ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 181 Publications NOTICES • Microfilming Corporation of America, a New York Times Company, in cooperation with the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, is making available the first in a series of collec­ tions on radical and reform groups from the society— Students for a Democratic Society Pa­ pers, 1958-1970. The announcement was made jointly by F. Gerald Ham, Wisconsin state archivist, and Edward A. Reno, vice-pres­ ident of editorial at Microfilming Corporation. “The SDS was the most significant radical student movement in American history,” Ham said, “and this microfilm collection will prove a major resource for any college or university wanting to retain a permanent and in-depth record of the causes and effects of campus un­ rest in the 1960s.” This first release— Students for a Democratic Society Papers, 1958-1970—will be available in December 1977 and will contain approxi­ mately forty reels of 35mm microfilm. Additional information or questions on the collection should be directed to Donald Ellis, Director of Marketing, Microfilming Corpora­ tion of America, 21 Harristown Rd., Glen Rock, NJ 07452. • The Library of Congress has compiled a list of cartoon greats in a new exhibit catalog entitled They Made Them Laugh and Wince and Worry. . . . The catalog accompanies the library’s current exhibition of 116 original car­ toon drawings which appeared in Harper’s Weekly, Puck, The Judge, Life, Vanity Fair, and The New Yorker. The thirty-two-page catalog is available by mail from the Library of Congress, Informa­ tion Office, Washington, DC 20540, or in per­ son from the information counter in the library, for $2.25. Payment must accompany mail or­ ders. • A new bibliography of materials on two- year learning resources center buildings is now available free from the Library Administration Division (LA D ). Compiled by LAD’s Community College Learning Resources Center Facilities Commit­ tee, the two-page bibliography replaces an earlier one compiled in 1969. Send your request, with a thirteen-cent stamp to LAD, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. The committee, a unit of the LAD Ruildings and Equipment Section, is chaired by Joleen Bock of the College of the Canyons in Valencia, California. • A facsimile of the first West Florida im­ print has been published by the Library Asso­ ciates, University of West Florida. The broad­ side, printed aboard the British man-of-war Tonnant in 1814, antedates by seven years the advent of printing in Pensacola. The text is an appeal To the Great & Illus­ trious Chiefs of the Creek and Other Indian Nations, urging them to join the British Stan­ dard against “the common enemy, the wicked People of the United States.” Heretofore unrecorded, the broadside has been reproduced as a keepsake with the sup­ port of the Synergistics Fund and with the per­ mission of the Public Record Office, London, where the only surviving copy is preserved. A limited number of copies of this keepsake are available for $4.00, prepaid, from the Li­ brary Associates, The John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL 32504. • The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science has recently published the proceedings of the twenty-first Allerton Park Institute: Major Classification Systems: The D ew ey Centennial, edited by Kathryn Luther Henderson. The institute, cosponsored by the school and Forest Press, was held November 9-12, 1975, and discussions centered on classi­ fication systems in general and the Dewey Decimal Classification in particular. Topics of the papers, presented by experts in the field from the United States, Canada, and England, range from the history and de­ velopment of the eighteen editions of DDC to the role of classification in subject retrieval. Other papers focus on library classification in general one hundred years after Dewey, the trends toward faceting in recent editions of DDC, how DDC is used by various libraries, the growing interest in and use of DDC in Great Britain since the 1960s, the role of index­ ing in subject retrieval, and the Universal Deci­ mal Classification and its relationship to DDC. Finally, an interesting comparison between the DDC and the Library of Congress classification scheme is presented, and some conclusions are drawn relating to in-house needs and to services provided for the large general library. This volume is available from the Publica­ tions Office, 249 Armory Bldg., University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science, Champaign, IL 61820; the price is $8.00. The LC card number for this title is 76-026331, and the ISBN is 0-87845-044-0. • The Library of Congress has announced the completion of a major project which began 182 in August 1958 to prepare and microfilm the papers of twenty-three presidents of the United States. With the recent publication of the microfilm edition of the Thomas Jefferson Pa­ pers and an accompanying index, the library can now offer copies of the papers of twenty- three presidents from Washington to Coolidge. The new sixty-five-reel Jefferson edition su­ persedes one issued in 1943 and includes Jef­ ferson manuscripts acquired since that time, as well as a number of manuscript volumes and other items absent from the earlier film. Among these are Jefferson’s correspondence from 1790 to 1808 with the District of Columbia commis­ sioners on the establishment of the nation’s cap­ ital, his manuscript volumes containing copies of early Virginia laws, and historical records, including seventeen volumes purchased in 1815 with Jefferson’s library, three account books, and a catalog of his second library, auctioned in 1829 in the settlement of his estate. The Jefferson Papers microfilm may be pur­ chased for $750 from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, Washington, DC 20540, with the Index supplied free to pur­ chasers of the complete film edition. Separate copies of the 155-page Index may be purchased for $2.90 from the Superintendent of Docu­ ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash­ ington, DC 20402. The complete set of presi­ dential papers is available from the library’s Photoduplication Service on 3,073 reels for $31,705. • A new publication on library instruction was published recently by The University of Texas General Libraries. Entitled A Comprehensive Program of User Education for the General Libraries, The Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin, the 100-page book is a guide for the development of a coordinated program of instruction in UT’s libraries. The publication is the first in a series on “Contribu­ tions to Librarianship.” “To provide a stronger base on which to im­ prove library service, the General Libraries have initiated many changes during the last five years,” says Gary L. Menges, assistant director for public services. “Staffing, internal organiza­ tion, bibliographic control, and public services have all undergone change. Although these changes have not always been visible to the user community, they have been essential in laying a foundation for improved user services, including development of a more comprehen­ sive user education program.” The program outlined in the publication was developed during 1975 and 1976 by user edu­ cation committees and approved in January 1977. Task forces on self-instruction and on graduate students’ library instruction have be­ gun work on pilot projects to implement the program. Mr. Menges reports that in formulating the user education program the library committee, in cooperation with UT’s Measurement and Evaluation Center, conducted surveys of stu­ dent and faculty opinions on library needs. In­ formation from the surveys is summarized in the book. He points out that the overall goals for the user education program are to increase user awareness of the library as a primary source of information and as an agency to which users may turn for assistance with their information needs, to acquaint users with campus library facilities, and to help users take maximum ad­ vantage of library resources to meet their in­ formation needs. Cost of the new publication is $5.00. Remit­ tance must accompany order and be made payable to The University of Texas at Austin General Libraries. Mail to: The General Li­ braries Office, University of Texas at Austin, Main Building 2100, Austin, TX 78712. • Reference Book Review is the title of a new quarterly journal. Edited by Cameron Northouse and Donna M. Northouse, it is avail­ able for $11.00 a year from Box 19954, Dallas, TX 75219. Each issue of approximately forty pages reviews fourteen categories of reference books. • Acquisitions staff in academic, public, and special libraries throughout the country will find valuable information on book jobbers, sub­ scription agents, and foreign and special dealers in a new publication, Jobbers Directory: A Selected List of Vendors Used by Certain METRO Members. The New York Metropol­ itan Reference and Research Library Agency (METRO) compiled and published the direc­ tory as Miscellaneous Publication No. 12. The first of the fifty-three-page directory’s three sections is an alphabetical list of libraries, with the phone numbers of principal acquisi­ tions staff and the major dealers and agents each library uses. The second section groups dealers by subject and geographic location and indicates which libraries use each dealer. The final section is an alphabetical list of dealers, with their addresses and the National Union Catalog symbols for the libraries that use them. The cost of the 8½-by-ll-inch paperback di­ rectory is $10.00 each if a check accompanies the order and $15.00 if an invoice is required. Checks should be made out to METRO and or­ ders sent to: METRO, 11 W. 40th St., New York, NY 10018. • Mexico and the Southwest Collection by Alfredo H. Zuniga is a revised and enlarged edition of the first volume, published in 1974. The historical period covered by this guide ranges from pre-Cortezian times to the present and is divided into headings of “General Ref­ 183 erence Works,” “Humanities,” “Social Sci­ ences,” “History,” “Applied Sciences,” and “Arts.” Besides the general listing of works, the edi­ tor includes a directory of currently published Chicano newspapers and periodicals, a direc­ tory of Chicano publishers, and distributors of films and records. In addition, the bibliography lists audio and video taped interviews and speeches of eminent Chicano personalities, in­ cluding Cesar Chavez, Reies Lopez Tijerina, Corky Gonzales, Bert Corona, Jose Luis Cuevas, and others. A series of illustrations of drawings and paintings by Emigdio Vasquez, a Chicano painter, is also included. Containing useful and hard-to-find resources on the Chicano, this bibliography would be a useful acquisition for college and university li­ braries, especially to those students whose in­ terests lie in the fields of Chicano studies or bilingual education. The price of the publication is $12.50; it may be ordered through Educational Opportunity Press, California State University, Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92634. • The National Library of Canada is pleased to announce the publication of Canadi­ an Law Reports, the first fascicle of Checklists of Law Reports and Statutes in Canadian Law Libraries. Data on holdings assembled during the survey of law library resources in Canada, carried out by the Resources Survey Division in 1974-75, are now being compiled and edit­ ed for publication; additional fascicles will be published throughout 1977. This first checklist constitutes both a bibliog­ raphy and a union list. Holdings of Canadian law reports in more than sixty Canadian law li­ braries are reported, and, in order to make the bibliography as complete as possible, all judi­ cial court reports known to the editors at the time of publication have been included. Added titles have been recorded without holdings. It is hoped that the checklists will be useful as a location tool for interlibrary lending, as a bibliography for reference and research pur­ poses, and as a guide for collections develop­ ment. Copies of this publication may be obtained free of charge from the Resources Survey Divi­ sion, Collections Development Branch, National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, K1A ON4, Canada. • The University of Pittsburgh has pub­ lished the fifth edition of its Union List of Periodicals and Serials. The new edition and first supplement update the holdings of the Hillman Library collections and the twenty-seven branch and associate li­ braries located on the Pittsburgh campus through February 1977. The 1,267 -page com­ puter-produced list represents 32,187 entries of which 29,022 are titles and 3,165 are cross- references. It includes both inactive and current titles. Cost of the volume and supplement is $75. Make checks payable to the University of Pittsburgh and mail to the Serials Unit, G-49 Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. • The full subscription service to CAN/ MARC (CANadian MAchine-Readable Cata­ loguing): Authorities is now available from the National Library of Canada. CAN/MARC: Authorities is an authority listing on microfiche produced by COM (Computer Output Micro­ form) techniques from the library’s automated authority system. The authority system, used to support the Canadian cataloging system and the production of Canadian MARC tapes, incorporates multi­ user capacities and bilingual aspects. It has been developed over the last two and a half years in response to the National Library’s re­ quirements for an authority control device in its bibliographic systems and the external re­ quirements for products to satisfy user needs, particularly as expressed by the Task Group on Cataloguing Standards. The National Library has been producing in­ terim COM listings since August 1976. These have been available on a single-sale basis dur­ ing the development of cumulative updating techniques and of COM-generated diacritics. The attainment of these capabilities now makes the full service possible. The fiche contain a unified list of all name headings in the authority data base, including both English and French forms, complete with associated references and history notes. At pres­ ent this data base consists largely of Canadian federal and provincial government headings and some personal names, but it is quickly being expanded to include all types of name headings. User response will guide the Nation­ al Library in redefining the scope of the list. The National Library will publish the base file in microfiche once every quarter year, be­ ginning April 1977, with cumulative biweekly supplements updating the preceding file. The user will have only two places to look for head­ ings, the base file and the latest supplement. In response to user requirements, magnification is 24x. Each fiche is self-indexed by grid num­ bers to the first heading in each individual frame. With the present rate of growth, a year’s subscription will consist of approximately 160 fiche. Subscription price for CAN/MARC: Au­ thorities is $45.00 for a full year, payable in advance to the Receiver General for Canada. Orders and enquiries should be addressed to: CAN/MARC: Authorities, Cataloguing Branch, 184 National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON4, Canada. • The General Libraries at The University of Texas at Austin have published a series of selected reference sources to assist library users in their research. The twenty-six annotated bibliographies cover a wide range of subjects, from accounting to so­ cial work and from Latin American studies to U.S. documents. Compiled by librarians at UT, the bibliographies are subdivided into sections, such as guides to the literature, encyclopedias and dictionaries, journals, statistics, and other categories. Each entry includes the standard data for the title, call number, and location within the UT library. More reference guides will be published as the need is indicated. The bibliographies are available in the Li­ brary Reference Department, Main Building 227, for $1.00 each or by mail at General Li­ braries Office, University of Texas at Austin, Main Building 2100, Austin, TX 78712. Remit­ tance must accompany the order and be made payable to University of Texas at Austin Gen­ eral Libraries. • A Union List of Vision-Related Serials, third edition, has just been issued by The Asso­ ciation of Visual Science Librarians. More than 850 serial titles, both current and ceased, are listed, with dates of publication and cross-ref­ erences for title changes. Also included are the holdings of all thirteen U.S. optometry schools, the University of Waterloo (Canada), the American Optical Association, Bausch and Lomb, the British Optical Association, and Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia. Complete in­ terlibrary loan information is included. The price of the publication is $5.00 payable to the Association of Visual Science Librarians. Orders should be sent to Mrs. Pat Carlson, Librarian, Southern California College of Optometry, 2001 Associated Rd., Fullerton, CA 92631. • The Directory of Fee-Based Information Services 1977 has been published by Informa­ tion Alternative, Box 657, Woodstock, NY 12498. Free-lance librarians, information brok­ ers, and libraries which offer information ser­ vices on demand are included, together with information about charges, hours, and areas of specialization. It is available for $3.00 prepaid. • Cornell University Libraries has published a new cumulative supplement to the 1974 edi­ tion of Serials Currently Received. This supple­ ment supersedes the one issued in 1975 and contains 10,186 entries, including approximate­ ly 6,400 new serials titles. Available for $10.00, this computer-prepared list, arranged alphabet­ ically by title or corporate entry, includes all titles added, cross-references for changes in entries, additional locations, changes in hold­ ings and call numbers, withdrawals, and titles which have ceased publication since 1974. A revised list of U.S. and foreign newspapers cur­ rently received are listed in an appendix of the supplement. Copies of the 1974 edition of Serials Current­ ly Received ($25.00) are still available. This basic research tool contains approximately 33,000 serial publications received by the li­ braries on the Ithaca campus. Each entry in­ cludes place of publication, beginning volume number, beginning date of publication (when available), the location symbol of the libraries in which the publication can be located, classi­ fication numbers, and holdings. Copies may be ordered from: Budget and Accounting Office, Cornell University Libraries, 234 John M. Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853. • The fifth edition of the SUNY Union List of Serials is now completed. This will be a mi­ crofiche edition (reduction ratio 42x) with a paper preface and directory. The cutoff date for adding revisions and changes for institutions was January 1. The cost of the microfiche edi­ tion with cross-references and directory is $75.00. Another version excluding the cross- references is available for $70.00 including the directory. The directory may be purchased either singly or in multiple copies separately from the fiche. The cost of the directory alone is $5.00. The SUNY Union List of Serials is intended as a bibliographic instrument for the identifica­ tion and location of serials within New York State and to expedite the interlibrary transfer of materials for the user. Unlike previous edi­ tions of the SUNY Union List of Serials, this fifth and perhaps final version includes reported holdings for not only the 83 separately identi­ fied institutional libraries of the State Univer­ sity of New York but also 334 other collegiate, private, and public institutional libraries within New York State. This listing contains both cur­ rently received and discontinued or ceased titles. The total number of titles listed is 87,670, as well as 10,425 cross-references. This list is the basis for the cooperative searching project presently underway among SUNY/OCLC libraries in which the OCLC data base is being searched to produce an in­ dex referring SUNY data-base titles to OCLC record numbers. This index will be available for purchase later this year. It will be a valuable contribution to the CONSER project and the OCLC serials control subsystem. The microfiche list is supplemented with three indexes of institutions. These indexes were extensively revised and recompiled for this edition. Address all orders to Barbara Nichols Ran­ dall, SUNY Union List of Serials, Office of Li­ brary Services, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, 185 NY 12246. Make checks payable to SUNY Union List of Serials. • The Subject/Title Index to Non Print Media Available in the Learning Resources Center of Essex County College has been pub­ lished. More than 5,000 items are listed. It is available for $5 from Essex County College, Learning Resources Center, 303 University Ave., Newark, NJ 17102. RECEIVED Academic research libraries : a study of growth / Miriam A. D rake. — West La­ fayette, Ind. : Libraries and Audio-Visual Center, Purdue University, 1977. 143p. Collective bargaining in higher education : its implication for governance and faculty status for librarians; proceedings of a preconference institute sponsored by Academic Status Com­ mittee, Association of College and Research Libraries at San Francisco, June 27 and 28, 1975 / edited by Millicent D. Abell. — Chicago : American Library Association, 1976. 168p. $7.50. (LC 76-51403) ISBN 0-8389-3189-8) “ACRL publications in librarianship, no.38” Ethnic directory of Canada / compiled and edited by Vladimir Markotic. — Calgary, Alta. : Western Publishers, 1976. 118p. (Available from R and E Research Associ­ ates, 4843 Mission St., San Francisco, CA). Handbook of library regulations / Marcy Murphy and Claude J. Johns. — New York : Marcel Dekker, cl977. 162p. (LC 76- 19994) (ISBN 0-8247-6498-6) “Books in library and information science, v.20” The librarian and reference service / selected by Arthur Ray Rowland. — Hamden, Conn. : Shoestring Press, 1977. 281p. $12.50 (LC 76-50092) (ISBN 0-208-01600-7) Libraries as communications systems / James McConnell Ohr. — Westport, Conn. : Greenwood, 1977. 220p. $14.95 (LC 76- 8739) (ISBN 0-8371-8936-5) “Contributions in librarianship and informa­ tion science, no.17” Of books and men / by Louis B. Wright. — Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, 1976. 180p. $7.95 (LC 76-26493) (ISBN 0-87249-344-X) On-line library and network systems : symposi­ um held at Dartmouth University March 22- 24, 1976 / edited by E. Edelhoff and K. D. Lehmann. — Frankfurt am Main : Vit­ torio Klostermann, cl977. 167p. DM 36. “Zeitscriften fur Bibliothekovsen und Bibli­ ographie, 23’’ Resources of South Carolina libraries / Ed­ ward G. Holley . . . [et al.] — Columbia, S.C. : Commission of Higher Education, 1976. 126p. A study of coverage overlap among fourteen major science and technology abstracting and indexing services / Toni Carbo Beahman, principal investigator ; Wlliam A. Kunber- cer, project coordinator. — Philadelphia : National Federation of Abstracting and In­ dexing Services, 1977. 75p. $15.00. Theses and dissertations / D onald D avinson. — London : C. Bingley ; Hamden, Conn. : Linnet Books, 1977. 88p. (LC 76-54930) (ISBN 0-208-01539-6) Video in libraries : a status report, 1977-78 / Seth Goldstein. — White Plains, N.Y. : Knowledge Industry, cl977. 104p. $24.50. (LC 77-3554) (ISBN 0-914236-07-5) ■■ Classified A dvertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude dire ct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, Am er­ ican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE China (m ainly), Japan, Korea. Superb collection of books in Western language. A ll topics. More than 3,000 volumes. W rite M. Frazin, ÉRAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD; IWY '75. A selective annotated biblio g ra ph y o f periodical articles (iii, 47p., $1) has 175 entries, 60 countries; Index to above (33p., 25tf); Supplement 1975 (208p., $7.50) has 443 entries cover­ ing 125 countries from 106 periodicals. A reader com­ ments, " A treasure trove for anyone working on the position of women today. I am amazed at the number