ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 526 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.15 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $12.25 for others. Late job notices are $23.50 per linefor institutions that are ACRL members, $28.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $470 to $870 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http:/ / Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober20 forthe October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude POSITIONS OPEN A R C H IV IS T A N D S P E C IA L C O LLE C TIO N S L IB R A R IA N . Franklin and Marshall C ollege, a highly selective, residential, liberal arts college for approxim ately 1,900students, seeks an Archivist/Special Collections Librarian to be responsiblefor collecting, organizing, and preservìngfor use m aterials held in the institution’s College Archives, Manuscript, and Rare Books Collections. R esponsibilities include adm inistration of the departm ent'scollections and records management program, provision of reference and library instruction services, and installation o f library exhibits. In addition, the librarian coordinates collection developm ent in assigned subjects, acting as liaison with faculty in these subjects. Strengths of the collections include the Germ an/Am erican Im print Collection, Schaffner Film Library, and the Reynolds Fam ily papers. For information aboutthe collections, visitthe department’s W eb site at: M inimum Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with archival course work; threeyears’ progressively responsible experience in an archiveorm anu- scripts repository; facility with com puterapplications in archives; super­ visory experience; strongteaching/presentation skills; abilityto perform physical activities associated with archives work. Desired: Reading knowledge of German; experience with records management, especially as it pertains to electronic records. Application review will begin on August 15,2002, and continue until the position isfilled. Finalists will be asked to subm it official copies o f transcripts to Personnel Services. Qualified candidates should su bm ita résumé, contact information fo r three profes­ sional references, and salary requirem ents to: Personnel Services, Franklin a n d M a rsh a ll C o lle g e , P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604; fa x: (717) 291-3969; W eb: w w w .fan d m .e d u . Franklin and M arshall College is an equal opportunity em ployercom m itted to building adiverse workforce. A S S IS T A N T PROFESSO R OF L IB R A R Y S C IEN C E/W EB L IB R A R ­ IAN . U n iv e rs ity o f A la s k a F a irb a n k s (UAF) seeks service-oriented, technologically proficient librarian to lead developm entand adm inistra­ tion o f W eb-based services fo r Rasm uson Library. T his tenure-track position is one of four librarians reporting to Head of Information Services and w orks closely w ith System s D epartm ent of R asm uson Library’s Division o f Computing and Communications. U A Fis a Carnegie Doctoral Intensive U niversity and th e se nio r cam pus within th e U niversity of Alaska system. Fairbanks boasts a continental clim ate with outstanding year-round recreational opportunities, delightful summers, and dry, calm w inters. Duties: W eb librarian will w ork with library m anagem ent and depa rtm e n tsto articulate a v is io n fo r library Web site, facilitate com m u­ nication with library departm ents and content providers fo r th e ir W eb- based services, manage library W ebsite, develop project specifications, conduct project evaluations, coordinate task groups, contribute to strate­ gic planning, and develop guidelines and standards. Formal teaching of undergraduate Library Science course, su p p o rtfo rd ista n ce education services, general reference duties, research and publication, and univer­ sity service are required. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately four weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News 'ís published. Contact: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c8irlnewsads@ala,org. Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associationsforprofessionallibrarypostsínthese states.Therecommendationsare advisory only, andALAhasnotadopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should considerthese recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. Foradditional information on librarian salaries,contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641“ Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 •R a th e rth a n esta b lish o ne sta te w id e s a la ry m inim um , som e state associations have adopted a fo rm u la based on variables such as com parable salaries fo r public school teachers in each com m u­ nity, o r th e grade level o f a p rofe ssio n al librarian post. In the se cases, you may w ish to co nta ct th e state association fo r m inim um sa la ry inform ation. " T h e s e recom m e n d atio n s a pp ly o nly to public librarians. or equivalent; ability to build a W eb site; current w orking know ledge of Web technologies, developm ent practices and issues; understanding of effective W eb interface design and awareness of current issues in archi­ tecture, navigation, usability, and accessibility; teaching experience. Full job description is available at: l. Sal­ ary: Minimum $46,000 (nine-month base plus three months) com m ensu­ rate with experience. Excellent benefits. Faculty rank. For more inform a­ tion about Rasm uson Library, see: w ww For m ore infor- C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 527 COORDINATOR OF INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE SERVICES Colorado State University Libraries RESPONSIBILITIES: Reference Services is organized into three groups, each with its own coordinator: Collection Management, Information and Reference, and Instruction. This position reports to the Assistant Dean for Public Services and is responsible for planning and coordinating the full range of activities encompassed in the libraries' educational and outreach programs. The Coordinator of Instruction provides supervision for seven library faculty, one support staff, and student assistants; coordinates, develops, and promotes library education programs for Colorado State University Libraries users; provides instructional support for subject specialists; organizes the evaluation of instruction programs; and participates in scheduled service at reference service desks. REQUIRED: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited degree program; a minimum of three years' post-MLS reference experience in an academic library; demonstrated successful supervisory and/or project management experience; demonstrated experience in information literacy and/or instruction; demonstrated initiative and expertise in user services and a strong customer service commitment. Must demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills including the ability to work as a group or team member and the ability to communicate effectively with faculty, staff, students, and community constituencies. Must have the potential for meeting the requirement for tenure and promotion and have a demonstrated commitment to the profession. Desired: Specialized knowledge in a subject area; experience in collection development; experience in Web- based instructional design. RANK AND SALARY: Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment with contract reviewed annually until tenure is granted. Salary minimum of $55,000. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application addressing your qualifications as they relate to the position; a current résumé; and names, e-mail and office addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: George Jaramillo Assistant Dean for Administrative Services Colorado State University Libraries Fort Collins, CO 80523-1019 E-mail: Full job description can be obtained at: For full consideration, all application materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. August 16, 2002. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. mation about Fairbanks, see:; and A pplication: A pplications m ust be postm arked by July 2 6 ,2 0 0 2 . Make reference to Requisition # F F 20731001. A University of Alaska (UA) applicantform m ust be com pleted and subm itted. Please provideall the follow ing: U A a p p lica n tfo rm ; letter of application; résum é w ith names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references; portfolio o f U RLs th a t re p re se n tyo ur active W e b s ite so ra rch ive d sites fo rw hich you had full responsibility to: UAF Human Resources, P.O. Box 757860, Fairbanks, A K 99775-7860, Attn: Rheba Dupras, Search C om m ittee Chair; fax: (907) 474-5859; e-mail: fyjobs@ Theapplication form m ay be d o w n lo a d e d fro m : w w w .a la s k a .e d u /h r/fo rm s /P D F _ e n t/ applicant_form _ent.pdf; orob tain ed fro m : UAF Human Resources, A d ­ ministrative Services Center, 3295 College Road, Room 108, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7860. Ifyou have questions regardingthis vacancy announce­ ment, please contact Bonnie Schertenleib: (907) 474-7050; or e-mail: fnbfs @ UAF is an AA/ADA/EEO employer. C A TA LO G LIB R A R IA N . Responsible for original and com plex adaptive cataloging fo r m onographs, serials, and other form ats using AACR2r, LCRI, LCSH, LC Classification, and M ARC form ats. Participates in authority work, quality control, and database maintenance. Tenure-track, 12-month appointment. Minimum Salary: $34,000 peryear. ALA-accred­ ited MLS required. For full description and com plete requirem ents, call: (901) 678-2201; o r see: http://w w w .lib.m em Apply by Ju ly 20, 2002. Send cover letter, résumé, andco n ta ct information fo rth re e refer- ence sto: Nancy Massey, Personnel Associate, 126 Ned R. M cW herter Library, U n iv e rs ity o f M e m p h is, Memphis, TN 38152. The University of M em phis is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR O F TH E L IB R A R Y . Transylvania University invites appli- ca tio n sfo rth e position o f d ire cto ro f the library. T ransylvania is a private liberal artscollegein Lexington, Kentucky, with an enrollment of 1,050and studentto faculty ra tioo f 14 to 1. Ninety-seven perce n to f th e fa cu lty hold a Ph.D. orterm inal degree. Founded in 1780, the university e njoysalong and distinguished history. Transylvania awards the bachelor of arts degree in 24 majors and has an endowment of $122 million. The library collections total 125,000 volum es. The director of the library adm inisters services, collection development, and user education in support of the curriculum at T ransylvania University. The director is responsibleforall a sp e ctsofth e library including staffing, budgeting, circulation, interlibrary loan, technol­ ogy, instructional and reference services, special collections, and over­ sight of th e T e ch no iog y Learning Center. T he directorsupervises three librarians, fo u r support staff, student assistants, and the director of the Technology Learning Center, and reportsdirectly to the Vice President and Dean of the College. The position requires a MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and five years of related experience including tw o years of supervisory experience. Knowledge of currenttrends in library technology, an understanding of the role of the library in a liberal arts institution, and a dem onstrated co m m itm en tto excellent service are preferred. A pplica­ tions will be reviewed upon arrival; the position will remain open until filled. Subm it co ver letter and résum é to: Je ff M udrak, D irector of Human Resources, T ra n s y lv a n ia U n iv e rs ity , 300 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508; e-m ailjm u d ra k@ tran sy.e d u ; W eb: w w w l. T ransylvania University isan equal opportunity employer. D OCUM ENTS LIB R A R IA N . Assistant Professor, tenure leading. Start­ ing O ctober 1,2002, appointm ent date negotiable. General Information: 528 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 TWELVE POSITIONS AVAILABLE Chicago State University Library & Instruction Services Learning & Instruction Services Twelve positions in FY 2002-03 at competitive salaries. Apply with letter, curriculum vitae, and list of three references to the appropriate search committee: c/o LISAS Douglas Library 206 Chicago State University 9501 S. King Drive Chicago, IL 60628-1598 Fax to (773) 995-3772; or e-mail attachments to: See: library/positions.htm; and inquire to Dean L. J. McCrank: (773) 995-2253. ADMINISTRATOR Director, LIS Technical Services July 1, 2002. Administration of Acquisitions and Collection Development program, Cataloging and Materials Processing operations, using Endeavor Voyager ILS. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program and additional graduate degrees; experience to warrant appointment parallel to associate professor rank. FACULTY: PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIANS Fail term, 2002 Appointments at beginning assistant professor rank (instructor rank possible), requiring MLS from ALA-accredited program or equivalent professional degree plus additional graduate degree(s) and/or experience. Serials Librarian Manage Bibliographic Control, Acquisitions of serials and periodicals, in all formats. Reference and Instruction Librarian For information services, Information Literacy program, and Social Sciences liaison and collection development. Instructional Technologist/Media Specialist In Learning and Instruction Services to develop and coordinate a new all-campus Media Lab with Media Center, Production, and Support Services. Required: Experience with Web-based learning and instruction, courseware design and authoring tools, and media production, strong technical skill set. STAFF PROFESSIONALS AND PARA-PROFESSIONALS Twelve-month appointments in administrative assistant and civil service positions for experi­ enced mid-level managers with appropriate degrees and certifications. Library Operations Manager For Public Services and administrative assistance to the LISPS Director. Records Manager II In University Archives (CAA, ARMA certifications, degrees, and experience). Microcomputer Support Specialists l-ll (Two openings) In LIS Media and/or Information Systems. Graphic Designer I In Media Services for courseware and Web design, assistance to faculty and students. CSU, an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, a fully accredited urban university of 8,000 in nearly 40 bachelor’s and master’s programs and a nascent D.Ed., is building a new 142,000-square-foot state-of-the-art library to open in 2004 and will remodel the Douglas Library into a combination Media Arts Union and office and classroom complex. C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 529 HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT George Mason University (Search reopened; Revised position announcement) George Mason University Libraries seeks a highly energetic, innovative, and experienced individual to lead the Reference Department in Fenwick Library, the main research library at George Mason University. Initiatives currently underway at the University Libraries include a virtual reference service; implementation of core competencies for reference service throughout all the libraries; restructuring of library instruction into an information literacy program; review/assessment of the librarian liaison program. RESPONSIBILITIES: Leads a staff of nine reference/liaison librarians (including the Government Documents/Maps Librarian), who have responsibilities for reference desk and e-reference duties, specialized reference and research consultation by appointment, instruction, and collection development for assigned academic programs. Departmental staff also includes three classified staff, four Graduate Research Assistants, and a number of student assistants. Plans, organizes, and assesses activities within areas of administrative assignment in consultation with other library administrators. Shares responsibility for coordination and ongoing evaluation of the librarian liaison program. Collaborates with other department heads to ensure quality service, and promotes a spirit of teamwork and a user-centered approach to library services throughout the libraries. Position reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. More information about George Mason University (GMU) and GMU Libraries is available at: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or recognized foreign equivalent; substantial managerial and supervisory experience in an academic research library setting; demonstrated decision­ making, planning, and organizational abilities; knowledge of trends in contemporary reference service and library instruction; excellent communication and teamwork skills; strong teaching ability and commitment to mentoring/coaching. APPOINTMENT: Professional faculty appointment; salary competitive, commensurate with quali­ fications; excellent benefits include health plan options and paid life insurance; several retirement plans, including TIAA-CREF; 24 vacation days and 11 paid holidays; tuition waiver for self. APPLICATION: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses (including e-mail), and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Head of Reference Search Committee Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Review of applications will begin on September 1, 2002, and continue until position is filled. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer; minorities are encouraged to apply. The University o f N ebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is a com prehensive research and land grant university with state, national, and international impact. A C arnegie I institution, U N L o ffe rs 36 doctoral program s and 78 m aster’s program s. The total fall 2001 enrollm ent w as 22,764 students. U NL is a m em ber of th e G reater W estern Library Alliance and the A ssociation of Research Libraries. The University Libraries holdings include 2,447,900 volum es and 19,000 active periodicals and serials. T he Innovative Re­ search Inform ation System (IRIS, includes th e librar­ ies’ electronic catalog, num erous general and specialized Journal indexes, full-text electronic journals, and a host of Internet resources. Love M em o­ rial Library is th e largest library facility on cam pus; there also are agriculture, architecture, biological sciences, chem istry, engineering, geology, m athem atics, music, and physics libraries. G overnm ent docu­ m ents collections are housed in Love Memorial Library and C. Y. Thom p­ son (agriculture), Engineering, and G eology branch libraries. R esponsi­ bilities: The D ocum ents Librarian m anages the collections o f United States, United Nations, Nebraska, and Organization o f Am erican States docum ents in multiple form ats (electronic, print, m icroform , maps, etc.), and adm inisters the Regional D epository Program fo r Nebraska; takes a leadership role statew ide; provides docum ents reference to students, faculty, and the public; provides assistance to federal selective depository libraries in Nebraska; develops and prom otes G IS activities fo r the U niversity Libraries; provides docum ents instruction and prom otion o f docum ents collections to the University com m unity, through team teach­ ing and othercollaborative venues; responsibleforthe Documents Cybrary (http://w w w ) of selected W eb sites fo r currentfederal, state, and UN publications; provides general reference on the reference desk; w orks w ith liaison librarians on collection develop­ m ent activities; supervises 3.0 supportstaff in receiving and processing of federal docum ents. R equired: MLS from an A LA-accredited program ; know ledge o f federal governm ent docum ents in all form ats; reference experience using print and electronic governm ent resources; experience with government docum entsor related experience/coursework; evidence of excellent analytical, organizational, communication, and tim e-m anage­ m ent skills. Preferred: Supervisory experience; knowledge o f o r interest in GIS; experience with W eb developm ent; instructional background helpful; professional or paraprofessional library experience. $34,500 mini- m u m fo r a 12-month appointment. Salary is dependent upon the qualifica­ tions o fth e successful candidate. Application deadline is August 15,2002; applications postmarked afterthis date will not be considered. Candidates should subm it a letter o f application and cu rrent résumé, w hich explicitly address how th e ir education, relevant experience, and other relevant qualifications m eet the responsibilities and qualifications forthis vacancy. The university and the libraries have a strong com m itm ent to achieving 530 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 diversity am ong faculty and staff. A pplications from m em bers of underrepresented groups are encouraged. The candidate should also subm it the names, current addresses, and currenttelephone num bers of three references w ho are knowledgeable of the candidate’s qualifications fo r this vacan cy to: Larry L. Kahle, A ssociate Dean, 318 Love Library, U n iv e rs ity o f N e b ra s k a -L in c o ln , P.O. Box884100, Lincoln, N E68588- 4100. For more inform ation about the UNL Libraries, visit our hom epage at: The U niversity o f N ebraska is com m itted to a pluralistic cam pus com m unity through affirmative action and equal oppor­ tunity and is responsive to the needs of dual caree rco u pie s. W e assure reasonable accom m odation under the A m ericans with D isabilities Act; contact Larry L. Kahle a t (402) 472-2526 forassistance. G O V E R N M E N T IN F O R M A T IO N /R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . The U niversity of San Francisco (USF) is accepting applications fo r the position of Governm ent Information/Reference Librarian. The successful candidate will be responsible fo r overseeing the library’sselective federal depository collection as well as coordinating the collection developm ent of local and international governm ent information. Requirements: M LSfrom an ALA-accredited program . C andidates m ust have at least two years of w orking experience with g overnm ent inform ation within the past six years, preferably at the professional, post-MLS level. Annual salary range is $37,500-$47,800. Librarians are on 12-month appointments. Forcom - plete requirem ents and job description, please visit o u r W eb page: w w w .u sfca .e d u /h r. R eview o f résum és w ill begin Ju ly 1, 2002, and continue until th e position isfille d. To Apply: Send co ver letter, résumé, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Human Resources, U n iv e rs ity o f San F ra n c is c o , 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080; or e-mail to: resum es@ H E A D O F S P E C IA L C O LLE C TIO N S . T h e U n ive rsity o f Central Florida (UCF) Library, O rlando, seeks an enthusiastic, innovative, and experi­ enced Head of Special C ollections to develop and m anage the rare and special book collections, th e B ryant W e st Indies collection, and UCF archives. T his position is responsible fo r prioritizing and im plem enting special collections projects related to developm ent, digitizing, o utreach, research, and preservation. The Head of Special Collections reports to the D irector o f Libraries and, as a m em ber o f m anagem ent, contributes to long-range planning in support of the strategic objectives of the library. Responsibilities: The Head of Special Collections organizes and operates C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 531 SERIALS ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN George Washington University (Search Revised and Extended) APPOINTMENT RANK AND SALARY Appointment at the rank of Librarian I (Salary Minimum: $38,000); Librarian II (Salary Minimum: $40,000); Librarian III (Salary Minimum: $45,000). Rank and Salary based on qualifications and experience. RESPONSIBILITIES The Gelman Library is seeking a creative and enthusiastic individual to lead the Library in all aspects of serials acquisitions, including identification of vendors, licensing, acquisition, and fiscal control of serials. In addition to work with serials, this individual will oversee the processing of U.S. government documents, including receiving documents, ensuring GPO requirements are met, coordinating the transition to an electronic environment for U.S. documents, and reviewing govdocs-l. This position reports to the Head, Acquisitions, and supervises four paraprofessional staff members. The Librarian in this position provides assistance in general department leadership, staff development and training, and, depending on experience, may serve as acting head of the Department in the absence of the Department Head. All professional librarians serve on Library and consortial committees as designated. This position coordinates the work of the Serials Unit with several related groups in the Library including Serials Cataloging, Cataloging, Electronic Resources, and Collection Development. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED ALA-accredited MLS; serials acquisitions experience, including experience working with serials vendors; ability to foster teamwork among all levels of staff; experience working with the acquisitions module of an integrated online library system; experience working with a major bibliographic utility; supervisory and leadership skills, including strong and effective training and problem solving skills; attention to detail; ability to work in a collaborative environment; excellent oral and written communication skills. QUALIFICATIONS PREFERRED Academic or large research library experience; current participation/involvement in professional organizations aimed at maintaining knowledge of developments in serials management, and the ability to apply this knowledge in the planning, evaluation, and implementation of new services; experience with electronic resources including experience with negotiating contracts and licenses for electronic journals with vendors and aggregators; knowledge of copyright and its impact on electronic journals and resources; experience with Endeavor’s Voyager and OCLC; knowledge and use of MS Excel and Access; knowledge of, or experience in, government documents processing; reading knowledge of foreign language(s). REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS Review of applications will begin July 15, 2002, and continue until the position is filled. Please send current résumé and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Emma Mosby Manager, GLS Administrative Services The George Washington University, The Melvin Gelman Library 2130 H Street, NW, Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. the departm ent by managing budget expenditures, hiring and supervising staff, and establishing dep a rtm e n t p olicies and standards. T h is position prom otes, publicizes, and expands aw areness of existing collections by m aintaining p rod u ctive fa cu lty relationships as w ell as creating and n u r t u r in g t ie s w ith th e c o m m u n ity a n d p o t e n t ia l d o n o r s . Qualifications: Required: M aster’sd e g re e fro m an A LA-accredited insti­ tution; successful experience in a special collections departm ent, archive, o r m useum ; d em o n stra te d ability in p rocessing, arran g e m en t, and de ­ scription o f personal papers, organizational records, and other special or archival co llections; su pe rviso ry e xperience. P referred: Adva nce d de ­ gree in an app ro p ria te su b je ct area; know ledge o f sta n d ard s o f biblio­ graphic control, preservation, and archival policies and procedures; knowl­ edge of and expe rie nce w ith digital initiatives in special collections; e vidence o f co m m itm e n t to pub lic se rvice and th e a b ility to w ork collaboratively with a variety of staff, faculty, and researchers; evidence of successful proje ct m anagem ent; record o f professional contributions. Finalists w ill be asked to give a b rief presentation during th e o n-cam pus interview . Environm ent: Special C ollectio n s m aintains m aterials in a va rie ty of fo rm a ts including rare and special books, m anuscripts, pam ­ phlets, photographs, m aps, m edia, fine art, and university archival m ate- rials.Thecollections emphasize 19th and20th century materials. Strengths include the Bryant W est Indies C ollectionof over 1,800 books and periodi­ cals, as w ell as maps, m usic, realia, and approxim ately 170 paintings and sculptures. O thernotablecollections are the M a lko ff Book Arts Collection, th e T h o m a sa n d G eorgine M icklerC ollection of Floridiana, the Van Sickle Leftist Pam phlet Collection, and the art collections. For more inform ation: h ttp://library. The University of Central Florida, one of 11 state universities, is located 13 miles east of downtown Orlando. UCF has http://library 532 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 an enrollm ent o f36,000 students and serves a metropolitan population of 1.5 m illion residents. N ea rth e K e n n e d y S p a ce C en te r, U C F is n a tio n ­ a lly re c o g n iz e d fo r its p ro g ra m s in E n g in e e rin g and C o m p u te r S c ie n c e , O p tic s a nd P h o to n ics, a nd is re g u la rly liste d as o ne o f th e n a tio n ’s m o st “w ire d ” u n iv e rs itie s . T h e m ain lib ra ry has a co lle c tio n o f o v e r 1.3 m illio n v o lu m e s and is a p a rtia l d e p o s ito ry fo r g o v e rn ­ m e n t d o c u m e n ts a nd p a te n ts. T h e lib ra ry m a te ria ls b u d g e t is $5.2 m illio n . T h e s ta ff o f 108 in clu d e s a lib ra ry fa c u lty o f 4 1. U C F o ffe rs an e x c itin g and v ib ra n t a ca d e m ic e n v iro n m e n t w ith g ro w in g c o lle c ­ tio n s, a dva n ce d te ch n o lo g y, a nd an e x p a n d in g ca m p u s. S a la ry and R ank: C o m m e n s u ra te w ith e x p e rie n c e a nd q u a lific a tio n s . T h is is a fu ll-tim e , n o n - te n u r e - tr a c k fa c u lty p o s itio n w ith g e n e ro u s h ea lth in s u ra n c e b e n e fits a nd re tire m e n t o p tio n s . T o A p p ly : S u b m it an a p p lic a tio n lette r, ré sum é , and nam e s o f a t lea st th re e p ro fe s s io n a l re fe re n c e s p o s tm a rk e d by c lo s in g d a te (S e p te m b e r 15, 2 0 0 2 ) to: C y n th ia K isby, P e rso n n e l L ib ra ria n , U n iv e r s it y o f C e n tr a l F lo r id a L ib ra ry, P.O. B ox 1 62666, O rla n d o , FL 3 2 8 1 6 -2 6 6 6 ; fa x: (407) 82 3 - 2 52 9 ; e -m a il: c k is b y @ m a il.u c f.e d u . S e a rc h e s are c o n d u cte d in a c­ co rd a n c e w ith th e S ta te o f F lo rid a S u n sh in e R eg u latio n s. U C F is an equ a l o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a ction e m plo ye r. C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 533 C O O R D IN A T O R O F D A T A S E R V IC E S University of California, Berkeley Assistant/Associate/Full Librarian $40,560-$76,860 per annum, based upon qualifications This position leads, coordinates, and cultivates the library’s collection of numeric data files, including identifying and coordinating access to data files available on the Internet and developing means for access to data files at UC Berkeley through local networks. Responsibilities include organizing access to data files housed in the Library, working with campus systems units, including the Library Systems Office, to make data available, the development of documentation (including Web pages describing resources and services for numeric data files in cooperation with other campus data providers) and acting as liaison to UC DATA and other campus data providers. Other duties involve acquiring and posting on a Web site an inventory of campus data resources available to researchers, serving as UCB’s liaison to the California Digital Library for data projects, providing reference desk coverage and in-depth consultation for UC Berkeley undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff, and outreach to faculty and graduate students including conducting training sessions on locating numeric data files and relevant analytic tools. REQUIRED: Familiarity with quantitative data in all formats, an understanding of survey research and methodology, and familiarity with a variety of hardware, networks, software, and programming/ scripting languages; the ability to constantly acquire the new skills and training necessary to keep up with changing technologies inherent in quantitative data (examples of formal training opportunities include the Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research (ICPSR) one-week summer program in “Quantitative Methods of Social Research”); experience or coursework in reference services, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and a user-centered service orientation; MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent degree. DESIRABLE: Graduate degree in a social science with statistical analysis emphasis. Government documents reference experience and/or coursework; experience organizing data files and working with users to provide access and value-added data services in a research setting, preferably a research library; demonstrated proficiency with social sciences statistical packages and software preferred (e.g., Oracle, SAS, STATA, and SPSS). See: for complete job description and requirements. DEADLINE: August 15, 2002. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, résumé, and names and contact information of three professional references to: Barbara Kornstein Interim Academic Personnel Coordinator Library Human Resources Department 447 Doe Library University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 Fax: (510) 642-8675 E-mail: The University of California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. H EAD , C O L LE C T IO N S E R V IC E S DIVISIO N . Ham ilton Library, Uni­ versity of H a w a ii at M anoa, Librarian III, IV, or V, full-tim e, tenure-track, available A ug ust 2002. R esponsibilities: Reporting to the U niversity Li­ brarian and serving a s a m em ber of the Library A dm inistrative Group, is responsible fo r the adm inistration of the Division, which consists of the A cquisitions, Serials, Cataloging, and Preservation D epartm ents. The Division co nsists o f 11 librarians, 35 FTE support staff, and student assistants. T h e position is also tem porarily responsible fo r the System s D epartm entthat m aintains and m anages the hardw are and softw are for th e Endeavor System . The successful candidate will have had working experience with technical services, collection management, and inform a­ tion technology. T he m aterials budget is approxim ately $6 m illion fo r the acquisition of m aterials in all form ats, including w orldw idesubscriptions to a bo u t 2 4,000 titles. Required: A LA -accredited MLS o r international equivalent. For com plete position anno u nce m e n t with m inim um and desired qualifications and application procedure, w rite to: Personnel Officer, U n iv e rs ity o f H aw a i’ i Library, 2550 M cCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822, or consult the library W eb page: lib/ libinfo/jobs.html. Inquiries: (808) 956-7207. Application Deadline: Position open until filled. A pplications received by Ju ly 1 9,2002, will receive first consideration. The University o f H a w a ii isan equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action employer. IN FO R M ATIO N TE C H N O LO G Y O F F IC E R .The Iowa State University Library seeks applicationsand nom inationsforthe position of Information Technology Officer, afull-tim e, 12-month faculty appointm ent. T he Infor­ mation Technology O fficerprovid e scre ative d ire ctio n for library com put­ ing; leads and advances th e Inform ation Tech n olo gy Division; takes a prom inent role in general and strategic planning, budgeting, and com m u­ nication with regard to library inform ation syste m sa n d technology; and represents the library in inform ation te chnology w ithin the university, as w ell as regionally and nationally. Encourages creative d evelopm ent in 534 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Spring Hill College Spring Hill College, a comprehensive, Jesuit, Catholic liberal arts college with an enrollment c approximately 1,450 students, invites nominations and applications for the position of Librar Director/Director of Library Services. The college is located in Mobile, Alabama, a major city alon the Gulf coast. The college seeks a dynamic leader who will work collaboratively with multipl constituencies as the college prepares for construction of a new facility that will integrate tradition; library and information technology resources and services (currently in the design developmer phase). RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director oversee all library operations and services, including preparing and managing budgets, operational plannin and assessment, developing and implementing library policies and procedures, coordinatin collection development, supervising library faculty/staff, working with an active “Friends of th Library” group, participating in fundraising for the library, and balancing existing library services an resources with emerging technologies. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree required (a second master’s degree or Ph.C highly desirable); minimum of five years of progressively responsible professional experience in a academic library; proven understanding of the changing scholarly use of information resources an services; excellent analytical, interpersonal, and written communication skills; ability to provid collaborative leadership and articulate a vision of the future of academic libraries in a digital age excellent supervisory skills; evidence of proactive service orientation to support instruction an scholarship; and experience with planning and transitioning to a new facility (preferred). Review of applications will begin August 1,2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Pleas submit letter of application, résumé, and the names and phone numbers of five profession; references to: Patricia Davis, Director of Human Resources/Risk Management Spring Hill College 4000 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608 Fax: (251) 460-2177; E-mail: For more information on the position, visit: Spring Hill College is an equal opportunity employer. C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 535 HEAD, ACQUISITIONS SERVICES DEPARTMENT University at Albany RESPONSIBILITIES: The University at Albany seeks a librarian to manage the operations of a highly automated Acquisitions Services Department; to manage the acquisitions budget; and to provide leadership in training and staff development. The librarian works cooperatively with the department’s staff to set goals, establish priorities, and manage work flow; to lead the ongoing review of departmental policies, procedures, and organization; and to evaluate and use new technologies. Research, publication, and service are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. The librarian reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Services and Systems. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution and experience using an automated system in a medium-size or large academic library or related environment; demonstrated managerial, planning, and supervisory experience, leadership, com­ munication, and interpersonal skills; direct knowledge of and experience with at least one national bibliographic utility; demonstrated ability to take an active role in planning and implementing system upgrades and maximizing system efficiency; substantial knowledge of or experience with current and emerging trends in libraries and higher education, and the acquisition and use of electronic resources. Desired: Reading knowledge of at least one western European language. Preferred: The successful candidate will have experience with various aspects of acquisitions such as monographic and serial information in all formats, approval plans, budget management, management of contracts and licenses, familiarity with MARC formats and the purchase of books with cataloging records, knowledge of standards and issues relating to acquisitions, and trends in technical services and automation. SALARY: Commensurate with education and experience. Salary minima: $36,200 for Assistant Librarian and $42,575 for Senior Assistant Librarian. APPLY TO: Anna Radkowski-Lee Library Personnel Officer University Libraries - UL-112 University at Albany State University of New York 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin July 31,2002. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, IRCA, ADA employer. digital and inform ation technology initiatives that respond to o r anticipate user needs. C ollaborates in the operation and m anagem ent of the W eb- based e-Library and the H orizon-based library m anagem ent system . As a m em ber of the Adm inistrative Council and Dean's Council, participates in librarywide policy decisions and strategic planning. Reports to the Dean o f Library Services. The Inform ation T e chnology D ivision’s sta ff (eight FTE) m aintains the library’s information technology infrastructures; coor­ dinates information technology initiatives with otherunits in the library; and coordinates a com prehensive staff IT training program. The division also includes staff (three FTE funded by the State Library of Iowa) that manages the State SILO Project (a Horizon-based, statewide resource database). T he division closely p artners with U niversity A cadem ic Inform ation Tech n olo gy in its technical support of the library m anagem ent system . Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and/or an advanced degree in co m p u te rscie n ce o r related field; ability to m eet prom otion and tenure standards; five years' successful experience with increasing responsibil­ ity in technology m anagement, including the implementation of innovative and em ergingtechnologies; demonstrated effective experience in adm in­ istering academ ic/research library information technology or com puting services operation; m anagem ent experience w ith a varie ty o f softw are applications; dem onstrated ability to w o rkco lle g ia lly w ith staff, faculty, and students in a com plexenvironm ent;abilitytoencouragecreativity and innovation; strong interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills; successful supervisory experience and the ability to provide effective leadership in a shared decision-m aking environm ent. Preferred Q ualifi­ cations: Experience with UNIX-based client-serverapplications, current W indow s operating system s, netw ork and desktop architecture, and consortial projects; success in attracting extramural funding and relevant experience in an academ ic/research environm ent. Salary and Benefits: Salary is competitive and com m ensurate with qualifications. TIAA-CREF, excelle nt group m edical, dental, and life insurance; 24 annual working days' vacation, and 18 annual days' sick leave. Iowa State University and the Library: Iowa State University a nd itslibra ryfo ste ra n environm entthat prom otes the value o f d iversity and offers a positive o pportunity for contribution and grow th. D octorate degrees are offered in 81 fields and m aster’s degrees in 110. Situated on a beautiful cam pus, the library actively serves o ver25,000 students a n d a fa cu lty and staff o f overß ,000. Itsupports nationally recognized collections of o ver2 million volum es and 21,400 current serials and an Internet-based library online m anagem ent system (Horizon). The library is a m em ber of AR L, G reater W estern Library A lliance, CNI, CRL, BCR, and O C LC . Am es is a progressive com m unity o f50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines. The city supports qua lity schools and outstanding cultural attra ctio n s and w as recently acknow ledged nationally fo r its high quality of life. To Apply: Subm it letter o f application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone num bers, and e-mail addre sse so fth re e references to: Chair, Information Technol­ ogy O fficer Search C om m ittee, Io w a S ta te U niversity, 302 Parks Li­ brary, Am es, IA 50011 -2140. R eview of applications will begin August 1, 536 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Minnesota The University of Minnesota Libraries invites applications and nominations for the positions of Social Sciences/Science Librarian and Science Librarian. Magrath Library is the main library on the St. Paul Campus, serving a wide variety of disciplines from the Colleges of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences; Biological Sciences; Education; Human Ecology; Natural Resources; and Veterinary Medicine. Both positions support the research and instruction needs of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff as well as members of the public, and are responsible for collection development, reference and instruction, and support of the library’s digital reference services and collections. The appointed individuals will work cooperatively with librarians in related disciplines to build collections and services to meet the needs of a large, research-oriented clientele. Social Sciences/Science Librarian PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide reference service during scheduled hours and by appointment and participate in expanding digital reference services. Some evening and weekend duty required. Provide formal and informal instruction to faculty and students in assigned subjects utilizing classroom teaching and innovative technologies. Serve as selector and maintain respon­ sibility for all aspects of development and management of resources in digital and print formats for selected Magrath Library social sciences/sciences collections. Collection responsibilities may include applied social science disciplines such as family social science, social work, scientific and technical communication, and human resource development. Develop strong liaisons and partner­ ships with faculty, students, and appropriate academic departments to determine collection and service needs; analyze trends and keep current with scholarship in appropriate teaching and research programs. Seek opportunities to develop and promote subject-based online learning resources and digital projects. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, team-based environment; demonstrated evidence of initiative and self-direction. Preferred: Advanced degree in social sciences or sciences, or significant disciplinary experience in an academic or special library; professional experience in reference services or instruction or collection development; knowledge of current technological applications; evidence of collaboration or partnerships; demonstrated involvement in professional activities. POSITION: UL156 (continued on next page) 2002. For more information, see the W eb sites for Iowa State University:;the library:; andthecom - m unityof Ames: Iowa State University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. IN STR U C TIO N AL SERVICES LIB R A R IA N . Coordinates U serlnstruc- tion Program fo ro n -a n d off-campus users. Leads creation and use of print and W eb-based instructional guides and tutorials. Participates in provid­ ing reference services. Tenure-track, 12-m onth appointm ent. M inimum Salary: $34,000 peryear. ALA-accredited MLS required. Forfull descrip­ tion and com plete requirem ents, call: (901) 678-2201; or see: http:// www.lib.m em Apply by J u ly20,2002. Send cover letter, résumé, and contact information forthree references to: Nancy Massey, Personnel Associate, 126 Ned R. M cW herter Library, U n iv e r s ity o f M e m p h is, Mem phis, TN 38152. The University o f M em phis is an affi rmative action, equal opportunityem ployer. M A N A G E R , C O LLE C TIO N D E V E L O P M E N T.T h e U n iv e rs ity o f C a li­ fo r n ia San F ra n c is c o (UCSF) Library and C e n te rfo r Knowledge M an­ a gem ent seeks an innovative, experienced individual fo rth e position of M anager, C ollection Developm ent. T he incum bent will serve as the leaderforcollection-building/m aintenanceand electronic content access th a t support teaching, learning, clinical, and research activities of the university’sfaculty, students, and staff. Requires: An M L S fro m an ALA- accredited library school or equivalent degree, successful leadership experience in managing and developing both print and digital collections in an academ ic health sciences library. For a complete position description, see: $42,996 to $76,860 depending on qualifications. To A pply: Send co ver letter, résum é, and th e nam es of three references to: Nanette G rim m , UCSF Library/C KM , Box 0840, San Francisco, C A 94143-0840. UCSF is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The university undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunityforunderutilized m in o ritie sa n d w o m e n ,fo rp e rso n sw ith d isa b ilitie s,a n d fo rV ie tn a m -e ra veterans and special disabled veterans. O U T R E A C H /M U L T IC U L T U R A L L IB R A R IA N . C a lifo rn ia S ta te U ni­ v e r s ity (CSU), San M arcos. Tenure-track appointm ent at S enior A ssis­ tant Librarian level (Salary range starts at $50,024). Send application letter, résum é, and nam es of three references to: Marion T. Reid, Dean, Library and Inform ation Services, CSU San M arcos, San M arcos, CA 92096-0001. R eview o f applications begins S eptem ber 2 3 ,2 0 0 2 . Full position announcem ent: h ttp://library.csusm .edu/departm ents/adm in/ job_opps.asp. P U BLIC SER VIC E L IB R A R IA N . (Pending A vailability) O w ensboro Com m unity College, enrolling o v e r2,200 students and located in western Kentucky, invites applications fo r a Public Service Librarian. T his 12- month faculty position requires strong com m itm entto information literacy fo r students and fa cu lty and a desire to w ork in a com m unity college environment. Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent; strong interest and capa b ility in teaching; and skills in both traditional reference services and in use of electronic resources. A t least three years' experience in an a cadem ic library instruction program preferred. Submit lette ro f application, current résumé, application form, and names of three references to: Janet M cKenney, O w e n s b o ro C om -;the C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 537 (continued from previous page) Science Librarian PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide reference service during scheduled hours and by appointment and participate in expanding digital reference services. Some evening and weekend duty required. Provide formal and informal instruction to faculty and students in assigned subjects utilizing classroom teaching and innovative technologies. Serve as selector and maintain respon­ sibility for all aspects of development and management of resources and collections in digital and print formats for selected Magrath Library science collections. Collection responsibilities may include food science and nutrition and the biological sciences subdisciplines of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, and genetics. Develop strong liaisons and partnerships with faculty, students, and appropriate academic departments to determine collection and service needs; analyze trends and keep current with scholarship in appropriate teaching and research programs. Seek opportunities to develop and promote subject-based online learning resources and digital projects. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or foreign equivalent; excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and library users in a service-oriented, team-based environment; demonstrated evidence of initiative and self-direction. Preferred: Advanced degree in biological or life sciences or chemistry, or significant disciplinary experience in an academic or special library; professional experience in reference services or instruction or collection development; knowledge of current technological applications; evidence of collaboration or partnerships; demonstrated involvement in professional activities. POSITION: UL155 SALARY AND BENEFITS: These are full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment track, academic/ professional positions with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. The Libraries offers a competitive salary, commensurate with skills and experience. Excellent benefits and moving allowance. TO APPLY: Positions are available September 1,2002. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until positions are filled. Send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources 499 Wilson 309 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 Please identify the application with UL155 or UL156. m u n ity C o lle g e , 4800 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303. A pplications m ay be obtained from : http://w w w ployee/ collegejobs/m adcc.htm . Deadline for application is J u ly20,2002. Review will continue until position is filled. The Kentucky C om m untiy a n d T ech - nical College System is an equal opportunity, AD A institution. W omen and m inoritiesare encouraged to apply. R E F E R EN C E/M U SIC C O O R D IN ATO R . Sam Houston State U niver­ sity (SHSU) is seeking innovative and enthusiastic applicants w ho are interested in providing general and specialized reference services for library users, applying new technologies to reference services, participat­ ing in user-centered, subject-specific instruction through general orienta­ tion sessions, course integrated instruction, and Web-based tutorials. Our cam pus o f 13,000 students is located 50 m inutes north of H ouston in Huntsville, Texas. T his tenure-track position provides reference assis­ tance, one evening perw e e k and rotating weekend hours; participates in collection developm ent; oversees th e m usic listening room; and super­ vises several student assistants. A music degree and job-related experi­ ence is preferred, as w ell as know ledge of W eb page and presentation software. An ALA-accredited m asters degree is required. Salary depen­ dent on q u a lific a tio n s ; m in im u m s a la ry is $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 . A p p lic a tio n s w ill be re vie w e d and a cce p te d until th e p o s itio n is fille d . Send le tte r o f in te re s t w ith c u rre n t ré sum é a nd nam es, a d d re s s e s , te le p h o n e num b e rs, and e -m ail a d d re s s e s o f th re e p ro fe ssio n a l re fe re n ce s to: A n n H old e r, N ew to n G re sh a m L ib ra ry, S a m H o u s to n S ta te U n i­ v e r s it y , H u n ts v ille , TX 77341 -228 1 . The library's hom epage is http:// w w w .s h s u .e d u /~ lib _ w w w . S H SU is an equ a l o p p o rtu n ity, a ffirm a tive a ction em ployer. W E B S E R VIC ES L IB R A R IA N . Designs, develops, and m aintains the libraries’ W eb pages. A ssists w ith planning and im plem enting system s changes and upgrades. Participates in full range of faculty responsibilities. Tenure-track, 12-month appointment. Minimum salary: $35,000 peryear. Requires: ALA-accredited MLS and knowledge of HTML. Forfull descrip­ tion and com plete requirem ents, call: (901) 678-2201; or see: http:// Apply b yJuly20,2002. Sendcoverletter, résumé, and contact information forthree references to: Nancy Massey, Personnel Associate, 126 Ned R. M cW herter Library, U n iv e r s ity o f M e m p h is, Memphis, TN 38152. The University of M em phis is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. C&RL News on the Web 538 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 THREE LIBRARIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Utah The Marriott Library at the University of Utah invites applications from innovative, action and service-oriented librarians for three positions. Instruction Librarian-2 Positions Serve as part of a collaborative team in the Instruction Division, a department committed to student success in the effective use of informational resources, research methodologies, and technology and software applications. Instruction librarians design, deliver, and evaluate the development of Web-based resources, instructional materials and programs, as well as participate in reference services in the Marriott Library. RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidates will work with division members, underthe general guidance of the head of the Instruction Division, to create and implement library resource and software application instruction including course-integrated instruction, student classes or work­ shops, research labs, and in-house faculty and staff workshops. May teach online or classroom- based credit courses. Creates instructional and training materials in print, interactive Web-based, and multimedia formats. Provides reference services. May serve as a collection development liaison to an academic department. Q U ALIFICATIO NS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; familiarity with goals of information literacy; substantial knowledge of and experience with electronic resources, desktop, and Internet applications; demonstrated effective training/teaching skills with group, class, and one-on-one settings; experience or training related to Web design and Web authoring; experience in developing online library resources such as tutorials, surveys, and guides; evidence of strong oral and written communication skills; commitment to providing excellent and innovative service; ability to work in a complex, changing environment; ability to meet university’s requirements for promotion and continuing appointment (tenure equivalency); ability to work and communicate effectively with a diverse population. Preferred: Formal teaching experience. Reference or computer help desk experience. Experience in an academic library. SALARY: Minimum $34,000, depending on qualifications. Web Services/Reference Librarian Reporting to the Head of General Reference and the Assistant Director of Public Services, this position offers an exciting opportunity to lead and coordinate the development of the Library’s Web site. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Web Services/Reference Librarian coordinates the ongoing development of the Library’s Web presence and digital reference services. The Web Services/Reference Librarian sets priorities for and manages the work of the Web and Graphic Designer and a small team of part time employees. Chairs the Library’s Web Team. Manages the operation of the Online Reference Desk, a live Web-based reference service. In consultation with the Library’s public service departments, refines Web policies, sets priorities, conducts usability testing, and provides a vision for future Web projects. Provides education and support for content providers throughout the Library. The position collaborates with other Library departments and on campus as appropriate. (continued on next page) Late Job Listings H E A D O F A C Q U IS IT IO N S . G eorge W ashington U niversity. A ppoin tm en t, R ank, and Salary: A p p oin tm en t at th e ran k o f Librarian II (Salary M in im u m : $40,000)/Librarian III (Salary M in im u m : $45,000). R an k and Salary based u pon qualifications an d experience. R esponsibilities: T h e G elm an Library S ystem seeks an innovative an dk n ow ledgeable librarian to lea d its A cquisitions D epartm ent. W o rk in g w ith th e departm ent’s approxim ately 30 sta ff and th e W ash in gton R esearch L ibrary C onsortium staff, th e H ead oversees acquisitions functions, fiscal activities, an d periodicals public services, and supports collection m an agem en t activities o f 12 collection developm ent librarians. A dm in isters a collection bu dget o f over $4.5 m illion for C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 539 (continued fro m previo u s page) Works scheduled hours at the General Reference Desk and participates fully in reference department activities. QUALIFICATIO NS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum one year's experience in an academic library; minimum one year's demonstrated experience with the design, development, and management of Web sites; extensive experience required with the basic elements of Web design and site management, including: HTML authoring, form creation, editing/site management software (e.g., Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc.), accessibility issues, and usability testing; familiarity with cgi scripting, log analysis, graphic editing tools, and basic UNIX file management essential; demonstrated effective manage­ ment and organizational skills, including the ability to plan and implement projects; commitment to providing excellent and innovative service; ability to work in a complex, changing environment; the ability to work and communicate effectively with a diverse population; excellent interpersonal and diplomacy skills; evidence of strong oral and written communication skills, including documentation of procedures, is required; ability to meet university requirements for promotion and continuing appointment (tenure equivalency). Preferred: Thorough knowledge of CSS and the use of Templates and Library Items in Dreamweaver SALARY: Minimum $38,000, depending on qualifications. BENEFITS: Excellent benefits calculated at approximately 35% of salary including TIAA-CREF, medical, dental, generous paid sick and vacation accrual, sabbaticals, professional development time. Marriott Library is an ARL library with holdings of nearly 3 million volumes, including 25,444 journals in electronic and print formats, and a considerable number of other networked electronic resources. The University, with a student population of over 27,000, is situated on a 1,500-acre campus in Salt Lake City. The Library has recently partnered with industry and five other ARL universities to develop a Scholar’s Portal. The Library is currently involved in a large-scale building renovation that will include a state-of-the-art Information Commons, and a center to create multimedia digital content. Current teaching facilities include three PC labs, four Mac labs, three demonstration classrooms, and a 250- seat auditorium, all with multimedia capabilities. Undergraduate education is a university and library priority. Outreach to transfer groups and local schools is a high priority. The Library's Web site ( contains over 4,000 HTML documents and handles an average of 5,500 user sessions daily. Salt Lake has a population of approximately 1 million and was rated as the #1 place in the US to live in a recent edition of Places Rated Almanac. The city offers a wide variety of cultural, entertainment, and recreational activities all located along the scenic Wasatch Mountain Range. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Send a detailed letter of application addressing how your experi­ ence matches the qualifications, vitae, the URLs of recent Web projects if applicable, and names, addresses including e-mail, and phone numbers of three references: Kristeen Arnold Human Resources Director 327 Marriott Library 295 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860 Applications received or postmarked by July 31, 2002, will be given full consideration. The University of Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities and provide reasonable accommodations to known disabilities of applications and employees. th e G elm an Library, th e V irginia C am pus Library, an d the M ou n t V ern on C am pus Library. D irects m onograph ic and serial acquisitions, receipts, and accounting; develops an d adm inis­ ters policies an d procedures for the several units in Acquisitions h an dlin g gifts and the ordering and receipt o f serials, m onographs, periodicals, an d govern m en t docum ents. O versees acquisi­ tion o f all form ats, including electronic resources; participates in setting procedures an d review o f licenses for electronic resources; m aintains regular contact w ith vendors, tracking and evaluating perform ance and u sin g state-of-the-art practices and technology; establishes efficient and cost-effective policies and procedures; u sin g th e library’s V oyager system and the university’s O racle financial system, m onitors the collections bu dget for library adm inistration, collection developm ent librarians, an d acquisitions staff, developing reports as appropriate; 540 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE University of Michigan Associate Director tor Digital Library Services Associate Director for Technical and Access Services As a world-renowned research library, the University of Michigan University Library provides quality services and vast collections in support of the teaching, research, and learning of faculty, staff, and students. The University Library is in a unique position to engage staff and the broader scholarly community in developing new service models, methods, and processes in direct response to dramatic changes in scholarly communication, user expectations, and technology. Michigan’s pioneering work in developing digital collections is an example of building upon its strong research collection of over seven million print volumes to provide rich resources in support of the scholarly enterprise. Building coalitions and maintaining collaborative relationships are critical components of the library’s success in responding and adapting to the rapidly changing scholarly environment. Through local, regional, and national collaborations, the library shapes new models of service, more effectively exchanges information, and creates a more seamless information environment for our users. As part of the University Library’s senior administrative team, the Associate Directors (ADs) lead staff in the areas of operations, policy development, budget, communications, training, and professional activities. The AD for Public Services, the AD for Digital Library Services, and the AD for Technical and Access Services work collaboratively, with the support of the Director, in developing and sustaining optimal services and meaningful collaborations on campus and beyond. The University Library seeks dynamic leaders at the Associate Director level to advance an energetic agenda, expand digital resources, implement a new library management system, and enhance collaborative services with campus and community user groups. Applications and nominations are being sought for the Associate Director for Digital Library Services and Associate Director for Technical and Access Services. Associate Director for Digital Library Services DUTIES: The Associate Director leads the Digital Library Services (DLS) Division on projects that provide the infrastructure to both digitize and access digital collections such as the Making of America project; provides capabilities and services for UM units and individuals; provides and sustains a comprehensive computing environment for University Library patrons and staff; provides frame­ works and systems to federate distributed information resources; and serves as a catalyst for addressing electronic information issues on campus. Reporting units include Digital Library Productions Services, Desktop Support Services, Scholarly Publishing Office, and Library Systems. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library or Information Science or an equivalent combination of a relevant advanced degree and experience; substantial years of demonstrated successful managerial and administrative experience in a large research library with an emphasis on digital library issues, working with vendors, and a thorough understanding of the changing nature of the scholarly communication environment; demonstrated success in written and oral communication, strong interpersonal skills; record of successful experience including strong (continued on next page works in a collaborative environment, coordinating with Cataloging, Collection Developm ent and other groups, including the library’s new ad hoc W orkflow Implementation Team; serves on library, consortial, and university committees as appropriate; reports to the Associate University Librarian for Collections Services. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited M LS; 3-5 years increasingly responsible supervisory or m anagem ent experience in an academ ic or research library; knowledge o f integrated library systems, OCLC, basic accounting principles, and spreadsheet software; experience w ith serials, monograph, and electronic resource ordering and receiving; strong negotiating skills; current awareness o f acquisitions, collection development, and publishing practices, issues, and trends; strong com m itm ent to quality cus-tomer sendee; excellent oral and written communication skills; excellent problem solving and analytical skills; ability to w ork independently and collegially in a culturally diverse, rapidly changing, and technologically com plex environment. Preferred: Experience with Endeavor’s Voyager, Oracle, C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 541 (continued from previous page) analytical skills, budgeting, grants, and planning; knowledge and understanding of research library organization and interrelationship of divisions; sound grasp of current issues and trends facing research libraries including impact of digital collections; knowledge and experience with digital production services; proven leadership in the profession; demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students in a multicultural and diverse environment. Associate Director for Technical and Access Services DUTIES: The Associate Director leads the Technical and Access Services (TAS) Division of the University Library, with primary responsibility for the programs and projects that build and maintain the library’s bibliographic architecture; acquire, preserve, and provide on-site and remote access to its renowned research collections in all formats; and foster relationships with bibliographic utilities and national organizations. Six main areas include: Acquisitions and serials management; coopera­ tive access (document delivery for campus patrons and businesses nationwide, interlibrary lending and borrowing); grants developm ent and management; metadata management; monograph cataloging; and preservation services. QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library or Information Science or an equivalent combination of a relevant advanced degree and experience; substantial years of demonstrated successful managerial and administrative experience in a large research library with an emphasis on technical and access services and library management; a thorough understanding of the changing nature of publishing and scholarly communication; experience working with vendors of goods and services; demonstrated success in written and oral communication, strong interper­ sonal skills; record of successful experience including strong analytical skills, budgeting, grants, and planning; knowledge and understanding of research library organization and interrelationship of divisions; sound grasp of current issues and trends facing research libraries including impact of digital collections; knowledge of and experience with library automation, preservation of library materials, and access services; proven leadership in the profession; an innovative approach to the changing information environment; and a demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students in a multicultural and diverse environment. RANK, SALARY, AND LEAVE: Rank of Librarian. Salary minimum $100,000, with final salary dependent on qualifications and experience. Professional positions receive 24 working days of vacation a year, and 15 days of sick leave with provisions for extended benefits. Generous benefits package available. TO APPLY: Please send cover letter, names of three references, and copy of your résumé to: Lucy Cohen Library Human Resources Room 404, Hatcher Graduate Library North University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 For further information, please contact Library Human Resources at: (734) 764-2546. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on July 31, 2002, and continue until the positions are filled. The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. M S Excel and Access; experience negotiating electronic resource licenses and book/serial vendor services; collection development experience; reading knowledge offoreignlanguage(s); experience with book approval plans; experience analyzing workflows and using benchm arking to improve processes; knowledge o f new generation LISes and library vendor systems; ability to foster teamwork, lead teams, and serve as an effective team member; experience in or knowledge o f learning organizations; ability to apply systems thinking and use team work in problem-solving and decision-making. Review o f Applications: Review o f applications will begin July 22,2002, and continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter o f application, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three references to: E m m a Mosby, Manager, Gelman Library System Administrative Services, The G elm an Library, R oom 201, T he George W ashington University, 2130 H Street, N W W ashington, D.C. 20052. The George W ashington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 542 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Florida State University Libraries Associate or Assistant Librarian DESCRIPTION: Performs general reference duties, assisting users with information and research needs. Develops and presents group instruc­ tion, class lectures, demonstrations, workshops, and other instructional sessions to teach the use, understanding, and evaluation of library and other information sources. Serves as a subject bibliographer, providing collection development leadership and serving as liaison to an academic unit or units. Provides mediated electronic reference and research assistance. Participates in the production and updating of print and electronic informational and instructional materials and tutorials. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program in library science and four (4) years appropriate experience as a professional librarian of which three (3) years must be in an academic library. Preferred: Have demonstrated experience in information literacy, program development and implementation. Knowledge of and experience in delivery services such as virtual reference, e-reference, and Web-based instruction. SALARY: $34,000 minimum, negotiable depending on qualifications. Instructor or Assistant Librarian DESCRIPTION: Oversees the day-to-day operation of the serials/electronic resources cataloging section, which includes establishing bibliographic and associated records, creating and maintaining authority file records, developing and maintaining the library’s online catalo; establish priorities, plan appropriate staffing levels, and coordinates with the Head of Bibliographic Access; establish goals and objectives for the section and evaluate their effectiveness; continually evaluate and review existing cataloging records with the intent of improving and upgrading their quality. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-Accredited MLS. Five years cataloging experience with at least three years post-MLS experience cataloging materials of various types and formats in a medium-to-large academic library; minimum three years supervising a cataloging unit or project; minimum two years with original cataloging experience; experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, using LC classification system and subject headings; experience with cooperative cataloging ventures such as NACO, BIBCO, and/or CONSER strongly preferred. SALARY: $30,000 minimum, negotiable depending on qualifications. THE LIBRARY: Located in beautiful Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city, a growing community with a population of more than 215,000, the Florida State University, a public, coeducational institution of the 11-member State University System of Florida, has an enrollment of over 33,000 students. Campus libraries have combined volume holdings totaling over 10.5 million books, periodicals, government documents, and electronic resources. The library is a member of ARL, CRL, RLG, OCLC, and SOLINET. For more information about the Florida State University Libraries, see our home page at: h ttp ://w w w .fs u .e d u /~ lib ra ry /. BENEFITS: These are full-time, 12-month, non-tenured faculty appointments. Benefits include 22 days’ vacation; 13 days’ sick leave; group, medical, dental, and life insurance; an optional retirement program or state retirement; and no state or local income tax. With supervisor’s approval, may qualify for university tuition scholarships for up to six credit hours each semester. ANTICIPATED DATE OF HIRE: August 1,2002. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: July 1,2002. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Pamela Byrd, Administrative Services Coordinator University Libraries Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2047 Phone: (850) 644-5870 Fax: (850) 644-5016 E-Mail: C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 543 GRAY FAMILY CHAIR FOR INNOVATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES Oregon State University The Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries seeks a highly motivated, experienced, and innovative leader to manage all aspects of planning, implementing, evaluating, and publicizing digital library projects. This is a full-time, fixed-term professional faculty position. Position duration is not expected to exceed three years. For a complete position announcement and qualifications, see: http:// TO APPLY: Submit a letter of application, current résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Melissa Maloney 121 Valley Library Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-4501 For full consideration, apply by July 15, 2002. This position is funded by the Gray Family Endowment. OSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual career couples. 544 / C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Associate University Librarian for Collections Columbia University invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate University Librarian for Collections. Columbia is one of the world’s leading research universities and educational institutions, and its Libraries, grounded in collections of remarkable breadth and depth, play a recognized leadership role in advancing the learning and scholarly mission. With a budget of over $35 million, the Libraries serve over 22,000 students and 2,900 faculty at several campuses through a system of 22 libraries. Current col­lections include 7,500,000 bound volumes and 50,000 current serials, with extensive electronic resources and outstanding global and special collections. Major areas o f responsibility: Reporting to the Vice President for Information Services/University Librarian, the Associate University Librarian for Collections provides leadership and coordination for the Libraries print and digital collections and manages a current year materials budget of nearly $14 million. He or she participates in the selection, training, mentoring, and evaluation of 40 librarians with collection development responsibilities and oversees user-needs studies and collection assessment policies and pro­grams while maintaining strong channels of communication with faculty. The incumbent works with access services, preservation, and acquisitions units to improve preservation, procurement, vendor relations, and access to the collections; coordinates collection management policies related to off-site storage; represents Columbia at regional, national, and international forums; and promotes new external collaborations that strengthen the collections program. She or he participates in activities that raise awareness, understanding, and action in the areas of scholarly communication, information policy, and intellectual property, and actively participates in the Libraries development and fund-raising programs. For a full description o f this position please see Qualifications: We seek candidates who have demonstrated leadership experience in coordinating and advancing a comprehensive collections program and who understand the nature and priorities of learning and scholarship in a major research university. Experience with managing large budgets and projects, with publisher and vendor relations, with the development and creation of electronic collections, with faculty and campus outreach, and with national and international library cooperative programs is essential. Ability to work collaboratively and with agility in a complex organization is important, and outstanding oral and written communication skills are critical. Knowledge of and experience with library development programs are highly desirable. A record of professional involvement and contribution is required. The MLS from an ALA-accredited program or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required. An advanced degree is highly desirable. Set in the Morningside Heights academic village, Columbia presents the unmatched dynamism, diversity, and cultural richness of New York City. We offer excellent benefits and tuition exemption for self and fami­ly and assistance with University housing. For immediate consideration please e-mail your résumé to or send it to Human Resources, Columbia University, Box 18, Butler Library, MC 1104, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Please reference Search #70101041 and include your e-mail address. Applications will be accepted immediately and until the position is filled. Columbia University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. C&RL News ■ July/August 2002 / 545