ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 622 / C&RL News ■ October 2003 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg Jane Hedberg Assessing p reservation needs The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) has published Assessing Preservation Needs: A Self-Survey Guide by Beth Patkus. This 96 -page workbook is intended to help people with limited preservation experience design a preserva­ tion program tailored to meet institutional needs. It con tain s step -by -step instructions and worksheets for surveying collection conditions and guidance for analyzing the results and determining preservation priorities. Worksheets provide a framework for detailed assessment o f the institu­ tional overview, building environment, external threats and water protection, security and access, storage, preservation microfilming and facsimiles, digital imaging, reformatting photographs and au­ diovisual materials, and repair and treatment They also facilitate examination of common collection formats, such as bound volumes and pamphlets, documents and manuscripts, photographs and negatives, oversized and framed materials, news­ print, scrapbooks and ephemera, and audiovisual materials. Amigos Library Services, Inc. and OCLC have created a 30-minute companion video that will be available separately. Copies o f the guide are $15, including ship­ ping and handling, and may be purchased from NEDCC, Attn: Juanita Singh, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone: (978) 470- 1010; fax: (978) 475-6021; e-mail: juanita®; URL: For more in­ formation about the video, contact Amigos, 14400 Midway Road, Dallas, Texas 75244-3509; phone: (800) 843-8482; fax: (972) 991-6061; e-mail: amigos@amigos.oig; URL: www.amigos.oig. IPM electronic list There is a new electronic list about integrated pest management (IPM), created to continue the dis­ cussion that began at the Society for the Preserva­ tion of Natural History Collections’ 2003 confer­ ence. Several papers and a special interest group meeting at that conference generated ideas wor­ thy o f further consideration. Possible topics for discussion include: database models for storing and mapping monitoring data, an image database to aid pest identification, pros and cons o f trap­ ping versus daily monitoring, and practical tips for using freezing or C 0 2 treatments. Leon Zak, of Zak Software Inc. and a member o f the Image Permanence Institute team that developed the Climate Notebook software, is hosting the elec­ tronic list. To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv® and put “sub scribe pmd your_full_name” in the body of the message. C olor p h o to book fre e Henry Wilhelm has made his classic book, The Permanence an d Care o f Color Photographs: Tra­ ditional an d Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, an d Motion Pictures, available for free download on his Web site. This 758-page “bible” o f color photography contains 20 chapters that cover which products last longest, accelerated ag­ ing tests, light fading, dark fading, yellowish stain­ ing, monitoring, permanent preservation of color motion pictures, print mounting, handling and matting photographs, materials for storage and display, display illumination, storage environments, and much more. The book is available as a high-resolution PDF at N itra te film The International Federation o f Film Archivists (FIAF) has published This Film is Dangerous: A Celebration o f Nitrate Film‚ edited by Roger Smither. Its 720 pages include editorials and en­ dorsements, papers from the Ju n e 2000 FIAF Congress, essays and anecdotes about nitrate film, accounts o f nitrate restoration projects, plus a bibliography and filmography. The book costs 60 Euros, plus shipping and handling, and is available from FIAF, 1 Rue Defacqz, B -1000 Brussels Belgium; e-mail:; URL: ISBN: 2-9600296-0-7. ■ Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (6 1 7 )4 9 6 -8 3 4 4 mailto:amigos@amigos.oig http://www.amigos.oig C&RL News ■ O ctober 2003 / 623