ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 2002 / 825 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg C o rn e ll d ig ita l p re s e rv a tio n p ro g ra m For its next training program , Digital P reser­ v a tio n M an ag em en t: Effective Short-T erm Strategies for Long-Term P roblem s, C ornell U niversity Library w ill u se a tw o -p a rt a p ­ proach. P articipants will co m p lete a n e x te n ­ sive online tutorial before attending a one-w eek residential w orkshop in Ithaca, N ew York. The tutorial will have six sections: term s an d co n ­ cepts, c o m p o n e n ts o f a p rogram , strategies, prom ising initiatives, institutional self-assess­ m ent, an d a tem p late for creating an institu­ tional strategy. T he w o rk sh o p will h av e five sections: institutional readiness and assets m an­ agem ent, pro g ram co m p o n en ts a n d m odels, formats and types, approaches and techniques, an d creating an institutional fram ew ork. Both parts o f the program will em phasize short-term risk reduction strategies while research and de­ v elo p m en t creates longer-term solutions that can be incorporated into ongoing initiatives. T he online tutorial will b e available free to everyone in the spring of 2003. W orkshop reg­ istration will cost $750 (travel an d living e x ­ p e n s e s n o t in c lu d e d ). Five w o rk s h o p s are p la n n e d , tw o in 2003 a n d th ree in 2004. For m o re in fo rm atio n , s e e h ttp ://w w w .lib ra ry . Cornell. e d u /iris/research /w o rk sh o p . h tm l. P h o to g ra p h c o n s e rv a to r residen cy T he G eo rg e E astm an H o u se a n d th e Im age P erm anence Institute (IPI) in Rochester, New York, will offer six to eight fellow ships to the M ellon A dvanced R esidency in P h o to g ra p h C onservation b e g in n in g in S ep tem b er 2003. The two-year fellowships consist o f lecture and sem inar instruction, laboratory experim ents, advanced treatm ent experience, and exposure to research tech n iq u es a n d m ethodologies at E astm an H o u se, IPI, a n d o th e r a re a in stitu ­ tions. Both the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation an d the G etty G rant Program p ro v id ed fu n d ­ ing to sup p o rt this program . Applications are due January 13, 2003. The fellow ship includes a stip en d o f $34,479 plus b enefits, $1,000 for research, a n d $2,000 for p ro g ra m -re la te d trav el fo r e a c h o f th e tw o years. A pplicants m ust have a d eg ree from a recognized American graduate program in Art Conservation or the equivalent experience, and a d e m o n stra te d com m itm ent to p h o to g ra p h conservation. For m ore inform ation, contact Grant B. Ro mer, director, A dvanced Residency P rogram , G eo rg e E astm an H ouse, 900 East A venue, R ochester, NY 14607; p h o n e: (585) 271-3361, ext. 323; e-mail: rom er@ NLA's p re s e rv a tio n copies T he N ational Library o f A u stralia’s (NLA) preservation copying policy now includes digi­ tal images. The NLA considers its copying pro­ gram s to achieve a preservation benefit w hen th e “inform ation is ad eq u ately c ap tu red an d docum ented to m eet th e access needs of most users; the original material is n o t dam aged in th e p ro c e ss . . .; th e original m aterial is p ro ­ tected from further dem ands for use o r co p y ­ ing; a n d /o r the copies are able to b e m anaged for long-term accessibility.” It recognizes four copying methods for these purposes, preserva­ tio n m icrofilm ing (e ith e r 35m m roll film o r microfiche), digital im aging (to p ro d u ce digi­ tal im ages o r searchable text o r both), p h o to ­ copying, and traditional photography, although photocopying and photography are rarely used. Policy on Preservation Copying o f CollectionMateri- als outlines the com plete policy, including the criteria for ch o o sin g b e tw e e n digitization o r microfilming, selection priorities, and other im­ portant issues to b e considered. This policy is to b e u s e d in c o n ju n c tio n w ith th e NLA’s Digitisation Policy 2000-2004a nd Digitisation Standards a n d Guidelines in Use. T h e c o p y in g policy is available at h tt p :/ / w w w icro.htm l, the digi­ tiz a tio n p o lic y is av a ila b le at h tt p :/ /w w w . n la.g o v .au /p o licy /d ig itisatio n .h tm l, a n d the sta n d a rd s a n d g u id e lin e s are av ailab le at http ://w w w .n la.g o v .au /in itiativ es/stan d ard s. htm l. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program o ffic e r a t Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617)496-8344 http://www.library http://www