ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 290 ence librarian and instructor in library science, Louisville, Kentucky. Joyce C. Werner is now associate reference librarian at the University of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. R. Max Willocks has been appointed as­ sistant director in charge of supporting services and personnel, Syracuse University libraries, Syracuse, New York. Bruce W orden is cataloger of history and political science at the Cameron Library, Uni­ versity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. RETIREMENTS • Marianne von Dobeneck, head of the binding department at the Columbia University libraries and a member of the Columbia li­ brary staff for thirty-six years, retired June 30, 1970. In 1966 she was a recipient of the Li­ brary Binding Institute’s Silver Book Award, presented in recognition of the inaugurating of a book conservation program at Columbia which has become a prototype for programs for other large library systems. ACRL Membership August 31, 1970 11,714 August 31, 1969 13,238 August 31, 1968 12,859 LENDING LIBRARY of FILMS SLIDES TAPES PHOTOS RECORDS EXHIBITS FILMSTRIPS SCIENTIFIC FILMS on FRANCE Catalogue upon request F. A. C. S. E. A. 972 5t h Avenue, New York C ity 10021 (2 12 ) RE 7-9700 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering fac­ ulty “rank” and “status” are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should in­ quire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institu­ tions offering positions must include a sal­ ary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifica­ tions will be edited to exclude direct or in­ direct references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Ad­ vertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE CHINESE (Mainly), JAPANESE, KOREAN Collection of books in Western Lang. All Top­ ics. Over 500 vols. Write M. Frazin, 570 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11226. BEILSTEIN’S HANDBUCH der Organischen Chemie, 4.Aufl., Berlin Springer, 1918-1940, 31 V. IN. 33/Also Supps. 1-3, 65 V., IN. 74, 1928, 1969 completely bound. Price on request. Write: Gifts and Exchange Librarian, Purdue University Libraries, Lafayette, Indiana 47907. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS mailed to you within 3 days. SuDocs price plus postage. Capital Documents Service, Box 4922, Wash­ ington 20008. POSITIONS W ANTED A.B. HARVARD, MLS Simmons, MA Ber­ keley, Ed. D. Buffalo; 19 years library research, editorial teaching, administrative experience; position as Director, college or university li­ brary, possibly combined with teaching English or Education. Box 793, CRL, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. LIBRARIAN, 38, accredited MLS, MA in Re­ ligion. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE (3 yrs): UN/US Documents, Social Science/Humanities, 291 Genealogy. Seeks academic/special challenge in Documents, Reference, Serials, Genealogy, Rocky/Appalachian Mtns, preferred. Present salary $9,200. Box 792, GRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration HEAD, FISH ER IES-O C EA N O G R A PH Y branch of large university library system. Staff includes two librarians and three clerks plus student assistants. Responsible for administra­ tion of branch in all its aspects under general direction of Assistant Director of Libraries for Public Services. Accredited library degree re­ quired. Strong background in biological sci­ ences, some experience in science librarianship and foreign languages desired. The University of Washington is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR AUDIOVIS­ UAL SERVICES. Faculty position, open Sep­ tember 1971. Appropriate master’s degree re­ quired; experience desired. Contact F. W. Cropp, Dean, The College of Wooster, Woos­ ter, Ohio 44691. HEAD OF CATALOGING DEPARTMENT in College Library beginning before January 1971. Supervision of four professionals and six typists plus student help. Proposed book budg­ et $250,000. Complete faculty status with nine months contract and optional nine weeks in summer. M.L.S. and second masters in a subject area and at least four years of experi­ ence required. Salary range with summers $12,000 and up depending on qualifications. New building. Write to: Head Librarian, Ezra Lehman Memorial Library, Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Cataloging HEAD CATALOGER. UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA LIBRARIES. Applications are in­ vited for the above position to supervise and control the work of seven professional librar­ ians and eleven clerical assistants. Degree from an accredited library school and cataloguing experience with L.C. classification. Normal ben­ efits. Minimum salary $10,000. Moving allow­ ance. Apply to; Mr. J. J. Skynner, Associate Librarian (Bibliographical Processing), Univer­ sity of Manitoba, Winnipeg 19, Manitoba. Public Services WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. Ap­ plication is invited for the position of Assistant Business Librarian. This is primarily a public service position, involving reference and other public service duties in the Business Library. This library contains approximately 23,000 vol­ umes and is growing rapidly. Staff consists of two librarians, four nonprofessional assistants and student help. MLS required, plus some business library of general reference experience. Business and/or economic background pre­ ferred. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefit program. Salary range begins at $9,000. Actual salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Position available now. Ap­ ply to; Hans Engelke, Acting Director of Li­ braries, Western Michigan University Libraries, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. Reference Services REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with subject back­ ground in history and political science. Faculty status and rank, four weeks vacation, generous fringe benefits. Salary in $8,500-$12,000 range. M.A. and experience preferred. Library has just moved into a new 12-story, ten million dollar, air-conditioned building. Please address resumes to Hyman W. Kritzer, Director of Li­ braries, Kent State University Libraries, Kent, Ohio 44240. Subject Specialists WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. Ap­ plication is invited for the position of Education Librarian. This position is in the Educational Resources Center, a joint venture between the University Libraries and the College of Edu­ cation, combining the best of library and audio­ visual facilities and practices into a single cen­ ter for the improvement of instruction and learning in the College of Education. There are approximately 67,000 volumes in the Center. The staff consists of the Director of the Center, three Education Librarians, five audiovisual specialists, several nonprofessional assistants, and student help. MLS required, plus a back­ ground in education. Experience in the public schools preferred. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefit program. Salary range begins at $9,000. Actual salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Position available now. Apply to: Hans Engelke, Act­ ing Director of Libraries, Western Michigan University Libraries, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. Technical Services WE ARE LOOKING for a bright, energetic, innovative librarian for the position of head of technical services—cataloger. Imagination and ambition readily accepted as substitutes for ex­ perience. Projects on the horizons: conversion and partial reclassification, some automation, planning of expanded facilities. Lawrence is a small liberal arts institution with an active, ag­ gressive library. We are offering faculty rank, fringe benefits and salary from $10,000, de­ pending on qualifications. Contact Walter F. Peterson, Librarian, Lawrence University, Ap­ pleton, WI 54911. LIBRARIANS DEPEND ON GALE'S VITAL REFERENCE COLLECTION HERE'S NEWS ABOUT THE FIVE LATEST ADDITIONS: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS. Sixth Edition. For fourteen years EA has been the busy librarian's key to primary sources of up-to-date information on every conceivable subject. Enlarged and completely revised, EA-6 contains changes, cor­ rections, and/or additions in over 90% of the entries, plus over 1,100 brand-new entries. Volume I : National Organizations o f the U.S. covers nearly 14,000 na­ tional, nonprofit membership groups. These orga­ nizations are divided into nineteen categories accord­ ing to their principal interests; typical entries cover seventeen vital items, including organization's name, address, phone number, purpose and objectives, and publications. Listings can be found instantly through the 30,000-item keyword/alphabetical index. Volume I I : Geographic and Executive Index is a tw o-part index providing approaches to organizations in Vol­ ume I according to headquarter's city and state and names of their executives. Volume I I I : New Associa­ tions and Projects, a quarterly supplement to Volume I, reports promptly on hundreds of new, vital groups concerned w ith new ideas and new problems. Volume I (Ready Now) 1468 pages. $32.50. Volume II (Ready Now) 532 pages. $20.00. Volume III. $25.00/year. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUSINESS INFOR­ MATION SOURCES. Compiled by Paul Wasser­ man, Betsy Ann Olive, Eleanor Allen, Charlotte Georgi, and James Woy. Enlarged, revised, and retitled, this is the 1970 edition of Executive's Guide to Inform a­ tion Sources, which was included in Library Journal's "Best Business Books of the Year" when it was first published. The first of the tw o large volumes is organized according to subjects ranging from accident insurance to zinc industry. Under each subject heading are full references (w ith publishers' or other addresses) to sourcebooks, periodicals, organizations, directories, handbooks, bibliographies, and other sources of pub­ lished and unpublished information important to ex­ ecutives and researchers alike. The second volume provides the same kinds of information on geographic subjects such as cities, states, regions, nations, etc., on which the arrangement of the volume is based. (In press; ready November) Two volumes. New, handier 8 ½″ by 11 ″ page size. 738 pages. $47.50. ACRONYMS AND INITIALISMS DIC­ TIONARY. Third Edition. Nearly double the size of the Second Edition, the revised and expanded A ID -3 w ill be a frequently consulted guide to the fast g ro w ­ ing international language expressed in alphabetic contractions. Many of the approximately 84,000 terms in A ID -3 are new acronyms for space activities and equipment, pollution control groups and methods, drugs, technical processes and materials, agencies, movements, breakthroughs, and popular expressions. To keep pace w ith this rapidly growing vocabulary Gale w ill publish annual supplements to A ID -3 (1971, 1972 issues, $15.00 each). (In press; ready November) New 854″ by 11″ page size makes four times more terms scannable on each page. 550 pages. $22.50. PARADISE LOST; A CONCORDANCE. Compiled by Gladys W. Hudson. Filling a great need, this complete, accurate, and usable work is the only modern concordance for M ilton's Paradise Lost. So that the concordance might be useful as both a literary and a linguistic tool, the text selected as a base was the second edition of Paradise Lost, pub­ lished in 1674, which included M ilton's own correc­ tions and retained his language, but which also estab­ lished the divisions into books and lines followed by all modern editions. The listing of each element in hyphenated words, the retention of M ilton's spelling, and other important editorial decisions are fully ex­ plained in the Preface. At the end of the work is a “ frequency listing” of all words in Paradise Lost, in ­ cluding those omitted from the concordance, in the order of the frequency of their appearance. (In press; ready October) 374 pages. $25.00. STATISTICS SOURCES: A Subject Guide to Data on Industrial, Business, Social, Educational, Financial, and Other Topics for the United States and Selected Foreign Countries. Third Edition. Edited by Paul Wasserman, Eleanor Allen, Charlotte Georgi, and Janice McLean. Ever since the first edition of Sta­ tistics Sources was chosen for Library Journal's list of "Best Reference Books," librarians have recognized the basic usefulness of this unique dictionary-style guide to thousands of sources of statistics concerning a wide range of man's activities, products, govern­ ments, and environmental features. The Third Edition broadens the scope and depth of coverage to a remarkable degree; the new edition is 50% larger than the second, w ith entries on about 11,000 subjects compared w ith 8,000 in the previous edition. (In preparation; ready December) About 625 pages. $27.50. ORDER AND USE ANY TITLE FREE FOR THIRTY DAYS GALE RESEARCH COMPANY • BOOK TOW ER • D E TR O IT, MICH. 48226