ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 170 JUNIOR MEMBERS ROUND TABLE vice or assisting JMRT in maintaining, contact Nancy Schimmel, San Mateo County Library, Relmont, CA 94022. Another exciting project sponsored by JMRT is a daily convention newspaper. Reporters will attend assigned meetings and submit reports for the newspaper which will be edited and prepared each evening. ALA headquarters has generously offered its producing facilities and staff for the printing phase which will be com­ pleted each morning at the ALA headquar­ ters. Three thousand copies will be distributed to ALA attendees daily, Sunday through Fri­ day. It is hoped that this newssheet will promote a better understanding of conference activities. The newssheet will communicate to the mem­ bership the events of the preceding day and a highlight of the forthcoming day’s activities in an objective and factual capsulized format. Anyone interested in participating in any phase of this project should contact Catherine O’Connell, Linthicum Library, 400 Shipley Road, Linthicum, MD 21090. ■ ■ e JMRT has some exciting plans for th June conference in Chicago. We invite all ALA members who one of our projects interests to join us for fun, professional improvement, and a better ALA. JMRT’s annual orientation session will fea­ ture a press conference this year. The editors of American Libraries, Wilson Library Bulle­ tin, Library Journal and School Library Journal have been invited to share their predictions for the conference and interview members of the ALA Executive Board and COPES. It should be an enlightening experience. JMRT is planning the first child care facilities for an ALA conference. Professional chil­ dren’s consultants will be employed to care for the children during the day assisted by li­ brarian volunteers. Infants through fourteen- year-olds will be accommodated, with trips through nearby museums for the older chil­ dren. If you are interested in using the ser­ Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S John N. Berry, III, will join the Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Pittsburgh, as visiting lec­ turer. John B. Black has accepted appointment as assistant librarian, services, at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Michael K. Buckland has been announced as assistant director of libraries for technical services, and as associate professor of library science at Purdue University Libraries, Lafay­ ette, Indiana. Marion D. Cameron has received appoint­ ment as assistant librarian, personnel, at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Frederick G. Gook is now university librar­ ian, Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont. Renee Feinberg has joined the Brooklyn College Library as reference librarian in the social science division. City University, New York. John Forsman has received appointments to the Graduate School of Library and Infor­ mation Sciences, and as the assistant director of the Bureau of Urban Library Research, both with the University of Pittsburgh. Kendal Funk is now reference librarian in the science division at the Brooklyn College Library, City University, New York. Lorraine Giurlani is now a cataloger on the staff of the Honnold Library of the Glare- mont College, California. Irene Godden is the newly appointed as­ sistant acquisitions librarian at California State College Library, Dominguez Hills. Norma Haimes has joined the Brooklyn College library staff as reference librarian in the humanities division. City University, New York, Phillip R. Heer has been named an as­ sistant professor at the University of Denver Graduate School of Librarianship, Denver, Col­ orado. Paul L. Horecky has been announced as the chief of the Slavic and Central European Division of the reference department of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. David S. Hornbeck, Jr., has been appointed reference librarian in the social science library of the University of Utah Libraries. Jeanne M, Isacco has been appointed as as­ sistant reference librarian in the James Branch Cabell Library of the Academic Center of Vir­ ginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. Marguerita Iskenderian has accepted the position of music cataloger in tlie catalog di­