ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 112 / C&RL News P R E S E R V A T I O N N E W S Prepared by Barbara Brown College Libraries Committee Commission on Preservation and Access • M adison, N ew Jersey. D rew University Li­ brary has introduced an in-house repair procedure that involves the use o f a mobile book repair truck and specially trained student assistants. T he proce­ dure elim inates the n eed to route to the Conserva­ tion U nit item s needing m inor repair and allows the preservation needs in a given area o f th e collection to be reviewed at the same time. The m obile book repair truck is taken to areas o f the collection which receive heavy use. Books needing m inor repair are rem oved from th e shelf, repaired then and there, and re tu rn e d to the shelf during the same work shift. Procedures include tightening cases, tip-ins, sealing frayed covers, and repairing to m pages. Student employees make tentative conservation decisions in addition to making m inor repairs. Item s which are found to need more than m inor repair are immediately ro u ted to the Conservation Unit. F o r a general outline o f th e operation o f this system, including an inventory o f supplies on the mobile truck and grade levels for conservation student assistants, please contact Jean Schoen- thaler, D rew University Library, M adison NJ 07940-4007. • Training opportunity reminders: The appli­ cation and registration deadlines for two training opportunities described in last m onth’s colum n are drawing near. T he Association o f Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) Seminar, “Preservation of Library and Archival Materials” will b e offered February 28 through March 1, 1991. Registration after February 1 is $375. Details are available from APPA headquarters: (703) 684-1446; fax (703) 549-2772. A pplications for th e P re se rv atio n T raining Sem inar for College Librarians, developed col­ laboratively by th e SO LIN ET Preservation Pro­ gram and th e Com m ission’s College Libraries Com m ittee, are d ue M arch 15, 1991. Application information is available from the SO L IN E T Pres­ ervation Program, 400 Colony Square, Plaza Level, Atlanta, GA 30361-6301; (800) 999-8558. National Archives preservation conference T he National Archives will hold its sixth annual preservation conference on M arch 19, 1991. “Archival Issues in the Preservation o f E lectronic Records” will address two basic issues: the suc­ cessful practices currently in use at different archi­ val institutions and the challenges posed by the new er forms of electronic records. Among the questions to be raised at the conference are: How can archivists go beyond physical preservation of the m edia and concentrate on the preservation o f the information’s logical structure, interrelation­ ships, and o ther characteristics which are essential to preserve the “record” character o f the informa­ tion? How can archives guarantee the ability to process today’s electronic records on tom orrow’s com puters? F o r m ore information, contact the C o n fe re n c e C o o rd in a to r, N ational Archives, Washington, DC 20408; (202) 501-5540.