ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 621 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s An n - Ch r i s t e Yo un g Nicholas C . Burckel, dean o f libraries and associate professor o f history at Marquette University, has been appointed to the Na­ tional Historical Publications and Records Commission by President Clinton. Burckel has held several positions at Washington Univer­ sity in St. Louis and the University o f Wis­ consin in the field o f historical records and preservation. Burckel is the editor or coau­ thor o f six books, more than a dozen articles, and more than 100 reviews in archival, li­ brary, and historical journals. His publications have received awards from the Council on Wisconsin Writers, the State Historical Soci­ ety o f Wisconsin, and the American Associa­ tion for State and Local History. In addition, he is a fellow and past president o f the Soci­ ety o f American Archivists. Several academic librarians have been elected to the Board o f Amigos Library Services. New board officers include Jo a n L. Heath, uni­ versity librarian at Southwest Texas State Uni­ versity in San Marcos, and Robert Shupe, library director o f the Mohave Community College Library in Kingman, Arizona. Dana C . Rooks, dean o f libraries at the University o f Houston, was elected to a three-year term. Continuing as trustees are Mary L. Ryan, di­ rector o f the University o f Arkansas for Medi­ cal Science Library in Little Rock, and Tho­ mas L. Wilding, director o f libraries at the University o f Texas at Arlington. The 2000 ISI/Frank Bradway Rogers Infor­ m ation Advancement Award was given in May by the Medical Library Association to Eric Schnell, head o f Information T ech nol­ ogy, E ric Hamrick, systems specialist, Ruey Rodman, head o f Access Services, and Judy Willis, head o f Docum ent Delivery at the Ohio State University Prior Health Science Library participated in the creation o f the P r o s p e r o E le c t r o n i c D e liv e r y P r o je c t. Prospero, a W eb-based docum ent delivery system, is a pioneering resource that is freely available to libraries throughout the world. Prospero uses W eb-based technology to pro­ W in n e rs o f t h e IS I/Frank B ra d w a y R ogers I n f o r m a tio n A d v a n c e m e n t A w a rd ( le f t t o r i g h t , b a c k r o w ) : E ric S c h n e ll a n d E ric H am rick; (le ft t o r ig h t, f r o n t ro w ): Judy W illis a n d Ruey R odm an. vide library patrons with desktop delivery of requested documents and it streamlines the workflow for the Document Delivery staff. A p p o i n t m e n t s M o h am m ed A m an , dean o f University o f W isconsin -M ilw aukee (UMW) Sch ool o f Li­ brary and Information Scien ce has b e e n ap­ pointed interim dean o f UWM’s School o f Edu­ cation. Aman will head b o th s c h o o ls fo r the next year while a na­ tional search to fill this M o h a m m e d A m a n position is conducted. Gordon Aamot has been appointed head o f Arts, Architecture and Business Libraries, University o f Washington Libraries at the Uni­ versity o f Washington in Seattle. Je f f B arry is the new assistant university librarian for systems and information tech­ nology in the Otto G. Richter Library at the University o f Miami in Coral Gables. 622 / C&RL News ■ JulyAugust 2000 June M. Brotherton is now the associ­ ate director for organizational effectiveness at the North Carolina State University Librar­ ies. Amanda Cain has been appointed coor­ dinator o f library instruction at Washington State University in Pullman. Carol Casey is now head o f cataloging at Washington State University in Pullman. Roberta Chodacki has joined Columbus State University, in Columbus, Georgia, as di­ rector o f the music library. Kurt H. Cumiskey has b e en appointed assistant director o f the North Carolina State University Libraries. Natalie Delker has been appointed ref­ erence/instruction librarian in the Bothell Campus Library at the University o f Wash­ ington. Melvin DeSart is now head o f the Engi­ neering Library at the University o f Washing­ ton in Seattle. Mary Anne Doyle has joined the Boston Library Consortium as virtual catalog project manager. Reneé Englund has been appointed to a dual position in Library Information Services and Library Instruction and Orientation De­ partments at Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University. Todd Fell is now catalog librarian in the Rare B oo k Team at Yale University Library. Lynne Fors has been appointed catalog librarian in the Rare Book Team at Yale Uni­ versity Library. Cheryl Gowing has be en named assis­ tant university librarian for Technical Services and ILS Operations ira the O tto G. Richter Library at the University o f Miami in Coral Gables. Ellen Greever has b e e n appointed assis­ tant professor o f the University o f W iscon- sin-Milwaukee School o f Library and Infor­ mation Science. Karen Stanley Grigg is reference librar­ ian for life sciences at North Carolina State University. Pat Hawthorne has been named assis­ tant university librarian for administrative services in the Otto G. Richter Library at the University o f Miami in Coral Gables. Betsy Hine has b e e n nam ed associate dean for library services at Indiana State Uni­ versity. Jeffrey C. Huestis is now virtual library architect at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Erik Jul is now executive director o f the OCLC Institute in Dublin, Ohio. Amy Kautzman has been appointed head o f reference and instruction for the Social Science Program o f Harvard College Library. Julie Kemper is now a catalog librarian in the Rare B ook Team at Yale University Library. Sharyn Ladner has b e en appointed as­ sistant university librarian for public services in the Otto G. Richter Library at the Univer­ sity o f Miami in Coral Gables. Karen Leeseberg has been named assis­ tant director for public services at Nunez Community College in Chalmette, Louisiana. Cara List has been named architecture and allied arts reference librarian at the Univer­ sity o f Oregon. Marsha Maguire is now manuscripts and special collections cataloging librarian at the University o f Washington in Seattle. Linda Kawaguchi Mc lan e is now head o f acquisitions at the University o f California in Berkeley. Ruthann Boles McTyre is now head of the Rita Benton Music Library at the Univer­ sity o f Iowa. Jam es Tasato Mellone has b e e n ap ­ pointed social sciences reference/instruction/ collection developm ent librarian at Q ueens College, CUNY. Timothy S. Mori is now systems librar­ ian for digital projects at North Carolina State University. Stella Ota has accepted a one-year ap­ pointment as acting head librarian and bibli­ ographer o f the Physics Library at Stanford University. Guillermo A. Oyarce has been appointed assistant professor at the University o f Wis­ consin-M ilwaukee School o f Library and In­ formation Science. Carla Rickerson has b e en nam ed head o f the manuscripts, special collections, uni­ versity archives at the University o f Washing­ ton in Seattle. Ed. note: To ensure th a t y o u r personnel news is considered fo r p u b lic a tio n , w rite to Ann-C hriste Young, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail:; fax: (312) 280-2520. C&RL News ■ July/August 2000 / 623 Alan Ritch is now associate university li­ brarian and director for collections at the Uni­ versity o f California in Berkeley. Rob Rucker has been appointed head of distance learning services at North Carolina State University. Susan Schreiner has joined Cunningham Memorial Library at Indiana State University as lending services librarian. Susi Seiler has b een named assistant uni­ versity librarian for collection resource man­ agement in the Otto G. Richter Library at the University o f Miami in Coral Gables. Steven Shapiro has b een appointed elec­ tronic resources librarian at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Tammy Siebenberg has been appointed science librarian and coordinator, Owen User Education and Database Searching at Wash­ ington State University in Pullman. Don Spanner has joined the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Library and Information Science as an assistant professor. Loretta Spurling is the new reference li­ brarian with the Anschutz library at the Uni­ versity o f Kansas. Victoria Steele is now head o f the D e­ partment o f Special Collections in the Charles E. Young Research Library at UCLA. Je n n ifer Stevens has been appointed science librarian and information services coordinator at Washington State University in Pullman. Advertiser index ACRL 589 ALIBRIS Cover 3 Annual Reviews 580 American Theological 568 Library Association Chemical Abstracts Svc Cover 2 CHOICE 574, 584 Dialog Corporation 575 EBSCO 596 Endeavor Information System 592 ESRI Cover 4 Graduate Institute 620 Graphics Press 565 Faxon/Rowecom 585 InfoUSA 605 LJ Academic Newswire 613 OCLC 602 Rosemary Streatfeild is now science li­ brarian at Washington State University in Pull­ man. Julie Sweetkind is now the Map and Geographic Information Systems librarian in the Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections at Stanford University. Kim Vassiliadis is now instruction librar­ ian at Christian Brothers University in Mem­ phis, Tennessee. Barbara J . Via has been promoted to head o f the Dewey Graduate Library at the Uni­ versity o f Albany, SUNY. William Vincenti is now reference librar­ ian at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Bill Walker has been named imaging and preservation services imaging field service officer at Amigos Library Services in Dallas. Naheed Zaheer is now head of the access services department at Stanford University. Paul Zarins has b een appointed Stanford University Libraries' first digital library pro­ gram officer. R e t i r e m e n t s A. Gerald Anderson has retired as the refer­ ence/Nordic area librarian at the University o f Washington in Seattle. Anna M. Brady, coordinator o f instructional services at Queens College, CUNY, has re­ tired after 28 years at Queens College, Temple University, and Kingsborough Community College libraries. Ann Hyde has retired as manuscripts librar­ ian in the Department o f Special Collections in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library at the University o f Kansas Libraries. Hyde has had a more than 40-year association with the university. Mary Je n se n has retired as head o f the monographic acquisitions section at the Uni­ versity o f Washington in Seattle. Shake Keshkekian has retired from the catalog department at Stanford University, after 35 years o f service. Keshkekian came to Stanford from the University o f Khartoum in Sudan where she worked as a reference 624 / C&RL News ■ JulyAugust 2000 and catalog librarian and taught cataloging and classification. She began her career at Stanford as a generalist and a cataloger of German lit­ erature, but soon moved to the History Unit, of which she become the head. Keshkekian moved rapidly from her initial appointment as Library I to Librarian VI in 1975, and in a few more years was promoted to senior li­ brarian. Keshkekian has also made contribu­ tions to the NACO and BIBCO programs (in­ ternational, cooperative cataloging projects). Gail Ronnermann has retired from her po­ sition as life sciences librarian at Queens College, CUNY, after a 25-year career. Laura Gutiérrez-Witt, head of the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin (UT), has retired from this position. Harold Billings, director o f Gen­ eral Libraries at UT, said, “Prior to her appoint­ ment as head librarian in 1975, Laura spent ten years as Nettie Lee Benson’s right hand and was, in fact, the chief operating officer of the world-class collection during that time.” Gutiérrez-Witt is serving as executive secre­ tary o f the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials— an international consortium for the promotion of Latin Ameri­ can acquisitions, bibliography, and resource sharing. She is a lecturer in the UT Austin Graduate School of Library and Information Science, a regular participant in international programs relating to Latin American studies, and a frequent contributor to the literature of the field. She received a Certificate in Modem Archives Administration from the National Ar­ chives/American University and was an NEH Fellow in Spanish Archival Sciences at the Newberry Library in Chicago. D e a t h s Darwyn Jo n Batway, former director of the Ashland University Library in Ashland, Ohio, died on December 20, 1999- He served on the staff of libraries in Ohio and Washington and directed the Ashland University Library from 1986 to 1991. Errett Weir McDiarmid, 90, ALA President (1948-49), died on April 27, 2000. After teach­ ing at the University o f Illinois, he came to the University of Minnesota in 1943 as a librarian and director o f the Division o f Library In­ struction (as the Graduate Library School was then known). In 1951, he became dean of the College o f Science, Literature and the Arts, the predecessor to the College o f Liberal Arts. He held that position for 12 years and then served as dean of the Graduate School Fel­ lowship Office and taught in the Graduate School and the Library School until he re­ tired in 1978. Memorials can be sent to the Sherlock Holmes Collection (which he was instrumental in developing) c/o Special Col­ lections & Rare Books, 466 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. A contribution will be sent on behalf o f the ALA Executive Board. Joyce McLeod Quinsey, 82, died Jun e 3, 2000, in Eureka, California, following several years o f illness with Alzheimer’s. In 1935, Quinsey entered Dana College, and for sev­ eral years thereafter she alternated teaching positions in the Nebraska public schools, from two-room country school to high school, with returns to college. From 1948 to 1950, she worked as a reference librarian at the Uni­ versity of Omaha, then accepted a position as head o f the reference department at the University of Kansas Libraries in Lawrence, where she remained until 1961. In 1962, Quinsey moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where she was employed at the University of Ne­ braska, and later at the Nebraska State His­ torical Society. In 1964, she accepted a posi­ tion at Humboldt State University in Areata, California, as a humanities reference librar­ ian, continuing in that position until her re­ tirement in 1983. ■ ( “Library research . . . ” cont. from p ag e 604) and working and helping our communities when it arrives at this destination. N o te s 1. Umberto Eco, Postscript to The Nam e o f th e R ose (N ew Y ork: H arcou rt B ra c e Jovanovich, 1984): 57. 2. Debra A. Castillo, The Translated World: A Postm odern Tour o f Libraries in Literature (Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1985): 16. ■