ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 346 News From the Sections ART SUBSECTION Art Librarians from all parts of the country will meet in San Francisco, January 26-30, for a series of meetings under the auspices of the College Art Association. Highlighting the pro­ gram will be the Libraries Section meeting on Wednesday, January 26, 1972, 2:00 p.m .-4:30 p.m. in the Hilton Hotel, chaired by Judith A. Hoífberg, Brand Art Center Librarian in Glen­ dale, California. Kate Steinitz, former librarian of the Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana and re­ nowned Vinciana scholar among other virtues, will be on the program. In addition, Barbara Maxwell, chairman, PROFILE Dr. Lucien W. White became University Li­ brarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign on September 1. He is replacing Robert B. Downs who retired on August 31, 1971. Dr. W hite is a na­ tive of Hillsdale, Illi­ nois. He graduated from Augustana Col­ lege in 1935. He holds three advanced de­ grees from the Uni­ versity of Illinois—an M.A. and a Ph.D. in French and an M.S. Dr. Lucien W. W hite in Library Science. He also has studied at the University of Iowa, the Sorbonne, and the University of Grenoble. He taught modern languages at Augustana College from 1939 to 1953. He was appointed Head Librarian at Augustana in 1954, a posi­ tion he held until he came back to the Urbana campus in 1958 as Associate Director for Pub­ lic Service Departments in the University Li­ brary and Professor of Library Administration. In 1965 his title was changed to Director of Public Services and in 1968 he was named As­ sociate Dean of Library Administration, a title he held until he was chosen to head the or­ ganization as University Librarian. He has served as President of the Illinois Li­ brary Association, is a member of the Illinois State Library Advisory Council, and has acted as library consultant for a number of institu­ tions in and out of the state. Locally he has Slides and Photograph Librarians’ meetings, an­ nounces that a series of programs are planned for slide and photograph librarians, including possible tours of the DeYoung Museum and the Oakland Museum. An annual workshop for slide/photo librarians will take place on F ri­ day, January 28. Further information can be obtained by writing Judith A. Hoffberg, Brand Library, 1601 W. Mountain St., Glendale, CA 91201, or Barbara Maxwell, Department of Art, University of California, Riverside, CA 92502. Members of the Art Subsection are invited to attend. ■ ■ Personnel served as a board member and president of the Board of Trustees of the Champaign Public Li­ brary. He has been a member of the U. of I. Campus Planning Committee since 1967 and has been chairman since 1970. Taking over the helm of a great research li­ brary at a time when all of higher education is going through an extremely trying period would be a challenge to any administrator, and Dr. W hite will find ample challenges as he guides the University of Illinois Library through the coming years. APPOINTMENTS Karen B. Anderson has been appointed as­ sistant serials librarian at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. Nancy Arnold is now descriptive cataloger, Perkins library, Duke University libraries, Dur­ ham, North Carolina. Mary Ann Barragry has been appointed to assistant science librarian, Northwestern Uni­ versity, Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. Lois Bebout is now assistant humani­ ties librarian at the University of Houston li­ braries, Houston, Texas. Stanley Michael Bernhard has been ap­ pointed to the staff of the cataloging depart­ ment, University of Virginia library, Charlottes­ ville. Bette Bohler is now the assistant reference librarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. John A. Bollier has received appointment as a reference librarian at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. Jean Marie Bonin was recently appointed music librarian in the cataloging department, University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. 347 Nancy Boon has been appointed assistant director of data services at the University of Missouri, Columbia. John Bose is now director of the Maui E n­ vironmental Information Center, Haiku, Maui, Hawaii. Mrs. Helen H. Britton has joined the Tex­ as A & M University libraries, College Station, as senior separates cataloger. Mrs. Josephine Buffington joined the D a­ vid Lipscomb college library, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Mrs. Marcia Collins is now art, archaeolo­ gy, and music librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Sharon Cook has recently joined the staff of the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence, as assistant science librarian. Rafael Coutin has joined the staff of the University of North Carolina libraries, Chapel Hill, as cataloger for the Portuguese, Spanish and Latin American materials. George Cranford is now director of instruc­ tional media at the Ocean County College, Toms River, New Jersey. Mrs. Frankie Cubbedge is now librarian at the Aiken regional campus, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Nadia A. Dagher has been appointed as­ sistant acquisitions librarian at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. H. Vail D eale has resumed his duties as di­ rector of libraries and chairman, department of library science, Beloit College, Beloit, Wiscon­ sin. Marlin Demlinger is the new science li­ brarian at The City College, City University of New York. Mrs. Perry D ennis has been appointed an assistant librarian at the engineering library, Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Kathleen Dillon is the new assistant cura­ tor of special collections at the University of Houston libraries, Houston, Texas. Lois Jean Drewer was appointed curator of the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts library at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Daphne E arl is now reference librarian at the Perkins library, Duke University libraries, Durham, North Carolina. John W ayne E ck has received a temporary appointment as librarian of the Worthington Scranton campus library at the Pennsylvania State University at Dunmore. Kristin B. E cklund has accepted appoint­ ment as interlibrary loan and reference librari­ an at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. James C. E ller is now the assistant direc­ tor for technical services, Wichita State Uni­ versity library, Wichita State University, Wichi­ ta, Kansas. Jerry E manuel has been appointed to as­ sistant music librarian, Northwestern Univer­ sity, Evanston, Illinois. Selma C. E tter is now assistant catalog li­ brarian with the rank of instructor at the D. Leonard Corgan library, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Gerard J. Gagne has accepted the position of acquisitions librarian at Southeastern Massa­ chusetts University, North Dartmouth. Alexander Garelick is now head of tech­ nical processing at the Ocean County College, Toms River, New Jersey. Nelson J. Gilman has been appointed li­ brarian, Norris medical library, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles. Martha Graham has been appointed de­ scriptive cataloger at the Perkins library, Duke University libraries, Durham, North Carolina. E llen Gray has been appointed assistant librarian for public services, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin. Mrs. E llen H all was appointed science li­ brarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Nancy Hanssen has been appointed librari­ an of the Center for Environmental Studies, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachu­ setts. Mrs. E dith Hassold is now the art history 348 librarian a t Woman’s College library, Duke University libraries, Durham, North Carolina. Janice Hill has accepted the position of circulation and art librarian in the Clearwater campus library of St. Petersburg Junior Col­ lege, Clearwater, Florida. Alan J. H orne is now assistant librarian, reader services of the University of Toronto li­ brary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Karen H orny is now assistant university li­ brarian for technical services, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. John G. H ulton, Jr., is the new director of library services, Central Florida Community College, Anthony. Mrs. F erne B. H yman is now humanities reference librarian at the Rice University li­ brary, Houston, Texas. D wight Ittner is now science librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Mrs. Eleanor Jackson has been appointed head serials librarian, Miami University li­ braries, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Kathleen E. Kelleher is the new serials librarian, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Mrs. Barbara Kile is the new gifts and ex­ changes librarian of the Fondren library, Rice University, Houston, Texas. David Kittelson has assumed the position of curator of the University of Hawaii library’s Hawaiian collection, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Marion Kliewer is now on the staff of the University of Kansas libraries as an assistant cataloger librarian, Lawrence. W alter Kravchenko has assumed the posi­ tion of evening session librarian, The City Col­ lege, City University of New York. Sally Langston has joined the staff of the University of Houston libraries, Houston, Tex­ as. Vera C. Lewis was appointed descriptive cataloger at the Perkins library, Duke Univer­ sity libraries, Durham, North Carolina. Mrs. Bertha Livingstone is the new subject cataloger at Perkins library, Duke University libraries, Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Richard H. L ogsdon has been appoint­ ed professor of library science in the Queens College library science department, The City University of New York. Mrs. Christina McCawley has been ap­ pointed as a cataloger in the library at West Chester State College, W est Chester, Pennsyl­ vania. Susan McCord was named librarian of the Union regional campus, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Steve P. Marek is now assistant librarian in the undergraduate library, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. Joyce Matheson is now cataloger in the library a t West Chester State College, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Janet L. Miller has joined the professional staff in the Lippincott library of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, as cataloger in the technical services section. Mary Menke has been appointed an assist­ ant librarian in the catalog department, Olin li­ brary, Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Barbara Kim Moss has received appoint­ ment as a catalog librarian at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. Mrs. Iva Mostecky has been appointed as head of the serials and documents departments at the University of California, Berkeley. Ilene Nelson became librarian of the Coast­ al Carolina regional campus at Conway, Uni­ versity of South Carolina, Columbia. Richard W. Newman, Jr., has joined the staff of the learning resources center at Gover­ nor’s State University, Park Forest South, Illi­ nois. Mrs. Joan Ormondroyd has accepted the position of assistant librarian in the Uris (u n ­ dergraduate) library at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Frances Pacifico joined the staff of Mann library as a catalog-reference librarian, Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Gary Norman Paul has been appointed the new librarian at Hilo College library, Hilo, H a­ waii. Lillian Pavlovich is the new subject cata­ loger at Perkins library, Duke University li­ braries, Durham, North Carolina. Gary T. Peterson has been appointed as as­ sociate dean of instruction, library services, De Anza College, Cupertino, California. Donna Pezdek has been appointed to the acquisitions librarian position at the Clearwater campus library of St. Petersburg Junior College, Clearwater, Florida. F rederick Pohl joined the acquisition staff at Mann library as an assistant librarian, Cor­ nell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Nancy Prolman has joined the catalog divi­ sion of The City College, City University of New York. James Rambow has been appointed social science librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Donald Robbins is now assistant librarian in the catalog department, Olin library, Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Susan Russell recently joined the law li­ brary as an assistant librarian at the Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. Joel S. Rutstein has joined the staff of Col­ orado State University libraries, F ort Collins, as social science librarian. John A. Ryland was appointed bibliogra­ 349 pher in the acquisitions division, University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Frances Scott has joined the staff of the University of Houston libraries as assistant ac­ quisitions librarian, Houston, Texas. Shirley Senn has been appointed cataloger at the City College library, City University of New York. Judy Sessions is now assistant librarian at the Spartanburg regional campus, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Charles C. Sisson is now on the staff of the reference division of the University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Bronwen Solyom is the new administrative assistant to the university librarian at the Uni­ versity of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Thomas Spaith is now engineering librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Mrs. Susan Spector is the new assistant se­ rials librarian, Northwestern University, Evans­ ton, Illinois. Marjorie B. Stephenson has been appoint­ ed humanities librarian at Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Muriel G. Stewart has been appointed cataloger, The City College library, City Uni­ versity of New York. Paul Stott has been appointed as head of the loan division at Mann library, Cornell Uni­ versity libraries, Ithaca, New York. Mrs. Linda Anne Sundholm has been ap­ pointed to the staff of the cataloging depart­ ment of the University of Virginia library, Charlottesville. Linda Vandervelde is a new assistant cata­ log librarian at the University of Kansas li­ braries, Lawrence. Guy W estmoreland is now the assistant reference librarian, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Katharine W olpe is the new psychology librarian at the City College library, City Uni­ versity of New York. Dr. Sheh W ong is now assistant professor and head of the East Asian library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Richard J. W ood has joined the library staff of Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, as head of circulation. Mrs. Susan Zappen was appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Karen Zimmerman has been newly appoint­ ed as an associate catalog librarian at the Uni­ versity of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Ed. Note: The October issue of the News listed Mr. Russell H. Benedict as head of the Indiana State University catalog division. This note was in error. Mr. Benedict is head of the Indiana State Library catalog division and Mrs. Frances Kepner is head of the catalog division at the Indiana State University Library. Our apologies to both individuals. NECROLOGY Mabel Eaton, librarian emerita of Bates College died in Lewiston, Maine, August 11, 1971, a t the age of eighty-three. Since her re­ tirement from Bates in 1957 she had been ac­ tively associated with the Central Maine Gen­ eral Hospital Nursing Library. Myron Warren Getchell, former assistant professor of library science at Catholic Univer­ sity from 1944-55, died February 28, 1971. During his thirty-three years of involvement with libraries, Mr. Getchell served as a catalog­ er at the University of Illinois, librarian of Eastern State Teachers College in Madison, South Dakota, and as associate editor of the thirteenth and fourteenth editions of Dewey. He was living in retirement in Washington, D.C. at the time of his death. ■ ■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised th a t these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication o f the salary, the institution is w illin g to provide for the position offered.. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed ­ ited to exclude d ire ct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after th a t tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed, line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE BOOK PRINTING—W e p rin t as few as 200 copies paper­ back, hard cover, pamphlets. . New copy or reprints. Quality, economy, and cooperation. Free details. Graphi- copy, Box 285-C, Floral Park, NY 11001. N ATIO NAL U NIO N CATALOG, pre-1956 im prints. Vol­ umes 1-180, m int condition. Cost $3,781.80. Future vo l­ umes available from Mansell of London. Bids f.o.b. your lib ra ry w ill be considered until December 31, 1971. Columbus Memorial Library, MNB-BI03, 1828 L St. NW, Room 350, Washington, DC 20036. WANTED COLOR PLATE BOOKS. Botanical, sporting, natural his­ tory, atlases, ornithology, costumes, views, landscapes, etc. Especially wanted Audubon, Ca†esby, Gould, H ud­