ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1989 / 605 PUBLICATIONS • Access to Library Resources through Technol- ogy and Preservation: Proceedings o f the 1988 U.S.- U.S.S.R/ Seminar, edited by Robert P. Doyle (155 pages, May 1989), contains the papers presented at a seminar in W ashington on July 5-8, 1988, spon­ sored by the ACLS U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commission on Library Cooperation, administered in the United S tates by th e I n te r n a tio n a l R esearch a n d Ex­ changes Hoard, organized by th e Am erican L i­ brary Association, and held in cooperation with the L ibrary of Congress. The sessions covered such topics as the autom ation of libraries and inform a­ tion services in the U.S. and the U .S.S.R., biblio­ graphic control of inform ation in a com puter envi­ ro n m e n t, n a tio n a l a n d in te rn a tio n a l issues in library networking, and the current status of pres­ ervation program s. Soviet participants in the semi­ nar included th e director of the Lenin State Li­ brary, N. S. Kartashov, and the director of the U.S.S.R. State Public Library of Science and Tech­ nology, A. S. Sorokin. Am erican participants in­ cluded Richard DeG ennaro, H enriette Avram, Su­ san M artin, Patricia B attin, Ann Russell, and Peter Sparks. Copies m ay be obtained for $25.00 from ALA Publishing, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-7300-0. • The AC LS Survey o f Scholars: The Final Report o f Views on Publications, Computers, and Libraries, by H erbert C. M orton, Anne J. Price, and Robert Cam eron Mitchell (137 pages, M arch 1989), con­ tains the results of a 1985 survey of more th an 5,000 humanists and social scientists on a wide range of issues related to their experiences as authors and us­ ers of scholarly publications, as users of academic libraries, and as users of com puter technology in their research and training. The prelim inary re­ port originally appeared as a special issue of Schol­ arly Com m unication, the quarterly newsletter of the Office of Scholarly Com m unication and Tech­ nology, and was discussed in th e F eb ru ary and May 1987 issues of C irR L News. This final report presents a revised and expanded discussion of the survey findings, as well as 30 additional tables, a new section on the views of retirees, a technical ap­ pendix on the survey procedure, and a special anal­ ysis of the academic library d a ta by Paul B. Kan­ tor. Copies m ay be ordered for $27.50 (bound) or $14.75 (paperback) from University Press of Amer­ ica, 4720-A Boston W ay, L a n h a m , MD 20706. ISBN 0-8191-7260-X; 7261-8. • Anomalies in Geology: Physical, Chemical, Bio- logical, compiled by W illiam R. Corliss (329 pages, M arch 1989), is a catalog and bibliography of u nu­ sual geological phenom ena. Included in this vol­ um e (part of a series th a t now encompasses geo­ p h y s ic a l, a s tro n o m ic a l, a n d to p o g ra p h ic a l anomalies) are such oddities as living animals en­ tom bed in rocks and earth; the causes of biological extinctions and explosions; unusual petrifactions and lignifications; anomalies associated w ith the origin of oil, coal, m ethane, and ocean w ater; unu­ sual surface films on rocks; flexible rock; ringing rocks; zones w here natu ral fission reactors may have existed; luminous and explosive rocks; and unusually rad io a ctiv e fossils. E ach category is rated in terms of anomalousness, briefly described, and supplem ented w ith a representative list of sci­ entific sources. Copies m ay be ordered for $18.95 from The Sourcebook Project, P.O . Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057. ISBN 0-915554-23-2. • Brittle Books Programs, SPEC Kit $152 (121 pages, March 1989), contains the results of a survey of ARL libraries on the evaluation, bibliographic searching, replacem ent, preservation photocopy­ ing, and preservation m icrofilm ing of books and serials th a t have become too brittle to handle w ith­ out risking damage. More th an 90 % of the 64 li­ braries th a t responded have some mechanism in place for systematically identifying brittle books. This kit also contains planning documents, organi­ zation charts and job descriptions, selection and searching procedures and forms, guidelines and workflow descriptions, m icrofilming and photo­ copying procedures, and a selected reading list. A copy m ay be ordered for $20.00 (prepaym ent re­ quired) from SPEC, Office of M anagem ent Ser­ vices, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ash­ ington, DC 20036. • Checklist o f Bibliographies Appearing in the Bulletin o f Bibliography, 1 8 9 7 -1 9 8 7 , edited by Naomi Caldwell-W ood and Patrick W. Wood (144 pages, May 1989), is a fully cum ulative index to the quarterly Bulletin o f Bibliography from its incep­ tion in 1897 by the parent company of the F. W . Faxon Com pany. All articles, reviews, editorials, and bibliographical notes are indexed. The check­ list costs $75.00 and m ay be ordered from the Meckler C orporation, 11 F erry Lane West, West- port, CT 06880. ISBN 0-88736-237-0. 606 / C&RL News • Constitutional Issues and Archives, edited by Mary Boccaccio (81 pages, 1988), is a collection of papers presented a t the Fall 1987 m eeting of the M id - A tla n tic R e g io n a l A rc h iv e s C o n fe re n c e (MARAC), held in C harlestow n, W est Virginia. This is th e first in a series of “Archival Symposia” to be p u b lish e d by MARAC a n d e d ite d by E rik a Thickm an Miller. Nine essays address specific top­ ics in freedom of inform ation and personal p ri­ vacy, privacy issues in docum enting society and governm ent, and copyright issues. Copies m ay be o rdered for $6.00 from B rother Denis Sennett, M ARAC S e c re ta ry , F ria rs of th e A to n e m e n t, G raym oor, G arrison, NY 10524. • D ir e c to ry o f F in a n c ia l A id s f o r W o m e n , 1989 -1 9 9 0 , by G ail Ann Schlachter (464 pages, May 1989), contains m ore th an 2,200 references and cross-references to scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, aw ards, and internships designed prim arily or exclusively for w om en. Over 70% of th e c o n tin u in g p ro g ra m s re p o rte d su b stan tiv e changes in their locations, requirem ents (particu­ larly application deadlines), or benefits since 1987, th e date of the last edition of this directory. The volum e is divided into four separate sections: a de­ scriptive list of financial aids, a list of state sources of educational benefits, an annotated bibliography of directories listing general financial aid p ro ­ grams, and a set of five indexes. T he book is avail­ able for $42.50 from Reference Service Press, 1100 Industrial Road, Suite 9, San Carlos, CA 94070. ISBN 0-918276-09-8. • Enter, Save, Delete...: Libraries Pioneering into the N e x t C entury, edited by Douglas G. Birdsall (1989), contains five papers presented during the Academic L ib rary Section’s Research Forum at the joint conference of the M ountain Plains L ibrary Association and th e M ontana L ib rary Association, April 26-29, 1989. Topics included in this volume are: a proposed m ethod for describing the collec­ tion in tw o-year m aterials selection policy state­ ments; reference assistant training; th e reference li­ b ra ria n , and privacy and accessibility a t work; the Billings Area H ealth Science Inform ation Consor­ tium ; and basing jo urnal cancellation decisions on usage data. Copies of this and earlier MPLA pro­ ceedings m ay be requested from H enry R. Stew art, D irector of L ibrary Services, W illiam Allen W hite L ibrary, E m poria State University, Box 51, E m po­ ria, KS 66801. • Free Magazines fo r Libraries, by Adeline Mer- cer Smith and D iane Rovena Jones (228 pages, 3d e d ., June 1989), includes approxim ately 500 en­ tries of free “house magazines” in 66 categories of a rt, business, hum anities, social sciences, policy, science, and education. Such titles as Misleading A dvertisin g B ulletin, Political L ife in Sw eden, R o p e T a lk, a n d T u b e Topics a re described in depth. An introduction discusses th e purpose and audience of house magazines and provides hints on w here to look for inform ation on oth er free m aga­ zines, w hile an appendix provides a basic list of magazines for small to m edium libraries, m aga­ zines outstanding for their illustrations, and m aga­ zines indexed in periodical indexes and abstracts. T he book costs $19.95 and is available from Mc­ F a r la n d & C o m p a n y , Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-389-6. • Getting Published in W om en’s Studies: A n In- temational, Interdisciplinary Professional Develop­ m ent Guide M ainly fo r W om en, by Helen Rippier W heeler (241 pages, June 1989), provides guidance for professionals a n d academics in w om en’s studies w ho are trying to get published for the first tim e or w ho are underpublished. A list of cu rrent and ac­ cessible resources a n d a glossary are provided. Copies are available for $19.95 from M cFarland & C om pany, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0- 89950-400-0. • International Conference on Research Library Cooperation, sponsored by th e Research Libraries G roup (168 pages, 1988), consists of papers deliv­ ered at th e conference, which was held at Stanford, O ctober 1-4, 1984. Topics include cooperation in the PICA library netw ork, shared cataloging net­ works in the Federal Republic of G erm any, the linked systems project, new cooperative ventures in th e U .K ., resource s h a rin g a m o n g research li­ braries, and in ternational cooperation in preserva­ tion. Copies m ay be ordered for $39.95 from H a ­ w o r th P ress, 10 A lice S t., B in g h a m to n , NY 13904-1580. ISBN 0-86656-596-5. • The fo u m a l o f Com puting in Higher Educa- tion, v o l.l, n o .l (Spring 1989)- , is a refereed journal to be published by th e New E ngland Re­ gional C o m p u tin g P rogram (NERCom P) sem i­ a n n u a lly in M a rc h a n d S e p tem b er. E d ite d by C arol M acKnight, director of th e Office of Instruc­ tional Technology a t the University of M assachu­ setts, Amherst, th e journal will publish scholarly essays, reviews, reports, and research articles th a t contribute to th e understanding of th e issues, prob­ lems, and research associated w ith instructional technology and educational m anagem ent inform a­ tion systems. This first issue includes articles on new tools for courseware production, com puter- assisted instruction in the liberal arts, and “T ech­ nological Innovations in H igher Education: Are They Possible?” Personal subscriptions are $18.00 for N ERCom P m em bers, $32.00 for others; libra- ry/institutional subscriptions are $25.00 for N ER ­ Com P m em bers, $42.00 for others. O rder from N ERCom P, 439 W ashington St., Braintree, MA 0 2 1 8 4 .ISSN 1042-1726. • Land Husbandry: A Framework fo r Soil and W ater Conservation, by T. X. Shaxson, et al. (64 pages, M arch 1989), explains how to integrate soil and w ater conservation m easures into agricultural production systems on steep lands throughout the w orld. The handbook contains applicable guide­ lines for planning th e best use of land resources, new thoughts a b o u t th e principles of lan d hus- 608 / C&R L News bandry, and a step-by-step guide to practicing con­ servation principles. It was w ritten by soil and w a ­ te r conservationists follow ing an in te rn a tio n a l conference held in M arch 1987 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Copies are available for $12.00 from the Soil a n d W a te r C o n se rv a tio n S ociety, 7515 N .E . Ankeny Road, Ankeny, IA 50021-9764. ISBN 0- 935734-20-1. • Les Nouvelles Frances: France in Am erica, 1500-1815, an Imperial Perspective, by Philip P. Boucher (122 pages, 1989), is th e catalogue of an exhibition at the John C arter Brown L ibrary com ­ m em orating the bicentennial of th e outbreak of the French Revolution. Illustrated w ith m any maps, engravings, and sam ple pages, th e catalogue re­ lates th e history of New France w ith ample refer­ ences to the m aterials in the Brown University exhi­ bition and the im pact they h ad on the politics and culture of early America. Copies m ay be requested from th e John C arter Brown L ibrary, Box 1894, Providence, RI 02912. • M anaging the N e w Electronic In form ation Products, by Stephen E. Arnold and L inda Rosen (200 pages, June 1989), is a guide for librarians fac­ ing purchase or m an ag em en t decisions on CD- ROM products. Included are sections on how to de­ velop a strategic plan for CD-ROM ; a review and assessment of CD technology; how to find support and funding for acquisitions; a n d a glimpse into the future of optical technology. Copies m ay be or­ dered for $24.95 from Riverside D ata, P.O . Box 545, Sudbury, MA 01776. • OPACs and Beyond (120 pages, 1989) has been published as volum e 10 in the O C L C Library, In ­ form ation, and C om puter Science series. Papers published in this book w ere presented at the O C LC O nline C om puter L ibrary C enter in D ublin, Ohio, August 17-18,1988, during the second in a series of invitational meetings sponsored by the British Li­ brary, the Direction des Bibliothèques, des Musées et de l’Inform ation Scientifique et Technique (DB- MĪST), and OC LC . Many aspects of Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs) are covered in this vol­ um e, including OPAC research in th e United King­ dom , subject authority control, com m unicating in natu ral language, and union catalogs on personal su p e rc o m p u te rs . C opies m ay be o b ta in e d for $12.50 (non-O CLC m embers m ust prepay) from O C L C , D e p t. 630, Box ON B, C olum bus, OH 43265. Specify product code 8086. ISBN 1-55653- 070-6. • The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature, edited by M. C. How atson (615 pages, 2d ed., May 1989), is an encyclopedia of literary, politics1, so­ cial, and artistic achievements of the Classical Age, from th e entry of the Greeks into Greece around 2200 B.C. to the 6th century A.D. There is ample coverage of the developm ent of various literary forms, such as epic, rhetorical w riting, comedy and tragedy, and a full explanation of poetic m e­ tre. Supplem enting extensive biographical entries are articles on the origins of the Greek and Latin alphabets and languages, while entries on books and w riting and the transmission of ancient texts tell of the dissemination of these works and their collection in th e great libraries of th e Hellenic world. The book costs $39.95 and is available from Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-19-866121-5. • Selecting Library Furniture: A Guide fo r Li- brarians, Designers, and Architects, by Carol R. Brown (112 pages, 1989), provides guidance in de­ term ining the specific furnishing requirem ents for a library and choosing furniture of an appropriate type and quality to m eet those needs. Ninety-five illustrations show current trends in library furnish­ ings and help describe the technical considerations of furniture selection. Copies m ay be ordered for $25.00 from Oryx Press, 2214 N. C entral a t En- canto, Phoenix, AZ 85004. ISBN 0-89774-535-3. • Toward the Year 2001: Cooperative Collection Development and Resource Sharing in the South­ west, edited by B art Harloe (49 pages, 1989), fea­ tures papers and proceedings of a workshop on li­ b r a r y c o o p e ra tio n h e ld in L a s C ru c e s, N ew Mexico, in Novem ber 1988. Follow ing a keynote address by Paul Mosher, Jeanne Sohn discusses co­ operative collection developm ent from a New Mex­ ico point of view, D ora Biblarz covers the topic of collection developm ent policies and the Arizona experience, Sara H eitshu addresses th e technical is­ sues involved in resource sharing and cooperative collection developm ent, and M ary Keckley de­ scribes trans-border cooperation and the Texas ex­ perience. An audiotape and p rinted version m ay be o b ta in e d fo r $ 1 4 .5 0 ( p r in te d o n ly , $8.5 0 ; a udiotape only, $8.50) from Patsy H ernandez, Collection M anagem ent D epartm ent, New Mexico State University Library, Box 30006, D ept. 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006. O rders m ust be p re­ paid, w ith checks m ade out to the NMSU Library. • The Vampire in Literature: A Critical Bibliog- raphy, edited by M argaret L. C a rte r (143 pages, M ay 1989), covers all aspects of vam pire fiction a n d non-fiction. E ntries include anthologies of vam pire fiction and verse, non-English vam pire fiction in translation, and dram a. The bibliogra­ phy is preceded by three critical essays, “The Study of Vampirism in L iteratu re” and “An Anatomy of V am pirism ” by M argaret C arter, and “T he V am ­ pire in Legend, Lore and L ite ratu re,” by Deven- d ra P. V arm a. P articular attention is paid to varia­ tions on vampirism in science fiction and fantasy, touching upon such topics as vam pire plants, Love- craftian entities, and psychic predators. Copies are available for $34.95 from UMI Research Press, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann A rbor, MI 48106. ISBN 0- 8357-1998-7. • The Virginia Atlas and Gazetteer (80 pages, 1989) is the latest in a series of superb state topo­ graphic maps published by the D eLorm e M apping Com pany. The level of detail is excellent for those July/August 1989 / 609 who like to backpack across rugged terrain or take back roads w ithout getting lost. No folding state m ap comes close to this for locating place names, recreational areas, campgrounds, canoe trips, bi­ cycle routes, fishing areas, Civil W a r sites, muse­ ums, wildlife areas, scenic drives, and wineries. T he series now covers F lo rid a , Pennsylvania, O hio, New York, V erm ont, N ew H am pshire, M aine, M ichigan, Wisconsin, W ashington State, and California. Atlases for M innesota and Tennes­ see will be published soon. E ach atlas costs $12.95 and is available from D eL orm e M apping C o., P.O . Box 298, Freeport, ME 04032. ■ ■ CALENDER September 17-19—M anagem ent technology: The M idwest C h a p te r of th e M edical L ib ra ry Association (MC/MLA) will hold their 39th annual confer­ ence at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. The con­ ference this year will offer a tw o-track program w ith a focus on new and emerging technologies in the control and m anagem ent of inform ation w ith a second focus on m anagerial and economic issues in small m edical libraries. Key speakers in­ clude Jen n ifer C arg ill, Beverly L yn ch , Jane Robbins, Sherrilynne Fuller, and Mary H utch­ ings Reed. Special events will be a vendor exhibit and a com puter lab —free instruction on IBM- PC equipm ent in a fully operational 20 worksta­ tion PC lab. Fee: $95. Contact: Sharon Wochos, H ealth Sciences Library, St. M ary’s Hospital, 2323 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee, W I 53201. O ctober 3 -6 —M anagem ent skills: The Office of M anage­ m ent Services is offering a three and a half day program in Baltimore, M aryland, focusing on th e individual’s relationship to th e library orga­ nization and to others w ithin the organization. Designed w ith library professionals w ith m ana­ gerial, adm inistrative, or supervisory responsi­ bilities in m ind, the program covers the areas of group leadership, interpersonal skills, and orga­ nizational diagnosis. Fee: $375. C ontact the OMS Office M anager at 1527 New Ham pshire Avenue, N .W ., W ashington,D .C . 20036; (202) 232-8656. 10-13—In fo rm atio n m anagem ent: “T eam w ork and Technology” will be the them e for INFO 89, the Inform ation M anagem ent Exposition and Conference at th e Javits C onvention C enter, New York. The topics for the first three keynote speakers will be “Aligning Inform ation Systems and C orporate G oals,” “Using Technology to E nhance Your Business Success,” and “Develop­ ing an Inform ation In frastru ctu re.” INFO cov­ ers the entire range of inform ation products for business and concentrates on PC integration and m ulti-vendor environm ents. Exhibits include P C ’s, P C -to -m a in fram e in te g ra tio n systems, m in ico m p u ters, connectivity p ro d u cts, local area networks, peripherals, telecom m unication and datacom m unication systems, desktop p ub­ lishing and presentation systems, com puter secu­ rity, data storage systems, high-speed output de­ vices, fa c s im ile system s, a n d th e la rg e s t collection of business-oriented software at any U.S. event. Contact: Show M anager, INFO 89, 999 Sum m er St., Stam ford, C T 06905; (203) 964-0000. 12-13—Databases: The University of Toronto an­ nounces the second conference on database us­ ers, to be held in Toronto. The goal of the confer­ ence is to bring together people in the industrial and academ ic communities who are concerned w ith the behavior of database users. Prom inent speakers from across N orth America will present the latest research findings and industrial experi­ ence in the areas of user demographics, methods of studying user behavior, user training and as­ sistance techniques, and recent changes in d a ta ­ base content and technology. T he program will be of interest to all types of inform ation profes­ sionals concerned w ith developing and using database systems. Sponsors are th e University’s F a c u lty of L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n Science (FLIS) and the C anadian Association of D ata and Professional Services O rganization/Associa­ tion canadienne des entreprises de services en in- form atique (CADAPSO). T he registration fee is $195 C anadian or $160 U.S. Student registra­ tions are $35 C anadian or $28 U.S. Contact: Charles M eadow, Faculty of L ibrary and Infor­ m ation Science, University of Toronto, 140 St. George Street, Toronto, O ntario M5S1A1; (416) 978-4665.