ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 69 News from the Field ACQUISITIONS • T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f N e b r a s k a - L i n COLN Libraries recently acquired the Benjamin A. Botkin Folklore Collection, consisting of the papers of the eminent folklorist B. A. Botkin and his personal library of some 8,000 volumes. Also included are numerous tape recordings and phonograph records, dating from the 1930s, of folksongs, popular music, and early blues and jazz. These materials were collected over a period of fifty years by Botkin in the process of his writ ing and editing over twenty collections of Ameri can folklore. The collection reflects the themes of the works Botkin published— the West, the Civil War, the M ississippi R iver, New England , the Afro- American, New York City—and much more. Dr. B o tk in ’s m anuscripts, le tte r s , and files add another dimension to the collection, providing a picture of a leading American folklorist and of the growth of folklore studies. His papers include scrapbooks, notebooks, and extensive research notes for and manuscripts of his published and unpublished books and articles. T h ere are thousands of letters between Botkin and other folklorists and scholars in literatu re, history, music, education, and publishing. In addition to published sources, Botkin drew material for his popular books from interviews and original recordings he and others collected throughout the country. Narratives of former slaves interviewed during the Federal Writers’ Project in the 1930s, for example, formed the basis for his L ay My B urden Down, A Folk His tory o f Slavery (1946). • The archives of the Chicago Board of Trade now are officially housed in the library of the U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s a t C h i c a g o C i r c l e (UICC). The historically significant documents, span ning the years 1863 through 1925, trace the early origins of the exchange and the mercantile de velopment of Chicago. O f additional significance are materials relating to agriculture, grain market ing, and transportation in the nineteenth century. The Board of Trade collection was acquired in 1973, according to U IC C L ibrarian B everly Lynch. The archives now have been arranged, described, and cataloged and are officially open to scholars, researchers, and the public. The extensive collection of papers (385 linear feet) adds to the 5,375 feet of official documents already accessible in the U IC C library. Also housed on the near west side campus are collec tions of humanitarian Jane Addams, community organizer Saul Alinsky, and former State Sen. W. Russell Arrington (4th district) and the Century of Progress (Chicago, 1933), Hull House Association, Chicago Urban League, Illinois Children’s Home and Aid Society, Immigrants Protective League, and the Juvenile Protective Association, among dozens more. The Chicago Board of Trade collection is di vided into seven sections: organizational archives (association papers, regulations, and records); documents of the board of directors (minutes, rul ings, resolutions, and reports); files of executive officers, association com m ittees, and special committees; statistics; and newspapers. A catalog outlining the contents of the archives is available to libraries, educators, researchers, and students. For a copy or information on access conditions, duplication, and publication policies governing the Chicago Board of Trade archives, write or call the Manuscript Collection Library, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, P.O. Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680; (312) 996-2742. • A m a rried co u p le, fo r m any d e ca d es m e m b e rs o f M ississip p i’s sm all e m e rg in g b la ck m iddle class, h ave given th e ir p erso n a l and b u sin ess p a p e r s to M i s s i s s i p p i S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y L i brary. Robert Weir, who died in 1974 at the age of 88, was the first black to own and operate a busi ness in downtown Starkville, Mississippi. His widow, Mrs. Sadye Weir, coauthor of his biog raphy, entitled A B la ck Businessman in W hite Mississippi, 1886-1974 (The University Press of Mississippi, 1977), has given the late Mr. Weir’s papers to Special Collections, Mitchell Memorial Library, Mississippi State University. Mr. Weir’s papers include two linear feet of business and personal finance records, poll tax receipts, home movies of various events in the Weirs’ lives, and assorted pieces of memorabilia. Mrs. Weir taught schoolchildren for two dec ades. L ater, as a home econom ist for the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service, she made photographs of many of the people she met. These are part of the Weir bequest. Said Jimmy G. Shoalmire, head of Special Col lections, “The Robert Weir papers will form an important part of the black history collection we are gathering at MSU. The financial records pro vide historians with a detailed record of a small, black-owned business, and the Extension Service photographs taken by Mrs. Weir provide a vivid record of rural black life.” • The Library of F l o r i d a At l a n t i c U N I V E R SIT Y has recently acquired a private collec tion o f approximately 4 ,6 0 0 volumes rich in modem American authors and containing noted works in art, drama, music, poetry, literary criti cism, and history written and published, for the most part, during the 1920s and 1930s. Included are signed copies of works by Carl Sandburg and first editions of authors such as Stephen Crane, 70 Sherwood Anderson, Theod ore D reiser, and William Faulkner. The collection was originally assembled by the late Harry Hansen of New York during his long and d istingu ished c a re e r as w riter; literary editor for the C h ic a g o D aily News, New Y ork W orld , and W orld -T eleg ram ; editor of the W orld Almanac; and publisher. • A rare edition of Summa T heologiae, the last and greatest work o f St. Thomas Aquinas, has been p resen ted to the C A L IF O R N I A S T A T E U n i v e r s i t y , N O R T H R ID G E , Libraries by their Bibliographic Society. Printed in Venice, Italy, by Lucantonio Giunta in 1522, the two volumes are bound in Italian morocco leather with ara besque designs and metal clasps. On the elabo rate title page are woodcuts of philosophers by Francesco Maironi. Summa T heologiae, intended to be the sum of all learning, deals in the first part with the na ture, attributes, and relations of God, including the physical universe. The second part concerns man, defining a code of Christian ethics. The rare volumes are the latest additions to the CSUN libraries special collections of the work of fine printers. Lucantonio Giunta was especially known for the publication o f beautifully illus trated works. • The U N IV E R SIT Y O F V i r g i n i a Library has acquired the com plete m anuscript o f E rn e s t Hemingway’s first important novel, The Sun Also R ises, reuniting segments that had been sepa rated for fifty years. The library purchased a fifteen-page typescript fragment, comprising the first two chapters, at the recent Jonathan Good win sale in New York. Mrs. Louis Henry Cohn presented to the library the remainder of the manuscript in memory of h er late husband, a noted b ib lio p h ile, rare book d ealer, and Hemingway’s first bibliographer. Joan Crane, the library’s curator of American literature, commented that the first two chapters were never published. They contain biographical backgrounds for the novel’s three main charac ters: B rett Ashley, Mike Cam pbell, and Jake Barnes. The published work begins with the third chapter of the original typescript, which is the section presented by Mrs. Cohn. It was used by the publisher, Charles Scribn er’s Sons, to set type for the book, which “was an immediate wildfire success when it was published in 1926.” In our library, the m anuscript jo in s other Hemingway material, especially that in the Clif ton Waller Barrett Hemingway collection, which includes the manuscript of The G reen Hills o f A f rica as well as first editions of all of his works, many o f them inscribed, and other useful re search material. The manuscript of The Sun Also Rises is avail able for research, but publication rights are re tained by the author’s widow. GRANTS • Jay Solomon, administrator of the U.S. Gen eral Services Administration, has announced the award of federal grants totaling $1,002,324 to states, educational in stitu tio n s, historical societies, and related organizations by the NA T IO N A L H i s t o r i c a l P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d R e c o r d s C o m m i s s i o n . The awards support projects for the preserva tion and use of American historical materials. The commission approved the membership of a state historical record s advisory board for Missouri. Missouri joins forty-six other states, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, in having a panel to plan programs and evaluate record grant proposals in their jurisdictions. Only Maine, Mississippi, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia have not yet established required state historical records advisory boards. Grant proposals are accepted directly by the commission from applicants in Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific. The National Historical Publications and Rec ords Commission, with headquarters in Washing ton, D .C ., is an adjunct organization of the U.S. General Services Administration’s National Ar chives and Records Service. A grant of $28,904 went to Atlanta University to accession and beginning arrangement and de scription of the records of the Southern Regional Council in Atlanta, one of the oldest and most ac tive organizations in the Southern civil rights movement. These significant records cover major economic and social developments in the South during the span 1944-66. Among records program grants totaling $304,302 were: Auburn University Archives, Auburn, Ala.: $2,000 to clean and copy for preservation nitrate photo negatives in the J. F . Knox Collection. Knox was a prominent Birmingham photographer from 1910-73. Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.: $7,494 (match ing offer) for a descriptive inventory of the papers of Charles Holmes Herty (1867-1938), an early twentiety-century chemist involved in research and policy in several areas of national and inter national importance. The Archives of Industrial Society at the Uni versity of Pittsburgh: $10,333 for the survey and appropriate accessioning of district records of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. The national records of the union are already at the University of Pittsburgh. Among the publications program grants totaling $698,022 were: U niversity o f M assachusetts at Am herst: $30,000 for the papers of Lydia Maria Child. Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.: $32,015 for the microform edition o f the papers of M. Carey Thomas. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.: $54,000 for the papers of the Marquis de Lafayette. The Rhode Island Historical Society, Prov idence: $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 for the papers o f Nathanael Greene. 71 T he U niversity o f W isconsin , Madison $116,000 for T he D ocu m en tary H istory o f th Ratification o f the Constitution an d Documentar H istory o f the First F e d er a l Elections. University of Illinois at Chicago Circle: $25,05 for the papers of Jane Addams. University of Tennessee at Nashville: $43,00 for the papers of Andrew Jackson. The commission also approved grants to the fol lowing presses for support in publication o commission-sponsored editions: University of South Carolina Press, Columbia $10,000 for volume 7 o f the papers of Henr Laurens. Princeton University Press, P rinceton,N .J.: $2,300 for volume 13 of the papers of Woodro Wilson. University Press o f New England, Hanover, N .H .: $ 9 ,2 4 0 for volume 3 o f the papers o Daniel Webster. University of North Carolina Press, Chape Hill: $9,962 for volume 2 of the papers of Joh Marshall. University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville: $9,100 for volume 3 of the diaries of George Washington. Cornell University Press: $10,000 for volume of Lafayette in the Age o f the Am erican Revolu tion. MEETING SUMMARIES • Photographic materials present even grea problems for preservation than do books and pa pers because of their complex chemical structure and the absence of research into proper restora tion techniques. Only recently have scholars and librarians begun to realize the full potential of photographs as documents, and there has been no training program for photograph conservators. To provide a forum for a discussion of these prob lems and some of their solutions, the Graphic Arts Research Center for the Rochester Institute Technology presented an intensive seminar on the preservation and restoration of photographic images, September 2 6-28. Nancy Schrock was one of forty-five museum curators, librarians, and photographers to attend. The seminar explored a wide range of topics, including the chemistry of photographic struc tures, storage and organization of collections, and old and new methods of producing images. The conclusions were sobering. The techniques of early nineteenth-century processes varied so greatly that restoration is dangerous. Modern color materials are not yet permanent, and many materials used for mounting or storing images contribute to their deterioration. The most effec tive policy for libraries to follow is to conserve materials already within their care and thereby avoid the extensive restoration problems that ensue from neglect. Ideally, new photographs should be processed to remove all residual chem : e y 6 0 f : y w f l n 1 te icals and stored in darkness in a stable environment with 3 0 to 5 0 percent relative humidity and temperature below 70°. When temperature and humidity fluctuate or rise above this range, the rate of degradation accelerates. Original Koda chrome slides are preferable to duplicates or Ek tachrome film because they can last up to fifty years if stored in cool darkness. Reflecting these suggestions, new facilities pro posed for the Kennedy Library and the Interna tional Museum o f Photography at G eorge Eastman House would store valuable materials in vaults at temperatures below freezing. Since the M IT Libraries are responsible for large collec tions of photographic images in the Rotch Visual Collections and Historical Collections, as well as for microforms throughout the system, these principles of conservation are applicable. Fortu nately, guides are appearing. C ollection, Use an d C a r e o f H is t o r ic a l P h o t o g r a p h s , by R obert Weinstein and Larry Booth (Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1 9 7 7 ), provides the best overview for historic materials. This winter, Henry Wilhelm, will have issued the first survey of permanence in color photography, Preservation o f C ontem porary P hotographic Im ages (Grinnel, Iowa: East Street Gallery). Kodak is also preparing a booklet on photographic pres ervation. As research continues, librarians will be better equipped to deal with the photographic materials that are becoming an increasingly im portant part of their collections.—MIT Notes r MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS M a r c h 3 0 - A p r i l 1: William Paterson College of New Jersey will offer an institute on C O L LE G E L i b r a r y P l a n n i n g E v a l u a t i o n i n a n E r a o f A c c o u n t a b i l i t y , directed by Robert L. Goldberg. The institute has been designed for college library directors and their key associates who recognize the importance of systematic plan ning and the need for administrators to sharpen their skills so that they can oversee and manage library activities more effectively and efficiently. Staff of the institute will include, in addition to Goldberg, who is director of library services for William Paterson College, Ernest DeProspo, pro fessor of library service, Rutgers Graduate School of Library Service; Bertram B. Masia, social psy chologist; and H erbert R. Kells, professor o f higher education, Rutgers University. For further information, contact Director of Library Services, Sarah Byrd Askew Library, William Paterson Col lege of New Jersey, 3 0 0 Pompton Rd., Wayne, NJ 0 7 4 7 0 ; (201) 5 9 5 - 2 1 1 3 . Ap r i l 6-8: The College and Research Section of the Kentucky Library Association will hold its spring conference and preconference workshop at Rough River State Park, Kentucky. The theme of the con feren ce on April 7 and 8 is T H E Ac a d e m i c L i b r a r i a n 1 9 8 5 a n d B e y o n d . A preconference Workshop on Library Administra tion and Organization will be conducted by Paul Wasserman and John Rizzo on April 6 and 7 . For 72 more information, contact Dr. David C. Gena way, Associate Dean of Libraries, John G. Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY 40475. APRIL 8: An IN ST ITU T E ON CONSERVATION M a n a g e m e n t i n L i b r a r i e s a n d Ar c h i v e s will be conducted at Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, by Professor Josephine R. Fang. For further information contact Dr. Ching-chih Chen, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Library Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. May 5: Central New York Library Resources Council (CENTRO) is sponsoring a workshop on M a n a g e m e n t , a B e h a v i o r a l Ap p r o a c h : Pr o b l e m An a l y s i s a n d D e c i s i o n M a k i n g . Richard Row, manager of employee relations for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, will conduct the one-day workshop in Syracuse, New York. For information on fees and registration, con tact CENTRO Professional Developmental Com mittee, Central New York Library Resources Council, 763 Butternut St., Syracuse, NY 13208; (315) 478-6080. M a y 10-13: The C a n a d i a n A s s o c i a t i o n f o r I n f o r m a t i o n S c i e n c e (CAIS) will hold its 6th Annual Conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in Montreal (Quebec), Canada. Three to four hundred information specialists (computer scientists, linguists, librarians, documentalists, etc.), meeting under the theme “To Better Communicate Information: A New Step,” will focus their attention on telecommuni cation networks, information processing and re trieval systems, data bases, and local and long distance accessibility of documents. For further information or application, please write to CAIS: Comité de publicité, c/o Daniel Carroue, C.P. 539 Succursale, Place Desjardins, Montreal, (Quebec) H5B 1B3, or call Daniel Car roue, (514) 875-8931, in Montreal. M ay 12-13: The 2 3 r d An n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e M i d w e s t Ac a d e m i c L i b r a r i a n s C o n f e r e n c e will be held at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. For further information, contact Nyal Williams, Music Librarian, Ball State Uni versity Library, Muncie, IN 47306; (317) 2 85- 7356. M a y 16-19; J u l y 18-21; Nov. 14-17: Dates and locales for three LIB R A R Y MANAGEMENT Sk i l l s I n s t i t u t e s during 1978 have been an nounced by the Office of University Library Management Studies (OMS) of the Association of Research Libraries. The four-day institutes will be held May 16-19 in Chicago, July 18-21 in Boston, and November 14-17 in Washington, D.C. The exact sites for the sessions will be an nounced shortly. These Management Skills Institutes are planned to benefit individuals with administrative responsibilities in research and academic libraries as well as individuals looking forward to careers in library management. Following the pattern of earlier institutes, the sessions will use a labora tory approach that fosters learning through interaction 73 among participants, contact with train ers, and use of readings and instructional exer cises that are part of a take-home notebook. Sessions over the four days will deal with a range of managerial issues, including organiza tional diagnosis and change; problem definition, analysis, and action planning; interpersonal be havior and skills; group dynamics; and leadership styles. The institute fee, including materials, is $175. Enrollment is limited to forty-five persons. In terested librarians are asked to contact the insti tute staff at the OMS, Association of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 232-8656, for fur ther information and to reserve a place at any of the three sessions. M ay 17-19: The SEVEN TH An n u a l W ORK SHOP o n In s t r u c t i o n i n L i b r a r y U s e will be held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, On tario. The topic for this year’s workshop is “Ap proaches to Library Instruction: Do You Know What Your Colleagues Are Doing?” The workshop is organized for college and uni versity librarians in Ontario and Quebec. Regis tration is limited to approximately sixty persons. A few applications will be accepted from those with an interest in promoting similar orientation efforts in other regions. For further information, contact Tim Schober, Reference Department, Morisset Library, Uni versity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 945. M ay 17-19: The T h i r d An n u a l Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e D e v e l o p m e n t P r o g r a m f o r L i b r a r y Ad m i n i s t r a t o r s , conducted by the School of Business at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, will concentrate on the fun damentals and current problems of “Recruiting, Evaluating, and Developing Library Staff.” Sub je c t areas will include job analysis and position description; attracting, selecting, and organizing personnel; interviewing; employee evaluation; and employee training and staff development. Designed to assist library administrators in im proving their managerial effectiveness, the semi nar will be valuable to all kinds of library administrators—public, academic, special, etc. The method of instruction includes lectures, case analysis, and experimental exercises. The program will be structured to the backgrounds and experiences of seminar registrants through participation in a problem-solving atmosphere. The fee is $150, which includes instructional costs, reading materials and other handouts, transportation from and to airlines, and room and board. Anyone interested in attending should contact the program director, Dr. C. N. Kauf man, School of Business, Vermillion, SD 57069; (605) 677-5232. M a y 19: An I n s t i t u t e o n C a t a l o g i n g o f N o n - P r i n t M a t e r i a l s w ill b e co n d u c te d at Sim m ons C o lleg e , B o sto n , M assach usetts, by P ro fe s s o r P a tric ia O y le r. F o r fu r th e r in fo rm a tio n , contact Dr. Ching-chih Chen, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Library Science, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115; (617) 738-2224. JU N E 15-20: “ Strategies for Change” is the theme of the 3 3 r d An n u a l C o n f e r e n c e o f t h e C a n a d i a n L i b r a r y A s s o c i a t i o n . For further imformation, contact R. Banks, Chairman, CLA ’78— Local Arrangements Committee, Room 516, Cameron Library, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G 2J8. J u n e 1 9 - J u l y 2 1 : The Se v e n t e e n t h Su m m e r In s t i t u t e f o r A r c h i v a l St u d i e s will be conducted at the University of Denver. The institute presents a concentrated study of the theory, principles, and applied methodology of archival administration of primary documentary resources and related manuscript materials. It in cludes lectures and discussions by specialists in the profession and field trips to nearby archival agencies and manuscript depositories. Projects in applied methodology and practice are arranged with area archival institutions and agencies, manuscript depositories, historical societies, and lib raries. G uest lectu rers are utilized for special subject presentations. The tuition is $410. For details write the in structor as follows: Professor Dolores C. Renze, Institute for Archival Studies, Department of History— 424 MRB, University of Denver, Den ver, CO 80210. MISCELLANY • The D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h , E d u c a t i o n a n d W e l f a r e (HEW) will be al locating grants to major research libraries deemed eligible under a new regulation, which took effect in early February. The regulation, designed to strengthen library resources and make research material more readily available to borrowers, was published in the December 28 F ederal Register. Up to 150 institutions can get library resource grants each fiscal year for financing new books and other library materials, cataloging library col lections, staffing and mailing library material and bibliographic information, or distribution through electronic or photographic means. HEW’s criteria for assistance is determined by a weighted scale of 110 points that measures the applicant’s significance as a major research library and the nature of the proposed project. The libraries have been sorted into ten geo graphic areas to “achieve a reasonable regional balance,” according to the regulation. Most grants will be for one year, but if the project merits con tinued funding, the regulation permits financial assistance for up to three years. Ineligible for the program are institutions re ceiving Basic Grants of the College Library Re sources Program (Section 202 of the Higher Edu cation Act) or proposing a project that would be eligible for assistance under another federal pro gram, such as the Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965. Now availab le for the fir st tim e in book form at … combined cumulative indexes to the complete runs of 531 journals in H istory, Political Science and Sociology COMBINED RETROSPECTIVE INDEX SETS The “N E X U S ” computer data base, originally created as a custom bibliographic search service in the social sciences, has been acquired by Carrollton Press and is being published for the library community in 25 hardcover index volumes. More than 4 2 0 ,0 0 0 articles from the backfiles of scholarly journals dating back to 1838, were indexed by Subject and Author as input to the N E X U S computer file, and later reprogrammed by us for composition in folio-size page format. The availability of the N E X U S data base in book form will not only result in its more frequent and convenient use, but it will also make it available to students and other patrons who could not afford to spend their own funds for computer searches. Single-Source Bibliographic Access Eliminates Non-Prodαctive Search Tune Until now, anyone wishing to make exhaustive retro spective searches on certain subjects, or even locate works whose dates of publication were unknown, have been forced to search year-by-year through numerou annual volumes issued by several different serial indexing services or in some cases in the cumulative indexes to individual journals. The new Combined Retrospective Index Sets for His tory, Political Science and Sociology, however, provid not only the equivalent of long-term combined cumula tive coverage of several of the indexing services, but also access to the many earlier issues of those journals which were being published for many years before the indexing services started covering them. Moreover, many of th journals, such as those in the field of "State and Loca History,” have never been adequately covered by genera indexing services. Separate Keyword Indexes Under 585 Categories Provide Precise Subject Access The three sets contain 585 subject categories listed under 101 major subject headings. Because of the size of the data base, and the fact that there are an average s of 600 entries for each of the 585 subject categories, we modified the NEXUS programs to produce separate, self-contained keyword indexes to all entries listed under each category. As a result, each entry is listed under an average of 3.8 keywords, which gives a total of 1.3 million subject entries for the entire collection.e UPDATING Each set will be kept current with an Annual Supplement volume containing both subject and author entries. Beginning with coverage of journals e issued during 1975, the supplements will also in clude entries from the backfiles of other journals l which will be added to the data base. Prices and l delivery dates will be announced. COMBINED RETROSPECTIVE INDE H XES I S TO T JO O URNALS IN TEVILED EIMMEDIARZ 1838 - 1974 RY More than 150,000 articles from the backfiles of 234 History journals in the English Language have been in dexed together and published in 9 casebound cumulative subject index volumes and 2 cumulative author index volumes. COMBINED RETROSPECTIVE P IND O EX L ES T I O T JO I U C RN A ALS L IN ZBEGINS MARH;E1978DCLIVER SC 1 I 88 E 6 - N 1974 CE This set contains 6 cumulative subject volumes and 2 cumulative author volumes. Coverage includes more than 115,000 articles on such topics as Politics, Public Administration and International Relations, from the backfiles of 179 English Language journals. COMBINED RETROSPECTIVE INDEXES TO JOURNALS IN SOCIOLOGY 1895 - 1975DELIVERZ BEGINS APRIL, 1978 From the retrospective collections of 118 English Lan guage sociology journals, some 85,000 articles have been indexed and their entries interfiled in five casebound folio-size cumulative subject volumes, and one cumula tive author index volume. 76 For further information on the rule, which im plements section 107 of the Education Amend ments of 1976, contact Paul C. Janaske, Divisio of Library Programs, OLLROE, ROB 3, Rm 3124, 7th and D Streets SW, Washington, D 20202; (202) 245-9687. • Last fall Hank Epstein announced his resig nation, effective November 1, as director of th BALLOTS Center. Stanford University, recogniz ing the importance of providing strong leadershi during a time when the BALLOTS Center an the use of the BALLOTS system are rapidly ex panding, has appointed Associate Provost Edwar E. Shaw as interim director. William F. Miller, vice-president and provos of the university, comments: “The appointment o a member of my seminar staff to the interim di rectorship reflects Stanford s basic commitment t the development of BALLOTS. The university’ goals are two-fold. First, the university desire that BALLOTS evolve into a national library au tomation network focusing upon the uniqu needs of academic and research libraries an their universities more generally. Second, be cause Stanford has close ties with libraries in th Western United States, BALLOTS should b made available to all types of libraries in Califor nia and adjacent states. Shaw will continue a interim director until such time as the fundamen tal directions for BALLOTS are established and search can begin for a permanent director.” In addition, the university has appointed Joh Schroeder as associate director for technical serv The Library Orientation Series discusses library orientation and instruction - “everything you al ways wanted to know …” and should know. The series includes: 1. Library Orientation $2.95 2. A Challenge for Academic Libraries $8.50 3. Planning and Developing a Library Orientation Program $8.50 4. Evaluating Library Use Instruction $8.50 5. Academic Library Instruction; Ob jectives, Programs and Faculty In volvement $8.50 6. Faculty Involvement in Library In struction $8.50 7. Library Instruction in the Seventies: State o f the Art $8.50 The com plete set is available for $48.50. For more inform ation- Pierian Press po box 1808 ann arbor, mi 48106 n . C e p d d t f o s s e d e e s a n ices. He was previously manager of Interactive and Database Systems at the Stanford Center for Information Processing (SCIP) and brings strong technical and managerial skills to BALLOTS. Finally, the university has transferred the BALLOTS Center out of SCIP, and it will now report directly to the provost’s office. This trans fer reflects the importance BALLOTS has to the university and the university’s commitment to guide the BALLOTS Center to independent, nonprofit status. Hank Epstein resigned in order to form a com pany in Southern California called Information Transform Industries (ITI); initially, the company will provide consultation in the area of library au tomation and computer systems. He will, how ever, retain his ties with Stanford and has been engaged by the university to provide technical consulting services for a period of time after his departure. Many of these services will be di rected toward the future growth of BALLOTS.—Stanford Library Bulletin • The Graduate Teaching Fellows in the UNI VERSITY OF OREGON Library are one aspect of a long-range faculty development program, which has as its ultimate goal a library faculty as distin guished for its commitment to scholarship and formal classroom teaching as it is for the tra ditional responsibilities of academic librarians. We envision the Graduate Teaching Fellows as junior members of the faculty who are at Oregon primarily to earn an additional graduate degree while continuing to practice their profession. Be cause they will be actively involved both as li brary faculty and as full-time graduate students, we envision them building new bridges into the academic community over which will flow a two-way stream of intellectual traffic. Some of them will also be involved in the library’s classroom teaching program, which at the mo ment consists of four three-hour courses, which can generally be described as follows: (1) intro duction to the use of a research library, (2) his tory of the book (graduate or undergraduate op tion), (3) introduction to archives (graduate or undergraduate option), and (4) an all-purpose seminar for the development of new courses.—H. William Axford, Univ. o f Oregon Librarian ■■ Reference Service Statistics The ALA LAD LOMS Committee on Statistics for Reference Service would ap preciate a copy of any publication in which you have used statistics to promote reference service (e.g., brochures, annual reports, post ers, press releases, etc.). A program on this subject is planned for the 1978 ALA Annual Conference. Send to Bruce Miller, Adminis trator Assistant, Northwestern University Li brary, Evanston, IL 60201.