ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries and one province of C anada. These organizations enabled greater participation in ACRL, provided programs of significance w ithin reasonable travel­ ing distance of members, and offered a focus and voice for the local, state, and regional concerns of academ ic librarians. T his year ACRL strength­ e n e d th e c h a p te r s ’ a b ility to serve m em b ers through a provision allowing them to offer ACRL continuing education courses and share revenue w ith th e national Association. 9. Three special projects. The Association also underw rote or received outside funding for three special projects. 1) The N ational E ndow m ent for th e Hum anities aw arded ACRL $62,423 for a sec­ ond series of workshops to encourage humanities program m ing in academic libraries and the devel­ opm ent of grant proposals to fund such programs. Two workshops will be held during the spring of 1983. 2) ACRL also received th e 1982 J. Morris Jones A ward of $5,000 for a project designed by the Bibliographic Instruction Section to duplicate at eight state and regional library association m eet­ ings portions of the highly successful 1979 BIS D al­ las Preconference. This project, called Bringing W orkshops to M embers, aims at increasing the knowledge and skills of librarians involved in user education as well as strengthening state and re­ gional educational program m ing. 3) To fill one gap in academic library statistics, ACRL head­ quarters staff is repeating the statistical survey of non-ARL university libraries. Questionnaires were distributed to 91 U.S. and ten C anadian university libraries in late 1982 w ith publication of the data projected for spring, 1983. I hope th a t, after review ing the accom plish­ ments and commitments of ACRL, you will agree th a t ACRL has much to contribute to your own personal development and the development of aca- demic/research libraries. In addition, if you have not already done so, I hope you will choose to re­ new your mem bership and resolve to be an active participant in Association activities. Carla J. Stoffle President, A C R L ACRL 1982/83 Budget At the direction of the Executive C omm ittee, the budget for 1982/83 is being presented w ith the Choice budget included in the overall ACRL budget instead of being presented separately as in previous years. This more accurately reflects ACRL’s fiscal responsibilities and liabilities. A general overview of the 1982/83 budget is shown in pie-chart form on page 9. Subsequent articles in C &R L News will discuss each of the program areas in more detail. A table showing specific dollar amounts is provided on the following page for your interest. The base dollar amounts for revenues and expenses include funds approved by the Board in previous years for pro­ jects extending over more than one fiscal year. The figures are therefore slightly higher than those indi­ cated in the sum m ary table above. Highlights of the 1982/83 budget include the funding of a statistics project to collect d ata on non-ARL university libraries, the continuation of the bibliographic instruction liaison project, the funding of a task force to explore the usefulness, feasibility, and form at for a third edition of Books fo r College Libraries, and increased support for chapters and sections. January 1983 / 7 REVENUES Budgeted Budgeted % of Activity 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 Choice $810,580 $935,999 63.2% M em bership dues 192,500 193,400 13.0 M inneapolis Conference 189,690 — — C &RL 108,078 110,225 7.4 C &R L N ew s 64,023 74,709 5.0 N E H Project 64,549 62,423 4.2 C ontinuing E ducation 44,600 40,500 2.7 Preconferences 58,075 39,670 2.7 Publications 7,500 18,600 1.3 Job L isting Services 8,100 5,850 .4 O th er 1,600 800 .1 T O T A L $1,549,295 $1,482,176 100.0% EXPENSES Budgeted Budgeted % of Activity 1981/82 1982/83 1982/83 C hoice $810,570 $898,250 61.5% C &R L N ew s 91,511 104,199 7.1 C &R L 85,683 94,245 6.5 N EH Project 64,549 62,423 4.3 C ontinuing E ducation 44,889 49,549 3.4 N ational C onference (Minneapolis) 189,690 — — N ational C onference (Seattle) 20,622 36,064 2.5 Sections 23,225 26,730 1.8 RBMS Postconference 18,250 26,627 1.8 Com m ittees 26,452 25,773 1.7 C hapters 18,516 25,073 1.7 B ibliographic Instruction Project 18,645 21,621 1.5 Publications 25,436 21,445 1.5 M em ber Services 20,294 16,901 1.2 Advisory 13,056 16,670 1.1 BIS Postconference 26,250 13,650 .9 Books f or College Libraries 3d — 7,079 .5 Statistics Project — 6,827 .5 Job L isting Services 9,939 5,586 .4 Discussion G roups 3,146 1,134 .1 ACRL 100 Project 1,681 518 — CJCLS Preconference 13,575 — — T O TA L $1,525,979 $1,460,364 100.0% 8 / C &R L N ew s