ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1991 / 97 How to participate in ACRL Information f o r new members and potential members. To join Write or call the Association of College and Research Libraries for application forms and infor­ mation: ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (800) 545-2433; in Illinois, (800) 545- 2444; in Canada, (800) 545-2455; or (312) 280- 2521. To learn about ACRL’s current programs, officers, and units Check the ALA H andbook o f Organization and read College ir R esearch L ibraries News regularly (as a member of ACRL, you will receive both publications). To attend conference program s, ACRL Board meetings, o r committee meetings For information on time, place, and general program content, consult C&RL News, American Libraries, and the official conference programs and schedules. For additional information, contact the ACRL office. To attend preconferences For information about time, place, and precon­ ference theme, consult C&RL News and American Libraries. For additional information and registra­ tion materials, write to the ACRL office. To take a continuing education course To receive a course brochure, write to the ACRL office. To register, use information published in C irR L News or in the course brochure. To sponsor a local presentation of an ACRL continuing education course Write the ACRL office and specify the course(s) and date(s). ACRL continuing education courses are available for local presentation by chapters, library schools, libraries, universities, or other pro­ fessional groups. To establish a local chapter of ACRL Check the procedures listed in “Guidelines for ACRL Chapters” (available from the ACRL of­ fice). Send a petition with the signatures of at least 25 ACRL members to the ACRL office for ap­ proval by the Board of Directors. To request a speaker in the Chapter Speaker program Write Carolyn DeBonnett at the ACRL office and specify your date and topic. Eight chapters qualify each year for a free visit from ACRL officers or the ACRL Executive Director. To serve as ACRL liaison to another profes­ sional association Contact the ACRL office for information on the ACRL professional liaison program. To serve on ACRL’s committees o r to partici­ pate in ACRL’s sections and discussion groups Familiarize yourself with the work of the unit— check the ALA Handbook o f Organization for the unit’s statement of responsibility, read about the work of the unit as reported in C&RL News and American Libraries, attend the meetings of the unit during ALA conferences. Submit a completed ACRL committee volunteer form (published in the October issue of C &RL News and available at ALA conferences). Communicate your interest to the ACRL Appointments and Nominations Commit­ tee, to any of the ACRL officers, to the chair of an 98 / C&RL News ACRL unit whose work interests you, or to the ACRL office. To b e a candidate for an A CRL office Write to the ACRL Appointments and Nomina­ tions Committee or to an ACRL section nominat­ ing committee. Submit a petition to have your name added to the list o f candidates. To nominate someone for an award o r to apply for a grant o r fellowship Write or call Carolyn DeBonnett at the ACRL office for information or nomination forms for the Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award, Oberly Award, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, the Miriam Dudley B I Librarian of the Year Award, the RBM S Exhibition Catalogue Award, or the Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant. To provide suggestions fo r new projects, serv­ ices, courses, and policies Write to the ACRL office, to any of the ACRL officers, or to the chair of a unit whose work relates to the matter. Respond to requests published in Cύ R L News for suggestions from the membership. Attend open hearings scheduled at ALA confer­ ences. Be in touch with the ACRL Planning Com­ mittee (Michael D. Kathman, chair). To receive information, assistance, o r advice on professional problems Contact the ACRL office, any of the ACRL officers, or the chair o f an ACRL unit whose work relates to the matter. To find information on professional library positions open Check the classified advertising listings in Col­ lege I? R esearch Libraries News or American L i­ braries. Call the ACRL telephone JO B L IN E , (312) 944-6795 (listings are changed every Friday morning). To obtain A CRL publications o r policy state­ ments For information about the availability of materi­ als, check C &R L News, ACRL’s publications bro­ chure, o r the ALA Publications Checklist. You may obtain a publications brochure from the ACRL of­ fice or at ALA conferences. To order standards and guidelines, write to the ACRL office. To order other publications, contact the ALA Order Depart­ ment. To submit an article for publication Contact the editor of the publication. For Col­ lege & R esearch Libraries, send manuscripts to Gloriana St. Clair, E 506 Pattee Library, The Penn­ sylvania State University Libraries, University Park, PA 16802. Instructions for authors are printed in each issue of the journal. For C irR L News, send articles to Mary Ellen Davis at the ACRL office (see the guidelines published in Janu­ ary). For R are B ooks & M anuscripts Librarianship, send articles to Alice Schreyer, Special Collections, University o f Delaware Library, Newark, DE 19717. To submit a proposal for a monographic pub­ lication Discuss your proposal with Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL publications officer, at ACRL headquarters, and submit a “Preliminary Publication Information Form.” Consult this issue of C &R L News, p. 106, for more detailed instructions. For the A CRL Pub­ lications in L ibrarian ship series, send proposals or manuscripts directly to Jonathan A. Lindsey, Coor­ dinator o f Affairs, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798. To submit news items for publication in College & R esearch L ibraries News Send materials to the Mary Ellen Davis at the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. Consult the guidelines for submission of news items in the January issue. The deadline for receipt o f news items is approximately the 26th of each month. To subscribe to ACRL periodicals For a subscription to C hoice, write to the Sub­ scriptions Department, C hoice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. For a subscription to Cò-RL, C &RLN ew s, or RBML, write to the Sub­ scriptions Department, American Library Associa­ tion, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. To o rd er works from the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series For a listing of the works in this series, write to the ACRL office. To place a standing order or to order individual titles, write to the ALA Order D e­ partment, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795. To order copies of out-of-print titles, contact University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To advertise in ACRL publications To place product ads in C irR L , C &R L News, or C h o ic e , contact Art Beck, Advertising Sales Manager, C hoice, 100 Riverview Center, Middle­ town, C T 06457. To place classified ads in C irR L News or the telephone JO B L IN E , contact Karen Christopher at the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513.