ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 614 / C&RL News ■ JulyAugust 2000 Internet Reviews Sara Amato, editor T h e E n c y c l o p e d i a M y t h i c a : A n E n c y c lo p e d ia o n M y t h o lo g y , F o l k ­ l o r e , a n d L e g e n d . Access: h t t p : / / w w w ythica/. Encyclopedia Mythica contains more than 5,900 definitions of gods and goddesses, su­ pernatural beings, and legendary creatures from cultures all over the world. These defi­ nitions, w ith links to 300 illustrations and maps, provide information well suited for the needs o f high school or undergraduate stu­ dents interested in the areas of mythology and folklore. Users of Encyclopedia Mythica may view an impressive list of 81 awards w on since the encyclopedia’s beginning in 1995, including the Britannica Internet Guide Award (February 15, 2000) and the Silver Plat­ ter Award (July 27, 1999). Encyclopedia Mythica is well constructed and very easy to search. Users may brow se through an alphabetical list of entries or se­ lect topics from four major areas: mythology; folktales; image gallery; and genealogy tables. Search features include a full-text search e n ­ gine, which allows the use o f Boolean o p ­ erators and wild cards. Results may be sorted either by relevancy or alphabetically by title. An advanced search feature allows users to search other sites, such as Britannica Online and Perseus and Argos. D etermining authority can be tricky with Encyclopedia Mythica, as information is taken from a variety o f sources and most entries are not signed. A list of resources used in creating som e of the articles is available and include standard sources in the field, such as Joseph Cambell’s series on the “Pow er of Myth’’ and Edith H am elto n ’s “Mythology: Timeless Tales o f Gods and H eroes.” Other entries are written by the encyclopedia’s edi­ torial staff and founder, Micha F. Lindemans. Anyone interested in contributing to the e n ­ cyclopedia is encouraged to do so. O f special note is the “Miscellanea” sec­ tion of the Encyclopedia Mythica. Here, us­ ers will find a variety of interesting tools, in­ cluding a pronunciation guide, a list of links to other mythology and folklore related sites on the Web, and a list of G reek deities with their Roman counterparts. Help in searching is readily accessible on each o f the search screens and also available within the “infor­ m ation” section of the encyclopedia. Currently, the areas most comprehensively covered by the encyclopedia are A ncient G reece and Rome. However, progress is b e ­ ing m ade in providing information on a vari­ ety o f cultures from all areas of the world, making Encyclopedia Mythica a valuable and exciting source for anyone interested in my­ thology and folklore.—Faye Christenberry, Uni­ versity o f Kansas, A c a d e m y o f A m e r ic a n P o e t s . Access: http://w w w l. The Academy o f American Poets has a Web site that has a variety of features that could interest an academ ic library, d ep en d ­ ing on w hat other literary resources are made available to your patrons. This is a good, general starting point for som eone w ho is just starting to explore poetry, but it is not a resource w ith in-depth or detailed research information. This is not a commercial prod­ uct, nor is it produced by an educational in­ stitution. The purpose of this site is to pro­ m ote poetry, primarily for poets, educators, and publishers. Special features o f this site include a sec­ tion with audio clips located in the “Listen­ ing B ooth.” Here o n e can listen to individual poets read their poetry. There is also a sec­ tion w ith “Current Exhibits,” w hich are basi­ cally thematic essays with links to related Web pages on individual poets. There are currently about ten exhibits with tw o m ore on the way. If one is seeking a source for detailed bio­ graphical information on poets, this may be Sara Am ato is electronic services and W eb developm ent librarian at Bowdoin College, C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 615 the site for you, depending on how many “clicks” you w ant to execute to locate infor­ mation. The Academy has a section entitled “Find a Poet,” which is an alphabetical list of more than 320 poets. This section is definitely a w ork in progress; not all poets have a Web page and new pages are added weekly. There is no information concerning criteria for se­ lecting poets for inclusion, but in reviewing the list, they are not limiting their focus to American poets. The list is international in scope, and includes poets from a variety of time periods—William Shakespeare, Robert B row ning, R obert Frost, Rita D ove, and Seamus Heaney, to nam e a few. The “Find a Poet” section includes pages on individual poets with brief biographical in­ formation and links to more information. As a m in o r p o in t, so m e b io g ra p h ie s in clu d e birthdates with month and day, and others do not. Using Robert Frost as an example, the biography includes only the year he was born, but selecting the link to the biographical con­ nection to Literature Online (Addison Wesley), one finds his birthdate was March 26. As the basic biographical information is not difficult to locate, it w ould be nice if each biography was consistent in format and con­ tent for each poet. Each p o et’s page does include a photo with the brief biography. Of particular interest is the inclusion o f full text for selected poems. Included in each page is a selected bibliography of writings and links to Web sites with more information. The biographical pages on individual p o ­ ets appear to have been written by different individuals, but as no credits are given for the individual contributions, this may be a perception rather than a reality. Because each entry is varied in content, it is the assum p­ tion of the reviewer that the entries are com ­ piled by different individuals. Another issue with lack of credits is that there isn’t any in­ formation to provide evidence of authority and accuracy for the information provided. This site is potentially a good starting point for som eone w ho is just starting to explore poetry and is interested in comparing styles and gathering som e general information. The exhibits section allows a visitor to identify names connected with particular aspects of poetry, such as the exhibit “Poets o f the Harlem Renaissance.” The information included in the exhibit is cursory at best, but it makes connections with the poets and the time period. The “Literary Links” section includes links to a variety of Web sites with full-text poetry, a benefit those w ho want full text, but want to pinpoint re­ sources without having to use a search en­ gine, which can provide an overwhelming list. Since the purpose of this site is to pro­ mote poetry, there are additional features aim ed at prom oting poetry to educators and w ould-be poets. Included is a section on Na­ tional Poetry Month, which is in April each year. As a noncommercial site, it is evident that this is more a “labor of love” than a prod­ uct they are trying to sell and promote. There are minor issues related to adding a state­ ment on selection criteria and providing in­ form ation on contributors, however, their main purpose is not to provide a scholarly resource for the academic. As a gentle sug­ gestion to the producers, the site w ould ben­ efit from a thorough review of the site navi­ gation. There are links from the “Listening Booth” to biographies, but not all biographies link back to available audio clips in the “Lis­ tening Booth.” Occasionally a visitor ends up in a section with no way to get back to the “Find a P oet” section except by going to the homepage. The site is not a large site, and these are m inor criticisms, but, if addressed, w ould im­ prove the site overall, and make it more user friendly for those individuals w ho wish to explore poetry.— Terri Fishel, Macalester CoT lege, ■ A note of appreciation With this column, Sara Amato con­ cludes her stint as editor so that she can devote more time to other endeavors. We w ould like to recognize Sara for her ef­ forts and thank her for creating and nur­ turing this colum n for C&RL News for the last six years. The colum n will continue in the fall under the joint editorship of J o n i R o b e rts a n d C aro l D ro s t o f Willamette University.