ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 830 C&RL News December 2002 / ■ G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Galloway A jo in t project o f th e College Center fo r Library Automation and the Tam pa Bay Library C o n so rtiu m h as b e e n a w a rd e d a $339,000 Library Services and Technology Act grant. The g ran t w ill p ro v id e fo r th e c o llab o rativ e developm ent and delivery o f live virtual online reference services to m ore than 4 million library patrons th roughout Florida. UCLA's D e p a rtm e n t o f In fo rm a tio n Studies is one of seven recipients o f a grant from the Institute of M useum an d Library Services. The grant will fund a one-year project training e ig h t p ro fe ssio n a l lib rarian s in research , information technology, an d policy to prepare th e m fo r fu tu re d o cto ral stu d ies. It will also aw ard participants a post-MLS certificate and w ill assist th em in p re p a rin g stu d y p lan s for doctoral programs. SOLINET's P re s e rv a tio n S ervices has b e e n a w a rd e d tw o g ran ts from the N ational E n d o w m en t fo r th e H um anities. A $580,000 g ra n t w ill go to c o n tin u e d s u p p o r t o f P reservation Field Services. H ighlights o f the tw o -y e a r p ro ject w ill b e o n e - a n d tw o -d ay w orkshops on preservation topics; a conference o n preservation concerns during building and re n o v a tio n projects; e x p a n d e d co n su ltin g services; and the W eb publication (in English and Spanish) ofHur ricane! Surviving the Big One: A Primer fo r Libraries, Museums, and Archives.K $700,000 g ra n t w ill s u p p o r t th e six th cooperative preservation microfilming project. This two-year project will preserve 6,000 brittle volum es from 16 participating institutions; the volumes focus on U.S. Southern history and culture. The University o f Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) has received a tw o-year N ational L eadership G rant o f $242,157 from the Institute o f M useum and Library Services to digitize more than 7,000 photographs depicting P itts b u rg h ’s im m ig ran t w o rk fo rc e , steel industries, public schools, civic renaissance of the mid-1940s and 1950s, and African American com m unities. The images will be available on the ULS Historic Pittsburgh W eb site at h ttp :// The N e w York S tate Historical Associa­ tio n (NYSHA) h as re c e iv e d a $40,000 g ran t from the Gladys Krieble D elmas F oundation’s Research Library Program to develop an online library system to im prove access to the NYSHA research library’s collections. NYSHA’s research library has developed im portant collections on A m erican a n d N ew Y ork State h istory an d culture, American art history , Native American ait an d culture, folklore, and m useum studies. The U niversity o f Illinois a t U rbana- C h am p aig n Library has b e e n a w a rd e d a $1 m illion g ran t from th e A ndrew W. M ellon F o und ation to increase scholarly access to its outstanding collections and rare book materials. T he g ran t p ro v id es fu n d s fo r retro sp ectiv e c o n v e rs io n , a p r o c e s s th r o u g h w h ic h c o m p u te riz e d reco rd s w ill b e c re a te d or e x p a n d e d fo r library m aterials. T he tw o categories o f items targeted are the 1.6 million records in the O nline Library Catalog that lack com plete bibliographic information (primarily ac c e ss e d by su b ject h e a d in g s ) an d the approxim ately 16,000 volum es o f rare b ooks th a t are n o t c o n ta in e d in th e O n lin e Library Catalog (accessible only in p ap er format). The N o rth eastern U niversity (Boston) Libraries w e re a w a rd e d $21,479 to p u rs u e sp ecial pro jects th at w ill b e tte r serve library p atro n s. T he Media C en ter’s Serving P eo p le with Disabilities aw ard of $19,979 will improve access to library information resources, remove barriers that impeded access, increase awareness about library services for people with disabilities, an d e x p a n d training to staff a n d p atrons w ith disabilities. The Archives and Special Collections D e p a rtm e n t’s p re s e rv a tio n su rv ey g ran t o f $ 1,500 will provide funding to hire a consultant to survey the archives collections an d facility. Cornell University Library has received a $725,088 g ra n t from th e N ational S cience Ed. note: Send y o u r new s to : Grants & A cquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. H uro n St., Chicago, IL 6 06 71-2795; e- m a il: agaiiow ay@ C&RL News ■ December 2002 / 831 Fo u n d atio n to create a digital collection of of events in the life of this political activist in N ew York State, have b e e n acquired by the University at Albany. G reen’s most acclaimed work has been done in the criminal justice area, w here she has w orked tirelessly to prom ote prison reform and advocate on behalf of pris­ oners. The collection, which comprises 3.5 cu­ bic feet of materials, follows G reen’s career as a criminologist from her days as a graduate stu­ d e n t in crim inal justice at th e U niversity at Albany through her career as founder and cur­ rent executive director for the Center for Law and Justice in Albany. The historic library shelving system th at was h o u sed in the form er ASPCA Building at 50 M ad iso n A v en u e in N ew Y ork City has b e e n d o n a te d to th e W olfso n ian at Florida I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n iv e r s ity b y S a m s o n M anagem ent. Samson is renovating the 1896 lim estone edifice in w hich th e shelves w ere h o u s e d in to c o n d o m in iu m s. T he sh elv es, w hich w ere the first m odular book-stacking system ever created, w ere designed by Angus S n ead M a c d o n a ld (1 8 8 3 -1 9 6 1 ) an d b u ilt from iron by Snead and Company Iron Works. T h e ir d e s ig n w as a v a n t-g a rd e , as th e y p r o v id e d f ir e p ro o f in g p r o te c tio n a n d v e n tila tio n fo r th e b o o k s. ■ historical m achine m odels for th e National Science Digital Library. This n ew online collection will pro v id e educators, students, researchers, and the general public w ith tools for exp lo rin g the m athem atical m otions o f machines. The collection will be geared for use by middle school, high school, and college-level teachers. A c q u i s i t i o n s The papers of Arthur Levitt Jr. , chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from 1993 to 2001, have b een arranged and described by Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The library will add 13 boxes of new materials (spanning the years 1993 to 2000) to the existing collection. These new materials contain files regarding significant cases and events during Levitt’s SEC tenure, materials on auditors’ independence and market regulation, and a collection of original news clippings, pho­ tos, and correspondence. The Alice P. Green Papers, which consti­ tute the writings, career, activities, and history