ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 502 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 IN T E R N E T R E SO U R C ES Navigating the Web of discourse on the scholarship of teaching and learning An annotated Webliography by Musa Abdul Hakim We believe the tim e has com e to move be­ y o n d the tired old “teaching versus re­ search ” debate a n d give the fa m ilia r a n d honorable term “scholarship” a broader, m ore capacious m eaning, one that brings legitim acy to the f u l l scope o f academ ic work. Surely, scholarship m eans engaging in original research. B u t the work o f the scholar also m e a n s stepping back fr o m o n e ’s investigation, looking f o r co n n e c ­ tions, building bridges between theory a n d practice, a n d com m unicating o n e ’s know l­ edge effectively to students. — E. L. Boyer, 1990 In 1998, the Carnegie Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts launched a m ultiyear project called the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) to support the developm ent of a scholarship of teaching and learning in academ e. In the present academ ic environm ent, w here teach­ ing is still undervalued in favor of research, the initiative has beg u n to stimulate a change of academ ic culture that som e feel is long overdue. Due to the lack of a com prehensive index to the grow ing num ber of sites on the schol­ arship of teaching and learning, finding m a­ terials on this subject can be time consum ­ ing. This selective annotated Web guide or “W ebliography” aims to facilitate access to W eb-based information on the burgeoning in­ ternational CASTL project. In this W ebliography I have selected only sam ple sites that are either illustrative of the project’s objectives and achievem ents or sites with indexes and links to additional print and Internet resources.1 O rg a n iz a tio n s a n d ass o c iatio n s • A m e r ic a n A s s o c i a t i o n f o r H ig h e r E d u c a tio n (AAHE). AAHE is an individual m e m b e r o rg a n iz a tio n th a t p ro m o te s th e changes higher education m ust m ake to e n ­ sure its effectiveness in a com plex, intercon­ nected world. AAHE equips individuals and institutions w ith the know ledge they need to bring these changes about. The “Teaching Initiatives” area of the site seeks to create a culture in which teaching and learning are the subject of serious discussion. Access: h ttp :// w w w • T h e AAHE CASTL C a m p u s P r o g r a m W eb C enter. This official CASTL site offers connections to oth er p e o p le involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning a n d to helpful resources for your o w n w ork. The Cam pus Program involves faculty m em bers at m ore th an 200 colleges and universities. An im portant feature of this site is “Director’s Recom m endations” of docum ents in the field. Access: h t tp ://a a h e .ita l.u te x a s .e d u /in d e x . cfm. About the author Musa A b d u l H akim is reference lib ra ria n a tE .H . B u tle r Library, SUNY-Buffalo State, e-m ail: h a kim m a@ C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 503 • T h e C a r n e g ie A c a d e m y f o r t h e S c h o l­ a r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L e a r n in g . A m a­ jor initiative of the Carnegie Foundation for the A dvancem ent of Teaching, this program builds on a conception of teaching as schol­ arly w ork proposed in the 1990 report, Scholarship Re­ c o n s id e r e d , b y f o rm e r Carnegie Foundation Presi­ dent Ernest Boyer, and on the 1997 follow-up publication, Scholarship As­ sessed, by Charles Glassick, Maiy Taylor Huber, a n d G e n e M aeroff. Access: h ttp ://w w w . • CASTLHigherEd. An official link to CASTL programs and resources that provides a facility for subscribing to the CASTL News mailing list. Access: http -J/w w w . carnegiefoundation. org/ CASTI/highered/docs/highered.htm. • T h e M a r ic o p a In stitu te fo r L ea rn in g . The M aricopa Institute for Learning provides a yearlong learning fellowship for highly in­ novative faculty and a place, time, and com ­ m unity to.- commit and engage in comm unity college leadership; investigate, research, and develop learning a n d teaching scholarship; and manifest and promote deeper understand­ ing and com m itm ent to student learning. A c ­ cess: http ://h a k a tai. m cli. dis t . m arico p a. e d u / m il/brochure/scholarship.htm l. • T h e S c h o l a r s h i p o f E n g a g e m e n t ( O n lin e ) . The East/West Clearinghouses for the Scholarship of Engagem ent sponsor the National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagem ent to provide external p e e r review and evaluation of faculty’s scholarship of e n ­ gagement; provide consultation, training, and tec h n ica l assistance to c am p u ses se ek in g to develop systems in support of this schol­ arship; conduct forums, program s, and re­ gional conferences; a n d provide a faculty m e n to r in g program . Access: h ttp ://w w w . sc holarshipofengagem us.phtml. P ro g ram s • C e n te r f o r N e w D e s ig n s in L e a r n in g a n d S c h o l a r s h i p (C N D L S ). B a s e d at G eorgetow n University, the CNDLS integrates teaching, learning, technology, and research. Access: h ttp ://c n d ls.g e o rg e to w n .e d u /in d e x . htm. • T h e S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L ea rn in g (SoTL). This page from Illinois State University contains links to internal support for SoTL work, links to other sites about SoTL, and materials or links to exam ples of SoTL w ork. Access: h ttp ://w w w index, shtml. • T h e V is ib le K n o w le d g e P r o je c t. A five-year-old project of CNDLS, the Visible Know ledge Project is a aim ed at improving the quality of college and university teaching through a focus on both student learning and faculty developm ent in technology-enhanced e n v iro n m e n ts . Access: h ttp : // c r o s s r o a d s . georgetow n. e d u /v k p /. E lec tro n ic jo u rn a ls • AAHE B u lle tin . The AAHE Bulletin is AAHE’s m onthly newsletter, offering inter­ views, special reports, and practical how -to articles. It also is an im portant source of news a b o u t AAHE’s a c tiv itie s. Access: h t t p : / / w w w • T h e C a r n e g ie C h r o n ic le . This is a spe­ cial section o f the National Teaching and Learning Forum online edition with sponsor­ ship and support from the Carnegie Founda­ tion for the Advancement of Teaching. It con­ tains supplem ental materials, including re­ search proposals and additional contact in­ form ation to accom pany the stories in this section. Access: http://ww /htm l/lib/ carnegie/index.htm . • in v e n tio : a jo u r n a l o f c r e a tiv e t h in k ­ in g a b o u t le a r n in g a n d t e a c h in g , inventio is a project of the D epartm ent of Instructional Im provem ent and Instructional Technologies at G eorge Mason University. It serves as a source of creative thinking about learning and teaching. Access: http://w w w inventio/. I N V E N T I O • T h e N a tio n a l T e a c h in g & L e a r n in g F o r u m o n - lin e e d it io n (NTLF). Growing from the success of the print Forum, this online journal offers readers interactive ac­ cess to information a n d discussion of teach­ ing. Access: http://w w w .n m /. • R e s e a r c h & C r ea tiv e A c tiv ity -O ffic e o f R e s e a r c h a n d t h e U n iv e r s ity G rad u ate S c h o o l, In d ia n a U n iv e r sity . As an overview of the diverse and interesting program s of research, scholarship, and creative activities conducted at Indiana University, Research & http://crossroads 504 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 Creative A ctivity offers its readers an o p p o r­ tunity to becom e familiar with the professional accom plishm ents of its distinguished faculty a n d g r a d u a t e s tu d e n ts . A ccess: h t t p : / / ww w. 1. html. G u id e lin e s a n d re p o rts • T h e AAHE T e a c h in g I n itia tiv e s: P u b ­ lic a t io n s . From the start of the Teaching Ini­ tiatives project in 1990, alm ost every line of inquiry has b o th built on and led to publica­ tions from AAHE and others. This is a selec­ tive list of these publications. Access: h ttp :// ww w. a a h e . org / teaching/Publications. htm. • A c a d e m ic L ib r a r ia n sh ip a n d t h e R e­ d e f in in g S c h o la r s h ip P r o je c t. At the July 1996 ALA Annual Conference, the ACRL Board of Directors a p p o in te d a task force to w rite a formal statem ent defining a n d describing the kind of scholarship perform ed by academ ic librarians. As a fram ework, they used the tax­ onom y developed by Eugene Rice and elabo­ rated by Ernest Boyer in his 1990 book Schol­ arship Reconsidered: Priorities o f the Professo­ riate. This is the task force report. Access: http:// www. ala. org/ acrl/ipfr. htm l. • C a r n e g ie A c a d e m y f o r t h e S c h o la r ­ s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L e a r n in g F a c u lty F e llo w s h ip s . The CASTL faculty fellowship program ’s primary purpose is to create a com ­ m unity of scholars w h o will contribute to the s c h o la r s h ip o f te a c h in g . Access: h t t p : / / w w w s/grants/castl. cfm. • T h e C a r n e g ie T e a c h in g A c a d e m y C a m p u s P r o g r a m . For institutions in all sec­ tors p rep a re d to m ake a public com m itm ent to n e w m odels of teaching as scholarly w ork to im prove the quality of student learning and the status of teaching, this site has useful in­ structions. The site includes a tw o-part in­ struction sheet for “Cam pus Conversations.” A ccess: h t t p : / / w w w . a a h e . o r g / t e a c h i n g / C arnegie/ academ y 1 .htm. • T h e P e e r R e v ie w o f T e a c h in g . The Peer Review of Teaching Project, an AAHE em phasis from 1994 to 1998, has contributed significantly to the current Carnegie Teach­ ing Academy Cam pus Program. This site fea­ tures current activities from the project along w ith b a c kground in history and docum ents. Access: h ttp ://w w w .a a h e .org/teaching/Peer_ Review.htm. • P o s i t i o n S t a t e m e n t O n D e f i n i n g S c h o l a r s h i p F o r T h e D i s c i p l i n e O f N u r s in g . This d o c u m e n t o f th e A m erican A ssociation o f Colleges o f N ursing provides sta n d a rd s th a t clarify a n d d e sc rib e a full ra n g e o f sc h o la rsh ip w ith in th e d isc ip lin e o f n u r s i n g . A c c e ss: h t t p : / / w w w . a a c n . n c h e .e d u /P u b lic a tio n s /p o s itio n s /s c h o la r . htm . • R e in v e n t in g U n d e r g r a d u a te E d u ca ­ tio n : a B lu e p r in t f o r A m e r ic a ’s R e se a r c h U n iv e r s itie s . This report of the Boyer Com­ m ission on Educating U ndergraduates in the Research University outlines “Ways to change u n dergraduate e d u catio n .” The co n cep t of integrated education requires restructuring b o th the pedagogical and the integrative as­ pects of the research university experience. Access: h ttp : / / n a p l e s . c c . s u n y s b . e d u /P r e s / boyer.nsf/. • T h e S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L ea rn in g : Q u e s t io n s a n d A n s w e r s f r o m t h e F ie ld . (From the D ecem ber 1999 AAHE Bulletin) Barbara Cambridge requests that you “Add y o u r answ ers to these five interesting questions: Does scholarly teaching differ from the scholarship of teaching? W ho does the scholarship of teaching? Is this scholarship disciplinaiy-specific or interdisciplinary? What role do students have in this work? H ow do cam puses encourage the scholarship of teach­ ing?” Access: h ttp ://w w w .aah e.o rg /b u lletin / dec99f2.htm. • T h e T e a c h in g E x c h a n g e -“T o w a r d a S c h o l a r s h i p o f T e a c h i n g . ” T his is th e sp eech by Michael J. V. Woolcock, Ph. D., on the occasion of the dedication a n d 10th anni­ versary of the founding of the Harriet W. Sheridan C enter for Teaching a n d Learning. Access: http ://sheridan-center. stg.brown, e d u / te a c h in g E x c h a n g e /ja n 9 8 /T E _ s c h o la rs h ip . shtml. • T h e T e a c h in g I n it ia t iv e s : P r o j e c t s a n d L in e s o f W ork T h e P e e r R e v ie w o f T e a c h in g . This is an excerpt from M aking Teaching C o m m u n ity Property: A M en u f o r Peer Collaboration a n d Peer Review. This vol­ um e is from a 12-university project, entitled From Idea to Prototype: The Peer Review o f Teaching. The author, Pat Hutchins, believes that teaching, like o th er form s of scholarly activity, is substantially intellectual w ork. A c ­ cess: h t t p : / / w w w . a a h e . o r g / p u b s / m a k in g . htm. http://www.aacn C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 505 T u to ria ls a n d a d d itio n a l resources • A n A n n o ta te d B ib lio g r a p h y o f th e S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L e a r n in g in H ig h e r E d u ca tio n . This frequently cited bib­ liography from 1999 aim ed to establish a baseline against which progress in the higher e ducation arena could be gauged. Access- h ttp ://w w w highered/bibliography.htm. • A (G r o w in g ) B ib lio g r a p h y o n t h e S c h o la r s h ip o f L e a r n in g a n d T e a c h in g . This is a rich and w ell-organized index with links to some of the m ost important resources on SoTL and its com ponents, e.g., bibliogra­ phy, assessment, definitions of the field, class­ room action research, new learning p a ra ­ digms, and other Internet resources. Access- h t t p : / / w w w . b y u i . e d u / r i c k s / e m p l o y e e / HUN S AKERS/SOLTBibliography. htm . • C a r n e g ie F o u n d a tio n eL ibrary. An ac­ cess point to important discourse around the schol­ arship of learning theme and related resources. Access: h ttp ://w w w eLibrary/docs/elibrary.htm. • C a r n e g ie T e a c h in g A c a d e m y D e f in i­ t i o n o f t h e S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g . This interactive site at University of Michigan- D earborn allows users to com m ent on the Carnegie and UM-Dearborn definitions that appear in frames on the page w hen users mouse o v er h ig h lig h te d p h rase s. Access: h ttp : // • D o c u m e n t in g (E valu atin g) th e S c h o l­ a r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L e a r n in g w i t h T e c h n o lo g y . After participating in this tuto­ rial slide session created by Jeanne Enders of Portland State University you will have: d e ­ fined scholarship, scholarship of teaching, and scholarship of teaching and learning with technology; identified the difference betw een scholarship of teaching/learning with tech­ nology a n d teaching excellence (scholarly teaching); identified ways to evaluate each (on a prom otion and tenure committee). A c ­ cess: h ttp://w w w tions/AAHEFRR/sldOOl .htm. • S ch olarly C om m unication: A R esou rce Guide fo r PSU Faculty. This page provides ac­ cess to resources related to trends and issues in scholarly communication, as well as resources for faculty wishing to publish in the disciplines or in the scholarship of teaching and/or community service. Access: scholarcomm.html#scholarship. • S c h o la r sh ip i n M ed ical E d u ca tio n . To address the n e e d to evaluate the scholarship of faculty in the m edical sciences, the Central G roup on Educational Affairs of the Associa­ tion of American Medical Colleges undertook a project on educational scholarship in an effort to develop, dissem inate, and facilitate im plem entation of a re n e w e d co n c ep t of scholarship as it relates to medical education. Access: http://w w w .m edlib.iu p u i.e d u /c g ea/ geasclrpro.html. • T h e S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L e a r n in g . This tutorial slide p resentation gives examples of the scholarship of teaching. Access: http://ntm • S c h o la r s h ip o f T e a c h in g a n d L earn ­ in g D i s c u s s io n F o r u m . Participate in an American Association for Higher Education Web co n fe re n ce . Access: h ttp ://a a h e .ita l. • SOTL In d ia n a . One of the best tutorials I’ve seen, this is a good place to begin m ak­ ing sense of the field. The tutorial provides a prim er on SOTL and is well enough indexed to also serve encyclopedically for those w ho seek information about specific SOTL-related top­ ics. Access • T e a c h in g A s S c h o la r s h ip E x e r c ise . The AAHE Peer Review Project has em pha­ sized teaching as a form of scholarship. Much of that em phasis is reflected in the following exercise, originally developed by Shulman and Hutchings, and modified here by Ken Bain at N orthw estern University Searle C enter for Teaching Excellence. Access: http://president. scfte. n w u . e d u /Scholars. htm#Boyer. N o te 1. T he first e d itio n of this a n n o ta te d Internet guide, “The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: An A nnotated Guide to Web Resources,” was published a few years ago as part of The Scholarship o f Teaching a n d Learning: Strengthening E ducation Through Research a n d Collaboration (h ttp ://w w w . b u ffa lo sta te .e d u /p d f/sc h o larsh ip .p d f). This guide is revised, e xpanded and updated to June 2002. ■ See the Web version of this article, at, fo r links to specific articles on th e scholarship o f teaching and learning. http://aahe.ital http://president