ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 216 / C&RL News THE ICSESAFLDS DIA D eadlines: O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents m ust reach the A C R L office on or before the second of the m onth p receding p ublication of the issue (e.g., S eptem ber 2 fo r the O cto ber issue). S hould this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads w ill be a ccepted on the next business day. Late job listings w ill be a ccepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $8.45 pe r line for institutions tha t are A C R L m em bers, $10.45 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $20.25 per line fo r institutions tha t are A C RL m em bers, $24.25 fo r others. O rg anizations subm itting ads w ill be charged according to the ir m em bership status. D is­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads tha t list an application deadline, we suggest tha t date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O cto ber 20 fo r the O ctober issue). All job an nouncem ents should include a salary range p e r policy of the A m erican Library A ssociation (ALA). Job a n nouncem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aw are that the term s faculty ra nk and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C &RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on A C R L 's ho m epa ge on the W orld W ide W eb at http:// w w w .ala.o rg/a crl.htm l. Ads w ill be placed ap proxim ately 2-3 w eeks before the printed edition of C & R L N ew s is published. T o reach C&RL N ew sN et access the A C R L hom epage (http://w w w l), select C & R L News, and then chose the menu item Job P ostings by Job Title. C ontact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL N ew sC lassified Advertising Department, ACRL, A m eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through A LA publications o r placem ent services com ply with A LA an ti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states tha t “ALA is c om m itted to equality of op portunity fo r all library e m ploy­ ees o r applicants fo r em ploym ent, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000’s of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, BOOK LIQUIDATION. 23,000 books, 15,000± titles. New/current from hundreds of publishers. 1994-1996 publication dates. Dis­ counts from 50% to 80%. All or select partial collection. Anthropol- ogy-Zoology. Strong in psychology and social sciences. Moving, need space, Free airfare/hotel for significant purchases. Phone: (703) 519-3909. RESIDENCY PROGRAMS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES AFFIRMATIVE AC ­ TION RESIDENCY. The University of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, has a strong commitment to affirmative action and offers an Affirmative Action Residency Program to increase the SCIENCE/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN 0 Under the direction of Head of Reference, the Science/Reference Librarian partici­ pates in general and specialized reference service, and conducts online searching and general and specialized library instruc­ tion. Duties include assisting users with electronic and print information retrieval, and developing library instructional publi­ cations in various form ats, including HTML. Will also serve as faculty liaison with departments of Math and Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Engineering, Geography, Environmental Sciences and Chemistry. Desk duties are rotated evening and/or weekends, covering 10 to 18 hours o f a 37.5 hour, five-day workweek. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or feSernational/historical equivalent. Reference amd library instruction experience in the sci­ ences is required. Strong interpersonal and com m unication skills are needed. Experience with online search (Lexis-Nexis, DIALOG, WWW), Internet resources, CD- Ftetn databases and automated library sys­ tem s is required, as well as the ability to work flexibly and creatively in a changing environ­ ment. Rank and salary depending on expe­ dience and qualifications. Salary range $30,000-$37,500 with an initial appointment of a renewable 12-month contract. This is Faculty Staff Union/MTA/NEA peer reviewed position. Send cover letter, vitae, and names and addresses of three reference to Daniel Ortiz, Associate Director of Libraries, Healey Library, University of Mass­ achusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393. E-mail or Fax at 617-287-5950. Application closing date is April 15, 1997. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX employer. U Mass ioston umber of minority librarians in academic research libraries. This ontinuing program is designed to attract recent graduates or librar­ ans who might now be working in public, special, or other libraries, to cademic research librarianship. The University of Minnesota Librar­ es will introduce the successful candidate to librarianship in a large, esearch-oriented environment. During the two-year program, the esident will work in rotations in public and technical services, work ith a mentor, and participate in professional development and eadership training. The resident may begin on or before July 15, 997. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or its oreign equivalent (degree requirement must be fulfilled by August 1997). This program focuses on members of minority groups nderrepresented at the University of Minnesota and in academic ibrarianship. These are Black, American Indian, Asian, and Hispanic en and women. This is a two-year academic position at the Assis­ ant Librarian rank, with a minimum salary of $28,000 plus excellent enefits and generous travel support. The University of Minnesota, win Cities Campus, has an enrollment of 51,200 students, The niversity of Minnesota Libraries, Twin Cities Campus, holds over ive million volumes and is a member of the Association of Research ibraries. Applicants should send a letter of application discussing ackground, experience, and reasons for interest in the residency rogram; a resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers f at least three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries n c i a i r r w l 1 f u l m t b T U f L b p o March 1997 / 217 Human Resources Office, The University o f Minnesota, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Ave., S., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be postmarked by May 2 , 1997. Please identify application with UL62. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for selection and acquisi­ tion of all library materials, assisted by one part-time paraprofes sional; works with Catalog Librarian and Systems Librarian/Head of Technical Services to ensure smooth workflow of technical services; and carries public service duties, as well as faculty responsibilities. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; famil­ iarity with electronic library resources, including OCLC and integrated systems (DRA preferred). Professional acquisitions experience de­ sirable. Salary and benefits: Salary dependent on experience. Medi­ cal plan, TIAA/CREF retirement, one month vacation, and 12-month contract included. Contact: Send letter of application, resume, names of three references, and unofficial transcripts to: Jim Parks, College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M illsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210. E-mail inquiries to Pat Cox at COXPC@OKRA.MILLSAPS.EDU; phone: (601) 974-1070. More information about Millsaps and its library at Applications accepted until May 1 , 1997, for summer appointment. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Responsible for coordinating reference, interlibrary loan, circulation, reserves, and other user services. Participates in instruction. Requirements: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program, familiarity with electronic library resources and integrated systems (specifically DRA, OCLC, FirstSearch, and other databases), and good people/organizational skills. Professional experience in academic library public service Temple University UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN Temple University seeks applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The University Librarian is the chief adm inistrative and academ ic officer of the University Libraries, reports directly to the Provost of the University, and is a member of the Council of Academ ic Deans. T em ple University, a m em ber of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth System of Higher Education, enrolls 30,000 students in 14 schools and colleges. It is the major public research university in greater Philadelphia, an area of more than 30 institutions of higher education. Temple’s broad range of academic programs attracts students nationally and from over 107 countries outside of the U.S.A. The library system includes the main library, four departmental libraries, and five branch libraries extended over four campuses. The holdings of the library system include 1.5 million volumes as well as extensive holdings of maps, microfilms, government publications, archives, and computer databases, The libraries utilize considerable electronic resources, including a library-wide CD-ROM network and are migrating to a new integrated library system within the next year. The libraries have an operating budget of $8.7 million, a professional staff of 46, and a support staff of 88. Temple is a m em ber of ARL, RLG and various regional consortia. For additional information about the University Libraries, visit the web site at Candidates should have high-level management experience in a research library, an understanding and appreciation of the com plex research needs of a major university, and successful experience in integrating new information technologies into library services. C andidates should possess strong leadership skills and the ability to promote coop e ra tio n in a m ulti-cam pus and co nsortia setting, and exceptional skills in library m anagem ent, including collection development, strategic planning, fiscal management, and facilities planning. A Master’s of Library Science or its equivalent from an accredited program is required; an additional advanced degree is desired. Salary is com petitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Review of applications will begin on April 1 5 , 1997. The position is available July 1, 1997. Send letters of nomination or application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Jam es W. England, P rovost, Tem ple U niversity, B road Street and M ontgom ery Avenue, P h iladelphia, PA 19122. Temple University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages women and minorities to apply. desirable. Salary and benefits: Salary dependent on experience. Medical plan, TIAA/CREF retirement, one month vacation, 12-month faculty contract included. Contact: Send letter of application, resume, names of three references, and unofficial transcripts to: Jim Parks, College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210; phone: (601) 974-1070. E-mail inquiries welcome: More information about Millsaps College and its library is at Applications accepted until May 1, 1997, for summer appointment. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for cataloging all library mate­ rials, assisted by one paraprofessional; works with Acquisitions Librarian and Systems Librarian/Head of Technical Services to ensure smooth workflow of technical services; and carries some public service duties, as well as faculty responsibilities. Require­ ments: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; familiarity with electronic library resources, including OCLC and integrated systems (DRA preferred). Professional cataloging experience desirable. Sal­ ary and benefits: Salary dependent on experience. Medical plan, TIAA/CREF retirement, one month vacation, and 12-month contract included. Contact: Send letter of application, resume, names of three references, and unofficial transcripts to: Jim Parks, College Librarian, P.O. Box 150148, M illsaps College, Jackson, MS 39210. E-mail inquiries to Pat Cox at COXPC@OKRA.MILLSAPS.EDU; phone: (601) 974-1070. More information about Millsaps College and its library is at Applications accepted until May 1, 1997, for summer appointment. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. The University of South Carolina-Spartanburg seeks a Collection Management Librarian in a 12-month tenure-track, faculty position, reporting to the Director of Library Services. The Collection Management Librarian participates in all areas of library services, including reference, library instruction, and collection development. The primary responsibility is coordina­ tion of collection management and supervision of the supporting technical services activities in a dynamic service-oriented library. Coordination with the centralized processing unit on the main campus is a major aspect. Participation in faculty governance and related responsibilities is vital. Required: MLS or an equalivalent degree from mailto:COXPC@OKRA.MILLSAPS.EDU mailto:COXPC@OKRA.MILLSAPS.EDU 218 / C&RL News C S U Cleveland State University Director University Library Cleveland State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library. The University seeks a dynamic and innovative leader who will provide vision and direction with regard to all aspects of Library operation, including the coordination of traditional library materials and services with the expansion of new information technology resources. The Director will report to the Provost through the Vice Provost for Information Technology and Academic Innovation. Minimum qualifications include an M.L.S. degree from an ALA accredited program; successful administrative experience in an academic or research library; and sound knowledge of all aspects of academic li­ brary operations, including collection development and management and security, automated systems and services, bibliographic control and management, resource sharing, academic budgeting, fundraising, and grantsmanship. Preferred qualifications include an advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline and substantial experience in the imple­ mentation of new electronic technologies in support of library services, including electronic reserves, CD-ROM, Internet resources, OhioLINK, and similar consortia. The CSU Library is housed in a single, centrally-located facility. Its collec­ tions contain over 600,000 volumes, with an acquisition philosophy based on “access to information”. Cleveland State University is a large, public comprehensive urban University serving Cleveland and the Northeast Ohio region and enrolling approximately 16,000 students in six academic colleges and a Graduate College. Cleveland is home to a rich array of public and academic library resources. The Cleveland metropoli­ tan area approximates 2 million people and features a thriving business community, including 21 Fortune 500 corporations, a growing “high tech” manufacturing sector, and a strong infrastructure in support of regional economic development. The Greater Cleveland area offers an outstanding quality of life, combining the cultural and other amenities of a large city with a wide choice of attractive communities in which to live. Applicants are encouraged to submit a current resume, a statement of interest and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five refer­ ences to: Chair, Library Search Committee, Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President, Cleveland State University, E. 24th & Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. The Search Advisory Committee will begin screening completed applications on March 1 , 1997; the position will remain open until it has been filled. Salary is competitive. Cleveland State University is an AA/EOE committed to nondiscrimination. M/F/D/V encouraged. an ALA-accredited graduate program; collection development expe­ rience and technical services experience required. Experience with automated systems (preferably NOTIS), the Internet, and emerging technologies, and two years professional experience in relevant areas, with supervisory responsibilities are required. Salary competi­ tive. Send letter of application, vita, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee-Collection Management Li­ brarian, Library, U n iv e rs ity o f S o u th C aro lin a -S p a rta n b u rg , Spartanburg, SC 29303. Nominations and applications accepted until filled. USCS is an EO/AA employer. COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Position: Faculty rank, ten ure-track. I . D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, seeks individual to serve as the library’s Computer Services Librarian. Responsible for coordination of planning, development, implementa­ tion, and management of the library’s local area network and other technological applications, including the recommendation of soft­ ware and hardware for the library’s systems. Duties include: Routine maintenance, monitoring LAN performance, expanding the system, upgrading software and hardware, and training library staff, students, and faculty to effectively use electronic systems and services. 12- month appointment. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of microcomputers, operating sys­ tems, CD-ROM LAN technology; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills Additional desirable qualifications include (1) second master’s de gree in a relevant subject field (will be required for tenure an promotion); (2) experience with installation and management o Novell and OptiNet netware. Salary: Commensurate with rank an qualifications. Application procedure: Submit letter of application resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of thre references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I. D. Week Library, U n iv e rs ity o f South Dakota, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion, S 57069-2390. Application deadline: Review of applications will begi April 15, 1997, and will continue until position is filled. Affirmativ action, equal opportunity employer. CURATOR OF COLLECTIONS. The Buffalo Bill Historical Cente seeks a curator of collections for the McCracken Research Library The MRL is one of five curatorial divisions of the Historical Center an supports institutional collecting and research goals as well as th needs of academic and public researchers. The Housel Curator o Library Collections is the administrative head of the MRL and shoul be familiar with the functions and goals of special libraries. Respon sibilities include identifying and acquiring relevant collections, assur ing the highest level of archival handling and safekeeping of collec tions, fulfilling the reference and research needs of staff and qualifie patrons, assuring proper cataloging and processing and adherence t appropriate library procedures, supervision of staff and volunteer assigned to the library, and engaging in and encouraging scholarship Candidates must have earned the MLS from an ALA-accredite program, or demonstrate the equivalent in training and experience and must be familiar with AACR2 and MARC cataloging and wit major bibliographic databases and resources. An advanced degree i . ­ d f d , e s D n e r . d e f d ­ ­ ­ d o s . d ; h n Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $31,868 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. March 1997 / 219 THREE POSITIONS Virginia Commonwealth University University Library Services Virginia Commonwealth University has created several new positions to assist in the continuing transformation of its library into a user-centered, technology-enhanced institution. Advanced Technologies Librarian Exercising vision and leadership, this newly established position will focus on the identification, planning, and initial implementation phases of projects. Initial assignment will assist in implementing the VCU/IBM Digital Library, with subsequent projects to include statewide networking, Internet-based computing, strategies for digitizing collections, and sim ilar efforts using leading-edge technologies. Seeking a creative, self-directed individual with a record of achievem ent in system automation planning and implementation. Requires ALA-accredited MLS o r a master’s degree in an information-related discipline, with several years of experience in library systems or a similar field. SALARY RANGE: $35,000-$50,000. E-mail for information only to: Phyllis Self, Head, Tom pkins-M cCaw Library at pself@ Librarian for Instructional Technology Develops computer-assisted instructional tools for library and Internet research at the university; teaches library and Internet class sessions and workshops; serves on the reference desk. ALA- accredited MLS, o r a master’s degree from an accredited program in instructional technology, education, or com puter science. It is preferred that the candidate have experience in the development of computer- assisted instruction modules and in using software tools for creating instructional and Web-based courses. SALARY RANGE: $31,000-$35,000. E-m ail for information only to: Dan Ream, Head, Instruction and Outreach S ervices, at dream @ Collection Management Librarian for the Sciences Develops and m anages monograph, serial, nonprint, and electronic materials in the sciences. Also coordinates selection of electronic resources, facilitating the identification, evaluation, and selection of electronic resources by the librarians on the collection m anagement team. ALA-accredited MLS required. Preferred is an academic background in the sciences; two or more years experience developing collections and selecting electronic resources in a research library. SALARY RANGE: $31,000-$35,000. E-mail for information only to: Susanna Bartmann Pathak, Head, Collection M anagement Services, at sbpathak@ Virginia Commonwealth University is a publicly supported urban, research university in Richmond, Virginia. It serves 22,000 students on both the Academ ic Campus and the Medical College of Virginia Campus. VCU is a m em ber of the Association for Southeast Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the Coalition for Networked Information. The library has 1.2 million volum es and a materials budget of $4.5 million. APPLICATION: Review of applications will begin April 15, 1997. Submit resume and names and phone numbers of three references to: Frank R. A lle n Head, A d m in is tra tiv e S e rvice s U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry S e rvice s V irg in ia C o m m o n w e a lth U n iv e rs ity 901 P ark A ve., B o x 842033 R ich m o n d , VA 23284-2033 Complete position descriptions and application instructions are available from the library’s homepage at l; further information about the campus may be found at http:/ / Virginia Commonwealth University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Experience working in a culturally diverse environment highly preferred. 220 / C&RL News the humanities or evidence of scholarship, and familiarity with the history of the American West are desirable. Salary and benefits are competitive. To apply, please send a letter of application with vita and three letters of reference by April 15, 1997, to: Executive Director, B uffalo Bill H isto rica l Center, 720 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY 82414. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. W ash ington State University Libraries. Position available: Currently va­ cant. With a solid knowledge of cataloging rules, exercise innovative thinking in approaching cataloging of new forms of information, including serials (print and electric), images, and networked informa­ tion. Work with Library and teaching/research faculty to bring about creative solutions to bibliographic access issues. Perform liaison responsibilities with other Technical Services units, Public Services, and Library Systems to resolve problems and new technical chal­ lenges. Participate in formulation of OPAC policies and decisions, including display issues. Act as team leader for cataloging of serials and nontraditional materials, working with staff to plan and execute cataloging/access projects. Reports to Head, Bibliographic Control in the Technical Services Division. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent; knowledge of AACR2r, LIBRARY DIRECTOR UNIVERSITY OF W ISCO NSIN-EAU CLAIRE The University of W isconsin-Eau Claire, ranked am ong the M idw est’s best educational values by U.S. News and W orld Report, is recruiting a library director. The Director reports to the Assistant Chancellor for Inform ation and T echnology M anagem ent and works with com puting, media, telecom m unications, and institutional planning units in the ITM Division. This annual appointm ent includes faculty rank and begins July 1 , 1997, or as soon the re after as possible. Salary will be com m ensurate with qualifications. The D irector collaborates with university adm inistration, academ ic departm ent chairs, and faculty colleagues to plan and develop a collection of inform ation resources and services that support the university’s academ ic mission of a strong liberal arts and professional education in a distributed learning environm ent. A key elem ent of this collaboration is a form al planning process with departm ent chairs in the three colleges. The Library Director engages in cooperative planning at the UW system and state levels, participates on the UW -Eau Claire D istance Education Council, and will oversee the library’s m igration to its third online system . M c Intyre Library m aintains an active bibliographic instruction program and provides access to a wide array of electronic resources. A selective federal and state depository and a regional historical research center, the library has a collection of m ore than 573,000 volum es, 260,000 governm ent docum ents, 1,207,000 m icroform s, 1,800 current periodical subscriptions, and 3,000 cubic feet of archives and m anuscripts. The D irector supervises 12.5 professionals with faculty rank and status and 18.75 (FTE) classified staff, is responsible fo r personnel, and adm inisters a budget of approxim ately $2.2 million. Q U A LIF IC A TIO N S REQ UIRED : • A LA -accredited MLS; second advanced degree. • A m inim um of three years professional experience in an academ ic library. • Progressively responsible library adm inistrative and m anagem ent experience. • Dem onstrated record of planning and im plem enting innovative library services including technologi cal applications to support the curriculum . • O utstanding oral and written com m unication skills. Q U A LIF IC A TIO N S CO N S ID E R E D ASSETS: • Ph.D. (generally required fo r rank of full professor). • K nowledge of em erging technologies and trends in higher education and the ir im pact on the nature of the academ ic library and the university learning com m unity of the future. • Capacity for developing and sustaining effective relationships with adm inistrators, faculty, staff, and students. • Experience in program and financial planning. • Ability to serve as an advocate, spokesperson, and le ade r fo r the library’s educational mission at the cam pus, com m unity, state, and national level. • C om m itm ent to active support of the curriculum through a strong em phasis on service and an aw areness of the changing nature of know ledge and scholarship. • A record of scholarly and professional achievem ent ap propriate fo r tenure at UW -Eau Claire. (Continued on next page) LCHS, MARC formats, guidelines under development for electronic resources; experience with computer applications in libraries, serials cataloging, and use of bibliographic utilities, preferably OCLC; work­ ing knowledge of at least one foreign language. Preferred: Working knowledge of SGML, HTML, TEI and visual basic programming language; strong communications and organizational skills and apti­ tude for complex, analytical work with attention to detail. Salary: From $25,500, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2; faculty status. Other benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insur­ ance program; 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and complete mailing addresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Library Adm inistrative Office, W a s h in g to n S tate U n iv e rs ity , P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins April 15, 1997. W SU L ib ra rie s ’ h o m e p a g e a d d re s s : h ttp :// WSU is an EEO employer Protected group members are encouraged to apply. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. New M exico State U ni v e rs ity . Description: Provide general reference service with particu- March 1997 / 221 lar emphasis placed upon the use of electronic resources; participate in all phases of reference, including evening and weekend rotation; offer instruction to library users; oversee the library’s web page; evaluate and select electronic products; liaison to Library Systems Office; implement and maintain electronic services; and serve on library and university committees. Qualifications: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; strong public service orientation; extensive knowledge of computer hardware and software, including library applications (Internet, CD-ROMs) and constructing web pages; demonstrated excellence in teaching and/or training; demonstrated interest in emerging technologies for reference services; excellent interpersonal communication skills; second master’s degree and fluency in Spanish are desirable. (For additional information and application procedures, see listing for Social Science/Outreach Li­ brarian, below.) ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. N orthern State U nive rsity is soliciting applications from dynamic and creative librarians for this position in the newly remodeled and enlarged Williams Library. Responsibilities include the development and coor­ dination of access to electronic resources and the supervision of the library’s public service computing systems, and network services. Experience with online library systems required. Government docu­ ments experience an asset. Available July 1, 1997. (For additional infomation and application procedures, see listing for Technical Services Coordinator, below.) ENGINEERING/COMPUTER SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. San Jose State University (SJSU). Duties: Provide general reference assistance to library users and specialized reference support to engineering and computer science students and faculty; select materials for assigned disciplines, including print, electronic, and Internet resources; instruct individuals and classes on discipline-related information retrieval in all formats. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent degree. Experience with print and electronic information resources and ser­ vices and use of Internet and microcomputers for information retrieval and management. Strong grasp of current state of information tech­ nology. Demonstrated understanding of information needs of stu­ dents and faculty in engineering and science. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to work well in a busy environ­ ment, accept change, and be positive, flexible, and creative; maintain effective interpersonal relations with a widely varied public and staff; organize assignments, set priorities, and work with a minimum of (Continued from previous page) THE UNIVERSITY: The University of W isconsin-Eau Claire, with an enrollm ent of 10,500 students, offers undergraduate and graduate program s in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Professional Studies (which includes the Schools of Education, Hum an S ciences and Services, and Nursing). F o r the past two years U.S. News and W orld Report ranked UWEC am ong the top five most efficient regional universities in the M idw est and am ong the top 10 fo r value in relation to quality. UW EC supports cam pusw ide fiber optics, intrabuilding wiring, an innovative faculty and student technology training program , a student-com puter ratio of 11 to 1, and a recently expanded library facility with ethernet connectivity. Known as W isconsin’s m ost beautiful cam pus, UW -Eau Claire spans both banks of the C hippew a River in the heart of w est central W isconsin’s largest city. With a population of 56,000, Eau Claire is 90 minutes east of M inneapolis/St. Paul and is the com m ercial, educational, cultural, and medical c e n te ro f the region. Additional inform ation about UW -Eau Claire and M cIntyre Library m ay be found on the W orld W ide W eb (http://w w w .uw Send letter of nom ination or application, resume, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Pat K le b ig O ffic e o f In fo rm a tio n & T e c h n o lo g y M a n a g e m e n t S c h o fie ld H all R oo m 208 U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in -E a u C la ire Eau C laire , W l 54701 Nom inations and applications from under-represented groups are encouraged. The review of the candidates begins April 15,1997 , and continues until the position is filled. The Search and Screen Com m ittee reserves the right to conduct telephone interviews with selected candidates. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. supervision and as a contributing team member. An awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals and requirements of an ethnically and culturally diverse student population and of a metropolitan university. Ability to work nights and weekends. Preferred: Under­ graduate coursework or library experience in engineering and/or computer science; background or experience in related scientific disciplines. Experience in reference work, collection development, database searching, and library instruction. Demonstrated ability to plan, design, and implement new procedures, projects, or services. SJSU is a major metropolitan university in Silicon Valley, with more than 26,000 full- and part-time students enrolled in baccalaureate, master’s degree, and professional credentials in more than 150 disciplines. Salary and rank: A tenure-track position. A record of progressive professional and/or scholarly development is required for retention, tenure, and promotion. 12-month work plan, plus fringe benefits, at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank beginning at $38,892. 10-month work plan available after one year service. Consideration of applicants will begin on April 1 5 , 1997, and will proceed until position is filled. Send cover letter; complete resume of academic preparation, experience, and qualifications; transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable for initial application); names and addresses of five references. Mail to: University Librarian, c/o Library Personnel Office, San Jose State U niversity, One Washington Square, San Jose CA 95192-0028; phone: (408) 924-2788. An AA/EEO employer. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The General Reference Li­ brarian, an entry level position, reports to the Head of Reference Services and is responsible for providing reference assistance in a centralized reference section as well as formal and informal biblio­ graphic instruction. The successful candidate will assist in all areas of Reference Services, including interlibrary loan, bibliographic in­ struction, government documents, and microforms. The position demands outstanding bibliographic skills, the ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and students, and includes line respon­ sibility for service at the reference desk during scheduled hours, including occasional nights, weekends, and holidays. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MSLS/MLS required. Knowledge of CD-ROM data­ bases and database searching. Strong commitment to public service. Second master’s degree in an academic subject area highly desir­ able. One year of experience in a reference services area of an academic library desirable. Appointment with faculty status, rank, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of application, resume, and the names of three references will be accepted through March 3 1 , 1997, 222 / C&RL News or until position is filled, and should be addressed to: Charles W. Triche III, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, U nive rsity o f S outhw estern Louisiana, USL Box 40199, Lafayette, LA 70504. The University of Southwestern Louisiana is an equal employment oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of North Texas. Responsible for providing reference service to users in a dynamic reference environment. Duties include assistance with print and electronic resources, library instruction, collection development, fac­ ulty liaison, training of staff, and participation in the evening and weekend rotation. Reports to Head of General Reference Services, Willis Library. Required qualifications: MLS/MIS degree from an ALA- accredited program; undergraduate or graduate degree in business administration, economics, or political science; good interpersonal and communication skills, oral and written; working knowledge of print and electronic resources in the social sciences, business, and the humanities; working knowledge of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Preferred qualifications: One or two years experience in an academic reference department, library instruction experience, a graduate degree in business or the social sciences. Rank: Librarian I or II; 12-month renewable appointment; minimum salary $26,000; standard benefits. Screening of applicants will begin April 4, 1997, and continue until position is filled. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers HEAD, CONTINUATIONS CATALOGING SECTION UCLA LIBRARY Under the general supervision of the Head of URL Cataloging, m anages the Continuations Cataloging Section, including ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly autom ated and changing environm ent, and perform s serials cataloging according to the standards outlined above. In addition to the Head, the section is staffed by two FTE librarians and tw o FTE staff. Has personal responsibility for the selection, supervision, and evaluation of the m em bers of the Continuations Cataloging Section. Serves as a liaison with other library units, especially the Serials Departm ent. C onsults with other cataloging agencies on serials issues and explores opportunities fo r increased coordination and cooperation. Coordinates the section’s CO NSE R and NACO operations and partici­ pates in cataloging meetings and standards setting on a national level. Keeps apprised of developm ents and provides leadership, locally and nationally, in developing policies and standards for providing access to both print-based and electronic serials. Participates actively as a m em ber of the Cataloging D epartm ent’s m anagem ent team and advises the Departm ent Head on serials issues. Requires dem onstrated managerial, planning, leadership, com m unication, and interpersonal skills and experience in an academ ic or research library. A bility to w ork with a variety of foreign languages, with reading knowledge of at least two. Direct knowledge of and experience with USM ARC form ats fo r serials, including at le a s t five years cataloging experience in an autom ated environm ent, three of w hich must be cataloging serials. T horough knowledge of AA CR 2 and the Library of C ongress Rule Interpretations. Experience with the Library of Congress Subject H eadings and classification. Experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC. K nowledge of Program for C ooperative Cataloging standards, especially CONSER. SALARY RANGE: $37,932-$54,636. A nyone wishing to be considered for this position should write to: R ita A. S c h e rre i A s s o c ia te U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n fo r P e rs o n n e l a n d A d m in is tra tiv e S e rv ic e s U n iv e rs ity R e se a rch L ib ra ry U C LA 11334 URL, B o x 951575 L o s A n g e le s , C A 90095-1575 The application letter should include a com plete statem ent of qualifications, a full resum e of education and relevant experience, and the nam es of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications fo r this position. Candidates applying by March 31, 1997, will be given first consideration. of at least three professional references to: Martha Tarlton, Chair, Reference Search Committee, Administrative Offices, University Libraries, U n ive rsity o f N orth Texas, P.O. Box 5188, Denton, TX 76203-0188. UNT is an EEO/AA employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. (Search Reopened.) Tulane University Library. Reporting to the Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services, the Head of Cataloging leads and manages a department comprised of six librarians and 12 support staff in organiz­ ing and providing access to the library’s resources, including materi als in print and electronic formats, microformats, and multimedia (both monographs and serials). Responsibilities: Management re­ sponsibilities include overseeing the daily operation of the depart­ ment to ensure that all cataloging activities are accomplished in a timely and cost-effective manner; setting goals, providing direction, and communicating priorities; establishing and revising, as needed, departmental policies and procedures; overseeing the supervision, timely evaluation, training, and continued development of staff; assessing resource needs, coordinating departmental activities, and providing for their evaluation; continually examining and adjusting cataloging objectives in relation to library policies in light of changing circumstances; encouraging continuing education and creating an environment supportive of high performance; exploring innovative use of technology; planning, preparing, and analyzing reports and March 1997 / 223 HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES Thomas J. Watson Library The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Thomas J. W atson Library invites applica­ tions for the position of Head of Technical Ser­ vices. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and coordinating all activities of the Technical Services Department, including ac­ quisitions and monograph and serials catalog­ ing. The Head of Technical Services has direct responsibility fo r the daily operations of all tech­ nical services functions, including: Monitoring w o rk flow, establishing cataloging priorities and assignments, setting policies and procedures, and ensuring training of nine librarians and ten FTE support staff. W atson Library uses the serials control, acquisitions, and cataloging modules provided by Innovative Interfaces, and has been cataloging in RLIN since 1980. This position reports to the Chief Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS with a minimum of six years of progressively responsible technical services experience in a research library. Dem­ onstrated leadership, management, and human resources skills. Detailed knowledge of current cataloging practices, including AACR2, LC Sub­ ject Headings, USMARC formats, and authority control. Experience with RLIN and an integrated library system is essential. Additional experi­ ence with OCLC is highly desirable. Awareness of current issues and trends in technical ser­ vices management and library technology. Work­ ing knowledge of two foreign languages. Art library experience or a background in fine arts is preferred. Please mail letter of application and resume to: The M e tro p o lita n M useum o f A rt D ep artm en t o f Hum an R eso urce s MW 1000 F ifth Ave. New Y ork, NY 10028 statistics; participating in librarywide planning committees and task forces; assuming other duties and responsibilities as assigned. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of four years cataloging experience in an academic or research library. Supervisory experience (minimum two years) in an academic or research library, including experience managing a cataloging or database management unit or project; direct experience with MARC formats, AACR2, Library of Congress classification and subject headings, and a major national bibliographic utility; solid understand­ ing of and commitment to cataloging standards and guidelines, authority control, and the maintenance of high-quality data in an automated environment; demonstrated ability to engage staff in the process of change; demonstrated analytical and organizational skills; flexibility to manage a broad variety of tasks with varying time pressures and changing priorities; excellent interpersonal and com­ munication skills; experience with an integrated library automated system; demonstrated ability to work with diverse staff at all levels. Preferred: Ability to provide leadership in a computer-intensive envi- HEAD, TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES University Libraries University of Cincinnati The University of Cincinnati is seeking a librarian for the head of its T raining and Educational Ser­ vices Department.This is a 12-month faculty (AAUP) position with a minimum salary of $34,000. Position reports to the Dean and University Li­ brarian and is responsible for a staff of six. Strong benefits package, which includes tuition remis­ sion for self and immediate family. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: M A/M S from ALA- accredited program, five years public service in academic library; three years professional expe­ rience in library-related instruction; supervisory experience, including oversight of professionals; direct experience with computer applications and library instruction such as hypertext, authoring systems, CAI, web design and development. For full announcement, visit our web site at: h ttp ://w w w .lib ra rie s .u c .e d u p ho ne : (513) 556-1599 Primary consideration will be given to those appli­ cations received by A p r il 4 , 1 9 9 7 . The University o f Cincinnati is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ronment; experience with technical services operations in a net­ worked environment; participation in professional activities, prefer­ ably at than national level; experience cataloging serials; experience with national cooperative cataloging programs; ability to work with a variety of modern European languages. Salary/benefits: Rank and salary commensurate with experience, minimum $47,000; excellent benefits, choice of health plans, immediate tuition waiver for self, and undergraduate tuition waiver for dependents. To apply: Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, including immediate supervisor, to: Melonie Hughes, Administrative Associate, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane U niversity, New Orleans, LA 70118. Review of applications will begin March 14, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. Tulane University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. The Historic New Orleans Collection. Privately endowed Williams Research Center in French Quarter. Library, manuscripts, and visual holdings support interdisciplinary postgradu­ ate research. Head Librarian directs library and coordinates acquisi­ tions, cataloging, and technical services with archivists, curators, registrars, and systems specialists. Builds collection. Specialized reference. OCLC and Quixis. Required: MLS or equivalent; progres­ sive administrative experience; history graduate work; reference and collection development experience; teamwork; good communication skills. French/Spanish a plus. Send c.v., letter, and three references to: Librarian Search, H istoric New Orleans Collection, 533 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130-2179. IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Monmouth University, located a short distance from the Atlantic Ocean on an attractive 138-acre campus in West Long Branch, New Jersey, seeks a creative, service-oriented Instructional Services/ Reference Librarian. Currently Monmouth University is in a period of expansion, with approximately 5,100 students. The Guggenheim Library serves the needs of the undergraduate and graduate pro grams with a collection of over 205,000 book volumes, over 35,000 224 / C&RL News FIVE TENURE-TRACK LIBRARIAN POSITIONS California State University, Fullerton PUBLIC SERVICES Reference Librarian/Coordinatorfor Bibliographic Instruction Coordinates, participates in, and evaluates dynam ic bibliographic instruction program , including coordination of scheduling of instructional se ssio n s fo r CSUF classes and CSU F-affiliated groups. May train other librarians involved in B l. Creates or coordinates the production and m aintenance of various teaching m aterials, library guides, and handouts. Participates in the provision of reference services to CSU F students, faculty, and staff, and other library users. Participates in com puter-assisted reference service, and in preparation and updating of m aterials m ade available on the Internet. Serves as subject specialist and bibliographer for selected areas. Requirem ent: At least two years postgraduate profes­ sional experience in reference and Bl, preferably in an academ ic library. Reference Librarian/Sciences Specialist Develops program s, services, collections, and instructional m aterials directly supporting learning in the sciences, technology, and engineering. S erves as subject specialist and bibliographer for selected academ ic departm ents. Provides both general and specialized reference services to CSU F students, faculty, and staff, and other library users. Participates in bibliographic instruction program and com puter- assisted reference. Requirem ent: At least tw o years post graduate reference experience in the sciences, preferably in an academ ic library. Requires undergraduate degree in one of the life or physical sciences. TECHNICAL SERVICES Audiovisual/Curriculum Materials Center (AVCMC) Librarian fo r User Services P rovides reference assistance fo r video and sound recordings covering all subject disciplines, and school curriculum m aterials, including teacher education, educational technology, psychological testing, and children’s literature. Provides instruction in the use of AVC M C collections, equipm ent, and com puters, with particular em phasis on multim edia applications and Internet utilization. Produces user guides, AVCM C bibliographies, and instructional m aterials. Assum es prim ary collection developm ent responsibility for film collection. Provides reference collection and reference assistance to instructors in locating and selecting film s for classroom presentations. Requirem ent: K nowledge of educational trends and experience/interest in em erging audiovisual and inform ation technology. Periodicals Librarian for User Services Coordinates electronic user services provided by Periodical Services. Activities focus on access to periodical inform ation in CD-RO M and other electronic form ats, including full-text delivery of periodical inform ation. Trains staff and students who provide public assistance, serves scheduled hours at the Periodical Services Desk, and prepares instructional u s e r guides. Participates in bibliographic instruc­ tion program . Requirem ent: Experience and substantial knowledge of periodical indexing services in CD -RO M and other electronic form ats, online tools, and m icrocom puters. Reference Librarian/Social Sciences or Business Specialist Develops program s, services, collections and instructional m aterials directly supporting learning in the social sciences (including business and econom ics, child development, education, history, psychology, sociology, etc.). S erves as subject specialist and bibliographer fo r selected academ ic departm ents. Provides both general and specialized reference services to CSU F students, faculty, and other library users. Participates in bibliographic instruction program and com puter-assisted reference. Requirement: at least two years postgraduate reference experience in the social sciences/business, preferably in an academ ic library. (Continued on next page) bound periodicals, almost 1,300 periodical subscriptions, and a library faculty of eight. Responsibilities: Under the leadership of the Coordinator of Instructional Support Services and Programs, devel­ ops and implements new and innovative instructional programs; provides training in emerging information technologies, with empha­ sis on curricular support; teaches classes on the effective use and evaluation of information resources; develops teaching materials for traditional and electronic information resources; assists in the identi­ fication and marketing of new departmental services determined by needs assessment and other outreach techniques. Working closely with the Coordinator of Reference Services, provides general and individual reference and research assistance to students and faculty (including one evening per week and rotating weekend duty); partici­ pates in reference collection development; serves as liaison to academic units in assigned subject areas; researches and designs subject handouts, user instructions, and other reference aids; con­ ducts in-house workshops on the use of reference resources and new developments. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; dem­ onstrated ability to teach effectively; proven knowledge of a wide range of electronic and Internet-based reference tools; microcomputing experience using Windows-based programs; excellent interpersonal and communications skills; strong analytical and organizational abilities; commitment to service and teamwork. Candidates must have the potential to meet tenure requirements based on perfor- March 1997 / 225 (Continued from previous page) Please indicate position(s) for which application is made and send resume (including the names and addresses of three references) to: C hair, P u b lic S e rvice s R e c ru itm e n t C om m ittee o r C hair, T e c h n ic a l S e rvice s R e c ru itm e n t C om m ittee U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry , C a lifo rn ia S tate U n iv e rs ity , F u lle rto n P.O. B o x 4150 F u lle rto n , CA 92834-4150 pho ne : (714) 773-2714 fa x: (714) 773-2439 h ttp ://w w w lib ra ry .fu lle rto n .e d u Additional required and/or preferred qualifications may need to be met. Requests for unabridged position descriptions should be directed to the appropriate Search Committee. For full consideration, applications should be received by March 28,1997. Positions will remain open until filled. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL POSITIONS: M aster’s degree in library and/or information science from an ALA-accredited or equivalent institution. Second advanced degree or doctoral equivalency required for tenure. THE UNIVERSITY: California State University, Fullerton, is one of the larger of 23 cam puses which comprise the California State University system. The campus is located in northern Orange County, conveniently close to numerous cultural and recreational sites throughout Southern California. The University offers baccalaureate degrees in 51 fields of knowledge, credential programs fo rt eachers, and graduate (m aster’s level) work in 44 programs. The university library serves approximately 2,300 faculty and staff as well as 22,500 students enrolled in these programs. THE LIBRARY: The university library contains a collection of some 2,000,000 items in a variety of formats: 765,000 books; 2,500 currently received periodical subscriptions; 400,000 documents; and 900,000 microforms. Approxim ately 10,000 books are added per year. A 1 30,000 square-foot addition to the existing library was completed in fall 1996. The staff includes 20 librarians and 40 paraprofession als, plus approximately 250 student assistants. The CSU has been under collective bargaining agreem ents since 1982. C S U F is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. All personnel policies conform with the require ments of Executive Order 11246, Title IX of the Higher Education Amendment o f 1972, the Am ericans with Disabilities Act, and other federal regulations regarding nondiscrimination. mance, university service, and professional service/scholarship. Two years of post-MLS experience in an academic library highly desirable. Appointment is at the rank of Assistant Librarian. Monmouth University’s librarians are faculty members with full academic rank, rights, and responsibilities. Benefits include TIAA/CREF retirement plan, health care and hospitalization insurance, including major medical and dental plans. A letter of application describing candidate’s qualifications along with a current vita listing at least three references should be sent to: Richard Cochran, Dean of the Library, Guggenheim Library, Monm outh U niversity, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. Re­ view of applications will begin on March 20, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. 12-month position available July 1, 1997, overseeing the library operations with a staff of six, reporting to the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs. MLS and five years administrative experience required, doctorate preferred. Must be familiar with current technology. Deadline: April 20, 1997 or until suitable applicant is located. Apply by submitting letter of application, resume, and list of three references to: Brenda Sellers, Abraham Baldwin A gricultural College, ABAC 5, 2802 Moore Hwy., Tifton, GA 31794-2601. AA/EEO. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Univer­ sity of Texas at San Antonio Library seeks a librarian to oversee the daily operation of the instructional component of the Electronic Information and Reference Services Department. The position will be responsible for coordinating teaching activities of professional staff assigned to instruction services; promoting library’s instructional development opportunities and training; developing instructional materials; providing instruction, reference assistance, and research services to the university community. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; practicum or preprofessional reference and instructional presentation experience; ability to work cooperatively and effectively with faculty, staff, and students; commitment to public service activities; basic knowledge of print and electronic reference resources. Preferred: Two years academic library experience, ad­ vanced reference or bibliographic instruction course work, experi­ ence in writing publications, familiarity with presentation software and technology related to web-based instruction. Salary: $26,000 mini­ mum for 12-month appointment. Available: July 1, 1997, contingent on funding. Application: Send resume and letter of application before April 30, 1997, to: Beverly Carver, Head, Electronic Information and Reference Services, U niversity o f Texas at San A nto n io Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0671. UTSA is an EEOA employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. LIBRARY INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Assistant Pro­ fessor (tenure-leading). Central Reference Services Department. Starting July 1, 1997. Oversees the libraries’ one-credit library re­ search course, reaching approximately 4,000 undergraduates each year. Serves as a member of Library Instruction Program Group (LIPG), which oversees many of the libraries’ instructional activities. Acts as contact person and coordinates general library instruction and tours. Works collaboratively with LIPG and other groups to 226 / C&RL News THREE LIBRARY FACULTY POSITIONS San Diego State University Library San Diego State University is the largest of the 23 cam puses in the California State University system, with an ethnically diverse student body of approxim ately 29,000 students and 2,200 faculty. SDSU is the only cam pus in the California State University system to be designated a Doctoral University II by the Carnegie Foundation. Now in its centennial year, it offers bachelor’s degrees in 76 areas, the m aster’s in 54, and the doctorate in 10. Its mission is to provide well-balanced, high-quality education for undergraduate and graduate students, and to contribute to knowledge and the solution of problem s through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. Additional information is available at http://w w w In support of this mission, the library has built a collection of over one million volum es, provides access to num erous electronic resources, and offers a variety of user-focused services. In 1996 the Library opened its 114,000 square foot addition, which includes over 100 public workstations, tw o electronic classroom s, and a state-of-the-art Media Center. Additional inform ation is available at http://libw Minority candidates and recent graduates are specifically invited and encouraged to apply. These are all full-time, tenure track, 12-month faculty positions, with ranks of either Senior Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications and experience. Starting salary range: $38,892- $49,044. Award of tenure is dependent upon evidence of continuing professional development and service. Desired appointment date fo r all three positions is July 1 , 1997. The university provides an excellent benefits package, including 24 days of vacation per year. Send letter of application, resume, and at least three names of reference to: H elen H en ry, D ire c to r L ib ra ry O p e ra tio n s and A d m in is tra tiv e S e rv ic e s San D ieg o S tate U n iv e rs ity 5500 C a m p a n ile Dr. San D iego, C A 92182-8050 A pplications may also be subm itted by e-mail. Send to hh en ry@ Please indicate the position(s) applied for. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by March 31, 1997, when the A ppointm ent Com m ittees will begin screening. For additional inform ation see http:// Electronic Resources/Sciences Catalog Librarian RESPO NS IBILITIES: C oordinates cataloging of electronic resources including m ultim edia formats, com p uter file s, and Internet-accessible resources, creation of links or access notes in the OPAC, HTML/ SG M L activities for the library web server, and special projects. C atalogs m aterials in all science subjects. Som e reference desk, collection developm ent, and/or library instruction responsibilities. QUALIFIC ATIO NS: REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA -accredited institution or equivalent. Knowledge of AACR2r, national cataloging standards, LC classifications, LCRI, LCSH, and O CLC /M AR C tagging. Experience with bibliographic utilities and integrated local library system s (OCLC and Innovative Interfaces preferred). Excellent oral and written com m unication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work collegially and effectively with individuals or in groups. Strong analytical skills. Dem onstrated com m it­ m ent to professional developm ent and service. PREFERRED: S ciences cataloging and subject skills. Cataloging experience in an academ ic or scientific/technical library. W orking knowledge of W indows 95, O PACs (character and web-based), HTML, and the Internet. (Continued on next page) provide leadership in library instruction by incorporating technolo­ gies, and assessing learning outcomes. Supervises 1.00 FTE support staff. Provides reference and electronic resource services in the main library. May be assigned liaison and collection management respon­ sibilities in one or more humanities or social sciences disciplines. Participates in other library activities and serves on committees. Works some nights and weekends. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; strong public service philosophy; excellent oral and written commu­ nication skills; ability to work flexibly and creatively in a changing environment; and ability to interact positively and productively with library colleagues, students, faculty, and staff. Preferred: Reference and library instruction experience in an academic library; education course work or teaching experience; familiarity with wide range of print and electronic resources in humanities and social sciences; supervi­ sory experience; and current knowledge of emerging information technologies and their application to library instruction and reference services. $28,000 minimum for a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher, depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Applicants should submit a letter of application and current resume that explicitly address how their education, relevant experience, and other relevant qualifications meet the duties of and qualifications for this vacancy, by April 15, 1997, to: Larry Kahle, Associate Dean of Libraries, 141 Love Library, U niversity o f N ebraska-Lincoln, P.O. Box 880410, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. The applicant should also submit the names, current addresses, and current telephone numbers of three references who are knowledgeable of the applicant’s qualifi­ cations. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a plural­ istic campus community through affirmative action and equal oppor- March 1997 / 227 (Continued from previous page) Governm ent Publications/Maps Librarian RESPONSIBILITIES: Serves at Governm ent Publications and Maps reference desk. Selects and acquires maps, including federal depository maps. Provides instruction and reference assistance in the use of maps and government publications. Coordinates cataloging of maps resources. Participates in the library collection developm ent program. QUALIFICATIONS: REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent. C ourse w ork or experience in either governm ent publications or maps librarianship. Ability to apply technology to information services. Excellent oral and written com m unication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work collegially and effectively with individuals or in groups. PREFERRED: A degree in geography or related field. Knowledge of maps cataloging. Media Librarian This is a new position. The successful candidate will play an important role in shaping the future of the library’s media services. Entry-level candidates with a background in media will be considered. RESPONSIBILITIES: Identification, selection, management, and preservation of media resources in the library. Overall management of library’s Media Center, including supervision of one FTE staff member and three FTE student assistants. Assists faculty, staff, and students in the use of media materials. Coordinates media services and collections with university’s Instructional Technology Services unit and Music and Art Departments. Serves at general reference desk. W orks with technical services to provide expertise in processing nonprint materials. Additional subject bibliography responsibilities dependent upon qualifications. QUALIFICATIONS: REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent. Experience with media and nonprint materials and related equipment. Knowledge of trends in nonprint media. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Com m itment to public service. Ability to work effectively with faculty and students in a collegial environment. PREFERRED: Relevant academic library experience. Demonstrated management and supervisory skills. S D S U is an affirmative action/equal opportunity Title IX employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis o f race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, or disability. tunity and is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Dis­ abilities Act; contact Larry Kahle at (402) 472-2526. LITERATURE/HUMANITIES SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Lockwood Memorial Library. The specialist provides expertise and leadership in collection development, instruction, and specialized research ser­ vices to faculty and students in English, linguistics, media studies, philosophy, and sciences. The incumbent must have strong subject expertise in an area of the humanities, preferably literature, and be knowledgeable about and interested in electronic resources in the humanities and their integration in library services. The incumbent must demonstrate enthusiasm and abilities for innovative program design and creative approaches to services and to access to humani­ ties resources. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accred­ ited institution; demonstrated knowledge of print and electronic resources in the humanities; two years post-MLS public service experience in research libraries; demonstrated interest in and ability for the development of innovative programs and services. Desired: Advanced degree in the humanities, preferably English/literature; collection development experience. Rank and salary: Tenure-track position with faculty status at the rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian. Rank and salary commensurate with education and expe­ rience; minimum $32,000 Senior Assistant Librarian, $37,000 Asso­ ciate Librarian. Those interested may wish to examine the Lockwood Memorial Library web site at Iml. UB offers a generous benefits program: optional retirement programs, including TIAA/CREF; optional health coverage programs; 15 to 21 days vacation per year; and more. Send letter of application and resume, including the names of at least three references to: Kenneth Hood, Human Resources Officer, U niversity at Buffalo Libraries, 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1625. Search Commit­ tee will begin reviewing applications immediately and continue until an appointment is made. MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN. University of Minnesota Libraries. The Mathematics Librarian provides reference, instructional, and collec­ tion-related services to approximately 100 faculty and several hun­ dred students in the Schools of Mathematics and Statistics and to many of the over 700 research scholars who visit the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications each year. In addition, the Math­ ematics Librarian manages and plans for the long-term needs of the Mathematics Library, including an increasing emphasis on electronic resources in a digital environment. Staff includes one professional librarian, one library assistant, and student support. For a complete position description and more information on the Mathematics Li­ brary, see Required quali­ fications: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science or foreign equivalent; an understanding of collection management in the sci­ ences and trends in scientific scholarly publishing; experience provid­ ing reference assistance in mathematics or another science; knowl­ edge in and experience applying information technologies, including the Internet and networked online databases, to address the needs of library users; strong commitment to public service; ability to work effectively with and relate well to a culturally diverse community of faculty, students, and library colleagues; initiative, self-direction, and an ability to work independently; excellent written and oral communi­ cation skills; strong interpersonal skills; ability to meet the University of Minnesota’s requirements for promotion and continuous appoint­ ment (see below). Preferred qualifications: Collection management experience in mathematics or another science strongly preferred; supervisory experience strongly preferred; academic background in mathematics or another science; experience planning and delivering instruction; relevant experience in a mathematics library. Type of appointment and salary: This is a full-time, 12-month academic/ professional position, with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Librarians at the University of Minnesota have Profes­ sional Academic status. Appointees at the Assistant Librarian rank have six years to achieve continuous appointment, which is based on significant growth and contributions in the following areas: (1) job performance; (2) contributions to the libraries and the university; and (3) contributions to the profession. Salary range $30,000-$35,000, depending on experience and qualifications. Generous benefits. To apply, send a letter of application discussing how your background and experience fulfill each required qualification of the position (also address preferred qualifications as appropriate), a current resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail ad­ dresses of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries Human Resources Officer, University Libraries, 453 Wilson Library, The U niversity o f Minnesota, 309 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Application must be postmarked by March 3 1 , 1997. Please identify application with the number UL61. Questions about the 2 2 8 / C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY North Carolina Wesleyan College North Carolina W esleyan College, a liberal arts college associated with the United M ethodist Church, serves approxim ately 1,800 students, 700 at the residential cam pus in Rocky Mount and 1,100 adults in degree-completion programs at G oldsboro, Raleigh, and Rocky Mount. The college seeks faculty com m itted to teaching and m entoring undergraduates of both traditional and non-traditional age, to participating in the com m unity life of a residential campus, and to the practice of liberal education as a moral enterprise. The successful candidate must give strong evidence of intellectual versatility, a spirit of collegiality, a strong service orientation, and a desire to participate in planning and supporting a cross-disciplinary, general core curriculum. See m ore about NCW C and its future plans on the web at http://w w w .ncw A LA -accredited MLS required; an advanced degree in another discipline and experience in a liberal arts institution preferred. NCWC is seek­ ing an academ ic leader who can assist the college in rethinking the role of the library and its acquisitions, both print and electronic, into the next century. The college is centralizing technol­ ogy to make optimal use of networking and inform ation technology to deliver library ser­ vices. The Director’s challenge will be to design and im plem ent a plan to support a changing curriculum and multiple audiences, including off- cam pus sites. The successful candidate m ust be able to w ork effectively with faculty and students to integrate inform ation search skills into new and developing courses and program s across the disciplines. Experience in library adm inistration, including staff training and budget managem ent, and su­ perior com petence and facility with com puters are required. Please subm it a detailed letter of application, vitae, and the nam es and addresses (including e-mail addresses) of three references to: R ic h a rd L. W a ts o n III, C ha ir D ire c to r o f L ib ra ry S earch C o m m itte e N o rth C a ro lin a W e s le y la n C olleg e 3400 N. W e sleya n B lvd . R o c k y M o u n t, NC 27804 e -m a il: rw a ts o n @ n c w c .e d u NCW C is an equal opportunity em ployer and encourages applications from women and minorities. position may be directed to the chair of the search committee: Janice Jaguszewski, Science & Engineering Library, 108 W alter L ib ra ry, 117 P le a s a n t St. SE, M in n e ap o lis, MN 55455; e-m ail: j-jagu@ The University of Minnesota is an equal oppor­ tunity educator and employer. NIGHT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Night Reference Librarian, an entry-level position, reports directly to the Head of Reference Services. Incumbent is responsible for providing reference assis­ tance in a centralized reference section Sunday through Thursday nights. Additionally, incumbent provides formal and informal biblio­ graphic instruction and serves as night supervisor of all sections in operation during the evening and night hours (these sections include Circulation, Reserve, Reference, Microforms, and Louisiana Room). Position demands outstanding bibliographic skills, the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse faculty and student popula­ tion, and includes line responsibility for effective service at the reference desk. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MSLS/MLS required. Knowledge of CD-ROM databases and database searching. Strong commitment to public service. A second master’s degree in an academic subject area and one year of experience in a reference services department desirable. Appointment with faculty status, rank, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of application, resume, and the names of three references will be accepted through March 31, 1997, or until position is filled, and should be addressed to: Charles W. Triche III, Director of Libraries, University Libraries, U nive rsity of S outhw estern Louisiana, USL Box 40199, Lafayette, LA 70504. The University of Southwestern Louisiana is an equal employment oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE— CATALOGING LIBRARIAN/INSTRUCTOR. Educa­ tional Leave Replacement. Bloomsburg University seeks temporary librarian for academic year 1997-98. Position is divided between Reference and Cataloging. If no acceptable applicant is identified, the university will consider creating two half-time positions, one reference and one cataloging. Responsibilities: Provides reference desk ser­ vice, assists patrons in use of computer databases, participates in the library instruction program; shares evening and weekend rotation at the reference desk; catalogs federal and Pennsylvania documents, maps, and other collections. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; knowl­ edge of AACR2, OCLC, MARC; demonstrated ability to work with diverse populations. Preferred: Minimum of one year of professional experience in reference and cataloging services in an academic or research library; subject familiarity with the social sciences. Recom­ mendation by the majority of the regular, full-time department faculty. Academic year, 1997-98, position available starting August 2 5 , 1997. Salary: Full-time, $29,338; half-time, $14,669. No benefits for half- time positions. Submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Charles L. Lumpkins, Chairperson, Search and Screen Committee, Harvey A. Andruss Library, B loom sburg U nive rsity o f Pennsylva­ nia, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Application deadline: Only applications postmarked by April 15, 1997, can be assured full consideration. Bloomsburg University is an AA/EEO employer. Persons of color, women, and all other protected class members are especially urged to apply. AA #03-6-85. For more information, visit our web site at: http:/ / REFERENCE/DISTANCE LIB R A R Y SERVICES LIB R A R IA N . Einstein Library. Nova Southeastern University, a private university with a commitment to excellence in distance education and technol­ ogy, invites creative, innovative, and dynamic applicants for the position of Reference/Distance Library Services Librarian. The suc­ cessful candidate shares responsibility for assisting students and faculty on and off campus; provides general reference and instruc­ tional services using print and electronic resources; conducts formal library instruction through general tours, on-the-road presentations, and hands-on training labs; prepares traditional and online documen­ tation; contributes to the development of the reference collection and assigned subject areas of the main collection. Qualifications: Mini­ mum of one to two years post-MLS experience in public service. Experience using and teaching both CD-ROM and online resources. Must have a strong grasp of the current state of information technol­ ogy and its potential for innovative reference services for distance education. Must have excellent organizational, communication, in­ structional, and interpersonal skills, with ability to work both coopera­ tively and independently and to foster teamwork. Must have experi­ ence in bibliographic instruction or demonstrate teaching skills. Must have ability to incorporate emerging instructional technology into the design and provision of user education. Applicants must be willing to travel by air and/or land and to work evening and weekend hours as needed. Minimum salary of $28,500 for a 12-month appointment. March 1997 / 229 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Landmark College Landmark College is the nation’s only accredited college for students with dyslexia, ADHD, and specific learning disabilities. Landmark College has reopened a search for a Director of Library Services for its library opened in 1985. The library has 32,000 volumes, including an 800-volume collection on learning disabilities, a staff of three professional and two paraprofessional librarians. Current college enrollment is approximately 260 full-time students. REQUIRED BACKGROUND: ALA-accredited MLS, at least five years experience in academic library administration. Experience initiating and completing an automation project, as well as bringing other technology into the library environment. Vision and ability to execute long-range plans for both the library and the college as a whole, as a member of the President’s Council. Demonstrated ability to manage change and incorporate new approaches to motivation, productivity, and teamwork. Strong leadership and communication skills. Clear understanding of evolving role of academic library. Demonstrated fund raising/ grant writing ability. Commitment to initiating library instruction program for persons with learning disabilities and developing rapport with students. DUTIES: Responsible for the operation of the library, including all services, policies, collection development, reference, tech service, and staff management. Participates in the hands-on daily operation of the library, reporting to the College President. This is a full-time, calendar-year position with annual vacation and comprehensive benefit package. Please send a resume and three references, with salary requirements, to: L a n d m a rk C olleg e D ire c to r o f Hum an R eso urces RR 1, B ox 1000 P utney, VT 05346 EEO Competitive benefits package including TIAA/CREF and tuition ben­ efits. Position will remain open until a suitable candidate has been hired. Submit letter of application, resume, and at least three current references to: Douglas Buck, Human Resources Department, Nova Southeastern U niversity, 3301 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314. For more complete information contact Harriett MacDougall, Associate Director, Einstein Library, Nova Southeastern University, at the address above, or call (954) 262-4606; fax: (954) 262-3805. Nova Southeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportu­ nity employer and encourages applications from minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides reference and information ser­ vices, both electronic and traditional. Conducts library-related re­ search instruction. Contributes to the libraries’ collection develop­ ment and information access program as a selector for philosophy and religion. Produces print and electronic reference guides and related informational materials. Reports to Head, Reference and Information Services; incumbent’s collection development assign­ ment is coordinated by the Social Sciences Bibliographer. Qualifica­ tions: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program required. Master’s degree in philosophy or religion highly desirable. One to two years of professional experience in reference, electronic information provision, or collection development also highly desirable. Compensation: $28,500 (for 10-month work year), may be higher depending on qualifications. Additional month of work may be required for an added 9.6 per cent of annual salary. Benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission and TIAA/CREF retirement plans. Appli cation procedure: Send letter of application addressing qualifications, resume, and names of three references to: Martha Henderson, Chair, Search Committee, Administrative Services Department, Paley Li brary (017-00), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Closing date for applications: April 12, 1997. An AA/EO employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Bowling Green State University is seeking applicants for a tenure-track faculty Science Librarian position. Pri­ mary responsibilities include providing reference service, database searching, and other public services; and, as a member of a self directed team, coordinating all activities and services related to developing and planning reference service, library user education, and collection development in the Science Library. Required qualifi­ cations include an ALA-accredited MLS, an academic background and/or experience in the sciences, especially in the chemical sci­ ences, and a strong commitment to public service. Preferred qualifi­ cations include professional library experience, strong interpersonal skills, and science bibliography course work. Assistant Professor preferred, but candidates at all levels will be considered. Qualified applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the U.S. Salary competitive, dependent on related experience. The anticipated start­ ing date is July 1, 1997. BGSU is an AA/EEO employer and encour­ ages applications from women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities. Send letter of application, current curriculum vitae, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses of three current references to the following address, postmarked by March 31, 1997: Beverly J. Stearns, Office of the Dean, 204 Jerome Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. SOCIAL SCIENCE/OUTREACH LIBRARIAN. Description: Provide general reference services using both print and electronic sources; participate in weekend and evening rotation; participate in collection development; participate in library instruction program; serve on library and university committees; provide outreach services on campus, especially to ethnic, foreign, first-year, returning and nontra- ditional students; provide sensitivity training to library staff in working with students with disabilities. Qualifications: An MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated reference skills in social sciences (particularly law); computer literacy; one to two years experience in outreach services; teaching experience; demonstrated facility with statistical information resources, including numeric data in electronic format; CD-ROM database and Internet searching exper­ tise; excellent written and oral communication skills; demonstrated ability to meet the requirements for faculty promotion and tenure; second master’s degree in a social science and fluency in Spanish are desirable. New Mexico State University, New Mexico’s landgrant university, enrolls approximately 15,000 students in 75 undergradu­ ate, 50 master’s, and 20 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is classi­ fied as a Carnegie I research institution and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). The library contains approximately one million volumes and has an annual budget 230 / C&RL News BUSINESS INFORMATION LIBRARIAN Baker Library Harvard Business School RESPO NSIBILITIES: Baker Library is seeking a dynam ic and creative public-services-oriented busi­ ness librarian to deliver reference service in ach an gin g environm ent. The successful candidate will have a proven expertise in delivering business reference. The position has a strong em phasis on innovative planning and execution of services. As a part of the Business Inform ation Services team, s/he will evaluate service deliverables and subsequent modifications for improvement. There is a wealth of growth opportunity for a librarian who is highly engaged and envisions the possibilities in the virtual library and workspace. The full-tim e position will report to the M anager of Business Inform ation Services and work closely with all public services staff. Evening and w eekend assignm ents will be rotated within the department. Prim ary shared responsibilities are as follows: Im plem ents new instructional strategies, trains and instructs library users and Baker Library staff in finding a breadth of business inform ation through the Internet, online catalogs, and other electronic formats, as well as in Baker Library. Conducts general and specialized library tours, develops and delivers workshops on a variety of topics to HBS students and staff. Designs and writes docum entation, interactive training m aterials, user aids, and publicity for the library’s home page and other publications. Reviews current journals for industry statistics, rankings, and topics of interest to library users. C onsults with library clientele on inform ation needs to identify appropriate sources and search strategies. Perform s online searches. W orks with faculty in designing, researching, and producing curriculum support products for classroom use. Specific responsibilities will be to help in the ongoing developm ent of a program for desktop access to reference service to the HBS com m unity and help develop support inititatives. S/he will have the ability and the desire to contribute to new library service initiatives with an eye toward service delivery to remote users via telephone, e-mail, and the W orld W ide W eb. Experience in rem ote custom er support and/or non-traditional reference service is highly desirable. QUALIFIC ATIO NS: ALA-accredited MLS, three to five years professional experience in business reference in an academic, special, or business library. Proven experience designing homepages and web docum ents. Experience searching online such as Dialog, Dow Jones, and Investext. Exceptional interpersonal and presentation skills. Excellent written skills and understanding of the specific needs of a graduate business library. Send resume to: L au re n B a c c u s H um an R e s o u rc e s F o w le r 10 H a rva rd B u s in e s s S c h o o l S o ld ie rs Field B o s to n , M A 02163 exceeding $5 million. The university library operates two buildings (New Library, with the humanities and social science collections, and Branson Hall with the science, technology, and business collections) and a new, state-of-the-art electronic classroom. Library computer resources include VTLS, INNOPAC, OCLC, Internet access, FirstSearch, campuswide CD-ROM LAN, and multiple microcomputer applications. Compensation: Salary and rank are dependent on quali­ fications (minimum $28,500 for instructor rank and $31,500 for assis­ tant professor rank). 12-month appointment. Benefits include 22 vacation days per year, medical and other insurance, and support for faculty development. Review of applications will begin March 3 1 , 1997, and continue until May 16, 1997. To apply, please mail or fax a letter of application, a current resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Karen Stabler, Chair, Search Committee NMSU Library, Box 30006/Dept. 3475, New M exico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006; fax: (505) 646-4335; e-mail: For additional information, please visit our library web site: NMSU is an AA/EEO employer. An offer of employment is contingent upon verification of the individu­ al’s eligibility for employment in the U.S. SYSTEMS/COLLECTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES HEAD. San Francisco State University. Tenure-track position. Responsibilities: Provides leadership for and manages a new division encompassing library systems, collection management (including acquisitions, col­ lection development, technical services, document delivery), and special collections/archives. Establishes goals, sets priorities, and develops work assignments in collaboration with faculty, coordina­ tors, and unit heads in the division; represents the Division on the Library Management Team and participates in librarywide planning and policymaking. Leads the Library Systems Group in internal systems planning and management and in work relating to implemen­ tation of the INNOPAC Library Information System and the CSU Unified Information Access System. Plays a leadership role in the implementation of INNOPAC, including automation of current manual processes for serial ordering, payment, check-in, and bindery func­ tions. Oversees a collections budget of over $2.5 million. Coordinates the work of Special Collections Council (comprised of Special Collec­ tions/Archives, the deBellis Collection of Italian Culture, and the Labor Archives & Research Center). Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; a minimum of five years of appropriate experience with progres­ sively responsible administrative assignments, including significant systems responsibility/expertise and management of at least one of the above-named collection management areas. Broad and demon­ strable knowledge of technical services and collection development/ management, including budget planning and management; demon strated knowledge and skills related to library systems (including internal local area networks and/or intranets, network connectivity). March 1997 / 231 GERMANIC LANGUAGES CATALOGER The Harvard Law School Library The Harvard Law School Library seeks a dynam ic and creative cataloger to take responsibility for original cataloging of monographs in German, Dutch, the Scandinavian, and other Germanic languages. The successful candidate will report to the Cataloging Services Librarian and will perform original and m em ber cataloging of m onographs, including descriptions, subject analysis, and classification, using AACR2, LC Subject Headings, and LC and local classification systems. Cataloging is perform ed in RLIN or in HOLLIS, the Harvard University Library’s online bibliographical system. You will also create name and series authority records for the Harvard Authority File and the LC Name Authority File via NACO. As circumstances require, you may also catalog English-language monographs, serials and electronic resources. MLS, fluent knowledge of German, and working knowledge of other Germanic languages required. Two to three years cataloging experience, preferably in an academ ic library, and fam iliarity with automated cataloging procedures required. Harvard Law School Library is undergoing a period of rapid change, including complete renovation of our physical plant and incorporation of the latest information technology throughout the library. W e seek an individual who welcom es change, with a dem onstrated ability to manage multiple priorities effectively. To apply, please send resume, cover letter, and three reference names to: H arry S. M artin III H arvard Law S c h o o l L ib ra ry 1545 M a s s a c h u s e tts Ave. A re e d a Hall 227 C a m b ridg e, MA 02138 Demonstrated leadership ability; strong analytical and problem solving skills; excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communica tion skills with diverse faculty, staff, and students. Ability to wor within and to foster a collaborative, collegial environment. Tenure track appointment at the Associate or full Librarian level; rank an salary dependent upon qualifications and experience (minimu $49,044). As faculty members, librarians are expected to mee general faculty requirements for tenure and promotion. Enhance description available at: Nominations ar welcome. Candidates should submit a letter of application, resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three refer ences to: Pam Kullberg, Personnel Assistant, J. Paul Leonard Li brary, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Ave., Sa Francisco, CA 94132. Review of applications will begin April 1 , 1997 and continue until the position is filled. San Francisco State Universit is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. To implement, maintain, and support al DRA modules; educate users about DRA Find, GALILEO, and othe electronic information resources; participate in planning for an administering library services; and share reference duties wit other librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and library auto mation support experience. Preferred: DRA, Open VMS, and aca demic library experience. Immediate opening. Salary and benefit commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit cove letter, resume, and three references to: Director, The John Bulo Campbell Library, Colum bia T he o lo gical Sem inary, P. O. Bo ­ ­ k - d m t d e , ­ ­ n , y , l r d h ­ ­ s r w x 520, Decatur, GA 30031-0520. TECHNICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR. Northern State Univer­ sity is soliciting applications from dynamic and creative librarians for this position in the newly remodeled and enlarged Williams Library. Responsibilities include the supervision and coordination of all pur­ chasing, acquisition, processing, and cataloging activities for the library. The incumbent serves as the prime technical contact with the South Dakota Library Network/PALS system and with Minitex and OCLC. PALS experience an asset. This position supervises 2.5 FTE library associates and additional student staff. Available im mediately. For both this position and the Electronic Resources/ Reference Librarian position listed above, an ALA-accredited MLS is required, as are at least two years appropriate profes­ sional experience. Supervisory experience highly desired. Excel­ lent oral, written, and computer communication skills are essen­ tial, as is the ability to work in a collegial fashion. Web page development skills an asset. These positions carry faculty rank and status; a second master’s degree required for appointment to a tenure-track position. NSU is a Carnegie MA I, multipurpose regional, state-supported institution offering associate, bacca­ laureate, and graduate degrees. Send letter of application ac­ companied by a vita, transcripts, and three letters of recommen­ dation to: Samuel Gingerich, Vice-President for Academic Af­ fairs, N orth e rn S tate U n iv e rs ity , 1200 S. Jay St., Aberdeen, SD 57401-7198. Consideration of applications will begin April 15, 1997, and continue until the position is filled. Preliminary inter­ views may be scheduled for ACRL in Nashville. AA/EOE. L a te J o b L is tin g s SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Wright State University Libraries. Responsible for all aspects of serials operations. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or related master’s degree; minimum of two years library technical services experience, preferably in serials. Full posting available on request. Salary: $33,180 minimum. Review of applications will begin March 31, 1997. Send application letter, resume, and names of three current references to: Chris Watson, 126 Dunbar Library, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435. AA/EEO employer. 23 2 / C&RL News LEA R N IN G TECH NOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Palomar Community College. Starting range: $32,503-$50,289. Ten months per year, tenure-track positions to begin August 1997. Applications and full announcement available via our web site: http:// Or call (619) 744-1150, ext. 2247. Palom ar College, San Marcos, California. EO/AAE. BIBLIO G R APH IC INSTRUCTION/INFORMATION COM PETENCY LIBR AR IAN. Palomar Community College. Starting range: $32,503-$50,289. Ten months per year, tenure-track positions to begin August 1997. Applications and full announcement available via our web site: Or call (619) 744-1150, ext. 2247. Palom ar College, San Marcos, California. EO/AAE. ASSISTANT IRRC LIBRARIAN. University of Illinois Library (U-C), Urbana, Illinois. Duties: Under the direction of the coordinator of the Illinois Reference and Research Center (IRRC), is responsible for the daily operations and supervision of all aspects of interlibrary loan services in the IRRC. Assists in the development, imple­ mentation, and review of policies and procedures of the IRRC. Develops and applies new technologies to streamline and improve services. Performs advanced bibliographic work on problem citations. Trains and advises staff on bibliographic search procedures, contributes to departmental planning and management. In the absence of the Coordi­ nator, provides leadership to the IRRC staff and represents the IRRC at pertinent University Library and resource sharing consortia meetings. The Illinois Reference and Research Center is responsible for providing access to the Libraries, collections for requesters worldwide via the interlibrary loan service. Statewide resource sharing utilizing the Illinet online network is a large part of that volume. The Unit also mediates requests for material not locally available to the University community. The IRRC operates a fast paced and high volume operation with lending requests currently totaling over 100,000 and mediated borrowing, over 24,000 annually. Qualifications: Required: Master’s Degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school or its equivalent. A minimum of one year pre-professional or professional experience in a large public or academic library. Demonstrated experience with a variety of computer applications. Familiarity with major bibliographic utilities such as OCLC or RLIN. Demonstrated ability to do advanced bibliographic verification work using a variety of bibliographic tools. Evidence of supervisory skills. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively. Evidence of ability to engage in research and scholarly activity. Desired: Experience working in an interlibrary loan unit. Experience in training, directing, and evaluating the work of other employees. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Experience with database design, HTML, word-processing applications, and the use of spreadsheet software. Salary and rank: Salary commensu­ rate with credentials and experience. The Library’s minimum salary for appointment as Assistant Professor is $30,000. Librarian’s have faculty rank and must demonstrate excellence in Librarianship, research publication, and university/professional/commu­ nity service in order to meet university standards for promotion and tenure. Applica­ tion deadline: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references, by April 3 , 1997, to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, 127 Library, University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL, 61801; Phone (217) 333-5494. AA/ EOE. RECRUIT THE BEST … E-mail your ad to JHelbig@ and get a 10% discount. … ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS