ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 567 Preservation f l e w s Jane Hedberg The Commission publishes nonprint media directory The Commission on Preser­ vation and Access scheduled the D irectory o f In form ation S o u r c e s o n S c i e n t i fic R e­ sea rch R elated to the Preser­ vation o f S ou n d Recordings, Still a n d Moving Im ages a n d M agnetic T ape for publica­ tion in October 1993. The 16- page pamphlet is a combi­ nation directory and b ib ­ liography on the preserva tion of nonprint media. It lists laboratories and organizations, as well as published information in monographs, serials, conference proceedings, and databases. Copies are available for $10.00 from the Commission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street, N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217. Orders must be prepaid. (Commis­ sion sponsors receive copies of all publications free-of-charge.) For more information, contact Sonny Koemer at (202) 939-3400. Preservation conference/exhibition to be held in Boston Restoration 93, a conference and exhibition on all types o f preservation, conservation, and res­ toration, will be held at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston from December 6–8, 1993. Organizers expect over 7,000 people to attend. Although this event is primarily for those inter­ ested in historic preservation, there are several conference presentations in the “Professional Program” which might interest librarians and one of the “Materials and Media” sessions is about books and works on paper. A number of groups have been involved in the develop­ ment of Restoration 93, including the Ameri­ can Institute for Conservation o f Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). For m ore in form ation co n ta ct Steven Schuyler, RAI/EGI Exhibitions, Inc., Ten Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801; (617) 933-9699. Texas organizations sponsor collections conservation training Four organizations (University of Texas at Aus­ tin General Libraries, Preservation and Conser­ vation Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, BookLab, Inc., and AMIGOS B ib lio g ra p h ic Council, Inc.) are jointly sponsoring a six-day pro­ gram called “Collections Conservation Technician Training” for ten library con­ servation technicians from the Southwest. The program will be held in Austin, Texas from March 14-19, 1994, and will focus on care of cir­ culating or general collec­ tions through planning and management o f effective “collections conservation” programs. The sponsors designed this regional program to address a need discussed during a meeting held at the University of California at Berkeley in May 1992. The Berkeley invitational meet­ ing, sometimes referred to as “Training the Trainers,” brought preservation administrators and conservators together to develop improved library conservation training programs. Cost of the program is $475 for AMIGOS members and $625 for nonmembers. For more information, contact: Tom Clareson, AMIGOS Preservation Service Manager, AMIGOS Biblio­ graphic Council, Inc., 12200 Park Central Drive, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75251; (800) 843-8482. AMIGOS distributes tornado preparedness brochure The Preservation Service of the AMIGOS Bib­ liographic Council, Inc., is distributing an Ameri­ can Red Cross and National Weather Service brochure called T o rn a d o s. . . N atu re’s Most Vio­ lent Storms: A P reparedn ess Guide. Although not specifically intended for libraries or archives, it does contain tips on tornado safety and how to develop a tornado disaster plan which might be useful for institutions at risk. Free copies of the brochure are available from Rebecca Frank, AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc., 12200 Park Central Drive, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75251; (800) 843-8482. ■ Subm issions f o r this colu m n m ay b e m a d e to: J a n e H edberg, Wellesley C ollege Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; JHEDBERG ®LUCY. WEILESLEY.EDU; (6 1 7 ) 283-2103- Sub­ m ission d e a d lin e is the 15th o f th e month, p r e ­ cedin g p u b lica tio n by approxim ately six weeks. 56 8