ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 4 4 /C&RL News Access to Information: Materials, T ech nologies, and Services for Print-Im­ paired Readers, by Tom M cN ulty an d D aw n M. Suvino (1Ó2 pages, March 1993), examines the ways in which computer technology can increase access to print materials for the blind, visu­ ally impaired, and learning disabled readers. Chapters cover the use of braille text, audio output systems, large- print and large-screen tech­ nologies, standard library programs and ser­ vices, and specifications for creating a library access center. Appendices provide information on relevant agencies and associations, prod­ ucts and vendors, resources for locating texts in accessible formats, and selected accessible- format reference sources. Copies are available for $28.00 from ALA Publishing, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-7641-7. Community College Libraries: Centers for Lifelong Learning, by Rosanne Kalick (204 pages, 1992), brings together ten essays on excellence in community college librarianship. Contributors include Camila A. Alire and Alice Beverley Gass, William V. Costanzo, Antoinette M. Kania, and Gloria B. Meisel. A noteworthy chapter by Alan Dyment assesses learning re­ source centers in Canada. A copy may be or­ dered for $27.50 from Scarecrow Press, P.O. Box 4167, Metuchen, NJ 08840. ISBN 0-8108-2607-0. Continuity and Change in Brazil and the Southern Cone: Research Trends and Library Collections for th e Year 2000, ed­ ited by Ann Hartness (361 pages, March 1993), contains the papers presented at the 35th An­ nual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials held in Rio de Janeiro, June 3-8, 1990. Topics include a statistical survey of Latin American collections, Argentine popular theater, Brazilian political publications from 1978 to 1989, trends in the economies of Uruguay and Brazil, index cover­ age of Latin American materials in the Southern Cone, and a checklist of materials on the transition from authoritarianism to democracy in Chile. Cop­ ies are available for $50.00 (plus $2.50 handling) New Publications George M, Eberhart from the SALALM Secretariat, General Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquer­ que, NM 87131. ISBN 0- 917617-30-4. Culture o f Com plaint: The Fraying o f America, b y R o b ert H u g h es (210 pages, March 1993), best­ selling author of The Shock o f the New and The Fatal Shore unleashes some sting­ ing social criticism of Ameri­ can political and cultural values. Based on a series of lectures given at the New York Public Library in January 1992, Hughes’s essays portray current obsessions with family-values rhetoric and political correctness as opposing extremist poles of an inability to accept nonideological multiculturalism. He calls for a return to the fruitful middle ground of acceptance and compromise that has been America’s strength in the past and should con­ tinue to be its strength in the future. A passion­ ate yet scholarly work, Culture o f Complaint will engender lively debate and considerable controversy among students of American cul­ ture. A copy may be ordered for $19.95 from Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016. Copublished by the New York Public Library. ISBN 0-19-507676-1. The Elections of 1 99 2, edited by Michael Nelson (192 pages, March 1993), consists of eight essays that address the dynamics of the 1992 presidential and congressional elections. Election analysis from the earliest caucuses and primaries through the potential achievements of the Clinton administration, with close scrutiny given to the effect of Ross Perot’s candidacy and the role played by the media. The book costs $25.95 and may be ordered from CQ Press, 300 Raritan Center Parkway, P.O. Box 7816, Edison, NJ 08818-7816. ISBN 0-87187-937-9. From Sails to Satellites: The Origin and D evelopm ent o f Navigational Science, by J. E. D. Williams (310 pages, April 1993), ex­ amines the art and science of knowing exactly where one is on the sea or in the sky. Williams describes dead reckoning, astrolabes and cross­ staffs, the development of spherical trigonom­ J u n e 1 9 9 3 / 3 4 5 etry and logarithms, the “Great Pursuit” of ac­ curate measures o f longitude and the chronom ­ eter, b u b b le sextants, m agnetic com passes, lighthouses, gyroscopes, radio direction-find­ ing systems, radar, and geosynchronous satel­ lites. T e c h n ic a l e n o u g h to b e a c c u r a te , Williams’s style is nonetheless informal and filled with entertaining anecdotes, illustrations, and diagrams. A copy may b e purchased for $35.00 from Oxford University Press, 200 Madi­ son Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-19- 856387-6. Internet Prim er for Inform ation Profes­ sion als: A Basic Guide to In tern et N etw ork­ in g T ech n o lo g y , by Elizabeth Lane an d Craig Summerhill (181 pages, March 1993), is a con­ cise introduction to the Internet networks, how they work, and w hat they offer to users. In ad­ dition to descriptions of Internet services and network protocols, the authors provide an over­ view of the significant policy issues facing the network—including the transformation of the academic community through access to network information. A g ood supplem ent to Ed Krol’s “The Whole Internet ”(C&KL News, December 1992). The b ook costs $37.50 and is available from Meckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-831-X. Mysterious Realms: Probing Paranormal, H istorical, an d F o ren sic E nigm as, by Joe Nickell and Jo h n F. Fischer (221 pages, Febru­ ary 1993), delves into ten different historical and scientific mysteries, including the ghost haunting a historic landmark in Frankfort, Ken­ tucky; a forged Harry Truman document; En­ glish crop circles; spontaneous hum an combus­ tion; eyeless sight; the identity of Lee Harvey O sw ald ; a n d th e liq u e fy in g b lo o d o f St. Januarius. Written as a casebook in detective w ork an d critical thinking, this collection will supplem ent courses in docum ent analysis and criminalistics. A copy may be ordered for $23.95 from Prometheus Books, 700 E. Amherst St., Buffalo, NY 14215. ISBN 0-87975-765-5. The 1 9 9 2 ARL A nnual S a la ry Survey, com piled by G ordon Fretwell (92 pages, Janu­ ary 1993), is based on data covering more than 12,000 professional positions in the 120 mem ­ ber libraries of the ARL. Tables display aver­ age, median, and beginning salaries; salaries by position and experience, sex, and race; and salaries in different geographic regions and sizes of libraries. Additional tables cover law, medi­ cal, Canadian, and nonuniversity research li­ braries. The survey is available by prepaid or­ der to ARL m em ber institutions for $20.00 and to individuals an d nonm em bers for $60.00. Write to ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Research a n d Evaluation fo r In fo rm a ­ tio n P rofession als, by Robert M. Losee Jr. and Karen A. Worley (239 pages, January 1993), is an introductory textbook on information sci­ ence research methodology, analysis, and pre­ sentation. The authors have em phasized the appropriateness of selected tests for particular hypotheses and the p roper interpretation of results rather than the mathematics itself, which is often perform ed with the help of statistical software. A copy may b e ordered for $45.00 from Academic Press, 1250 Sixth Ave., San Di­ ego, CA 92101-4311. ISBN 0-12-455770-8. Russia a n d the Independent States, by Daniel C. Diller (481 pages, January 1993), places the vast changes in the former Soviet Union in historical and cultural context. Gives an account of Russian history from its begin­ nings; describes relations am ong the newly in­ dep en d en t states, the economy, foreign policy, and relations with the United States; and p re­ sents geographical and political profiles of each of the 15 former republics. Includes a detailed chronology of Russian history from 1900 to the present, biographies of 50 influential Russian leaders, a bibliography, and selected docu­ ments. Copies are available for $34.95 from Congressional Q uarterly Books, 300 Raritan Center Parkway, P.O. Box 7816, Edison, NJ 08818-7816. ISBN 0-87187-862-3. Serials Cataloging: M odem Perspectives an d In tern ational D ev elo p m en ts, edited by Jim E. Cole and James W. Williams (415 pages, February 1993), covers developm ents in seri­ als librarianship over the past five years. Top­ ics include cataloging policy for microform re­ productions, education for serials catalogers, the usefulness o f uniform titles, the origins of the International Serials Data System (ISDS), and the Linked Systems Project and serials cata­ loging. This volume has b een published simul­ taneously as The Serials Librarian, vol. 22, nos. 1-4. Copies are available for $75.00 from the Haw orth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580. ISBN 1-56024-281-7. ■