ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 64 / C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the Octo­ ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a written order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announce­ ments will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Appli­ cants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $15 for ACRL members and $20 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE PEOPLE COUNTERS, for information: 1-800-441-BOOK, library director designed and markets accurate electronic device that will count the people that enter your library with invisible beam, usable anywhere, portable or permanently, $229 includes shipping. Full warranty for one year, Laser Counters, 120 West Walnut St., Blytheville, AR 72315. (501)762-2431. Over 500 sold U.S. and Canada. MATERIALS WANTED SPACE PROBLEMS? We will buy your surplus serials, technical, scientific and historic materials. Send list for best offer to: Colfax Books, P.O. Box 380542, Denver, CO 80238. SERVICES AVAILABLE LET THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE your small business. Grants/ loans to $500,000. Free recorded message: 707/448-0270. (NS5) POSITIONS OPEN ACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. A 12-month tenure-track posi­ tion at California State University, Hayward, which serves 12,000 multi-ethnic students in the San Francisco Bay Area. Duties and responsibilities: directs circulation, periodical and reserve serv­ ices; supervision of personnel (6 FTE staff and 45 student employ­ ees), the automated circulation system and the physical mainte- nance/security of 750,000 volume collection. Will participate in implementing an integrated online public access catalog, circula­ tion and reserve system. Will participate in collection development and reference activities. Occasional evening and weekend hours required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of 3 years professional experience, preferably in an academic library; 2 years in circulation or access services (pre-MLS considered), preferably with an automated circulation system; managerial/supervisory experience required; demonstrated record of professional partici­ pation; experience working with an ethnically diverse student body. Salary range: $33,168-$50,472 depending on experience and qualifications. Send letter, resume, names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Melissa Rose, Library Director, California State University, Hayward, Hayward, CA 94542. To be assured consideration, applications must be re­ ceived before March 1,1990. Applications from women and minori­ ties welcome. AA/EOE. Position #89-90 CSLIB (TT) 1. ACQUISITIONS/COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN, University of South Dakota Law Library. Position available mid-February, 1990. Appli­ cation closing date: January 31, 1990. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree, including at least one year of library science course work, and two years of library work experience or an equivalent combina­ tion of education and experience. Experience with IBM PC compat­ ible computers is required. Additional points will be awarded for experience with law libraries and legal reference sources only. Desirable qualifications include knowledge of library and fiscal management; knowledge of database, WordPerfect, and spread­ sheet programs; and an MLS from an ALA-accredited school. Responsibilities: Acquisition and collection development/analy­ sis, supervision of library accounting records and reports, and one hour a day of reference work. Salary: $16,932-$19,053. Send request for application, resume with names of references, and college transcript to Office of Personnel Services, 207 Slagle Hall, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069; (605) 677­ 5671. EOE. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, PERSONNEL. Coordi­ nates recruiting, career development, performance appraisal, and personnel policies and procedures for 62 librarians, 150 nonac­ ademic staff and 350 student employees. Manages library person­ nel office and implements affirmative action. Familiarity with gov­ ernment regulations affecting employment, experience with collec­ tive bargaining; good communication skills. Requires MLS or relevant library experience and education and experience in management or related personnel fields preferably in an academic environment. Salary range is $44,100-$70,100. Send resumes by February 1, 1990 to Joseph Boissé, University Librarian, Univer­ sity of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an affirma­ tive action, equal opportunity employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. employment required prior to employment. ASSOCIATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The University of West Flor­ ida Library invites applications and nominations for the new posi­ tion of Associate Director. Under the leadership of the Director of Libraries the Associate Director shares in overseeing the services, December 1989 / 65 resources and operations of the library and assumes chief admin­ istrative responsibility in the absence of the Director. The Associ­ ate works jointly with the Director in developing policy, overseeing services and operations, preparing budgets, counseling person­ nel, and resolving problems. Required are an ALA-accredited MLS, and seven years increasingly responsible administrative experience in an academic library including supervision of a division/department comprised of librarians and support staff. Extensive knowledge of librarianship, competency in budget preparation and control, skill in motivating staff. Effective interper­ sonal and communication skills, understanding of academic teaching and research needs, evidence of professional develop­ ment, service, and participation in professional associations. Advanced academic achievement desired. The University of West Florida is one of nine institutions in the State University System, all of which use NOTIS. The library serves over 7,000 students with a collection of more than 500,000 volumes and subscriptions to over 4,000 journals. Staff number 19 librarians and 29 support person­ nel. Benefits: Salary $42,000 to $47,000, TIAA/CREF or other retirements, no state or local income taxes. Send nominations or letter of application, resume and names of three professional references by February 28, 1990, to: Director’s Office, John C. Pace Library, The University of West Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750. UWF is an Equal Opportu­ nity, Affirmative Action Employer. AUTHORITY CONTROL/CATALOG MANAGEMENT LIBRAR­ IAN, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. Plans, directs, moni­ tors, and evaluates the section responsible for precataloging searching, authority control and conflict resolution, and record maintenance in University Libraries’ online (NOTIS) and card catalogs. Trains, directs, and evaluates three FTE staff; resolves conflicts in name, subject, series, and uniform title headings in online catalog; participates in development and documentation of authority control and bibliographic maintenance policies and pro­ cedures; performs original and/or complex copy cataloging of monographs. This position reports to the Head of Cataloging Services. Minimum qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited pro­ gram or equivalent; at least two years professional cataloging experience, using OCLC or a comparable bibliographic utility; knowledge of MARC bibliographic and authorities formats, AACR2, LC rule interpretations, LCSH and Classification, and principles of authority control; strong organizational and problem solving skills; ability to work constructively with colleagues; effec­ tive written and oral communication skills. Preferred qualifications: Experience with NOTIS or another integrated online library system; supervisory experience in a cataloging environment; working knowledge of one or more Western European languages. Terms: Fiscal year contract with 24 days vacation, excellent fringe bene­ fits, possible tenure-track appointment with faculty status depend­ ing on credentials. Salary negotiable: $22,000 minimum. Applica­ tion: Send a letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts (unofficial copies acceptable), and a list of three references, including addresses and telephone numbers to: Nyal Williams, Chairperson, Department of Library Service, Ball State Univer­ sity, Muncie, IN 47306. Consideration of credentials will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Can conduct preliminary interviews at ALA midwinter meeting in Chi­ cago. Ball State University practices equal opportunity in educa­ tion and employment. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR PROFESSIONAL STUDIES and Assis­ tant Professor. The University of Illinois at Chicago seeks a Bibliographer for Professional Studies who knows and under­ stands the social science literature as it pertains to research and instruction in the fields of Business, Economics, Education, Urban Planning and Policy, and Physical Education and Recreation. The Bibliographer for Professional studies plays a crucial role as library collections grow to support expanding Ph.D. and master’s pro­ grams. UlC’s collections include over 1.7 million volumes and over 18,000 serial subscriptions. The current library materials budget is 3.7 million. The library of the University of Illinois at Chicago is well known for its outstanding faculty, its collections and staff, and its interest in experimentation and change. Specific Responsibilities: Identifies and selects library materials, both current and retrospec­ tive, that support the teaching and research programs of UIC; works with the faculties of the College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and School of Urban Planning and Policy; discusses current issues in collection management, acquisitions, and aca­ demic programs with members of the faculty and other colleges; works closely with the other bibliographers in the Collections Development Department; reports to the Principal Bibliographer. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library Science from a program accredited by the American Library Association; minimum of two years of professional Library experience or equivalent professional experience; knowledge of the literature of one or more of the above fields as evidenced by experience in collection development, acquisitions, and/or reference services; evidence of professional involvement within academic librarianship; evidence of ability to meet University standards in research, publication, and professional service commensurate with tenure. Salary/Rank/ Contract: Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience; salary from $25,000; faculty status; twelve-month appointment; 24 days vacation; 12 days annual sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; paid medical cover­ age (coverage for dependents may be purchased); dental and life insurance; participation in the State Universities Retirement Sys­ tem compulsory (8% of salary is withheld and is tax exempt until withdrawal); no Social Security coverage but Medicare payment Salary guide Listed below are the minimum starting sal­ ary figures recommended by 16 state library organizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1988 issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Services. Connecticut Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Massachusetts New Hamphsire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin $23,310 varies* $19,619 $17,500* $20,000 varies* $27,554* $17,500 $24,200 varies* $20,832 $20,024 $23,700* $22,500 varies* $20,000 $20,500 $20,000 $23,700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. 6 6 / C&RL News required; physical examination at University Health Service is re­ quired upon appointment. For fullest consideration apply by: January 31‚ 1990. Apply, with supporting resume and the names of at least three references, to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER/CATALOGER. Search extended. The Ki­ erkegaard Library at St. Olaf College seeks a professional bibliog- rapher/cataloger to carry out cataloging of a 9,000-volume special collection during a 2-year period, with funding provided by a NEH grant. Facility with LC cataloguing procedure, AACR II, and OCLC necessary. Knowledge of some or all of the following would be helpful: German, Scandinavian languages, classical languages, philosophy, theology. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience, with $30,000 minimum. Apply as soon as possible to Cynthia W. Lund, Assistant Curator, Study and Publication Cen­ ter, Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057. An AA/EOE. BIBLIOGRAPHERS (3). The University of Maryland College Park Libraries invites nominations and applications for three new bib­ liographer positions: Bibliographer (Business, Economics, Law, Criminal Justice), Librarian I. Responsibilities: Provides direct sup­ port for campus curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: Business, Economics, Law, Criminal Justice. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; for­ mulation and application of collecting policies; monitoring of expen­ ditures; developing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade world, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. UMCP Libraries is an ARL member. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Graduate degree in one of the subject areas described above. Working knowledge of one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Experience: Required: Mini­ mum three years professional experience, preferably in collection development. Preferred: Collection development experience in ARL Library, including collection analysis, collection development policy formulation and application; work experience in dealing with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Bibliographer (Germanic and Slavic Lan­ guages and Literatures, Religion, Philosophy, Jewish Studies), Librarian I. Responsibilities: Provides direct support for campus Reference Librarian Tenure-track position available immediately. Rank open (Assistant or Associate Librarian). Responsibilities: General reference duties, some bibliographic instruction and collection development. Some evening and weekend service is expected. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Two years professional experience and subject specializa­ tion in business or natural sciences. Salary: Minimum $24,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Systems Librarian. Tenure-track position available immediately. Rank open (Assistant or Associate Librarian). This position is for a department head reporting to the University Librarian. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, four years professional and/or automation experience, excellent communication skills, and demonstrated ability to work with people. Experience with NOTIS and supervision of staff highly desirable. Responsibilities: Coordinate planning, implementation and enhancements of integrated library system in consultation with Library, University Computing Center and Washington Research Library Consortium staff. Oversee set-up and maintenance of microcomputers in library. Salary: Minimum $35,000 depending on qualifications and experience. University Archivist/Head, Special Collections. Tenure-track position available. Rank open (Assistant or Associate Librarian). This position is for a department head reporting to the University Librarian. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, two years archive or special collections experience, excellent verbal and written communication skills. Second masters degree, supervisory experience and familiarity with preservation highly desirable. Responsibilities: Administers and maintains the University Archives; including acquiring, classifying, preserving, and retrieving for researchers archival materials. Responsible for indexing, processing, main­ taining, and preserving the Special Collections. Salary: Minimum $30,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Application deadline: January 20,1990 (February 16,1990 for Archivist). Submit resume and names of three references to: Patricia A. Wand University Librarian The American University Library 4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20016-8046 Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The American University is an EOE/AA employer. December 1989 / 67 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATION AND TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Responsible for administration of library automa­ tion operations (including implementation of new PALS subsystems), administration of Technical Services units, and management of preservation activities; responsible for administration of library operations in the absence of the Dean of Library Services. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; 4 years’ professional experience in technical services or library systems, preferably in academic/research libraries; management experience demonstrating strong management skills; demonstrated abilities in oral and written communication; broad knowledge of academic library automation. Preferred: Addi­ tional graduate studies in related field. Starting date: Preferably by July 1990. Rank: Manager 4. Anticipated minimum salary: $35,000. Liberal fringe benefits. Send application, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three refer­ ences by February 13,1990, to: Marilou W. Zeller Chairperson, Search and Screen Committee Harvey A. Andruss Library Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Bloomsburg University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Blacks, Hispanics, women and all other protected class members are especially encouraged to apply. curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Religion, Phi­ losophy, Jewish Studies. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; formulation and application of collect­ ing policies; monitoring of expenditures; developing and maintain­ ing close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade world, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. UMCP Libraries is an ARL member. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Graduate degree in one of the subject areas described above. Language facility in German, and Russian required: Hebrew preferred. Experience: Required: Mini­ mum three years professional experience, preferably in collection development. Preferred: Collection development experience in ARL Library, including collection analysis, collection development policy formulation and application; work experience in dealing with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Bibliographer (Government and Politics, Journalism, Public and Urban Affairs), Librarian I. Respon­ sibilities: Provides direct support for campus curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: Government and Politics, Journalism, Public and Urban Affairs. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; formulation and application of collecting policies; monitoring of expenditures; de­ veloping and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade world, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. UMCP Libraries is an ARL member. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Graduate degree in one of the subject areas described above. Working knowledge of one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Experience: Required: Minimum three years professional experience, preferably in collection devel­ opment. Preferred: Collection development experience in ARL Library, including collection analysis, collection development pol­ icy formulation and application; work experience in dealing with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions, ability to interact effectively with library staff and diverse clientele, and ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Salary for all three positions: $28,220- $39,405. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent fringe benefits. For full consideration, submit resume and names/ad- dresses of 3 references by February 28,1990, to: Marjorie Simon, Library Personnel Office, McKeldin Library, University of Mary­ land, College Park, MD 20742-7011. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. BIBLIO GRAPHIC INSTRUCTION CO O RDINATO R/REFER- ENCE LIBRARIAN. The Kerr Library at Oregon State University seeks a librarian to assume primary responsibility for library in­ struction activities at all levels. This will include coordination of orientation, tours, basic and subject oriented instruction for all library users including undergraduate and graduate students. The position also has reference and collection development responsi­ bilities, as well as committee and special project assignments. Reference work will include reference service to students, staff or faculty from a central reference area; this will include the use of the OCLC and RLIN systems, CD-ROM databases, online ready- reference and the use of the Library’s online catalog. This may include occasional night or weekend work. This position is a 12- month tenure-track faculty appointment; research and publication are necessary for continuing appointment, promotion and tenure. Appointment will be at assistant professor rank for candidates with a second subject masters degree. ALA-accredited MLS, two years academic library experience, demonstrated interest in library in­ struction and strong oral and written communication skills are required for consideration. Minimum of $25,000 for a 12-month appointment. Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 1990. Please send a letter of application, a resume, and the names and phone numbers of three references to: Robert Lawrence, Chair, Search Committee, Kerr Library, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-4501. Oregon State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; applications from women, minorities, and disabled persons are especially welcome. BIOMEDICAL ONLINE SERVICES COORDINATOR. Faculty po­ sition in academic medical center library. Minimum requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; 3+ years medical reference/ online teaching experience; strong communications, team builder. Minimum salary: $28,500, excellent fringe benefits. Letter of appli­ cation, resume, three references to: Search Committee, Univer­ sity of New Mexico, Medical Center Library, Albuquerque, NM 87131. EOE/AA employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN at Arizona State University, which offers the opportunity to work within the environment of an innovative and highly automated research library. Responsibilities include cata­ loging in the social sciences and/or humanities, dependent on de­ partmental needs and the subject and language background of the successful candidate; participation in the planning, governance and general management of the Department of Original Cataloging and Special Languages; and, potentially, the training and supervi­ sion of classified staff. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; broad academic background in the social sciences and/or humani­ ties; knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification system and MARC format; demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills; ability to catalog accurately materials in any Roman alpha­ bet language. Preferred: Original cataloging experience in a re­ search library (either professional or pre-professional); experience with a bibliographic utility; supervisory and training experience; 6 8 / C&RL News ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEMS Iowa State University Working within a team of four other Assistant Directors and the Dean, this new position will have broad responsibility for creating policy, developing applications, and coordinating operations in the area of information technology. This includes implementation of all modules of the NOTIS integrated system and indexing/abstracting software, as well as general policy and technical support responsibility for microcom­ puter hardware and software and library telecommunications systems and local area networks. Respon­ sible for various information delivery projects with campus units and with the National Agricultural Library. Hires and oversees systems staff, coordinates Library automation systems/projects. Prepares appropriate budgets and serves as liaison with the Computation Center and the Administrative Data Processing Center. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or master’s degree in a comparable field; five years increasing responsibility for library automation in a major academic library; demonstrated planning, communication, interpersonal, and management skills; competency and currency in library automation, including knowl­ edge of OCLC, major integrated online systems, and microcomputer/CD-ROM applications, ability to view issues from a Library-wide perspective, ability to meet promotion and tenure criteria. Preferred: Experience with mainframe library systems, NOTIS and IBM environments particularly desirable; knowledge of telecommunications and local area networks as they relate to library systems; some experience with programming. Salary and Benefits: $45,000 minimum, competitive benefits. Iowa State offers a positive environment for career growth and challenge. Situated on a beautiful campus, the recently remodeled and expanded Library actively serves a community of over 25,000 students and supports nationally recognized collections in excess of 1.7 million volumes, 2 million microforms and 21,000 current serial subscriptions. A fully integrated Library system is being installed. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, BCR, and OCLC. Ames is a community of 50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital. The city supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions. Application: Review of applications will begin February 9,1990. Submit letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: William K. Black Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel Iowa State University 302 Parks Library Ames, IA, 50011-2140 Iowa state University has a strong commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. ability to work with materials in Southeast Asian languages. Salary; $21,000 and up, dependent on qualifications (but essentially an entry-level position). To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of University Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; (Phone 602/965-3417). Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled, with review of applications beginning January 1 5 , 1990. ASU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, Joyner Library, East Carolina University. Responsibilities: assist in reclassification and retrospective con­ version of serials; other cataloging responsibilities as assigned. This is a 12 month fixed term faculty position and reports to the Coordinator of Technical Services. Salary $23,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. Requirements: ALA-accredited mas­ ter’s in library science; working knowledge of AACR2, LC rule interpretations, LCSH, LC classification. Good oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively with all levels of staff; ability to work well independently. Preferred: Knowledge of at least one modern European language; second master’s degree; familiarity with OCLC standards; cataloging experience with an online bibliographic database. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 16,000 students and 950 faculty. The University is a constituent institution of the sixteen- campus University of North Carolina system. Screening of applica­ tions will begin March 1, 1990 and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jo Ann Bell, Acting Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employ­ ment. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employability at the time of emploment. East Carolina University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and, as such, encourages applications from women, blacks, and other minori­ ties. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Pacific Lutheran University seeks Cata­ log Librarian with ALA-accredited degree. Faculty status, tenure eligibility, and excellent benefits. Twelve-month appointment. Salary range: $20,750-$25,000, depending on qualifications. Responsibilities include original and advanced copy cataloging and classification with special emphasis on audio-visual materials, catalog and file maintenance, some collection development, and December 1989 / 69 FOUR REFERENCE LIBRARIANS/BIBLIOGRAPHERS The University of Houston Libraries The University of Houston Libraries invite applications for four reference librarian/bibliographer positions: Business, Social Sciences, and two Science Reference Librarians. We seek creative talented individuals who desire to work in an environment where services are expanding and where there is considerable scope for planning and implementing new program initiatives, including the application of new technologies to the delivery of services. General responsibilities: Responsible for collection development, user education, and computerized database searching in assigned disciplines. Provides service at the Information Desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Serves as the Library’s resource person for faculty and other individuals in assigned areas of collection development. Requirements: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school required. Excellent communica­ tion skills and strong service orientation essential. Specific requirements: Business: Coursework or reference experience in Business Administration, Economics, or Hotel and Restaurant Management. Social Sciences: Coursework or reference experience in Education, Mexican-American Studies, Sociology or Anthropology. Knowledge of Mexican-American Studies highly desirable. Sciences: Interest in developing skills in physical sciences reference. Salary and Benefits: $20,500 minimum. Excellent benefits package including choice of retirement programs. Library Information: The University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.6 million volumes, with a materials budget of $2.2 million and total staff of 175. The Library is a member of ARL. Application procedure: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is appointed. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Dana C. Rooks Assistant Director for Administration University of Houston Libraries Houston, TX 77204-2091 Equal opportunity employer. assisting in related operations of Technical Services Department. Qualifications include working knowledge of AACR2 and standard cataloging practices, familiarity with automated library systems, and ability to work with WLN or other bibliographic utility. Reading knowledge of a foreign language, preferably German or Scandi­ navian. Some experience preferred but not essential. Furnish letter, resume, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, three or more letters of reference and/or current placement file. Send to: John W. Heussman, Director, Mortvedt Library, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447. Deadline for receipt of all materi­ als is February 15. Starting date is March 15, or as arranged. AA/ EOE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Search reopened. Duties: Management of cataloging operations, database, and staff; original cataloging of monographs, serials and non-book materials; some reference desk duties. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; three years library cataloging experience; comprehensive knowl­ edge of LC classification and subject headings, and MARC for­ mats, OCLC or other bibliographic utility. Desirable: Supervisory experience; familarity with integrated systems. Salary: Minimum $27,000 for a 12-month/year tenure track faculty appointment. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; 22 days vacation. Application: Send letter of application, a resume, and the names and phone numbers of three references to Ingrid Schierling, Head of Technical Services, Library, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, P.O. Box 7150, Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150. Application deadline: February 1,1990. The University of Colorado is an AA/EOE. CATALO G/RETROSPECTIVE CONVERSION LIBRARIAN, Pembroke State University, a campus of the University of North Carolina. To begin February 1990. Will conduct the retrospective conversion project for the LS/2000, including all steps of the process. Evening and reference relief work, OCLC cataloging knowledge required; reference and retrospective conversion expe­ rience desirable. ALA-accredited MLS required; salary range $20,000-$25,000. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation to: Elinor Bridges, Director of Library Services, Mary Livermore Library, Pembroke State University, Pembroke, NC 28372. Preference given to those who apply by January 18, 1990. AA/EOE. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, Georgetown Uni­ versity Library. (Search reopened) This person is responsible for the planning, implementing and overseeing of the Library’s collec­ tion development program. Responsibilities include: establishing measures of collection strengths and weaknesses; formulating collection development plans for academic subjects; evaluating ongoing and proposed academic programs for collection impact. Candidates are expected to have knowledge of trends and issues in the development of academic research collections, including resource sharing. We require a minimum of five years of significant and relevant experience in an academic library, two of which must have been in collection development. A demonstrated capacity to work effectively and collegially with library and faculty colleagues and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing are essential. An MLS from an ALA-accredited school is mandatory. Minimum salary is $32,000, with faculty status and excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to: James DeLancey, Georgetown Univer­ sity Library, P.O. Box 37445, Washington, DC 20013. Geor­ getown University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Search re-opened. University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Ottenheimer Library. Re­ sponsible for selection, analysis, and balance of the university 7 0 / C&RL News HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES DEPARTMENT Iowa State University Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Serv­ ices, the Head of Access Services is a major post providing leadership in a service-directed environ­ ment. Responsibility for organization, staffing, budget­ ing and operation of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Periodical Room, Photoduplication, Reserve, and Stacks Maintenance. Administration of public service activities in branch reading rooms. Responsibility for eight supervisors, twenty-nine staff and thirty FTE student assistants. Major role in planning and imple­ menting system-wide automated circulation (NOTIS). Participates in divisional planning and serves on Dean’s Council. Required: ALA accredited MLS; minimum of three years experience in a major academic library; effective management, supervisory communication and inter­ personal skills; understanding of and commitment to library automation; ability to view issues broadly; com­ mitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action; ability to meet promotion and tenure standards. Preferred: Knowledge of automated circulation sys­ tems (particularly NOTIS) and Interlibrary Loan prac­ tices, experience with administration of branch library facilities. Salary and benefits: $33,000 minimum. Competitive benefits. Iowa State offers a positive environment for career growth and challenge. Situated on a beautiful campus, the recently remodeled and expanded Library actively serves a community of over 25,000 students and sup­ ports nationally recognized collections in excess of 1.7 million volumes, 2 million microforms and 21,000 cur­ rent serial subscriptions. A fully integrated Library sys­ tem is in the process of being installed. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, BCR, and OCLC. Ames is a community of 50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital. The city supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions. Application: Review of applications will begin Feb­ ruary 9,1990. Submit letter, resume and names, ad­ dresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to: William K. Black Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel Iowa State University 302 Parks Library Ames, IA 50011-2140 (515)294-1442 Iowa State University has a strong commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. library’s collections; works closely with faculty members in all departments, colleges, and schools; prepares reports on library support for courses and programs offered by the institution; pre­ pares grant proposals; works closely with professional as well as clerical staff of library; recommends annual distribution of materials money to library administration. Reports to the Assis­ tant Director for Instructional and Public Services. Require­ ments: ALA-MLS; 2nd Master’s desirable; three years library experience preferred; excellent oral and written communica­ tions skills; demonstrated ability to establish beneficial relation­ ships with faculty, co-workers, patrons, and donors in an aca­ demic environment. Salary: dependent upon experience and qualifications with $25,000 minimum for 12-month appoint­ ment. Faculty rank and tenure eligibility; benefits include TIAA- CREF. Position available immediately. Deadline for nomina­ tions and applications is February 15, 1990. Send resume, listing names, addresses, and phone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Kathy Sanders, Chair, Search Committee, Otten- heimer Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204. Applications will be subject to inspection under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities and women. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN/UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST. Illinois Wesleyan University is embarking on aca­ demic program enhancements which will require expansion of library collections and is seeking a librarian who has the back­ ground and ability to assist with this development. Additional responsibilities include liaison with all Social Science and Busi­ ness Departments, general reference, and maintenance of gov­ ernment documents. Tenure-track, 10 1/2-month faculty ap­ pointment, rank open, to begin August 1,1990. Qualifications: MSLS from accredited library program, doctorate in an area of Social Sciences, including History, strongly preferred, ability to work with students and faculty and meet university require­ ments for tenure. Salary range $24,000-$30,000 depending on background and experience, excellent benefits. Illinois Wesleyan University is an equal opportunity employer and strongly affirms the need for applications from women and minorities. Send letter of application, resume, names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Clayton Highum, Illinois Wesleyan University Library, 201 E. Univer­ sity Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61702. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Assistant Librarian). Responsibilities: Analyze and evaluate Library holdings, select materials in assigned subject areas, and serve as collection development liaison with the appropri­ ate academic programs; provide reference desk service to library users; participate in the Library’s bibliographic instruc­ tion program; and perform related duties. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; demonstrated ability to communicate effec­ tively orally and in writing; strong service orientation; demon­ strated analytical skills; and a strong liberal arts background are required. Demonstrated ability to work cooperatively with others is essential. Preference will be given to applicants with training in online database searching and successful academic library reference experience. Knowledge of at least one modern foreign language and experience with microcomputer applica­ tions are desirable. Salary: Dependent on qualifications and experience. Minimum of $21,000 per fiscal year. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Betty Gauthier, Mardigian Library, The University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, Ml 48128-1491. Review of applications will begin February 1, 1990; applications will be accepted until the posi­ tion is filled. The University of Michigan-Dearborn is an equal opportunity employer and invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN, Arts and Sci­ ences Libraries, Tufts University. The University: Tufts Univer­ sity, founded in 1852, is an independent non-sectarian univer- sityy of high quality, with about 8,318 students, providing degree programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels in liberal arts and professional areas. The faculty of Arts and Sciences offers baccalaureate programs in engineering, liberal arts and sciences to almost 5,000 students. The faculty of Arts December 1989 / 71 and Sciences also offers more than twenty master’s level and doctoral programs in the arts and sciences and in engineering, enrolling about 1,285 men and women. The Library: The Arts and Sciences Library, with basic resources in the humanities, social sciences, biological and physical sciences has a collection of over 412,000 volumes, 310,000 government publications, 85,000 maps, 630,000 microform units, 9,200 sound recordings, over 1000 films and videocassettes, and 2,333 current periodicals. The collections include the Government Publications and Map Room, Irene Eisehman Bernstein Audiovisual Center, Lufkin Engineering Library, Music Library, Rockwell Chemistry Library, Knipp Physics Reading Room, and Biology and Geology Reading Rooms. Data Research Associate’s Atlas is the library’s automated system. The Position: Position reports to Director of the Arts and Sciences Libraries. Tufts University seeks an individual with an ALA-accred- ited MLS or equivalent, to plan, create and direct collection devel­ opment goals, policies and activities for all Arts and Sciences col­ lections and subjects. The Collection Management Librarian will also coordinate collection plans with Health Sciences and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy libraries. Responsibilities: The position will be responsible for evaluating the libraries’ collections, managing allocations of an acquisitions budget of more than $ 1 million, coordinating the selection activities of faculty and librarians (including formalizing and directing the librarians’ activities as de­ partmental liaisons), and participating in the library management council. Qualifications: Excellent analytical, organizational and communication skills, with the ability to work effectively with faculty, department chairs, library managers, librarians and staff to negotiate allocations of acquisitions budget and staff time, and with the ability to take a leadership role in the library. Experience with budget process in an academic or research library; experience with database management and/or automated fund accounting. Famili­ arity with all library formats and an ability to evaluate their appropri­ ateness. A broad knowledge of library operations and services and how they support university research and teaching goals. Experi­ ence in collection development or acquisitions preferred. Salary and Benefits: Appointment and salary commensurate with experi­ ence. 4 weeks vacation. Dental, medical (Blue Cross and HMOs), retirement (TIAA/CREF and others) and other benefits. To Apply: Please send letter, resume and names of three references to: Director, Arts and Sciences Library, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Screening for this position will begin on February 15, 1990, and will continue until filled. Tufts University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, minorities, disabled persons and Vietnam era veter­ ans. COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. Position to be filled on March 1, 1990, reports to Coordinator of Collection Manage­ ment and is responsible for supervising the selection, bibliographic searching, ordering, follow-up, and receipt of books and materials; maintaining continuation orders: and the handling of gifts and DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY The Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the Phillips Memorial Library. Providence College is a four-year college of the liberal arts and sciences with an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 3,600 men and women. It is conducted under the auspices of the Order of Preachers of the Province of St. Joseph, commonly known as the Dominicans. As a small Catholic undergraduate liberal arts college, Providence College has as its primary objective the intellectual development of its students in the disciplines of the sciences and the humanities within the atmosphere provided by the unique Catholic educational tradition of the Dominican Order. Founded in 1917, it is located on a rural campus within the urban boundaries of the City of Providence, Rhode Island, within 50 miles of Boston, Massachusetts and 150 miles of New York City. The Director holds full faculty status and reports to the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration of the College. The Director is responsible for the administration and management of the Phillips Memorial Library, a facility of 111,513 square feet with holdings of 290,000 volumes. The Phillips Memorial Library’s annual budget for academic year 1989-1990 is $1,200,000. The library has a full-time professional and clerical staff of 22, supplemented by a part-time staff of 19. Qualifications: master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program plus substantial managerial experience in an academic/research library. Qualifications should also include at least three years experience in supervision and administration within an academic library setting. Because this is afaculty position, a Ph.D. is preferred. Expertise must be demonstrated in collection development, strategic planning, personnel and fiscal management, as well as facilities planning. Expertise in the field of information technology and library computerization is considered a particularly valuable asset. This position will be available on July 1 ‚ 1990. Closing date for applications is March 1 ‚ 1990. Salary for the position is competitive (minimum $40,000) and includes a substantial fringe benefit program. Applicants should forward their vitae with at least three telephone references to: James H. McGovern Associate Vice President for Academic Administration Providence College Providence, Rl 02918 Providence College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. 72 / C&RL News requests for out-of-print items. Acts as resource person to staff, interacts with faculty and booksellers, and plans and implements newly acquired PALS automated acquisitions system. Some ro­ tated evening and weekend reference work is required. Required, ALA-accredited MLS degree and ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff. Preferred: Experience with collection development and acquisitions procedures, OCLC or other bibliographic utility, and automated acquisitions system. This is a 12-month tenure-track appointment with academic rank and salary commensurate with qualifications. Application deadline is February 1, 1990. Generous benefits include full-paid State or TIAA/CREF retirement, 24 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave, and 11 paid holidays. Candidates should send an application letter, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three recent references to: J. Donald Craig, University Librarian, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. MTSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; minori­ ties and women are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES, Ithaca College Library. Direct, coordinate, and supervise operation and administration of HEAD, BIBLIOGRAPHIC SEARCHING DEPARTMENT Doheny Memorial Library Head, Bibliographic Searching Department, manages department’s functions and staff. Re­ sponsible for coordinating departmental work flow with other departments in Division. Represents Bibliographic Searching Department in Department Heads meetings, and participates in ongoing plan­ ning for Division as a whole. Coordinates ordering priorities with selectors and the AUL for Collection Development. Works with the AULs for Technical Services and Collection Development on priority processing for various funds. MLS/ALA, at least two years of technical serv­ ices experience, cataloging or bibliographic search­ ing preferred. Experience with automated technical services system, or subsystems, required. Salary: Librarian I, $28,900; Librarian II, $32,000 minimum salary, plus benefits. Position open: March 1, 1990, and will remain open until filled. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services Doheny Memorial Library University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 Applicants submit a letter of application; resume; and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Refer to Head, Bibliographic Searching Department, Position #133CRL. AA/EOE. public services (reference, circulation, reserve, ILL, library instruc­ tion, database searching): be responsible for departmental man­ agement (planning, budget, staff development); integrate tradi­ tional and advanced library technologies with library’s informa­ tional service; develop and maintain successful relationship with library users; participate as reference librarian (some evening and weekend work). Required: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated ability to create, evaluate, and coordinate public services; record of successful administrative experience in progressively responsible positions; demonstrated leadership qualities; excellent interper­ sonal as well as oral and written communication skills; reference experience. Helpful: knowledge of database searching; library instruction experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: W. Robert Woerner, Director of the Library, Ithaca College Library, Ithaca, NY 14850. Applications accepted until position is filled, review starts January 22,1990; appointment effective as soon as possible thereafter. Ithaca College, located in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, is a comprehensive college enrolling approximately 6,400 students. The Library has 300,000 volumes, 2,200 periodical subscriptions, and 2,000 serials. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. CURATOR, SOUTHEAST ASIAN COLLECTION. $30,000 mini­ mum. Twelve-month contract; tenure track. MLS from an ALA- accredited library school required for appointment as instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of graduate coursework (preferably in Southeast Asian studies), or equivalent, required in addition to MLS. Burmese and/ or Thai language ability preferred. Manages collection develop­ ment, services, and personnel administration; coordinates techni­ cal processing for SEA collection. Provides leadership in develop- FOUR POSITIONS Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Applications are invited for the following profes­ sional positions at the Cline Library. Readvertised positions are: Acquisitions Librarian, $24,000 Archivist and Manuscripts Curator, $24,000 Serials Librarian, $24,000 Library Software Specialist, $22,000 12-month contract with academic professional status. Jobdescriptions are available upon request. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Jean D. Collins, University Librarian Northern Arizona University Cline Library P.O. Box 6022 Flagstaff, AZ 86011 Phone:(602)523-6802 Review of applications will begin December 15, 1989. Northern Arizona University is an Equal Employ­ ment Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer, with the advancement of women and minorities as an institutional commitment. December 1989 / 73 THE MARTHA BOAZ DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP The Central Library System of the University of Southern California The Martha Boaz Distinguished Research Professorship is awarded annually to a distinguished member of the Library or Information Science profession to enhance strategic planning and applied research for the Library during a six-month period. The recipient for the 1990 calendar year will hold a visiting appointment to the University of Southern California’s Central Library System and will work to develop a comprehensive library instruction program for the system. It is expected that this will include an analysis of the current program, identification of areas where development is needed and proposed staffing and costs. This program is being developed as a prototype for instruction in the Teaching Library which is projected to open in fall 1992. It will involve librarians throughout the 14 Specialized Subject Libraries the Central Library Services which include Reference, College Library, Access Services, and Government Documents, Technical Services, Academic Information Services and the Center for Scholarly Technology. An award of $25,000 and certain expenses related to the fellowship may be expected. Qualifications: the Master of Library Science or Information Science degree; evidence of substantial accomplishment in library instruction in a large academic institution; and recognized standing in the profession. Applications should be submitted to: Dean Charles Rìtcheson University Librarian and Vice-Provost Doheny Memorial Library University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-08182 ing, interpreting and publicizing library services and collections. Send a statement of qualifications, resume, and names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three references by February 1, 1990 to: Gordon Rowley, Associate Director, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Washington State University invites applications and nominations for the position of director of librar­ ies. The Director is the Chief Administrative and Financial Officer of the University Libraries and reports to the Provost. Washington State University is a comprehensive research institution which is the land-grant university for the State, with a student enrollment of 17,700, including 2,000 graduate students. The Library system has a collection of approximately 1,600,000 volumes, 2,540,000 microform units, 302,000 audiovisual units, and a current sub­ scription list of 32,000 serial titles. The current staff includes 45 faculty, 112 classified staff, and 52 FTE student assistants. The Library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Western Library Network. Qualifications for the position include: an ALA-accredited MLS degree; demonstrated and substantial success as a leader in a research library; a strong commitment to excellence; managerial experience with library automation; and demonstrated ability to work effectively with people at all levels. Desirable qualifications include the doctoral degree and/or a second master’s degree, successful experience in development and fundraising, and ex­ perience with centralized library services in a multi-campus set­ ting. Nominations will be accepted until December 15, 1989. Screening of applicants will begin January 4, 1990, and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations or letters of application, accompanied by a vita and a list of at least four references should be sent to: Fredrick J. Dobney, Chair, Director of Libraries Search Committee, Vice Provost for Extended Univer­ sity Services Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164- 1041. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, af­ firmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic mi­ norities, women, Vietnam-era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40 and 70 are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Samuel Read Hall Library. Starting date: July 1, 1990. Salary $26,000- $29,000 plus substantial benefits. Undergraduate college with 1,100 students located in Lyndonville in the northeast section of Vermont. Successful candidate will be responsible for overall management, including staff supervision (8) and budget, for a service-oriented academic library and will plan and coordinate development of diverse collection. Duties in the year-round position include some evening and weekend reference work and coordina­ tion of expansion of a DRA-automated system and development of other technologies. Library expansion planned in near future. Re­ quired qualifications include MLS from ALA-accredited program; 3 years library administrative experience; substantial familiarity with public and technical services automation, preferably Data Re­ search Associates. Second advanced degree preferred. Send res­ ume and letters of reference, by February 1, 1990, to: Perry Viles, Academic Dean, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT 05851. Lyndon State College is proud of its tradition of providing personal and individual attention to students. Successful candidates for faculty, staff, or administrative positions are those who share in our commitment to students as our first priority. AA/EOE. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL. The Atkins Library of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte seeks an individual who, under the direction of the Documents Unit Head, will have the following responsibilities: Develop and maintain the local documents collection including establishing contacts with local government agencies; develop and maintain the international documents collection; provide documents and maps reference service; and teach students and faculty to use the library. The library is a selective depository for federal documents; a full depository for state documents; and a partial depository for local documents. Some night and weekend work is required. Library experience in documents preferred. Microcomputer experience preferred. Excel­ lent public services skills required. Supervisory experience highly desirable. Well-developed organizational and communication skills a necessity. ALA-accredited master’s degree required. Twelve- month contract. Minimum salary $23,000. State mandated benefits. Send resume and the names of three references by March 2,1990, 74 / C&RL News to Documents Search Committee c/o Carole McIver, Administra­ tive Services Librarian, Atkins Library, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. AA/EEO. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN. Entry level, $22,000 minimum. Twelve-month contract; tenure track. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required for appointment as Instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of graduate coursework, or equivalent, re­ quired in addition to MLS. Interest in working with the international collections in Government Publications. Participates in collection development, reference desk service, library instruction, technical processing, online database searching, and planning and policy development. Send a statement of qualifications, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references by February 1, 1990, to: Elizabeth Titus, Assistant Director, Univer­ sity Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. HEAD, BIOMEDICAL INFORMATION SERVICES. The Univer­ sity of New Mexico Medical Center Library seeks candidates for a supervisory position strong in program development and respon­ sible for reference, online and user instruction and information services in multi-program Academic Health Sciences Center. The library serves the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Allied Health, and Dental Programs, the UNM Hospital, Children’s Psy­ chiatric Hospital, Mental Health Center, Cancer Research and Treatment Center, and all patient care clinics of the medical center. The library also conducts an extensive educational pro­ gram, a multi-faceted statewide outreach program, and serves as resource library in the Talon Region. The library has a full-time staff of forty-two, a collection exceeding 150,000, over 2,000 current subscriptions, a large media center, and a New Mexico medical history and archives collection. The library has at online, statewide public access catalog. Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited school, MLA certification desirable. Minimum five years professional experience in medical reference work, online instruction and searching, and supervision or project manage­ ment; must be a good team player, possess leadership, oral, and written communication skills. Minimum salary $32,500 depending on experience. Non-probationary faculty appointment. Send letter of application, resume, salary requirements, and three references to: Search Committee, University of New Mexico, Medical Cen­ ter Library, Albuquerque, NM 87131. EOE/AA employer. HEAD CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a librarian to manage the Central Reference Department which provides information service in the social sci­ ences, humanities, and fine arts. Responsibilities include manag­ ing a department with 12 librarians, 9 career staff, and 3 FTE student assistants and overseeing reference service, computer­ ized reference services, specialized library instruction, collection development, and interlibrary loan. The head works closely with other departments in the library system, serves on library-wide ad­ ministrative committees, and is one of six department heads who report to the Assistant University Librarian for Central Services. The University of Arizona Library has an aggressive Affirmative Action plan. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school and at least five years of professional library experience in an academic, research or comparable library with demonstrated supervisory, planning, and leadership skills. Experience with reference service is required, and familiarity with library instruction, computerized reference services, collection de­ velopment, and interlibrary loan is preferred. A commitment to responsive and innovative library services is required as are strong written and oral communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates with academic backgrounds in the social sciences, humanities, or fine arts. Minimum salary is $32,000, or higher depending upon qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic professional status, are eligible for continuing status, are voting members of the faculty and may take up to 24 days professional leave per year. They have 12-month appointments with 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three referees to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, P.O. Box C, Tucson, AZ 85721. Review of applications will begin February 28, 1990; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The Univer­ sity of Arizona is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer with an Affirmative Action plan. All persons hired will be required to show proof of their identity and right to work in the United States. HEAD, DOCUMENTS PROCESSING, Washington State Univer­ sity Libraries (position readvertised). Coordinates the work of the Documents Section in the Bibliographic Control Unit of the Techni­ cal Services Division. Catalogs document serials and mono­ graphs, and assigns classification numbers to copy cataloging. Responsible for reviewing processing of surveys for U.S. deposi­ tory documents, claims processing and receipt, Washington State Depository shipments. Serves as liaison with Public Service units for depository issues. Chairs library-wide Government Documents ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Duties: Responsible for the direction of public services activities for 31 service units with 7 depart­ ment heads reporting directly. Incumbent is respon­ sible for policy development, evaluation of and plan­ ning for public services, divisional communication and supervision, faculty relations, resource alloca­ tion and personnel actions, and other administrative and professional activities which maintain and en­ hance the provision of library services to the Univer­ sity community. Participates in administrative deci­ sion-making for the library organization as a whole. Reports to the deputy director and is a member of Cabinet. Qualifications: Substantial managerial and ad­ ministrative experience in a research or an aca­ demic library with an emphasis on public services. Demonstrated success in written and oral commu­ nication, analytical, budgeting and planning activi­ ties. Knowledge and understanding of research library organization and interrelationship of divi­ sions, and sound grasp of issues and trends facing research libraries. Knowledge of and experience with library automation. Ability to work in a group context. Proven leadership ability with staff and in the profession. Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school. Salary and leave: Minimum salary of $65,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefit. Retirement plan: TIAA/CREF Retirement Plan. Apply to: Lucy R. Cohen, Manager Library Personnel Office 404 Hatcher Graduate Library University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 Application deadline: applications received by January 30,1990 will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is an non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. Senior Associate University Librarian Boston College Libraries seeks applications and nominations for a newly defined position of Senior Associate University Librarian. Working closely with the University Librarian, this position will be responsible for the internal operations of the University Libraries. Specific responsibilities include: coordinating the effective organization and delivery of all library services to the university com­ munity through three AULs with responsibility for collections, access and technical services; planning and policy formulation for the Libraries, including performance measurement; chairing the Library Administrative Group; library facilities; grantsmanship; and library public relations. Together with other library staff, the Senior Associate will design and implement innovative programs to enhance the Library's role in the intellectual life of the University. Boston College, a coeducational Jesuit university of 9,000 undergraduates and 5,500 graduate and professional students, is committed to the ideal of excellence and service to others. Boston College Libraries are recognized as the focal point for research and information services at the university. The Libraries have a combined staff of over 50 professionals, 90 support positions and 200 student assistants, with holdings of over 1.1 million printed volumes and an annual budget approaching $8 million. Fully automated since 1984, the Libraries have recently migrated to the NOTIS system and continue to be leaders in using information technology to expand services. The Library administration encourages open communication, creativity, and staff development at all levels of the organization. The successful candidate will be an ALA-accredited MLS with 10 years academic or research library experience combining front-line work with increasing management and supervisory responsibilities. Strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to collegial, flexible management is essential, as is the ability to manage change and maintain stability in a dynamic, fast- paced environment. A background in collection development, budget and personnel management processes is desirable. Evidence of active participation in the library profession, with excellent writing and oral presentation skills are also required. Our comprehensive benefits include 22 days vacation; tuition remission for employee, spouse and children; a wide range of insurance programs; use of recreational and university facilities and the availability of an on-site child care center. Salary from $48,000 depending on qualifications. Applications received by March 1, 1990 will receive first consideration. Apply to: Dr. Mary J. Cronin, University Librarian, O'Neill 414, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. BOSTON CO LLEG E 7 6 / C&RL News committee (GoDoC). Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent; experience in processing state and federal depository receipts; cataloging experience, preferably of government docu­ ments; demonstrated knowledge of SuDocs classification, LCSH, AACR2, and other cataloging tools. Preferred: Experience in an academic or research library; supervisory experience; experience in MARC tagging, bibliographic utilities, preferably WLN; demon­ strated verbal and written communication skills. Salary: From $25,000. Rank: Librarian 2 or 3, commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Direc­ tor for Administrative Services, Washington State University Li­ braries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins: Feb­ ruary 1 ‚ 1990. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic mi­ norities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encour­ aged to apply. HEAD, HUMANITIES COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Washing­ ton State University Libraries. Supervises all aspects of Humani­ ties collection development and management for the WSU Librar­ ies. Selects materials for purchase in English and American literature. Works closely with teaching faculty and other subject specialists in the Humanities. Provides full range of general refer­ ence services in all Humanities and Social Science disciplines. Participates in library user education program. Works coopera­ tively with other heads of collection development to deal effectively with issues of mutual concern. Serves on the Libraries’ Collection Development Committee. Reports to the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries. Required: ALA accredited MLS; Masters or above degree in English or American literature or American Stud­ ies with emphasis on literature, Experience as collection manager, subject bibliographer or in acquisitions in an academic/research ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTIONS Iowa State University The Assistant Director, working within a team of four other Assistant Directors and reporting to the Dean, shares broad responsibility for management of the Library system. Primary responsibility involves all aspects of collection development and management including: developing the Library’s research collec­ tions in support of the University’s programs; coordinating the preparation of collection development policies; allocating and monitoring acquisitions funds of over $3.3 million; working with the Dean and the University Development Office on fundraising and donor relations; directing collection management activities of the bibliographers and selectors; and overseeing three units: Collection Development, Collection Preservation and Conservation, and Special Collections and University Archives. The Division includes 7 professionals and 6 FTE supportstaff. In addition, 8 librarians outside the Division participate in selection and collection management activities in specialized areas. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school required, advanced degree in a subject field strongly preferred; a minimum of 5 years collection development experience in a major academic library, knowledge of major issues in collection development and preservation; demonstrated planning, fiscal, and analytical skills; ability to communicate effectively and manage successfully; appreciation of the scholarly use of collections; ability to maintain effective working relationships with the University community; understanding of the application of automation to library operations; ability to view issues from a broad Library-wide perspective, ability to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Salary and Benefits: $45,000 minimum, competitive benefits. Iowa State offers a positive environment for career growth and challenge. Situated on a beautiful campus, the recently remodeled and expanded Library actively serves a community of over 25,000 students and supports nationally recognized collections in excess of 1.7 million volumes, 2 million microforms and 21,000 current serial subscriptions. Special Collections and University Archives has strong collections in agricul­ ture and natural science as well as a rich documentation of historical records and the American Archives of the Factual Film. A fully integrated Library system is being installed (NOTIS). The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, BCR, and OCLC. Ames is a community of 50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital. The city supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions. Application: Review of applications will begin February 9,1990. Submit letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: William K. Black Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel Iowa State University 302 Parks Library Ames, IA 50011-2140 Telephone: (515) 294-1442 Iowa State University has a strong commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. December 1989 /77 library. Reference experience in an academic/research library. Preferred: Reading knowledge of a modern foreign language; reference experience in the Social Sciences; experience with user education and automated systems. Salary: From $30,000; com­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian rank commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Application procedure: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, W ashington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application re­ view begins January 31,1990. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. HEAD, HUMANITIES/SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIES, Wash­ ington State University Libraries. Responsible for the administra­ tion of the Humanities and Social Sciences collections and serv­ ices in Holland Library and the branch education Library and branch Architecture Library. Areas and services include reference, collection development, circulation, database searching, interli­ brary loans, user education, microform collection and serial rec­ ords. May participate in collection development and reference. Present staff includes 12.5 FTE librarians, 27.65 FTE classified staff, and 16.3 FTE student assistants. Conducts annual review evaluations of library faculty and relevant classified staff in the division. Works cooperatively with heads of other divisions in the Libraries to deal effectively with issues of mutual concern. Reports to the Director of Libraries and serves on the Director’s Council, the advisory body of principal administrators. Required: ALA accred­ ited MLS; substantial demonstrated successful experience, in­ cluding some administration in a sizable public service area of an academic or large public library. Undergraduate degree in the Social Sciences or Humanities. Applicants should have a strong service commitment, an understanding of research needs, experi­ ence in planning and implementing change, demonstrated leader­ ship, outstanding communication skills, and the ability to handle a variety of situations with patience, tact, and fairness. Preferred: Additional graduate degree in Social Sciences or Humanities; experience with database searching, automated systems, user education, building construction and renovation and academic curriculum reform. Salary: From $35,000; commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian rank commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/ year sick leave. Application procedures: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application re­ view begins: January 31,1990. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encouraged to apply. HEAD, HUMANITIES/SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE (posi­ tion readvertised). Permanent 12-month position. Under the direc­ tion of the Head, Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries and in consultation with divisional library faculty, plans, implements, and administers the programs and services for the Humanities/Social Sciences reference unit. Assesses user needs. Develops short- and long-range plans, including planning for the department for an addition to the library building and the resulting move of reference services. Responsible for scheduling reference desk hours. Devel­ ops and manages the Holland Library reference collection. Pre­ pares unit budget requests and monitors budget allocations. Plans for the collection of statistics and prepares analytical reports. Shares supervision of unit classified staff with collection develop­ ment coordinators. Provides direct reference service to patrons. Participates in the Libraries’ user education program. Performs collection development and liaison activities in assigned subject areas. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent; substantial professional reference experience in the humanities and social sciences in an academic library, including managerial responsibilities; proven interpersonal relations and communica­ tion skills. Demonstrated evidence of leadership. Preferred: Online search services experience; experience in the application of micro­ computer and other technologies to reference services, including CD-ROMs. Experience in library user education; reference experi­ ence in business, documents or law. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Salary at appointment will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2 or 3; tenure-track status. Bene­ fits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application: Send letter of application, res­ ume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associ­ ate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Applications must be postmarked by: February 15, 1990. Washington State Univer­ sity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and em­ ployer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or persons between the ages 40 to 70 are encouraged to apply. HEAD, LIBRARY PERSONNEL SERVICES. The University of Maryland College Park Libraries invites nominations and applica­ tions for the following position: Head, Library Personnel Services, Librarian II, McKeldin Library, Administrative Services. Associate Staff, Full-time, 12-month appointment. Salary: $32,661-$45,605, commensurate with experience. Responsibilities: Responsible for all facets of the personnel operation for the University of Maryland R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N Wellesley College Wellesley College invites applications for a new entry-level position as Reference Librarian at the Clapp Library. The library system is completely automated and is a member o f the Boston Library Consortium o f academic and research libraries. Responsibilities: Serve at reference desk, de­ velop and deliver bibliographic instruction lectures, perform online searches, select materials for the collections, assist in collec­ tion management projects, supervise main­ tenance o f microtext area. Some weekend assignments. REQ U IRED : MLS from an ALA accredited institution; educational background in H um anities or Social Sciences; strong communications skills. PREFERRED: Experience w ith govern­ ment documents, collections management, computerized literature searching, biblio­ graphic instruction; 1-2 years’ w ork in an academic library. Screening o f applications w ill begin in January 1990 and continue until the p o­ sition is filled. Early subm issions w ill receive special consideration. A letter o f application, resum e and nam es o f 3 references should be directed to: Search Committee-Reference Librarian, Personnel Office, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. WELLESLEY COLLEGE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. 7 8 / C&RL News The Philip Hofer Curator o f Printing and Graphic Arts The Houghton Library Harvard University Reporting directly to the Librarian of the Houghton Library (the major repository of rare books and m anu­ scripts in Harvard College), the Hofer Curator is respon­ sible for providing imaginative leadership for Am erica’s pre-eminent department of graphic arts and the history of printing. The collection comprises illustrated books, print portfolios, drawings for book illustration, fine printing and type specimens (all covering a period of five centuries) as well as illuminated and calligraphic manu­ scripts covering eight centuries. The curator bears primary responsibility for the development and conser­ vation of the collection, and for acquisitions, fundrais­ ing, scholarship, teaching, exhibitions, and publications based on the collection. Qualifications: An advanced degree in an academic discipline related to the holdings of the collection; successful experience within a special collections library, museum, or comparable institution; distinction in one’s scholarly work; the ability to supervise depart­ ment members and to perform other administrative tasks; and the ability to work in concert with colleagues in other departments to further the educational mission of the Library as a whole. The Search Committee will begin screening applica­ tions on I December 1989 and will continue until this endowed curatorship is filled. To apply, please send a letter of interest, a resume, and the names of three referees to: Richard Wendorf, Librarian, The Houghton Library Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. at College Park Libraries, including: Employment, Classification, Employee Relations, Staff Development, and Compensation. The UMCP Libraries employs 245 FTE. Develops and administers personnel policies and procedures for the Libraries within the framework of University policy. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form. Proven managerial ability; analytical skills and organizational ability. Experience: Minimum of four years professional experience in large libraries, preferably several years in a supervisory capacity. Working knowledge of the principles and practices of personnel management. Benefits: 22 working days annual leave; 14 paid holidays; 15 days sick leave; University contributions to hospitalization, major medical insurance, and retirement (State pension system or TIAA/CREF); tuition remission for self and dependents. Position available immediately. Applica­ tions: For full consideration, submit resume and names/addresses of 3 references by February 28, 1990, to: Ms. Lupe Fernandes, Library Personnel Office, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. The University of Mary­ land is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES. The University of Missouri-Co­ lumbia Libraries is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Head of Access Services. Principal responsibilities include the administration planning, goalsetting, and evaluation of the Access Services Division, which includes administration of effective circu­ lation services, interlibrary loan, a current periodicals reading room, reserves, bookstack maintenance, and three off-site storage facilities. Participates with library administration and other division heads in policy decisions as a member of the Library Council. Serves as the liaison with the Library Systems Office for circulation functions, and acts as information source for other circulation units in the branch libraries. Reports to the Director of Libraries and is responsible for all personnel activities of the division, which in­ cludes one librarian and 23 clerical assistants. Requires minimum of a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; three years experience in an academic (preferably research) library, including proven supervisory experience; a working knowledge of auto­ mated library systems, effective oral and written communications skills; and demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff. Minimum salary: $25,000-$30,000 for 12 months commensurate with experience. Benefits include 30 vaca­ tion days per year, vested retirement after 5 years, dental insur­ ance, and other normal fringe benefits, including 75% tuition waiver. Columbia is in the middle of the state on I-70, only 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake of the Ozarks major recreational area. The University and two other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the ACCRA composite index, the cost of living in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Available: March 1, 1990. Send letter of application, names of three refer­ ences, and resume to Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordinator, 104 (CN) Ellis Library, University of Missouri- Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201-5149. Applications received by January 15, 1990, will receive first consideration. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and employs only U.S. citizens and lawfully authorized alien workers. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, University of New Hamp­ shire Library. Responsible for management of reference interli­ brary loan services, bibliographic instruction, online database services, development of reference collection, establishment of a communications program to publicize reference services through­ out university community, & for planning, developing & evaluating new programs & services in support of library’s goals. Directs & evaluates work of 3 FTE librarians, 2 support staff & student assistants. Participates in general management of library & reports to University Librarian. This is a tenure-track faculty position; appointment at the rank of assistant or associate professor de­ pendent on experience & qualifications. Library faculty expected to meet University promotion & tenure requirements. Qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, at least 5 years of professional experience in reference services in academic or research library, successful supervisory experience, strong inter­ personal, communication & problem-solving skills. Knowledge of & experience with new technologies, record of publication & professional activity. Preferred qualifications include a second graduate degree, experience with database searching & biblio­ graphic instruction, knowledge of collection development prac­ tices & planning & management of information technologies as they impact traditional reference services, reading knowledge of one foreign language. Minimum salary, $34,000. Review of appli­ cations to begin January 10, 1990. Send resume & names, ad­ dresses & telephone numbers of three references (non-citizens must include current visa status) to: Ruth M. Katz, University Librarian, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824- 3592. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. UNH is an AA/EEO Employer. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. To supervise cataloging, acquisitions, collection development, and serials. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, 3 years of experience, pref­ erably in an academic library, knowledge of OCLC and automated acquisitions desired. Evidence of managerial responsibility, with demonstrated planning, leadership, communication, and interper­ sonal skills required. Tenure-track faculty appointment on 12- month basis with 20 days annual leave and competitive standard benefits with $26,000 minimum salary. Applications accepted until position is filled. Send letter, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Dean of the Library, Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery, AL 36117- 3596. EEO/AA employer. LIBRARIAN, entry-level. Assignments include reference, biblio­ graphic instruction, database searching, collection development, and cataloging. ALA-accredited MLS and library automation expe­ rience or course work required. Starting salary $30,240+. Start December 1989 / 79 HEAD, MAIN LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT AND COORDINATOR SYSTEM-WIDE REFERENCE SERVICES The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City Position Description: This is a senior leadership position responsible for the provision of reference and information services in the University of Iowa Libraries system. The incumbent will manage resources of the Main Library’s Reference Department, to include collections and services related to reference and information desk service, database searching, and an active program of user education activities. The staff consists of 8 librarians and 5.5 FTE assistants. The incumbent will Provide system-wide leadership and coordination in planning and implementing strategies to enhance services and collections, and in ensuring creative use of electronic technology in the provision of services. S/he will chair the Libraries’ Reference Services Committee, a committee with representatives from all divisions within the system, and will serve on the Libraries’ Administrative Council, a senior level advisory group to the university librarian. The incum­ bent will report to the assistant university librarian for reader services. The Reference Department: Within the past two years staff have established separate reference and information service desks, have integrated the Libraries’ online catalog and compact disc services into routines, and have developed a preliminary model reference statement to guide the future of the department. A major thrust has been undertaken in providing structure and direction to agrowing user education program in which all librarians participate. The professional staff are engaged in collection selection activities in subject areas beyond the reference collection. In addition to department planning, staff have been engaged also in system-wide strategic planning. The Ul Libraries: The Ul library system consists of the Main Library (collections/services relating principally to the social sciences/humanities) and 11 departmental libraries (art, music, business, and the sciences, including the health sciences). The University is a member of the Research Libraries Group (1979), and staff are actively engaged in national efforts. The University and Iowa City: A major research and teaching institution, the University of Iowa offers nationally recognized programs in medicine and human biology, creative writing, law, and the fine arts. A faculty of some 1,600 serves 29,000 students. Iowa City is a community with excellent educational, recreational, and cultural advantages and is readily accessible via interstate highways and a major airport 30 minutes distant. Qualifications: The successful candidate will have a graduate library degree from an ALA-accredited program or the eguivalent; substantial management experience with professional staff in a research library; strong leadership abilities; and superior oral and written communication skills. S/he will have the ability to lead a major, key library unit in a positive, effective manner, will have significant experience in the provision of reference and information services to include user education, in a research library, and will be fully cognizant of the issues and technology related to the provision of excellent service. The successful candidate will be actively and productively engaged at a national level in professional activities pertaining to research library services, and will demonstrate a personal commitment to affirmative action and equal employment opportunities. Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply for this position. Appointment is to be made at either the Librarian III or IV level (equivalent to associate and full Professor ranks), at a salary expected to be in the range of $40,000 to $45,000 per annum. Comprehensive fringe benefits are offered, including TIAA/CREF and 25 days of vacation leave annually. It is anticipated that appointment to this position will be made no later than 1 July 1990. Application Procedure: Screening of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Applications received by February 1,1990 will receive first consideration. Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, vita information, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Barbara I. Dewey, Personnel Services The University of Iowa Libraries Iowa City, IA 52242 Telephone: (319) 335-5867 The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 8 0 / C&RL News June, 1990. Submit cover letter, resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of 3 references postmarked by 2/9/90 to library Search Committee, California State University Library, 9001 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099. CSUB is an AA/EOE. LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts college library seeks a generalist eager for an unusual professional experience. Dickinson College has available a two-year renewable appointment for a librarian who would like to: become part of a team of nine librarians and fifteen support staff committed to both library services and education within the context of the liberal arts; share responsibilities and decisions with the other librarians; administer one or more areas of library operations; work closely with students and faculty; contrib­ ute to Technical Services as well as Public Services in an online environment. Responsibilities include cataloging; participation in the college’s innovative Freshman Seminar program; serving as library liaison to provide bibliographic instruction and assistance in collection development for several academic departments. Excel­ lent benefits include: support for professional research and devel­ opment; 4 weeks vacation plus 4 weeks professional leave; status as academic professional entitles individual to sabbatical leaves and full participation in the governance of the college; tuition remission for family; TIAA/CREF. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and second master’s in the liberal arts required; working knowledge of one or more foreign languages; familiarity with AACR2, Dewey classification, OCLC, and database searching desired. Minimum salary: $27,000. Available July 1,1990. Closing date February 20,1990. Send letter of application, vitae, and three letters of recommendation to: Ella Forsyth, Chair, Department of Library Resources, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN to supervise University Library at Glasgow, Kentucky. Responsible for management of new off-campus library located 30 miles from the main campus. Duties include reference, library instruction, and collection development for primarily undergradu­ ate programs. Faculty position in the Department of Library Public Services reporting to the Circulation Services Supervisor. ALA- accredited MLS required; excellent writing and verbal communica­ tion skills; strong public service attitude. Flexible hours. Minimum salary $20,000. Send letter of application, vita, and names and telephone numbers of three references to Office of Academic Affairs, Glasgow Campus Librarian Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Review of applications will begin February 1, 1990, and position will remain open until filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. ALA-accredited MLS required; second master’s degree or Ph.D. desirable. Experience with private undergraduate liberal arts col­ lege libraries and bibliographic instruction important. Extensive academic library experience including personnel development, long-range planning and budgeting, library technology and auto­ mation, and cooperative networks required. Must possess effec­ tive communication skills, be committed to leadership in a collegial environment, and be willing to promote library visibility in the College community. The Library consists of the main library and two branch libraries (science and music) as well as the College Archives. It holds over 345,000 cataloged volumes, 36,000 bound periodical volumes (1,650 periodical subscriptions), and is a U.S. government depository. The Library is a member of the MINITEX, OCLC and PALS networks, and has implemented an online cata­ log and acquisitions subsystem, with plans for a fully-automated integrated system within the next five years. A very strong program of course-integrated bibliographic instruction is in place. In addition to the director there are 10.5 FTE librarians with faculty status, a staff of 12.5 FTEs, and approximately 100 part-time student work­ ers. The Library Director will have an eleven-month contract with faculty status and responsibilities; tenure at the Associate or full Professor rank. The Director reports to the Dean of the College. St. Olaf College is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Entrance requirements are very competitive; a student body of 3,000 and a faculty of 382 (225 full time). Located 45 miles south of the Minneapolis/St. Paul city centers, 20 miles from the edge of the Minneapolis/St. Paul suburbs, in a picturesque small town. Application deadline is March 16, 1990. Applications and nominations should be sent to: Jon Moline, Vice-President and Dean of the Gollege, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057. Employers: Don’t wait for the next issue of AL, Chronicle of H.E., LJ Hotline, or even C&RL News to advertise your job openings. Announce your positions to a wide audience of academic and research library and information professionals on the ACRL JOBLINE. The prerecorded tape is revised weekly; ads received by 1 p.m. on Thursday are incor­ porated into the new Friday tape. Listings run for 2 weeks. Call 312/944-6780 or write for a JOBLINE form and free job listing options brochure. Job Seekers: For current listings call the ACRL JOBLINE ( 312)944-6795 Association of College and Research Libraries ALA • 50 E. Huron St • Chicago, IL 60611 December 1989 / 81 PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN, Arizona State University. Provides detailed support for the recruitment, selection, training, develop­ ment, discipline and evaluation of all library personnel. Responsi­ bilities include the promotion of affirmative action and equal oppor­ tunity; assistance with a wide variety of personnel actions; creation and implementation of staff development programs; participation in strategic planning; and cooperative involvement in a host of related activities. ASU, a progressive library offering significant potential for personal growth and development, is staffed by 82 FTE professionals, 182 FTE classified staff, and 50 FTE student assistants. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, including demonstrated writing, listening and public speaking ability; management, organi­ zation and analytic skills; understanding of and commitment to the principles of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity; two years’ post-MLS experience in a large library system; supervi­ sory ability; demonstrated interest in professional development and service involvement. Preferred: Supervisory experience in a large academic library; academic training and/or experience in personnel; record of professional achievement. Salary: $25,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to Constance Corey, Associate Dean of Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State Univer­ sity, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. Telephone: (602)965-3417. Applica­ tion deadline: January 31, 1990, and the last day of each month thereafter until the position is filled. ASU is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor (tenure- track, 12-month position, available July 1, 1990). Dakota State University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented individual to join a team of forward-looking, dedicated librarians and associates. The University’s mission emphasizes the use and integration of computer technology in all aspects of its curriculum. This unique approach has been recognized nationally and provides an exciting and innovative atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff. The Karl E. Mundt Library was the first library in South Dakota to add CD- ROM technology. Plans call for CD-ROM technology and OPAC to be fully integrated into the campus local area network during Fall ’89 semester. The Library is a member of the South Dakota Library Network (SDLN), a state-wide Unisys PALS multi-type integrated online library system. Responsibilities include administration and coordination of public services in accordance with the goals of the library. Public Services includes: Reference, Bibliographic Instruc­ tion, Automated Information Access (database searching, CD- ROM, online catalog), Interlibrary Resource Sharing, Circulation/ Reserves, and Media Services. The position reports to the Library Director and supervises 1 FTE Library Associate and student support staff. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS; rele­ vant experience in public services; excellent written and oral communication skills; interpersonal skills necessary to work colle- gially and cooperatively with other library staff, faculty and campus community; experience with library automation; and a commitment to the service role of the library in an academic setting. Minimum salary $24,000 plus benefits package. Established in 1881 ‚ DSU is located in eastern South Dakota in a region of lakes approximately DEAN OF LIBRARY New Mexico State University New Mexico State University invites applications and nominations of hiqhly qualified candidates for the position of Dean of the Library. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 75 major undergraduate areas, 45 master’s degrees, and 19 doctoral degree programs. The Dean of the Library reports to the Executive Vice President and sits on the Academic Dean’s Council. Responsibilities include general administration of the library, planning and budgeting, policy development, and implementation of library programs and services. The Library’s collections include over 800,000 volumes and approximately 7,000 current serial subscriptions. It is a member of AMIGOS Bibliographic Council Inc. and is highly automated. A new $11.1 million library building project will be in the construction phase. Library programs are staffed by 69 employees including 26 faculty and professionals. The annual operating budget is approximately $3.1 million. The candidate should have broad academic and/or research library experience; possess an understand­ ing of a research library’s role in support of graduate and undergraduate instruction, scholarship, research; be familiar with the traditional aspects of librarianship, innovative information technologies, and automated library systems; be committed to the principles of service and access to information in an academic environment; have a strong commitment to professional and staff development; have a record of participation in professional activities; have experience in library fund-raising; and possess communication, interpersonal, and management skills and leadership ability. A master’s degree from a program accredited by the American Library Association is required; an earned doctorate is expected. NMSU offers a salary of $65,000 or more based on qualifications and experience and a comprehensive benefits package. Applications must be postmarked no later than February 15,1990. The position becomes available July 1,1990. Applicants must submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Dean Thomas M. Gale Library Search Committee College of Arts and Sciences Box 30001‚ Dept. 3335 New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001 New Mexico State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 82 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS The University Libraries of the University of North Texas The University Libraries of the University of North Texas invite applications for the following three positions: Catalog Librarian, Serials. Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Control, the holder of this position is the Libraries’ principal cataloger for serials. Duties include the supervision of one of the four units of the department; unit personnel currently supervised include one librarian, two paraprofessionals, and several student assis­ tants. As unit head, will organize and manage workflow, act as department liaison with other units involved with serials, and provide guidance on serials to other library staff. In addition to primary duties, there is the expectation for contributions to professional service and scholarship as befits an academic appointment. Position requires five or more years experience in cataloging; demonstrated competency in LC classifica­ tion and subject headings; AACR2, and MARC bibliographic formats; OCLC or similar utility; working knowledge of two or more languages; MLS from ALA-accredited program; cataloging experience in a local automated system. Preferred qualifications include 2-3 years of successful supervisory experience in a university setting, experience in serials cataloging, additional advanced degree. Appointment at the rank of Librarian ll-IV, depending on qualifications, minimum salary levels for these ranks, $26,000-$33,000. Apply to Sarah Hogan, Chair, Serials Cataloger Search Committee, address below. Fine Arts Librarian, General Reference. Under the general supervision of the Head of Reference, provides reference service primarily in the field of the fine arts with additional responsibilities in collection development, bibliographic instruction, database searching in assigned area, and assistance at the General Reference desk. Qualifications include MLS from an AL-accredited program, undergraduate major in the fine arts, and knowledge of database searching. Preferred qualifications include three to five years experience in fine arts reference, additional graduate degree in an appropriate area, and familiarization with computer applications in libraries. Appointment at the rank of Librarian I or II, with minimum salary levels for these ranks, $22,000-$26,000. Apply to: Martha Tarlton, Chair, Fine Arts Search Committee, address below. Science Librarian. Provide reference services, with an emphasis in the hard sciences, perform database searching, participate in collection development and bibliographic instruction. Operates under the general supervision of the Head of the ISB Libraries, a branch facility serving the sciences, technologies, and information science. Qualifications include a MLS from an ALA-approved program, at least three years reference experience, preferably in the sciences, and an undergraduate major in science or mathematics. Preferred qualifications include an additional graduate degree in an appropriate field, experience in online database searching, and familiarity with computer applications in libraries. Appointment at the rank of Librarian ll-IV, depending on qualifications, minimum salary levels for these ranks, $26,000 - 33,000. Apply to William B. Floyd, Science Search Committee, address below. The University of North Texas is a comprehensive university with a student population of over 26,000 and is located in Denton, a community of 65,000 in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro-area. The University Libraries have collections of over 1.4 million, a full-time staff of 114, and operating budget of over $4.5 million. All positions are currently available, are 12-month appointments with renewable contracts, and include standard benefits. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by January 31, but applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Submit a letter of application, complete resume, names, addresses and telephone numbers for three references to: (Name and search committee listed above) c/o Administrative Offices, University Libraries University of North Texas P.O. Box 5188 Denton, TX 76203 UNT is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. December 1989 / 83 45 minutes from Sioux Falls. The university enrolls approximately 1,200 students and is an exciting undergraduate institution. The newly-remodeled Mundt Library provides an attractive and well- used environment for study and teaching. The library and campus administration encourage participatory management, open com­ munication, and staff development at all levels of the organiza­ tion. Applications received before February 28,1990, will receive first consideration. Some preliminary interviews be held at ALA Midwinter. Please send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and names of three references to: Ethelle S. Bean, Director of the Library, Karl E. Mundt Library, Dakota State University, Madi­ son, SD 57042. AA/EOE. REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. St. Olaf College seeks a librarian with 3-5 years experience to work with other reference librarians in its strong program of course-integrated bibliographic instruction, to share reference duties (including evenings and weekends) and to supervise the circulation/reserve department. Proven skill in bibliographic in­ struction essential, preferably in religion and education; knowl­ edge of online circulation systems useful. ALA-MLS required; additional graduate study and/or evidence of professional activity desirable. Faculty status (tenure-track) and responsibilities; TIAA-CREF. 10-month schedule. Salary commensurate with experience, minimum $26,000. St. Olaf is a college of the Evan­ gelical Luthran Church in America and an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Send resume and names of three references to: Librarian Forrest Brown, Rolvaag Memorial Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057, by February 15. REFERENCE/CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. Search extended. ALA-accredited MLS degree required. Supervisory ability and communication skills necessary. Interest in computerized sys­ tems desired. Duties include direct reference, bibliographic in­ struction, reference collection development, circulation supervi­ sion, circulation policy decisions, work with automated circulation system, maintenance of collection, some night and weekend work. Salary minimum $20,000, negotiable and competitive. Faculty rank, tenure-track position. Send application, resume and three references to: Gwen Creswell, James Earl Carter Library, Georgia Southwestern College, Americus, GA 31709. Applica­ tions considered until position filled. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Cornell University School of Hotel Administration Library. Responsible, under the direction of the Head Librarian, for the operation of reference service and collec­ tions in the SHA Library, including reference desk service, data­ base searching, bibliographic instruction, and liaison with faculty in academic areas. Requirements: MLS, 2-5 years in library public services; database search skills; knowledge of business refer­ ence sources. Public orientation, excellent interpersonal skills, good written and verbal communication skills, and demonstrated evidence of initiative and creativity. Salary (with 2 yrs. or more experience) $22,000 up. Send cover letter, resume and names of 3 references, by January 30, 1990, to Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853- 5301. Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportu­ nity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Doheny Memorial Library. Provides reference desk service, online search service (in both the humani­ ties and the social sciences), and a variety of bibliographic in­ struction programs. Prepares and compiles research guides for the Reference collection, and, in consultation with the Head provides collection development support in subject areas relating to the humanities or the Social sciences, specifically in English/ American Literature, Comparative Literature, Linguistics or Per­ forming Arts (excluding Cinema). MLS/ALA, with an undergradu­ ate degree in the humanities or the social sciences; reading knowledge of German or a Romance Language; demonstrable expertise at database searching; classroom or other formal teach­ ing experience; bibliographic instruction content development and evaluation experience, especially at the graduate level. Preferred: A second degree beyond the bachelor’s degree; prior experience in an academic library; strong online search experi­ ence in humanities and social sciences databases available through DIALOG, BRS, or WILSON; experience with a variety of software interfaces for end-user search systems; awareness of available library-oriented, knowledge-based, or expert systems. Salary: Librarian II, $32,000; Librarian III, $37,900, minimum salary, plus benefits. Position open: March 1, 1990, and will remain open until filled. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services, Doheny Memorial Library, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Applicants should submit a letter of application; resume; and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Refer to Reference Librarian, Position #134-CRL. AA/ EOE. REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR, Whitworth College. Provide coordination and leadership for reference services, includ­ ing online and CD-ROM searching. Participate in ambitious biblio­ graphic instruction program. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent. Additional graduate degree preferred (required for faculty track appointment). Subject background in education, natural sciences, or social sciences desirable. Effective interpersonal and teaching skills. Compensation: Determined by faculty or classified staff salary schedule, as applicable. Minimum $22,000 for 11-month appointment. Send resume, placement file or names of three refer­ ences by January 31 ‚ 1990 to: Reference Librarian Search Commit­ tee, Personnel Office, Whitworth College, Spokane, WA 99251. Whitworth is a residential, Christian, liberal arts college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). EOE/IX/504 REFERENCE/TECHNICAL REPORTS LIBRARIAN. The Univer­ sity of Maryland College Park Libraries invites nominations and applications for the position of Reference/Technical Reports Librar­ ian, Associate Librarian II. Engineering & Physical Sciences Li­ brary, Reference Unit. Associate Staff, full-time, 12-month appoint­ ment. Salary: $24,384-$34,342. Salary commensurate with experi­ ence. Responsibilities: Provides specialized and general reference service, database searching and bibliographic instruction in EPSL subject areas, including engineering, physics, mathematics, com­ puter science, and earth science; assumes managerial responsibili­ ties for the daily operation of Technical Reports Center; facilitates and promotes the effective use of a very large (1.5 million +) and varied scientific and technical documents collection; assists users of the EPSL Patents collection; selects materials in assigned areas. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Education, background or experience with research materials in one or more science disciplines, particularly in engineering or the physical sciences, is highly desirable. A degree in a science discipline is desirable. Experience: Required: A minimum of one year professional library experience; knowledge of the organization and maintenance of technical reports or government documents collections; demonstrated effective oral and written communica­ tions abilities; proven managerial ability, analytical skills and organ­ izational ability; evidence of thorough familiarity with the literature of science and technology; established commitment to public serv­ ices. Highly desirable: successful previous supervisory experience; skill in use of automated reference sources and experience in use of scientific databases; experience in working with an online public access catalog; Instructional skills/experience; experience in col­ lection development. Benefits: 22 working days annual leave; 14 paid holidays; 15 days sick leave; University contributions to hospi­ talization, major medical insurance, and retirement (State pension system or TIAA/CREF); tuition remission for self and dependents. Position available immediately. Applications: For full consideration, submit resume and names/addresses of 3 references by February 28, 1990, to: Marjorie Simon, Library Personnel Office, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportu­ nity employer. RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Arizona State University West Campus Library seeks applications from opportunity-seeking, dynamic, energetic, and creative librarians to join a department of 4.5 librarians and 6 paraprofessionals. Respon­ sibilities: reference and research support, including an innovative partnership with paraprofessional information providers, individual consultation with students and faculty on research projects, and delivery of online services; bibliographic instruction in assigned subject areas; and collection development in specific disciplines with emphasis on a strong liaison role with the faculty. Participates in program development and improvements. Minimum qualifica­ tions: an ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of 1 year post MLS; experience in an academic setting providing reference, online searches, and bibliographic instruction; experience in selection of materials and development of library collections; excellent interper- DIRECTOR OF THE BIO-MEDICAL LIBRARY University of Minnesota—Twin Cities The director of the Bio-Medical Library is responsible for the administration of the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library which interacts closely with and supports the teaching programs of the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, the College of Pharmacy, certain biological sciences, and the University Hospital and Clinic. The Bio-Medical Library is located in the health sciences complex on the University’s Minneapolis campus and includes a learning resources center, the Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine, and an automated technical processing unit. The Library has a total operating budget of more than $2,000,000 and a staff of 47 FTE. It has a collection of over 350,000 volumes and 4,000 active journal subscriptions and is one of the strongest collections among health sciences libraries in the country. The Bio-Medical Library has a very active service program and is well positioned for potential IAIMS development. The University Libraries utilize the NOTIS software system for its online catalog (LUMINA). The director of the Bio-Medical Library reports to the University Librarian and is a member of the administrative staff of the University Libraries. The director is an ex-officio member of the Bio-Medical Library Advisory Committee, which meets regularly to advise regarding the programmatic directions of the Bio-Medical Library. Responsibilities: Develops policies and establishes program priorities for the Bio-Medical Library and seeks support for innovative programs, such as IAIMS; is responsible for the management of the Bio- Medical Library, including budget and operations; works closely with health sciences departments in the development of programs and services that support the educational, research, and information needs of faculty, students, and clinicians; participates in the administration of the University Libraries as a member of the Central Administrative Group and serves on Libraries committees; represents the University Libraries in health sciences matters at local, state, regional, and national health sciences library and related professional activities. Qualifications: A graduate degree from a program accredited by the American Library Association is required, an advanced degree in a health related field is desirable; a minimum of five years of professional library experience with progressively increasing administrative responsibility is required, experience in an academic health science setting is desirable; knowledge and understanding of current issues, trends and problems in academic health sciences librarianship including electronic information systems is required; demonstrated skills and accomplishments in planning and implementing information services is required; demonstrated ability to work effectively with faculty, students, academic administrators, library colleagues, and representatives of the surrounding health sciences community is required; record of substantial professional activities and accomplishments including grant applications and/or publications is required; evidence of the vision and administrative and planning skills to continue the development of an innovative, technologically advanced health sciences library is required. The University of Minnesota’s Twin Cities campus is located on the Mississippi River just minutes away from downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul. The University is one of the nation’s leading research institutions with a student body numbering more than 45,000. The Libraries are among the top ten state universities in collection size and are the first major research libraries to have completed retrospective conversion of bibliographic records. The successful candidate for this position will join a team of well- qualified managers who are committed to making the Libraries the very best in the United States. He or she will have an extraordinary opportunity to exercise leadership within a dynamic collegial environment. This is an academic-administrative appointment, which offers a generous range of benefits. The salary is highly competitive and negotiable depending on experience and qualifications. Applicants should send a letter of application relative to the above description; a current resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least five references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer University of Minnesota Libraries 453 Wilson Library 3 0 9 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 Applications must be received by March 1,1990. Please cite U L 189 on application. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. December 1989 / 85 sonal skills; demonstrated ability to market and promote library services in a new environment; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices. Preferred qualifications: subject exper­ tise, demonstrated by substantial reference or collection develop­ ment experience and/or an undergraduate degree in business or the social sciences. For appointment as Associate Librarian, salary $27,000 minimum: Must exceed minimum criteria for ap­ pointment and have five or more years of experience; demonstrate a substantial record of service and contributions to librarianship and/or an applicable academic discipline. For appointment as Assistant Librarian, salary $22,000 minimum: Must meet the mini­ mum criteria for appointment. About ASU West: The West Campus is a newly founded and rapidly growing upper-level branch campus with exceptional faculty and students. The Library offers an elegant new 97,000 square foot building, a program emphasis on quality services tailored to institutional and client needs, collection build­ ing coordinated with curriculum building, a $1.5 million acquisitions budget, intensive use of electronic information technology, and partnership with faculty in the academic mission. An online catalog provides access to both West Campus resources and the collec­ tions of ASU in Tempe. ASU West Campus currently enrolls 4,000 students and offers a diverse curriculum. To apply: A letter of TWO POSITIONS University of Northern Colorado Libraries Director of Access Services and Budgets (Assistant or Associate Professor). The Director of Access Services and Budgets is a member of the University Libraries administration and reports directly to the Director of University Libraries. Responsibilities: Management of the Access Services Division comprised of the acquisition/serials, circulation/periodicals‚ cataloging, and interlibrary loan departments; budget preparation and expenditure authorization for an operating budget of $2.1 million and a materials budget of $1. 1 million; monitors automation needs, including OCLC and CARL, and supervises implementation as necessary. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; progressive experience in technical services with a minimum of 5 years administrative/supervisory and budgeting experience; experience with computerized library systems. Salary and Rank: Beginning salary range is $38,000-$44,000 with rank of assistant or associate professor dependent on qualifications and experience and a demonstrated commitment to scholarly activity. Appointment will be on a term contract. Benefits may include health, life, and dental insurances and the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Program in accordance with University policy. Acquisitions/Serials Librarian (Assistant Professor). The Acquisitions/Serials Librarian is a faculty position and reports directly to the Director of Access Services and Budgets. Responsibilities: Supervision of 6.5 FTE classified staff and numerous student assistants; management of the acquisitions/serials department which is responsible for monographic and serials acquisitions, including ordering, check-in and receiving, serials cataloging, completion of serials retrospective conver­ sion, gift processing, invoice processing and payment, and the library mail room. These operations are automated through the CARL system. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of two years experience in acquisitions and/or serials in a college, university, or research library; experience with computerized library systems. Salary and Rank: Minimum salary of $25,800 with rank of assistant professor. Appointment will be on a tenure-track contract. Benefits may include health, life, and dental insurances and the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Program in accordance with University policy. The University: The University of Northern Colorado, a senior public institution, is located in Greeley, Colorado. The academic enrollment is approximately 9,000 students with about 450 faculty. Greeley is located 50 miles north of Denver, 50 miles east of Rocky Mountain National Park, and has a population of 62,000. Application Procedure: All application materials must be received no later than March 1,1990. Send letter of application, vita, and three current letters of reference to the Director of Access Services and Budgets Search Committee or Acquisitions/Serials Librarian Search Committee, as appropriate, at the following address: c/o Administration Office James A. Michener Library University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO 80639 Telephone: (303) 351 -2601 There is a University policy which precludes selection individual to tenure-track positions whose terminal or highest degree is from the University of Northern Colorado, except in unusual circumstances, as determined by the President of the University. The University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. 8 6 / C&RL News application addressing specific qualifications as they relate to the responsibilities described, a current resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of 4 references must be post­ marked by March 15, 1990 and sent to Helen L. Gater, Director, Fletcher Library, Arizona State University West Campus, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. ASU West Campus is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN, Pembroke State University, a campus of the University of North Carolina. To begin February 1990. Man­ ages the purchase, receipt, storage, display, and preservation functions of periodicals; supervises two employees. Knowledge of library computer applications and serials management re­ quired; pertinent experience desirable. ALA-accredited MLS re­ quired; salary range $20,000-$25,000. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation to: Elinor Bridges, Director of Library Services, Mary Livermore Library, Pembroke State University, Pembroke, NC 28372. Preference given to those who apply by January 18, 1990. AA/EOE. SYSTEMS COORDINATOR, with faculty rank. Search reopened. Coordinates ongoing development of library’s automated system (NOTIS); supervises database maintenance activities (catalog­ ing, authority control); coordinates use of IBM microcomputer classroom including software and applications instruction. Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA-accredited program or MS in informa­ tion science. Strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and colleagues. Preferred: dem­ onstrated knowledge of latest developments in micro-based ap­ plications and library automated systems in an academic environ­ ment. Salary: minimum $22,000, commensurate with experience. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and 3 letters of rec­ ommendation to: David W. Jordan, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Austin College, Sherman, TX 75091-1177. Review of candidates will begin February 1, 1990. EOE. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Search reopened). To assume primary re­ sponsibility for cataloging. Duties also include overseeing acqui­ sitions processing, supervising student assistants, and maint­ aining public catalog and shelf list. The Technical Services Librar­ ian will also play a major role in choosing and implementing an automated system for library procedures. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, two years cataloging experience using OCLC or similar bibliographic utility. Preference will be given to applicants with knowledge of automated library systems and a background in religious studies. Salary: $22,000-$26,000. Excellent benefits. AA/EEO. Send application with three references or dossier to: Valerie R. Hotchkiss, Stitt Library, Austin Presbyterian Theo­ logical Seminary, 106 W. 27th St., Austin, TX 78705. Application deadline: Januäry 10, 1990. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, St. Olaf College. Plan and guide the work of technical services, including cataloging, techni­ cal aspects of acquisitions, and bibliographic aspects of automa­ tion for a liberal arts library adding over 12,000 volumes/year and receiving more than 1650 periodical titles. Will work with 2 catalog librarians, 1 part-time serials records librarian, staff and students in acquiring and cataloging all library materials for an integrated automated system (PALS). Required qualifications: ALA-MLS; minimum of 5 years cataloging experience; strong supervisory and interpersonal skills demonstrated through experience, preferably in an academic library; thorough knowledge of AACR2, MARC for­ mats, LC classification and subject headings; experience with automated systems (preferably OCLC); reading knowledge of for­ eign languages (preferably Germanic and Romance). Additional graduate degree and/or evidence of professional activity desirable. A full-time, 10-month, faculty tenure-track position with initial ap­ pointment as assistant or associate professor. Salary commensu­ rate with experience, minimum $27,000. St. Olaf is a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Send resume and names of three references to Librarian Forrest Brown, Rolvaag Memorial Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057, by February 15. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, Rice University invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. Fondren Library (a member of ARL) contains over 1.4 million volumes, more than 1.5 million special materials [government publications, microforms, maps, audio-visuals, and computer software], and almost 13,000 serials. The current operating budget is over $5 million. Rice Univer­ sity is comprised of 7 schools, has an enrollment of about 4,000, and 470 faculty. The library presently has 36 professional positions and 76 support staff. Fondren also includes the Regional Information and Communications Exchange, a fee-based information broker­ age for the community. Preference will be given to candidates with an ALA-accredited MLS and second advanced degree or equivalent academic training, who have knowledge and proven experience with major research libraries and their operations, have at least five years of senior managerial experience, and are aware of current library issues and technologies. Candidates should also be aware of and sympathetic to the library needs of the entire university commu­ nity, able to maintain friendly and cooperative relationships with all library users, and able to communicate effectively on behalf of the library with its various administrative and community supporters. The position is a 12-month administrative appointment with a five year renewable term appointment; tenure in a department is pos­ sible if properly qualified in one of the academic departments of the University. The University Librarian reports directly to the Vice President for Graduate Studies, Research, and Information Sys­ tems. Salary: $80,000 range. Benefits: TIAA/CREF annuity pro­ gram; 43(B) program; flexible benefits plan including life, health, and dental insurance; undergraduate tuition waiver for family members; no state or local income taxes. Rice University is an EO/AA em­ ployer. Closing date: applications should be received by February 1 ‚ 1990, but the position will remain open until filled. Applications, accompanied by a complete curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of five references, should be sent to: Katherine F. Drew, Chair, University Librarian Search Committee, c/o Office of the Vice President for Graduate Studies, Research, and Information Sys­ tems, Lovett Hall, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892. LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES, University o f Wind­ sor, Leddy Library. The University o f Windsor is seeking an individual with strong management skills and administrative experience to head the Technical Services Division o f the Leddy Library. Reporting to the University Librarian, the Associate Librarian administers the cataloguing, acquisitions,and bindery functions o f the Library. The Library has recently implemented two modules o f the NOTIS inte­ grated system, cataloguing and circulation. The Technical Services Librarian will work closely with the Automation Librarian to plan and implement the serials, acquisition, and authorities modules o f NOTIS as well as to continually enhance and develop automated functions and work flow in technical services. The Associate Librarian serves on the University Librarian’s management team and participates in the formulation, planning, and implementation o f goals, policies, and priorities o f the Library and in the allocation o f resources o f the Library. An MLS from an accredited library school, substantial administrative experience, competence in December 1989 / 87 technical services, and effective written and oral communication skills are re­ quired. Experience in an integrated automated environment, demonstrated leader­ ship abilities, the ability to manage change, and commitment to a style o f manage­ ment which emphasizes consultation and effective interrelationship o f technical and public services are highly desired. Salary will be commensurate with experi­ ence and qualifications. Current minimum salary is 39,000 Canadian dollars. The University o f W indsor is Canada’s southernmost university and offers excellent academic benefits, including eligibility for sabbatical and study leaves. The Leddy Library serves 9,687 full-time and 4,711 part-time undergraduate and graduate students with an annual materials budget o f $1.5 million. The city o f W indsor and the surrounding area offer a rich variety o f cultural and recreational pursuits. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents o f Canada. The University o f Windsor is an equal opportunity employer. W omen are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae and the names o f three referees to: Madge MacGown, University Librarian, University o f Windsor, Windsor, On­ tario, Canada N9B 3P4. AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. M anagement o f VTLS system, microcomputer applications, CD-ROM facilities. Installs new releases, runs programs, monitors activities, trains staff, liaison for library with Computer Center. Requires ALA- accredited MLS, knowledge o f COBOL, 2 years experience minimum. Prefer computer (mini and PC) experience, coursework, knowledge o f OCLC, VTLS, DIALOG. Salary commensurate with experience (range $23,000-$30,000). State contributed retirement, insurance package. No state income tax. Resume, letter o f application, three references to: Personnel Department, University o f Houston- Clear Lake, 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, TX 77058. Available February 1. EEO, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN, St. Mary’s College o f M ary­ land. St. Mary’s is a publicly supported liberal arts college (1495 FTE) with no religious affiliation. It is located in beautiful tidewater country seventy miles southeast o f Washington, D.C. The college library will occupy an expanded a totally renovated building in the summer o f 1990. Over the course o f 1990 it will also be bringing up an integrated online system, in part to assist with the management o f greatly augmented operating revenues. Responsibilities o f the position: To coordi­ nate the development and presentation o f course-related bibliographic instruction sessions; to provide assistance in mediated and end-user database searching; to assist in preparing bibliographic and other user aids; and to share in providing traditional reference desk assistance. Some evening and weekend service is re­ quired. Qualifications: A strong and energetic commitment to bibliographic in­ struction; experience in a established bibliographic instruction program; ability to create good working relationship with faculty and students; MLS or equivalent degree from ALA-accredited program. Salary: $25,000-$28,000 depending upon experience. TIAA/CREF or Maryland State Pension System, as well a State o f Maryland executive benefit package, are included. Review o f applications will begin on March 1, 1990. The position will available on June 30, 1990. Send letter o f application, resume, and the names o f three professional references to: John G. Williamson, Director o f the Library, St. M ary’s College o f Maryland Library, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686 (301) 862-0256. Women and minority candidates arc especially encouraged to apply and to identify themselves as such. AA/EOE. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, University o f Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The Univer­ sity of W isconsin-Eau Claire invites applications for the position o f Director o f Libraries. This annual appointment, which includes faculty rank, will begin on July 1, 1990, or as soon thereafter as possible. Salary will be commensurate with 88 / C&RL News qualifications (minimum $41,900). McIntyre Library has a collection o f more than 500,000 volumes, 200,000 government documents, 990,000 microforms, and 2,300 current periodical subscriptions. It is a Selective Federal Depository and a compre­ hensive Wisconsin Documents Depository. Special facilities include an Instruc­ tional Media Center and a regional historical research center. Automated activities include participation in OCLC online cataloging, LS/2000 public access catalog and circulation system, SC350, ACQ350, remote database access, and a variety o f end- user reference services. The Director o f Libraries reports to the Assistant Chancel­ lor for Information and Technology Management and is responsible for the manage­ ment o f library services in a collegial environment. The Director must be familiar with current developments in librarianship and appropriate uses o f technologies for information services. Currently the Director supervises 12 professional librarians with faculty rank and status and 20 (FTE) classified staff members. A major opportunity for the new Director will be the implementation o f a $9 million building project, including plans for the formation o f a technology center. Qualifications include strong academic credentials, including an MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school and a second advanced degree in an academic discipline (doctorate preferred); a clear and coherent view o f librarianship and service to an academic community; a commitment to the concept o f active participation o f the library in the curriculum; knowledge o f the place and use o f information technology in the university setting; a record o f successful management, long-range planning, and implementation; professional experience in an academic library, including supervision o f other librarians; evidence o f scholarly and professional achievement; analytical and communication skills; prior budgetary responsibility. Responsibili­ ties include supervision o f all technical, public service, and administrative func­ tions o f the Library, including: programmatic planning, budget, personnel selection and evaluation, and maintaining appropriate programmatic liaison with other academic and administrative units o f the University, as well as with libraries and institutions outside the University. The University o f Wisconsin-Eau Claire has an enrollment o f 10,000 students and a faculty o f 660. It offers programs at the baccalaureate and masters levels in five schools: Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Nursing, and Graduate Studies. Often called “Wisconsin’s most beauti­ ful campus,” the University is located in Eau Claire, a city o f 55,000, which serves as a trade, medical, and recreational center for Western Wisconsin. It is 90 miles east o f Minneapolis-St. Paul. Applications must include a letter o f intent, a resume o f professional experience, and five current reference letters and official transcripts sent directly from the sources. All application materials should be sent to: Harry Harder, Associate Vice Chancellor, Schofield Hall, University o f Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54701. Review o f applications will begin on February 12, 1990, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications received after March 1,1990, cannot be assured o f consideration. The University o f Wisconsin-Eau Claire is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from qualified handicapped, minority, and women candidates. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, Lafayette College. Administers all aspects o f the main library and one departmental library, with a staff o f 10 librarians and 14 support personnel. The libraries hold 400,000 volumes and receive 1,800 periodi­ cals, with all modules o f the Innovative Interfaces system in place. 12-month appointment beginning July 1, 1990, carries faculty status but not faculty rank or tenure. Candidates must have substantial experience in library administration, an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, and a second master’s degree in subject field. A Ph.D. is highly desirable. Lafayette College is an independent, coeduca­ tional, residential college o f approximately 2,000 students and 161 faculty mem­ bers, unique for its rare combination o f liberal arts and engineering in an exclu­ sively undergraduate institution. Minimum salary $50,000. Please send nomina­ tions and applications to: Director o f Libraries Search Committee, Lafayette December 1989 / 89 College, 219 Markle Hall, Easton, PA 18042. Applications should include a letter of interest, a resume, and the addresses and telephone numbers o f three references. Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS SECTION, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara Uni­ versity. (Readvertised Position) Manages operations o f Acquisitions Section; super­ vises 5 FTE non-exempt staff; oversees firm orders, serial subscriptions, domestic approval plans, out-of-print orders, and gift processing; serves as primary liaison with University’s Business Office concerning acquisitions budget o f approximately 1 mil. dollars; coordinates acquisitions procedures with bibliographers. Required: MLS or equivalent degree from ALA-accredited program; at least 2-3 years o f relevant professional experience; prior experience as supervisor or manager; strong interpersonal and communication skills; experience with automated systems; and familiarity with the book trade. Desirable: experience with OCLC; collection development experience; and knowledge o f at least one modern foreign language. Initial appointment at Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, depending upon qualifications. 1989/90 salary range $28,222 - $46,560. Candidates who do not meet all requirements will be considered for appointment at lower rank. Apply by March 1, 1990 to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. Santa Clara is an AA/ E0 employer. LIBRARY GRADUATE ASSISTANTS for 1990 academic year. Mankato State University is seeking individuals who possess either an MLS or MA in Library Science and who wish to work on a subject master degree while gaining valuable professional experience in an academic library. MSU offers master degrees in over 60 academic disciplines. Graduate assistantships are internships in the disci­ pline—in this case, two disciplines— library science and the subject discipline o f your choice. Graduate assistants supervise student workers and perform other professional services in the public and technical services o f the Library. Public service positions include reference, government publications, online database searching, interlibrary loan, educational resource center, media production, circu­ lation, maps, periodicals, and bibliographic instruction. Positions in the technical services include acquisitions, cataloging, and library research. Successful candi­ dates must show evidence o f demonstrable working experience in one o f the areas listed. A full assistantship averages 20 hours o f work and pays $163 per week for 34 weeks o f the academic year. Eleven-month assistantships are also available. Additionally, graduate assistants qualify for in-state tuition and for at least one- half tuition remission o f 6 to 12 graduate credits per quarter during the academic year. Mankato State University Library, a dynamic information center for over 16,000 students and area users, has a staff o f 25 librarians, 24 classified staff, 20 graduate assistants, and over 200 student workers. Memorial Library is the home of the PALS automated system, a nationally known integrated library system featuring an online catalog, a circulation system, an interlibrary loan module, a serials control system, and an acquisition system. Authority control and inventory control are under development. A letter o f application outlining your experiences in an academic library, your resume, and the names and telephone numbers o f three current references should be sent to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean o f the Library, Mankato State University, MSU Box 19, P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002- 8400; (507) 389-5953. Applications from minorities are encouraged; Mankato State University is an equal opportunity University and employer. SERIALS CATALOGING UNIT HEAD, Otto G. Richter Library, University o f Miami. Reports to the Head o f the Catalog Department. Catalogs new serials according to AACR2 and OCLC serials format. Directs and supervises the workflow of the periodicals processing unit (6 paraprofessional FTE); studies way to improve 9 0 1 C&RL News or modify local practices o f processing periodicals. Prepares for future automation needs and the classifying o f periodicals. Prepares for future automation needs and the classifying o f periodicals. Serves on library and university committees as needed. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent and serials cataloging experience. Preferred: managerial experience in a serials cataloging unit o f an academic library. Appointment: Faculty rank o f Assistant Professor, tenure earning, twelve-month. Librarians are expected to meet the University’s criteria for tenure which requires research and publication. Benefits: Paid pension plan; partially paid insurance plans; 22 days vacation; moving allowance; tuition remis­ sion; beaches, sun. Salary: starting salary range $23,000-$30,000 depending on experience and qualifications. To ensure consideration, apply before February 15, 1990. Send application letter, resume, and the names o f three references to: Ronald P. Naylor, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Otto Richter Library, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248214, Coral Gables, FL 33124. An Equal Oppor­ tunity, Affirmative Action Employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN/PROJECT DIRECTOR (search reopened) to manage and coordinate the planning, implementation and evaluation o f an integrated online library system. Requires: MLS; broad-based knowledge o f library operations; 2 years working experience with automated system in an academic library; experi­ ence with OCLC; demonstrated understanding o f current and developing library technologies; excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills. Ap­ pointment range: $30,000-$34,000; comprehensive benefits package. Applications accepted until January 15 or until position is filled. Application, resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers to: George M. Telatnik, Director, Canisius College Library, 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14208. An Equal Opportunity Employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES HEAD to catalog, oversee materials budget, and super­ vise acquisitions and catalog departments in a four-year college. Occasional refer­ ence duty. Salary from $32,000, depending on qualifications. Position open in summer 1990 or sooner. Minimum requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited li­ brary school, suitable experience in cataloging with OCLC and AACR2, including original cataloging; experience in library automation as online system is antici­ pated; willingness to learn acquisitions work; good interpersonal relations and communication skills. Faculty position, 12-month contract, 30 days vacation, excellent fringe benefits, possibility o f housing assistance. Send resume, letter o f application, and names o f three references to: James E. Gaines Jr., Head Librarian, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA 24450. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. AA/EEO Employer. December 1989 / 91 Publications New Publication: Preservation Microfilming: Planning & Production. 72p., September 1989 ISBN 0-8389-7324-8 $12.00 Papers from the RTSD Preservation Microfilming Institute, New Haven, Connecticut, April 21-23,1988. Chapters by Wesley Boomgaarden, Myron Chace, Margaret Byrnes, Patricia McClung, Carolyn Harris, and Gay Walker. Related Works from the Association fo r Library Collections & Technical Services: Preservation Education Directory. Compiled by Susan G. Swartzburg, Rutgers University, for the PLMS Education Committee. 32p., June 1988 ISBN 0-8389-7225-X $4.00 A Core Collection in Preservation. Compiled by Lisa L. Fox, SOLINET, for the PLMS Education Committee. 24p., June 1988 ISBN 0-8389-7224-1 $5.00 O rd er from ALA Publications, 50 East H uron Street, Chicago, IL 60611 There are book counters— and Book Counters... But WIS Book Counters Are Fast, Accurate, and Cost-Efficient. W ashington Inventory S ervice is th e system. Combine this with your record of national leader in library inventory counting books on loan, and you’ll have an accurate procedures. Our experienced personnel are up-to-date report to help you manage your equipped with inventory d ata collectors collection. which read your books’ bar codes. Call Jim Dunn at (619) 461-8111 for more You’ll have a complete report in a few short information. There are book counters—and days in a format compatible with your present then there’s WIS. WASHINGTON INVENTORY SERVICE A Huffy Company General Offices: 7150 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego, CA 92115 “I’ve traveled over 250,000 m iles in 10 years just to ‘be there’ for my customers. “I’ve worn out about 10 sets of tires traveling from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to Connecticut and back visiting academic librarians. And I guess I’ve been through 40 pairs of shoes in that time. But at EBSCO we feel that to offer truly professional service we must offer truly p erso n a l service. “In fact, EBSCO has built its entire operation around the concept of being there for our customers. We’ve located fully staffed and equipped subscription processing centers near enough to our customers to make in-person calls a routine occurrence. And the serials support group located at each of these offices is com posed of trained professionals dedicated to responding to your needs quickly and effectively. “EBSCO realizes that its relationship with academic librarians is actually a challenging and sensitive partnership . . . one that requires its representatives to display not only serials knowledge and expertise, but also conscientiousness and genuine concern for customer needs. T hat’s why I m ake myself available w henever I’m needed, w hether in person or by phone . . . why I perform inservice training for new customers . . . why I use my experience to foresee and forestall potential problems with your subscription program . . . w hatever it takes? Audrey Greene Sales Representative At EBSCO, we think a ca d em ic librarians sh o u ld be served by experienced serials professionals w ho will ‘be there for them . Isn’t that what you expect from a professional subscription agency? International Headquarters P.O. Box 1943 • Birmingham, AL 35201 (205) 991-6600 CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE. OmnigraphicsR EFERENCE PUBLICATIONS Exclusive U.S. Distributor of St. Paul’s Bibliographies O m n ig ra p h ic s , Inc. has been named exclusive North American distributor of select titles from the col­ lection of St. Paul’s Bibliographies, Winchester, England. Acclaimed by s c h o la rs of E n g lis h lite ra tu re , librarians, bibliophiles, and book col­ lectors, these books are ranked am o n g the m o s t im p o rta n t bibliographic reference materials ever published. Pioneers in Bibliography Edited by Robin Myers and Michael Harris. 117 pages. List of con­ tributors. 1988. $50 The product of an annual conference on book trade history at the Univer­ sity of London, this book contains several essays about bibliographers, their works, and the physical descrip­ tion and analyses of texts dating from medieval libraries up to the works of today’s researchers. Available on 60-day approval. 10 % discount on standing orders. Omnigraphics Penobscot Building Detroit, Ml 48226 Fax: 313-961-1383 Toll-free phone: 800-234-1340 PRINCIPLES OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION By Fredson Bowers. Second edition. 505 pages. Foreword. Appendices. Index. 1986. $70 An exhaustive work that has establish­ ed itself as an indispensable source to all concerned with the history and description of publishing texts. It deals with books from the days of the hand- press to the present time. Of special interest to librarians whose work depends on bibliographic description. Additional St. Paul’s Titles Now Available Aspects of Printing: From 1600. By Robin Myers and Michael Harris. 1987. $40 Bibliography of British Gardens. By Ray Desmond. 1989. $66 A Bibliography of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s. By Geoffrey Keynes, Kt. 1973. $80 A Bibliography of the Foulis Press. By Philip Gaskell. 1986. $84 A Bibliography of Henry King, D.D.‚ Bishop of Chichester . By Geoffrey Keynes, Kt. 1977. $60 A Bibliography of Edward Jenner. By William LeFanu. 1985. $60 Bibliography of W illiam Hazlett. By Geoffrey Keynes, Kt. 1981. $40 A Bibliography of Lucretius. By Cosmo A. Gordon. 1985. $70 A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill, KG, OM, CH. By Frederick Woods. 1979. $60 A B loom sbury Iconography. By Elizabeth P. Richardson. 1989. $84 The Botanists. By David E. Allen. 1986. $40 A Britten Source Book. By John Evans, Phillip Reed, Paul Wilson. 1987. $75 The Children’s Books of Mary (Belson) Elliott. By Marjorie Moon. 1987 $70 The Country House Described. By Michael Holmes, 1986. $80 From Writer to Reader. By Philip Gaskell. 1984. Softcover, $31; Hardcover, $50 George Borrow. By Michael Collie and Angus Fraser. 1984. $60 Gerard M anley Hopkins. By Tom Dunne. 1978. $65 John H arris ’s Books for Youth, 1801-1843. By Marjorie Moon. 1976. $70 A. E. Housman. By John Carter and John Sparrow. 1982. $40 Library Catalogues of the English Renaissance. By Sears Jayne. 1983. $60 The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare. By Charles Hinman. 2 vols. 1963. $200/set Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1820. By Haroid B. Carter. 1987. $100 The Works of Charles Darwin. By R.B. Freeman. 1977. $50 . . . and more. Structure Bookmarks 64 / C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the Octo­ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their SERVICES AVAILABLELET THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE your small business. Grants/ loans to $500,000. Free recorded message: 707/448-0270. (NS5)POSITIONS OPENACCESS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. A 12-month tenure-track posi­tion at California State University, Hayward, which serves 12,000 multi-ethnic students in the San Francisco Bay Area. Duties and responsibilities: directs circulation, periodical and reserve serv­ices; supervision of personnel (6 FTE staff and 45 student employ­ees), the automated circulation system and t December 1989 / 65 resources and operations of the library and assumes chief admin­istrative responsibility in the absence of the Director. The Associ­ate works jointly with the Director in developing policy, overseeing services and operations, preparing budgets, counseling person­nel, and resolving problems. Required are an ALA-accredited MLS, and seven years increasingly responsible administrative experience in an academic library including supervision of a division/department comprised of librarians and support staff. Exte demic programs with members of the faculty and other colleges; works closely with the other bibliographers in the Collections Development Department; reports to the Principal Bibliographer. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library Science from a program accredited by the American Library Association; minimum of two years of professional Library experience or equivalent professional experience; knowledge of the literature of one or more of the above fields as evidenced by experience in collection d Salary guideListed below are the minimum starting sal­ary figures recommended by 16 state library organizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1988 issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­cies. For more informa ConnecticutIndianaIowaKansasLouisianaMaineMassachusettsNew HamphsireNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaOhioPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaVermontWest VirginiaWisconsin $23,310varies*$19,619$17,500*$20,000varies*$27,554*$17,500$24,200varies*$20,832$20,024$23,700*$22,500varies*$20,000$20,500$20,000$23,700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. 66 / C&RL News required; physical examination at University Health Service is re­quired upon appointment. For fullest consideration apply by: January 31‚ 1990. Apply, with supporting resume and the names of at least three references, to: Darlene M. Ziolkowski, Personnel Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago, Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.BIBLIOGRAPHER/CATALOGER. Search extended. The Ki­erkegaard Library at St. Olaf College seeks a profes Criminal Justice), Librarian I. Responsibilities: Provides direct sup­port for campus curricula, teaching and research in developing library collections in: Business, Economics, Law, Criminal Justice. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; for­mulation and application of collecting policies; monitoring of expen­ditures; developing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the bo Reference LibrarianTenure-track position available immediately. Rank open (Assistant or Associate Librarian).Responsibilities: General reference duties, some bibliographic instruction and collection development. Some evening and weekend service is expected.Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Preferred: Two years professional experience and subject specializa­tion in business or natural sciences. Salary: Minimum $24,000 depending on qualifications and experience.Systems Librarian.Tenure-track position available im December 1989 / 67 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATION AND TECHNICAL OPERATIONSBloomsburg University of PennsylvaniaResponsible for administration of library automa­tion operations (including implementation of new PALS subsystems), administration of Technical Services units, and management of preservation activities; responsible for administration of library operations in the absence of the Dean of Library Services.Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; 4 years’ professional experience in technical services or library systems, prefe Politics, Journalism, Public and Urban Affairs. Nature of collection management work includes: selection of library materials, analysis of collections for strengths and weaknesses; formulation and application of collecting policies; monitoring of expenditures; de­veloping and maintaining close working relationships with faculty and other users, with the book trade world, and with other library staff; coordinates collection management activities of selectors in allied disciplines. UMCP Libraries is an ARL me 68 / C&RL News ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEMSIowa State UniversityWorking within a team of four other Assistant Directors and the Dean, this new position will have broad responsibility for creating policy, developing applications, and coordinating operations in the area of information technology. This includes implementation of all modules of the NOTIS integrated system and indexing/abstracting software, as well as general policy and technical support responsibility for microcom­puter hardware and software and l ability to work with materials in Southeast Asian languages. Salary; $21,000 and up, dependent on qualifications (but essentially an entry-level position). To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of University Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; (Phone 602/965-3417). Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled, with review of applications be online bibliographic database. East Carolina University’s libraries serve a campus community of over 16,000 students and 950 faculty. The University is a constituent institution of the sixteen- campus University of North Carolina system. Screening of applica­tions will begin March 1, 1990 and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Jo Ann Bell, Acting Director of Academic Library Services, Joyner Library, East Carolina December 1989 / 69 FOUR REFERENCE LIBRARIANS/BIBLIOGRAPHERSThe University of Houston LibrariesThe University of Houston Libraries invite applications for four reference librarian/bibliographer positions: Business, Social Sciences, and two Science Reference Librarians. We seek creative talented individuals who desire to work in an environment where services are expanding and where there is considerable scope for planning and implementing new program initiatives, including the application of new technologies to the delivery of assisting in related operations of Technical Services Department. Qualifications include working knowledge of AACR2 and standard cataloging practices, familiarity with automated library systems, and ability to work with WLN or other bibliographic utility. Reading knowledge of a foreign language, preferably German or Scandi­navian. Some experience preferred but not essential. Furnish letter, resume, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, three or more letters of reference and/or current placement file. Send process. Evening and reference relief work, OCLC cataloging knowledge required; reference and retrospective conversion expe­rience desirable. ALA-accredited MLS required; salary range $20,000-$25,000. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation to: Elinor Bridges, Director of Library Services, Mary Livermore Library, Pembroke State University, Pembroke, NC 28372. Preference given to those who apply by January 18, 1990. AA/EOE.COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN, Georgetown Uni­versi 70 / C&RL News HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES DEPARTMENTIowa State UniversityReporting to the Assistant Director for Public Serv­ices, the Head of Access Services is a major post providing leadership in a service-directed environ­ment. Responsibility for organization, staffing, budget­ing and operation of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Periodical Room, Photoduplication, Reserve, and Stacks Maintenance. Administration of public service activities in branch reading rooms. Responsibility for eight supervisors, twenty-nine staff and library’s collections; works closely with faculty members in all departments, colleges, and schools; prepares reports on library support for courses and programs offered by the institution; pre­pares grant proposals; works closely with professional as well as clerical staff of library; recommends annual distribution of materials money to library administration. Reports to the Assis­tant Director for Instructional and Public Services. Require­ments: ALA-MLS; 2nd Master’s desirable; three years library experi December 1989 / 71 and Sciences also offers more than twenty master’s level and doctoral programs in the arts and sciences and in engineering, enrolling about 1,285 men and women. The Library: The Arts and Sciences Library, with basic resources in the humanities, social sciences, biological and physical sciences has a collection of over 412,000 volumes, 310,000 government publications, 85,000 maps, 630,000 microform units, 9,200 sound recordings, over 1000 films and videocassettes, and 2,333 current periodicals. The collectio communication skills, with the ability to work effectively with faculty, department chairs, library managers, librarians and staff to negotiate allocations of acquisitions budget and staff time, and with the ability to take a leadership role in the library. Experience with budget process in an academic or research library; experience with database management and/or automated fund accounting. Famili­arity with all library formats and an ability to evaluate their appropri­ateness. A broad knowledge of library DIRECTOR OF LIBRARYThe Phillips Memorial Library, Providence CollegeApplications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the Phillips Memorial Library. Providence College is a four-year college of the liberal arts and sciences with an undergraduateenrollment of approximately 3,600 men and women. It is conducted under the auspices of the Order of Preachers of the Province of St. Joseph, commonly known as the Dominicans. As a small Catholic undergraduate liberal arts college, Providence Co 72 / C&RL News requests for out-of-print items. Acts as resource person to staff, interacts with faculty and booksellers, and plans and implements newly acquired PALS automated acquisitions system. Some ro­tated evening and weekend reference work is required. Required, ALA-accredited MLS degree and ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff. Preferred: Experience with collection development and acquisitions procedures, OCLC or other bibliographic utility, and automated acquisitions system. This public services (reference, circulation, reserve, ILL, library instruc­tion, database searching): be responsible for departmental man­agement (planning, budget, staff development); integrate tradi­tional and advanced library technologies with library’s informa­tional service; develop and maintain successful relationship with library users; participate as reference librarian (some evening and weekend work). Required: ALA-accredited MLS; demonstrated ability to create, evaluate, and coordinate public services December 1989 / 73 THE MARTHA BOAZ DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIPThe Central Library System of the University of Southern CaliforniaThe Martha Boaz Distinguished Research Professorship is awarded annually to a distinguished member of the Library or Information Science profession to enhance strategic planning and applied research for the Library during a six-month period. The recipient for the 1990 calendar year will hold a visiting appointment to the University of Southern California’s Central Library System and will wo ing, interpreting and publicizing library services and collections. Send a statement of qualifications, resume, and names, ad­dresses, and telephone numbers of three references by February 1, 1990 to: Gordon Rowley, Associate Director, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115.DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Washington State University invites applications and nominations for the position of director of librar­ies. The Director is the Chief Administrative and Financial Officer of the Unive DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Tenure-Track Faculty Position, Samuel Read Hall Library. Starting date: July 1, 1990. Salary $26,000- $29,000 plus substantial benefits. Undergraduate college with 1,100 students located in Lyndonville in the northeast section of Vermont. Successful candidate will be responsible for overall management, including staff supervision (8) and budget, for a service-oriented academic library and will plan and coordinate development of diverse collection. Duties in the year-round position inclu 74 / C&RL News to Documents Search Committee c/o Carole McIver, Administra­tive Services Librarian, Atkins Library, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. AA/EEO.GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN. Entry level, $22,000 minimum. Twelve-month contract; tenure track. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required for appointment as Instructor. For assistant professor or above, a second master’s degree or 30 hours of graduate coursework, or equivalent, re­quired in addition to MLS. Interest in an Affirmative Action plan. All persons hired will be required to show proof of their identity and right to work in the United States.HEAD, DOCUMENTS PROCESSING, Washington State Univer­sity Libraries (position readvertised). Coordinates the work of the Documents Section in the Bibliographic Control Unit of the Techni­cal Services Division. Catalogs document serials and mono­graphs, and assigns classification numbers to copy cataloging. Responsible for reviewing processing of surveys for U.S. deposi­tory do Senior Associate University LibrarianBoston College Libraries seeks applications and nominations for a newly defined position of Senior Associate University Librarian. Working closely with the University Librarian, this position will be responsible for the internal operations of the University Libraries. Specific responsibilities include: coordinating the effective organization and delivery of all library services to the university com­munity through three AULs with responsibility for collections, access an 76 / C&RL News committee (GoDoC). Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent; experience in processing state and federal depository receipts; cataloging experience, preferably of government docu­ments; demonstrated knowledge of SuDocs classification, LCSH, AACR2, and other cataloging tools. Preferred: Experience in an academic or research library; supervisory experience; experience in MARC tagging, bibliographic utilities, preferably WLN; demon­strated verbal and written communication skills. Salary: From $25, disability, and/or persons between the ages of 40-70 are encour­aged to apply.HEAD, HUMANITIES COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Washing­ton State University Libraries. Supervises all aspects of Humani­ties collection development and management for the WSU Librar­ies. Selects materials for purchase in English and American literature. Works closely with teaching faculty and other subject specialists in the Humanities. Provides full range of general refer­ence services in all Humanities and Social Science disciplines. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTIONSIowa State UniversityThe Assistant Director, working within a team of four other Assistant Directors and reporting to the Dean, shares broad responsibility for management of the Library system. Primary responsibility involves all aspects of collection development and management including: developing the Library’s research collec­tions in support of the University’s programs; coordinating the preparation of collection development policies; allocating and monitoring acquisiti December 1989 /77 library. Reference experience in an academic/research library. Preferred: Reading knowledge of a modern foreign language; reference experience in the Social Sciences; experience with user education and automated systems. Salary: From $30,000; com­mensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian rank commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Application procedure: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director ence in business, documents or law. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Salary at appointment will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Rank: Librarian 2 or 3; tenure-track status. Bene­fits: TIAA/CREF; broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Application: Send letter of application, res­ume, and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associ­ate Director for Administrative Services, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Applications must be pos 78 / C&RL News The Philip Hofer Curator of Printing and Graphic ArtsThe Houghton Library Harvard UniversityReporting directly to the Librarian of the Houghton Library (the major repository of rare books and manu­scripts in Harvard College), the Hofer Curator is respon­sible for providing imaginative leadership for America’s pre-eminent department of graphic arts and the history of printing. The collection comprises illustrated books, print portfolios, drawings for book illustration, fine printing and type specimens (all c room, reserves, bookstack maintenance, and three off-site storage facilities. Participates with library administration and other division heads in policy decisions as a member of the Library Council. Serves as the liaison with the Library Systems Office for circulation functions, and acts as information source for other circulation units in the branch libraries. Reports to the Director of Libraries and is responsible for all personnel activities of the division, which in­cludes one librarian and 23 clerical December 1989 / 79 HEAD, MAIN LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT AND COORDINATOR SYSTEM-WIDE REFERENCE SERVICESThe University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa CityPosition Description: This is a senior leadership position responsible for the provision of reference and information services in the University of Iowa Libraries system. The incumbent will manage resources of the Main Library’s Reference Department, to include collections and services related to reference and information desk service, database searching, and an active program of 80 / C&RL News June, 1990. Submit cover letter, resume, and the names, ad­dresses, and phone numbers of 3 references postmarked by 2/9/90 to library Search Committee, California State University Library, 9001 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099. CSUB is an AA/EOE.LIBRARIAN. Liberal arts college library seeks a generalist eager for an unusual professional experience. Dickinson College has available a two-year renewable appointment for a librarian who would like to: become part of a team of nine librarians and fiftee tion skills; strong public service attitude. Flexible hours. Minimum salary $20,000. Send letter of application, vita, and names and telephone numbers of three references to Office of Academic Affairs, Glasgow Campus Librarian Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Review of applications will begin February 1, 1990, and position will remain open until filled. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.LIBRARY DIRECTOR, St. Olaf Coll Employers:Don’t wait for the next issue of AL, Chronicle of H.E., LJ Hotline, or even C&RL News to advertise your job openings. Announce your positions to a wide audience of academic and research library and information professionals on the ACRL JOBLINE.The prerecorded tape is revised weekly; ads received by 1 p.m. on Thursday are incor­porated into the new Friday tape. Listings run for 2 weeks. Call 312/944-6780 or write for a JOBLINE form and free job listing options brochure.Job Seekers:For current listi December 1989 / 81 PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN, Arizona State University. Provides detailed support for the recruitment, selection, training, develop­ment, discipline and evaluation of all library personnel. Responsi­bilities include the promotion of affirmative action and equal oppor­tunity; assistance with a wide variety of personnel actions; creation and implementation of staff development programs; participation in strategic planning; and cooperative involvement in a host of related activities. ASU, a progressive library offering PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor (tenure- track, 12-month position, available July 1, 1990). Dakota State University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented individual to join a team of forward-looking, dedicated librarians and associates. The University’s mission emphasizes the use and integration of computer technology in all aspects of its curriculum. This unique approach has been recognized nationally and provides an exciting and innovative atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff. Th DEAN OF LIBRARYNew Mexico State UniversityNew Mexico State University invites applications and nominations of hiqhly qualified candidates for the position of Dean of the Library. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 75 major undergraduate areas, 45 master’s degrees, and 19 doctoral degree programs.The Dean of the Library reports to the Executive Vice President and sits on the Academic Dean’s Council. Responsibilities include general administration of the library, planning and budgeting, policy development, 82 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONSThe University Libraries of the University of North TexasThe University Libraries of the University of North Texas invite applications for the following three positions:Catalog Librarian, Serials.Under the direction of the Head of Bibliographic Control, the holder of this position is the Libraries’ principal cataloger for serials. Duties include the supervision of one of the four units of the department; unit personnel currently supervised include one librarian, two paraprofessionals, and sev December 1989 / 83 45 minutes from Sioux Falls. The university enrolls approximately 1,200 students and is an exciting undergraduate institution. The newly-remodeled Mundt Library provides an attractive and well- used environment for study and teaching. The library and campus administration encourage participatory management, open com­munication, and staff development at all levels of the organiza­tion. Applications received before February 28,1990, will receive first consideration. Some preliminary interviews be held at ALA Salary: Librarian II, $32,000; Librarian III, $37,900, minimum salary, plus benefits. Position open: March 1, 1990, and will remain open until filled. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services, Doheny Memorial Library, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Applicants should submit a letter of application; resume; and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Refer to Reference Librarian, Position #13 DIRECTOR OF THE BIO-MEDICAL LIBRARYUniversity of Minnesota—Twin CitiesThe director of the Bio-Medical Library is responsible for the administration of the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library which interacts closely with and supports the teaching programs of the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, the College of Pharmacy, certain biological sciences, and the University Hospital and Clinic. The Bio-Medical Library is located in the health sciences complex on the University’s Minnea December 1989 / 85 sonal skills; demonstrated ability to market and promote library services in a new environment; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices. Preferred qualifications: subject exper­tise, demonstrated by substantial reference or collection develop­ment experience and/or an undergraduate degree in business or the social sciences. For appointment as Associate Librarian, salary $27,000 minimum: Must exceed minimum criteria for ap­pointment and have five or more years of experience; demonstra mum criteria for appointment. About ASU West: The West Campus is a newly founded and rapidly growing upper-level branch campus with exceptional faculty and students. The Library offers an elegant new 97,000 square foot building, a program emphasis on quality services tailored to institutional and client needs, collection build­ing coordinated with curriculum building, a $1.5 million acquisitions budget, intensive use of electronic information technology, and partnership with faculty in the academic mission. TWO POSITIONSUniversity of Northern Colorado LibrariesDirector of Access Services and Budgets (Assistant or Associate Professor). The Director of Access Services and Budgets is a member of the University Libraries administration and reports directly to the Director of University Libraries.Responsibilities: Management of the Access Services Division comprised of the acquisition/serials, circulation/periodicals‚ cataloging, and interlibrary loan departments; budget preparation and expenditure authorization fo 86 / C&RL News application addressing specific qualifications as they relate to the responsibilities described, a current resume, and the names, ad­dresses, and telephone numbers of 4 references must be post­marked by March 15, 1990 and sent to Helen L. Gater, Director, Fletcher Library, Arizona State University West Campus, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. ASU West Campus is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.SERIALS LIBRARIAN, Pembroke State University, a campus of the University of North Carolina. receiving more than 1650 periodical titles. Will work with 2 catalog librarians, 1 part-time serials records librarian, staff and students in acquiring and cataloging all library materials for an integrated automated system (PALS). Required qualifications: ALA-MLS; minimum of 5 years cataloging experience; strong supervisory and interpersonal skills demonstrated through experience, preferably in an academic library; thorough knowledge of AACR2, MARC for­mats, LC classification and subject headings; experien LATE JOB LISTINGSASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES, University of Wind­sor, Leddy Library. The University of Windsor is seeking an individual with strong management skills and administrative experience to head the Technical Services Division of the Leddy Library. Reporting to the University Librarian, the Associate Librarian administers the cataloguing, acquisitions,and bindery functions of the Library. The Library has recently implemented two modules of the NOTIS inte­grated system, cataloguing an December 1989 / 87 technical services, and effective written and oral communication skills are re­quired. Experience in an integrated automated environment, demonstrated leader­ship abilities, the ability to manage change, and commitment to a style of manage­ment which emphasizes consultation and effective interrelationship of technical and public services are highly desired. Salary will be commensurate with experi­ence and qualifications. Current minimum salary is 39,000 Canadian dollars. The University of Windsor is Canada’ 88 / C&RL News qualifications (minimum $41,900). McIntyre Library has a collection of more than 500,000 volumes, 200,000 government documents, 990,000 microforms, and 2,300 current periodical subscriptions. It is a Selective Federal Depository and a compre­hensive Wisconsin Documents Depository. Special facilities include an Instruc­tional Media Center and a regional historical research center. Automated activities include participation in OCLC online cataloging, LS/2000 public access catalog and circulation system, SC350 December 1989 / 89 College, 219 Markle Hall, Easton, PA 18042. Applications should include a letter of interest, a resume, and the addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer.HEAD, ACQUISITIONS SECTION, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara Uni­versity. (Readvertised Position) Manages operations of Acquisitions Section; super­vises 5 FTE non-exempt staff; oversees firm orders, serial subscriptions, domestic approval plans, out-of-print orders, and gift processing; serv 901 C&RL News or modify local practices of processing periodicals. Prepares for future automation needs and the classifying of periodicals. Prepares for future automation needs and the classifying of periodicals. Serves on library and university committees as needed. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or its foreign equivalent and serials cataloging experience. Preferred: managerial experience in a serials cataloging unit of an academic library. Appointment: Faculty rank of Assistant Professor, tenure earning, twelve-mon December 1989 / 91 PublicationsNew Publication:Preservation Microfilming: Planning & Production. 72p., September 1989 ISBN 0-8389-7324-8 $12.00Papers from the RTSD Preservation Microfilming Institute, New Haven, Connecticut, April 21-23,1988. Chapters by Wesley Boomgaarden, Myron Chace, Margaret Byrnes, Patricia McClung, Carolyn Harris, and Gay Walker.Related Works from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services:Preservation Education Directory. Compiled by Susan G. Swartzburg, Rutgers University, for the PL There are book counters— and Book Counters...But WIS Book Counters Are Fast, Accurate, and Cost-Efficient.Washington Inventory Service is the system. Combine this with your record of national leader in library inventory counting books on loan, and you’ll have an accurate procedures. Our experienced personnel are up-to-date report to help you manage your equipped with inventory data collectors collection.which read your books’ bar codes.Call Jim Dunn at (619) 461-8111 for more You’ll have a complete report i “I’ve traveled over 250,000 miles in 10 years just to ‘be there’ for my customers. “I’ve worn out about 10 sets of tires traveling from New Jersey to Pennsylvania to Connecticut and back visiting academic librarians. And I guess I’ve been through 40 pairs of shoes in that time. But at EBSCO we feel that to offer truly professional service we must offer truly personal service.“In fact, EBSCO has built its entire operation around the concept of being there for our customers. We’ve located fully staffed and equipped subscription processing centers near enough to our customers to make in-pers myself available whenever I’m needed, whether in person or by phone ... why I perform inservice training for new customers ... why I use my experience to foresee and forestall potential problems with your subscription program ... whatever it takes?Audrey GreeneSales RepresentativeAt EBSCO, we think academic librarians should be served by experienced serials professionals who will ‘be there for them. Isn’t that what you expect from a professional subscription agency?International HeadquartersP.O. Box 1943 • CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN MORE. OmnigraphicsR EFERENCE PUBLICATIONS Exclusive U.S. Distributor of St. Paul’s BibliographiesOmnigraphics, Inc. has been named exclusive North American distributor of select titles from the col­lection of St. Paul’s Bibliographies, Winchester, England. Acclaimed by scholars of English literature, librarians, bibliophiles, and book col­lectors, these books are ranked among the most important bibliographic reference materials ever published.Pioneers in BibliographyEdited by Robin Myers and Michael Harris. 117 pages. List of con­tributors. 1988. $ PRINCIPLES OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONBy Fredson Bowers. Second edition. 505 pages. Foreword. Appendices. Index. 1986. $70An exhaustive work that has establish­ed itself as an indispensable source to all concerned with the history and description of publishing texts. It deals with books from the days of the hand- press to the present time. Of special interest to librarians whose work depends on bibliographic description.Additional St. Paul’s Titles Now AvailableAspects of Printing: From 1600. By Robin My A Bibliography of the Foulis Press. ByPhilip Gaskell. 1986. $84A Bibliography of Henry King, D.D.‚ Bishop of Chichester. By Geoffrey Keynes, Kt. 1977. $60A Bibliography of Edward Jenner. ByWilliam LeFanu. 1985. $60Bibliography of William Hazlett. ByGeoffrey Keynes, Kt. 1981. $40A Bibliography of Lucretius. By Cosmo A. Gordon. 1985. $70A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill, KG, OM, CH. ByFrederick Woods. 1979. $60A Bloomsbury Iconography. ByElizabeth P. Richardson. 1989. $84The Botanists. By D