ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 438 / C & R L N ew s . P E O P L E . Profiles Dwight F . Burlingame has been n am ed vice president for university relations at Bow ling G reen State U niversity, Bow ling G reen, O hio, effective July 1. He has been a ct­ ing vice president for th e past year. B u r lin g a m e , w h o jo in e d th e B o w lin g G re e n sta ff in 1978 as d e a n of l i b r a r i e s a n d learn in g resources, w ill b e r e s p o n s ib le fo r alum ni relations, devel­ o p m e n t, p u b li c r e l a ­ tio n s , th e e d u c a tio n a l telev isio n s ta tio n , a n d stu d en t publications. P r io r to c o m in g to D w ight F. Burlingame Bowling G reen, B urlin­ gam e w as d e a n of th e lib ra ry an d le a rn in g re ­ sources a t th e University of Evansville from 1974 to 1978. His professional lib rary career also includes positions at St. C loud State U niversity an d th e U ni­ versity of Iow a. H e has held visiting professorships in lib rary science a t th e University of M ichigan, P eabody College in N ashville, th e University of Il­ linois, and F lo rid a State University. A 1965 g rad u ate of M oorhead State University in M innesota, B urlingam e earn ed a m aster’s degree from th e U niversity of Illinois in 1967 a n d his P h .D . from F lo rid a State University in 1974. H e is th e au th o r of a book entitled F und Raising and the A ca d em ic D ean, soon to be published, and he has w ritte n num erous articles for professional journals. He is cu rren tly ch air of th e Choice E d ito ­ rial Board. Dennis E . Robison, university lib ra ria n at the U niversity of R ichm ond, has been ap p o in ted u n i­ versity lib ra ria n of th e C a rrie r L ib rary at Jam es M adison U niversity, H arriso n b u rg , V irginia. Robison has been at R ichm ond since 1974 w here he was responsible for B oatw right L ib rary an d tw o b ran ch libraries. H e was in stru m en tal in th e devel­ opm ent of th e L earn in g Resources C en ter, insti­ tu te d an active bibliographic instruction p ro g ram , an d was responsible for substantially increasing th e li b r a r y ’s o p e ra tin g b u d g e t. P rio r to c o m in g to R ichm ond, Robison w as assistant director at th e University of South F lo rid a L ibrary. H e has served as president of th e F lo rid a L ib rary Association, ch airm an of th e College and U niver­ sity Section of th e V irginia L ib ra ry Association, an d has served on several ACRL com m ittees. He served on th e SO L IN E T B oard of D irectors and w as a p a rtic ip a n t in th e A R L/O M S C o n su lta n t T rain in g P rogram in 1979. Robison received his b ach elo r’s degree in history (1960) and MLS (1962) from F lo rid a State U niver­ sity, and a m aster’s degree in social science ed u ca­ tion from th e U niversity of South F lo rid a (1969). Raj Madan has been ap p o in ted director of li­ b ra ry services at th e SUNY College at B rockport, effective July 11. M a d a n jo in e d th e staff of D rak e M em orial L i b r a r y a t th e SUNY College a t B rockport as ch ief b ib lio g ra p h e r in 1965; she w as prom oted to head of acquisitions in 1969, an d m onitored the ra p id g ro w th of th e li­ b r a r y c o lle c tio n u n ti l D ecem ber, 1981, w hen she was p rom oted to as­ sociate director of public services. Raj M adan In 1981-82 she served as President of th e W est­ e rn N ew Y o rk /O n tario C h a p te r of A C R L ; an d since 1983 she has been a m em ber of th e SUNY L i­ b r a r i a n ’s L e g is la tiv e C o m m itte e . W ith in th e Rochester M etropolitan area, she has been an ac­ tive m em ber of th e R RRLC Acquisitions C o m m it­ tee an d th e RRRLC C om m ittee on C o n tin u in g E d ­ ucation for L ib rarian s. O n cam pus she has served on th e F a c u lty Senate C o m m itte e for A p p o in t­ m ents, Prom otions, an d T enure, an d chaired its C om m ittee on N om inations an d Elections from 1978 to 1980. M adan received her MLS from Rutgers U niver­ sity an d holds a m aster’s degree in sociology from th e University of Missouri, as w ell as u n d e rg ra d u ­ ate degrees from P u n jab U niversity in In d ia. She has published in professional journals an d is th e a u ­ th o r of C olored M inorities in G reat Britain: A September 1985 / 439 C om prehensive Bibliography, 1970-1977, p u b ­ lished by G reenwood Press in 1979. William Gray Potter, assistant director of gen­ eral services at the University of Illinois, U rbana, has been appointed associate university librarian for technical services at A rizona S ta te U n iv e r­ sity, effective August 15. Potter h ad earlier held various library positions w ith th e U niversity of Wisconsin–W h itew ater. His e d u c a tio n i n ­ cludes a doctorate in li­ brary and inform ation science, an MLS, and a master’s in English from th e U n iv ersity of I lli­ nois. H e re c e iv e d a W illiam Gray Potterb a c h e lo r ’s in E n g lish and p h ilo so p h y fro m Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. His a r­ ticles have appeared in Illinois Libraries, Library Research, Library Resources and Technical Ser­ vices, Library Trends, Online, and Serials Librar­ ian. Potter was editor of the Summer 1981 Library Trends w hich addressed bibliometrics, and is cu r­ rently editor of LITA ’s journal, Inform ation Tech­ nology and Libraries. Maxine H. Reneker, assistant director for sci­ ence and engineering libraries at C olum bia Uni­ versity, has been appointed associate university li­ b r a r ia n fo r p u b lic services at Arizona State University, effective Au­ gust 19. R eneker’s experience includes th e follow ing positions at the Univer­ sity of Chicago: assistant reference librarian, clas­ sics lib ra ria n , assistant acquisitions lib ra ria n , and personnel librarian. She had earlier served at the University of Colo­ rado, Boulder, as acting Maxine Reneker head of interlibrary loan and as personnel/business librarian. H er professional activities include serving as chair of th e ALA H e rb e rt W . P u tn a m H onor Award C om m ittee and the C om m ittee on State Classified L ibrary Personnel in Colorado. She has a c h ap ter on p e rfo rm a n c e ap p ra isa l in th e 1981 book, Personnel A dm inistration in Libraries. W ith assistance from a Council on L ibrary Resources grant, she has conducted research on book thefts in academic libraries. A g rad u ate of C arleton College, Reneker re­ ceived her MLS from the University of Chicago and is pursuing a doctorate in library science at Co­ lum bia University. Robert Wedgeworth, executive director of the American L ibrary Association, has been nam ed dean of the C olum bia University School of L ibrary Service, effective Sep­ tem ber 1. ALA’s chief executive officer for th e p ast 13 years, W edgew orth will become the sixth dean of th e n a tio n ’s oldest and b e s t-k n o w n lib r a r y sch o o l. H e succeeds R ic h a rd L. D a r lin g , who has retired after 15 y e a rs as d e a n . R. K a th le e n M olz, w ho served as a c tin g d ean Robert W edgew orthduring the 1984-85 aca­ d em ic y e a r, w ill c o n ­ tinue her research and teaching as Melvil Dewey Professor. W edgew orth takes over the helm of the school as it approaches the 100th anniversary of its founding in 1887 by Melvil Dewey, the American library p i­ oneer, Colum bia librarian and originator of the Dewey decimal system. W ed g ew o rth received his b a c h e lo r’s degree from W abash College in 1959 and his MLS from the University of Illinois in U rbana in 1961. He did further graduate work at W ashington University and at Rutgers, w here he also taught courses on col­ lection developm ent and librarianship, first as lec­ tu r e r a n d th e n as assistan t p ro fesso r. He le ft Rutgers in 1972 to assume the executive director’s post at ALA. E arlier, W edgew orth held a num ber of library posts in Missouri. He served as cataloger w ith the Kansas City Public L ibrary, as assistant and acting librarian at Park College in Parkville, and as li­ b r a r i a n a t M e ra m e c C o m m u n ity C o lleg e in Kirkwood. He was assistant chief order librarian at Brown University from 1966 to 1969. His research activities include service on the U.S. N ational Commission for New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works from 1975 to 1978 and on the Biomedical L ibrary Review Com m ittee of the N ational L ibrary of Medicine from 1975 to 1979. He has delivered papers at professional meetings in this country and abroad and has lectured exten­ sively on th e new in fo rm a tio n technologies at schools and libraries across the nation. He c u r­ rently serves on tw o national advisory committees for the L ibrary of Congress, on the board of direc­ tors of the Public Service Satellite Consortium and on the board of trustees of the N ewberry Library. He is the recipient of four honorary doctoral de­ grees, and he originated and has edited the A L A Yearbook and the A L A W orld Encyclopedia o f L i­ brary and Inform ation Services. 440 / C & RL News People în the news Miriam A. Drake, director of libraries at the Georgia Institute of Technology, recently received the 16th annual Alumni Achievem ent A w ard from the Simmons College G rad u ate School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science Alumni Association. Robert S. Martin, assistant director for special collections at Louisiana State University, received the Kate Broocks Bates A w ard in H istorical Re­ search for 1985 for his book, Maps o f Texas and the Southw est, 1513-1900. This aw ard , w hich is given for the best non–fiction book dealing w ith some as­ pect of Texas history, life, or its people prior to 1900 and w hich carries a $2,000 cash grant, is p re­ sented annually by th e D aughters of the Republic of Texas. The book, co-authored by James C. M ar­ tin, was published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1984 and was prepared in conjunction w ith a special exhibit of Texas maps produced by the Amon C arter Museum in F ort W orth. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are tak en from lib ra ry new sletters, letters from personnel offices and a p ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your ap pointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Mary F rances Aboushama has been n am ed technical services lib rarian at E ast Tennessee State University’s Q uillen–D ishner College of M edicine L ibrary, Johnson City. Aimee Algier is a new reference lib rarian and cataloger at the University of Kansas, Law rence. Byron Anderson has been ap p o in ted general reference lib rarian at N orthern Illinois University, D eKalb. Benjamin T. Amata has been appointed senior assistant governm ent docum ents lib rarian at C ali­ fornia State University, Sacram ento. Greg Armento has been appointed hum anities/ social sciences bibliographer at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Patricia W. Ashby is now assistant technical serv ices l i b r a r i a n a t L ib e r ty U n iv e rs ity , L ynchburg, Virginia. Larry Ashmun has been appointed technical ser­ vices lib rarian at N orthern Illinois University, De- Kalb. Rayonia Babel is the new head of public services at A urora University, Illinois. Mildred Bader has been appointed head of the O riginal C ataloging Section at the University of W ashington, Seattle. DavidA. Baldwin has been appointed associate director for public services at the University of W y­ om ing, Laram ie. Philip Bantin has been nam ed university arch i­ vist for the University of C alifornia, Los Angeles. Kerry S. Bartels has been appointed university archivist at the University of W ashington, Seattle. Saundra Benjamin has been ap p o in ted p a rt- tim e tem porary visiting instructor at Southern Illi­ nois U niversity’s E d u ca tio n and Psychology L i­ b rary , C arbondale. Robert Berk is now m edical lib rarian at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield. Dawn Bick has been appointed collection devel­ opm ent and inform ation services lib rarian in the Biomedical L ibrary, University of South A labam a, Mobile. Sandra Blackaby has been nam ed director of th e W alla W alla C o m m u n ity College L ib rary , W ashington. Karen Blank has been appointed head loan li­ b ra ria n at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Kathleen E. Bledsoe is now assistant reference lib rarian for special collections at O klahom a State University, Stillw ater. Judith M. Bloomgarden has been appointed original cataloger in the Special Collections D ivi­ sion at Johns Hopkins University, Baltim ore. Mary Boccaccio has been ap p o in ted m a n u ­ script curator at East C arolina University, G reen­ ville, N orth C arolina. Daryl A. Boone is a new cataloger at H arvard College Library. Beverly Bower is now learning resources coor­ din ato r at Pensacola Junior College, Florida. Vickie Bozarth has been ap p o in ted govern­ m ent docum ents lib rarian at E m poria State U ni­ versity, Kansas. H .E . Broadbent has been nam ed executive d i­ rector of the Pittsburgh Regional L ibrary C enter, Pennsylvania. Anna Bryan has been appointed acquisitions li­ b ra ria n at th e U niversity of M ary lan d , College Park. Mary M. Bush has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n at the University of Southern C alifornia’s Norris Medical L ib rary , Los Angeles. Greg Byerly has been appointed head of sys­ tems and acting director of com puter-assisted in ­ struction at Kent State University, Ohio. Susan Campbell has been nam ed head librarian at York College, Pennyslvania. Beverly Carlton is the new reference librarian at the V anderbilt University Medical C enter L i­ brary, Nashville. Lilliam Castillo-Speed has been ap p o in ted head of the C hicano Studies L ibrary, University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Jo Cates has been appointed lib rarian of the Poynter Institute of M edia Studies in St. Peters­ burg, Florida. Syvia Cheung has been appointed serials recon project supervisor at C olum bia University, New York. J une Chressanthis has been ap p o in ted head cataloger at Texas Tech University L aw L ibrary, Lubbock. Septem ber 1985 / 441 Stephanie R. Cimino is now cataloger and re­ search assistant at the Pierpont M organ L ibrary, New York. Justine Clancy is the new head of the A rchitec­ ture and Design L ibrary at Arizona State U niver­ sity, Tem pe. Barton M. Clark has been appointed director of departm ental library services at the University of Illinois, U rbana. Evelyn G. Clement has been nam ed director of the C enter for Instructional Services at Memphis State University, Tennessee. Joel Clemmer has been nam ed library director at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. Timothy L. Coggins has been nam ed associate librarian at the University of N orth C arolina L aw Library, C hapel Hill. Jamie Wright Coniglio has been appointed as­ sociate lib rarian for public services at George M a­ son University, Fairfax, Virginia. Gregory A. Crawford has been appointed ref­ erence and public services lib rarian at M oravian College, Bethlehem , Pennsylvania. Veronica Cunningham has been nam ed direc­ tor of microfilm services at the N ortheast D ocu­ ment Conservation C enter, Andover, M assachu­ setts. Julie Czisny has been appointed head of the Re­ serve Room at Villanova University, Pennsylvania. Nina Davis-Millis is the new music lib rarian at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, C am ­ bridge. Dana Dinwiddie has been appointed head of the Acquisitions D ep artm en t at the University of O re­ gon, Eugene. Robert J. Dudek has been appointed acquisi­ tions lib rarian at the University of C entral A rkan­ sas, Conway. E lizabeth E. Eggleston has been appointed cataloger in the C ountw ay Medical L ibrary, H a r­ vard University. Rebecca J. Elsea is the new reference librarian for microforms and m aps at O klahom a State U ni­ versity, Stillwater. Lynda Erickson has been ap p o in ted acquisi­ tions lib rarian at Old D om inion University, N or­ folk, Virginia. Hal Espo, form er deputy executive director at ACRL, is now educational program s assistant at Mead D a ta C entral, D ayton, Ohio. G. Edward Evans has been appointed lib rarian of H arv ard ’s Tozzer L ibrary. Roberta Fagin is now assistant hum anities li­ b rarian for technical processing at the M assachu­ setts Institute of Technology, C am bridge. Linda F arynk has been a p p o in te d associate dean for m anagem ent and public services at Old D om inion University L ibrary, Norfolk, Virginia. Carolyn B. Fields has been appointed refer­ ence lib rarian at San Diego State University, C ali­ fornia. Janet E . Fletcher has been appointed c a ta ­ loger in the Union C atalog Services Office, H a r­ vard University. Kenneth E. Flower has been appointed direc­ tor for adm inistrative services at Johns Hopkins 442 / C&RL News University, Baltimore, Maryland. Pat Flowers is the new head of reference ser­ vices at the University of California, Riverside. Joseph M. Floyd is now catalog librarian at the University of South Florida, Tampa. Tina Frolund has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Odegaard Undergraduate Library, University of W ashington, Seattle. Richard C. Fyffe has been appointed senior cataloger for the American Children’s Books cata­ loging project at the American Antiquarian Soci­ ety, Worcester, Massachusetts. Malcolm Getz, library director at Vanderbilt University, has taken on additional duties as associ­ ate provost. Alex Gildzen has been appointed curator of special collections at Kent State University, Ohio. Kimberly Ginther has been appointed inform a­ tion and reference library instruction coordinator at Michigan State University, East Lansing. Lori A. Goetsch has been appointed informa­ tion and reference librarian at Michigan State Uni­ versity, East Lansing. Barbara C. Greever has assumed duties as as­ sistant cataloger at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Karen Griffith is now personnel librarian at Case W estern Reserve U niversity, C leveland, Ohio. Selma Graham has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the University of California, Berkeley, Public Health Library. Mary Frances Grosch is the new assistant busi­ ness and economics librarian at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Stephen Haas has been appointed business li­ brarian at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Clifford H. Haka has been appointed head of information and reference at Michigan State Uni­ versity, East Lansing. Elizabeth-Ann Hankel has been appointed m edia services/periodicals lib ra ria n at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania. Elisa Hansen has been appointed technical ser­ vices coordinator at Eckerd College, St. Peters­ burg, Florida. V. Sue Hatfield is now head of the Periodicals Departm ent at Em poria State University, Kansas. Penny Ann Hazelton has been named law li­ brarian at the University of Washington School of Law, Seattle. Brian L. Helge has been appointed head of cat­ aloging at the Center for Research Libraries, Chi­ cago. Susan J. Heron is now head of cataloging at San Diego State University, California. Patricia Herron has joined the University of Maryland, College Park, library staff as reference librarian. Christine Hoffman has been named director of the M an h attan School of Music L ib rary , New York. Margaret ohenstein has been appointed principal cataloger at W ichita State University, Kansas. Christopher Hoolihan has been appointed his­ tory of medicine librarian at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Roch­ ester, New York. John B. Howard has been appointed project li­ brarian in the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, H ar­ vard University. Frank G. Hulse Jr. has been appointed general reference and interlibrary loan librarian at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. Charles Jamison has been named acting direc­ tor of Ursinus College Library, Collegeville, Penn­ sylvania. Judy Johnson has been promoted to chair of the Acquisitions Division at the University of Ne­ braska, Lincoln. Merrill Johnson is now director of George Fox College Library, Newberg, Oregon. Ann Juneau has been appointed chief librarian of the N atu ral History B ranch L ib rary at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Judith Kahl has been appointed bibliographer for the literatures of Western Europe and Latin America at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Harry Kamens has been named budget and per­ sonnel officer at the Kent State University L i­ braries, Ohio. Dean H. Keller has been named associate di­ rector for collections and public services at Kent State University, Ohio. Charles Kemp has been named head librarian at Missouri Southern State College, Joplin. Aubrey W. Kendrick is now administrative sci­ ences lib ra ria n at the University of A labam a, Huntsville. John King has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University of Maryland, College Park. Karen Kinney has been appointed assistant uni­ versity librarian for public services at San Diego State University, California. Mary Kircher has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Martha Knowles has been appointed nonprint media services librarian at the University of Mary­ land, College Park. Loretta Koch has been appointed assistant hu­ manities librarian at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. David Lasocki is now music librarian for public services at th e U niversity of N orth C a ro lin a , Chapel Hill. Scott Lissner has been named director of the University Learning Center, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. Abigail Loomis has been reappointed to the po­ sition of general reference and information desk li­ brarian at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. H September 1985 / 443 Linda Loomis has been nam ed head librarian at Chemeketa C om m unity College, Salem, Oregon. Ralph McCoy has been nam ed interim director of the Rutgers University Libraries, New Bruns­ wick, New Jersey. Lenore Mack has been appointed original cata- loger for music at the University of M aryland, Col­ lege Park. Anne McKearn is now head of technical services at Aurora University, Illinois. Michele T. McKnelly has been appointed as­ sistant docum ents lib ra ria n at O klahom a State University, Stillwater. Janet Martorana is the new assistant librarian in the G overnm ent Publications D epartm ent, Uni­ versity of California, Santa B arbara. Louis E. Martin has been nam ed director of the Linda Hall L ibrary, Kansas City, Missouri. D. Darren Meahl has been appointed head of document delivery at M ichigan State University, East Lansing. Meryl Miasek is the new head of reference at the University of Oregon L ibrary, Salem. Denise Monbarron has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the College of Wooster L ibrary, Ohio. Claudia J. Morner has been nam ed librarian of the Bapst L ib rary at Boston College, C hestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Wayne Mullin has been appointed head of ac­ cess services at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Linda S. Muroi has been appointed reference li­ brarian at San Diego State University, California. Brenda Nelson has been appointed librarian of the Archives of T raditional Music at Indiana Uni­ versity, Bloomington. Amy Nichols has been appointed inform ation services librarian in the Biomedical L ibrary of the University of South A labam a, Mobile. James T. Nichols has been nam ed library direc­ tor at W ilm ington College, Ohio. Marilyn Nichols has been nam ed director of li­ brary services at Brandon University, M anitoba. Jon Noland has been appointed coordinator for circulation and interlibrary services in the Network Services Unit of Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Hugh O’Connor has been appointed technical reports librarian at the University of M aryland, College Park. Geraldine Ostrove has been nam ed head of the Perform ing Arts Reading Room in the Music Division of the L ibrary of Congress. Kathy A. Parsons has been appointed inform a­ tion services librarian at Iow a State University, Ames. Michael Pate has been appointed assistant di­ rector for public services at M arquette University, M ilwaukee, Wisconsin. Julia Perez has been appointed science librarian at Michigan State University, East Lansing. Martha Perry has been nam ed reader services librarian at Xavier University, C incinnati, Ohio. Lorna I. Peterson has been appointed instruc­ tor in the L ibrary Instruction D epartm ent, Iow a State University, Ames. Brian Phillips has been prom oted to systems li­ b r a r ia n a t th e N av al W a r C ollege, N e w p o rt, Rhode Island. Jay Martin Poole, form er editor of Choice, has been appointed assistant university librarian for public services at the University of C alifornia, Riv­ erside. Pamela Rand is a new cataloger at the H ealth Sciences L ibrary, University of M aryland at Balti­ more. Shari S. Regen has been appointed special col- Whiteley appointed Reference Books Bulletin editor Sandy W hiteley has been nam ed editor for R e f­ erence Books Bulletin (RBB), published in Booklist, ALA’s review jo u rn al for public and school li­ braries, effective Septem ber 9. Associate executive director of ACRL for the last four years, W hiteley previously served one year as assistant editor for ALA’s “W ho’s W ho in L ibrary and Inform ation Services,” five years as head of the Reference D epartm ent at N orthw estern University Library, Evanston, four years as reference lib ra r­ ian at Yale University Library, and for tw o years taught social work and anthropology at Amerikan Kiz Koleji in Izm ir, Turkey. She has also lectured on reference services in the social sciences and h u ­ manities at the University of Chicago G raduate L i­ brary School. W hiteley holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Pennsylvania State University, a m aster’s in library science from C olum bia University and a m aster’s in sociology from the University of Penn­ sylvania. In addition to m anaging ACRL’s publications program , W hiteley has published articles and re­ views in the “ALA Yearbook,” College & Research Libraries News, Choice, Library Journal and R ef­ erence Services Review. She edited a column for Serials Review an d com piled th e 1981-82 and 1983-84 editions of “ACRL University L ib rary Statistics.” Reference Books Bulletin, w hich began publica­ tion in 1930 under the title Subscription Books Bul­ letin, has been published in ALA’s Booklist for the past 29 years. W hiteley replaces Helen K. W right, who has accepted the ALA Publishing position of assistant director for new product planning. ■ ■ 444 / C&RL News lections librarian in the Museum of Com parative Zoology, H arvard University. Donna Resetar is now assistant law librarian for technical services at M arquette University, Mil­ waukee, Wisconsin. Timothy F. Richards has been nam ed director of the Central/Science Library, V anderbilt Uni­ versity, Nashville. Sharon Rienerth has been appointed coordina­ tor of the Monographic and AV Cataloging Unit, W inthrop College, Rock Hill, South Carolina. Wilma Stratton Rife has been nam ed director of th e W ashburn U niversity L ib ra ry , T opeka, Kansas. Julie Rinaldi has been appointed head of the E arth Sciences Library, University of California, Berkeley. Inez Jaeger Ringland has been nam ed head li­ brarian at Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois. Elizareth Robertson has been appointed gov­ ernm ent documents and maps librarian at the Uni­ versity of M aryland, College Park. Jane Robillard has been appointed cataloging librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Rita Rogers has been appointed assistant head for circu latio n services at In d ia n a U niversity, Bloomington. Tedine Roos has been appointed science refer­ ence and collection development librarian at the University of Wyoming, Laram ie. Gordon Rowley has been appointed associate director for research services at Northern Illinois Uniersity Libraries, DeKalb. Elizabeth Salzer has been named director of li­ braries at the University of Santa C lara, Califor­ nia. Jean M. Schmidt has been appointed Louisiana Room reference lib ra ria n at the U niversitv of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette. James Shaw has been appointed reference lib rar­ ian at the University of N orthern Iow a, C edar Falls. Karen L. Sinkule is now head of the Microform and Media Sections at Iowa State University Li­ brary, Ames. Duncan F. Smith has been named coordinator of continuing education and staff development in North Carolina C entral University’s School of Li­ brary and Inform ation Science, D urham . Martin A. Smith has been appointed head of collection development at Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity, Baltimore, M aryland. Laura M. Snyder has been appointed music and reference librarian at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. Jeanne Somers is now assistant director for tech­ nical services at Kent State University, Ohio. Cecilia Stafford is a new reference librarian at Tulane University, New Orleans. Robert Staley has been promoted to govern­ ment documents and maps librarian at the Univer­ sity of M aryland, College Park. Thomas M. Steele has been nam ed director of the Law L ibrary at W ake Forest School of Law Li­ brary, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Allan J. Stifflear has been appointed head of acquisitions at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Diana L. Strom has been appointed reference and collection development librarian at the Uni­ versity of South Florida, Tam pa. Anna Marie Sylvester is now a cataloger at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. Nenita Valino is a new original cataloger at the University of M aryland, College Park. Marlene Vikor has joined the staff of the C ata­ log M aintenance D epartm ent at the University of M aryland, College Park. Eloise Vondruska has been appointed authori­ ties librarian and cataloger at Northwestern Uni­ versity, Evanston, Illinois. Jim Walsh has been appointed head of the Geol­ ogy Library at the University of Wyoming, L ara­ mie. Jennifer D. Ware is now senior assistant lib rar­ ian at the California State University, Sacramento. Bernice O . Weiss has been appointed cataloger in H arvard’s C ountw ay Library of Medicine. Janet Stoeger Wilke has been appointed edu­ cation librarian at W ichita State Universitv, Kan- sas. Phillip M. White is a new reference librarian at San Diego State University, California. William H. Wiese has been appointed general science librarian at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Stephen Wright is now m usic lib ra ria n at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Chris Wunderlich has been appointed cata­ loger in the A ndover-H arvard Theological L i­ braryJ . Mary Lee Xanco has been appointed collection development officer at the State University College at Buffalo, New York. Judith E. Young has been named assistant uni­ versity librarian for public services at Western C ar­ olina University, Cullowhee. Philip Howard Young has been nam ed head li­ brarian of the K rannert Memorial Library, Indi­ ana Central University, Indianapolis. Victoria L. Young has been appointed head of reader services at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Laurene Zaporozhetz has been named chair of inform ation services at Bowling Green State Uni­ versity, Ohio. Steven Zink has been appointed head of refer­ ence services at the University of Nevada, Reno. Retirements Le Moyne Anderson, director of libraries at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, retired on September 1985 / 445 June 30 after 28 years of service. Anderson served as p resident of ACRL in 1979-1980. He has also served as p re sid e n t of the C o lo rad o L ib ra ry Association (1972), the B ib lio g ra p h ic C e n te r for Research, the U.S. Book Exchange (1979), and th e Association of R esarch L ib ra rie s (1978), and was c h air­ m an of th e B o ard of G overnors of th e R e­ search Libraries G roup L e M oyne Andersonin 1981. In 1951 Ander­ son accepted a position in the Public Service Division of the University of Illinois at Chicago and became head of reference in 1955. Two years later he was nam ed director of li­ braries at Colorado State. A festschrift in his honor, “Research Libraries: The Past 25 Years, the Next 25 Years,” was sponsored by the Colorado State Uni­ versity and the Libraries Faculty Council on May 2. Betty Carson, serials/technical processing li­ brarian at the University of California, Berkeley, retired in June. Olive Caulker, assistant director for technical services at M arquette University, Milwaukee, re­ tired September 1 after 21 years of service. Americo Chiarito, assistant reference librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno, retired June 30 after 20 years of service. T.C. Chin, social sciences bibliographer at the University of N orthern Iow a, C edar Falls, retired on June 30. Lorna Daniells, bibliographer in H a rv a rd ’s Baker Library, retired on July 1 and will continue to work on bibliographical projects on a part-tim e basis. Daniells had come to Baker as senior cata- loger in 1946. Eugene deBenko, head of the International Li­ brary at Michigan State University, retired on June 30 after 22 years of service. Martin Dickstein, catalog librarian at the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Reno, is retiring September 13 after 26 years of service. Maurice D. Leach Jr., university librarian at Washington and Lee University for 17 years, re­ tired on July 1. He continues as professor and has become an adjutant to the president of the univer­ sity to organize a Friends of the Library develop­ ment program . Jack Marquardt, senior science reference li­ b ra ria n at th e S m ith so n ia n ’s N a tu ra l H istory Branch Library, retired on March 30 after 28 years of service. Richard Palcanis, catalog librarian at the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Reno, retired June 30 after 26 years of service. Eleanor R. Payne, collection development and reference librarian at the University of California, Davis, retired on June 30 after more than 20 years of service. Ann Smith, head of the Interlibrary Center of the D .H . Hill L ibrary at North C arolina State Uni­ versity, retired on June 30 after 15 years of service. Virginia Thweatt, cataloger at the State Uni­ versity of New York at Buffalo, retired in June. Alan Wolstencroft, serials cataloger at the University of California, Berkeley, retired on May 23. Deaths MaryL. Blakeley, head map librarian emeritus at the University of Arizona, died June 16. She had been w ith the library since 1952. Doris Eileen Lewis, former chief librarian at the University of W aterloo, O ntario, died on May 23. Except for two years as circulation librarian at th e U n iv e rsity of T o ­ ro n to , L ew is h a d d e ­ voted her entire profes­ sio n al c a re e r to th e University of W aterloo, and its precursor W ater­ loo College, first as lec­ turer in library science, 1949-1951, then as chief librarian, 1951-1969. In 1969 she became collec­ tio n s d e v e lo p m e n t l i ­ brarian until her retire­ m ent in 1976. She held Doris Lewisthe position of president of the C anadian Associ­ ation of University Libraries and was a founder of the O ntario Association of College and University Libraries. Elinor Gregory Metcalf, librarian of the Bos­ ton Athenaeum from 1933 to 1946 and widow of Keyes D. Metcalf of H arvard College, died on June 13. Aurrey Skinner, chemistry librarian at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin, died on July 6. He had served as head of the UT Austin Mallet Chemistry Library for the last 34 years. L . Hildegarde Ziegler, form er head of the Catalogue D epartm ent at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, died on May 26 after a long illness. She joined the MIT Libraries as a cataloger in 1921 after receiving the fifth year bachelor’s degree at Simmons College School of Library Science. She was appointed head of the departm ent in 1926 and served in th a t position until 1964. Beginning in 1965 she worked part-tim e in the Dewey Library Industrial Relations Section until her retirem ent in 1969. ■ ■