ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 786 / C&/RL N e w s ■ Se p te m b e r 2001 In th en ews I am delighted to b e acting as C&RL N ew s editor until a permanent replacem ent c an b e appointed. During my many years as an aca­ demic librarian, m ost recently as deputy di­ rector o f the University o f Notre Dam e Li­ braries, C&RL N ew s consistently provided me with both information and stimulation. It is a pleasure to b e a small part o f this valuable publication. During her presidential term, Mary Reichel has chosen the concep t o f the learning com ­ munity as a fitting exp ression o f ACRL goals (page 818). Learning implies an em phasis o n outcomes, and this them e is developed in Amos Lakos’s report from the American As­ sociation o f Higher Education Assessment F o­ rum (page 830). His description o f library- sponsored programs at the forum illustrate the active participation o f libraries in the “as­ sessment culture.” Another aspect o f community involves col­ laboration. Provost David Shulenburger o f the University o f Kansas discusses the rela­ tionship o f faculty evaluation practices to the accessibility and affordability o f quality schol­ arly w ork, a critical issue for both librarians and faculty (page 808). R eichel regards ACRL as an exem plary learning community in pursuit o f excellence. Learn from accounts o f ACRL’s programs at the ALA Annual C onference (page 793), and select from program cassettes (page 795). We urge you to recognize exce lle n ce by nomi­ nating candidates for the variety o f ACRL awards described o n page 822. Librarians are also m em bers o f the larger community and m anagers o f resources. In “Greening Our Libraries” (page 825), Kathleen Rickert offers suggestions on how w e can fulfill those responsibilities in an environm en­ tally responsible way. — Maureen Gleason A ctin g e d it o r