ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 32 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 College & Research Libraries news E d ito r ia l p u r p o s e College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) publishes articles, reports, and essays written by practitioners addressing philosophy and tech ­ niques of day-to-day management of academic library services and collections. C&RL News pro­ vides current information relating to issues, ac­ tivities, and personalities of the higher educa­ tion and academic and research library field. User education, technology, professional education, preservation, governm ent actions that affect li­ braries, public relations, acquisitions of special collections, grants to libraries, reports on meet­ ings, products, and the business of ACRL are cov­ ered in C&RL News. Established in 1966, C&RL News is the official newsmagazine and publica­ tion of record of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). It maintains a record of selected actions and policy statements of the association and publishes timely reports on the activities of ACRL and its units. It is published 11 times per year. C o n te n t The editor bears all responsibility for the con­ ten t o f each issue o f C&RL News an d selects material for publication. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in mate­ rial selected for publication in order to standard­ ize style or improve clarity (except official ACRL docum ents). Note: Formal, theoretical, o r re­ search-oriented articles inappropriate for C&RL News will be forwarded to the editor of College & Research Libraries for consideration. Material selected should fall into one of the following categories: 1. Articles on a project, program , or service d e a lin g w ith a to p ic re le v a n t to ac a d e m ic librarianship (e.g., “Strategies to keep the wolf from the door,” September 2003). 3. Essays for “The Way I See It” that offer rea­ soned and informed speculation or comment on relevant topics (e.g., “Multilingualism at the ref­ erence desk,” May 2003). 4. Topics for the “Intern et R esources” col­ um n. Submit a topic idea and b rief inform a­ tio n a b o u t the co m p ile r’s k n o w led g e of the p ro p o se d topic. Com pilers w h o se topics are s e le c te d w ill r e c e iv e s p e c if ic m a n u s c r ip t p re p a ra tio n inform ation. 5. Essays that explore the ACRL P resident’s theme. Topics and authors are selected by the President’s Program Planning Committee. 6. Humorous essays and cartoons related to issues of academic librarianship and higher education. 7. Essays for the “Scholarly Com m unication” column. ACRL’s Scholarly Communication Com­ mittee has editorial responsibility for this col­ umn; manuscript ideas should be sent to the com­ mittee chair. 8. Standards, guidelines, or recommendations of an ACRL com m ittee or other official ACRL group. 9. Requests for the donation of books or mate­ rials to libraries. C&RL News may occasionally initiate requests for the donation of books or materials to libraries, especially foreign librar­ ies, which have suffered extensive loss through fire, hurricane, or natural disaster. Other librar­ ies soliciting contributions for other reasons will be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C&RL News. In s tr u c tio n s to a u th o r s 1. Style. Articles shou ld be practical an d w rit­ ten in an informal, accurate, and inform ative m a n n e r a n d fo llo w th e Chicago M a n u a l o f Style, 15th ed. M anuscripts should be original and n ot p u b ­ lished elsew h ere. (E xceptions m ay b e m ade for items previously p u b lish ed in institutional n e w s le tte rs .) F o o tn o te s , ch a rts, a n d ta b le s should b e k e p t to a minimum. 2. L en g th . N ew s n o te s m ay b e 1 5 0 -3 5 0 w ords; essays for “The Way I See It” should b e 7 5 0 -1 ,0 0 0 w o rd s; articles s h o u ld b e no m ore th an 2,000 w ords. 3 . G ra p h ics. W h e n e v e r p o s s ib le , p h o t o ­ graphs, illustrations, im ages from W eb sites, etc., sh o u ld acco m p an y article subm issions. Authors are responsible for obtaining perm is­ sion to u se graphic materials. Submit cam era- ready artw ork for all illustrations. On the back o f each p h o to g ra p h include a b rief caption, cred its (if a p p ro p ria te ) an d y o u r nam e, a d ­ dress, p h o n e num ber, and e-mail. 4. Submitting manuscripts. Manuscripts must be s u b m itte d e le c tro n ic a lly to th e e d ito r at (Note: An e-mail note of inquiry may precede submission of the article.) ■ C&RL News submission guidelines C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 33 3 4 1 C&RL News ■ January 2004