ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research No. 2, February 1974libraries news ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 35, No. 2 $350,000 Grant Awarded to ACRL for Black Administrators Program The Association of College and Research Li­ braries, a division of the American Library Association, has been awarded $350,000 by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to fund over a three-year period an Academic Library Intern­ ship Program for Administrators of Predomi­ nantly Black College and University Libraries. The project is intended to accelerate the development of the management ability of li­ brarians in black colleges and universities by providing them with experience in the admin­ istration of strong and progressive academic libraries. The interns will study library admin­ istrative methods, will exchange ideas and dis­ cuss their problems with staff members in the host institution, and will participate in the day-to-day management of the host library. The program is designed for librarians in black colleges who have potential as administrators, based upon experience and/or performance as a student in library school. Interns will be placed in selected academic libraries for three to nine months. Since academic librarians perform a teach­ ing and research role inasmuch as they instruct students formally and informally and advise and assist faculty in their scholarly pursuits, the project will provide support to the instructional programs of the institutions from which the interns are chosen and which serve over 60 percent of the black students enrolled in col­ leges in the United States. Casper L. Jordan, associate professor in the School of Library Service at Atlanta University, is the project director. The members of the project’s advisory committee are: Virginia Lacy Jones, School of Library Service, Atlanta Uni­ versity, chairman; Phyllis B. Cartwright, Florida International University libraries; Richard M. Dougherty, University of California libraries; James F. McCoy, Mercer County Community College library; Annette L. Phinazee, School of Library Science, North Carolina Central University; and David C. Weber, Stanford Uni­ versity libraries. Beverly P. Lynch, executive secretary of the Association of College and Research Libraries, is principal investigator. ADDITIONAL ACRL NOMINATING COMMITTEES RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION Robert J. Adelsperger, Special Collections Librarian, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus, P. O. Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680, Chairman Robert A. Harris, Chief Special Collections Librarian, Chicago Public Library, Chicago, IL 60602 Arthur H. Miller, Head Librarian, Donnelley Library, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL 60045 College & Research Libraries is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly—6 bimonthly Journal issues and I I monthly, combining July- August, News issues at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Subscription, $15.00 a year or, to members of the division, $7.50, included in dues. Circulation and advertising office: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611. Second-class postage paid a t Fulton, Missouri 65251. News editor: Allan Dyson, M o ffitt Undergraduate Library, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. Associate News editor: Susana Hinojosa, Assistant Librarian, Reference Department, M o ffitt Undergraduate Library. Editor: Richard M. Dougherty, University Library, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. President, ACRL: Norman Tanis. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly Lynch, ALA.