ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 1 0 / C&RL N ew s THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regularclassified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September2 fo r the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices are $20.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.25 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 fo r the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on ACRL's homepage on the World Wide Web at http:// Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet access the ACRL homepage (, select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE IN T E R N E T D IS C O U N T P R O F E S S IO N A L B O O K C E N TE R . 4 0 p e r­ c e n t o ff list price . 1000’s o f n e w /cu rre n t books. All su bje cts. No se co n d h an d/rem a in d ers. h ttp ://w w w .p ro b o o m . POSITIONS OPEN A C C E S S S ER V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . Te nu re -tra ck, n ine -m on th p osi­ tio n a vailab le a t th e Instru ctor rank b e g in ning S e p te m b e r 1997. T h is p ositio n p ro vid e s a ch a lle n g in g o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d yn a m ic in dividu a l w ith s u p e rio r in terpe rso na l s kills to plan fo r se rvice s to s e veral lib ra ry co n stitu e n t g ro up s. Th e in d ividu a l is e xp e cte d to a p p ly b oth the latest te ch n o lo g ie s a nd tra d itio n a l m e tho d s o f tra n sfe rrin g d o cu m e n ts and d e live rin g re so u rce s in a high ly n etw o rke d e nviron m e n t. Th e su c­ ce ssfu l ca n d id a te w ill plan, im ple m e nt, and e va lu a te s e rvice s in and a m o ng the fo llo w in g d e p artm en ts: In stru ctio na l M a terials C e nte r (IM C ) and C irculatio n. T h e p rim a ry fo cu s o f th is positio n w ill be m a n ag em en t a nd d e ve lo p m e n t o f the e xte n sive IM C se rvice s and THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Full -time, tenure-track position. Provides general reference and user education services, with an emphasis on supporting bibliographic instruction in the Rhetoric program and General Education courses. Serves as specialist for electronic access reference m aterials. A ssists in R eference c o lle c tio n development. Works closely with the Information Literacy Coordinator and the classroom faculty, prepares instructional materials and provides classroom and workshop instruction. Some evening and weekend duties. Salary range: (U22) $ 34,412.03 - $51,622.03. Required: ALA-accredited Master's degree. Coursework and/or experience in general reference and bibliographic instruction. Familiarity with using information sources in all formats, including paper, CD-ROM, and online. Excellent oral and written English-language communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills. Additional graduate degree highly desirable. Research/scholarly publications, service on library and campus-wide committees, and active participation in professional associations expected for tenure. Applications will he accepted until the position is filled. Please send cover letter, resume and names and phone numbers of at least 3 references via U.S. mail to: Taras Pavlovsky, Chair, Public Services Librarian Search Committee, Roscoe L. West Library, The College of New Jersey, Hillwood Lakes, CN-47OO, Trenton, NJ 08650-4700. To enrich education through diverrtsity, The College of New Jersey is an EEO/ AA/ADA Employer M/F/D/V. co lle ction s. T h e in d ividu a l se le cte d a ls o w ill be e xp e cte d to co o rd i­ nate o ff-ca m p u s a cce ss se rvice s, in clu din g d ista n ce e du catio n , and w ill w o rk clo se ly w ith the In te rlibra ry L oa n /D o cu m e n t D e live ry d e p a rt­ m ent. T he positio n in clu de s co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t a ctivities and lib ra ry in stru ction m a in ly w ith in th e C o lle ge o f E d u ca tion . Som e e ve n in g a nd w e e ke n d re feren ce re sp o n sib ilitie s re q uired . S lip pe ry Rock U n ive rsity is c o lla b o ra tin g w ith its 13 siste r libraries, w h ich form th e K eysto ne L ib ra ry N etw ork, to b uild co lle c tio n s a nd to e sta b lish d e sk to p e le ctro n ic d e live ry o f m a terials b oth lo ca lly and o ff-site. B a ile y L ibrary fa cu lty and sta ff a re in th e p ro cess o f m o vin g fro m a NO TIS te rm in a l-b a se d lib ra ry to a clie n t-s e rv e r e nviron m e n t. Th e 14 state system sch o o ls h ave re ce ntly se le cte d E n d e a vo r’s V o ya g e r system , a nd m igra tio n to th a t syste m w ill be p ha sed in o v e r the next 24 m onths. T h e c h a lle n g e s in h e re n t in th e se m a jo r c h a n g e s will p ro vid e the su ccessfu l ca n d id a te w ith an o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk with m a n y co n stitu e n t g ro u p s to re co m m e n d a nd im p le m e n t n ew and im pro ve d a cce ss p ro gra m s. T h e p ositio n re p orts to the D irecto r o f the L ibrary S ervices a nd re q uires su p e rvisio n o f th re e fu ll-tim e staff. MLS fro m an A LA -a ccre d ite d pro gra m , stro n g b ackg ro u n d in e du catio n al and A V re so urce s a nd se rvice s, s u p e rviso ry e x pe rie n ce, a nd d e m o n ­ stra te d kn ow led g e o f e le ctro n ic re so urce s re quired. P úb lic se rvice w o rk, te a ch in g , and a ca d e m ic lib ra ry e xp e rie n ce are prefe rred . M ini­ m um s a la ry o f $ 2 9 ,92 5. Full p ro fe sso r sa larie s ra n ge up to $74 ,13 7 fo r n ine m o n th s. A d d itio na l su m m e r a p p o in tm e n ts are g en erally a vailab le . S end le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , resum e, g ra du ate a nd u n d e r­ g ra du ate tra n scrip ts (o fficia l tra n s c rip ts w ill be n e ce ssa ry before h iring), and th e nam es, a d d re sses, and p h o n e n u m b e rs o f three re feren ce to: C hair, A ccess S e rvice s Lib rarian , B a ile y Library, S lip ­ p e r y R o c k U n iv e rs ity , S lip p e ry R ock, PA 16057. R e vie w o f a p p lica ­ tio n s w ill beg in Ju ly 11, 1997. S lip p e ry R o ck U n ive rsity is a m e m b e r o f the S ta te S yste m o f H ig h e r E du ca tio n and is an a ffirm a tive action, e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r b uildin g a d iverse a ca d e m ic co m m u nity and e nco u ra g e s m in o ritie s, w o m e n, ve te ra n s, a nd p erson s w ith d isa b ilitie s to a pply. Y ou can le arn m o re a bo ut us o n o u r w e b p ag e at h ttp ://w w w .s ru .e d u . A S S IS T A N T R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Ja ckson Library, T h e Uni­ ve rsity o f N orth C a ro lin a a t G re en sb oro . R e sp o n sib ilitie s: P rovide re feren ce d e sk se rvice (in clu d in g w e e ke n d s a nd e ve n in g s) in a J u ly /A u g u st 1 9 9 7 /5 1 1 Dean of Library and Media Services The dean is responsible for the overall operation and development of the Library and Media Services and reports to the provost. The dean is expected to lead in evaluating and applying technology in information management and ensuring that the university community is information literate. The dean will provide innovative leadership and expand resources to meet the curricular and research needs of the university. Applicants should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills; experience in management, strategic planning and library and instructional technology; be able to provide vision and leadership to the library faculty and staff; and promote fundraising initiatives. Applicants must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, and an additional advanced degree (preferably a doctorate) and at least 10 years of progressively responsible academic library experience, with at least five years in top management in an institution of higher education with an automated environment. Founded in 1977, Regent University is a Christian, graduate-only institution offering m aster's and doctoral degrees on campus and by distance education in business, education, counseling, divinity, communication, organizational leadership, law and public policy. The Library has close to 160,000 bound volumes, 560,000 microforms and 1,425 journal subscriptions. It has a staff of about 24. For further information about Regent University, visit our home page at Application deadline is July 15,1997. Review of applications begins immediately. Send letter of application, vita, a statement of Christian faith and four references to: Ms. Karen Robinson, Chair Library Dean Search Committee Regent University Library 1000 Regent University Dnve Virginia Beach, VA 23464-9800 Qualified prospective employees will receive consideration without discrimination because o f race, color, gender, age, disability, or national or ethnic origin. ce ntra l lib ra ry w h ich co ve rs hum an itie s, so cial scie nce s, a nd the scie nce s; p articipa te in a ctive lib ra ry in stru ction pro gra m , including d e ve lo p m e n t o f w e b -b a se d in stru ction al m a terials; se rve in co lle ction m a n ag em en t p ro gra m as liaison to a cad em ic d e p artm en t. V isit us at h ttp ://w w w .u n cg .e d u /lib /. R equired: A LA -a ccre d ite d M LS, e xcellen t w ritte n a nd oral co m m u n ica tio n skills, e n th u sia sm fo r p ro viding high- q u a lity re feren ce se rvice utilizin g tra d itio n a l and e le ctron ic/ne tw o rke d resources, te a ch in g e xpe rie n ce. P referred: E xp e rie n ce w ith d e ve lo p ­ m e n t o f w e b -b a se d in stru ction al m a terials. 1 2-m onth, te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty p ositio n a vailab le Ja n u a ry 1, 1998. M inim um s a la ry $ 25,000, c o m m e n su ra te w ith q ua lific a tio n s ; and e xp e rie n ce . P ro fe ssio na l a chie ve m e nt, se rvice , and sch o la rly/cre a tive a ctivity are re q uired fo r re a p p o in tm e n t a nd ten u re . S end a pp lica tio n le tte r a nd re su m e w ith th re e cu rre n t re feren ces to: C h air, R e feren ce S ea rch C o m m itte e, J a ckso n Lib rary, T h e U n iv e r s ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a a t G re e n s b o ro , G re en sb oro , N C 2 74 12 -5 2 01 . Deadline: Ju ly 31, 1997, o r until p o si­ tion filled. EEO /A A: W /M /V /D . A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R . Furm an U n ive rsity se e ks a skille d a d m in ­ istrator, fo r a n ew positio n , to e xercise lib ra ryw id e a u th o rity w ith broad a d m in istra tive re sp o n sib ilitie s in th e a re as o f p e rson ne l a d m in istra ­ tio n, fac ilitie s m a n a g e m e n t, and g en eral a d m in istra tio n . D irectly 5 1 2 / C&RL News INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA DIVISION HEAD: R esponsibilities: The L ib ra ry needs an in n o v a tiv e , d yna m ic pacesetter w ith a strong co m m itm en t to patron services f o r students, facu lty and administrators, w h o can coordinate the p lanning, prom otion, development, and p rovision o f lib ra ry in stru ction al program s in a ra p id ly changing in fo rm a tio n e nvironm ent. The successful candidate w il l have demonstrated success in the development o f in form ation literacy pro gra m s and be able to exercise leadership and visio n in w o rk in g w ith lib ra ria n s and teaching fa c u lty in design and e valu a tion o f programs to address c u rric u la r support needs. S/he w il l also be adept at deve lo ping lib ra ria n s as e ffe ctive in stru cto rs, and possess the a b ility to foster tea m w ork. T h is position is responsible fo r establishing policies and procedures, p ro p o sin g n ew in itia tiv e s in in stru ction , p ro m o tin g use o f networked resources through current awareness, p u b lic ity and the lib ra ry ’ s homepage, and deve lo ping computer-assisted & Web-based instructional tools. Supervises a d iv is io n a l s ta ff o f 5 F T E lib ra ria n s and 1.5 support staff, reports to Associate D irecto r o f Libraries. Q u a lific a tio n s : Required: M in im u m fiv e years com bined reference and instructional services experience, p lus three years su pervisory experience in academ ic lib ra ry p u b lic services. S a la ry : m in im u m $42,500 IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S L IB R A R I A N G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h is positio n reports to the Head o f In stru ctio na l Services. Has charge o f co lle ctio n developm ent, oversight and p rom otion o f government documents and maps in a ll form ats; serves as e ffe ctive lia iso n between L ib ra ry and G overnm ent P rin tin g O ffic e ; supervises cla ssifie d and student sta ff; responsible fo r plan n in g, b udgeting, re p ortin g and assessment o f services; prepares appropriate handouts and web pages. Q u a lific a tio n s : M in im u m three years reference experience in an electronic environm ent; government documents experience. Desired: academ ic lib ra ry experience; su pervisory experience. S a la ry : m in im u m $32,500. R e sp o n sib ilitie s a p p ly in g to b o th p o sitio n s: Provides lib ra ry in stru ctio n fo r assigned academ ic departments; w o rks at Reference Desk a ccording to a ro tatin g schedule o f d a ily , e vening and weekend hours. Q u a lific a tio n s a p p ly in g to b o th p o s itio n s : Required: M .L .S . from an A L A -a ccre d ite d program ; dem onstrated effectiveness in lib ra ry in stru ctio n ; o utstanding co m m u nicatio n s and in terpersonal sk ills . Desired: A n a d d itio n a l masters degree (required fo r tenure and fo r appointment at the level o f Assistant Professor o r above). T h e U n iv e rs ity & C o m m u n ity : C om plete in fo rm a tio n about the State U n iv e rs ity o f W est G eo rg ia is a vailab le at the U n ive rsity’ s website, h ttp ://w w w .w e stg a .e d u . F o r in fo rm a tio n on the com m unity o f C arrollton, see h ttp ://w w w .c a rro ll-g a .o rg . A p p lic a tio n s : A p p lic a tio n s m ust be postm arked by Ju ly 31, 1997. A com plete a pp lica tio n consists o f a signed le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , detailed resume, transcripts fro m each degree­ gra ntin g in s titu tio n *; and a lis t o f at least three professional references w h o m ay be contacted, in c lu d in g a ll recent fo rm e r em p loye rs fa m ilia r w ith candidate’ s a b ilitie s . ’ Photocopy o f transcripts is su ffic ie n t fo r a p p lica tio n ; o ffe r o f e m p loym en t is contingent upon presentation o f-o ffîc ia l tra nscripts fo r a ll post­ secondary education. R e p ly to : C h air, (H ead o f Instru ctio na l Services OR Government D ocum ents) Search C o m m itte e, Ingram L ib ra ry , State U n iv e rs ity o f West G eorgia, C a rro llto n G A 30118 Names o f applicants/ nominees, resumes, and other general non- evaluative material are subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act. State University o f West Georgia is an A A /E E O Employer su pe rvise s the C irculatio n/R e se rve s D epa rtm e n t. R equired: A LA- a ccre dite d M LS. Stron g w ritte n co m m u nicatio n , in terpe rso na l and o rg a n iza tion al skills. M inim um five ye a rs o f p ro g re ssive ly re sp on ­ sible a cad em ic lib ra ry expe rie n ce including su p e rviso ry experience. S econd m a ste r’s deg re e o r earne d d o cto ra te p referred. 12-m onth appointm ent, facu lty statu s, 20 days va catio n, g oo d ben efits pack­ age. Furm an U n ive rsity is a selective, natio na lly ranked liberal arts c o lle g e . F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n v is it o u r h o m e p a g e a t h ttp :// ca ro lu s.fu rm a n .e d u /lib ra ry. R eview o f a p p lica tio n s w ill begin July 20, 1997, and w ill co ntin ue until position is filled. Interview ing a t A L A in San Francisco. S ub m it le tte r of a pplication, resum e, tra n scrip ts (copy accep tab le initially), a nd nam es, add re sses, a nd pho ne n um be rs of three referen ces to: Ja nis M. Bandelin, Director, Ja m e s B. Duke Library, F u rm a n U n iv e rs ity , 3 30 0 Poinsett H wy., G re en ville, SC 29613 -0 6 00 ; p hone: (864) 2 94-2191; For sa lary a nd ben efits in form a ­ tion call (864) 294-2 21 7 . A A/E O E/A D A C O O R D IN A T O R OF L IB R A R Y A U T O M A T IO N . T he C o o rd in a to r of L ibrary A uto m a tion is resp on sib le fo r planning, b udgeting, designing, im plem enting, evalu a ting , testing, m ain tain in g, and m an ag in g co m ­ pute r-b ase d system fo r the unive rsity libraries. T h is le ad e rsh ip p osi­ tion re q uires a m ature pro fe ssio na l w ith a co m b ina tio n o f tech n ical e xperience, co m m u nicatio n skills, su pe rviso ry b ackground, and a d esire to explo re the a pplication o f co m p ute rs in a lib ra ry setting. S upervision o f tw o FTE. Th e lib ra ry c o m p u te r fa cilitie s in clu de a 70- statio n N etw are building LAN, U N IX W W W server, Innopac, O hioLIN K, C D -R O M tow ers, and o th e r a utom ation facilitie s. T h e U nive rsity of T o le do is a state -su pp o rted in stitutio n located on a su burban cam pus. W ith e nrollm en t o f a bo ut 2 1 ,0 0 0 stud e nts, U T offers m ore than 220 a cad em ic pro gra m s and associate, bacca la urea te, m aster's, and Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minim um salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the A L A Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ lllinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 WestVirginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 * R a th e r th a n e s ta b lis h o ne s ta te w id e s a la ry m in im u m , so m e sta te a s s o c ia tio n s h ave a d o p te d a fo rm u la b a s e d on such v a ria b le s as co m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch o o l te a c h e rs in e ach c o m m u n ity o r th e g ra d e le vel o f a p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ria n p ost. In th e s e c a se s, yo u m a y w is h to c o n ta c t th e state a s s o c ia ­ tio n fo r m in im u m s a la ry in fo rm a tio n . +S a la ry m inim um s fo r pub lic lib ra ria n s only. #O p tio n fo r lo cal form ula. J u ly /A u g u s t 1 9 9 7 /5 1 3 LIBRARIAN Catalog Development Coordinator tanford University libraries end Academic Information Resources (S U L / A IR ) seeks a qualified librarian to join the staff as the Catalog Development Coordinator. This position is one of six group heads who report directly to the AUL for Technical Services. The Catalog Development Coordinator has both a lead­ ership and supervisory role. Yo u will serve as a leader and consolidator for S U L / A IR 's development of its "catalo g o f the future," which includes delivering new modes of intellectual access inspired by em erging technologies and com plex know ledge environments. In these areas you will align and work to coordinate current cataloging practices with developing national standards and with shifting local needs. Responsibilities: • M an a ge the w ork of the Database M anagem ent and Serial/Electron ic Resources teams • M an a ge personnel resources of the unit to m eet changing requirements for database, serials catalo ging and electronic resource support • Lead developm ent o f a new model for processing a u d io v isu a l, multi-media and computer file materials • Coordinate and advocate all activities of the unit with the Academic Information Services and the Collections Programs • Provide leadership at S U L / A IR for conceptual development of the "catalog of the future" • Review , an alyze and recommend for adoption appropriate discovery and retrieval tools for digital information, including m obilizing concerted test resources within S U L /A IR • Build a processing m odel in support o f digital initiatives such as creation of digital collections, creation o f online finding aids and preservation efforts that utilize digital technology. Qualifications: • An M . L S . from an ALA-accredited library school or the equivalent in training and experience • A minimum of 5 years' experience managing catalog unit or projects in a medium to large librar setting • Experience cataloging to current national standards • An interest and involvement in the em erging digital information environment • Experience supervising a processing unit of a t least 5 full time em ployees and conducting training, staff developm ent and performance review • Ability to adapt fle xibly to a changing environment • Excellent comm unicatio n skills both verbal and written Please send resume and cover letter including the names and telephone numbers of 3 references by Ju ly 3 0 , 1 9 9 7 to: H um an Resources Department, Attn: Carol Olsen, S w e e t Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 9 4 3 0 5 - 3 0 9 0 . Stanford is committed to the principles of diversity and encourages applications from w om en, members of ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities. 5 1 4 / C&RL N ew s ROMANCE AND GERMAN LITERATURES LIBRARIAN University of California, Irvine The libraries atthe University of California, Irvine, seeka Romance and German Literatures Librarian. The incumbent develops and manages collections in French and Italian, German, and Spanish and Portuguese literatures; serves as liaison to those departments; manages collections budgets for each area; shares responsibilities for general reference and research services, including weekend and evening service; participates in the libraries, general instruction programs; and provides specialized instruction in support of his/her academic programs. The incumbent is a member of the Main Library Research and Instructional Services Department, the Arts and Humanities bibliogra­ phers team and the Bibliographers Group. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience within the range of $32,424-$54,636. The UCI Libraries collection, supported by a materials budget of $4.25 million, consists of approxi­ mately 1.6 million volumes and 17,000 current serial titles. The Main Library reopened in January 1997 after a major retrofit and renovation project, and includes a new Multimedia Resources Center and Technology Enhanced Classroom. The University of California, Irvine, is nestled in 1,489 acres of coastal foothills, five miles from the Pacific Ocean, between San Diego and Los Angeles. The full position description and information about the library and the university are available at, or request a copy by e-mail to kaufman @ or by fax to (714) 824-1288. Applications received by August 1,1997 will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. The University of California, Irvine, is an equal opportunity employer (educator) committed to excellence through diversity. d octoral d eg re es g ranted through eight colleges. T o le do is located alon g M aum ee Bay o f Lake Erie, w ith a m etropolitan area population o f o ve r 600 ,00 0 people. It is co nve nien t to several m idw e st m etro centers. M ore in form ation a bout the library and the unive rsity can be found a t h ttp ://w w w .cl.uto led o .e d u . Required qualifications: (1) ALA- a ccredited m a sters in library science; (2) p rofessional library e xperi­ ence, w ith a p reference fo r a b ackground in pub lic or technical se rvice s in a co m p lex library setting; (3) tro ub le sho o ting softw are and h ardw are p roblem s on PCs using DOS and W indow s; (4) a ble to su ccessfu lly m eet the requirem ents fo r reappointm ent, prom otion, and tenure in the a reas o f librarianship, p rofessional activity, and service; (5) e xperience w ith n etw ork adm inistration, such as Netware, UNIX, o r W ind ow s NT. P referred qualifications: (1) m an ag in g an in tegrated library system , m anaging DNS, w riting OGI scripts; (2) kn ow ledge o f TCP /IP and the Internet; (3) know ledge o f W orld W ide W eb (W W W ) Using H TM L and N etscape; (4) expe rie n ce w ith project org an iza tion and control; (5) S upervisory e xperience. T h is is a 12- m onth, facu lty status and rank, te n u re -tra ck position. G enerous ben efits include m edical, dental, and vision plans, state pension system , e ducation plan tha t includes d ependents, sick leave, and 24 days vacation. Salary w ill be app ro xim a tely $50,000. Application review w ill begin Ju ly 15, 1997 and w ill continue each m onth on that d ate until the position is filled. Send le tte r in dicatin g how yo ur expe rie n ce m eets the q ua lifica tio ns above, a cu rre nt resum e, and the nam es, a ddresses, and telep ho n e n um bers o f a t le ast three re fer­ ences to: Alan D. Hogan, C arlson Library, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f T o le d o , To le do , OH 4 3606-3390. An affirm ative action, equal opportunity e m p loye r M /F/D/V. C U R A T O R OF N E W S P AP E R S A N D P E R IO D IC A L S . The A m erican Antiq u arian S ociety is a research library fou n de d in 1812. T h e society has close to three m illion books, pam phlets, broadsides, m anu­ scripts, prints, m aps, new spapers, and periodicals. It sp ecia lize s in Am e rica n history, life, and culture to 1877. Th e co lle ction s se rve a w o rld w id e co m m u nity of scholars. T he so ciety is the nation’s ch ief reposito ry fo r e arly Am e rica n n ew spapers and p eriodicals, and a significant portion o f research done a t the so ciety d raw s upon those colle ction s. An a verage o f 3 ,0 0 0 new sp a pe r is su es are add ed every y e a r by g ift and purchase. C a taloging records fo r n ew spapers are available in O C LC and RLIN; records fo r m ost periodicals a re available in RLIN. The society’s online catalogs, including the serials catalog, are available o ve r the Internet (U RL g opher://m ark.m w The C u ra tor o f N e w spapers and P eriodicals w ill pro vide a ccess to the collections, expand holdings, and enh an ce national and in ternational aw aren e ss o f these resources. Th e ideal cand id ate w ill be able: (1) to w o rk effectively w ith research e rs and help them lo cate pertinent m aterials in AAS co lle ction s; (2) to a cqu ire new m a terials from in dividu a ls and from libraries and historical societies tha t find it difficult to m aintain and m ake a vailab le th e ir ow n collections; (3) to prepare g ra nt p roposals fo r projects tha t w ill a ssist the so ciety both in ca ta lo g ­ ing and p reserving the se m aterials and in b roadening th e ir availability through the use o f new technologies; (4) to eng ag e scholarly and pub lic aud ie nce s in aw aren e ss o f the so ciety’s co lle ction s and p ro ­ gram s; (5) to supervise a staff o f one full-tim e a ssistan t cu ra to r and a p art-tim e p eriodicals assistant. Preferred educatio n al requirem ents: MLS and a dvanced degree in Am erican history o r literature. Salary depends upon e xperience and qualifications. R eview o f applications will begin in June but a pplications w ill be accepted until the position is filled. Th e starting date is flexible, but m ay be as e arly as Septem ber 1997. Please send a letter o f application explaining background and interests, with the nam es o f three current professional references, to: Eleanor S. Adam s, Personnel Office, A m e ric a n A n tiq u a ria n S o c ie ty , 185 S alisbury St., W orcester, MA 0I609. AA/EOE. C U R ATO R OF S P E C IA L C O L LE C T IO N S . W ilson Library, U niversity o f M innesota Libraries. O vervie w o f unit: Th e Special C o lle ction s unit o f the U niversity of M innesota L ibraries is a new o rg anizational unit being form e d from the S pecial C o lle ction s and Rare Books Division. It w ill be o ne of e igh t library units m oving in to a new centra l o n-cam pus a rchival and storag e fa cility sch ed uled to be com pleted by sum m er 1999. T he unit holds books and m a n uscripts from the 19th ce ntu ry to the present. D escription: Serve as le ad e r and ch ief sp okesperson for unit; o versee operations, including adm inistratio n o f personnel, col­ lections, security, and facilitie s; m aintain liaison w ith oth e r units and related departm ents; responsible fo r d e ve lo pm en t and m anagem ent o f colle ction s; dire ct planning and policy m aking fo r unit, in co nju n c­ tion w ith libraries' stra te g ic d irections; p rovide public se rvice to users; o utreach to the e xternal com m unity; enhance a ccess to collections through W W W and o th e r digital technologies; p articipate in planning and im ple m e ntin g the m ove o f m a terials into the new a rch ival facility. Required qua lifica tio ns include: MLS deg re e from an A LA -accredited institution (o r the foreign e quivalent); gra du ate -le ve l w o rk in hum an i­ tie s o r social sciences; m inim um o f three ye ars p rofessional e xpe ri­ ence in special collections, rare b ooks, o r a rchives; e xcellen t com m u- gopher:// J u ly /A u g u s t1 9 9 7 /5 1 5 THREE POSITIONS OPEN SUNY Geneseo The State University of New York at Geneseo is a public, nationally recognized, liberal arts college situated in the Finger Lakes Region. The college libraries seek candidates for the following positions. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR USER SERVICES/COORDINATOR OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT SUNY Geneseo is searching fo ra highly motivated, experienced, and innovative administrator to coordinate implementation, management, and assessment of user services and staff development within rapidly evolving academic libraries. Work with director to secure governm ent grants, private foundation support, and industry partnerships. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; several years successful experience in user services, especially reference and library instruction; demonstrated effected integration of information technologies within user services; and strong commitment to the academic library as a teaching institution. Well-developed skills in project management, personnel supervision, and oral and written communication essential. RANK: Associate Librarian. Salary range: $35,000-$45,000, depending upon experience. Initial appointment is two years. This is a faculty, tenure-track position requiring seasoned managerial skills, a record of continuous professional growth and scholarship, and a demonstrated commitment to excellence in academic librarianship. Must achieve tenure within three years of employment. Limited evening and weekend hours required. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN SUNY Geneseo seeks an energetic, creative information technology librarian. Primary responsibilities include development and management of college libraries' electronic information resources, such as local web-based resources, electronic reserves, and digital-imaging projects. Serves as the libraries' webmaster. Participation in an extensive library instruction program and periodic reference desk coverage. Limited evening and weekend hours required. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; strong project management and interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written communication ability; experience in the creation, evaluation, and distribution of electronic informa­ tion resources. Working knowledge of HTML required. Familiarity with SGML, TCP/IP, Windows 95/NT, and UNIX desired. Previous reference and library instruction experience preferred. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN SUNY Geneseo seeks a highly service-oriented, innovative reference/instruction librarian. Primary respon­ sibilities include providing reference service at two campus libraries and participation in an extensive library instruction program. Initial responsibilities focus on assisting Managing Librarian of branch library mainly serving John Wiley Jones School of Business. Evening and limited weekend hours required. Candidates should have strong interest and experience in providing individual reference assistance, working collaboratively with librarians and faculty to implement team-based classroom instruction, and creating/ evaluating electronically distributed instructional and information resources. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; strong interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written communication ability. Previous reference/library instruction experience in academic library preferred. Knowledge of business information sources, experience with evaluation of electronic information resources and produc­ tion of WWW pages desired. RANK FOR BOTH ABOVE POSITIONS; Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian. Salary range: $26,000-$34,000, depending upon assigned rank and relevant experience. 12-month contract, attractive benefits package. Initial appointment is two years. Faculty, tenure-track position with attendant expectations for professional competence, service, and scholarship. Persons interested should submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Ed Rivenburgh Director of College Libraries SUNY Geneseo 1 College Circle Geneseo, NY 14454 Additional information about the College, the libraries, and these positions is available at http:// .ParticipatingatALAPIacem entCenterinSanFrancisco.Applications received by July 1 5 ,1997, will be given first consideration. AAÆOE. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. 5 1 6 / C&RL N ew s n icatio n s a nd in terpe rso na l skills; kn ow led g e o f a t le a st o ne w estern Europ ea n la ng u ag e (o th e r than E nglish); d e m o n stra te d e xp e rie n ce in th e su cce ssfu l a pp lica tio n o f n ew in fo rm a tio n te ch n o lo g ie s. D e sire d q ua lifica tio n s include: M a n a g e ria l e xp e rie n ce in re se arch lib ra rie s o r in sp e cia l co lle ctio n s; e x p e rie n ce in p u b lic re la tion s, d o n o r c u ltiva ­ tion, a nd in stru ction ; d e m o n stra te d e x p e rie n ce in o r kn ow led g e o f one o r m o re o f the a re a s o f th e L ib ra rie s’ s p e cia l co lle ctio n s. A pp o intm e n t a nd sa lary: T h is is a full-tim e , 1 2-m onth, a c a d e m ic/p ro fe ssio n a l p ositio n , w ith p ro b a tio n a ry a p p o in tm e n t a t the rank o f A ssista n t Lib rarian . T h e a p p o in te e is e xp e cte d to fu lfill re q u ire m e n ts fo r co n ­ tin u o u s a pp o in tm e n t, in clu din g a d e m o n stra te d re co rd o f p ro fe ssio na l co n trib u tio n a nd a cco m p lish m e n t, w ith in six ye ars. S a la ry ra n ge is $ 3 8 ,0 0 0 to $ 45 ,00 0, d e p e n d in g on q ua lifica tio n s. G e n e ro u s benefits. A p p lica tio n re q uirem en ts: A p p lica n ts sh o u ld se nd a le tte r o f a p p lic a ­ tion d iscu ssin g b ackg ro u n d a nd e xp e rie n ce re la ting to the position, in clu din g a re su m e and nam es, a d d re sse s, a nd p ho n e n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces, to: L in d a D e B ea u-M e lting , L ibraries H u m a n R e­ s o u rce s O ffice, 4 53 W ilson Library, U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e s o ta L ib ra r­ ies, 3 09 19th Ave. S outh, M inn ea p olis, MN 5 54 55 . A p p lica tio n s m ust be p o stm a rke d by A u g u st 1, 1997. P le ase id en tify a p p lica tio n s w ith th e co d e : UL65. F o r a co m p le te p ositio n d escriptio n , co n ta c t the L ib ra rie s H u m a n R e so u rce s O ffice a t (6 12) 6 2 4 -9 51 3 . T h e U n ive rsity o f M in n e so ta is co m m itte d to th e p olicy th a t all p e rso n s sh a ll h ave equ al a cc e s s to its p ro gra m s, fa cilitie s, a nd e m p lo y m e n t w ith ou t regard to race, co lo r, cre e d , relig io n, n a tio na l o rig in , sex, a ge, m arital statu s, d isa b ilitie s, p u b lic a ssista n ce statu s, v e te ra n statu s, o r sexual o rie nta tion . D O C U M E N T D E L IV E R Y /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Furm an U n i­ v e rs ity se e ks a n e n e rg etic, s e rvice -o rie n te d lib ra ria n to co o rd in a te th e p lan n in g, im p le m e n ta tio n , p ro m otio n , and e va lu a tio n o f th e D o cu ­ m e n t D e live ry/IL L D e pa rtm e n t. P a rticip a te s fu lly in th e a ctivitie s o f the R e feren ce D e pa rtm e n t, in clu din g w e e ke n d a nd e v en in g hours. R e ­ q uired : A L A -a ccre d ite d M LS . S tro n g w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n , in te rp e r­ so na l, a nd o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills. T w o ye a rs o f a ca d e m ic lib ra ry e x p e rie n ce in clu din g re feren ce se rvice . S u p e rviso ry e x p e rie n ce p re ­ ferre d. 12-m on th a pp ointm e n t, fa cu lty statu s, 2 0 d a ys va ca tio n , good b e n efits p a cka ge . Fu rm a n U n ive rsity is a se lective , n a tio n a lly ranked liberal a rts c o lle g e . F o r m o re in form atio n vis it o u r h om ep ag e a t h ttp :/ /c a ro lu s .fu rm a n .e d u /lib ra ry . A p p lica tio n s: R e vie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill beg in J u ly 2 0 ,1 9 9 7 , a nd w ill co n tin u e until p ositio n is fille d . Inte rvie w ­ ing a t A LA in S an Fra n cisco. S u b m it le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , resum e, tra n s c rip ts (co p y a c cep tab le in itia lly), a nd nam es, a d d re sse s, and p ho n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n ce s to: Ja n is M. Ban d elin, D irector, J a m e s B. D uke Library, F u rm a n U n iv e rs ity , 3 3 0 0 P o in se tt Hwy, G re e n ville , S C 2 96 13 -0 6 00 ; p ho n e (8 64) 2 9 4 -2 19 1 ; fo r s a la ry and b e n e fits in form atio n call (8 64) 2 9 4 -2 21 7 . A A/E O E/A D A . E L E C T R O N IC R E S O U R C E S L IB R A R IA N . M issou ri W e ste rn S tate C o lle g e . P ro vide te c h n ic a l a nd g en eral re fe re n ce a s s is ta n c e in lo catin g in form atio n , e m p h a sizin g e le ctro n ic system s, in clu din g C D / R O M , e le ctro n ic d a ta b a se s, a nd th e Internet. Help d e ve lo p and m a in ta in a re feren ce w e b p age. T ra in p u b lic s e rvice s s ta ff in th e use o f n ew a nd e xistin g so ftw a re . W o rk w ith te ch n ica l s e rvice s p e rson ne l to tro u b le sh o o t e q u ip m e n t and so ftw a re fo r p u b lic se rvice s. S ha re in b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ction , c o lle ction d e ve lo p m e n t, a nd c a m p u s c o m ­ m itte es. S up e rvise stu d e n t w o rke rs. S ha re in e ve n in g a nd w e eke n d re fe re n ce dutie s. R e qu ired : M L S fro m A L A -a ccre d ite d in stitution. E xp e rie n ce w ith e le ctro n ic re so u rce s in stru ction . A b ility to w o rk in a c o m p u te r-in te n sive e n viro n m e n t a nd w ith n e w in form atio n te ch n o lo ­ g ie s fo r re fe re n ce se rvice s. M inim um tw o ye a rs p ro fe ssio n a l library e xp e rie n ce ; $ 2,5 00 /m o nth m inim um sa lary. R e vie w o f a p p lica tio n s w ill b e g in Ju n e 2 3 ,1 9 9 7 , a nd c o n tin u e until fille d . Q ua lifie d a pp lica n ts m u st s u b m it le tte r o f a p p lica tio n, re su m e, a nd nam es, a d d re sse s, and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f three re fe re n ce s to: H u m a n R esou rce s, M is ­ so uri W e ste rn S tate C o lle ge , 4 5 2 5 D o w n s Dr., St. J o sep h, M O 6 4507; e -m a il: e m p lo ye e @ g riffo n .m w sc.e d u . EEO /AA. E X E C U T IV E D IR E C T O R , B ig 12 P lu s L ib r a r y C o n s o r tiu m . T he Big 12 P lus L ibrary C o n so rtiu m is a re g ion a l c o n so rtiu m o f m e d ium -size d re s e a rc h lib ra rie s lo ca te d in the g re a te r M id w e st w ith co m m o n in te re sts in p ro g ra m s re la ted to in form atio n a ccess, d o cu m e n t d e liv­ ery, d ista n ce le arning , n ew in fo rm a tio n tech n olo g ie s, a nd c o o p e ra ­ tive co lle ctio n d e ve lo p m e n t. T he cu rre n t 18 m e m b ers are a ssocia ted w ith u n ive rsitie s in the Big 12 a th le tic c o n fe re n ce p lus o th e r u n ive rsi­ tie s in its g e o g ra p h ic p ro xim ity. T h e Big 12 P lus L ibrary C o nso rtiu m is p lan n in g to e xp a n d its in te rin stitu tio n a l a ctivitie s and is se ekin g an in d ividu a l w h o w ill w e lco m e this n ew o p p o rtu n ity to g u id e a d yna m ic lib ra ry n etw o rk in th e im ple m e nta tio n o f in n o va tive p ro gra m s a nd the in tro du ction o f n ew tech n o lo g ic a lly b ase d se rvice s. R e spo n sib ilitie s: T h e B ig 12 P lus L ib ra ry C o n so rtiu m se e ks to im p ro ve the q u a lity and e ffe ctive n e ss o f lib ra ry s e rvice s a nd re so u rce s a vailab le on in dividu a l c a m p u se s th ro u g h jo in t a ction a nd co lla b o ra tio n . U n d e r th e d ire ction o f the C hair, a nd w o rkin g clo se ly w ith th e E xe cu tive C o m m itte e , the E xe cu tive D ire cto r w ill o rg a n ize a nd m a n a g e the c o o p e ra tive in itia ­ tive s. S pe cific re sp o n sib ilitie s in clu d e p ro ject p la n n in g a nd m a n a g e ­ m ent, p u b lic re la tion s, g ra n t w ritin g a nd im p le m e n ta tio n , m a n a g e ­ m e n t o f b u d g e ta ry re so urce s, fa cilita tin g the e xch a n g e o f in form atio n and d a ta a cro ss lib ra rie s a nd w ith o th e r co nso rtia , co ordin a ting m e e ting s, a nd m a n a g in g co m m u n ica tio n . It is e xp e cte d th a t the E xe cu tive D ire cto r w ill w o rk in a co lla b o ra tiv e w a y w ith th e d ire cto rs and th e ir s taff. Q ua lifica tio n s: S o u n d u n d e rsta n d in g o f re search lib ra rie s a nd th e ir cu rre n t p ro b le m s and ch a lle n g e s; re le van t e xp e ri­ e nce in in fo rm a tio n tec h n o lo g y a n d /o r lib ra ry m a n a g e m e n t are as; e xce lle n t ve rb al and w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n skills. T h e E xe cu tive D ire cto r is e xp e cte d to h ave p ro ven skills in g ra n t w ritin g a nd in p ro ject d efin itio n a nd e xe cu tio n ; be a skille d o rg a n iz e r o f b oth m e e tin g s and p ro je cts; be w illin g to tra vel; and d e m o n stra te a visio n o f the fu tu re of re se arch lib ra rie s in a co o p e ra tive a nd n etw o rke d e n viro n m e n t. MLS fro m an A L A -a ccre d ite d p ro gra m p re fe rred . S a la ry a nd benefits: S alary a nd b e n e fits a re co m p e titive a nd n e g otia b le . T h e B ig 12 Plus L ib ra ry C o n so rtiu m d oe s not p re se n tly h ave a h e a dq u arte rs, so the lo catio n is n eg otia b le a s w e ll. Th e E xe cu tive D ire cto r m a y be hou sed a t o ne o f the m e m b e r in stitutio ns. A p p lica tio n s: A p p lica tio n re vie w w ill beg in J u ly 31, 1997, a nd c o n tin u e until th e p ositio n is filled. S end le tte r in d ica tin g q u a lifica tio n s, sh o rt sta te m e n t o f in te re st in the p o s itio n , c u rre n t re s u m e , a n d n a m e s a n d a d d re s s e s o f th re e re fe r e n c e s to : E d w a rd R. J o h n s o n , D e a n o f L ib ra rie s , E d m o n L o w L ib ra ry , O k la h o m a S ta te U n iv e rs ity , S tillw a te r, O K 7 4 0 7 8 . F o r a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n o r in q u ir ie s , te le p h o n e (4 0 5 ) 7 4 4 -6 3 2 1 o r e -m a il lib re rj@ o k w a y .o k s ta te .e d u . A ffir m a tiv e a c tio n , e q u a l o p ­ p o r tu n ity e m p lo y e r H E A D , C IR C U L A T IO N D E P A R T M E N T . J a ckso n Library, T h e U n i­ v e rs ity o f N orth C a ro lin a a t G re e n sb o ro . E n e rg e tic a nd in no va tive in d ividu a l to p ro vid e le ad e rsh ip fo r C ircu la tio n D e pa rtm e n t, in clu din g sta c k m a in ten an ce , cu rre n t p e riod ica ls, reserves, and, in co n c e rt with lib ra ry a d m in istra tio n , se curity. T h e D e p a rtm e n t is c o m p rise d o f 14 sta ff m e m b e rs co m m itte d to e x ce lle n ce in p u b lic se rvice . V isit us at h ttp ://w w w .u n c g .e d u /lib /. R e sp o n sib ilitie s: P a rticipa tin g in lib ra ryw id e p lan n in g, policy, and p rio rity d ecision s; o ve rse e in g and im ple m e ntin g circu la tio n and s ta cks p o licie s a nd p ro ced ures; m a in ta in in g e xcellen t p u b lic re la tion s; se ttin g g oals, and m a n ag in g, su p e rvisin g , a nd e va lu ­ a ting staff; e va lu a tin g th e p o te n tia l o f te ch n o lo g ie s as the y a p p ly to d e p a rtm e n t re s p on sib ilitie s; id en tifyin g, d o cu m e ntin g , and se rvin g as a n a d v o c a te fo r d e p a rtm e n t n eeds; a n a lyzin g d a ta a nd p re pa rin g reports. R e q u irem e n ts: A L A -a ccre d ite d M LS ; m in im u m five ye ars p ro g re ssive ly re sp on sib le e x p e rie n ce in p u b lic se rvice s in an a c a ­ d em ic o r re se arch lib ra ry, in clu din g tw o ye a rs a t a su p e rv is o ry level; d e m o n stra te d e ffe ctive m a n a g e m e n t and o rg a n iza tio n a l skills, in ­ c lu d in g a b ility to plan, o rg an ize , a nd im p le m e n t p ro jects; e xpe rie n ce w ith a n a u to m a te d circu la tio n system ; stro n g c o m m itm e n t to p ub lic se rvice s; e xce lle n t in te rp e rso n a l skills, in clu din g e vid e n ce o f a bility to co m m u n ica te e ffe ctive ly, ju d icio u sly, a nd tactfu lly, o ra lly a nd in w riting , w ith all le vels o f u n ive rsity p e rso n n e l and m e m b ers o f the la rg e r co m m u n ity; u n d e rsta n d in g o f th e n e e d s o f a ca d e m ic library u sers; b ro ad kn ow led g e o f lib ra ry s e rvice s a nd te ch n o lo g ie s. H ig h ly d e sira b le : E xp e rie n ce in im p le m e n tin g a n d /o r m a n a g in g a DRA circu la tio n system . 12-m on th, te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty p ositio n a vailab le O cto b e r 1, 1997. P ro fe ssio n a l a chie ve m e nt, se rvice , a nd sch o la rly / c re a tive a c tiv ity a re re q uired fo r re a p p o in tm e n t a nd ten u re . M inim um sa lary $ 35 ,00 0, c o m m e n su ra te w ith q ua lific a tio n s a nd expe rie n ce. S end a p p lica tio n le tte r a nd re su m e w ith th re e cu rre n t re fe re n ce s to: C hair, C ircu la tio n S ea rch C o m m itte e , J a ckso n Library, T h e U n iv e r­ s it y o f N o rth C a ro lin a a t G re e n s b o ro , G re e n sb o ro , NC 2 74 12 -5 2 01 . D ead lin e : J u ly 3 1 ,1 9 9 7 , o r until p ositio n is fille d . E EO /A A: W /M /V /D . H E A D , D A T A B A S E M A IN T E N A N C E , P R O C E S S IN G A N D B IN D ­ ER Y D E P A R T M E N T . R e sp o n sib ilitie s: M a n a g e s th e o pe ra tio n s o f an a u to m a te d D a tab ase M a in ten an ce , P ro cessin g a nd B in d e ry D e pa rt­ m ent, w h ich in clu de s e d itin g a nd m a in ta in in g b ib lio g ra p h ic c o m p u te r d a ta b a se s, a u to m a te d a u th o rity files, sh e lf list, a nd o th e r ca rd files. T he U n ive rsity a t A lb a n y u se s RLIN , O C LC , G e a c A dva n ce, and P erio d ica ls M a in te n a n ce D a ta b a se system s. E sta b lish e s p rio ritie s a nd w o rk flo w fo r p h ysica l p ro cessin g , b ind in g , m in o r m e n din g , and b in d e ry o u tso u rcin g o f lib ra ry m a terials. C o n s u lts a nd w o rk s w ith the P re servatio n L ib ra ria n as a p p ro p ria te . S u p e rvise s, tra in s, a nd p ro ­ vid e s le ad e rsh ip to e ig h t cle ric a l sta ff a nd a d d itio n a l stu d e n t a s s is ­ ta n ts in the D a tab ase M a in te n a n ce a nd P ro ce ssin g /B in d e ry Units. P a rticipa tes in T e chn ica l S ervices a nd S yste m s D ivision m e e tin g s to se t p o licy a nd d e te rm in e d ivisio n a l d ire ctio n s. C o lle cts a nd m a in tain s c o lle ction sta tistics a nd o th e r a d m in istra tive d ata . Fu lfills fa cu lty o b lig a tio n s in the a re a s o f rese arch , p u b lica tio n, a nd s e rvice to the libraries, u nive rsity, a nd p ro fe ssio n to sa tisfy crite ria fo r co n tin uing file:/// July/August1997/517 HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Western M ichigan University Reporting to the Dean of University Libraries, this position adm inisters the M onographic Acquisitions Department, including responsibility for annual m onographic budget of $900,000 for books, music scores, electronic formats, out-of-print material; evaluation of trends in publishing and electronic distribution of information. Supervises staff of three. Provides expertise in using autom ated solutions in acquisitions, in-house training on local autom ated system and OCLC, and other training as needed. Plays key role in the Collection Development Committee, serves as a liaison to one or more disciplines, and administers approval plans. Plans special buying projects for videos, replacements, textbook collection, rare books, purchases from gift funds. Participates in research and service activities as outlined in the AAUP, WMU contract. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. At least two years professional experience in academ ic library technical services, especially in a highly automated environm ent including mono­ graphic acquisitions; excellent personal com puter and OCLC/RLIN or equivalent skills. Strongly preferred: Experience in supervision and multimedia resources; working knowledge of one or more European languages. SALARY: Minimum salary of $36,250 plus benefits for this tenure-track, fiscal year appointment. TO APPLY: Send letter, resume, and names and phone numbers of three references to: Regina E. Buckner Director, Operational Services Waldo Library Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 Applications received by July 3 0 ,19 9 7 , will receive first consideration. Review will continue until the position is filled. WMU is a dynamic and growing Carnegie Doctoral I University with 23 doctoral programs and enrollment of 25,699 students, 23percent at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 817 faculty members. Located less than three hours from Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo offers rich cultural and recreational activities and is situated in the fastest-growing part of the state. WMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages qualified women and members of minority groups to apply. a p p o in tm e n t a nd p ro m otio n . T h is is a te n u re -tra c k p ositio n . R epo rts to th e A ssista n t D irecto r fo r T e ch n ica l S e rvice s a nd S yste m s. Q u a li­ fica tion s: R equ ired : M LS o r e q u iva le n t fro m A L A -a ccre d ite d library sch oo l. T w o ye a rs p ost-M LS e x p e rie n ce in o n lin e c a ta lo ging . P re ­ ferre d: P re viou s d ata ba se m a in te n a n ce e xp e rie n ce o r a u th o rity co n ­ tro l in an a u to m a te d e nviron m e n t. K no w le d ge o f b a s ic p ro cessin g , b ind in g , a nd p re se rva tio n tech n iqu e s. D e sira b le: P re viou s s u p e rvi­ s o ry e xp e rie n ce in a lib ra ry se ttin g , a w o rkin g kn ow led g e o f foreign la ng u ag e s, a nd e x p e rie n ce in a m e d ium o r la rg e re se arch library. Salary: C o m m e n su ra te w ith e d u catio n a nd e x pe rie n ce. S alary m ini­ m u m s: A s s is ta n t L ib ra ria n , $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 ; S e n io r A s s is ta n t L ib rarian , $ 3 2 ,00 0. A p p ly to: C h ristin e T ra vis, L ibrary P erson ne l O fficer, U n ive r­ sity L ib ra rie s U L-12 2, U n iv e r s ity a t A lb a n y , S ta te U n iv e r s ity o f N e w Y o rk , 1400 W a sh in g to n A ve., Alb an y, N Y 12222. D e ad lin e : R e vie w o f le tte rs o f a pp lica tio n a nd re su m es w ill beg in A u g u st 13, 1997. P le ase in clu de th e nam es, a d d re sses, a nd p h o n e n um be rs o f three re fe re n ce s th a t m a y be co nta cte d . T h e U n ive rsity a t A lb a n y is an e qu al e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tive a ction e m p loye r. A p p lic a ­ tio n s fro m w o m e n, m ino rity p erson s, h an dica p p e d person s, and sp e cia l d isa b le d o r V ie tn a m -e ra v e te ra n s are e s p e cia lly w e lco m e . H E A D L IB R A R IA N . U n de r n e w le ad e rsh ip, th e C o n n e cticu t H is to ri­ cal S ociety, a p riva te n o n p ro fit o rg a n iza tio n fo u n d e d in 1825, is se ekin g a H ead L ib rarian . T h e C H S is the re p o sito ry o f o ne o f the m ore im po rtan t co lle ctio n s o f h istorical m a te ria ls in th e N ortheast. M ajor h o ld in g s in clu de e arly C o n n e cticu t im prints, m a n uscripts, b ro a d ­ sid es, m aps, a nd re la ted m a terials. T h e in cu m b e n t w ill su pe rvise five fu ll tim e a nd fo u r p a rt tim e e m p lo y e e s a nd b e re sp o n sib le fo r o ve rse e in g all a spe cts o f lib ra ry o pe ra tion s. S /h e w ill a lso be e x ­ p ecte d to e sta b lish a nd im p le m e n t lo ng -ran g e p lan s tha t w ill a ddress is su e s o f e nh a n ce d a cc e s s to co lle ction s, c o lle ction deve lo pm en t, a nd co n se rva tio n . T h e id ea l ca n d id a te w ill h ave an M LS, a t le ast five ye a rs e xp e rie n ce in a se n io r positio n a t a re se arch library, e xcellen t w ritin g a nd in terpe rso na l skills, a nd a tho ro u gh fam ilia rity w ith c u rre n t in fo rm a tio n tech n olo g ie s. E xp e rie n ce w ith lib ra ry-relate d g ra n t w rit­ ing is a lso h ig h ly d e sirab le , as is an in te re st in m a kin g lib ra ry re so u rce s a va ila b le to n o n tra d itio n a l co n stitu e n cie s. C o m p etitive s a la ry a nd e xce lle n t va ca tio n , in suran ce , and re tire m e nt benefits. S end le tte r and re su m e to: E xe cu tive D irector, T h e C o n n e c tic u t H is to r ic a l S o c ie ty , 1 E liza be th S t., H a rtford, C T 0 6105. H E A D O F S P E C IA L C O L L E C T IO N S A N D A R C H IV E S . Th e U n ive r­ s ity o f T e x a s a t S an A n to n io L ibrary se e ks a p p lica n ts fo r the H ead of S pe cia l C o lle ctio n s and A rch ive s to d ire ct and cu ra te a re se arch ce n te r o f ra re b o o ks a nd m a n u scrip ts a nd a p h ysica lly se parate a rch ive o f lo cal h isto rica l re so u rce s a nd u n ive rsity records. T h e U TS A 5 1 8 / C&RL News INFORMATION RESOURCES PROGRAM OFFICER (Search Extended) TRIANGLE RESEARCH LIBRARIES NETWORK The T riangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) invites applications and nominations for the position of Information Resources Program Officer. TRLN seeks a creative and energetic librarian to work with staff of member libraries to further cooperative collections development and resource sharing among its constituent institutions. The program officer will facilitate functioning of staff groups engaged in measurement and analysis of existing collections, in evaluation of th e ir strengths and weaknesses, and in determination of collecting responsibilities. The position will create and support a TRLN collection development infrastructure and identify and draft needed policies to support resource sharing. The program officer will lead collaborative efforts centering on identification, evaluation, acquisition, and use of teaching, learning, and research materials, and with the network’s executive director, will negotiate licenses for access to electronic resources. Collection conservation, preservation, and storage and TRLN’s innovative document delivery program will have major programmatic emphasis. Building on a 50-year tradition of collaborative collections development, TRLN intends to take regional cooperation to a new level of effectiveness by maximizing and leveraging all of its organizational resources. TRLN is a consortium of Duke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Its 10 member libraries encompass business, health science, and law collections in addition to major research resources in the humanities, sciences and engineering, and the social sciences. The libraries have combined holdings of more than 11 million volumes, employ over a 1,000 staff, and have budgets totaling in excess of $60 million. TRLN’s offices are located on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. The Triangle region is rated among the most desirable areas in North America to live and work. Its location permits easy access to mountains and seashore and to urban centers such as Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of an ALA-accredited master’s degree; strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; experience in collections development and/or resource sharing. Candidates should be familiar with new information technologies and their application to collection development and resource sharing in research library settings. Skill in facilitating group discussion and problem solving in a large organizational environment is desirable. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Librarian appointment with standard University of North Carolina benefits of annual leave, sick leave, and state o r TIAA/CREF retirement plan. Minimum salary: $35,000. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Consideration of candidates is ongoing. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. AVAILABLE: August 1,1997. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application and resume to: TRLN Search Committee Davis Library, CB #3900 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. L ibrary S pecial C ollections and Arch ives D epa rtm e n t’s collections focu s p rim arily on San Antonio, T e xas and the so uthw estern United States, S panish colonial M exico, and the Pacific N orthwest. M ore deta ile d in form ation on the co lle ction s is a vailable on the UTSA L ibrary hom epage a t http ://w w w .lib .u tsa.e du . D uties: R eports to the D irector o f Libraries. Plans, coordinates, and executes the departm ent’s activities. Responsibilities include a ssessm ent, a cquisition, cla ssifi­ cation, preservation, co nservation, and se curity o f rare b ooks, m anu­ scripts, and oth e r prim a ry source m aterials. A ssists sch ola rs and facu lty w ith research and instructional services. O versees the activi­ ties o f a rch ives in the deve lo pm en t and a cquisition of records o f local busin e sses and organ iza tion s w hose b ackg ro un d is sig nifican t in the history o f S an A ntonio and the surro un d in g area. Responsible fo r the deve lo pm en t o f the u niversity archives. Fosters d o n o r a nd patron relations; p rovides outreach se rvice s w ith speeches, exhibits, and tou rs; se eks outside su pp ort fo r special projects. Q ualifications: Required: ALA-a ccre dite d MLS degree; m inim um o f five ye ars rel­ evan t experience; reading kn ow ledge o f Spanish. Add itio na l course w o rk sp ecia lizing in s o uth w est and T e xas history o r equ iva le nt e xperience. Preferred: A dvanced degree in T e xa s o r southw est history. Position available: S ep tem be r 1, 1997. S alary: $35,000 m inim um fo r a 12-m onth appointm ent. M ake application to: Michael F. Kelly, D irecto r o f Libraries, T h e U n iv e rs ity o f T e x a s a t San A n to n io , 6900 N. Loop 1604 W est, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. P riority given to a pplica tio ns received by A ug u st 1 ,1 9 9 7 . UTSA is an E E/AA em ployer. W om en, m inorities, and p ersons w ith disab ilities enco urag e d to apply. H E A D S O C IA L SC IEN C E A N D H U M AN IT IE S (S S H ) REFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . B aylor University, W aco, Texas. 12-m onth, tenure-track fa cu lty position a vailab le fall se m e ste r 1997. Reporting to the Dean o f Libraries, this librarian w ill m anage the la rg est public service J u ly/A u g u st 1 9 9 7 /5 1 9 BIBLIOGRAPHIC AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Monmouth College Monmouth College seeks academ ic librarian with broad interests and special expertise in technical services. Responsibilities: Manages all cataloging and serials functions for all library collections, including the federal documents depository. Supervises student workers in these areas. Assures quality of PAC database. Participates on Information Services Team responsible for active program of reference services and information literacy instruction. Some evening and weekend hours required. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; cataloging experience in automated environment; mastery of current cataloging practices, including AACR2, LCSH, LC classification practices, MARC formats, and authority control; commitment to the service and educational roles of academic libraries; enthusiasm for reference and instruction; self-directed, with excellent communication, interpersonal, and team skills. Preferred: Experience with serials and government documents; skill in providing reference services; and teaching or training experience. Hewes Library is fully automated and is rapidly incorporating new technologies. Staff consists of 3.2 FTE professionals, 2.6 FTE support staff, and 30 student workers. Monmouth College is a nationally ranked, private liberal arts college of 1,000 students located in afriendly, small town in western Illinois. The college is dedicated to preparing students for responsible leadership, citizenship, and service through a value- centered liberal arts education in a challenging yet nurturing intellectual environment. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled. Available August 1,1997. Minimum salary: $27,500, with liberal benefits package including TIAA/CREF. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Michael McNall Director of Personnel 700 E. Broadway Monmouth, IL 61462-1998 fax: (309) 457-2152 Monmouth College is an equal opportunity employer, is committed to diversity and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. dep artm en t o f B aylor U n ive rsity Libraries, the la rg est reposito ry of sch ola rsh ip a lon g a 2 0 0 -m ile co rrid o r b etw een D a lla s/F ort W o rth and Austin. R e spo n sib ilitie s include: A d m iniste ring a d ep artm en t of 4.0 FTE lib ra ry facu lty, 3.5 FTE su pp ort staff, and stud e nt a ssistants; rep rese n ting SSH R e feren ce to o th e r lib ra ry d e p artm en ts a nd ca m ­ pus units; co o rd in a tin g re feren ce se rvice s, u se r e du catio n , and co lle ction d e ve lo pm en t w ith in the dep artm en t; participa tin g in the la rg er a ctivities o f th e university, in clu din g sch ola rsh ip and s e rvice on com m ittees. R equired: A L A -a ccre dite d MLS, b ach elor's deg re e in the social scie nce s o r hum an itie s, three ye a rs p ost-M LS p rofessional e xperience, w ith in cre asing ly re sp on sib le su pe rviso ry duties, d e m ­ onstra ted co m m itm en t to pro fe ssio na l activities, d em on strate d co m ­ m itm ent to c o lle g ia lity a nd tea m w ork, d em on strate d a bility to co m m u ­ nicate and w o rk e ffe ctive ly in an a cad em ic setting, e xpe rie n ce in u ser e ducation, e xpe rie n ce w ith e lectron ic and p rint so urces. Preferred: M aster's o r Ph.D. in the social s cie nce s o r hum an itie s, five ye a rs post- MLS p ro fe ssio na l e xpe rie n ce, thorough kn ow led g e o f b usin e ss re fer­ e nce so urces. For a full jo b d escriptio n , vis it the B a ylo r Libraries hom e page a t h ttp ://d io g e n e s.b a ylo r.e d u /L ib ra ry R ank a nd salary: A ssis­ tan t P ro fe sso r and $ 36 ,0 0 0 m inim um . B enefits: 2 0 va catio n days, c o m p reh e nsive re tire m e nt and in suran ce coverag e. S end le tte r of a pp lica tio n a nd resum e, in clu din g the nam es, add re sses, and tele ­ phone n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces, to: John S. W ilson , SSH R e fer­ e nce S ea rch C o m m itte e, B a y lo r U n iv e rs ity , M o o dy Library, P.O. Box 9 7148, W aco, T X 7 67 98 -7 1 48 . A p p lica tio n s revie w e d as re ­ ce ived ; a p p lica tio ns m ust be postm a rke d by A ug u st 15, 1997. ALA attendees: Interested p ersons can m e e t w ith B aylor lib ra ry faculty a bout th e p ositio n a t the p lace m e n t ce n te r in San Fra n cisco. Baylor is a B ap tist u n ive rsity a ffiliate d w ith th e Baptist G eneral C onve n tion of Te xas. As an a ffirm a tive action, equ al e m p loym en t opp ortun ity em ployer, Baylor e n co urag e s m inorities, w o m e n, ve terans, a nd p e r­ so ns w ith d isa b ilitie s to apply. IN F O R M A T IO N S ER VIC E S L IB R A R IA N (IN S T R U C T IO N /IN F O R - M A TIO N T E C H N O L O G Y ). R eporting to the H ead o f the Inform ation S ervices D e pa rtm e n t a t T u la ne U n ive rsity’s H ow a rd -T ilto n M em orial Library, this librarian d eve lo ps and c o ordin a te s s e rvice s p erta in in g to library instruction, with an e m p ha sis on in form atio n tech n olo g y. This librarian also w o rks w ith e igh t o th e r a re a sp e cia list lib ra ria n s in the d e p a rtm e n t to share re sp on sib ilitie s relating to g en eral re feren ce and co lle ction deve lo pm en t. R espo n sib ilitie s: C o o rd in a te s a nd p a rtici­ pates in the lib ra ry’s o verall U se r E ducation P rogram . D evelops in stru ction in the u se o f in form atio n tech n olo g ie s. W o rks w ith the d e p a rtm e n t head and o th e r lib ra ria n s to e sta b lish g oa ls relating to lib ra ry instruction; pro m ote s lib ra ry instru ction a nd sch ed ules in stru c­ tion assignm ents; co lle cts and reports data on library in struction; p ro vide s tra in ing fo r o th e r lib ra ria n s and library staff; a ssists with a dva ncing the lib ra ry’s w e b site. P ro vide s gen eral h elp a t th e refer­ e nce desk a p p ro xim a tely 8 to 14 h ours p e r w e ek, including some even in gs and w eekends; se rve s as a b ib lio g ra p h e r fo r assigned s u bje ct a re as and a cts as the lib ra ry’s liaison to th e a cadem ic d e p artm en ts lin ke d to tho se su bje cts; m a in tain s cu rre n t aw aren e ss of d e ve lo pm en ts in the p rofession; assum es o th e r re sp on sib ilitie s as a ssigned. Q u a lifica tio ns required: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS; substantial e xpe rie n ce w ith inform ation a nd in stru ction al tech n olo g ie s; e xp e ri­ e nce in re feren ce and in stru ction w ith e le ctro n ic lib ra ry reso urce s in an a ca d e m ic library; e xp e rie n ce c re a ting w e b pages; e xcellen t in te r­ p ersonal and co m m u n ica tio n s skills. Preferred: G ra du a te deg re e o r a cad em ic b ackg ro un d in the h u m an itie s o r scie nce s; expe rie n ce w ith co lle ction deve lo pm en t; participa tio n in pro fe ssio na l o rganizations. E nvironm ent: T u la n e U n ive rsity is a m a jo r p rivate u niversity, The H ow a rd -T ilto n M e m orial L ibrary is the u n ive rsity’s m ain library and a m e m b e r o f th e A ss o c ia tio n o f R e sea rch L ib ra rie s. (S e e h ttp :// w w w .tu la n e .e d u /~ h tm l.) S alary a nd benefits: Rank and salary co m ­ m e n sura te w ith expe rie n ce, w ith a m inim um $ 2 9 ,50 0; e xcellen t 5 2 0 /C & R L N ew s SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR CHOICE CHOICE, the leading review journal for academic and public libraries, has an opening for a Special Projects Editor. The successful candidate will manage the CHOICE review program in political science and education and related fields and will develop and manage CHOICE’S online publishing program. CHOICE has published over 250,000 reviews since its inception in 1964, and currently reviews over 6,500 new scholarly print and electronic titles each year. The Special Projects Editor will play a key role in shaping and developing CHOICE’S new online publishing program, including web-based products. This position reports to the CHOICE Managing Editor. CHOICE is a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Requirements are a minimum of five years of relevant experience in an academic library, library vendor, or publishing environment, familiarity with the academic library market, and a successful record of new product development. You must have a demonstrated ability to develop, plan and implement new projects, an ability to set priorities and manage multiple projects, experience with the development of one or more web, related projects, and evidence of vision, innovation, and market savvy. Strong writing, editing, and computer skills are a must. Educational requirements are a bachelor's degree in the social sciences or related area. Master's in library science (MLS) preferred. Salary range: $43,677-$67,633. Mail or fax application to: SPE/CH/ACRL/97:1xcrl Human Resources Department American Library Association 50 E. Huron Chicago, II 60611 Fax: (312) 944-6763 The American Library Association is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. We invite applications from women, minorities, and people with disabilities. benefits, ch oice o f health plans, im m ed ia te tuition w a ive r fo r self, and undergrad u ate tuition w a ive r fo r dependents. T o apply: Send letter and re su m e w ith the nam es, a dd re sses (inclu d ing e-m a il), and telep ho n e num bers o f three referen ces to: M ary O razio, A d m inistra ­ tive Associate, H o w ard-Tilton M em orial Library, T u la n e U n iv e rs ity , N ew O rleans, LA 70118. R e vie w o f applica tio ns will begin Ju ly 21, d ou b le d in size w ith th e re ce n t o p e n in g o f a 2 1 0 ,0 0 0 sq u a re -fo o t a dd itio n. H o ld in g s in clu d e o v e r tw o m illio n vo lu m e s, 1 4,0 00 p e ri­ o d ica l su b s c rip tio n s , a nd co n s id e ra b le n e tw o rke d e le c tro n ic re ­ so urces. R e cen tly, th e lib ra ry and th e c a m p u s c o m p u te r ce n te r m e rg e d to m e e t m o re e ffe c tiv e ly th e c a m p u s te c h n o lo g y nee ds. U n d e rg ra d u a te e d u ca tio n is a u n iv e rs ity p rio rity a nd lib ra ry in s tru c ­ tio n a g ro w in g e m p h a sis. T h e u n iv e rs ity is s itu a te d on a 1 ,50 0 -a cre c a m p u s in S a lt L ake City, a g ro w in g u rb an a re a w ith a stro ng e co n o m y. A co sm o p o lita n c o m m u n ity o f a p p ro x im a te ly o ne m illion re sid en ts, S a lt L ake C ity o ffe rs a v a rie ty o f c u ltu ra l, e n te rta in m e n t, a nd o u td o o r re cre a tio n a l a c tiv itie s . A p p lic a tio n p ro ce d u re s: S end d e ta ile d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , sta tin g h o w a p p lic a n t m e e ts q u a lific a ­ tio ns, a lo n g w ith re su m e a nd nam es, a d d re sse s, a nd p h o n e n u m ­ bers o f th re e re fe re n ce s to : K riste en A rn o ld , P erson ne l O fficer, M a rrio tt L ibrary, U n iv e r s ity o f U ta h , S a lt L ake City, U T 8 4112. A p p lic a tio n s re ce ive d by A u g u st 3 1 ,1 9 9 7 , w ill be g ive n fu ll c o n s id ­ e ra tio n . T h e U n ive rsity o f U tah is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tive a ctio n e m p lo ye r. W o m e n , m in o ritie s, and p e rs o n s w ith d is a b ilitie s a re e nc o u ra g e d to apply. O U TR E A C H L IB R A R IA N . U nive rsity o f W iscon sin -L a C rosse. P osi­ tion D escription: P rovide and deve lo p se rvice fo r e xternal users (d ista nce edu catio n students, lib ra ry w e b page users, and facu lty and students o utsid e the Library); w o rk clo se ly w ith Instruction Librarian to p ro vide a s ig nifican t n um be r o f BI se ssions, e sp e cia lly th o se using electronic inform ation resources; co ordin a te d e ve lo pm en t and m ain­ ten a nce of the lib ra ry w e b site as a resource; se rve as the lib ra ry’s co n ta ct person fo r d istan ce edu catio n p rogram ; se rve as backup to E lectronic R esources Librarian; a ssist w ith reference d e sk services and library handouts; p articipate in co lle ction deve lo pm en t, collegial g overnance, library com m ittees, and ca m p us pro fe ssio na l activities. N ine-m onth te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty position. A s u bje ct m a ster’s is re­ quired fo r ten u re . Q ualifications: R equired: A LA - a ccre dite d M LS; two ye a rs p ost-M LS pro fe ssio na l library e xperience; expe rie n ce in library instruction, e sp e cia lly in the use o f e lectron ic resources; and strong 1997, and co n tin u e until the position is filled. Tulane is an equal opportun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. IN S TR U C T IO N L IB R A R IA N . M arriott Library, U nive rsity o f Utah. Position d escription: Th e U niversity o f Utah, w ith a stud e nt population o f 27,000, seeks a m otivated and innovative individual to se rve as a tea m m e m b er o f a su ccessfu l and gro w in g library instruction program . R espo n sib ilitie s: W o rks w ith m em b ers of the Instruction D ivision to plan, im plem ent, and e valu a te the in stru ction p rogram . D evelops and p ro vide s gro up and individual instruction and tra in ing fo r students, staff, and fa cu lty in the u se o f lib ra ry reso urce s a nd inform ation tech n olo g ie s. Te ach e s cre d it co urses. W o rks clo se ly a nd co o p e ra ­ tive ly w ith re feren ce areas, A cad e m ic C o m p utin g and L ibrary Infor­ m ation S ervices (ACLIS), and o th e r library departm ents. M asters new tech n olo g ie s and stays cu rre n t in lib ra ry app lica tio ns. D evelops in stru ction al and tra in ing m a terials in print, in teractive w eb-based, and m u ltim e d ia form ats. Provides re feren ce se rvice s as a m e a ns of staying in to u ch w ith the u se of tech n olo g ie s and o th e r re sources by patro n s and staff. D evelops tra in ing pro gra m s to be offe re d by oth e r lib ra ria n s and staff. Required: M LS from A LA -a ccre d ite d library school. S ubstantial kn ow ledge o f and expe rie n ce w ith electronic resources, desktop, and Internet applications. Effective tra in ing and tea ch ing skills in group and o ne -on-one settin g s. Strong oral and w ritte n co m m u nicatio n skills. Strong co m m itm en t to e xcellen t and in no va tive service. A b ility to w o rk w ith users o f varying technical e xpertise. D esired qualifications: Form al tea ch ing e xperience. K now l­ edge o f is su es and tre nd s in lib ra ry in struction. R eference service e xperience. E xperience in an a cad em ic library. Salary: $27 ,00 0 plus e x c e lle n t b e n e fits. A m e m b e r o f AR L, th e M a rrio tt L ib ra ry h a s n ea rly J u ly/A u g u st 199 7 /5 2 1 TWO POSITIONS OPEN CURATOR, JOHN W. BARRIGER III RAILROAD COLLECTION and CURATOR, HERMAN T. POTT INLAND WATERWAYS COLLECTION St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis The St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis seeks applicants for the positions of Curator, John W. Barriger III Railroad Collection, and Curator, Herman T. Pott Inland Waterways Collection. Principal responsibilities include in-depth reference service, selection of research materials for the collections, assistance in developing and implementing library policies, and donor relations. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; advanced degree in American history; at least three years of experience in special collections public services, preferably in an academic setting; reading knowledge of two foreign languages, including Spanish or French; knowledge of standard procedures and policies, including oral history technique, cataloging, and computer technology as related to special collections; strong oral and written communication skills. Highly desirable: For th e Barriger Curator: Demonstrated knowledge of American railroad and transpor­ tation history; fo r the Pott Curator: demonstrated knowledge of American river and water-ways transpor­ tation history. Salary commensurate with experience. For consideration, please submit a letter of application and three references by August 15,1997, to: John Hoover St. Louis Mercantile Library at UM-St. Louis 501 Locust St., 6th FI. St. Louis, MO 63101 UM-St. Louis is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. co m m u nicatio n skills. Preferred: W e b pub lish in g experience; dis­ tance e ducation e xperience; and fa m ilia rity with m icroco m p u te r h ard­ ware and softw are. S alary (a ca de m ic year): $36,000, w ith the possi­ bility of partial su m m e r appointm ent. Excellent benefits package. Application procedure: R e vie w o f applica tio ns w ill begin Ju ly 21, 1997. Please send le tte r o f application, resum e, and nam es of three re ferences to: Randall Hoelzen, D epa rtm e n t Chair, M u rp hy Library, U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in -L a C ro s s e , 1631 Pine St., La C rosse, W l 54601. UW -La C rosse is an affirm a tive action, equ al o pportunity em ployer. W om en, p erson s o f color, and individuals w ith a d isability are enco urag e d to apply. U n de r W iscon sin statutes, w e are required to pro vide a list o f nom ine e s and a pplicants. A w ritten req ue st can exclude one from this list. P ersons a greeing to be final ca nd id ate s (to be in terview ed) w ill h ave th e ir identities revealed as final candidates. RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . A ssista n t P ro fe sso r (tenu re -le a din g ). C entral R eference Services Departm ent, starting O ctob er 1, 1997. R esponsibilities include providing re feren ce and e lectron ic resource services in the m ain library; liaison and co lle ction m a n agem ent assign m e n ts in a nthropology, sociology, and social work; library in struction; and assistan ce with reference co lle ction m anagem ent. W o rks so m e nights and w e eke n ds. Participa tes in o th e r library a ctivities and se rve s on com m ittees. Required: A LA -a ccre dite d MLS; strong public se rvice philosophy; e xcellen t co m m u nicatio n skills; cu rre nt kn ow ledge o f em e rging in form atio n tech n olo g ie s and the ir a pplication to re feren ce se rvices; a bility to w o rk fle xibly and cre a tively in a rapidly ch an ging environ m e n t; a bility to interact positively and pro du ctively w ith library colleagues, students, facu lty and staff. Pre­ ferred: Reference experience; w orking know ledge o f c o m p ute r a pp li­ cations; fa m ilia rity w ith w id e range o f print and e lectron ic reso urce s in the social sciences, e sp e cia lly a nthropology, so ciolog y and social w ork; sig nifican t course w o rk o r a dvanced degree in a social science. $28 ,50 0 m inim um fo r a 12-m onth contract. Salary m ay be higher dep en d in g upon the qua lifica tio ns o f the su ccessfu l applicant. A p p li­ cants sh ou ld su bm it a le tte r o f a pplication and cu rre n t resum e that e xplicitly add re ss h ow th e ir education, relevant e xperience, and other re le van t qualifica tio ns m e e t the duties o f and qua lifica tio ns fo r this va cancy, by A ug u st 15, 1997, to: L arry Kahle, A ssociate Dean of Libraries, 141 Love Library, U n iv e rs ity o f N e b ra s k a -L in c o ln , P.O. Box 880410, Lincoln, NE 6 8588-0410. Th e a p p lica n t should also su bm it the n am es, cu rre n t a ddresses, and c u rre n t telep ho n e num bers o f th re e referen ces w h o are kn ow led g ea ble o f the a p p lica n t’s qua lifi­ cations. Th e U nive rsity o f N e braska-Lincoln is com m itted to a plural­ istic ca m p us co m m u nity throu g h a ffirm ative a ction and e qu al o pp ortu ­ nity a nd is responsive to the needs o f d u a l-ca re e r couples. W e assure reasonable a ccom m od a tion u nd er the A m e rica ns with Disabilities Act; co nta ct Larry Kahle a t (402) 472-2526. RE FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . E xem pt Level Four. T h e S tevens-Germ an L ibrary a t H a rtw ick C ollege in vites a pp lica tio ns fo r an entry-level position in an e xpanding reference program . R esponsibilities include providing reference a nd instructional se rvice s in a student-centered co lle ge library, p articipating in tea m s w o rkin g w ith new technologies, co lle ction d evelopm ent, interlibrary loan, and d o cu m e nt d elivery. T h is is a 12-m onth app ointm e n t tha t in clu de s w eeke n d and e vening hours. C u rre n tly the library includes se ven lib ra ria n s and 18 full- o r part-tim e staff m em bers. Benefits in clu de TIA A/C R E F, 2 5 days ann ua l leave, and selection from a va rie ty o f health insurance program s. Q u a lifica ­ tions: A n M LS from an A LA-a ccre dite d p rogram , e xpe rie n ce o r training in a va rie ty o f e lectron ic in form ation resources, and a d esire to be a part o f an in stru ction al team pre pa rin g stud e nts to be e fficien t se eke rs of inform ation and know ledge. Preferred expe rie n ce includes knowledge o f W ind ow s 95, O CLC, W W W , and HTM L, as w e ll as inform ation retrieval system s, including Lexis/N exis, Firstsearch, a nd /or P roquest Direct. H artw ick C ollege is an independent, private, liberal arts college edu catin g 1,435 students. It is located in the foothills o f N ew York's C atskill M ountains, an h ou r w e st o f A lb an y in O neonta, N ew Y ork. The collection num bers n early 2 80 ,00 0 vo lum es in p rint and m icroform s, 1,200 jo urna l su bscriptio n s in p ap er and e lectron ic form ats. T h e library is known fo r its co lle ction o f Native A m e rica n m aterials, a rchives, and 5 2 2 / C&RL News se m in ary co lle ction d ating from 1797. F u rther in form ation is available d e rs ta n d in g o f th e n a tu re o f s c h o la rly re s e a rc h in th e h u m a n itie s a nd s o c ia l s c ie n c e s . D e m o n s tra te d e x c e lle n c e in w ritte n a n d o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n . S tro n g ly p re fe rre d : F a m ilia r ity w ith b u s in e s s re fe re n c e s o u rc e s . R e fe re n c e a n d c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e ­ rie n c e in an a c a d e m ic lib ra ry . D e m o n s tra te d e x p e rie n c e w ith W o rld W id e W e b a u th o rs h ip . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M a in e is th e la nd g ra n t a n d se a g ra n t c o lle g e fo r th e s ta te o f M a in e . It is th e fla g s h ip in s titu tio n o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f M a in e S y s te m , o ffe rin g b a c h e lo r’s, m a s te r’s, a n d d o c to ra l d e g re e s . U M a in e h a s a p p ro x im a te ly 9 ,8 0 0 s tu d e n ts a nd 6 0 0 fa c u lty . T h e R a y m o n d H. F o g le r L ib ra ry h a s a c o lle c tio n o f 8 2 6 ,0 0 0 v o lu m e s a n d a s ta ff o f 2 3 p ro fe s s io n a ls a nd 4 8 s u p p o rt s ta ff. T h e lib ra ry u s e s th e In n o p a c in te g ra te d s y s te m a n d is m o v in g to w a rd a d ig ita l lib ra ry . It is a T ri-S ta te R e g io n a l D e p o s ito ry a nd a fu ll p a te n t d e p o s ito ry . S a la ry ra n g e is $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 . R e v ie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in on J u n e 15, 1 997. S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , re s u m e , a n d th e n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : C h ris tin e A. W h ittin g to n , H e ad o f R e fe re n c e a n d A s s is ta n t A c c e s s S e rv ic e s L ib ra ria n , R a y m o n d H. F o g le r L ib ra ry , U n iv e r s it y o f M a in e , O ro n o , M E 0 4 4 6 9 -5 7 2 9 . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M a in e is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffir m a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo y e r. T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC E S D E P A R T M E N T H E A D . D ePaul U niversity Library. Th e Head of T echnical Services a d m iniste rs all acquisitions, serials, and ca ta lo ging fun ctio ns and acts as tech n ical services liaison fo r th e lib ra ry’s a u to m a te d system s (OCLC, INNO VAC Q ILLIN ET O nline), su pervising one pro fe ssio na l librarian, 11 full-tim e and several part tim e p araprofessionals. Th e position has re sponsi­ bility fo r the m a terials budget, w o rkin g w ith the library a nd the unive rsity a uto m a te d fin an cia l record system s. A ctive in volvem en t in co llection deve lo pm en t activities, co m m u nicatin g with vendors, the C o ordina tor o f Collection D evelopm ent, and bibliographers. T a kes a le adership role in co ordin a ting technical se rvice s a ctivities and w orks co lle gia lly w ith system s, a ccess se rvice s and p ub lic services, d epart­ m ents in a m u lti-ca m p u s se ttin g . U n de r the su p e rvision o f the A ssociate D irector fo r T e chn ica l and A ccess Services, develops policies and pro ced ures and lo ng-range plans. P ro vide s d irection in and e valuates special p rojects, such as cata lo ging digital im ages. A ctively participa tes in library and unive rsity com m ittees, and in p rofessional organ iza tion s state -w ide and nationally. R equirem ents: M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry s c h o o l; s e c o n d m a s te r’s d eg re e d e s ira b le . F ive y e a rs in c re a s in g s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e in an a u to m a te d te c h n ic a l s e rv ic e s e n v iro n m e n t; th re e to fiv e y e a rs e x p e rie n c e w ith a c q u is itio n s a n d s e ria ls fu n c tio n s , in c lu d in g fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t re s p o n s ib ilitie s . E x p e rie n c e w ith in te g ra te d lib ra ry s y s te m s . S tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills , w ith th e a b ility to w o rk c o lle g ia lly in an a c a d e m ic lib ra ry . C o m m it­ m e n t to a d v a n c e m e n t o f th e u n iv e rs ity lib ra ry ’s s e rv ic e s in an e le c tr o n ic e n v iro n m e n t. E x c e lle n t b e n e fits in c lu d e fre e tu itio n fo r e m p lo y e e s a n d d e p e n d e n ts , fle x ib le b e n e fits , fo u r w e e k s v a c a ­ tio n , a nd T IA A /C R E F p e n s io n p la n . S a la ry s ta rts a t $ 4 3 ,0 0 0 a nd w ill be c o m m e n s u ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s . A p p lic a tio n s w ill be a c c e p te d u n til th e p o s itio n is fille d . S e n d le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n w ith re s u m e a nd n a m e s o f th re e c u rre n t re fe re n c e s to : D o ris R. B ro w n , D ire c to r o f L ib ra rie s , Jo h n T . R ic h a rd s o n L ib ra ry , D e P a u l U n iv e r ­ s it y , 2 3 5 0 N. K e n m o re , C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 1 4 - 3 2 1 0 . D e P a u l U n iv e r­ s ity , an e m p lo y e r o f c h o ic e , is c o m m itte d to d iv e r s ity a n d e q u a lity in e d u c a tio n a n d e m p lo y m e n t. on the web at http://w w w .ha rtw ick.e du /. App lica n ts should send a le tte r o f interest, resum e, and nam es, a ddresses, and telephone n um be rs fo r three re ferences to: M arilyn Dunn, C ollege Librarian and D ire cto ro f Inform ation Resources, Stevens-Germ an Library, H a rtw ic k C o lle g e , O neonta, NY 13820. R eview o f a pplica tio ns will begin July 15, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. A nticipated starting d ate is S ep tem be r 1 ,1 9 9 7 . M em bers of u nd errepresented g roups are e sp e cia lly e nco urag e d to apply. H artw ick C ollege is an equal o pp or­ tun ity em ployer. R E FE R E N C E /IN FO R M A TIO N T E C H N O L O G IE S L IB R A R IA N . D u­ ties: R eference service, instruction a bo ut inform ation a ccess and use, co lle ction developm ent, m aintenance o f in form ation te ch n o lo ­ gies, su pervision o f stud e nt em ployees. Requirem ents: ALA/M LS; expe rie n ce w ith tra dition al reference services, d atabase searching, and the Internet; active user o f in form ation tech n olo g ie s and PCs; strong service orientation; co m m itm en t to in tegrate in form ation te ch ­ n ologies within a liberal arts curriculum . C om pensation: S alary from the m id-$20s; 12-m onth contract; fo u r w e eks vacation. King College is a liberal arts co lle ge in the Presbyterian tradition tha t se eks to relate C hristian co m m itm en t to scholarship and to life. A pplications m ust include a co ve r letter, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and phone n um bers o r e-m ail a dd re sses of three cu rre nt references. Please conta ct: W illia m J. W ade, Dean o f the Faculty, K in g C o lle g e , 1350 King College, Bristol, TN 37620. REFER EN C E— S C IEN C ES TE C H N O L O G Y S PE C IA LTY . 12-m onth, te n u re -tra ck fa cu lty position resp on sib le fo r deve lo ping lib ra rie s’ collection, w ith e m phasis in the physical sciences; providing refer­ e nce se rvice s and b ibliographic instruction, including preparation of appro pria te instructional guides and a ccess to electronic media, to students, faculty, and staff. R equires an A LA -a ccre dite d graduate degree in library science and e ithe r a degree in o ne o f the sciences o r one ye a r reference expe rie n ce in a science library; know ledge of Internet reso urce s and electronic d atabases. M inim um sa lary of $36,000. C om plete jo b description and a pplication form can be accesse d by visiting the unive rsity lib ra rie s’ hom e page a t http: w w w .co lo state .e d u/D e p t/L T S /libh o m e.h tm l. T o apply, send a le tte r of a p p lic a tio n , a c u r r e n t re s u m e a n d n a m e s , a d d r e s s e s , and phone num bers o f three re ferences to: T e ri R. Switzer, Associate P ro fe s s o r, L ib r a r ie s P e r s o n n e l S e r v ic e s , C o lo r a d o S ta te U n iv e r s it y L ib r a r ie s , F o rt C o llin s , C O 8 0 5 2 3 -1 0 1 9 ; e -m a il: tsw itze r@ m an ta.libra lo sta te.e du . All application m aterials, in­ clu ding application form , m ust be received by Friday, A ug u st 1 ,1 9 97 . AA/E E O em ployer. S O C IA L SC IEN C E S A N D H U M AN IT IE S R EFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . (Full-tim e, 12-m onth p osition.) Th e U niversity o f M aine's R aym ond H. F o gler L ibrary in vites a pplications fo r the position of Social Sciences and H um anities R eference Librarian. T h is is a full-tim e (40 h ours p er week), 12-m onth position w hich in clu de s even in g and w eekend hours. Th e successful candidate will w o rk at a fast-p a ced reference desk, provide course-related instruction, and develop co lle ction s in assign e d su bje ct areas. E xperience with Internet, C D-RO M , and co m m e rcia l d ata ba ses w ill be an essential co m p on en t o f this p o si­ tion. Required: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS. D em onstrated ability to adapt su ccessfu lly to a rapidly ch an ging e nvironm ent. D em onstrated un­ Late Job Listings INFORMATION SPECIALIST. (Temporary, full-time.) The Norris Medical Library of the University o f Southern California is seeking applicants for a temporary, full-time po­ sition in the reference section beginning July 1,1997. Responsibilities include: Reference assistance in a highly automated environment, including the use of the Internet and in­ house electronic information systems; bibliographic database searching on locally mounted and remote systems and CD-ROM; user education in one of the most extensive programs in the country; and special projects. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with a course in medical bibliography or reference. MEDLINE experience and computer literacy preferred. Benefits: 37.5 hour week; 22 days vacation; paid sickleave; disability plan; retirement plan (TIAA/CREF and other options); tuition remission; paid medical, dental, and life insur­ ance. Salary: $31,800. Entry-level, one-year appointment; second year pending. Send resume or direct inquiries to: Janet L. Nelson, Head, Reference Section, Norris Medical Library, Health Sciences Campus, University of Southern California, 2003 Zonal Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033; phone: (213) 342-1483; fax: (213) 221-1235. EOE/AA. J u ly /A u g u s t1 9 9 7 /5 2 3 INTERIM REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Bluffton College invites applications for a one- year, interim position o f reference librarian. Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program required. Experience with providing service using general reference sources, both print and electronic; experience using Dialog; and evidence of excellent communication skills necessary. Prefer experience with government docu­ ments or interlibrary loan, Passport for Windows, and a working knowledge o f computer hardware and software, including DOS and Windows. Responsibilities include assisting library users with online, CD-ROM, and print resources; classroom instruction; interli­ brary loan; and government documents collection management. Some evening and weekend hours required. Bluffton College is a four-year, Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the General Conference Mennonite Church. Musselman Library houses over 130,000 volumes and subscribes to more than 400 periodicals and is a 10 percent selective depository for U.S. government publications. The library uses the Horizon automated system. Consideration o f applications continues until an appointment is made. Additional information is available at Submit letter o f application, resume or vita, three letters o f reference, and unofficial transcripts to: Amy M. Tabler, Assistant to the V.P. and Dean o f Academic Affairs, Bluffton College, 280 W. College Ave., Bluffton, OH 45817-1196. EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR. Creighton University seeks dynamic, service-oriented librarian to provide general reference assistance and to administer the federal documents collection. Assists users with print and electronic resources, including the Internet, and provides occasional classroom instruction. Some nights and weekends. Maintains and supervises the daily operations o f a selective (21 percent) federal depository emphasizing business, census, and electronic formats. Previews and supports government information in CD-ROM and on the web. Supervises .5 FTE student. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and reference experience. Knowledge o f government resources and depository operations. Familiarity with a range o f information technologies, such as database searching, CD-ROMs, web- based information delivery, HTML, and microcomputer hardware and software. Strong public service commitment. Preferred: Experience in managing a depository collection. This position is one o f five reporting to the Head o f Reference. Creighton University is a Catholic, Jesuit institution with an enrollment o f 6,000 students, located in a community of half a million, offering a high quality o f life. Appointment includes 22 days vacation and attractive benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Salary negotiable from $25,000. Closing date: August 20, 1997.. Mail or fax letter o f application, resume (web-based acceptable), and names o f three references to: Mary Nash, Head o f Reference, Reinert/Alumni Library, C reighton U n iv ersity , 2500 C aliforn ia P laza, O m aha, NE 68178; e-m ail: m d n a sh @ creig h ton .ed u ; phone: (40 2) 2 80-2226; fax: (402) 2 80 -2 43 5; h ttp :// EEO/AA. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Faculty status, tenure-track position. Responsibilities: Collection development, online Internet searches, bibliographic instruction, and refer­ ence duties. With colleagues, plan and integrate new technologies into Reference Services. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent, strong service orientation, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, expertise in electronic reference tools usage, one year library experience. Preferred: Reference experience in an academic library, teaching and/or Internet training experience, familiarity with a variety o f electronic formats. Excellent benefits including tuition remission, TIAA/CREF invest­ ment options, medical/dental packages, 22 days vacation plus generous holidays. Salary commensurate with experience and education. Send letter o f application, resume, and three employment references, by August 1,1997, to: Human Resources, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Assists in management o f Acquisition Services, responsible for electronic and traditional serials. Manage 11 staff plus students in receiving and service units. Serve as the serials expert for ordering, receiving, housing, and service issues, including further incorporation o f electronic serials into the collections. Exercise the 5 2 4 / C&RL News vision and technological expertise to help lead the library in the ongoing transformation of its scholarly journals to electronic format. Ensure effective use of the NOTIS serials module; develop plans, policies, and procedures; monitor workflow, hire and evaluate staff, coordinate training; assist in selecting and evaluating library materials vendors, analyze data on serial collections, prices and use; demonstrate continuing scholarship and professional growth; contribute to accomplishment of library goals by building cooperation with co-workers. Position reports to the Head of Acquisition Services. A complete position description is available at Qualifications: ALA accredited M.L.S. required. The following qualifications are pre­ ferred: Demonstrated successful supervisory, planning, project management, and analytical experience; record o f service orientation; experience with automated library systems, especially serials and acquisitions modules; experience with biblio­ graphic utilities (OCLC); knowledge o f MARC formats; familiar with current issues in technical services librarianship; knowledge of issues in electronic scholarly com­ munication and experience managing and delivering alternative formats; excellent interpersonal skills with ability to lead and collaborate; excellent oral and written communication skills; knowledge o f a modern European language; ability to meet deadlines and to work productively within an environment o f rapid development and change; commitment to personal scholarly achievement and professional develop­ ment. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. Environment: VCU is a publicly-supported urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia, serving 20,000 students on the academic campus and at the Medical College of Virginia. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget o f $4.5 million. Salary: $32,000 minimum. Benefits include 24 days leave, choice o f health plans (including HMOs and dental plans), choice o f retirement and annuity plans (including TIAA/CREF); remuneration for University course work; and paid life insurance. Application: Submit resume and the names and phone numbers for three current references to: Diane S. Hollyfield, Head, Acquisition Services, University Library Services, Virginia Commonwealth University, VCU Box 842033, Richmond, VA 23284-2033. E-mail for information only to: Review of applications will begin August 15, 1997. Virginia Commonwealth University is an Equal Opportunity/Affírmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. The University o f Texas at El Paso Library University Library located on the border with Mexico seeks two dynamic reference librarians for entry level positions. We are looking for Librarians who are service oriented and can work in a dynamic environment. These librarians will be responsible for providing general reference assistance and instruction, as well as assisting in the preparation of Instructional material and user aids. The successful candidate will work closely with faculty and students in collection development and in providing library instruction to enhance students’ mastery of life-long learning skills. Qualifications: MLS from ALA- accredited library school, knowledge o f standard reference works, experience with online catalogs, familiarity with electronic information sources, including the Internet/ World Wide Web. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team environment are a must. Desirable qualifications include knowledge of research sources in the social and behavioral sciences and/or business, and the ability to speak Spanish. Library or classroom instruction experience is highly desirable. More infor­ mation about the library and the university may be found at the Library’s Web home page: Salary and Benefits: $25,000 minimum. Comprehensive benefits package, choice of retirement plans and health care options. Texas has no state income tax. Applications: Send letter o f application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lydia Limas, Administrative Assistant, University Library, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968-0582; phone: (915)747-5683; fax: (915) 747-5345. Review o f applications will begin July 1, 1997 and continue until position is filled. The University of Texas at El Paso does not discrimi­ nate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or provision o f services.