ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 196 cals. The stack location is given for each peri­ odical. A limited number of copies are avail­ able a t $2.00 each. Purchase requests should be sent to: The Tarlton Law Library, School of Law, University of Texas, 2500 Red River Street, Austin, Texas 78705. Checks should be made payable to University of Texas Law School Foundation—Library. ■■ News From the Sections J U N I O R C O L L E G E L IB R A R IE S S E C T IO N • The Junior College Libraries Section of the Association of College and Research Li­ braries is sponsoring a preconference “Merging Materials: A Total Approach to Instruction,” at Detroit, Michigan, June 26–27, 1970. The two days of sessions will include panel dis­ cussions and small group sessions. Dr. 8. La­ mar Johnson, Professor of Higher Education, University of California, Los Angeles, will be the keynote speaker at the banquet. There will also be a special workshop on Proposal Writing. Attendance is limited to 250 persons. The registration fee is $50.00. For further informa­ tion write to: J. Donald Thomas, Executive Secretary, Association of College and Re­ search Libraries, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. LAW A N D P O L IT IC A L S C IE N C E S U B S E C T IO N • The Preconference Institute “Workshop on Legal Bibliography” scheduled for Detroit has been cancelled, it was announced by the Law and Political Science Subsection of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The Institute was scheduled for June 26–27, 1970, at the Wayne State University Law School in Detroit prior to the Annual Confer­ ence of the American Library Association. All registration fees will be refunded. It will be the responsibility of the registrants to cancel their housing arrangements. The Association of College and Research Libraries sincerely regrets this inconvenience to all members who had made plans to attend. • “Government Publications: New Direc­ tions in Content, Dissemination and Control” will be the focal point of panel discussions at the ALA Conference in Detroit. Scheduled for Monday, June 29, at 2:00 p .m ., and sponsored by the Subject Specialists Section and its Law and Political Science Subsection, the panels will touch on government information programs at every level, local, state, and fed­ eral, with emphasis on recent developments and on association participation in their im­ provement. The meeting will be open to all attending the Conference, and the program will be designed not only for documents li­ brarians but also for all potential users of gov­ ernment information. If that includes you, plan to attend. R A R E B O O K S S E C T IO N • “The Private Collector of Books and Manuscripts” will be the theme of a precon­ ference sponsored by the Rare Books Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries at Detroit, Michigan, from June 25– 27. Planned to provide a much deserved rec­ ognition of the importance of the private col­ lector to the world of books and scholarship, it is a natural followup to the program on the antiquarian book trade held several years ago. Major presentations will be made by Charles Feinberg, Charles Blockson, William H. Bond, James D. Hart, Harry Moore, Har­ rison Hayford, Frederick Goff, C. E. Frazer Clark, James B. Meriwether, Robert Taylor, Gordon Banks, Stuart Schimmel, Kenneth Ren­ dell, Karl Ruhe, and Howell Heaney. Attendance is limited to 150, and the regis­ tration fee is $50.00. Further information and applications may be obtained from: J. Donald Thomas, Executive Secretary, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Li­ brary Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chi­ cago, Illinois 60611. • The Committee on Manuscript Collections of the Rare Books Section of ACRL will hold a program on the “Administration of Manu­ script Collections in Colleges and Universities” during the ALA Annual Conference in De­ troit, June 28–July 4. The program will be held on Monday, June 29, from 2:00 to 4:00 p .m . The panelists will be Mattie Russell, Duke University; Philip P. Mason, Wayne State University; Ruth Salis­ bury, University of Pittsburgh; Wayne C. Mann, Western Michigan University; and James M. Babcock, Alma College, chairman of the panel. The program is open to the pub­ lic. ■ ■ 197 198