ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 26 Publications NOTICES • The University of Toledo announces the p ub­ lication of the Ohio Academic L ibrary Innova­ tio n ‚ A D ir e c to r y ‚ p re p a re d by D ulce D iD io McLean, G. Robert McLean, and Alice Weaver of the university libraries faculty. It is the third publication in the university’s Tower Series. The directory publicizes innovative activities from academic libraries surveyed within the state of Ohio. T he 76-page volume includes 101 re ­ ports listed u nder the name of the reporting in­ stitution. A general introduction analyzes the sur­ vey, and a subject index facilitates the identifica­ tion of projects in special areas of interest. Indi­ vidual e n trie s provide nam e of institution, r e ­ source personnel, source of funding, name of in­ novative activity, objectives, and description. Copies of the directory are available at $3 from the authors. • An exam ination of library instruction pro­ grams at a variety of universities across the coun­ try is presented in a new ARL M anagem ent Sup­ plem ent, L ib ra ry Use In stru ctio n in Academic and Research Libraries. The emphasis is on program implementation, adm inistrative issues, cooperative efforts, and unm et needs, with an in-depth look at c u rrent developments and uses of instruction. The sup­ plem ent is based on information and docum enta­ tion obtained from a survey of the 105 Association of Research Libraries mem bers and 30 additional libraries. Based on the survey data, library instruction activities fall into three broad categories: library orientation, general bibliographic instruction, and specialized instruction related to subject or disci­ pline, re fe re n c e tools, or specific u se r needs. Examples of each of these types of instruction are described based on docum entation supplied by surveyed libraries. A select listing of main infor­ mation sources of library instruction is also pro­ vided. It is available for $5, pre p ay m en t required, from the Office of U niversity L ibrary M anage­ ment Studies, Association of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. • The C e n tre for R esearch on U ser Studies (CRUS) at the University of Sheffield, England, has recently published a wide-ranging review of research on u se r studies. E d ite d by Geoffrey Ford, it is titled User Studies: A n Introductory Guide and Select Bibliography. Taking a broad definition of information users, Ford has correlated the findings of a wide range of user studies into a generalized description of current knowledge of user behavior and of how to approach the study of users. T he field of user studies is not confined here to surveys of library borrowers b ut includes a host of o ther questions concerned with in-library use of m aterial, what use is actually made of borrowed material, and at­ titudes towards the purchase of books and jour­ nals. The motivation for seeking information is seen as a m ajor influence upon the user’s behavior. The types of user (and nonuser) cover the range from academics and researchers to the general public and schoolchildren and include users of all kinds of information systems. The relevance of these studies to the design and im provem ent of information systems is em ­ phasized. This review is based upon the intensive reading of available literature done by the staff of the C entre during the first year of the C entre’s program, and it contains a select bibliography of the most illustrative work of the previous decade. The price is £3.75 (including postage in UK) and $7 (including postage overseas). CRUS also publishes a newsletter, reporting its own research findings and providing a forum for other research workers to disseminate and discuss their work. A b ro c h u re is also available, d e sc rib in g the aims and objectives of the C entre, and the ad­ vice, education, and information services it offers. Orders and enquiries should be addressed to C entre for Research on User Studies, University of Sheffield, W estern Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, England. • L ibrary Automation: A View fr o m Ontario by William Ready and Tom Dryhan, Occasional Paper no. 14 of the Dalhousie University Librar­ ies and Dalhousie University School of Library Services, is now available for $2.50 from Norman Horrocks, School of Library Service, Dalhousie U n iv e rsity , Halifax, Nova S cotia, B3H 4H 8, Canada. O f particular interest is its discussion of such su p p o rt system s as D O BIS (D o rtm u n d er Bibliothekssystem) and CATSS (Catalogue Sup­ port System). • Mimi Stein, inte rv iew e r for th e Regional Oral History Office, is one of the authors of a re­ cent publication of the Bay Area Reference C en­ ter of the San Francisco Public Library. Entitled Collecting Local History‚ it contains the proceed­ ings of a BARC workshop of that name held on M arch 16 and 17, 1977, at th e San L eandro Community Library C enter. T he workshop and its proceedings provide information to Northern California librarians about the processes involved in collecting local history and oral history, a grow­ ing interest among libraries. The first day’s papers focus on how-to-do-it in­ formation. Papers from the second day concentrate 27 in tw o a reas: local h isto ry re s o u rc e s in California; a bibliography and union list of library holdings and oral history, including a discussion of the creating, processing, and cataloging of oral history collections. A p p e n d ix m a te ria l in c lu d e s illu s tra tio n s of catalog en tries and cards and bibliographies on local history, oral history, and the care and pres­ ervation of photographs. Copies are available from the Bay Area Refer­ ence C enter, San Francisco Public Library, Civic C enter, San Francisco, CA 94102. • The year-long process of updating the first edition of th e Oklahom a Union L ist o f Serials (OK ULS) h a s b e e n c o m p le te d , a c c o rd in g to Norm an L. N elson, supervising e d ito r for the project. The second edition is now available in a 5-volume, 3,900-page co m p u te r p rin to u t o r in microfiche format. Produced at the Oklahoma State University Li­ brary, the second edition contains an alphabetical listin g o f m o re th a n 32,000 title s o f jo u rn als, new spapers, annuals, and o th e r serial publica­ tions held by 23 participating academic, public, and special libraries in Oklahoma. Because of th e increase in the n u m b er of titles liste d a n d th e nom inal cost o f th e m icrofiche copy, it is anticipated that the second edition may prove to be a m ore valuable and heavily used in te rlib ra ry loan re fe re n c e tool th a n was th e 3,500-page first edition. The first edition, com­ pleted in January 1975, was purchased and used extensively by libraries thro u g h o u t the U nited States as well as in Oklahoma. Libraries wishing to purchase th e new edition of the union list in hard copy, which is available at cost for $85, or in the microfiche format for $5, may correspond w ith Norman L. Nelson, Assis­ ta n t L ib ra ria n fo r A d m in is tra tiv e S e rv ice s, Oklahoma State U niversity L ibrary, Stillwater, OK 74074. • T h e S o u th w e s te rn L ib ra ry A sso c ia tio n (SWLA) a n n o u n c e s th e p u b lic a tio n o f T H E L e a r n e r ’s A d v i s o r y W o r k s h o p Se r i e s . The five manuals detail a step-by-step m ethod to pro­ duce workshops that cover all aspects of imple­ m enting and operating learner advisory services. The series, w ritten by workshop designers at T ulsa C ity -C o u n ty L ibrary and e d ite d by the SWLA C o n tinuing E ducation for L ibrary Staffs (CELS) Project, includes five training manuals: (1) U nderstanding the A dult Learner, (2) In ter­ viewing, (3) Decision Making, (4) Creative Use o f Library Resources, (5) Com m unity Resources. An overview by Peggy O ’Donnell, CE LS project di­ rector, accompanies the series. T he manuals may b e ordered from the SWLA Office, 11300 N orth C entral Expressway, Suite 321, Dallas TX 75243. The set o f five manuals costs $16. Single manuals cost $4 each. • Looking for ideas? News N otes o f California Libraries, vol. 71, no. 2, 1976, describes 140 Library S e rv ic e s a n d C o n s tru c tio n A ct (LSCA) funded projects in California and th eir outcomes over the last two decades. This is a treasure trove for all kinds o f cooperative projects and outreach services, w ith evaluation of successes and failures. • A directory of m ore than 150 W isconsin book publishers has b e en included in the recently p ub­ lished proceedings o f th e C onference on Book P u blishing in W isconsin, w hich was h eld last May. The booklet, entitled Book Publishing in Wis­ con sin , w as p u b lis h e d by th e U n iv e rsity o f W isconsin—M adison L ibrary School, one of the sponsors of the event, along with the State His­ torical Society of W isconsin, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and L etters, and Alumni As­ sociation of th e Library School. It contains c om plete tran scrip ts of speeches given by W alter S. Hamady of Perishable Press L im ited, R obert E. G ard of W isconsin House, Ron B o ttre ll o f W este rn Publishing Company, Howard W. M ead of Wisconsin Trails/Tamarack Press, and Paul H. Hass of the State Historical Society Press. E d ited by James P. Danky of the State Histori­ cal Society Library, Professor Jack A. Clarke of th e L ib ra ry School, a n d Sara Z. A slakson of U W -Extension Library Service, the booklet costs $4 and m ay b e obtained from th e Publications Com m ittee, Library School of th e University of Wisconsin, 600 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706. RECEIVED (Selected item s will b e reviewed in future is­ sues of College i t Research Libraries). A n n u a l r e v ie w o f in fo r m a tio n sc ien c e an d te c h n o lo g y , v o lu m e 12 / M A R T H A E . W IL L IA M S , editor. — W hite Plains, N.Y. : Published by Knowledge Industry Publications Inc. for American Society for Information Sci­ ence, 1977. (LC 66-25096) Czechoslovak national bibliography / L u d m i l a Sa k . — N e w B ru n sw ic k , N .J . : G ra d u a te School of L ibrary Service, 1977. 58p. $3. " O c c a s io n a l p a p e rs — R u tg e rs U n iv e rs ity GSLS ; no. 76-4” Encyclopedic dictionary o f mathematics / by the M a th e m a tic a l S ociety o f Ja p a n ; e d ite d by Sh o k i c h i I y a n a g a and Yu k i y o s i Ka w a d a ; translation review ed by K enneth O. May. — C a m b rid g e , M ass. : M IT P re s s , 1977. 2v. l,750p. (LC 77-1129) (ISBN 0-262-09016-3) An introduction to quantitative research methods fo r librarians / TA V E R E K ER E SR IK A N TA IA H and H e r b e r t H . H o f f m a n . — 2d ed. — S a n ta Ana, C alif. : H e ad w ay P u b lic a tio n s , 1977. 223p. $8. (ISBN 0-89537-002-6) Library budgeting : critical challenges f o r the f u ­ ture / e d ite d by SUL H . L e e . — Ann Arbor, M ich., : Pierian Press, 1977. l l l p . $10. (LC 77-85231) (ISBN 0-87650-083-1) “L ibrary m anagem ent series” ; no.3” 28 The Melbert B. Cary, Jr. graphics arts collection — (R o c h e s te r, N.Y.) : School o f P rin tin g , Rochester Institute of Technology, 1977?. 15p. Studies in library m anagement, volum e fo u r / e dited by G I LEO N H O L R O Y D . — Ham den, Conn. : Linnet Books, 1977. 178p. $9. (ISBN 0-208-01547-7) S tu d ie s in m ic ro p u b lis h in g , 1 8 5 3-1976 docum entary sources / e d ite d by A L L E N B. VEANER. — W estport, Conn. : Microform Re­ view Inc., 1977. 489p. $22.50. (LC 77-6720) (ISBN 0-913672-07-6) “ M icroform R eview r e a d e r s e rie s in m i­ crographics management ; 2” User studies : an introductory guide and select bibliography / edited by G E O FF R E Y FO R D . — Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 1977. 92p. (ISBN 0-906088-00-3) “Occasional paper — University of Sheffield ; n o .l, 1977” ■■ W IC H E Is Not WILCO W ILC O can be d ropped from librarians’ acronym-bespattered vocabulary! At a m eeting in Salt Lake C ity, U tah, th e W e s te rn In ­ tersta te L ibrary C oordinating Organization voted to retire W ILCO as the name for their interstate coordinating activities. T he group henceforth will be titled the W estern Council of State Libraries. The state librarians have called themselves the W estern Council during the ten-year his­ tory of th eir m ultistate cooperative program that has been housed at W ICH E (W estern In­ terstate Commission for H igher Education). The name W ILCO was selected last year to replace the W IC H E library program ’s title: “Continuing Education and Library Resources Program.” T he multiplicity of names and ac­ ronyms has occasioned some confusion on the part of observers; one re p o rte r announced th a t W IC H E its e lf h ad b e e n re n a m e d WILCO! D ata M anagement System Inform ation Requested Gary Pitkin, coordinator for library systems at Sangamon State University, is requesting descriptions of in-house library data manage­ m ent systems, defined as an autom ated sys­ tem supporting two or more library processes, i.e ., c irc u la tio n , accounting, acquisitions, check-in, cataloging, etc. The information will be used to h elp SSU develop its own data management system. The goal is to have all technical processes and circulation in one sys­ tem. Full documentation will be given in SSU reports. Please send descriptions to Gary Pit­ kin, Coordinator for Library Systems, Sanga­ mon State University, Springfield, IL 62708. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k" and "status” are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age. and sex as con­ ditions of employment. lassified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should e addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 E. Huron St., hicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second f the month preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received fter that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged ecause of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls hould be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirm­ ng order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon s possible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be sed in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE HINA— General Collection— reasonable. All topics. 1,000 vols. lus. Write M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. EARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject plus 5,000 indexed stock. PAB, 2915-17 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, J 08401 Phone (609) 344-1943. POSITIONS OPEN CQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Acquires materials, evaluates and rocesses gifts, assists with collection building and evaluation. nowledge of OCLC and MARC format highly desirable. Assists art-time at circulation/reference desk. MLS from ALA-accredited chool required. Knowledge of foreign languages helpful. Faculty tatus, TIAA. Salary: open, dependent on experience. Position av­ ilable June 26. Deadline for application: February 28. Send letter f application and resume to Dean Andrew R. Eickhoff, MacMurray ollege, Jacksonville, IL 62650. An equal opportunity/affirmative ction employer. CQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Processes and approves payments, tanding orders and does bibliographic searching including use of CLC terminal. Assists department head with total workflow of de­ artment and special projects. Increasing responsibilities to super­ ision of some functions is expected. Other responsibilities include ibrary committee work and outside conferences and workshops. ccasional evening and weekend hours may be required. Qualifica­ ions: Fifth-year library science degree from accredited library chool; previous acquisitions experience preferred, especially with CLC operations. Salary: $11,200-$17,560, depending upon qual­ fications and experience. Fringe Benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement lan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially ubsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal pportunity and an affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. razier, Associate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, De­ roit, Ml 48202. ATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for supervising the Support ection of the Catalog Department, consisting of two para profes­ ionals, 9 clericals, and as many as 15 student assistants. The upport Section is responsible for book and card preparation and atalog maintenance. Librarian expected to write policies and pro­ edures and to participate in administering the Catalog Depart­ ent. Required: fifth-year library science degree from an accre­ ited library school. A minimum of two years' experience as a atalog librarian and knowledge of at least one foreign language is equired with supervisory and OCLC experience highly desirable ut not essential. Important are the ability to teach, write clearly, nd direct a group and the ability and willingness to learn OCLC n-line cataloging. Salary: $12,500-$15,500, depending upon qual­ fications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA-CREF retirement lan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially ubsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State University is an equal pportunity/affirmative action employer. Write to: Robert T. Grazier, ssociate Director of Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml C b C o a b s i a u C p S 1 N A p K p s s a o C a A s O p v l O t s O i p s o G t C S s S c c m d c r b a o i p s o A 48202.