ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 38 / C&RL News ■ January 2004 I n t e r n e t R e v i e w s Joni R. Robertsand Carol A. Drost, editors S ch o e n b e rg Ce n ter fo r Ele ctro n ic Text a n d Im a g e . Access: d e w e y .lib ra ry . u p e n n .e d u /s c e ti/. The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image (SCETI) is a digital library at the University of Pennsylvania (UP). Created in 1996, SCETI publishes virtual copies of rare books and manuscripts from the 9th through the 20th centuries in the UP Library’s collec­ tions. The W eb page states that its mission is “to m ake accessible to the global com m u­ nity of scholars a n d researchers prim ary source m aterials that w ould otherw ise be difficult to access.” Users can brow se the site by author, col­ lection, period (centuiy), language, and for­ mat. The site can also be searched w ith an extensive search screen that includes such choices as form at (correspondence, image, m anuscript, or printed book) and period. Searches can also be limited by the SCETI glish Renaissance. It includes tutorials on sev­ eral works of Shakespeare (Romeo andJuliet, The M erchant o f Venice, R ic h a rd III, and King Lear) and information about publish­ ing during the Renaissance. SCETI d o e s n o t analyze prim ary texts b u t p re s e n ts th em in a th o ro u g h , o rg a ­ n ize d , a n d easily se a rc h a b le form at for researchers. T he ERIC section is in d isp en s­ a b le to a n y o n e te a c h in g S h a k e s p e a re ’s w o rk s. UP has d o n e a b e a u tifu l job of digitizing its rare collections a n d sharing th em w ith th e rest o f th e w o rld .— Delores Carlito, U niversity o f A la b a m a -B ir m in g ­ ham , delo@ B io d iv e rs ity & B io lo g ic a l C o lle ctio n s. Access: w w w .biocollections.o r g /. O ne of the oldest W eb sites to provide quality information about biodiversity, bio­ logical collections, and associated software, Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image o n lin e c o lle ctio n , su c h as 19th-C entury American History; the Edgar Fahs Smith Col­ lectio n , c o n c e n tra tin g o n th e h isto ry of chemistry; the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Col­ lection, focusing on late m edieval and early m o d e r n m a n u s c rip ts ; th e D re is e r W eb Source, offering prim ary a n d se c o n d a ry sources on T heodore Dreiser; the Furness Shakespeare Library; and the UP Art Collec­ tion. The art is attractively presented with full information about each piece (artist, title, size, medium, and date). The text pages are fac­ similes of the original and are easy to read. Text and som e image pages allow visitors to zoom in or out and to arrange the page in a printable format. A unique feature of this site is the ability to view Shakespeare’s fo­ lios side-by-side. SCETI also includes a link to UP’s En­ glish Renaissance in Context (ERIC). This site provides scholars and students with multi- m edia tools about Shakespeare and the En- provides life sciences data to a variety of academ ic disciplines and au­ diences. is m anaged by faculty from b o th the University of Texas and the University of Michigan, making this a co o p erativ e scholarly effort, w hile the server is housed at the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan. Additionally, the National Science Foundation provided funds in 2002 for a forthcoming major up­ grade of hardware and software for the site. O ne of the key values of the site lies in its w ide array of links to authoritative informa­ tion about biological collections specimens, taxonom ic authority files, directories of bi­ ologists, the Delta system of encoding taxo­ nom ic descriptions for com puter process- Joni R. Roberts is associate u n ive rsity lib ra ria n f o r pu b lic services a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a t W illa m e tte University, e-m ail: jrobe rts@ w illa m e tte .e d u , and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian fo rte c h n ic a l services a t W illa m e tte University, e-mail: cdrost@ C&RL News ■ January 2004 / 39 ing, a n d links to h u ndreds of biodiversity and collection resources. The links alone at the prim ary level provide access to hundreds of sites that th en provide secondary access to thousands of quality sites. The links to ichthyology resources, for exam ple, lead a user to the Ichthyology Col­ lection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP), w hich in turn has a link to an ANSP database containing 124,784 records of specim ens in its ichthyology d e ­ partm ent collections. The set of links to conservation W eb sites provides, am ong other topical resources, a link to M onarch Watch, a University of Kan­ sas W eb site show casing a cooperative n et­ w o rk dedicated to the study of the M onarch butterfly. The 81 “Biological Collections” links provide a w ealth of links to m useum collec­ tions across the United States and Great Brit­ ain, w hich in turn give access to online in­ form ation on hundreds of thousands of bio­ logical specim ens across m ost living species. “C o n fe re n c e s” pro v id es n ew s a n d u p ­ dates on a w ide variety of life sciences con­ ferences, including prim atology, m am m al­ ogy, ornithology, a n d parisitology meetings. “Directories and Publications” highlights in­ form ation on a variety of U.S. and interna­ tional journals across the life sciences. “Col­ lection D atabases” offers entry into a w o n ­ d erful v ariety of in te rn atio n a l o n lin e re ­ sources users might not readily find on other life sciences W eb sites. Exam ples include the Tulane University M useum of Natural His­ tory collection of 7 million fish specim ens in 200,000 lots; the O rnithology Collection of C ornell University’s M useum o f V erte­ brates, w ith w orldw ide coverage and speci­ m ens from all continents and m ore than 134 different countries; and th e botanical data­ bases from the D epartm ent of Botany at the Natural History M useum in London. This site is recom m ended for all higher education in­ stitutions from com m unity college to gradu­ ate level a n d a d d re sse s faculty re s e a rc h n e e d s.—J o h n Creech, C entral W ashington University, creechj@ C o ld W ar In ternational H istory Project. Access: w w ic s .s i.e d u / in d e x .cfm ?topic_ id=l409&fuseaction=topics.home. Since the e n d of the Cold War, previously classified docum ents, especially those from “behind the Iron Curtain,” have becom e avail­ able to the public for the first time. The dis­ covery of these new sources of information has had a major impact in changing the way scholars interpret events from the end of World War II to the breakup of the Soviet Union. The Cold War International History Project (CWIHP), a program of the W oodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, has been a primary agent in helping to make these new sources of information accessible to Cold War researchers. CWIHP “seeks to accelerate the process of integrating new sources, materials, and perspectives from the former ‘Commu­ nist bloc’ with the historiography of the Cold War which has been written over the past few decades largely by W estern scholars reliant on W estern archival sources.” CWIHP’s publications are available online in full-text format. Each issue of the Cold War International History Project Bulletin, CWHIP Working Paper Series, and CWHIP e-Dossier Series focus o n specific them es or archival sources, such as “The KGB in Afghanistan” or “From the Russian Archives.” The research articles, co n trib u ted by leading Cold W ar scholars, are supplem ented with analyses and English translations of excerpts from previ­ ously declassified archival documents. O ne example of this can be seen in “Declassified Materials from CPSU Central Committee Ple­ num: Sources, Context, Highlights.” The site’s “Virtual Archive” is searchable by keyw ord, using Boolean operators and truncation, and the search engine appears to search the entire text of the online docu­ ments. However, keyw ord searches seem ed to retrieve a m axim um of 31 results in all cases. T he “Virtual A rchive” can also be b row sed by a list of keyw ords, keyw ords subject, keyw ords year, publications, collec­ tion, a n d geographic subject. Each online docum ent has a link at the bottom of the page to a printer-friendly version. Primaiy source materials, especially those from foreign countries, can b e especially dif­ ficult to locate. The CWIHP W eb site does a terrific job of m aking these previously inac­ cessible archival materials available to any­ one w h o w ants to learn m ore abo u t the Cold War. This site is highly recom m ended for s tu d e n t a n d fa c u lty r e s e a r c h e r s .— Gerri Foudy, University o f M aryland, gf48@umail. u m d .e d u ■