ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 8 4 / C&RL News ■ April 2002 news College & Research Libraries A round of applause for ACRL’s 2002 award winners The second installment of winners by Stephanie Sherrod Ford re c e iv e s D o cto ra l D iss e rta tio n F e llo w s h ip Charlotte Ford, coordinator of reference ser­ vices at Birmingham Southern College in Bir­ mingham, Alabama, has been aw arded the 2002 ACRL Doctoral Disserta­ tion Fellowship for her proposal, “An Explora­ tion of the Differences b e tw e en Face-to-Face a n d C o m p u ter-M e d i­ ated Reference Interac­ tio n s .” S p o n so re d by ISI, the fellowship fos­ Charlotte Ford ters re s e a rc h in a c a ­ demic librarianship by encouraging and sup­ porting dissertation research. Ford, a doctoral candidate at the Indiana School of Library and Information Science, re­ ceived her B.A. from Earlham College and her MLS from Indiana University. Her recent pub­ lications include “Web-Based Analyses of E­ Journal Impact: Approaches, Problems, and Issues” in the Jou rn a l o f the Am erican Society f o r Inform ation Science, and “Columbia Aca­ demic Libraries: Cooperation and Challenges” in Libraries: Global Reach, Local Touch. Rena Fowler, chair of the selection com ­ mittee, said, “Charlotte Ford’s dissertation ad­ dresses an im portant question of immediate concern to academ ic libraries, and her study should be of value to public service librar­ ians and their adm inistrators.” The award of $1,500 and a plaque will be presented to Ford at the ALA Annual Confer­ ence in Atlanta during the ACRL President’s Program on Monday, June 17, 2002, at 2:00 p.m. B e a ll a w a rd e d L a ze ro w F e llo w s h ip Jeffrey Beall, catalog librarian at the Auraria Library at th e U niversity o f C olorado at D e n v e r , h a s b e e n n a m e d this y e a r’s w in ­ n e r of th e ACRL Sam­ uel L azerow F e llo w ­ sh ip for his p ro p o sa l to r e s e a r c h th e im ­ p act of bibliographic record errors on user access. S p o n so red by ISI, th e aw ard fosters a d v a n c e s in c o lle c ­ tion developm ent and Jeffrey Beall technical services by providing fellow ships to librarians for travel or w riting in th o se fields. “Jeffrey Beall’s study of ho w errors in bib­ liographic records hinder access to items in online catalogs prom ises to provide libraries w ith an appropriate perspective on the im­ portance of identifying and correcting tagging and typographic errors,” said Lynda Fuller Clendenning, chair of the selection commit­ tee. About the author Stephanie Sherrod is ACRL program assistant, e-mail: C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 285 “An indication of w hether m ore or less effort in bibliographic maintenance is required to m eet the needs of users in search of par­ ticular resources can inform institutional re­ view of current technical services staffing patterns and procedures. If ‘D eep W eb’ tech­ nologies are able to search across all library online catalogs, the quality of important ac­ cess fields will becom e crucial to user retrieval success.” The aw ard of $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to Beall during the ALA Annual Conference at the ACRL P resident’s Program. H e n sle y w in s IS M iriam D u d le y In stru c tio n L ib ra ria n A w a rd Randall Burke Hensley, public services divi­ sion head at the Uni­ versity o f H aw aii at Manoa Libraries, is the winner of the ACRL In­ struction Section’s (IS) M iriam D u d le y I n ­ s t r u c t i o n L ib ra r ia n Award. This aw ard recog­ nizes a librarian w ho has m ade a significant Randall Burke Hensley contribution to the ad­ vancem ent of instruction in a college or re­ search library environm ent. “Randy Hensley’s outstanding commitment to leadership, service, and teaching has e n ­ hanced the professional lives of m any col­ leagues,” said Karen Williams, chair of the IS Dudley subcomm ittee. “He is a talented and inspired educator, with a vision of how infor­ m ation literacy can enrich the lives of stu­ dents everyw here.” Hensley currently chairs the ACRL Effective Practices Committee and has been a faculty mem ber for the ACRL Institute for Information Literacy Immersion Program since 1999. The Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award is sponsored by Elsevier Science on behalf of its journal Research Strategies. A check for $1,000 and a plaque will be pre­ sented to Hensley during the ALA Annual Conference at the IS Program on Sunday, June 16, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. Fe tze r re c e iv e s M arta Lange/CQ A w a rd Mary K. Fetzer, governm ent resources librar- ian at the A lexander Library at Rutgers Uni­ v e r s ity , h a s b e e n nam ed the 2002 recipi­ ent of the Marta Lange/ C ongressional Q u ar­ terly Award. The award, established in 1996 by the ACRL Law and Po­ litical Science Section (LPSS), honors an aca­ M ary K. Fetzer dem ic or law librarian w ho has m ade distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science. Kelly Jan o u sek , chair of the Marta Lange A w ard C om m ittee, said, “Mary F etzer is an o u tsta n d in g le a d e r w h o has a d v a n c e d the d e v e lo p m e n t o f law a n d political science librarianship. She has m ade nu m ero u s c o n ­ tributions to th e disciplines on international a n d n a tio n a l g o v e r n m e n t i n f o r m a tio n th ro u g h rese a rc h , p u b lic a tio n , tea c h in g , a n d active com m ittee w o rk in th e p ro fe s­ sion. She has sh o w n d istin ctio n in n o t just o n e, b u t in all four criteria o f the Marta Lange A w ard.” Fetzer coauthored Introduction to United States G overnm ent In form ation io 1992, and also w on the Research Award given by the New Jersey Library Association’s College and University Section that same year. More re­ cently, she has written num erous articles on international information, as well as devel­ o p e d and taught courses and w orkshops on governm ent information to library school stu­ dents and law and academ ic librarians. Congressional Quarterly, Inc., sponsor of the award, will present Fetzer with $1,000 and a plaque at the ALA Annual Conference dur­ ing the Marta Lange/CQ Lunch on Saturday, June 15, 2002, at 11:30 a.m. A r ie l w in s W SS C a re e r A c h ie v e m e n t A w a rd Jo a n Ariel, w o m en ’s studies and history li­ brarian at the University of California at Irvine, has b e e n selected as the 2002 w inner of the ACRL W om en’s Studies Section (WSS) Career Achievement Award. The award, sponsored by G reenw ood Publishing Group, Inc., hon­ ors significant long-standing contributions to w om en’s studies librarianship over the course of a career. 286 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 T h e re s a A. T o b in , c h a ir o f th e WSS a w a rd co m m ittee, said, “J o a n Ariel is a n d has b e e n th e m o d el for a W om en’s Studies librarian. She is a fo u n d e r o f th e W om en’s Studies Section a n d has m e n to re d a n d e n ­ c o u ra g e d m any librarians to e n te r a n d p e r­ severe in th e fie ld .” A cash prize of $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to Ariel at the WSS program on Monday, June 17, at 9:00 a.m. during the 2002 ALA Annual Conference. W SS S ig n if ic a n t A c h ie v e m e n t A w a rd g o e s to F u jie d a , M iner, a n d S ta ffo r d Eri Fujieda, assistant professor in the D epart­ m ent of Sociology at Sarah Lawrence Col­ lege; Meg Miner, a student at the G raduate School o f Library a n d Inform ation Science at th e U n iv ersity o f Illin o is in U rb a n a - Cham paign; and Beth Stafford, formally of t h e U n iv e r s ity o f I ll in o i s a t U r b a n a - Champaign, have b e e n selected as recipients o f th e ACRL WSS A w ard for Significant A c h i e v e m e n t in W o m a n ’s S tu d ie s Librarianship for their preservation microfilm­ ing project. Sponsored by Routledge, the aw ard honors a significant or one-tim e c o n ­ tribution to w o m e n ’s studies librarianship. Fujieda, Miner, a n d Stafford p reserved m ore than 1,000 out-of-print titles, cataloged and added them to the OCLC database, and m ade them available for interlibrary loan. Theresa A. Tobin, chair of the WSS award committee, said, “This project will support the writing o f the history of the second w ave of the w om en’s m ovem ent and its academ ic off­ shoot, Women’s Studies, for decades to com e.” Plaques and cash prizes will be presented to Fujieda, Miner, and Stafford at the WSS program on Monday, Ju n e 17, at 9:00 a.m. during the 2002 ALA Annual Conference. L a B a u g h w in s IS In n o v a tio n in In stru c tio n A w a rd Ross T. LaBaugh, coordinator of library in­ stru ctio n at California State University at Fresno, has been chosen to receive the 2002 ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Innovation in Instruction Award for his “InfoRadio” program. Sponsored by Lexis-Nexis, the aw ard recog­ nizes librarians w ho have developed innova­ tive approaches to information literacy that support best practices in education at their institutions or in their communities. Denise Green, chair of the IS Awards Com­ mittee, said, “‘InfoRadio’ is a very u n iq u e and creative program. It gets in f o r m a tio n lite r a c y concepts discussed on th e p r e v i o u s ly u n ­ tapped resource of cam­ pus radio.” LaBaugh is an active Ross T. L a B a u g h m em ber of ALA and is a m em ber of the ACRL IS Nominating Com­ mittee. He has previously served on the IS Advisory Council Communication Committee and was the editor of the section newsletter. LaBaugh will receive $3,000 and a plaque during the ALA Annual Conference at the IS Conference Program, Sunday, June ló, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. B a k e r n a m e d IS P u b lic a tio n A w a rd w in n e r Betsy Baker, formally of N orthwestern Uni­ versity Library, has b e e n chosen as this year’s w inner of the ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Publication Award. This aw ard is sponsored by London-based Elsevier Science on behalf of its publication Research Strategies. Denise Green, IS Awards Committee chair, said Baker’s article, “Values for the Learning Library,” was a “clear and inspiring vision of the learning library and its core values: con­ verge, convey, conduce.” The article appeared in volum e 17 (2/3) of Research Strategies. Baker will receive a citation at the IS din­ ner during the ALA Annual Conference on Friday, June 14, 2002. L e a b E x h ib itio n A w a rd w in n e rs n a m ed There are four winners, one honorable m en­ tion, and two awards of special com m enda­ tion for the 2002 Katherine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Awards. In Division O ne (expensive printed cata­ logs), the w inner is The Great Wide Open: P a n o r a m ic Photographs o f the A m e r ic a n West, subm itted by the H untington Library. ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Awards Com m ittee chair, Claudia Funke, said of the publication, “The commit­ tee enthusiastically selected Tloe Great Wide C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 287 Open for its impressive historical a n d formal analysis of a m edium and genre in a geo­ graphical context, over an extended period of time. The catalog’s strong production val­ ues and the harm ony of its design and intel­ lectual content w ere also praised.” An H onorable Mention in Division One goes to the Trout Gallery at Dickinson Col­ lege for W riting on H ands: M em ory a n d Knowledge in Early M odern Europe. Funke explained, “The committee chose to aw ard an honorable m ention to Writing on H ands for its remarkable use of materials draw n from disparate disciplines to explore an unusual and intriguing topic.” The w inner in Division Tw o (m oderately expensive printed catalogs) is The Ecstatic J o u rn ey: A th a n a s iu s K irc h er in B a r o q u e Rome, subm itted by the D epartm ent of Spe­ cial Collections at the University of Chicago. “The Ecstatic Journey was selected for a num ­ ber of compelling reasons, forem ost am ong these being Ingrid Row land’s extraordinary texts, highly readable and understandable, yet always sophisticated in their exam ination of com plex issues,” said Funke. “F. Sherwood Rowland’s introduction also easily ranks as one of the best prefaces to an exhibition topic o f re c e n t date. O n e co m m ittee m em b e r sum m ed up her enthusiasm after reading the catalog cover to cover: ‘Athanasius Kircher is my new intellectual h e ro .’” In Division Three (inexpensive printed catalogs), Cut a n d Paste— California Scrap­ books, from the California Historical Society at the North Baker Research Library, is the winner. “Almost all special-collections librar­ ies have scrapbooks am ong their holdings, and Cut a n d Paste eloquently m ade the case for the importance of this material,” explained Funke. “The comm ittee adm ired the simple yet perspicacious text, the checklist that was so effectively organized by topic, and the superb illustrations that did full justice to the items as artifacts. In summ ation, the commit­ tee considered Cut a n d Paste to b e a glori­ ous celebration of the m undane.” In Division Four (brochures), the w inner is R uskin ’s Italy, Ruskin ’s England, subm it­ ted by Pierpont Morgan Library Publications. Of the w inning brochure, Funke said, “The com m ittee selected R u s k in ’s Italy, R u s k in ’s E n gland as the w inner for its handsom e d e ­ sign and the sheer am ount of information it provided to orient the visitor to the exhibi­ tion topic.” Finally, two Special Com m endations for Electronic Exhibitions are aw arded to Cornell U niversity Library, D ivision o f Rare a n d M anuscript Collections for From Domesticity to Modernity: W hat Was H om e Economics? ( h t tp ://r m c .lib r a r y .c o r n e ll.e d u /h o m e E c / default.html) and to the New York Public Li­ brary for H eading West/Touring ILfe.s'Zdittp:// w w w est). “The comm ittee com ­ m ended From Domesticity to M odernity for its fascinating reexam ination of an often dis­ paraged discipline and its smart graphic good looks. It was also valued as a highly success­ ful collaboration betw een a special collections d e p a rtm e n t a n d university stu d e n ts,” said Funke. O f H eading West/Touring West, she said, “The comm ittee chose to com m end H eading West/Touring WT.sZ for its good navigation and high-quality imaging (particularly its use of m u ltireso lu tio n seam less im age d a ta b a se [MrSID] software to show oversize m aps in detail), as well as its attention to bibliographic description. The comm ittee also adm ired the use of the electronic m edium to bring two separate but related exhibitions together.” Certificates will b e p resented to each win­ ner during the 2002 ALA Annual Conference at the RBMS Program on Sunday, June l6 at 1:30 p.m. H e rrin g w in s K.G. S a u r A w a rd Susan Davis Herring, associate professor of bibliography and engineering reference librar­ ia n at th e M. L ouis Salmon Library at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, will receive th e 2002 K. G. Saur Award for the m ost out­ standing article in Col­ lege & Research Librar­ ies. Herring’s article “Fac­ ulty Acceptance of the W orld W ide W eb for Susan Davis Herring Student Research,” ap p eared in the May 2001 issue of C&RL. “The selection comm ittee felt that this ar­ ticle clearly m et all the criteria of originality, timeliness, and relevance to the ACRL m em ­ bership and was w ritten in a clear, and well- 288 / C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 o rg an ized m an n e r,” said N orm a Kobzina, chair of the selection committee. She continued, “The subject matter, fac­ ulty acceptance o f student use of the Web, has implications for inform ation literacy in­ struction, faculty course assignments, and stu­ d e n ts’ ability to do effective research. Al­ th o u g h the a u th o r acknow ledges that the study w as limited to institutions in Alabama, the com m ittee believes that the results will be useful to all reference and instruction li­ brarians. This w as o n e of m any excellent ar­ ticles subm itted to College a n d Research Li­ braries in 2001, but the focus of the article, the carefully c o n d u c te d survey, th e clear m ethodology, and the overall subject m atter distinguished it from the others.” Herring will receive $500 and a plaque, d onated by K. G. Saur Publishing Company, an imprint of the Gale Group, during the ALA Annual C onference at the ACRL President’s Program. K e m p n a m e d E B S S D is t in g u is h e d L ib ra ria n Barbara E. Kemp, assistant director of public services at the University of Houston, has been chosen to receive the 2002 ACRL Education & Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Distin­ guished Librarian Award. In addition to being the current secretary of the ACRL University Libraries Section (ULS) and extensively involved in EBSS, Kemp has b e e n p ublished in m any journals, including the Reference Librarian and J o u r n a l o f A c a ­ dem ic Librarianship. Kemp will be p resen ted with h e r aw ard citation during the ALA Annual Conference at the EBSS Program o n Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. ■ ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute Academ ic libraries exist in a constantly changing environm ent with m any new chal­ lenges and m any available opportunities. N ew dem ands o n academ ic libraries call for fundam ental shifts in leadership kn o w ­ how. In response to these challenges, ACRL is collaborating with the Harvard Institutes for H igher Education to offer its p o p u lar ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute. At the ACRL/Harvard institute, you will be am ong your fellow leaders in academ ic librarianship. The institute is designed for directors o f libraries a n d individuals in p o ­ sitions such as associate university librar­ ian, assistant dean, vice president of infor­ m ation resources, university librarian, and college librarian. The institute w ould also b e useful for individuals regularly involved in decision-m aking that affects the entire library operation a n d that involves other im portant relationships o n campus. Com m ents from past participants in­ clude: “For the first time I have understood w hat I can find a n d see in m yself to b e a leader, a n d I kn o w that I have excellent tools w ith w hich to d o this. I will learn to build on my strengths.” “I expected excellence a n d that is ex­ actly w h at I found. The quality of the p ro ­ gram, the faculty, and the participants m ade for an outstanding experience. Thank you for setting the tone and providing the space a n d time for o p e n discussion and debate, laughter a n d learning." “I think the mix and diversity o f partici­ pants was integral to the success o f the program . I enjoyed the chance to m eet li­ brarians from all types of academ ic institu­ tions, and all parts of the country.” The 2002 ACRL/Harvard Leadership In­ stitute will b e held in Cambridge, Massa­ chusetts, August 4-9, 2002. Registration m a­ terials a n d com plete details about the in­ stitute are available o n the Web at h ttp :// w w w .g se .h a rv a rd .ed u /~ p p e /. (U nder pro ­ grams, select “Higher Education,” then scroll do w n to ACRL Leadership Institute.) Reg­ ister early as spots will fill quickly. ACRL/ Harvard Leadership Institute alum ni b e n ­ efits include a subscription to an ongoing electronic list and annual alum ni reunions at the ALA M idwinter Meeting. Q uestions about this institute can be di­ rected to; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2519.