ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 79 Publications NOTICES • Reference and acquisitions librarians in pub­ lic and academic libraries who face growing de­ mands for legal materials will find help in a new, annotated bibliography. The New York M et­ ropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency (METRO) has produced the twenty-page LEX: B ib lio g ra p h y o f L e g a l R esou rces. Included are general, ju d icial, leg islativ e, and executive sources on federal law. The editor is Claire Bowie (Graduate C en ter Library, City University of New York), with help from Josephine McSweeney (Pratt Institute Library) and Robert Sheehan (The Branch Libraries, The New York Public Library). The price is $5 a copy if a check or money order is included, $10 a copy if an in­ voice is required. Send orders to METRO, 11 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018. • A formal, written collection development policy can be useful to academic and research li­ braries in several ways: it can serve as a materials selection guide and aid in the allocation process, it can communicate information to administrators and users, and it can set the parameters for col­ lection assessment. So reports the latest flyer and kit from the Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) of the Office of University Library Management Studies of the Association of Re­ search Libraries. Collection D evelopm ent Policies (Flyer and Kit 38, November 1977) presents documentation col­ lected as part of a SPEC survey on collection developent Library Sponsors Shakespeare Festival The Cunningham Memorial Library of In­ diana State University has announced the 1978 Terre Haute Shakespeare Festival, April 10-14, 1978. Sponsored by the library in cooperation with several academic depart­ ments, the Shakespeare Festival is now in its third year. In the past two years, all events were held in the library. The 1978 festival has expanded its scope to include programs in the downtown business community as well as on the campus. Various business, civic, dramatic, and musical groups are cooperating to make the festival a community-wide affair. The week's activ ities will include an art fair, dramatic presentations on campus and in stores, musical performances, papers, panel discussions, movies, and displays. Professor Humphrey Tonkin. University of Pennsyl­ vania, will be the featured speaker. m conducted in April 1977. The two- page flyer discusses general survey results includ­ ing purposes for collection development policies, pros and cons of such policies, policy statements for selected areas, and future trends. The accom­ panying 109-page kit contains two library docu­ ments on planning and nine documents illustra­ ting ARL m em bers’ collectio n developm ent policies. F ly er and K it 38, C o lle c tio n D ev elo p m e n t Policies, is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50, prepaid. It is available to all others for $15.00, prepaid. Orders may be sent to: Office of University Library Management Studies, Association of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. • As a public service o f the United States Government, the National Audiovisual Center has published a free catalog of 165 special educa­ tion audiovisual programs produced by federal agencies. The Special E du cation C atalog lists a variety of films, filmstrips, slide sets, and mul­ timedia kits available for purchase and rental to special education teachers and curriculum direc­ tors. The areas of special education covered include speech therapy, sign language, retardate instruc­ tion, and teaching the multi-handicapped, among others. The materials in this catalog were pro­ duced over the last few years by twenty-four fed­ eral agencies, such as the National Institute of Mental Health, the President’s Committee on Mental Retardation, Veterans Administration, and the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped. The National Audiovisual Center was created in 1969 under the aegis of the National Archives and Records Service of the General Services Ad­ ministration. The cen ter serves as the central clearinghouse for all federal audiovisual materials and makes them available for public use through distribution services. For a free Special Education C atalog and in­ formation about other programs distributed by the center, write to The National Audiovisual Center, Reference Section/RM, Washington, DC 20409. • M otion P ictu res, T elevision , an d R adio; A Union Catalogue o f M anuscript and Special C ol­ lections in the W estern United States, a unique bibliographic work prepared under the auspices of the Film and Television Study Center, was published in January by G. K. Hall. Funded by a two-year grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, the work identifies and describes the collections relating to motion pic­ tures, television, and radio housed in public and 80 private libraries, universities, museums, film and television archives, and historical societies in the eleven western states. The collections described include the personal papers of producers, direc­ tors, actors/actresses, writers, executives, and others; film company records; motion picture, television, and radio scripts; as well as stills and other photographic materials. Anne G. Schlosser was project director, and Linda Harris M ehr compiled and edited the catalog, which was prepared with the guidance of an advisory committee consisting of Robert Knut­ son, U SC ; Audree Malkin, UCLA; Mildred Simpson, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences; Elizabeth Armstrong, California Insti­ tute of the Arts; and Schlosser, the American Film Institue. The Film and Television Study Center is a nonprofit organization devoted to cooperative projects in education, research, and archives. • W ith the end of the Civil War in 1865, newly freed slaves found they had yet another battle to win— the illiteracy of the black people, which continued to bind and enslave them with even stronger chains. That was not going to happen, however, if women like Laura Towne and Ellen Murray had anything to say in the matter. When they arrived on St. H elena Island off the shore o f South Carolina as part of the Port Royal Experiment in the 1860s, they came for one purpose: to set up a school to educate the freedman. The result was Penn School, an institution that has continued into 1977 as a major cultural and social force in the offshore islands stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to Savannah, Geor­ gia. The Southern Historical Collection (SHC) in W ilson Library at the U niversity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill is helping to insure that the Penn School story will be documented and remembered for future generations. All the pa­ pers and photographs con n ected with Penn School have been microfilmed by SHC and a forty-two-page guide for the microfilm reels has been prepared. For further information contact SHC, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wilson Library, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. • Paley Library of Temple University is happy to announce the publication of Locational Anal­ ysis and Econom ic G eography: A C om prehensive B ib lio g ra p h y o f R ecen t L ite r a tu r e on T h e o r y ‚ T e c h n iq u e s , a n d t h e S p a tia l O rg a n iz a tio n o f Agriculture, M anufacturing an d T ran sporta­ tion, Supplement 1971-77, by Peter O. Mueller. The price is $4. The basic volume is available for $ 2 . Please address all inquiries and orders to Asso­ ciate Director for Public Services, Paley Library, Tem ple U niversity, 13th & Berks S treets, Philadelphia, PA 19121. RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future issues of C ollege and R esearch L ib raries.) T he a b s tr a c t jo u r n a l, 1 7 9 0-1920 : origin , d e ­ v e lo p m e n t, a n d d iffu s io n / by B R U C E M . M A N Z E R . — M etu chen, N .J. : Scarecrow Press, 1977. 312p. $12.50 (LC 77-24143) (ISBN 0-8108-1047-6) Archives & manuscripts : a p praisal & accession­ ing / M a y n a r d J . B r i c h f o r d . — Chicago : Society of American Archivists, 1977. 24p. (LC 77-14523) “Basic manual series — Society of American Archivists” A rchives & m anuscripts : re fe re n ce & access / S U E E . H o l b e r t . — Chicago : Society of American Archivists, 1977. 30p. (LC 77-21004) “Basic manual series — Society of American Archivists” A rchives & m anuscripts : security / T IM O TH Y W ALCH . — Chicago : Society of American Ar­ chivists, 1977. 30p. (LC 77-15117) “Basic manual series — Society of American Archivists” A rch iv es & m an u scripts : su rveys / JO H N A. FLEC K N ER . — Chicago : Society of American Archivists, 1977. 28p. (LC 77-14554) “Basic manual series — Society of American Archivists” B lack academ ic libraries and research collections : an h i s t o r ic a l su rv e y I J e s s i e C a r n e y S M IT H . — W estp ort, Conn. : Greenwood P ress, 1977. 303p. $ 1 5 .0 0 . (LC 77-71857) (ISBN 0-8371-9546-2) “Contributions in Afro-American and African studies ; no. 34” Organization and administration o f college lib ra r­ ies / HARI KRISHAN SHARMA. — New Delhi : S. Chand ; Mystic, Conn. : distributed by Lawrence Verry. 192p. $10.50. (ISBN 0-8426- 1011- 1) S cien tific a n d te c h n ic a l in fo r m a tio n so u r c e s / Ch in g -Ch ih CHEN. — Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1977. 519p. $24.95. (LC 77-9557) (ISBN 0-262-03062-4) ■■ Prelim inary H E G IS D ata Available Preliminary data on college and university libraries for fell 1976 and the academic year 1975-76 are now available. The data are from the survey of college and university libraries, Fall 1976 (HEGIS XI). Requests for copies will be handled on a first-come basis and should be directed to Frank L . Schick, NCES/DSPA/LRB, 400 Maryland A ve., S .W ., W ashington, DC 20202.