ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 4 8 /C&RL News N ew Publications G eo rg e M. Eberha rt A lien D iscu ssio n s: Pro­ ceed in g s o f th e Abduction Study C o n feren ce, edited by Andrea Pritchard, David E. P ritchard, a n d J o h n E. M ack (682 p a g e s, M arch 1995), contains the papers p resen ted at a conference h eld at th e M assachusetts I n s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , Ju n e 13– 17, 1992. Whatever th e c a u s e , h u n d r e d s o f p e o p l e — p e r h a p s t h o u ­ s a n d s— a ro u n d th e w o rld are recounting very strange experiences o f being abducted and exam ined on a table in unearthly surroundings by alien beings. The scientists and researchers w ho p re­ sented the 118 papers have exam ined a w ide spectrum o f evidence and num erous hypoth­ eses to account for the phenom enon. Selected authors include: Thom as E. Bullard, Indiana University; Stuart A ppelle, SUNY-Brockport; David Pritchard, MIT; J. G ordon Melton, UC- Santa Barbara; and Mark Rodeghier, University o f Illinois at Chicago. The unabridged ques­ tions and com ments o f conference participants after each p ap e r are also reprinted. $69.95. North Cambridge Press, P.O. Box 241, North Cambridge Post Office, Cambridge, MA 02140. The A tlas of the Civil W a r , edited by James M. McPherson (223 pages, N ovem ber 1994), contains 200 specially com missioned and easy- to-read m aps showing troop movements and battles. McPherson offers excellent com m en­ tary o n the w ar’s b roader issues and provides w ell-chosen extracts from eyewitness accounts, letters, new spapers, and journal entries. The photographs and other illustrations include both the familiar and the unusual. $40.00. Macmillan Publishing USA, 15 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10023. ISBN 0-02-579050-1. C a n n o n 's C o n cise G u id e to Rules of O rd e r, by Hugh Cannon (176 pages, March 1995), strives to be both a practical guide an d a concise one. It falls betw een the intricate d e­ tails o f Robert’s Rules o f Order and the sparse standing rules that most organizations follow. Cannon, w ho has b ee n parliamentarian for the Democratic Party and the National Education Association, narrows the rules dow n to twelve basic motions. He examines the roles o f the chair and the m em bers an d outlines the structure o f meetings. Model stan d in g rules, m odel by­ laws, and a glossary are pro­ vided in appendices. A u se­ ful b ook for anyone wishing to u n d e rs ta n d p ro ce d u re s a t ALA m e e tin g s . $9-95. H oughton Mifflin Co., 215 Park A venue South, New York, NY 10003. ISBN 0-395- 73326-X. D o cto ral D isse rta tio n s a n d M a s te r's T h eses in P o lish Studies 1900– 1990, edited by Bernard Wielewinski (November 1994), cata­ logs 3,220 works at 353 educational institutions. Nearly 100 sources w ere u sed to com pile this annotated bibliography. The information is con­ tained in self-extracting files o n one 3.5" 1.44 MB disk. $27.00 (p o stag e included). W alter Lasinksi, Polish Institute of Arts an d Sciences, 208 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016. The G re a t Battles of A ntiquity, by Rich­ ard A. Gabriel and D onald W. Boose Jr. (714 pages, D ecem ber 1994), reexam ines 31 wars, battles, or campaigns from Megiddo (1479 B.C.) to the fall o f Constantinople (A.D. 1453) that had a substantial impact o n the ancient world, including the Far East. Each treatment describes the strategic setting leading to the engagem ent, the strengths an d w eaknesses o f the antago­ nists, the details o f the battle, an d the lessons in strategy and tactics that the conflict imparts. Besides the well-known campaigns of Hannibal, Caesar, and Alexander, the authors offer simi­ lar insights into Korean, Mongol, Chinese, and Japanese warfare. $95.00. G reenw ood Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O. Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881-5007. ISBN 0-313-28930-1. The Historical A tlas of N e w Y o rk City, by Eric H ornberger (192 pages, N ovember 1994), presents the history o f New York in a series of maps, diagrams, photographs, and engravings for 400 years from D utch New Amsterdam to the m odern metropolis. Special topics illustrate New York City’s role in the American Revolu­ tion, its growth as the capital o f commerce, the effects o f the devastating fire o f 1835, the build- May 1 9 9 5 /3 4 9 ing o f the Crystal Palace in 1853, gangland New York, the founding o f the United Nations in Turtle Bay, Coney Island, Harlem, Broadway, and the developm ent o f the New York City subway system. This is an excellent historical overview with m uch detail revealed in the maps and charts. Also included are a bibliography, a chronology of major events, and biographical notes on prom inent New Yorkers throughout the years. $45.00. Henry Holt and Company, Inc., 115 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2649-5. H ow to Use In d ex M edicus, Psychologi c a l A b stra c ts, a n d E x c e r p ta M edica, by Barry Strickland-Hodge (114 pages, 2d ed., No­ vember 1994), highlights the most effective ways of searching these indexes, pointing out p o ­ tential problem s and how to overcom e them. The manual concentrates o n the paper-copy version o f the first two services, and o n the tools that can help in searching the online and CD-ROM versions o f Excerpta Medica. The num erous examples are particularly helpful for first-time users. $51.95. A shgate P ublishing Company, Old Post Road, Brookfield, VT 05036- 9704. ISBN 0-566-07555-5. A com panion volume, H o w to U se Bio­ logical A b stracts, Chem ical A bstracts, and In d e x Chem icus, by Barbara Allan and Brian Livesey (103 pages, 2d ed., November 1994), offers similar guidance for these services. $51.95. ISBN 0-566-07556-3. The Im age of the Lib rary, edited by Valeria D. Stelmakh (131 pages, 1994), is an interest­ ing collection of studies on public perspectives of libraries and librarians in various countries. Four articles look at the image o f librarians in film and fiction (including Soviet literature). Others survey attitudes tow ards the profession in Israel, Russia, and Hungary, and am ong par­ ticipants at the 57th IFLA G eneral Session in Moscow in 1991. Published by the University of Haifa for IFLA’s Round Table on Research in Reading. $15.00. Shmuel Sever, Director o f the Library, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel. ISBN 965-222-552-5. The N a tio n a l D irectory of A d d re sse s and T e le p h o n e Numbers: G eographic Edi­ tio n (752 pages, February 1995) contains all of the 123,000 entries found in the 1995 alpha­ betical version o f the directory. Arranged by state and city, this edition includes phone, fax, a n d to ll-free n u m b e rs, a n d a d d re s s e s for businesses, agencies, associations, and institu­ tions. Freenets are also listed for major metro­ p o litan areas. $80.00. O m n ig rap h ics, Inc., Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI 48226. ISBN 0-7808-0050-8. N otes fo r M usic C α tα lo g ers, by Ralph H artsock (355 pages, N ovem ber 1994), is a compilation of notes (annotations) on music catalog records created since the implementa­ tion o f AACR2. Each o f the 2,007 exam ples shows clearly the relationship betw een the note and the information contained elsew here in the bibliographic description. $50.00. Soldier Creek Press, P.O. Box 734, Lake Crystal, MN 56055- 0734. ISBN 0-936996-63-3. Outsourcing Cataloging, Authority W ork, an d P h ysical P rocessin g, edited by Marie A. Kascus an d D aw n Hale (40 pages, January 1995), offers a checklist o f questions librarians should ask w hen contracting with an outside vendor to provide technical services. This book­ le t w ill h e lp in s e le c tin g se rv ic e s to b e outsourced, determ ining associated in-house concerns and costs, and gathering information about a contractor. The checklist w as prepared by the Commercial Technical Services Commit­ tee o f ALA’s Association for Library Collections and Technical Services. $15.00 (ALA members, $13.50). ALA O rder Code 3449-5-0010. Book Order Fulfillment, American Library Association, 155 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606-1719- ISBN 0-8389-3449-5. V a nda ls at the G a te s of M edicine, by Miguel A. Faria Jr. (403 pages, January 1995), examines the practice and philosophy o f medi­ cine from antiquity to the Renaissance in an effort to draw parallels w ith the debate over m o d e rn health care reform. Faria com pares Clinton’s now -abandoned Health Security Act of 1993 to the bureaucratic and autocratic eco­ nomic policies o f the Emperor Diocletian, w ho in the 4th century m anaged to eradicate the last vestiges o f republican governm ent in the Roman Empire. However, even after you dis­ cern the shape of the axe that is grinding, the b ook remains a reasonably informed history of medical ethics interspersed with a plea for phy­ sicians to take u p a m ore activist role in influ­ encing health care policy. $41.95. Hacienda Publishing, P.O. Box 13648, Macon, GA 31208- 3648. ISBN 0-9641077-0-8.