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Editorial Board: R i c h a r d D e G e n n a r o , Harvard Uni­ versity; D a v i d H e r o n , University o f Kansas; E l l s ­ w o r t h M a s o n , Hofstra University; F r e d H e i n r i t z , Southern Connecticut State C ollege; W i l l i a m A x f o r d , Florida Atlantic University; P e t e r H i a t t , Indiana University. A C R L Officers, 1 9 6 9 /7 0 : President, Philip J. McNiff ; Chairman, College Libraries Section, John E. Scott; Junior College Libraries Section, Ruthe Erickson; Rare Books Section, Robert J. Adelsperger; Subject Specialists Section, Marcia J. Miller; Agriculture and Biological Sciences Subsection, Howard Rovelstad; Art Subsection, W olfgang M. Freitag; Educational and Behavioral Science Subsection, Donald Leatherman; Law and Political Science Subsection, Roy M. Mersky; Slavic and East European Subsection, Joseph Placek; University Libraries Section, Roscoe Rouse. News from the Field, Personnel profiles and notes, classified advertising, official matter o f A CR L, and other material o f a timely nature is published in the News issues o f C ollege & Research Libraries. Inclusion o f an article or advertisement in C RL does not constitute official endorsement b y A C R L or ALA. Production and Advertising and Circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, I11. 60611. Change o f address and orders for subscriptions should b e addressed to C ollege & Research Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months before the publication date o f the effective issue. Subscription to CRL is included in membership dues to A C R L o f $6 or more; other subscriptions to C RL are $10 per year. Neither subscriptions nor memberships include miscellaneous unscheduled supplements, which are available by purchase only. Retroactive subscrip­ tions are not accepted. Single journal copies are avail­ able at $1.50 each and News issues at $1.00 each from A L A Publishing Department. Indexed in Current Content, Library Literature, and Science Citation Index. Abstracted in Library Science Abstracts. Book reviews indexed in B ook Review Index. C ollege & Research Libraries is the official journal of the Association o f C ollege and Research Libraries, a division o f the American Library Association; and is published seventeen times per year— bi-m onthly as a technical journal with 11 monthly News issues, com ­ bining July-August— at 120 1 -0 5 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo.