ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1990 / 61 CALENDER F e b r u a r y 1 4 -1 5 — O p tic a l d isk s: A two-day workshop on feasibility, design, and im plem entation o f op ti­ cal m em ory systems to be co n d u cted by C. P e te r W aegem ann, author o f The H andbook o f Optical M em ory Systems. To be held at M arri­ o tt’s O rlando W orld C en ter, Florida. F o r m ore inform ation, contact: Pat F aletra at the Optical Disk In stitu te , P.O. Box 289, N ew ton MA 02160; (617) 964-3923; Fax (617) 964-3926. 1 9 - F u n d r a is in g : “G rants, Friends, and Book Sales: Lobbying and Fund-R aising O ptions for Librarians,” will b e th e th em e o f St. Jo h n ’s University’s congress for librarians to be held in B ent Hall on th e Q ueens cam pus o f th e univer­ sity. This full-tim e w orkshop on th e P resid en ts’ Day holiday will feature speakers w ho have had experience in fundraising and lobbying at th e national, state, and local levels. F o r additional inform ation and a b ro ch u re please call o r write: E m m e tt Corry, Division o f L ibrary and In fo r­ m ation Science, St. Jo h n ’s University, G rand C entral and U topia Parkways, Jam aica, NY 11439; (718) 990-6200. 2 0 - 2 1 — M u s ic lib r a r ie s : T he Music Library Asso­ ciation is sponsoring a p reco n feren ce w ork­ shop, “Space Utilization in th e Music Library: C reation, Renovation, reorganization,” to be held directly before th e 59th Annual C o n fer­ ence at th e H oliday In n Broadway, Tucson, Arizona. Contact: see following entry. 2 1 - 2 4 — M u s ic lib r a r ie s : T he Music Library Asso­ ciation’s 59th A nnual C o n feren ce. Sessions in c lu d e b ib lio g rap h ic in stru c tio n rev isited , Southw est native Am erican music, preserva­ tion o f sound recordings, antiquarian music collecting, and music th erap y and m edical as­ pects o f th e perform ing arts. F o r m ore inform a­ tion contact: M artin A. Silver, Music Library, University o f California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; (805) 981-3609. M a r c h 1 -2 — A c q u is itio n s : Strategies for Serials, M ono­ graphs, and E lectronic F orm ats C onference, O klahom a City. Contact: D onald C. H udson, T he University o f O klahom a Libraries, N o r­ man, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. 6 - 7 — S t a f f d e v e lo p m e n t : T he University o f W is­ consin-M adison School o f Library and In fo r­ m ation Studies C ontinuing E ducation Services is offering a staff developm ent conference for library assistants, support staff, and paraprofes­ sionals in all types o f positions and libraries. T he conference will be held at th e Yahara C e n te r in Madison. F o r m ore inform ation contact: Jane P earlm utter, UW -M adison School o f Library and In fo rm atio n Studies, 600 N. P ark St., M adison, W I 53706; (608) 262-6398. 1 1 - 1 4 — L ib r a r y is s u e s : A conference on m ajor issues facing libraries for th e new decade, spon­ sored by th e Florida State University School o f Library and Inform ation Studies, will be held at th e F lorida State C onference C e n te r in T al­ lahassee, Florida. T he th em e o f th e C onference is “Issues for th e Next D ecade: Preservation, th e Serials D ilem m a, th e Role and Effective­ ness o f th e Public Library, and th e Legislative A genda.” T he fee for th e conference is $200, which includes two dinners, two luncheons, th re e continental breakfasts, two receptions, coffee breaks, and transportation from th e T al­ lahassee H ilton to th e Florida State C onference C e n te r th ro u g h o u t th e conference. Rooms are available at th e H ilton at th e re d u ced rate o f $49, single; $60, double. C onference p artici­ pants should m ention they are attending th e 1990 FSU Library and Inform ation Studies library conference to receive th e red u ced rate. F o r program inform ation contact: Alphonse F. Trezza, C onference C hair, (904) 544-5775. All registrations should b e m ailed to: C onference Registrar, C e n te r for Professional D evelop­ m ent and Public Service, F lorida State U niver­ sity, Tallahassee, F L 32306-2027. F o r registra­ tion in fo rm atio n contact: Susan L am p m an weekdays from 8:00am to 4:30 pm , (904) 644- 5775. A C Q U IS IT IO N PERSPECTIVES 4. We have established a reputation for accuracy in billing and shipping to your specifications. Invoices arranged alphabetically by author or title, or numerically by purchase order, and separate billing available upon request for Grant Funds, Title II, gifts, etc. Book House error rate last year was less than 1/3 percent. Call or Write TODAY 1 • 800 • 248 • 1146 FAX: 517 • 849 • 9716 Since 1962 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT SINCE 1962 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE, MICHIGAN 49250 0125 January 1990 / 63 April 2-5— S eria ls: T he 13th Annual C onference and AGM o f th e U nited Kingdom Serials G roup will be held at Boldrewood C onference C en tre, University o f Southam pton. Topics to b e ad ­ dressed include: Inform ation for E urope, Seri­ als & D ocum ent Supply, Training for Serials, Library-Trade Relationships, C D -R O M . T h ere will also be visits to local libraries and places o f interest. T he C onference d in n er will b e fol­ lowed by a cruise on th e Solent. Fee: m em bers £106 (ap p ro x im ately ), n o n -m e m b e rs £124 (approximately). F o r fu rth e r details contact: Jill Tolson, G roup A dm inistrator, 114 W oodstock Road, W itney, 0X8 6DY; Tel: 0993 703466; Fax: 0993 778879. 1 6 -1 9 — C a t h o lic lib r a r ie s : T he 69th annual con­ vention o f th e C atholic Library Association will take place in T oronto, Canada. T he th em e is “Catholic Libraries: Transform ing O u r W orld.” Among o th e r awards th a t will be p resen ted at this convention is th e 32nd R egina M edal, p re ­ sented to an individual w hose lifetim e dedica­ tion to ch ild ren ’s literatu re has b e e n outstand­ ing. F o r m ore inform ation on th e awards and session speakers, contact: C onvention C oordi­ nator, Natalie A. Logan (215) 649-5250. M a y 4 -6 — I n t e r n a t io n a l a n d c o m p a r a t iv e lib r a r ia n - sh ip : A sem inar on International an d C om para­ tive Librarianship will be offered in th e spring o f 1990 at th e School o f L ibrary and Inform a­ tion Science, University o f South Florida, in Tam pa. T h e sem inar will be co n d u cted by John A. M cCrossan, professor. Students may register for 3 hours cred it o r they may audit th e sem inar. All will a tte n d Session I in Tam pa. Those regis­ te re d for credit m ust also atten d a second ses­ sion in June at which they will p re se n t th e ir sem inar research papers. F o r inform ation w rite o r call: John M cCrossan o r Holly Hill at th e School o f Library and Inform ation Science, HM S 301, University o f South Florida, Tam pa, F L 33620-8300; (813) 974-3520. 1 1 -1 2 — U s e r in s tr u c tio n : T he LO EX C learing­ house for Library Instruction, located in th e E astern M ichigan University Library will spon­ sor th e 18th National LO EX Library In stru c ­ tion C onference in Ypsilanti, Michigan. T he title o f th e C onference is, “Judging th e Validity o f In fo rm a tio n Sources: T ea c h in g C ritical Analysis in B I.” T he program will consist o f practical working sessions, form al papers, and b rie f instructional presentations. R egistration will b e $125 (approximately) by mail only. At­ ten d an ce is lim ited to 125. To be placed on th e mailing list for th e brochure/registration form contact: D irector, LO EX C learinghouse, E ast­ ern M ichigan University Library, Ypsilanti, M I 48197; (313)487-0168. 6 - 1 8 — A d m in is tr a tio n : T h e College o f Library and Inform ation Services, University o f Mary­ land, is planning th e 24th annual Library Ad­ m inistrators D evelopm ent Program , to b e held at th e U niversity o f M aryland’s D onaldson Brown C en ter, P o rt D eposit, Maryland. Sem i­ n ar sessions will co ncentrate on th e principal adm inistrative issues w hich senior m anagers en co u n ter. Strategic p lanning an d m anage­ m en t by objectives, leadership, em ployee m oti­ vation, individual and group decision making, perform ance appraisal, conflict m anagem ent, financial planning and analysis, m arketing, and m anaging change are am ong th e issues consid­ e re d in lecture, case analysis, group discussion, and sem inar. Those in terested in fu rth e r infor­ m ation are invited to address inquiries to: Rose­ mary Miller, Adm inistrative Assistant, Library A dm inistrators D ev elopm ent Program , C ol­ lege o f Library and Inform ation Services, U ni­ versity o f Maryland, College Park, M D 20742; (301) 454-6080. 1 4 -1 6 — I n f o r m a t io n r e s o u r c e s : T he Inform a­ tio n R eso u rces M a n a g e m e n t A ssociation’s 1990 N ational C onference will be held in H er- shey, Pennsylvania, at th e H ershey Lodge and C onvention C en ter. T he T hem e o f this confer­ ence is “M anaging Inform ation Resources in th e 1990s.” F o r m ore inform ation contact: C onference C oordinator, IRM A 1990 C onfer­ ence, 4751 Lindle Road, Suite 190 H arrisburg, PA 17111; (717) 939-8972. ■ ■ Advertiser index Amigos....................................................... 48 Baker & T a ylo r........................................... 47 Ballen............................................................9 Book H ouse............................... 62 R.R. Bowker................................................15 Chadwyck-Healey.................................. 1 ‚ 57 Cornell University....................................... 60 EBS Book Service...................................... 10 Ebsco.................................................... cover 3 Institute for Scientific Info............................ 19 Mohawk M idland........................................ 42 Omnigraphics........................................cover 4 K.G. S a u r............................... co Sociological Abstracts................................37 Spires Consortium...................................... 24 Washington Inventory Service.................. 92 H.W. W ilson.................................... 31 ver 2