ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 11 ACRL Candidates, 1978 Elections ASIAN AN D AFRICAN SE C TIO N V ice-Chair/C hair-E lect Y. T. F e n g , L ib ra ria n , W e lle s le y C o lle g e , W ellesley, MA 02181 Alice N. L oranth, H ead, John G. W hite D e­ p a r tm e n t o f F o lk lo re , O r ie n ta lia a n d C h e ss, Cleveland Public Library, C leveland, O H 44114 M em ber-at-Large (three-year term ) E . C hristian Filstrup, F irst Assistant, O riental Division, T he Research Libraries, New York Pub­ lic Library, N ew York, NY 10018 E lizabeth A. W idenm ann, Cataloger a nd Afri­ can B ibliographer, H e rb e rt L ehm an L ibrary, Co­ lumbia U niversity, New York, NY 10027 B IB L IO G R A PH IC IN S TR U C T IO N SE C TIO N C hair Pamela J. C ravey, R eference L ibrarian and As­ sistant Professor, Pullen Library, G eorgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 Sheila M. Laidlaw, Librarian, Sigm und Samuel Library, U niversity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A5 Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Sharon H ogan, Reference L ibrarian and Biblio­ graphical In s tru c to r, H arlan H a tc h e r G ra d u ate Library, U niversity of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 B rian T. N ie ls e n , I n s tr u c tio n a l L ib r a r ia n , U n d e r g r a d u a te L ib ra ry , U n iv e r s ity o f N o rth Carolina at C hapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Secretary (one-year term ) Mignon Adams, C oordinator of Library Instruc­ tion, Penfield L ibrary, State University of New York, College o f Arts and Sciences, Oswego, NY 13126 Melissa M. Cain, Assistant U ndergraduate Li­ brarian, U niversity of Illinois L ibrary, U rbana, IL 61801 Member-at-Large (one-year term ) L o u ise P. G e rity , B ib lio g ra p h ic I n s tru c tio n L ib ra ria n , L ew is and C lark C ollege, P o rtlan d , OR 97219 G lenda S. Neely, Assistant Professor and Ref­ e rence L ibrarian, University Library, U niversity of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40208 M em ber-at-Large (tw o-year term ) L in d a L. L e s te r, P u b lic S e rv ice s L ib ra ria n , Shafer L ib ra ry , F in d lay C ollege, F in d lay , O H 45840 Cleo Treadw ay, D irector of L ibrary Services, Tusculum College, G reenville, TN 37743 M em ber-at-Large (three-year term ) W illiam W . Prince, G eneral R eference L ibrar­ ian, C a ro l M. N e w m an L ib r a r y , V irg in ia P o ly te c h n ic I n s t i t u t e a n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Blacksburg, VA 24061 C arla J. Stoffle, Assistant D ire c to r a nd C oor­ dinator o f Public Services, L ibrary/L earning C e n ­ ter, U niversity of W isconsin—Parkside, Kenosha, W I 53141 ■■ P re lim in ary L ist of P reconference Institutes a t ALA Chicago C o n fe ren c e, 1978 T he following preconference institutes will be held: U N IT TENTATIVE TITLE ACRL Study of Books as Physical O bjects. Rare Books and M anuscripts Section. New H aven, Conn. LAD N uts & Bolts, Public Relations ALSC and H igh Interest/L ow L evel Reading YASD M aterials for Junior and Senior H igh School People AASL Prom oting Educational Equity: Sexism Awareness for the Many M edia Specialists ISAD L ibrary A utom ation— State of th e Art LAD Library Buildings and E nergy Conservation LSD and SRRT Forgotten D isadvantaged— Rural, Poor and Appalachian People GO DORT Econom ics and Statistics Available from th e B ureau of TENTATIVE DATES June 21—24 Ju n e 21-23 Ju n e 23 Ju n e 23-24 Ju n e 23-24 Ju n e 23-24 Ju n e 23-24 June 21-23 the C ensus