ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 299 N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s G eorge M. Eberhart The C o lo r o f Horses, by Ben K. G reen (127 pages, 2001), is a reissue of the classic 197-4 w ork by a veterinarian w h o conducted the first research into equine coloration in the 1940s. A ccom panied by 34 reproductions of oil paintings by western artist Darol Dickinson, G reen’s descriptions of horse colors are based on the distribution of pigm ent within the es­ sentially colorless hair. A handy guide for scientific-minded city folk w h o always w o n ­ dered w hat bay, dun, chestnut, sorrel, roan, and grulla coats look like. $20.00. Mountain Press. ISBN 0-87842-437-7. Encyclopedia o f Easter, Carnival, and Lent, by Tanya Gulevich (729 pages, D ecem ber 2001), covers the Christian festi­ vals and folklore associated with this part of the church year in the spring. Observances by Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox C h r is tia n s a r e r e p r e s e n t e d . G u le v ic h p r o v id e s e x te n s iv e background on the Easter bunny, eggs, parades, lilies, Easter seals, p o m eg ra n ate s, pelicans, Mardi Gras, a n d m any oth er custom s and symbols. O ne little-know n custom in Eastern Europe u p to the 18th century w as the preach­ ing o f h u m o ro u s s e rm o n s in church o n Easter Sunday to provoke laugh­ ter that celebrated Christ’s trium ph over the devil. Some com parable non-Christian festi­ vals are also included, such as the Jewish Pass- over and Shavuot, the Roman feast of Hilaria, the Middle Eastern new year celebration No Ruz, a n d th e p a g a n M ay D ay. $48.00. Om nigraphics. ISBN 0-7808-0432-5. The E n g lis h S tu d y D ic tio n a ry (707 pages, March 2002) is intended for interm ediate stu­ d e n ts o f E nglish as a s e c o n d lan g u a g e . T hough British spellings and usage are given first, American variants are clearly identified. G eorge M. E b e rh a rt is se n io r e d ito r o f A m e ric a n Libraries; e-m ail: geberhart@ For all o f th e 15,000 w o rd s in clu d e d , the b o o k o f fe r s p h o n e t i c p r o n u n c i a t i o n s , sa m p le s e n te n c e s for e a c h m ean in g , a n d u sa g e n o te s a n d c o m m e n ts w h e re a p p r o ­ priate. $19.95. P eter Collin Publishing, P.O. Box 1321, O ak Park, IL 60304. ISBN 1- 901659-64-X. A n H. P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia, edited by S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz (339 pages, March 2002), offers plot summ aries a n d criti­ cal analysis of the novels, stories, collabora­ tions, a n d ghostw ritten w orks by American gothic-horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Also in­ cluded are entries on places and characters in his fiction; biographies of influential writ­ ers, family m em bers, critics, and friends; letters, travels, p s e u d ­ o n y m s, p o e try , ju v en ilia , th e C th u lh u m y th o s , a n d th e Necronomicon, and a chronology of Lovecraft’s life. $75.00. Green­ w ood. ISBN 0-313-31578-7. In s ta n t W eb Fo rm s a n d S u r ­ v e y s f o r A ca d e m ic Lib ra rie s, by Gail Junion-M etz and D errek L. Metz (265 pages plus CD-ROM, D e c e m b e r 2001), p ro v id e s 24 u s e fu l HTML fo rm s a n d Perl scripts that librarians can copy a n d a d ap t for their W eb sites. The b o o k in­ cludes step-by-step instructions on h o w to accom plish this, as w ell as the full coding for each form. Included on the CD-ROM are forms for asking a reference question, request­ ing library instruction, reserving a library com ­ puter, suggesting a library purchase, request­ ing interlibrary loan, adding items to course reserve, and requesting library equipm ent. There are also surveys on library use, W eb use, library instruction effectiveness, and stra­ tegic plan n in g . Junion-M etz a n d h e r son D errek have d o n e all the hard parts; now all you n e e d do is custom ize them slightly, and your library’s W eb site can offer users som e excellent interactive features. $75.00. Neal- Schuman. ISBN 1-55570-412-3. (c o n tin u ed on p a g e 3 0 1 ) C&RL News ■ A p ril 2002 / 301 chaplain in W orld W ar II and his subsequent W est T exas c a re e r w h e n h e se rv e d as postm aster of Sanco in Coke County and was the ow ner of several West Texas new spapers. 4) A collection of Elmer Kelton’s writing career includes 250 books a n d m ore than 75 pulp magazines and other ephem era. 5) Mike Cox d onated materials he collected while doing the biography Fred Gipson: Texas Storyteller, published in 1980. The materials include manuscripts, correspondence, and m ovie-related materials from Old Yeller and other movies p ro d u ced from G ipson’s books. 6) Retired West Texas new spaperm an Bill Hinnant gave WTC the research he com pleted over several years on Texas cattle claims to the federal governm ent for losses sustained during the M exican Revolution. The papers o f Canadian fictio n publisher Prairie Fire have been donated to the University of M anitoba Libraries. The papers include ( “New Publications” continuedfro m p a g e 299) International Librarianship: Cooperation and Collaboration, edited by Frances Laverne Carroll and John Frederick Harvey (367 pages, September 2001), brings together 32 essays on how librarians have transferred ideas and tech­ nology to libraries in other, usually less devel­ oped, countries. Specific topics include the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the University of São Paulo library system, the ABINIA Ibero-Ameri­ can network, university libraries in West Af­ rica, IFLA initiatives, librarianship in Iran since 1979, docum entation centers on public health, and international marine science networks. The editors dedicate the book to the m em oiy of Lester Asheim. $65-00. Scarecrow. ISBN 0-8108- 3921-0. Lice n sin g D ig ita l C o ntent, by Lesley Ellen Harris (137 pages, February 2002), covers ev­ ery basic step in the process of negotiating and interpreting licensing agreem ents with vendors of electronic databases or journals. Written from a perspective of global licenses, the instructions and insights will apply equally to Canadian and European agreem ents. Har­ ris p ro v id e s d o w n -to -e a rth d efinitions o f term s fo u n d in agreem ents a n d discusses m any types o f provisions, b o th pivotal and boilerplate, that are found in written licenses. materials relating to the w orkings of this small press, including correspondence, reviews, material relating to the p ress’ annual writing com petitions, a n d manuscripts. D ra w in g s o f T e xas a rch ite ct O 'N eil Ford (1905-82) have been donated to the Alexander Architectural Archive at the University of Texas at Austin by his widow , W anda Graham Ford. T h e gift in c lu d e s 5,540 o rig in a l a rc h ite c tu ra l d raw in g s, 5,484 prints, 40 p r e s e n ta tio n d raw in g s, 39 p re s e n ta tio n sketches, and 63 sheets of photographic materials. The donation covers Ford’s w ork through 1966 and com plem ents an earlier gift to the Alexander Architectural Archive of Ford’s office files, personal papers, and books. Ford’s m ost notable projects include the restoration of La Villita and designs for the n e w cam pus for Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and Skidmore College in New York. ■ Also included is a ch ap ter o n negotiation techniques, and frequently asked questions a n d answ ers. $45.00. Am erican Library As­ sociation. ISBN 0-8389-0815-2. R eading Popular Rom ance in Early M od­ ern E n g la n d , by Lori Hum phrey Newcomb (332 pages, January 2002), examines the ori­ gins of Elizabethan popular fiction and its in­ fluence on more elite literary forms. Newcomb takes Robert Greene’s romance Pandosto (1585) as a case study, addressing Shakespeare’s use of it as a source for The W inter’s Play and how both works w ere modified or recommodified for different audiences up to the 19th century. In the process, Newcomb shows how the crit­ ics’ denigration of popular romances as crude trivialities distanced them from accepted ven­ ues, even though they shared a com m on cul­ tural dynamic. $49.50. Columbia University. ISBN 0-231-12378-7. ( “Preservation new s” continued fr o m p a g e 296) Copies of this b ook are available for $95 from the University of W ashington Press, P.O. Box 50096, Seattle, WA, 98145-5096; phone: (800) 441-4115; toll-free fax: (800) 669-7993; e-m ail: uw pord@ u.w a s h in g to n .e d u ; Web: http ://w w w .w ash in g to n .ed u /u w p ress; ISBN: 0774808608. ■