ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 200 to the life and works of Robert Louis Steven­ son. Miss Shaffer will assume her new post on August 1. A native of Leadville, Colorado, where she first discovered the fascination of old books while working in the public library during her high school days, Ellen Shaffer has long been a rare book enthusiast. Although she organized an elementary school library system in Ana­ heim, California, and worked briefly for the Los Angeles County Library, her interest had always been in the antiquarian book field. She went to work with Dawson’s Book Shop of Los Angeles, largest antiquarian book firm west of the Mississippi, and for twenty years headed their department of manuscripts and first edi­ tions, where her work included buying, sell­ ing, appraising, issuing catalogs, and making occasional buying trips to Europe. ■ ■ Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Ad­ vertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for th e next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE LC CARD NUMBER Indexes to the National Union Catalog. Cut your NUC searching time. LISCO, 34 Smith Street, Marblehead, Mass. 01945. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS mailed to you within 3 days. SuDocs price plus postage. Capital Documents Service, Box 4922, Wash­ ington 20008. BOOK LANDERO, THE PERIPLUTIC BIB­ LIODICIST, 11501 Sherman Way, North Hol­ lywood, Ca. 91605, specializing in OP tomes in Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, es­ pecially as listed in BCL, Lamont, Essay Index, Granger, etc. Catalogs Issued. Wants searched through personal peregrinations and PAN­ ANABASES. ALL the remaining stocks of the five cumula­ tive volumes of “The English Catalogue of Books” fully covering 1948-65 plus the single yearly volumes for 1966 and 1967 having been taken over by us we invite librarians’ and booksellers’ enquiries; other cumulative and single yearly volumes previous to 1948 (also single yearly volumes for 1948-1969) being available, both new and second-hand right back to 1801. As are “Whitaker’s Cumulative Booklist”—both cumulative and yearly volumes; “Reference Catalogue of Current Literature,” “Cumulative Book Index,” “Book Prices Cur­ rent,” “A Subject Index of Books Published up to and Including 1880,” “The British Museum Subject Index” 1881-1960, except for 1951-55; “The Illustrated London News,” “Picture Post,” “The Times,” “Palmer’s Index to The Times” original quarterly volumes as well as “Palmer’s Index to The Times 1790-1941 (June) on Microfilm.” “The Official Index to The Times” —original volumes; “The Annual Register,” “The Quarterly Review,” “The Economist,” “The Times Literary Supplement,” “Chemical Abstracts,” “Studio,” “Parliamentary Debates— Lords and/or Commons,” all series, etc. Some books on Librarianship—list available. H. Por­ des, Bookseller, 529b Finchley Road, London, N.W.3. Phone: 01-435 9878. SHELVING, 269 tiers of 36 inch double-faced shelves, 9½ feet high, with mounted fluorescent lighting. Six years old. Holds 100,000 volumes. Address: Librarian, Bellarmine School of The­ ology, 230 S. Lincoln Way, North Aurora, Il­ linois 60542. POSITIONS W A N TE D CATALOGER, M.S.L.S., long university ex­ perience with LC, as dept. head, desires po­ sition as dept. head in small or medium-sized college, preferably with 10 months a year ap­ pointment. Box 785, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN, 32, M.A. in L.S., seeks position in African Studies Library or other academic library developing Africana collection. Worked 3 years in Ethiopia, traveled in East, South and West Africa. Five years experience. Now studying Swahili. Available summer/fall 1970. Box 786, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration HEAD CATALOGER. Position open July 1970. MLS degree and experience with L.C. Classi­ fication required. Salary for 12 month contract depending on qualifications. Georgia Retire­ ment System benefits, academic status, one month vacation. Submit resume, transcripts, and letters from three professional references to Mrs. Regina M. Yoast, Director, Armstrong 201 State College Library, 11########################################### 935 Abercom St., Sa­ vannah, Georgia 31406. REFERENCE ADMINISTRATOR. University of Alberta Library requires an experienced li­ brarian to take charge of a Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Department with a staff of sixteen, nine of whom are professional librarians. Responsibility includes inter-library loans, documents, and micromaterials. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1969/70 salary range: $ll,800-$13,750; incre­ ment $500. Upward adjustment of scale ex­ pected for 1970/71. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of aca­ demic record, and the names of three refer­ ences to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. TECHNICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRA­ TOR. With present Cataloguing Department facing a possible major reorganization, the University of Alberta Library requires a Sen­ ior Department Head to coordinate all activ­ ities involved in cataloguing and processing at least 120,000 volumes per year. The vacancy has resulted from the promotion of the previ­ ous incumbent. Present staff numbers eighty- six, including twenty-one professional librari­ ans. This is a challenging position with one of Canada’s outstanding and fastest growing aca­ demic libraries, and calls for a high degree of administrative ability and initiative. Salary open to negotiation, but will not be less than $12,500. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, re­ moval grant. Applicants should send curricu­ lum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. HEAD LIBRARIAN position open Sept. 1, 1970. Graduate library degree required. Col­ lege experience preferred. Faculty rank; re­ tirement, health benefits. Write: Lydia Lee, Christian Brothers College Library, 650 E. Parkway South, Memphis, Tenn. 38104. CHIEF REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Need energetic, imaginative, reference librarian with administrative ability. May interview appli­ cants at ALA in Detroit. Send resumes to Di­ rector of Libraries, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711. IOWA. Assistant Director for Administrative Services: Iowa State University Library, Ames. Responsible for personnel, building and space planning; assists Director in budget prepara­ tion. A new position. M.L.S., minimum 5 years appropriate professional experience. Flexibility, creative imagination are key qualities being sought. $15,000 minimum, depending upon qualifications. Faculty rank. TIAA-CREF; hos­ pital-surgical, major medical, life insurance. Library collection, 750,000 volumes; budget, two-million-dollar level; faculty-student body, 21,000. Full-time staff, 140. Strong emphasis on growth. New $2.3 million Addition H oc­ cupied Fall 1969; Addition III in preliminary planning stage. Position open September 1, 1970. Write: Warren B. Kuhn, Director, Iowa State University Library, Ames, Iowa 50010. CATALOGUING ADMINISTRATOR. Univer sity of Alberta Library requires an experienced cataloguer to take charge of the cataloguing and classification division of the Cataloguing Department. Position requires good knowledge of cataloguing rules and procedures and ad­ ministrative ability. Staff of thirty-nine of whom nineteen are professional librarians. Salary ac­ cording to experience and qualifications, mini­ mum $11,000. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of aca­ demic record, and the names of three refer­ ences to the Librarian, University of Alberta. Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. WE ARE LOOKING for a bright, energetic, innovative librarian for the position of head of technical services—cataloger. Imagination and ambition readily accepted as substitutes for experience. Projects on the horizons: con­ version and partial reclassification, some auto­ mation, planning of expanded facilities. Law­ rence is a small liberal arts institution with an active, aggressive library. We are offering fac­ ulty rank, fringe benefits and salary from $10,000, depending on qualifications. Contact Walter F. Peterson, Librarian, Lawrence Uni­ versity, Appleton, WI 54911. COUNTY LIBRARIAN administer new coun­ ty service. Position requires 5th year degree, L.S., some professional experience. Salary range: $8,544 to $10,404. Send resume and references to: Mrs. Sidney Griffin, Personnel Committee, Darlington County Library, Draw­ er 517, Darlington, S.C. 29532. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUM­ BIA invites applications for the position of As­ sistant Head for Circulation and Processes in the Sedgewick Undergraduate Library. The chief duty will be the administration and over­ all supervision of supporting staff of 23 en­ gaged in circulation, shelving, reserving, filing in the card catalogues, etc. The Sedgewick Undergraduate Library has an annual circula­ tion of one-half million to 12,000 undergrad­ uates mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences. There is a total full-time staff of 29 including 7 professionals. A new Undergrad­ uate Library Building will be ready in 1972. A library degree is required; supervisory ex­ perience and experience in public services is desirable. Minimum beginning salary will be $10,000. The University of British Columbia is in Vancouver, a beautiful west coast city of 685,000 population. Current enrollment of tbe 202 University is 22,000. The Library’s book col­ lections total more than 1,200,000 and the book budget is more than one million annual­ ly. The Library staff numbers 375 and 90 of these are professional librarians. There are ex­ cellent medical, disability, group insurance and superannuation benefits, and four weeks’ vacation. Librarians are eligible to join the Faculty Club and Faculty Association. Apply to Mr. I. F. Bell, Associate Librarian, Univer­ sity of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C., Canada, DIRECTOR OF AUTOMATION SERVICES. Responsible for maintenance and further de­ velopment of the automated system now in operation for control of materials in a multi­ campus community college learning resource center. MLS and experience in automation re­ quired. Salary range; $10,500 to $12,600. Open September 1, 1970. Write to J. Paul Vagt, Dean of Learning Resources, Tarrant County Junior College, Fort Worth, Texas 76119. HEAD CATALOGER. A cataloger with aca­ demic library experience is needed to take charge of a staff of 15 in a rapidly growing library. Materials budget $400,000. Minimum salary $11,000. Usual fringes including TIAA. Send curriculum vitae and three references to Dr. Robert Lawyer, Director of the Library, Western Washington State College, Belling­ ham, Wash. 98225. Interviews can be ar­ ranged at ALA Conference. HEAD, F IS H E R IE S -O C E A N O G R A P H Y branch of large university library system. Staff includes two librarians and three clerks plus student assistants. Responsible for administra­ tion of branch in all its aspects under general direction of Assistant Director of Libraries for Public Services. Accredited library degree re­ quired. Strong background in biological sci­ ences, some experience in science librarianship and foreign languages desired. Contact Mr. Merwin M. Moores, Assistant Director of Li­ braries for Personnel and Budget, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105. “The University of Washington is an equal op­ portunity employer.” CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Salary Range—$14,580 to $25,400. Wanted; Imaginative, forward- looking chief librarian to help plan our future library. Professional staff of 11, new air-con­ ditioned building, exceptional fringe benefits. Faculty rank dependent on qualifications. Re­ quired; MS in LS, Desired; Ph.D. or 2d Mas­ ters, plus administrative experience plus knowl­ edge of AV. Salary will rise about $2,000 on Oct. 1; position open July 1. Send letters with full resumes to; Appointments Committee, Staten Island Community College Library, Staten Island, N.Y. 10301. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Kenyon College. Liberal- arts college; enrollment approximately 1,000 men and women, increasing to 1,400 within three years. Degree in Library Science re­ quired and at least three years’ administrative experience, preferably in academic libraries. Faculty rank of associate professor or profes­ sor. Salary range, $12,000 to $15,000 plus usual fringe benefits. Equal-opportunity employer. Address inquiries to Dr, Bruce Haywood, Provost, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022. Gataloging CATALOGUERS. University of Alberta Li­ brary requires; (1) science cataloguer; (2) Romance languages cataloguer; (3) Germanic languages cataloguer; (4) Classical languages cataloguer. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1969/70 salary range; Grade I, $7,650-$10,250; Grade II, $10,300-$ll,750. Increments $425 and $500 respectively. Up­ ward adjustment of scale expected for 1970/ 71. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curric­ ulum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN-Cataloger, for small academic library. LC system. Faculty rank, TIAA, hospitalization. Fifth year degree re­ quired. Minimum salary $11,000 for 12 months, with 1 month vacation. Apply by letter to Elizabeth Carroll, Librarian, Alaska Methodist University, Anchorage, Alaska 99504. CATALOGER for original cataloging of rare books in Catholic theology. Reading knowledge of Latin, German, and one Romance language and two years experience with L.C. classifica­ tion required. Faculty rank, 35 hour week, 22 days vacation, TIAA. Salary up to $10,300 upon qualifications. Send resume and references to Rev. Theodore Koehler, S.M., Marian Li­ brary, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45409. Multiple CINCINNATI. Head Cataloger; solid past ex­ perience in Catalog Dept. of large academic or research library using L.C. classification; imag­ ination and ability to direct activities of 6 catalogers and 16 assistants; minimum salary, $12,0W). Head Reference Librarian; good cul­ tural background with academic or research library reference experience preferred; super­ vises staff of 5 librarians; minimum salary, $10,000. Bibliographer; oversees collection building; reading knowledge of at least two modern foreign languages; minimum salary, $10,000. Acquisitions Librarian; ability to work with foreign language materials; conduct and 203 supervise bibliographic searching; handle busi­ ness correspondence; minimum salary, $7,800. Documents Librarian; new position; one as­ sistant available at start; responsible for ac­ quisition and organization of all documents; minimum salary, $8,800. All positions open now; personal interview required. Reply with resume to Miss Jane Bertenshaw, Assistant to the Director, University of Cincinnati Librar­ ies, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Po­ sitions available Summer 1970: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian III, $9,840-$ll,952). Assistant Department Head. Assignment will involve work relating to federal and interna­ tional documents. CATALOGERS (Librarian II, $8,304-$10,596). Prior experience and back­ ground in physical sciences desirable. Higher classification and salary possible if education and experience warrant. (Librarian II, $8,304- $10,956). Prior experience, knowledge of mu­ sic desirable. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Applications in­ vited for six positions above the beginning pro­ fessional level. Assistant professor rank—MLS plus minimum of six years relevant experi­ ence, with salary range from $12,000 up de­ pending upon qualifications; Assistant Super­ visor of Cataloging Services. Instructor rank— MLS plus minimum of two years relevant ex­ perience, with salary range from $9,120 to $11,520 depending upon qualifications; Docu­ ments Librarian, Interlibrary Loans Librarian, Rare Book Cataloger, General Bibliographer, Manuscript Archivist-Field Representative. Sci­ ence Information/Data Processing Specialist (masters degree in science considered in place of MLS). Liberal retirement, insurance, and vacation benefits. Send resume to; Kenneth G. Peterson, Associate Librarian, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901. Inter­ views can be arranged during ALA Detroit Conference. An Equal Opportunity Employer. OKLAHOMA STATE University, Stillwater. Two key positions open. 1) Senior Cataloger, Assistant Professor. Assist Head Cataloger in administering department. Original cataloging in Dewey. Cataloging staff of 8 professionals. 2) Social Sciences Librarian, Assistant Profes­ sor. Direct services of social sciences division of library, assume responsibility for book se­ lection. Serve on Library Administrative Coun­ cil. Both positions require master’s degree in library science from ALA accredited institi- tion, several years experience. Salary range $8,500-$10,500. Apply to Dr. Roscoe Rouse, University Librarian, Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. Reference Services WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE has an opening for a Reference Librarian who will be responsible for the technical reports area as well as assisting with general refer­ ence service. MLS required. Experience de­ sirable but will train recent graduate. New building. Expanding collection and curricu­ lum. Excellent benefits. Good starting salary. Interview expenses paid. Please write or call collect (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412. A. G. An­ derson, Jr., Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. Subject Specialists ROMANCE LANGUAGES SPECIALIST. University of Alberta Library requires librarian to be responsible for collection development activities, in conjunction with teaching depart­ ments, in the field of Romance Languages. The Library has a collection of one million volumes and an annual book budget of over two million dollars. The University enrollment is 17,500 of whom over 2,000 are graduate students. Preference given to applicants with master’s degree in Romance Languages. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1969/70 salary range; Grade I, $7,650-$10,250; Grade 11, $10,300-$ll,750. Increments $425 and $500 respectively. Upward adjustment of scale expected for 1970/71. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Ap­ plicants should send curriculum vitae, tran­ script of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada, A BIOLOGY LIBRARIAN is needed to coor­ dinate the operations of a small departmental library serving faculty and students working in the biological sciences. Responsibilities in­ clude reference service, collection development, and supervision of clerical and student sup­ porting staff. Applicants should have extensive background in the biological sciences. Inquiries should be addressed to J, Robert Adams, As­ sistant Director for Reader Services, Washing­ ton University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri 63130. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Applications are in­ vited for the position of; Blacker-Wood Li­ brarian—responsible for reference and biblio­ graphic service to faculty and students of the biological sciences, and for the development of the Blacker-Wood research collection of Zoology and Ornithology. The collection is one of depth containing rare and valuable historical materials as well as a wide range of current publications, and will be housed in the newly renovated Redpath Library. Applicants should have an accredited library degree with an academic background or strong interest in the biological sciences. At least 3 years experience is required of which some should have en­ tailed supervisory responsibilities. Four weeks vacation, and liberal benefits. Salary range 204 starting at $8,600, with allowance for experi­ ence. Apply to Director, McGill University Li­ braries, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal 110, P.Q., Canada. PHYSICAL S C I E N C E S /E N G I N E E R I N G BIBLIOGRAPHER. Iowa State University Li­ brary, Ames. New position available July 1970. Works closely with faculty in evaluat­ ing and developing strong scientific/technolog- ical holdings. Coordinates the collections and activities of three subject Reading Rooms. Qualifications: Strong academic background in one of the physical sciences; 5th year library degree; library experience desirable. Salary open. Faculty status; 1-month vacation; TIAA, life, disability and major medical insurance. Apply: Warren B. Kuhn, Director, University Library. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN—Southern California. The position of Librarian at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden is now open and applica­ tions are being accepted. Applicants should possess a graduate degree in library science and preference would be given to a person with experience or interest in the fields of botany and horticulture or the life sciences. The Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden is a privately endowed, autonomous institution de­ voted primarily to research and education and it is affiliated with the Claremont Graduate School, one of the six independent colleges at Claremont. The 83 acre garden is located in eastern Los Angeles County and the large metropolitan Los Angeles area, deserts, sea­ shore and mountains are all within short driv­ ing distances. The starting salary is open and fringe benefits are excellent. For further in­ formation please write Dr. Lee W. Lenz, Di­ rector, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, California 91711, AN ART AND ARCHITECTURE LIBRARI­ AN is needed to head the staff of depart­ mental library serving Department of Art His­ tory, School of Architecture, and School of Fine Arts. The Library presently has approxi­ mately 40,000 volumes and a staff of 5 or 6 as­ sistants. Responsibilities include reference ser­ vice to students and faculty, collection de­ velopment, and supervision of the staff. Ap­ plicants should have library experience and strong academic background in either art or architecture. Preference will be given to a candidate with a second masters degree. In­ quiries should be addressed to J, Robert Adams, Assistant Director for Reader Services, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri 63130. ACADEMIC LIBRARY, Reader Services, New York, State University at Binghamton. MUSIC librarian to assume responsibility for or­ ganization and development of existing col­ lection of monographs, scores and records in growing university program. Duties include collection development and management of Music Library. Technical processes centralized in Main Library. New position starting Septem­ ber 1, 1970 requiring advanced degree in musicology, fifth year library degree, and sev­ eral years academic library experience. Sal­ ary $12,000+ for 12 month year; academic year option available. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES has opening for Head of the Fine Arts Depart­ ment. Includes Art, Architecture and Music with emphasis on Art and Architecture. Back­ ground in Fine Arts plus MSLS from ac­ credited Library School, experience. Salary July I, 1970—$11,400. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Send resume to: Mrs. Elizabeth S, New- love. Assistant Director, Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York 13210. Technical Services TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Ac­ credited MLS required. Salary competitive. New library. Apply: Librarian, Vermont Tech­ nical College, Randolph Ct., Vt. 05061. Tel: 802-728-3391. A SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN is needed to coor­ dinate systems development and data pro­ cessing activities. Applicants should have the ability to oversee the maintenance of an IBM 357 circulation control system in operation since 1965, to design additional features for a com­ puter based acquisitions system presently pro­ cessing individual book orders and to conduct a feasibility study of a cataloging system based on MARC II. Long-range plans, which will be affected by changes in the state of the art on the national scene, include the creation of ma­ chine-readable data banks, control of serial records and on-line circulation control. Library systems development experience or relevant formal training and a familiarity with com­ puter programming are essential prerequisites. Inquiries should be addressed to J, Robert Adams, Assistant Director for Reader Services, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri 63130. 205 1609. First printing. 5 0 0 copies. 1970. Second printing. One copy. We don’t know exactly how m any copies of this book were originally published 361 years ago. B u t we do know th a t over the years it’s become more and more difficult for scholars to get their hands on one. Fortunately, University Microfilms is making sure th a t the supply of any book is precisely equal to the demand for it. And if ju st one copy of a book exists, and is capable of being microfilmed, we can make as many additional copies as anyone wants. As of this moment, we have over 82,000 out-of-print books on microfilm. And if we don’t have a book, we’ll find it, film it, and tu rn out copies like the one above. Books printed in Roman alphabets cost 4si per page. Books in non-Roman alphabets cost a page. And our minimum order is one copy. If you’re a librarian interested in seeing which books we already have on film, send for our free 500-page catalog. We’U also send you The 0 -P Bookfinder, our m onthly publication which lists the books we’re adding to our collection. If you still can’t find w hat you want, send us the title, author and publisher’s name. If copies of the book are still around, we’ll see to it th a t you get one too. U 300 n North iv Ze e eb Road, rsi An t n y Ar b M or, Mi i ch. c 4810 ro 3, f (31 i 3) l m 761-470 s 0 University Microfilms Limited, High Wycomb, England. A XEROX COMPANY XEROX 206 207 Can you find yourself in this picture? Write: Membership Promotion Office American Library Association 50 'East Huron S trw t Cbioago, Illinois 60611 E S SE N TIA L— The N a tio n a l F a c u lty D ire c to ry — 1 9 7 0 is th e o n ly so u rce y o u need to c o n s u lt in o rd e r to learn " w h o 's w h e re " in th e a c a d e m ic w o rld . C o lle g e and u n iv e rs ity fa c u lty m em bers o c c u p y p iv o ta l p o s itio n s in to d a y 's w o rld . A n in e x h a u s tib le so u rce o f in fo rm a tio n , th e y are th e k in d s o f p e o p le o th e r p e o p le need to id e n tify , loca te , and c o n ta c t. E A S Y -T O -U S E — U n til n o w , in fo rm a tio n on fa c u lty m em bers has been a v a ila b le o n ly in pie ce m e a l fo rm : N o w , in a s in g le a lp h a b e tic a l source, it is p o s s ib le to lo c a te v ir tu a lly every person in th e U n ite d States w h o has a fa c u lty p o s itio n at a n y o f m ore th a n 2 ,5 0 0 c o lle g e s an d u n ive rsitie s. Each o f th e 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 lis tin g s in c lu d e s th e in d iv id u a l's nam e, in s titu tio n nam e, d e p a rtm e n ta l d e s ig n a tio n , stree t address if necessary and c ity , state, an d zip. The AN ALPHABETICAL UST. WITH ADDRESSES, National DF 320.0D0 FACULTY MEMBERS AT JUNIOR CDILEGES, C D OLLEGES. AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED STATES Faculty irectory C O M P R E H E N S IV E — C overs o ve r n in e ty -fiv e p e rc e n t o f fa c u lty -1970 m em bers in th e U n ite d States. These fa c u lty m em bers are d ra w n fro m all d is c ip lin e s , s u b -d is c ip lin e s , an d in te r-d is c ip lin a ry pro g ra m s. In a d d itio n to fu ll- tim e teachers. The N a tio n a l F a c u lty D ire c to ry in c lu d e s p re sid e n ts, v ic e -p re s id e n ts , deans, and o th e r m a jo r a d m in is tra tiv e e x e c u tiv e s as w e ll as th o u s a n d s o f lecturers, a d ju n c t and v is itin g p rofessors, a rtists an d w rite rs in residence, and p e rsons in o th e r te a c h in g p o s itio n s . U P -T O -D A T E — A n a n n u a l p u b lic a tio n . The N a tio n a l F a c u lty D ire c to ry is based on th e la te st c a ta lo gs, class lists, and ca m p u s d ire cto rie s. T he m aster data b a n k is u p d a te d m o n th ly to insure th a t each a n n u a l c o n ta in s th e c u rre n t in fo rm a tio n re q u ire d b y p u b lish e rs, e q u ip m e n t m an u fa ctu re rs, g o v e rn m e n t o ffic e s , n e w s p a p e rm e n , research s c ie n tists, stu d e n ts , m a n a g e m e n t c o n s u lta n ts , p e rso n n e l d e p a rtm e n ts, e x e c u tiv e recruiters, a c a d e m ic co lle a g u e s , and h u n d re d s o f o th e r researchers. THE NATIONAL FACULTY DIRECTORY— 1970 IS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY—CLOTHBOUND. .. .$58.50 ALL ORDERS SENT ON OUR THIRTY-DAY FREE EXAMINATION PLAN Gale Research Company BOOK TOWER ■ DETROIT. MICHIGAN 48226