ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries New Technology •INFORONICS now offers updated literature de­ scribing D B-ED IT, software th a t helps to create and revise online catalogs. D B -E D IT : The On-line Editorial Assistant describes the feature, w hich is available as p a rt of ILIAS, Inforonics’ L ibrary Au­ tom ation Service th a t starts w ith cataloging data and produces online and printed products. For a copy, contact N ancy D ennis, C oordinator, L i­ brary Services, Inforonics, In c ., 550 N ew tow n Road, Littleton, MA 01460; (617) 486-8976. • Kurzweil C omputer Products, Cam bridge, Massachusetts, has developed an advanced version of th e Kurzweil Reading M achine for the blind. The new Series 200 incorporates recent technologi­ cal advances th a t bring the m achine, which reads printed m aterial out loud, closer to the reading and speech capabilities of humans. T he new machine voice is more pleasant and easier to get used to. New software offering more powerful character recognition allows the machine to scan successfully the low-quality p rin t characteristic of m any photo­ copies, paperbacks, and periodicals. The Series 200 capabilities are being m ade available to current reading machine owners. By November 1982 the Kurzweil Reading M achine was in use in approxi­ m ately 300 libraries, schools, and employment and rehabilitation settings. An additional 200 machines are being aw arded to colleges and universities by Xerox in a year-long corporate contributions pro­ gram which began in July 1982. • T he T exas C ollege of O steopathic M e d i­ c in e ’s Health Sciences L ibrary, F ort W orth, in­ stalled a Rapicom 6350T/6300R digital facsimile netw ork in May 1982 th a t provides clinicians w ith im m ediate long-distance access to medical refer­ ence sources. T he product configuration perm its si­ multaneous transmission of hard copy inform ation over standard telephone lines at speeds approach­ ing 15 seconds per page. T he college placed com­ patible Rapicom 1000 transceivers at several of its affiliated hospitals—Stevens Park Hospital in D al­ las, D allas-Fort W orth Medical C enter in G rand Prairie, and Carswell Air Force Base in W est F ort W orth. The digital facsimile devices can receive in­ form ation autom atically, elim inating the need for hospital staff to operate the machine. Both printed and handw ritten m aterial can be transm itted, in ­ cluding journal articles, charts, diagram s, com­ puter printouts, and memos. D uring the first two m onths of operation th e TCO M L ibrary netw ork ex ceed ed 1,000 d o c u m e n t tra n sm issio n s p e r m onth. •T h e W ashington L ibrary Network (WLN) and the C alifornia L ibrary Authority for Sys­ tems and Services (CLASS) have signed an agree­ m en t m aking CLASS th e exclusive bro k er for W L N ’s retrospective conversion services in C alifor­ nia, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. T he service com­ plem ents the RLIN shared cataloging services of­ fered by CLASS. W L N will accept tapes w ith form atted search argum ents w hich will then be m atched against the W LN bibliographic database. Libraries also have the option to access W LN d i­ rectly via Telenet to key search argum ents into a file stored on the W LN com puter for later batch m atching. W LN also expects to have the capability to accept floppy disc in the future, w hich will allow libraries to create search argum ents on an in-house m icrocom puter. Publications NOTICES •T h e 5th edition of Annual Statistics o f Medical School Libraries in the United States and Canada (1981-82) may be ordered from the Houston Acad­ emy of Medicine-Texas Medical C enter L ibrary, 1133 M .D. Anderson B oulevard, Houston, TX 77030. Members of the Association of Academic H ealth Sciences L ibrary Directors will be billed $40 per copy; non-members should send $65 and a self-addressed mailing label to the HAM-TMC li­ brary. •A Bibliography o f Loyalist Source Materials in Archives in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, com piled by the P ro g ram for L oyalist Studies and Publications in association w ith the American A ntiquarian Society, is now available from Meckler Publishing, W estport, Connecticut, for $115. T he compilation provides an indispensi- ble tool for those involved in the study of the Amer­ ican R evolution or engaged in genealogical re­ search. Much of the m aterial has been taken from the Proceedings o f the AAS betw een 1972 and 1980, but archival findings from English and Irish sources have not been published previously. •Biotechnology: An Annotated Bibliography o f Selected References (8 pages, Fall 1982) has been published as num ber 10 in the University of Cen­ tral Florida’s L ibrary Bibliography Series. The m a­ jor focus of the articles listed is in the field of genetic 18 / C&R L News engineering. Copies are available for $2 each from th e U C F L ibrary, G ifts and Exchange, P .O . Box 25000, O rlando, F L 32816. •B ound to Please, edited by Florence M. Jum on- ville (81 pages, 7 color plates, 1982), is an illus­ trated catalog of fifty ra re books about Louisiana currently on exhibit at the H istoric N ew O rleans Collection. T he subjects covered are history and politics, social life an d customs, the sciences, and tourism . A bibliography and com m entary follow th e full bibliographic description of each book. Copies m ay be ordered for $17.70 from T he His­ to ric N ew O rleans C ollection Shop, 533 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. •T h e Collection D evelopm ent Statem ent of the St. Louis C om m unity College Instructional Re­ sources D e p a rtm e n t (11 pages, 1982) has been m ad e av ailab le free of charge. T h e statem en t, w hich m ay be useful for other com m unity college libraries in developing th eir policies, defines the collection developm ent program and provides nec­ essary guidance for building and m aintaining both th e m aterial and equipm ent collections. Request a copy from Instructional Resources, St. Louis Com ­ m unity College, 5801 W ilson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110. •C ontem porary Amharic Creative Literature: A Guide, by Fassil A radoum (43 pages, 1982), is the sixth bibliography to be published in th e L ib rary of Congress M ak tab a A fricana series. T his m ono­ graph presents a selection of contem porary crea­ tive w ritings in A m haric, th e official language of E thiopia. C itations are given in rom anized form an d in A m haric script. T he guide is available free on request from th e L ib rary of Congress, African an d M iddle E astern D ivision, A frican Section, W ashington, D C 20540. • A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the Uni­ versity o f Wisconsin-Parkside Area Research Center (114 pages, 1982) describes th e C en ter’s perm anent holdings w hich include th e records and papers of a variety of individuals, organizations, businesses, an d local governm ents in R acine a n d Kenosha counties. A free copy m ay be obtained from Nicho­ las Burckel, D irector, Archives an d Area Research C en ter, Box 2000, U W -Parkside, K enosha, W I 53141. •Ibero-American Studies: Microforms in the Uni­ versity o f Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, compiled by Suzanne H odgm an and Anne V an d en b u rg h (124 pages, 1982), has been published as the L i­ braries’ Occasional P aper num ber 4. T he publica­ tio n ’s 1,088 items include journals, new spapers, census d a ta , theses, governm ent docum ents, and monographs. P repaid orders for $4 per copy should be sent to th e Acquisitions D epartm ent, Room 324, UW M em orial L ibrary, 728 State Street, Madison, W I 53706. •In Service to Scholarship is an edited transcript of the proceedings of the Association of Research L ibraries’ 100th M em bership M eeting in Scotts­ dale, A rizona, May 5 -7 , 1982. H ighlights of the m eeting include a program on how changes in aca­ d e m ic d is c ip lin e s a n d re s e a rc h a re a ff e c tin g scholars’ use of libraries, a retrospective look at ARL’s developm ent over th e past fifty years, and a special rep o rt from th e L ib rary of Congress on new preservation technologies. C opies are av ailable (prepaid) for $12.50 (ARL m em bers, $7.50) from th e Association of Research L ibraries, 1527 New H a m p s h ire A v en u e, N .W ., W a s h in g to n , D C 20036. •T h e Local Studies Librarian, the official journal of th e Local Studies G roup of th e British L ibrary Association, m ade its d eb u t w ith the Spring 1982 issue. T he journal is issued three times a year and contains articles on local history studies, innova­ tions and techniques, notices and reviews of local history pub licatio n s, an d correspondence from readers. T he editorial policy is for most issues to contain items of interest to non-British librarians concerned w ith local history. Subscriptions are av ailab le at £ 4 plus £ 1 service charge overseas from B ern ard N urse, T reasu rer, Local Studies G roup, S outhw ark Local Studies L ibrary, 211 Bor­ ough H igh Street, L ondon SE 1, E ngland. •T h e N ational Union Catalog (NUC) changes from a pap er form at to a new microfiche form at in 1983. This decision by th e L ib rary of Congress is based on a survey conducted in 1981 in w hich li­ braries indicated a preference for this form of p u b ­ lication over th e pap er edition. T he m icrofiche N a­ tio n a l U nion C a ta lo g B ooks w ill c o n so lid a te inform ation w hich currently appears in th e N a­ tional Union Catalog, the Subject Catalog, C hi­ nese C ooperative Catalog, and M onographic Se­ ries, all of w hich will no longer be published in p ap er fo rm . I t w ill contain bibliographic records in all languages for books, pam phlets, and some m i­ croforms. A second new m icrofiche publication, the N a­ tional Union Catalog: U.S. Books, w ill contain only U.S. im prints. Separate m icrofiche catalogs w ill also be available for audiovisual m aterials and cartographic m aterials. All four 1983 catalogs will be in an index/register form at w ith each register having four separate indexes: nam e index, title in ­ dex, subject index, and series index. T he register, w hich contains th e full bibliographic record, is ac­ cessed only by th e register n u m b er found in th e in ­ dexes. N U C Books and N U C U.S. Books will be is­ su ed m o n th ly , a n d th e o th e r s w ill b e issued q u a rte rly . S ubscribers w ill receive m o n th ly o r q uarterly cum ulated indexes replacing th e preced­ ing m onthly or q u arterly issues. •A n Overview o f Com puter Vision, a field in­ creasingly im p o rtan t to the design of autom ated m anufacturing systems and artificial intelligence applications, has been published by th e N ational B ureau of Standards. T he report, produced under a joint program of NBS and NASA, examines basic approaches, current research, principal research centers, funding sources, an d expert opinions on th e fu tu re of com puter vision. A lim ited num ber of January 1983 / 19 copies (NBSIR 82-2582) are available upon receipt of a self-addressed mailing label, from the Indus­ trial Systems Division, Metrology Building A127, N ational Bureau of Standards, W ashington, DC 20234. •Radio Broadcasts in the Library o f Congress, 1924-1941, by James R. Sm art (149 pages, 1982), lists 5,100 live radio broadcasts in chronological or­ der, beginning w ith “A N ational Defense Day” program featuring John J. Pershing in 1924 and ending w ith “News and C om m entary” w ith Ray­ m ond Swing in 1941. Each entry includes the date of the broadcast, the popular title of the program , perform er, program length, and call letters of the station from w hich the program was recorded. Copies are available for $10 from th e Superinten­ dent of Documents, U.S. G overnment Printing O f­ fice, W ashington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-000- 00124-9). • Swedish-American Newspapers, compiled by Lilly Setterdahl (36 pages, 1981), lists 236 micro­ filmed Swedish papers published in North America and held by the Swenson Swedish Im m igration Re­ search Center at Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois. The guide is arranged by place of publica­ tion and provides information on the microform holdings, num ber of rolls, and the location of the negatives. Copies may be ordered for $3 (plus 50¢ handling if not prepaid) from the Denkm ann Me­ morial Library, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 61201. RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future issues of College ir Research Libraries). • The Im pact o f N ew Technology on Libraries and Information Centres, a report of the Library Association, 1981-82 (Oryx, 1983, $10), examines the principal features of the new technologies, sur­ veys their actual and potential applications, and discusses options available to libraries and infor­ m ation centers. • Like its 1966 predecessor, Scientific Manage­ m e n t o f L ib ra ry O perations, by R ic h a rd M. D augherty and Fred J. H einritz (Scarecrow, 1982, $15), also deals w ith such topics as cost analysis, tim e studies, library statistics, and standards. The new edition is designed to provide students, m an­ agers, and systems librarians w ith detailed infor­ m ation on how to prepare, plan, and analyze pro­ cedures to produce improved cost economies and better systems performance. • W ith the continuing revolution in electronic in­ form ation technology, librarians have been con­ fronted by a num ber of critical problems. In Infor­ mation Technology: Critical Choices fo r Library Decision-Makers, edited by Allen Kent and Thomas J. Galvin (Marcel Dekker, 1982, $57.50), thirty- one leading authorities examine these im portant is­ sues, providing provocative discussions on the utili­ z a tio n o f th e m ost re c e n t te c h n o lo g ic a l developments. 20 / C &R L News • W ho O w ns the M edia? by Benjamin M. Com- paine and others (Knowledge Industry, 1982, $45), is the revised and expanded second edition of T he C o n c e n tra tio n o f O w n e rsh ip in th e M ass C o m ­ m u n ica tio n s In d u stry. The book confirms that me­ dia ownership is widely dispersed, despite popular myths to the contrary. • T he Video Age: Television Technology and A p ­ plications in the 1980s (Knowledge Industry, 1982, $29.95) is a collection of essays dealing with the continuing improvements in television technology. One contributor, Mark Schubin, documents the many inventions and technical breakthroughs from video tape recorders to high-definition TV cameras that have changed the nature of television, and describes those developments still emerging from the laboratory or awaiting government ap­ proval. Classified Advertising D e a d lin e s : O rders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on o r before the secon d of th e m onth p re ce d ­ in g pub lica tion of the issue (e.g. Se ptem ber 2 for th e O ctobe r issue). Late jo b listings will be acce p te d on a space-available basis after the second of the m onth. R a te s : Classified adve rtisem ents are $ 4.00 per line for AC RL m em bers, $ 5.00 for others. Late jo b notices are $10 .0 0 per line for m em bers, $ 12 .00 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be ch a rg e d a c co rd in g to their m em b ersh ip status. T e le p h o n e : All telep hone o rders shou ld be confirm ed by a writ­ ten o rder m ailed to AC R L h e a dquarte rs as soon as possible. O rders shou ld be a c co m p a n ie d by a typew ritten c o p y of the ad to be used in proofre ading . A n additional $10 will be ch a rg e d for ads taken over the pho ne (except late jo b notices or display ads). G u id e lin e s : For ads w h ich list an app lica tion deadline, that date m ust be no soon er than the last d a y of the m onth in w h ich the notice app ears (e.g., O ctobe r 31 for the O ctobe r issue). All jo b a n n ounce­ m ents shou ld in clude a salary figure. J o b ann ouncem ents will be edited to e xclu d e discrim inatory references. A p plicants should be aw are that the term s faculty ra n k and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. J O B L IN E : Call (312) 944-6795 for la te-breaking jo b ads for aca­ d e m ic a nd research library positions. A p re-reco rde d sum m a ry of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape in clude s all ads receive d by 1:00 p.m . the previo us day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the re co rd in g for tw o weeks. The charge for each tw o-w eek listing is $30 for A C R L m em b ers and $35 for non-m em bers. F a s t J o b L is t in g S e r v ic e : A special newsletter for th ose actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings receive d at AC RL h e a dquarte rs fo u r weeks before they app ear in C&RL News, as well as ads w h ich, because of narrow deadlines, will not ap p e a r in C&RL News. The cost of a six-m onth subscrip tion is $ 10 for A C R L m em ­ bers and $ 15 for non-m em bers. C o n t a c t: C lassified A d ve rtisin g D ep't, ACRL, A m erican Library Association, 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN A C C E S S S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . A rizona State University is seek­ in g a dynam ic, creative librarian to m anage Interlibrary Loan and M i­ croform s, tw o of the six units w ithin A ccess Services. The successful cand id a te will supervise 8 FTE a nd adh ere to a strict 5 0 % tim e split between the tw o units. Q ualifications: A L A -accre dited MLS; dem o n ­ strated c o m p e te n cy in m anage m ent and supervision, in clu d in g set­ ting objectives and priorities an d m a naging w orkflow ; in -depth e xpe­ rie n ce in b ib lio g ra p h ic v e rific a tio n in an a c a d e m ic o r research library; dem onstrated c o m p e te n cy in library pub lic service (prefera­ bly in in terlibrary loan and /or m icroform s); dem onstrated analytical ability; ability to w o rk well with a split assignm ent. Reference exp e ri­ ence in an a ca d e m ic or research library highly desirable. Salary: from $16,000, d e p e n d e n t on qualifications. To app ly, send state­ m ent of qualifications, curre nt resum e, and nam es and addresses of three recent references b y February 1 0 ,1 9 8 3 , to: C onsta nce Corey, Assistant U n iversity Librarian, H ayden Library, A rizona State Univer­ sity, Tem pe, A Z 85287. ASU is a com m itted equal opp ortunity, af­ firm ative action em ployer. A C Q U I S I T I O N S / S Y S T E M S C O O R D I N A T O R . R e sp o n sib le to H ead of T echnical Services for d e ve loping and m aintaining the Li­ b ra ry 's principal m ono g ra p h and serials collections; m a naging co l­ lection b ud get; m a naging daily ope ratio ns of A cq uisitions D epart­ m ent. Also responsible for a m ajor role in planning and im plem enting a future online in teg rated library system a nd other library autom ation projects. Supervises su p p o rt staff. The Libra ry's print collection num ­ bers 137,000 volum es, a nd last y e a r’s print collection expe nditures w ere $29 0,000. The L ib ra ry’s full-tim e staff of 30 serves the U n iver­ sity's M edical School, Nursing School, hospitals, a nd g radua te biom e dical program s. Q ualifications required: M LS d e g ree from A L A -accre dited library school; broad know led ge of technical ser­ vices, and prior exp e rie n ce at a professional level in lib ra ry acqu isi­ tions, prefera bly in a health sciences library; evidence of initiative, problem solving skills, and excellent com m u nicatio n skills, both orally and in writing. Desirable: know le d g e of system s analysis tech­ niques and pro g ra m m in g ; prior e xp e rience with library autom ation; M LS certification. Salary: $ 1 6 ,4 0 0 + d e p e n d in g upo n qualifications. Faculty app o in tm e n t a nd benefits. Send resum e to: Terry Thorkild- son, Director, The Claude M oore Health Sciences Library, Box 234, University of V irg inia M edical Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908. EEO/AA. A S S IS T A N T A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N . Assists in planning, co ordinating a nd supe rvising M o n o g ra p h ic A cq uisitions Division in a tw o m illion volum e library with annual acquisitions b u d g e t of $1.7 million. Division consists of 2 librarians and 12 staff FTE. Required: A L A -accre dited MLS; dem onstrated supervisory ability. Preferred- e xpe rience with autom ate d cataloging; fam iliarity with fore ign and dom estic b o o k trades a nd related b ib lio g ra p h ic tools; ability to w o rk effectively with faculty and staff; ability to analyze problem s and solve them ; know led ge of one o r m ore European la nguages; a second m aste r’s degree. Entry level position. Rank, Affiliate Librarian. Salary $14,000. Paid health in surance and retirem ent. 25 days vacation. Deadline date, Janu ary 3 1 ,1 9 8 3 . S end resum e nam ing three refer­ ences or placem ent add ress to: W inn M argetts, Library Personnel, University Libraries, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. Equal opp ortu n ity em ployer. A S S IS T A N T L A W L IB R A R IA N F O R T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S , University of M iam i School of Law. R esponsible for all phases of technical services ope ratio ns in the la w library, in cluding a cqu isi­ tions, cataloging, serials, loose-leaf filing, processing a nd binding. Supervises one professional, eight su p p o rt staff and tw o student as­ sistants. Q ualifications: M LS from an A L A -accre dited school and a m inim um of 2 or 3 years technical services expe rience in a law library or la rge a cad em ic library. A la w d e g ree m ay be substituted for part of the expe rience requirem ent. Tho rou gh know led ge of O C LC sys­ tem. Fam iliarity with O C LC acquisitions subsystem desirable. M ini­ m um salary $22 ,000 . Faculty rank (non-tenure). A va ila ble im m e d i­ ately. Send resum e, 3 references and salary requirem ents with letter of app lica tion by J a n u a ry 31, 1983, to. Kathryne B. Stokes, A cting Law Librarian, University of M iam i School of Law Library, PO Box 248087, Coral G ables, FL 33124. The University of M iam i is an af­ firm ative action, equ al opp ortu n ity em ployer. A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R . Responsible to Library D irector and shares reponsibility for adm inistration of the Library, in clu d in g m at­ ters relating to personnel, bud get, planning, pub lic relations, etc. The Library has a full-tim e staff of 30, in cluding 10 faculty. Total e x­ penditures, 1981/82, $97 6,000. A to p priority is acq u irin g and im ple­ m enting an autom ated system. Q ualifications required: M LS d eg ree from A L A -accre dited library school; at least six years öf pro g re s­ sively responsible professional library e xpe rience with som e e x p e ri­ ence in acad em ic m edica l center setting; evid e n ce of initiative, p ro b ­ lem solving skills, a nd excellent com m u nicatio n skills, both oral and written. Desirable: M LS certification, prior expe rience with lib ra ry au­ tom a tion a nd technical services. Salary: $ 26 ,000 + d e p e n d in g upon qualifications. Faculty app ointm ent a nd benefits. Send resum e with January 1983 / 21